• Published 9th Dec 2015
  • 2,660 Views, 10 Comments

Falling In - OneOverTwo

What if the Human Twilight Sparkle had defeated Sunset Shimmer?

  • ...

Chapter End

“So is Ponyville nice?” said the human Lyra Heartstrings.

“Oh yes,” said Minuette, “You should track down your counterpart, she’d go nuts with excitement!”

“We’ll keep that in mind,” said the human Bon Bon.

“I just had a think,” said Crystal Lullaby.

“Don’t you mean ‘thought’?” said Sunny Flare.

“Whatever,” said Crystal Lullaby.

“Well?” said Moondancer.

“What?” said Crystal Lullaby.

“What’s your thought?” said Moondancer.

“Oh,” said Crystal Lullaby, “Well if we landed in a weird pony version of Canterlot and there are people who landed in that Ponyville place, shouldn’t there be people that, like, landed in other places?”

“Whoa,” said Tree Hugger who Fluttershy asked to look after her animals in case their trip took too long, “Gotta be, right?”

“It does seem like it would be the case,” said Moondancer.

“Really what I wanna know is why we didn’t all die from the fall,” said Sunny Flare.

“You upchucked,” said the human Lyra Heartstrings.

“... I was spinning a lot,” said Sunny Flare, “Shut up.”

“ALL ABOARD!” said a conductor.

“We should hurry and get on the train,” said the human Bon Bon.

Meanwhile in various parts across Equestria:

“And for Trixie’s next trick, she will pull a rabbit out of a hat!” said a blue skinned human with white and silver streaked hair.

“Uh Trixie?” said a girl with short reddish pink hair.

“What is it, Fuchsia Blush?” said Trixie.

“None of us have hats around,” said Fuchsia Blush.

“Well improvise something then!” said Trixie.

Fuchsia Blush and a blonde girl with purple skin scrambled around the lack of a stage in a mad panic to find something. Opposite them sat two mares.

“Grah!” said the one with a dark gray coat and a light gray mane, “I liked the pony Trixie better. She might not have been the best worker, but at least she DID WORK!”

“Mmhm,” said the one with a dark gray mane and a light gray coat.

“What the heck is a bit?!” said a human with red lips and lime green hair.

“I can tell ya for a couple of bits,” said a griffon wearing a flat cap.

“UGH!” said the green haired human.

“If they ask for bits the first several times, you’re probably not going to get the answer out of them,” said a girl with blue skin and orange glasses.

“Shut up, Sugarcoat!” said the green haired human.

“Woah, calm down, Cherry Crash,” said a pale skinned human with dark pinkish hair.

“Sugarcoat’s right though,” said a girl with purple hair and light but dull orange skin.

“Whatever, Mystery and Ginger, I’ll ask one more,” said Cherry Crash, “Just one, okay?”

“You’re going to do that regardless of what we say,” said Sugarcoat.

“Yeah yeah,” said Cherry Crash, “Hey you!”

“Yeah?” said a griffon with a brown body, a white head, and purple around her eyes.

“What the heck is a bit?” said Cherry Crash.

“Oh, that’s just our currency,” said the griffon, “Need some or something?”

“Holly Molly!” said Mystery, “An answer?!”

“Hah, I like this one,” said Cherry Crash, “Yo, what’s your name?”

“Gilda,” said the Griffon.

“A mild west dance? that sounds lovely,” said a girl with freckles and dark pink hair with light greenish streaks, “BUT THERE’S NO WAY THAT I’M IN THE MOOD TO DANCE SO SOON AFTER THE DESTRUCTION OF MY UNIVERSE!”

“Sheesh, Ah was just askin’,” said a yellowish colored pony in a brown vest and cowboy hat.

“This place still does not sit well with me,” said a human with dull grayish purplish hair with white streaks in it.

“It is a bit… low tech?” said a girl with a tennis ball on her shirt, “I don’t really think that’s the right way to put it.”

“Our town is a bit isolated from the rest of Equestria,” said a mare with a dark blue coat and a gray mane.

“I can chill here,” said a girl with green hair and a tan hat, “All these ponies are really nice.”

Thanks,” said the gray maned pony.

“So where’s the tennis court?” said the girl with a tennis ball on her shirt.

“We… don’t have one?” said the gray maned pony.

“Drat…” said the girl with a tennis ball on her shirt.

The three girls in sheets had bought the second cheapest set of tickets listed at the Dodge Junction train station, tickets to Ponyville. Adagio briefly thought that she might’ve been forgetting something important about Ponyville, but shoved that thought aside. When the train pulled up to Ponyville the group of three carefully crawled off. All they had to do then was find a place to stay.

“Dang that was an awkward party,” said the pony Lyra Heartstrings, “at least the cake was still pretty good.”

Aria and Sonata watched Adagio approach the unicorn.

“Excuse me, miss,” said Adagio, “My… companions and need a place to stay and we don’t have much in the way of bits.”

“Oh,” said Lyra Heartstrings, “uh, I guess I can help you with that. Heck! I can probably help you with jobs even!”

Adagio smiled beneath her covers, “Thank you, that’ll be enough for now.”

“What’re ya doing?” said Babs Seed, “Don’t get so close.”

“I want to see,” said Midnight Sparkle, “I need to see!”

Eight humans barely moved from against a wall, they saw the monster that destroyed their universe. Watermelody had given up trying to take her boot off.

“Augh!” said Babs Seed.

A burst of yellow, cyan, and red-violet energy exploded into existence. Princess Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, both Applejacks, Fluttershies, Pinkie Pies, Rarities, and Spikes emerged from it.

“Now to find m- STOP!” said Princess Twilight Sparkle as she noticed what her counterpart was doing. She sent out a concussive blast spell at her.

Midnight Sparkle was struck.

“HAUGH!” screamed Midnight Sparkle, dropping Babs Seed.

Orange Sherbette went and squatted down to help Babs when she landed. The human Applejack noticed something.

“APPLE BLOOM!” said Applejack as she ran towards her sister.

Midnight Sparkle saw her running and sent a blast her way. Orange Sherbette stood up from her squat and was struck by the attack Midnight had intended for the human Applejack and subsequently disappeared completely. Most of the humans screamed or yelped in shock and fear.

“Why are you doing this?!” said Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“Knowledge?” said Midnight Sparkle, “No, that doesn’t make sense with blasting why did I do that?”

Midnight Sparkle put her hands to her forehead and forced herself to think.

“Rahg! I know I’m doing this for a reason,” said Midnight Sparkle, “I’ll just trust myself to know that. I trust myself.

Orange Sherbette felt very disoriented. Her tush hurt like super bad. She looked around at her surroundings. She saw a couple of white ponies in golden armor and her friend Cold Forecast.

“Hey Cold Forecast,” said Orange Sherbette, “I just had the strangest dream where I was killed by the one who destroyed the universe.”

“Yeah, turns out the universe wasn’t as destroyed as we previously thought,” said Cold Forecast.

Orange Sherbette looked around again. Then she looked back at the armored ponies.

“Hello pony warriors,” said Orange Sherbette, “Been here long?”

“Yes, actually,” said one of them, “We made ourselves scarce until we could reasonably decide what to do.”

“At some point I popped out of the base of the horse statue that used to be there,” said Cold Forecast as she pointed at the base of what used to be a statue of a horse.

“For some reason that statue base sucked up all or at least most of the magic that was present in this universe,” said a unicorn guard, “It’s likely that this happened once the creature that was tearing holes in space traveled into Equestria. It’s as if this thing was made to be a magical conduit and the moment the objects diverting the magic around left the area it became the only thing that any magic in this world could travel to. Or at least where magic would most want to travel towards.”

“It seems a bit contrived to me,” said Cold Forecast, “but I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.”

One of the guards whinnied in annoyance at that. Cold Forecast just rolled her eyes in response.

“So,” said Orange Sherbette, “Plan on going back through?”

“Yeah,” said Cold Forecast, “I almost feel not barfy enough to do that right now.”

“Cool,” said Orange Sherbette, “I feel discombobulated, but I think I’m good for hopping into a portal hole. Probably need to tell all those people about my whole not being dead thing.”

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” said Cold Forecast, “Best not to let people falsely assume that you’re dead for too long.”

“Dude, why doesn’t this party have any music?” said Lemon Zest.

“Lemon Zest, everyone left once they realized that Pinkie Pie wasn’t here anymore,” said Flash Sentry.

“Um, why’re you still here then?” said Lemon Zest.

“There are less people here than in my shared room,” said Flash Sentry, “I don’t want to be around very many people right now.”

In the distance the sounds of two girls and a couple of royal guards falling out of a mirror could be heard.

“Woah, what was that?” said Lemon Zest, “I’m going to go look!”

“Eh… I’ll follow you,” said Flash Sentry, “Maybe it’ll help take my mind off of things.”

The two walked a short distance to where Twilight was keeping her mirror portal.

“Blugh,” said Cold Forecast, “I feel all barfy again.”

“Where are my hands?” said Orange Sherbette as she looked at her hooves, “WHERE ARE MY HANDS?!”

The royal guards, of which there were a couple, pretty much stood silently. Though they did have confusion about the two girls’ newfound ponydom.

“Sup, new ponies,” said Lemon Zest, “Whatcha doing?”

“I’m not a pony!” said Orange Sherbette.

“Uh, Sherbette,” said Cold Forecast as she got a good look at herself, “We’re ponies now.”

Orange Sherbette shivered, “And naked.”

“By the way, Lemon Zest, it’s me, Cold Forecast,” said Cold Forecast, “and our universe is still there. It wasn’t destroyed!”

“WHAT?!” said Lemon Zest, “We gotta go tell everyone!”

Sunset Shimmer felt that she should try again. She didn’t know if she could get through to the human Twilight Sparkle this time, but Sunset knew that she had to.

“I know how you feel,” said Sunset Shimmer.

“Do you?! Do you!?” said Midnight Sparkle, “I don’t so how can you?”

Sunset Shimmer got closer to her, “You’re overwhelmed by magic. I’ve been through this before. You can still turn back. You still have a chance. Let the magic of friendship show you the way!”

“No! I can’t,” said Midnight Sparkle as she seemed to cry, “There’s no room for me there.”

Sunset Shimmer floated higher.

“Honesty! Loyalty! Laughter! Generosity! And kindness! Will show you the right path!”

Magic seemed to flow from Princess Twilight to each of her pony friends then to their counterparts as Sunset mentioned each virtue. Then the magic flowed to Sunset.

Sunset Shimmer sent a light beam Midnight’s way. Midnight Sparkle fought back with her own beam, but she was having trouble.

“TWILIGHT!” said Spike the dog, he didn’t like any of what he had seen, “Please! Please come back!”

“Spike?” said the human Twilight Sparkle.

She was engulfed in Sunset Shimmer’s friendship energies.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!” said Midnight Sparkle.

The human Twilight Sparkle felt scared. She felt ashamed of what she knew she had done.

“Take my hand, Twilight. Let me show you there’s another way… just like someone once did for me,” said Sunset Shimmer.

The human Twilight Sparkle took the offered hand.

Sunset Shimmer and the human Twilight gently floated down to the ground. Both of them had their enhanced forms leave them.

“I never wanted this to happen!” said the human Twilight Sparkle as she was basically bawling, “I’m sorry! I wish I could undo what I’ve done!”

The human Twilight Sparkle fell to her hands and knees. She couldn’t help but cry and feel miserable. Sunset Shimmer lowered herself and tried to comfort the human Twilight Sparkle.

Princess Twilight Sparkle walked up to her human counterpart.

“It’s okay,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle, “We’ll help you through this.


Sunny Flare, Crystal Lullaby, the human Lyra Heartstrings, the human Bon Bon and the pony Bon Bon stopped their conversation about the living arrangements in the castle. The human Bon Bon insistently walked over to where Lemon Zest was.

The human Bon Bon grabbed Lemon Zest’s upper arms and looked her square in the eyes, “Is that true? Can we actually go back?”

“Nice sunglasses,” said Lemon Zest.

Orange Sherbette and Cold Forecast walked up to them.

“We should be able to go back,” said Orange Sherbette.

“When I fell through this certain mirror as a human I fell into our universe as a human,” said Cold Forecast, “So at least everyone else will definitely be able reenter our universe.”

“We don’t know what the portal turning us into ponies will do, but we hope that we’ll go back to being human once we go back,” said Orange Sherbette.

The pony Bon Bon walked over towards them.

“If you want to all go through this discussed portal then we first need to determine that it works and then you should all patiently go in in a single file line,” said the pony Bon Bon to all of the humans that could hear.

“Shouldn’t we tell Twilight or some sort of authority figure?” said Flash Sentry.

“Flash is right,” said the human Bon Bon, “we should send a message to Princess Celestia about this. Especially since there are likely to be unaccounted for humans in other places across this world.”

“I’ll get the message to her as fast as I can,” said the pony Bon Bon before trotting off out of view.

Two Twilights, two Fluttershies, two Pinkie Pies, two Rainbow Dashes, two Rarities, two Applejacks, a Sunset Shimmer, an Apple Bloom, a Sweetie Belle, a Suri, a Norman, an Indigo Zap, a Golden Hazel, and a Watermelody were all occupying a train car. The human Applejack sat close to the human Apple Bloom. The human Rarity hugged the human Sweetie Belle tightly. Babs Seed went home and tried to not think about what happened that day for a while.

The human Twilight Sparkle was hugging Spike the dog and had a sad look on her face. Most of the people there felt uncomfortable around her.

The human Twilight Sparkle sighed.

“What’s the matter, um, Twilight…?” said Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“Why are you forgiving me?” said the human Twilight Sparkle, “What I did was awful and I knew what I was trying to do.”

“You weren’t yourself at the time,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle, “Trust me, we have a fair amount of experience with cases like yours.”

“The people from my world won’t be so forgiving,” said the human Twilight Sparkle, “I destroyed our world just because I cared more about what I could find out about this one.”

Sunset Shimmer put a hand on human Twilight Sparkle’s shoulder, “I’ll be there for you.”

“Me too!” said Spike the dog.

The human Twilight Sparkle smiled the slightest smile at that.

“Alright everybody! Single file! Single file!” said the human Bon Bon as she directed humans through the mirror portal.

Flash Sentry was standing at her side, helping when he could.

Cold Forecast and Orange Sherbette could confirm that going back in turned them back into humans, but reentering would turn anyone into a pony.

Princess Twilight Sparkle and those who had accompanied her on the train entered the room.

“What is going on right now?” said Princess Twilight Sparkle, confused.

“Oh hey Twilight,” said Flash Sentry, “Everyone’s going back to our universe since we found out that it wasn’t actually destroyed.”

“It wasn’t destroyed?!” said the human Twilight Sparkle with hope, guilt, and confusion.

“Uh hey, other Twilight,” Flash Sentry rubbed the back of his head, “sorry for confusing you with the Princess Twilight over there.”

“It’s fine… you,” said the human Twilight Sparkle.

“Princess,” said the human Bon Bon.

“Yes?” said Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“While we’re going through the portal to home now, there’s likely to still be people spread out across Equestria,” said the human Bon Bon, “So please keep an eye out for them.”

“There’s no way I wouldn’t,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Almost all of the humans that were in Princess Twilight Sparkle’s castle had gone through the portal. The ones that still remained were getting ready to leave.

“Bye Flash,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle, “I hope I can visit soon.”

“Bye Twilight, today has been the weirdest day,” said Flash Sentry right before he entered the portal.

“I’ll miss you, Pinkie Pie,” said the human Pinkie Pie as she hugged the pony Pinkie Pie.

“I’ll miss you too,” said the pony Pinkie Pie as she hugged her back.

The human Fluttershy was allowed one hug of the pony Fluttershy.

The human Twilight Sparkle looked back, “Thank you all for snapping me out of it.”

“You’re welcome, Twilight,” said Spike the dog.

“If you ever need help, just talk to Sunset Shimmer,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“I’ll be there for you,” said Sunset Shimmer, “we all will.”

The human Twilight Sparkle smiled a hesitant smile. Then they all walked through the portal.

Princess Twilight Sparkle sighed, “Well Spike, It’s mostly over, but we still have to find the humans still spread out across Equestria.”

“Celestia’s probably going to get like a group of guards or a special squad on that,” said Spike.

Princess Twilight Sparkle looked out into the distance.

“Yeah, probably. And I’m sure that everything will work out,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle, “Let’s just figure this out tomorrow, Spike, I’m very tired.”

The human Twilight Sparkle could barely believe what she was seeing. Everything was exactly where it was before. The only thing missing was the horse part of the statue. There was a huge crowd right outside of Canterlot High School. They stared at the human Twilight Sparkle.

“Hey… sorry?” said the human Twilight Sparkle.

Everyone gave her the stinkeye.

“Aheh heh,” said the human Twilight Sparkle awkwardly.

Fortunately for her, pretty much everyone decided that it would be better to just go home. They did not feel like messing with her.

Sunset Shimmer placed a hand on the human Twilight Sparkles shoulder.

“Our mistakes will hinder us, but we won’t let them stop us,” said Sunset Shimmer, “Right?”

The human Twilight Sparkle hesitated for a moment, “...Right.”

Twilight looked up to the sky and smiled a tired smile.

Author's Note:

That's the end. Sort of.
P.S. If anyone can tell me a more accurate way to tag this story I'd really appreciate it.

Comments ( 4 )

Great start, but it kind of fell apart at the end, like you ran out of ideas and just wanted to end it as soon as possible.

It started well, but then it kind of... Got confused? Too many characters, too many scenes, not everything coming to a definite close.
It isn't all bad though, it's a novel concept and a likely situation, it would be nice to see a sequel of some kind, now that everyone knows of the parallel world.

The two main reasons I haven't made a sequel is that I'd need help keeping what happened in the story straight & I am super lazy (which isn't great for any element of collaboration).
A third reason is I don't have a fully baked premise for a sequel.

Why are there not more storys where this aspect of the friendship games gets explored more thoroughly:pinkiehappy:?

I quite enjoyed your story :)

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