• Published 9th Dec 2015
  • 2,660 Views, 10 Comments

Falling In - OneOverTwo

What if the Human Twilight Sparkle had defeated Sunset Shimmer?

  • ...

Chapter 3

It was fascinating. Or at least she thought so. She could see magic everywhere and she wanted to understand it. She was in a dark crowded forest because at that moment she thought that it would be a likely place to find magic.

“TELL ME YOUR SECRETS, LADYBUG!” said the human Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight Sparkle paused at the ladybug she was looking at, “Nevermind, this ladybug is, against all odds, from my old world.”

The human, if she could still be called that, looked around for something anything magical to study and get to know. She stopped turning around and around when she noticed a castle or at least a similar looking building protruding from a mountain.

“Ooooh,” said Twilight Sparkle, “that definitely has to be magic.”

Then she spread out her wings and flew towards the structure.

A mare named Tree Hugger was in a forest that might be considered a little dangerous. She was doing research for the Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures. She was talking to a new find.

“Hey, I’m looking for someone,” said a small purple dog.

“Looking for someone?” said Tree Hugger.

“Yeah, have you seen her?” said the the dog, “She’s purple and I think she has wings right now. She’s needs glasses, but I think they’re made out of burning at the moment.”

“Groovy,” said Tree Hugger, “How many legs does she have?”

“Uh, two I think,” said the dog.

“Oh?” said Tree Hugger, “Hmm, does she have hooves?”

“No,” said the dog.

“So your friends a diamond dog then?” said Tree Hugger, “Or maybe a dragon?”

“Nah, she can’t be a dragon,” said the dog, “and I figured out that she wasn’t a dog yesterday.”

“Hm, this sounds like it might be a rare new creature, unprecedented talking dog,” said Tree Hugger.

“Please,” said the dog, “call me Spike.”

“Radical,” said Tree Hugger, “I think I’ll help you search for your friend.”

“Wow! Thanks!” said Spike.

At that point they decided to walk towards the city of Canterlot.

“So why’d you and your friend get separated?” said Tree Hugger.

“I was running up to her when I got struck by something and fell into this forest,” said Spike, “It happened pretty fast. I think it was a leg.”

“Bummer,” said Tree Hugger.

Two unicorns were on their way to a dress shop.

"Do I really need a new dress, Minuette?" said a unicorn with large eyebrows and glasses.

“Come on, Moondancer, you can’t wear that frumpy sweater everywhere!” said Minuette.

“I like my frumpy sweater…” said Moondancer.


“Ooh! What’s that thing?” said Minuette, curious about what had just fallen from the sky

“Groan,” said the fallen thing.


“Gyouch…” said the fallen thing for another thing of the same kind fell upon it.

“Is that… Lyra?” said Moondancer.

“Don’t be silly, Moondancer,” said Minuette, “Lyra’s a unicorn! This thing is a thing that isn’t that.”

“Hey wait,” said the thing that was under the other thing, “I am Lyra.”

“Woah! How’d you turn into a thing?” said Minuette.

Lyra looked at what was on top of her and asked, “Hey, did I turn into a thing?”

“Ugh, how should I even know,” said the person lying on top of her, “I feel like I’m going to vomit.”

“Get off me first, please,” said Lyra.

“That I other one is somepony I don’t know,” said Minuette, “Hey! Who are you?”

“Sunny Fl- HURGL!” vomited the person on top of Lyra.

“Aw gross!” said Lyra.

One room in the castle of Princess Twilight Sparkle was suspiciously dark.

“Dude! What’s that weird contraption over there?” said Lemon Zest as she pointed to an ornate mirror attached to vaguely scientific looking machinery doodads. There was a slight glow coming out of it.

“Can you not call me ‘dude’,” said a pale skinned human with greenish hair, “I’m self-conscious enough about this chin as it is.”

“Nah, Taffy Shade and Garden Grove got way worse man chins, Cold Forecast my pal,” said Lemon Zest.

“Er… I’ll be sure to not tell them that,” said Cold Forecast.

“Smart!” Lemon Zest as she slammed Cold Forecast in the back.

Cold Forecast barely did not fall over.

The pony Pinkie Pie sat away in the distance.

“Grrr,” said Pinkie Pie, “I can’t start this party with only two!”

“Can’t start what party with only two?” said the other Pinkie who appeared as if from nowhere.

“The welcome party for all the humans of course!” said the pony Pinkie Pie.

“A welcome party?” the human Pinkie Pie mulled this over for a bit, “That’s a great idea!”

“I know, right?” said the pony Pinkie Pie, “Now if only I could attract more of them here.”

“I can help with that!” said the human Pinkie Pie.

“Really?!” said the pony Pinkie Pie, “Oh that would be just super!”

“Okie dokie lokie!” said the human Pinkie Pie right before shuffling off to do the help she offered to do.

Three girls were taken to a crystalline looking jail cell where they sat on a very uncomfortable bench behind what appeared to be a table made of solid crystal and waited for what felt like a long time.

“Grahg!” said Aria, “It feels like we’re becoming less and less able to do anything by the moment!”

“Calm down Aria,” said Adagio, “We need to focus if we’re to ever figure out a way out of this predicament.”

“Yeah,” said Sonata Dusk, “calm down, Aria.”

Aria crossed arms and sulked silently.

A tall white unicorn stallion entered the cell, accompanied by a couple of crystal pony guards. He walked to the side of the table opposite the three girls.

“Hello, my name is Shining Armor,” said the white unicorn stallion, “And please tell me your names.”

“Let me do the talking, girls,” said Adagio, “My name is Adagio Dazzle, and the two at my sides are Aria Blaze,” Adagio pointed to her right then pointed to her left, “and Sonata Dusk.”

“I see,” said Shining Armor, “Tell me, Adagio Dazzle, why exactly were you trespassing in the petting zoo?”

Aria put her head down and groaned at how lame their crime sounded.

“There is a simple explanation for that, Shining,” said Adagio, “but it might seem a little unbelieveable. Though surely you’ve noticed that we are a of a previously unseen species.”

“Unseen, but not unheard of,” said Shining Armor, “My sister, Twilight Sparkle, has in fact told me about you humans and the universe you hail from. Though I am surprised that the mirror portal did not turn you into ponies or some other Equestrian race.”

Adagio froze for a second at the mention of Twilight Sparkle.

“We didn’t go through the mirror portal,” said Sonata Dusk, “I mean we fell into a portal hole, but not a MIRROR portal hole.”

“Shut up, Sonata,” whispered Adagio.

“My companion is right though,” said Adagio, “we were rather forcibly shoved out of the universe we had previously occupied by a mysterious creature when she teared holes in the fabric of space. The floor was taken out from under us so we and many others fell into this universe.”

Shining Armor gave them an intense look. After about a minute he decided on what he should do.

“Wait here while I write to my sister for advice on how to proceed,” said Shining Armor, “After all, she has experience with your species’ world.”

Shining Armor left the cell. Two guards remained behind to keep an eye on the humanoid trio.

“Well if he didn’t know what we were before, he’ll definitely find out about it now!” whispered Aria in an angry panic.

“I’ll figure out something,” whispered Adagio through clenched teeth.

“You’ll have to figure it out fast,” said Sonata.

“Shut up, Sonata!” angrily whispered Aria.

A human allegedly named Bon Bon fell from the sky. As she hit the ground she transitioned into a roll and hoped for the best. After a long time rolling she came to a stop and felt able to get up.

The ponies all around her reacted with stunned shock.

Bon Bon took a pair of sunglasses out and put them on. She calmly walked to the nearest low visibility area of the city.

‘This place seems-’ thought Bon Bon

“Aw gross!” said Lyra.

‘Lyra and… Sunny Flare?’ thought Bon Bon when she saw her designated enemy on top of her friend, ‘Odd.’

Lyra carefully got up, making sure to avoid the puddle of Sunny’s puke.

“Ungh,” said Sunny Flare as she fell into her own sick since Lyra did not make sure that she avoided it.

“Is she alright?” said Bon Bon.

“Bon Bon!” said Lyra, “Where did you get those sunglasses?”

“Hey Bon Bon, how did you turn into a thing?” said Minuette.

“Who?” said Moondancer.

“You know, Lyra’s best friend!” said Minuette.

“Wait, before we talk further, where are we?” said Bon Bon.

“Canterlot,” said Moondancer.

“Anything special about Canterlot?” said Bon Bon.

“It’s Equestria’s capital,” said Moondancer.

“And Equestria is?” said Bon Bon.

“The country,” said Moondancer.

“Hey, wait a minute,” said Minuette, “these questions make me think that these things have our friends’ names by pure coincidence!”

“Maybe not pure coincidence,” said Moondancer, “recently I’ve been studying up on alternate universes. It’s possible that they’re from one.”

“I remember falling into a space tear,” said Lyra.

“Yes, so they’re probably alternate universe equivalents of our friends,” said Moondancer, “Except for the one who vomited, since neither of us know her.”

“Have any other humans fallen from the sky?” said Bon Bon.

“Not that I know of,” said Moondancer, “but if they have, I’m sure that we’ll find out soon.”

“In that case…” said Bon Bon, “take me to-”

“To…?” said Minuette.

Bon Bon slapped her hand to her face, “I can’t say it.”

“Can’t say what?” said Moondancer.

“Take me to your leader?” said Lyra.

“Yes,” said Bon Bon, “that.”

“Well it’s a good idea,” said Sunny Flare from her place on the ground.

The human Pinkie Pie went about knocking on everyone’s doors. Everyone was confused when they opened their doors and failed to see anything on the other side. Later realizing her mistake, Pinkie made sure to wait the next time she knocked.


“Hello?” said Flash Sentry, “Oh, hey Pinkie.”

“Heya Flash! I need you to gather all your friends and take them to a specific room,” said Pinkie Pie, “Oh! And all your enemies too! And the inbetweens!”

“I… huh?” said Flash Sentry.

“It’ll all be clear later, bye!” said Pinkie Pie.

The human Pinkie Pie knocked on the next door.

“What?” said a teacher aged woman.

“Hiya Ms.Cheerilee! Want to bring everyone you know to a dark secluded room for no clear reason?” said Pinkie Pie, “I bet you do~!”

Ms.Cheerilee stared at Pinkie Pie with a concerned look.

“Super! Gotta go!” the human Pinkie Pie repeated this process for a long while.

Princess Celestia was out scouring Canterlot due to multiple reports of mysterious new creatures falling from the sky coming from a variety of different kinds of ponies in a very short timeframe. She definitely was not just looking for an excuse to skip day court. It was insisted that she had a couple of guards follow her.

“Hey! Don’t any of you horse things not panic at the sight of a human?!” said a human with pale blue skin and dull purplish hair.

“Hi,” said Celestia, not really expecting to find one of the creatures so soon.

“Whoa, a big one this time,” said the human, “I-”

Suddenly a dark purple winged human with her eyes seemingly on oddly colored fire drifted into town. It was the human Twilight Sparkle. She looked at Princess Celestia.

“You! You look magical,” said the human Twilight Sparkle, “very magical.”

The human Twilight quickly moved right into the immediate personal space of the alicorn of the day. Twilight Sparkle looked deeply at the princess. She could see everything, though she couldn’t process all that she saw. Princess Celestia was unsettled by the weird human staring at her.

“Tell me,” said the human Twilight Sparkle as she grabbed Princess Celestia around the neck, “please tell me about magic!”

Princess Celestia’s guards were quick to try to get the creature off of their princess. They did land a hit on her.

“Gyah!” said the human Twilight Sparkle, “Grrrr!”

The human immediately blasted the guards away. They disappeared in a burst of pink and blue-violet energy.

“NO!” said Princess Celestia.

The princess attacked the winged human in anger, she shot out a concussive blast. When the blast struck Twilight yelped and disappeared in a burst of pink and blue-violet energy herself. Very briefly, Celestia thought that she could see another city where the odd human used to be.

“Oh my gosh, you exploded her,” said the pale blue human.

Celestia sighed, “No, she definitely teleported.”

“Dang,” said the pale blue human, “be careful, I think she destroyed my universe.”

“Is that so?” said Princess Celestia.

Sunset Shimmer walked around Princess Twilight’s castle. Well floated is probably more accurate. She had a lot on her mind and she wasn’t sure if wanted to think of it less or of it more.

“Hey Sunset, wanna try to find your Equestrian counterpart with us?” said the human Scootaloo who was on her way out of the castle, accompanied by both the pony and human Rainbow Dashes.

“Scootaloo, I’m from here,” said Sunset Shimmer.

“Oh, right,” said Scootaloo, “Wanna come anyways?”

Sunset Shimmer let out a breath, “I’m not sure.”

“Come on Sunset, it’ll be fun,” said the human Rainbow Dash.

“I guess… I guess I don’t really have anything to do right now,” said Sunset Shimmer.

“Cool,” said the pony Rainbow Dash, “c’mon, I know where pegasus Scoots is.”

Tree Hugger and Spike the dog exited the forest.

“Is this Canterlot?” said Spike the dog.

“Nah, this is right outside of Ponyville which is right outside of Canterlot,” said Tree Hugger, “So did ya say that you two were from Canterlot?”

“No, but I think that was where we were last,” said Spike the dog.

“Cool,” said Tree Hugger, “Hey, my friend Fluttershy lives around here.”

Tree Hugger and Spike the dog walked a few feet over towards a sod roof cottage. After a moment, Tree Hugger knocked on the door.

“Hello?” said Fluttershy after opening the door ever so slightly, “Oh, hello Tree Hugger.”

“Hi, I’m Spike,” said Spike the dog.

“Oh,” said Fluttershy, “Twilight is going to want know about this…”