• Published 12th Dec 2015
  • 3,626 Views, 89 Comments

Daughter of the Phoenix - Solstice Shimmer

What if the pony you thought you were turned out to be a lie?

  • ...

Sick of Lies

As we reached the portal I felt myself grow a little more dead to the world than I had earlier.

Twilight and I rode with Fluttershy while the other two girls rode on their motorcycles. I could tell that Twilight knew that something was wrong, but she didn't question me or anything.

I didn't say a word to anyone as we got out of the car and walked towards the statue where the portal was. Sunset and Rainbow drove in and parked their bikes on the sidewalk. Sunset caught my eye and smiled at me.

I just stared at her and looked away.

Twilight noticed the exchange and I could tell she was getting a bit suspicious.

We stood in front of the portal as Twilight said her goodbyes. I just leaned against the statue silently watching Twilight. When she got to me I sighed. She grabbed my shoulders and looked in my eyes. I stared back at her, seeming completely emotionless.

“Are you okay?” She asked.

I nodded.

Twilight gave me a look. She knew that I was lying.

Rainbow and Fluttershy stood at a bit of a distance as Sunset came up to us. I didn't dare look at her. She put her hand on Twilight’s shoulder as Twilight turned to look at her.

“What's going on?” She asked.

“Nothing.” I mumbled.

They both looked at me, doubt filling both of their eyes.

“Solstice, what's wrong? You were fine this morning.” Twilight asked. “Is it because I'm leaving?” She asked with a slight hesitation.

“No.” I mumbled.

“Solstice you don't have to stay here if you don't want to. You can go home.” Sunset said.

I snapped my head up and glared at her.

“Oh, really?” I said. Anger filled my eyes as I awaited her answer.

Sunset raised an eyebrow as she nodded.

“Of course. Solstice what's wrong?”

I shook myself away from Twilight and crossed my arms.

“Oh nothing nothing. Just realizing the truth that's all.” Shrugging my shoulders as if it were nothing.

“The truth? What do you mean?” She asked.

“How long did you know about me Sunset? Back when you ‘reformed’? Huh?” I asked.

She seemed confused as she answered.

“I've always known about you Solstice. It's not like I ever forgot about you.”

“Then why didn't you try to find me?”

“Because I didn't want to just suddenly pop into your life and possibly ruin it. I didn't know what had become of you-”

“So you didn't care.” I said coldly.

She gave me a surprised look.

“Of course I cared. I didn't want to risk interfering in your life.”

“That's an excuse! You could have at least tried to find me, talk to Princess Celestia, found out about me.” I said.

Before Sunset could say anything Twilight pushed her behind her and glared at me.

“Solstice! That is no way to speak to your mother!” She scolded.

I laughed dryly. “Oh so I see. She has gotten you wrapped around her little finger hasn't she Twilight? You're going to defend her no matter what she did to me.”


“No!! I won't listen to you! I thought you cared about me Twilight, but I see you just brought me here because Sunset told you to.” I said angrily, genuinely hurt that she would defend her.

Twilight glared at me and stepped closer to me.

“How dare you question my love for you. Have you suddenly forgotten everything I've ever done for you?” She asked.

“All meaningless now.” I said coldly.

“Solstice Shimmer! What is wrong with you?! This is very unlike you.” Twilight said.

I smiled as I let my bangs fall, covering my eye. Normally I disliked my bangs in my face, but at this moment it made me feel empowered, darker. I liked it.

“Nothing's wrong with me.” I insisted.

Sunset looked in my eyes with a bit of an intense look in her own eyes then she licked her lips nervously.

“Um Twilight. Look at her eyes.” She whispered.

“I see them.” Twilight said.

“Solstice. What are you doing?” Sunset asked.

“What do you mean? I'm not doing a damn thing. We're just talking aren't we?”

Sunset and Twilight stood by each other as they looked at me. They seemed as if they were preparing to fight me or something. Really guys? That just makes me want to hurt you! These two girls think they can fight me?! I may not have been a protege of Princess Celestia, but I'm plenty powerful. Ha! So much for love.

“Oh I see. This was plan B, I suppose. Fight me off when I don't bend to your will?” I spat.

Sunset put her hand up, showing that she didn't want to harm me.

“Solstice. I don't know what you have been messing around with, but I'm telling you from experience, it never goes well.”

I growled in frustration.

“Why is your immediate assumption that I have been using dark magic?! I am not stupid like you were Sunset!”

Sunset seemed taken aback by what I said, but she stayed strong. Twilight glared even harder at me as she put her hand on Sunset’s shoulder.

“You're not yourself Solstice. I know you haven't been messing with dark magic. Something is just messing with your head. Please, let us help.” She begged.

I felt something tug on me, pulling me towards Twilight, but then something else bring a strong sense of discomfort. She's trying to manipulate me! Well it's not gonna work!

“No!! No! I finally know the truth about all of you. My head is so clear now! I won't be controlled any longer!” I felt a strong sense of power run through my body as I yelled at them.

Suddenly the wind got stronger around us and I found myself unable to breathe. I tried to gasp for air, but it wouldn't come. I fell on my knees, and put my hands at my throat, struggling for air. Sunset tried to come to me, but something pushed her back roughly. The air returned as I breathed slowly and peered at the two girls through my hair.

They both looked at me in confusion then they gasped softly as they looked past me.

I wondered what they were looking at until I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. Ah. I understand now.

“Easy dear one.” She whispered softly.

Sunset and Twilight glared at Raven as she helped me to my feet.

“Who are you?” Twilight asked.

Raven smiled her deadly smile.


Twilight gave her a look of confusion as did Sunset.

“Solstice. Come towards me please.” Sunset beckoned to me as she kept her eyes on Raven.

Raven gently gripped my shoulder.

“Don't let her draw you away. My help will be useless if you're near her.” She whispered.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“She's trying to keep you from me. I told you. Just stay with me and you'll be fine.”

I nodded in understanding.

“Solstice, what did she tell you? Who is this?” Twilight asked.

I glared at her.

“It doesn't matter who she is. What matters is that you have lied to me.”

“Twilight, it's influencing her. I can tell.” Sunset said.

“I would never do such a thing.” Raven said in a musical voice. “I'm not like you ponies who try to make everyone bend to their will.”

“What do you want with us? More importantly what do you want with her?” Twilight asked using a more authoritive tone.

Raven took a step towards her and stood by my side. Her emerald eyes seemed to be glowing as she spoke.

“Want? I want nothing. Solstice is the one who wants this. All I have offered is to help.”

Twilight kept her eyes hard on Raven’s as Sunset looked over at me, her cyan eyes softening.

“Solstice, I'm soo sorry baby. I know I've done you so much wrong. Please let me make it up to you. I promise I'll do my best to be the mother you richly deserve.” Sunset said in a gentle voice.

I felt something tug inside of me. A soft thump in my heart, softening it. I blinked and saw something bright, something beautiful something hopeful. I saw Sunset’s love for me.

Suddenly Raven gripped my shoulder gently. The light I saw around Sunset disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. I shook my head and glared at her. She’s trying to manipulate me! I can't let her.

Raven leaned forward and whispered softly in my ear.

“Listen to me. What do you wish to do?”

“What do you suggest?” I asked.

“If you wish to run away we can leave, you never have to see them again. But if you wish to have revenge, I can help you.”

Twilight tried to come towards us, but Raven put her hand up, creating a force field between us. Twilight beat on the field, trying to say something to me, but I couldn't hear her.

“I can give you power.” She whispered.

I gave her a confused look.


“Very simply, dear. Once it is done you will see things in such a different light. Your magic will be stronger, you will gain a second sight joined with mine and so much more.”

Sunset, Twilight and Rainbow were trying to break the force field to get to me, but their attempts were useless against it.

I glanced over at Raven who standing a bit behind me with her hand still on my shoulder.

“What's the catch?” I wasn't stupid, I knew that all magic came at a cost. Especially if this was a spirit kind of magic.

“All it takes is a piece of your soul.” Her voice rang like a thousand bells as she spoke.

I nodded. Makes sense.

I looked at the girls as they were still trying desperately to get to us. Sunset looked at me, silently pleading. Twilight kept her eyes on Raven, looking more and more dangerous the angrier she got.

I took one more look at them then sighed as I looked over my shoulder seeing Raven with a sinister smile plastered on her face

“Will it hurt?”

She patted my back in a reassuring way.


I looked back at Sunset feeling nothing but anger towards her. You could have loved me. You could have kept me, but you threw me away like the selfish pony you are.

I looked at Raven then nodded.


I felt a stabbing pain in my heart as she took part of my soul. It burned as it moved through my body and as it gently pushed through my skin levitating in her magic. I bit my lip as I felt the strings of my soul try to cling to it, pull it back to where it belonged. The pain grew more and more intense as she pulled on it harder and harder. Suddenly the pain stopped and the piece was free. Raven sighed as the piece entered her body and clung to her. An eruption of magic flowed through me the minute it touched her. I felt it burn through me giving me a sense of power and strength I had never felt before. It hurt yes, but it was a bearable pain.

I blinked as the magic reached my eyes for a second, blinding me then something strange happened. My sight was not my own. I saw myself floating a little as the magic flowed through my body and my eyes had a dark stream of magic burning in them. I then realized I was seeing out of Raven’s sight. It was like I was her. This felt strange. I was still me, my sight was just somewhere else.

I saw Twilight and Sunset staring at me, terror in both their eyes as they watched me slowly touch the ground again.

Ah! All my clothes changed color to black and from Raven’s eyes I could see my eye color had changed from cyan to a dark green. . I then blinked and my own sight returned.

Twilight and Sunset just stood there in shock as I chuckled softly.

“Are you scared?” I asked.

No one said a word.

“Well, you don't have to be.”

Twilight gave me a look of confusion.

“I don't wish to harm you. Sure it would be nice to just make Sunset pay for what she did to me, but that wouldn't be justice,” I chuckled.

Raven smiled as she crossed her arms and let me speak.

“No. I'm going to do the exact same thing you did to me, mother.” I growled. “I am going to leave you, disappear from your life. And you will never find me, it will be as if I never existed.”

Sunset gasped softly then looked at Twilight who was just staring at me with a sad look on her face.

“I hope this hurts you.” My voice suddenly sounded as soft as wind chimes as I continued. “I hope you cry yourself to sleep just like I did when I thought no one loved me. I hope that you hate yourself every minute of the rest of your life. Just like I hate you.”

Twilight glared at me as Sunset fell to her knees trying to not start crying.

“Solstice.” Twilight warned.

“Hope you enjoy your depressed lover Twilight.” I said, smiling as I unleashed Twilight’s secret for the world to hear and most importantly, for Sunset to hear.

Raven quickly turned into her mist form as I gave them one more look then ran through the portal.


Once I reached the other side of the portal I gasped for air. I didn't stop to check my surroundings I just quickly tried to move and keep running. Then something strange happened. Instead of running I found myself in the air. I looked down at myself and saw that I was a mist.

Hmmm. Looks like I can shape shift like Raven now. Cool.

I wasted no time, I moved through the castle and out of it as quickly as I could. I flew through Ponyville and went as quickly as I could towards the Everfree forest. That may be the best place for me to hide now. I could figure out a new place to go later.

As I flew through the forest I wondered where Raven was. I had assumed she followed me through the portal, but she didnt seem to be here. Was there a way I can see where she is?

Then an idea came to me. Oh! I'll just use that second sight thing I used earlier. Maybe I should stop somewhere first though, so I don't run into anything.

So I flew towards the direction of a small cave and I squeezed through the opening. Once inside I turned back into my pony form. Ah! I stretched my legs slowly. It feels so good to be on four hooves again. I put my hoof on my head and was relieved to feel my horn. I swished my tail then laid down on the caves floor.

Out of curiosity of how I looked I conjured a quick spell to make a mirror. Once it appeared I gazed at myself to see if I had changed any. Sure enough when I looked in the mirror I saw my eyes still were dark green and my bangs were still covering my eye a little. The rest of my mane seemed a bit messier, not in a bad way though. My horn was different too, it looked a bit sharper than it was before. As for my clothes, those had disappeared, all that was left of them was a strange gold necklace I hadn't noticed before. I examined it and saw that it had a small metal symbol on it. I wasn't sure what it meant, but it looked pretty.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts and switched my sight over to Raven.

I saw that she was still in the other world watching the girls silently. She was invisible to them so they didn't know she was there. Curiosity got the best of me once again and I tried to understand what was going on. I tried a little harder and pushed myself to be able to hear everything Raven was hearing as well. Once I succeeded at that I watched intently what was going on.

Sunset and Twilight were fighting as Rainbow tried to hold Sunset back from getting closer to Twilight. Fluttershy had disappeared from the situation so I assumed she was in her car waiting for everyone to calm down.

“How could you not tell me about her Twilight?!” Sunset yelled.

“I assumed you found out when Solstice acted weird at the Christmas party.”

“Well you were wrong! I assumed it was another panic attack!”

“I'm sorry Sunset. I realize you are upset-” Twilight reached forward to touch her.

Sunset broke free from Rainbow’s grasp as she stood in front of Twilight, fire in her eyes.

“Upset? Upset?! That doesn't begin to define how I feel right now! My daughter has just been turned by some evil spirit and I have no idea where she is or how I can save her!!” She yelled.

“Whoa whoa whoa!” Rainbow stood between the two girls and grabbed Sunset’s shoulders. “Calm down Sunny. No worries. Twi will just go back to Equestria and get her back.”

Twilight gently pushed Rainbow out of the way as she put her own hands on Sunset’s shoulders.

“Sunset. I'm really sorry about what has happened to Solstice, but Rainbow is right. I will go back to Equestria and I will do everything in my power to save her.” Twilight hugged her tightly and was obviously holding back tears. “I promise.”

Sunset took a deep breath as she returned Twilight’s hug.

Twilight pulled away from Sunset then gently kissed her cheek. She smiled as she turned around and headed towards the portal.

With a deep breath she went through the portal and came back into Equestria.

Sunset stood there for a second just staring at the portal. She looked over her shoulder at Rainbow who was standing next to their motorcycles. Rainbow gave her a confused look.

“You coming Sunset?” She asked.

Sunset looked back at the portal then back at Rainbow.

“She's my daughter Rainbow. I can't just stand here and do nothing.”

Rainbow nodded in understanding.

“Go get her buddy!” She encouraged with a smile.

Sunset smiled a little as she stepped towards the portal. She then took a deep breath as she stared into the wall. She slowly put her hand through it getting the feel of the magic absorbing her. She seemed nervous at first, but then she gained the courage to walk through it.

Raven quickly followed after her and they both entered Equestria at about the same time.

Twilight was just finishing packing her saddle bag when Sunset came stumbling out of the mirror.

She gasped in surprise as she saw the unicorn stretch her legs and look over her old body.

Sunset seemed out of practice with walking on four hooves, but she quickly remembered herself and walked normally.

Twilight ran to her and wrapped her hooves around her.

“You shouldn't have come.” Twilight whispered. “But I'm glad you’re here.”

Sunset looked up locking her eyes right where Raven was as if she knew she was there.

“Me too, Twilight.”

Twilight let Sunset go then ran to her saddle bag.

“I sent a letter to Princess Celestia as quickly as I could explaining everything. She should get back to me as soon as she can. As for this spirit I say we should go to find out what kind it is, that should help us find out what it wants.”

Raven growled softly when Twilight said this. I did as well.

“Ok. What else?” Sunset asked.

“Once we do that then it is imperative that we find her as quickly as we can.”

Sunset nodded and grabbed a few books from Twilight’s many bookshelves.

“Then let's get started.”

Author's Note:

What a turn of events:rainbowderp:

Hope you enjoyed:twilightsheepish: