• Published 12th Dec 2015
  • 3,625 Views, 89 Comments

Daughter of the Phoenix - Solstice Shimmer

What if the pony you thought you were turned out to be a lie?

  • ...

Hearths Warming Eve

Turns out that Christmas in this world came sooner than I expected. The past few days Sunset and I had done nothing, but spend as much time together as we could.
She took me to all her favorite places from restaurants to stores even bakeries! One was looked almost exactly like Joe's Donut shop I would go to in Canterlot to get my daily coffee.
I enjoyed my time with Sunset, we talked about so many things. She told me all of what magic she's learned in this world, how it works and why it's a bit difficult to keep it hidden sometimes. Rainbow was the most difficult of them all. She would constantly try to use her magic at the music shop she worked at. Everyone couldn't wait until she would finally quit and pursue her dream to be a Wonderbolt in the army.
She didn't really speak of her past much, but eventually she told me how she met Twilight. She told me that she wasn't proud of how she came to meet Twilight but she had let it go. It was a thing of the past.
Then she told me of the other fights she had with her friends. One was particularly interesting. Twilight turned evil? Ha! That's the best thing I have ever heard!
Sunset wasn't as amused as I was, but since I had known her way longer than she had and also since Twilight seems to be a “can do no evil” type she seemed to understand why I found it funny.
The other Twilight was busy in the city studying at some University, but Sunset said that maybe one day I could meet her.
Ha. One day. No pressure right?

Then I told her everything about me. Everything I remember that is.
How when I was a young filly my “parents” enrolled me in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns the minute I could cast my first spell. It was easy my first few years, so easy in fact that Princess Celestia let me skip a few years ahead to a level that “suited” me. Even then some of the studies were easy for me.
I told her of how Twilight would occasionally give me some highly advanced magic books to read to keep my mind occupied. Those were the best times, when I could curl up with a new book and study my little heart out.

Sunset seemed to just swell with pride as she heard my pathetic stories. She would smile and say how interesting it is after all this time I had taken after her without even knowing it.
Must be a genetic thing.
As it was getting closer and closer to Hearths Warming Eve, I mean Christmas I found myself feeling a bit depressed.

One day as I sat in their living room and watched Rainbow play her video games, yelling at the tv every time she lost, I looked around myself letting everything sink in.
Fluttershy was brushing her hair as she talked on the phone. Twilight was sitting at the table with a bunch of paperwork she brought from Equestria that she had to get done. As for Sunset, she was leaning over Twilight’s shoulder, examining her paperwork.
I smiled to myself. Just the way Sunset acted around Twilight sometimes, made me wonder.
Not that I would mind. It would be nice if they did become a couple.
But then we run into the same problem. Which world would we live in?
Why? Why does this question have to bother me so much?
Couldn't it be easier?
Once Christmas morning finally came I decided to just talk it out with Twilight, maybe she would have some advice for me.
She seemed to know something was up when I came to her room. She put down all her parchments and beckoned to me to sit next to her.
I sat next to her then sighed.

“What am I gonna do?” I sounded so tired and stressed out. Man. I needed to chill.

Twilight rubbed my back in a sympathetic way.

“What do you want to do most?” She asked.

“I don't know. My whole life is in Equestria, Twilight. I have my studies to worry about.”

“You could always study here.” Twilight said.

“Well, my friends-”

“You can make new ones.”

“What about Princess Celestia?”

“She would understand.”

“What about you?” I asked.

Twilight brushed a stand of hair behind my ear then put her hand on my cheek.

“Your happiness matters more.” She said.

“So you'll be unhappy if I stay?”

She shook her head. “I'd be overjoyed that you would be here with your mother.”

“But…..” I began.

She covered my mouth with her hand.
“But nothing.”

I moved her hand away from my mouth then leaned against her.

“She's the best mother I could ever dream of. I care about her so much, so why is this still so hard?” I asked.

Twilight ran her hand through my hair, gently.
“Because your torn between two halves of yourself.”

I looked up at her. “If I stayed, would you come to visit?”

She nodded. “Of course I would.”

“To see me or to spend time with Sunset?” I threw in the question hoping that she would finally quench my curiosity.

Twilight raised an eyebrow in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“I'm not stupid, Twi. You two always act weird around each other. Especially Sunset.”

Twilight seemed to get a bit more uncomfortable as she blushed and avoided eye contact with me. “Solstice.”

I gasped. All those years of studying body language had paid off. (Plus she was making it super easy for me.) “Oh. My. Gosh.”


“Twilight Sparkle! Your do like her!”

Twilight covered my mouth and put her finger to her lips. “Shhhh! Someone will hear.”

I giggled as I pushed her hand away.

“Solstice, I-” She began.

“What's going on in there?” Rainbow asked as she pounded on Twilight’s door.

“Nothing!” Twilight yelled. “Absolutely nothing!”

“Alright. We gonna open presents soon so get on out here!” Rainbow said as she ran off.

“Solstice do not tell your mother.” Twilight ordered almost growling.

I smiled evilly. “Oh I won't. For now. But if you don't come clean, I will.”

“When the time is right I might, but for now keep it between us.”

“Sure. Sure.” I said.

We walked out of Twilight’s room then joined the others who were already gathered around the Christmas tree.
Everyone was wearing red sweaters as Rarity had requested, except for Sunset who was wearing a blue sweater that had snowflakes on it. Rarity threw a fit about it at first, but then let it go when I said that I liked that color better on Sunset.

“Time for presents!” Rainbow said as she grabbed hers and ripped it open. “Awesome! The new Tomb Raider! Should be able to finish this in about a week!”

Applejack rolled her eyes as she opened her present. “Nice. A brand new pair of boots. Thanks Rare.”

“My pleasure.” Rarity said then she opened her present. “My oh my. Tickets to the Grand Gala?! Why Applejack!”

“Wadnt me. Was Pinkie.” She said as she pointed at Pinkie Pie, who was grinning ear to ear.

“Yup! I wanted you to have the best weekend of your life! And I also already know what my present is. It's a bigbigbigbigbigbigbigbig BIG stuffed alligator that Fluttershy got me! Thanks best friend!!” She said as she crushed Fluttershy in a hug.

“Your welcome.” Fluttershy smiled. “Um..Pinkie could you please let me go?”

“Oops!!” Pinkie released Fluttershy then jumped off the couch and ran to the kitchen for some reason.

“Here, Solstice.” Sunset said as she handed me a beautifully wrapped present. “From me to you.”

I took the present and slowly unwrapped it. Inside was a beautiful book with a brown cover, gold sides, crisp white pages and it was imprinted with my cutie mark. I ran my hand over it then opened the book seeing nothing but blank pages.

“It's a magic journal like mine.” Sunset explained. “You can write in it and I'll get the message in my book, just like Twilight. So you can...you know...still reach out to me, when you go home.”

When I heard those word come out of her mouth my heart broke.

She thinks that I'm leaving her.

I looked up at her and saw that a single tear was running down her face.
I put the book down gently then wrapped my arms around her. She hugged me tightly as she did her best to not cry.

“I love you, sweetheart. No matter what you choose. If you want to go home, I'll understand. It's been your home your whole life and you have your studies to worry about. I don't expect you to just walk away from all your responsibilities and opportunities just for me. And if you choose to stay here, then I'll do my best to make your life here the best one you could ever hope for.”

I bit my lip holding back tears. I had cried so much these past few days I will not do it again!

“Sunset.” I spoke softly.

She pulled back from the hug, wiping a few of her tears.

“I-” Before I could even speak something seemed to shoot me with an earspliting noise. I tried to ignore it, but it grew louder and louder.
Sunset noticed something was wrong as I leaned my head against her shoulder and groaned.

“Sostice?” She asked, concerned. She said something else, but I couldn't hear her. Her voice grew softer and more muffled as the noise deafened me.
Twilight saw what was happening and she quickly mumbled a spell. I thought it wouldn't work, but sure enough the noise stopped and I could hear again.

I lifted my head from Sunset’s shoulder then looked around at everyone.
They were staring at us, wondering what the heck was going on.
I quickly tried to laugh it off and say that it was probably no big deal, just my ear popping or something like that. Everyone seemed to relax after that, but the only two that didn't was Twilight and Sunset.
They glanced at each other then nodded. They both knew something was wrong. As did I. But for now all that wondering would have to wait.
We had a holiday to celebrate! And celebrate it we will! I wanted to do everything I could to take my mind of the big decision I would have to eventually make.
I didn't want to worry about that or the weird stuff that been happening to me. All I wanted to do was just enjoy myself for once. And with Pinkie there I was sure to do just that.