• Published 12th Dec 2015
  • 3,626 Views, 89 Comments

Daughter of the Phoenix - Solstice Shimmer

What if the pony you thought you were turned out to be a lie?

  • ...

Seeing Some Honesty

Raven kept a close eye on me as I flew around the houses in the new village she showed me. She didn't interfere with my search or say anything, she just watched me. I wished she would leave, but I knew that she didn't want to risk me getting soft again. Well I didn't want to get soft either, so let her watch me! I'll show her I can do this.

I found a rather large house that seemed to have a big family in it. As I searched the house I found a foal's room where he was sleeping soundly. I smiled as I entered his dream and summoned packs of Timberwolves to chase and scar him. I quickly got out of the dream and went to the other two rooms and gave the other children nightmares. They were quick and painless for me, because I never saw my victims. I just gave them the nightmare then left. Simple as that.

It made it easier for me doing it this way for some reason. I had no idea why. But whatever worked I guess.

By the time the night was over I had successfully given about two dozen little ponies nightmares. Raven said that she was impressive how quickly I adapted to giving nightmares after my little failure. I was proud to have improved in the magic. It was easy once I stopped thinking about the other ponies, then it actually got a bit fun. Seeing them cringe in fear as the monsters of my creation tortured them.

I loved it.

After a few weeks of doing this in many different places, Raven soon let me venture to do it on my own. She said that I was finally allowing myself to harden.Ha! Not so much a softie now, huh ? I boasted to no one in particular.

One night as I flew back to the castle I began to get a bit uneasy. I mean I did say that we should leave, but with me moving around so much, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to stay here a bit longer.
Twilight still hadn't found us so she may never know we’re here. Suits me just fine!

As I flew into the old room and settled down in the blankets, I sighed. Raven was out somewhere so I knew I would be left alone for some time. Thank goodness, I needed to catch up on some sleep!

Raven had explained to me that spirits do not technically ‘sleep’. What they do is rest, and their minds are not capable of dreaming, but travel around wherever you please and can observe things or follow ponies, whatever you wish. This seemed a bit weird, but after I did it the first time, I got used to it.

The only downside to this was that I felt like I never truly rested. I felt as if I was always up and that I could never just let myself go and forget about everything. It was stressful, but I had to make do. Things could be worse, I supposed.

As I drifted off to sleep my mind started to wander. Normally I would just move around aimlessly, but tonight I wanted to do something a bit more meaningful. I went to Princess Twilight’s castle to see what she was up to. It had been a while and I was curious to see how her research was going.

As I entered the old place it felt weird. Last time I was in this place it was for a whole different purpose than the one I had now. Hmm. How times change.

It took some time, but after a bit I found her sitting in her bedroom. Sunset was with her sitting beside Twilight’s bed. They were both reading books, trying to find something I suppose.
I tried to not laugh, here they were wondering where I was when I was literally only a few miles away from where they were! Hilarious.

It was a miracle they hadn't detected my magic like I assumed they would.
It may have been to do with the fact I was using spirit magic. It was foreign to them, so I remained undetectable. Sweet.

Twilight and Sunset seemed exhausted as if they hadn't slept for days. Huh, knowing them they probably hadn't. Sunset abruptly huffed in frustration as she shoved the pile of books over that was next to her. Twilight looked up from her work and gave her a sympathetic look.

“Sunset-” she began.

“It's been almost a month Twilight. We should have found her by now. Who knows what’s happened to her.” Sunset’s voice sounded as dead as she looked.

Twilight rose from where she was sitting and sat next to Sunset, putting a hoof around her.

“I'm sure she's fine. Princess Celestia herself said that this spirit probably doesn't want to hurt her. Besides Solstice is a strong mare. She can handle herself.”

For once, you're right, Twilight. I can take care of myself.

“But how much has this thing influenced her? What if she's gotten such a grip on her that Solstice’s hatred of me has now consumed her entire being? I remember when I stayed away from Princess Celestia and let bitterness grow in me. It's like a poison, eating away at your soul, making you forget everything you are.” She stared off into the distance, her tired eyes saddening.

Twilight held her tighter. “She won't let it get that bad, I'm sure she’s kept some of her stubbornness to stay in control.”

I am not that stubborn Twilight!

Sunset didn't laugh at Twilight’s attempt to be funny, she just stared at her with a blank look on her face.

“But what if it has gotten that bad?” She asked.

Twilight didn't know what to say as Sunset hung her head down, her eyes locked on the ground.

“This is all my fault, Twilight. If only I had come to her sooner, then this wouldn't have happened.”

Twilight put her hoof gently under Sunset’s chin and raised her head, persuading her to look her in the eye.

“Sunset, this isn't your fault.”

Sunset pulled her head away from her.
“But it is. It's my own selfishness that made me give her away in the first place.”

“You were just trying to protect her, sweetie.” Twilight said.

“No. Instead of looking after her myself I threw the responsibility on someone else. I've hated myself for doing it every day of my life, especially when I turned into that awful demon. That day all I could think was how in the world could a pony like me give up something so amazing? I thought power would replace the pain of losing her, but nothing helped. It still hurt. Now I'm finally paying for my mistake.” Sunset pulled away from Twilight and stood up, walking towards her mirror, gazing at her reflection.

Twilight stood as well and trotted up next to Sunset again. “I know how you feel, but-”

Sunset looked at Twilight with bits of fire in her eyes. “How could you possibly compare your pain to mine?” she asked, getting more furious by the second as she continued.

“How could you know how it felt like to listen to a child cry and think it was your own crying for you? Begging you to come back to her? To feel a knife plunge itself into your heart every time you see a mother and daughter together laughing and smiling, in their own perfect little world? To think every night whether somepony cared enough to tuck my child in? If they sung to her like I used to? If she was loved as much I loved her?” Sunset was screaming at her with a few tears rolling down her face.

Twilight was crying too. She tried to get closer to Sunset, but she pushed her back with her magic.

“And when I finally got the chance to try and fix things with her. Try to show her how much I love her… then… she lets this thing tell her otherwise and now she says she hates me.” Sunset glared at Twilight with so much pain and fire in her eyes. “No Twilight. You have no idea how this feels.”

Twilight then pressed her lips together, holding back sobs as she spoke.

“You’re right Sunset. I don't know how that feels…” She said. “But I do know how it feels to be there for this little pony for most of her life, then suddenly be thrust into the responsibility of being a Princess which means I see less and less of the girl I cared for. I know the guilt of not talking to her for months then seeing the look of happiness on her face when I finally do see her. Then one day to see indifference instead of happiness. It broke my heart.”

Sunset’s eyes softened as Twilight started to cry.

“I never knew I meant so much to her until she said that she thought of me as her mother. I-I felt so unworthy to be called such a meaningful pony in her life. I abandoned her just like her adoptive parents did…”

Sunset walked up to Twilight and wiped away her tears. Twilight looked into her cyan eyes and began to sob.

“If this is anyone's fault Sunset, it's mine! Every bit of it is mine.” She cried.

Sunset pulled her close hugging her tightly. She seemed so loving and protective of Twilight, it made my heart feel a bit warm. Wait, where did that thought came from!? She rubbed Twilight’s back, comforting her as tears rolled down her own cheeks.

“Shh, Twilight. It's not your fault. Okay?” Sunset whispered as she gently ran her hoof against Twilight’s cheek.

Twilight wrapped her hooves around Sunset’s neck, burying her face in Sunset’s mane.

“I understand.” Twilight mumbled.

Sunset pulled back from the hug and looked into Twilight’s eyes. There was a awkward moment of staring as Twilight smiled, embarrassed.

“I know this is a bad time, but I've been meaning to ask you something,” she said.

Sunset raised an eyebrow.

“Remember what Solstice said? About you know….saying you’re my lover?” She asked, blushing.

Sunset nodded.

“Well, I was just wondering...um...after she said that and all did it make you a bit uncomfortable?” She asked, stuttering a bit in embarrassment.

Sunset smiled and shook her head. “Of course not.”

Twilight sighed in relief.

“Oh! Good, I mean, great! I mean, you know this was silly of me to assume you would take it to be romantic and all.” Twilight laughed nervously. “Who's being romantic? I'm certainly not! Um about Solstice! Yeah-”

Sunset covered the mare's mouth with her hoof before she could say another word. Thank Celestia! I was about to lose my mind.

“Twilight, you're so cute when you’re uncomfortable you know that right?” Sunset said with a smile.

Twilight blushed and lowered her ears as Sunset uncovered her mouth.

They sat there in each other's hooves, trying to comfort one another. Sunset held Twilight tightly, brushing her mane gently. Twilight breathed softly as she pulled away from Sunset and wiped her eyes.

“Well, ahem. I suppose we should get back to work.” Twilight said.

Sunset nodded. “Agreed.”

She trotted over to her desk and pulled up a stack of papers with her magic.

“As I have done continuous research on spirits of Equestria, I have found a few things that may be helpful in our search.” Twilight said as she showed Sunset the papers.

“First I have found that this spirit could not possibly be a soul of a pony that has passed on. When I compared the magic I witnessed back at the portal I reached the conclusion that it is simply too strong to be one of those.” The way she spoke reminded me of when she gave me lectures on complicated spells when I was younger.

I smiled to myself as I saw the familiar glint in her eye she gained whenever she was studying. I used to love watching Twilight study….

I quickly shook my head to get these thoughts out. Honestly Solstice! Keep it together!

“So what kind of spirit is it?” Sunset asked.

“According to my study of ‘Strange Spirits of Equestria’ I have finally found a description of a spirit that almost exactly matches this one that is hanging around Solstice.” Twilight said as she opened the book and put the notes down next to it in front of Sunset.

“She is a Blandishment. It's a rare kind, which is thankfully a blessing.”

“Why is it a blessing?” Sunset wondered.

“Because they are quite gifted in being ascendant. As we have seen with Solstice.”

“But it couldn't have planted all that hate in her. She had to had some already.” Sunset said.

“Another bit of information I unfortunately did not share with you.” Twilight lowered her eyes in a bit of shame. “She was a bit hostile to the idea of meeting you at first. I suppose she was so desperate for love and attention she ignored her anger for a time, until this ‘Nevermore’ - I guess that's it's name - persuaded her to let her anger come back into light.”

Sunset looked down at the papers, deep in thought. “But hostility is one thing, hatred is much stronger.”

Sunset pulled up the books she had been reading and compared it to Twilight’s papers.

“If this is a Blandishment then it must have a higher purpose than to just rock a boat. It wants something. Legend says that one will live for hundreds of years searching for a soul to bind to. Then once it finds one it will manipulate it to achieve its higher purpose.”

Twilight’s eyes seemed to grow more serious as she examined some of Sunset’s paperwork.

“Do you think it's already bonded to Solstice’s soul?” Twilight asked.

Sunset nodded. “It had to have had. If not then Solstice wouldn't have gained some of her magic or have her eye color change for that matter.”

Sunset put down all her papers and looked into Twilight’s eyes.

“Have you figured out what it wants?”

Twilight sighed.“Not really. Every spirit has its own wants and desires just like ponies. But I think I might have a solution to getting her back.”

Sunset leaped to her hooves, excitement in her eyes. “What!?”
“If we can get her to come here to us, even for a few minutes I could try to use a cleansing spell on her. It won't be easy, especially now that she's been with Nevermore this long, but I'm sure I can do it.” She seemed confident in her ability.

“How will we get her here?” Sunset asked. “She's been brainwashed so much it would take a miracle to make her even step within a yard of this castle.”

Twilight smiled in a mischievous way. “Oh I know someone who is just as capable of brainwashing. Maybe even better.”

“Solstice! Solstice!” Raven was shaking me violently trying to wake me.

I shook my mane and glared at her. Damn it you! I was about to find out some quite vital information you dumb little soul sucker!

She saw the anger in my eyes and she stepped forward, standing over me in a dominating way.

“What were you doing?” She asked.

I stood up and kept my eyes locked on her.

“Sleeping, until you near shook my brain out.” I snapped.

“Don't play that way with me, child.” She growled. “What were you watching?”

“Two ponies having at it!” I yelled and stormed out of the room slamming the door behind me.
There! Maybe that'll teach her to ask me so many questions!

If only Raven hadn't woken me. Then I would know who Twilight was talking about. I wonder who this certain somepony is? It wouldn't be anyone I know I assume. Maybe a distant friend of hers?

Well, anyone she sends let her send them! I won't be manipulated. I haven't let Raven do so like they think I have. This is all I want. She has only offered her help.

Anyway, not important. What is important is that I stay hidden and not let anypony try to make me reveal myself. I cannot expose myself until I am ready.

Until then I’d better keep a close eye on those two. Don't want to get caught off guard hmm?

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!:raritystarry: