• Published 12th Dec 2015
  • 3,625 Views, 89 Comments

Daughter of the Phoenix - Solstice Shimmer

What if the pony you thought you were turned out to be a lie?

  • ...

The Get Together

It was a miracle that we made it to Rarity's house in one piece. Rainbow Dash kept speeding through traffic and scaring the living crap out of Twilight who made the terrible mistake of riding with her instead of driving with Fluttershy. I thought it was really funny seeing Twilight freak out as Rainbow dodged yet another car and sped ahead of us.
Sunset wasn't as crazy like Rainbow, as a driver. She was fast, yes, and she did weave through traffic to keep up with Rainbow, but she was just a bit less of a risk taker as she drove. Was she being more careful because I was riding with her?
She looked over her shoulder and smiled at me, almost confirming my suspicion.
When we got to Rarity's house Rainbow screeched to a stop and jumped off her bike.
Twilight leaped off the bike too, breathing heavily as she kneeled on the ground, obviously thankful for the stabilization.

Rainbow bursted out laughing.

"Ha!! Twi! Your such a crack up!"

Twilight glared at her.

Sunset shook her head as she got off her bike then went over to Twilight.

"You okay?" She asked as she knelt next to her.

"I'm fine now." She replied.

Fluttershy had just driven in and was getting out of her car.

"Oh my goodness. Are you okay Twilight?" She asked.

Twilight rose to her feet and glared at Rainbow again.

"From now on I'm riding with you." She told Fluttershy.

Rainbow and I giggled. Twilight gave me a look and I grinned innocently. What? It was kind of funny.
Rainbow quickly ran to Rarity's door and barged right in without knocking.
Twilight didn't even bother with chasing her this time, she just gave up and walked alongside Fluttershy.
Rarity's house was really nice. It was very fancy and really girly. The only flaw it had was the fact there were fashion magazines thrown carelessly throughout the room.

"Well seems you are on time for once." Rarity said as she greeted us in the living room.

"Whatever." Rainbow rolled her eyes and she headed straight for the kitchen.

She threw her royal purple hair over her shoulder then smiled at me.

"You must be Solstice. I'm Rarity. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you." She said as she shook my hand.

I smiled, glancing at Sunset.
Seems like she told practically everyone I was coming. That's so.....sweet. I believe that's the correct term.

"Can we eat your stuff Rare?!" Rainbow yelled from the kitchen.

Rarity rolled her eyes. "If you insist!"

"Woohoo! Can we watch the football game too?" She asked.

"Whatever you wish darling. Applejack will probably want to watch it as well."

"Well, you’re wrong!" Applejack yelled as she picked up a video game controller.

I giggled.
Soon everyone was creating such a fuss over so many things I couldn't keep up with them. They were talking about lots of different things so pretty soon I was overwhelmed. I mean, I'm used to being alone so much that with all this going on around me feels different. I try to remind myself that there's only a few people here, but it's still more than what I'm used to.
I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms, trying to not let it bother me. But the longer I stood there the worse it gets.
Sunset seemed to notice me because she put her hand on my shoulder with a concerned look.

"Do you want to go outside?" She asked.

I nodded. For some reason my breathing was getting a bit uncontrollable.

Sunset quickly took me out through the back door. When we got into the cool air I started hyperventilating even more. What is going on? I've never done this before in my life!
It feels as if someone is sucking the air out of me and that they're pressing themselves closer to me, making me feel very uncomfortable.
I crumpled to the ground and held my head in my hands, trying to calm down.
Why won't I stop? What the hell is happening to me?
Sunset knelt down next to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Shhh, Solstice. It's okay. Your just having an anxiety attack. It'll be over in a minute. I promise." She smoothed my hair, as she whispered.

I didn't want to move. Breathing was so hard. It was like every breath I took was just not enough. It's still left me wanting more, no. Needing more.

"Shh. It okay. Just breathe." She whispered.

I forced myself to take deeper breaths, hoping it would help. I counted every single breath I took. Seconds passed. I tried to think about the wind that was flowing through my hair, how cold it felt against my skin.
Soon it got easier and easier. My tensed muscles relaxed and my breathing finally went back to normal.
I lifted my head up from my hands and looked at Sunset.

"I'm sorry. That's never happened to me before." I apologized.

Sunset tucked some of my hair behind my ear and smiled warmly.

"It's okay. I used to have anxiety problems when I first 'reformed' I knew something was wrong when I heard your breathing speed up the way it was."

"Why did it happen?" I asked.

"Something triggered you. It was either all the chaos around you or someone said something that made you uncomfortable."

"Oh. I guess, I'm just not used to being around people."

Sunset raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Don't you ever go out?"

I shook my head. "My parents never were around so I might as well been an orphan. As for my friends, I don't hang around them all the time. Mostly I just stayed in quiet places and studied.
Well, sometimes I would go out and party, but..." I didn't really want to continue as I had said way too much already.

Sunset gave me a look. "You drank so much you remember hardly any of them?"

I blushed. It wasn't something I was particularly proud of.

"Please don't tell Twilight."

She shook her head. "Of course I won't."

We sat on the grass of Rarity's backyard for a second. I looked around myself and saw that the sun was starting to set. Weird. It felt like it was morning just a few seconds ago.
The sun’s final rays shined down on the grass, warming us with its soft light.
I glanced at Sunset as we watched, well..heh, the sunset.
The sun was shining it's warm reddish yellow colors over Sunset's crimson and blonde hair. Her cyan eyes sparkled with the sun as she admired it’s setting.
I smiled to myself. She looked so beautiful.
She seemed to have felt me looking at her, because she looked back at me.
I brushed my hair away from my face, smiling. How in the world did Twilight see the resemblance between us?
I wrapped my arms around my legs, trying to warm myself as the icy wind started to blow harder around us.
Sunset seemed to notice.
She took off her leather jacket and handed it to me. I pushed it away.

"No. You need it." I protested.

She shoved it back in my direction.
"Just take it."

I sighed as I took her jacket and reluctantly put it on.
I'll admit I was warmer after I put it on, but I felt a bit guilty taking it. It smelled good though. Like sweet apples or sugar cookies, maybe a mixture or something like that. I couldn't really figure it out.
The stars started to peek out from the dark sky and the moon slowly started to show itself.
I smiled. The moon always reminded me of home. I would always try to see the moon when it rose, because it fascinated me. The sun was beautiful of course, but deep down it was dangerous. If you got too close you would be burned by its furious flames.
But the moon. It’s beautiful and bright enough to light the sky, yet it's gentle. It wouldn't burn you, but it can still comfort you with its soft light.
I never spoke to Princess Luna in Equestria, but I've always wanted to. Her night is the most beautiful thing that I saw everyday. And since I stay up late so many nights I get to see things not many ponies saw. I saw meteor showers, shooting stars, and so many wonders that make me love the night even more.

"Don't you just love this?" I asked. "I mean, the cold breeze taking over the warm sun. It's like I can just sense the changing of the seasons. I know that sounds weird, but it's just so amazing. One season from another, warmth to cold, rain to snow, lush green grass to brown grass. I love it."

Sunset smiled. "It is amazing."

"Girls!!!" A voice yelled, startling is both.

We turned around to see Rarity standing in the doorway.

"It is absolutely freezing out here! Get inside before you freeze to death!"

I smiled as we stood up and went inside.

"Oh darling, you two are frozen! Honestly Sunset, dear, you should have been wearing your jacket." Rarity scolded.

"I'm not cold." Sunset said.

"Your face says otherwise." Rarity said. "Let me get you some hot cocoa."


"Trying to freeze ya'lls tails off girls?" Applejack asked winking as she walked past us.

Sunset smirked at the same time I did.

"We were about to watch a movie." Rarity informed as she handed us the cocoa.

"Seems you brought us in just in time." Sunset said.

We walked in the living room where all the girls were. Rainbow and Applejack were sitting on beanbags in the middle of the floor and the rest of the girls were sitting on one of the two couches that were against the wall.
Twilight saw us and smiled. She beckoned to me to sit next to her. I had to leap over Rainbow, but I successfully got to the couch she was sitting on. She gave me a questioning look. Probably wondering what happened earlier.

"It's fine." I whispered.

"You sure?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Does anyone know where Pinkie is?" Applejack asked.

"Nope." Everyone replied in unison.

"Wonder where she is?"

"Who knows." Rainbow yawned, not really caring.

"I wouldn't worry about it, darling. She's probably very busy at Sugar Cube. I heard that they have a very big Christmas order." Rarity said.

"Who for?" Applejack asked.

"Filthy Rich. He's throwing a Christmas party."

"Could we go?" Rainbow asked.

"Absolutely not. It's a company party."

"Aw." Rainbow sighed.

"We could have our own dear. Besides I assume we are all spending Christmas together." Rarity said.

"Darn tootin'." Applejack agreed.

"Will you stay for Christmas Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight shrugged. "I honestly should not stay too long. I do have responsibilities in Equestria."

"Well, what about Solstice?"

We all went silent as they looked at me. Oh crap. I hadn't thought about this at all.
It's been so cool to meet Sunset that I totally forgot that we live in two different worlds.
What would I do? I mean, I don't have much of a life in Equestria, but.....it's still home to me. What would I do? My life had been so planned out. To graduate from Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Then I was hoping to go to Crystal University.
Ok it wasn't much of a plan, but it was still better than nothing.

"She doesn't have to decide now." Sunset Shimmer said.

"I agree." Twilight said. "She only just met her mother, so she shouldn't be expected to make a decision like this now."

I sunk back into the couch, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone.

"Tell you what," Twilight put her hand on my knee. "I'll go to Equestria tomorrow and request a little vacation for us. We'll stay until Christmas so we can figure everything out. Ok?"

Hmmm. That's about a week so there should be enough time.
I mean I'm pretty sure I can make up my mind by then.

"Sure. Sounds good." I tried to not linger on the subject. All I wanted was to just enjoy my time for a bit.

"Alright then that's that!" Rainbow said as she grabbed the TV remote.

"Something family friendly Rainbow." Rarity warned.

"Alright, party pooper!” Rainbow groaned.

“Rainbow Dash! Don't be so vulgar.” Rarity scolded.

“At least I didn't say-” Rainbow began.

“Ok!!!” Applejack interrupted. “Can we just watch somethin’?”

Author's Note:

I want to thank Articuno for editing this!
And thank you to my readers for sticking around:pinkiehappy:
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!