• Published 27th Dec 2015
  • 25,218 Views, 1,397 Comments

Twilight: The Dragon Sorceress (Old story) - ExoDemonG

After growing up among dragons, Twilight Sparkle gets an unexpected family reunion when she attends the wedding of Princess Cadance.

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The Old and New faces (Twilight)

Due to some things on my part, the title has been changed. My bad:twilightblush:
I should also say that this chapter and the next one are the same chapter just in different points of view

I was staring out at the open sky on the bow of the Black Scale as we sailed over the Celestial Sea. We were a few hours away from Canterlot. I could hear the crew working at their jobs behind me. They didn’t come near me, making sure that if they ever came close they’d avoid bumping into me. It was all for a good reason: I was in a grumpy mood.

It was a couple of hours after sunrise and still, all I could see was the vast blue ocean and the sun crawling across the sky. I was drumming my talons on the wooden floor of the ship so hard I left some scratch marks in it. I hate to say it, but I was bored out of my mind.

After some time passed, as a small island came into view, breaking the monotony of the trip so far, I heard footsteps coming from behind me.

“Ugh, I hate airship cabins. Not a lot of room to stretch my wings, and I think the captain gave me the smallest one,” Amber groggily said. She sat beside me with a yawn and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. After some time listening to the clatter and chatter of the working crew, I saw Amber look at me out of the corner of my eye.

“You're bored, aren’t you?” Amber gave me a smirk.

“What? I’m not bored,” I grumbled without making eye contact with her. I heard Amber laugh a bit.

“You’re a terrible liar, egghead. I can tell that you're bored.” She moved to the railing and leaned on it, looking at me with that same, awful smirk. “You sulk when you're bored.”

I felt anger boil up inside me as I glared at her. “I don’t sulk, Amber! I brood.” I crossed my arms and knit my brows together. But Amber just looked at me with a deadpan stare.

“Aren’t brooding and sulking the same thing?”

“No. Brooding is what mages do, and I’m a mage, so I’m brooding!” I sat down and stared at the lone island, trying to see if I could make it explode, all the while I could feel Amber staring at me. “I’m still mad at you by the way.”

“What? Why are you—” Amber paused for a moment before speaking again. “Are you mad about what happened at Netherscale?” I turned to glare at her. She groaned at it.

"You are! Twilight, I already told you why you're coming and everything, so there’s no need to be like that.” It was her turn to glare at me but I didn’t pay any attention to it as I recalled back to what happened.

I stormed down the market place with enough anger to make a fully grown hydra cower in fear. Every drake gave me a wide berth, wary of me setting my magic on them. I wouldn’t do that, but just the fact that I could be enough. I spent most of my life studying magic and I earned the title of Archmage of the Dragon Court, the only Archmage since dragons can’t normally control magic. I guess it’s because I’m part unicorn.

There’s also the fact of my temper. Most of the time I have full control of my magic, but when I get really angry I lose some of that control. It’s not a new thing about me, I read a passage from a book that magic is tied with emotions, and mages should keep a cool head at all times. That would be great, but the problem is that I get angry really easily and lose control of a bit of my magic. I’ve gotten better at keeping my temper in check... but right now I could feel sparks jumping off of my horn. I heard the sound of wings coming from above me but I didn’t even bother to look since I already knew who it was.

“Twilight! Come on, don’t be like that! Look, I’m sorry, ok?” Amber landed a few steps behind me. I saw the dragons around us bow down to Amber while others were still looking scared of me. Dang it! I’m probably going to get yelled at, but I don’t care! I’m angry right now.

“Look, I know you’re angry but—”

“You know what? No, I’m not angry, Amber. This is me being happy that you're forcing me to go to some wedding that you didn’t bother to tell me about beforehand!” As I yelled out that last part, a purple spark shot out from my horn and hit a cloud above me. It turned pink and I saw a dragon fly right into it and get stuck in the cloud. I heard the words “cotton candy” come from the cloud. I trotted a little faster down the street grumbling to myself. Great, now I’m definitely going to get yelled at by the Court… again.

“Ok... maybe you're angrier than I thought, but come on, how should I have know you'd react this way?” She was walking a bit closer to me now. “If it make things any better, I didn’t know I was going until this morning. I would've told you sooner, but, you know, classes.”

“… I guess that makes sense if you put it that way, but why me?” I asked, glancing at Amber. Her wings fidgeted as she thought over what she going to say. The sparks on my horn died down a bit, which the other dragons around us were grateful for.

“Well, before I came to talk to you, my father called for me. He talked about the trip to Canterlot, and suggested I bring you with me.” She looked down and was silent for a few minutes. “And well I kinda agree with him on that.”

I stopped in the middle of the street and looked at her, raising an eyebrow. She stopped abruptly, and simply rolled her eyes at me.

“What? I’m being serious here!” She pleaded, and I couldn’t help but chuckle at her. After what seemed like a few minutes, she kept glaring daggers at me when I looked up at her. I couldn’t help but feel a tad bit guilty.

“Ok then, but why me? Can’t it be anyone else? There are a lot more drakes more qualified than me.” I started walking back home as Amber came up beside me.

“Yes, but he suggested you, the Archmage of the Dragon Court, with the knowledge of everything Magick and Arcane, might make things a little easier when talking with the princesses.” She tilted her head a bit. “You’re also part pony, so I think that would help, but that’s just me.” She frowned and stared up the street deep in thought.

“Is there something else?” I asked her. She looked down at me and looked around her before leaning close to me.

“I don’t know why, but I think my dad knows something that everydrake else doesn't. He didn’t say anything, but the way he looked when talking about you and Canterlot, he was giving off a ‘I know something important’ kind of vibe.” We passed a fruit vendor, who we smiled and waved at before carrying on. “There’s also the fact that this would be my first time doing something princessy, and some part of me doesn’t want to mess things up.”

I looked at her in shock. Was this really Amber? The same dragon that was more of a reckless daredevil than any drake I'd ever known? She was taking this very seriously.

She took a deep breath and exhaled. “I’m not asking you to do this as a princess to the Dragon Empire. I’m asking you this as a friend.” She gave me a sad look as I thought back to her words. ‘He was giving off a ‘I know something important’ kind of vibe’. The way she said that sent shivers down my spine. The Dragon King was famous for both his wisdom and ferocity in battle, and he had lived for a very long time. Maybe longer than even the Princess of Equestria—well, the Princess of the Sun anyway. Sure he’s old, but not that old. I looked at Amber and gave a sigh, in which a small smile grew on her lips.

“Fine, I’m going. But if you eat all the cake, I’m telling your father that you were a glutton at the wedding.” She laughed and gave me a toothy grin.

“I make no promises.” I rolled my eyes at her as we continued our walk. It was about fifteen minutes in that a thought came to me.

“Amber, two questions: how are we getting to Canterlot and when do we leave?” I asked. She tilted her head and was silent for a few moments before speaking.

“We’re taking an airship to Canterlot. Even if I’m a fast flyer and was all by myself, it would take a long time to reach Equestria. We’ll be leaving at around dusk tonight, I think.” We stopped for a moment staring at each other until we both looked up at the sun. It was well past the midway point of the day.

“Then we have roughly about eight to ten hours till we have to leave.” I looked around the market and looked over to Amber, “So… what do you want to do?”

“Well I finished with all my classes for the day and I have nothing to do until we need to leave, so I guess we can hang out for a bit.” Just as she said that I heard yelling behind us. We turned to see that a group of dragons trying to pull the dragon out of the pink cloud, and it looked like there was brown liquid pouring out of the cloud. I looked at Amber looking at the cloud. “After we help out with the pink cloud.” I nodded to her and we both jumped and flew into the sky towards the cloud.

“Hold on.” I looked over to Amber. She had a odd look on her. “Is this cloud following us?”

“It must have been moving this way before it got hit by my magic.” I told her. Amber looked over and frowned.

“But that doesn’t make sense, sure the cloud is pink but you’d think some dragon would have already taken care of it.” She shook her head as we stopped in front of the cloud. Amber reached over and grabbed the cloud and pulled. A chunk of pink cloud came off and chocolate milk began to spill out from the newly made hole. Amber took a bite of it and blinked.
“It’s cotton candy! How in dragon god's name did you turn a normal cloud into cotton candy?” She asked me. I looked over and stare at her.

“Do you want me to explain how magic works to you again?” Amber looked at me and snorted at me.

“No, I don’t want to be put to sleep by boredom. Wait until we get on the airship and on our way to Canterlot, then you can tell me.” Amber grins at me, “I can use a nap on the way there.”

“Let's just fix this before I have to zap you and turn you into a mouse. Again.” I heard Amber laugh as I grumbled to myself.

I arrived at the docks by the time the sun was setting. My saddlebags bags bulged with the typical normal stuff anyone would take on a trip, plus four tomes for some light reading. I opened one of my saddlebags to triple check that I had everything, as I move some things around I saw a small, tattered blanket in it. I looked around to make sure that no one was around and pulled the small blanket out. I smiled at it, remembering my fillyhood as I held it in my claws. I quickly put it back into my bag and trotted towards the docks

I saw dockhands (or claws?) rushing around the place finishing up the last jobs they had for the night. I found Amber talking with a dragon, but it wasn't until I got closer that I was able to see him in clearer detail. He was about half a foot taller than Amber and he was, in my opinion, the very definition of a juggernaut.

He had dark brown scales and massive wings that looked like he could whip up a tornado without even trying. His chin looked like somedrake took a pointy rock and stuck it onto his lower jaw. He also had dark brown eyes that for seemed like they could stare down anything in his way, no matter how big. He turned to me and gave me a warm smile, shifting a bit to face me. All his scales moved as if they were armor, and I wondered if the rumors that his scales were made out something stronger than diamonds were true. Given his title and appearance, they certainly made sense.

“Well, if it isn’t the Archmage. She arrives at last. I hope you didn’t get your nose stuck in some book. But by the looks of it, that book seems to be wedged in your saddlebag with the rest of them. So tell me, how many books is that?” He chuckled at me as I rolled my eyes. His voice was like a low rumble of the earth, which again reminded me of another rumor that said he was made out of the ground itself.

“Nessonth the Juggernaut, it’s good to see you tonight. I wish you’d speak to me like a normal drake rather than a child.” He raised an eyebrow and looked at me, I clenched my jaw and glared at him. “And I only brought four tomes with me for some light reading.”

“Ha! Only four! I guess that is light reading for you. By the time you’re halfway to Canterlot, you’ll have finished them and be bored out of your mind.” He barked out a laugh. Amber laughed alongside with him but stopped once she saw me glaring at her, and turned her head away bashfully. Nessonth looked at me and raised an arm. “Now how about you drop the formalities and give your uncle a hug.”

I stared at him for a bit before I rolled my eyes and complied with his request. Nessonth the Juggernaut was the Commander of the Royal Guard and was called the Juggernaut for good reason. There were stories told about his strength and endurance in battle, who even fought beside the Dragon King a few times. There was one story where he destroyed a castle all by himself with only his two claws. Of course, stories like these may seem like tall tales to the regular dragon, but for Nessonth it was hard to tell. I backed away and gaze up at him with a smile.

“It’s good to see you uncle, but if I may ask, why are you here?” He made a smile and looked at Amber.

“Well, when I heard that Amber was given a royal job in a far off land, the King asked me to send over a few guards for protection.” He frowned and crossed his arms as if he was pouting. “Then I heard she was going off to Canterlot, and was taking you with her.” I shifted on my feet and nervously looked at him.

“Are you mad about that? Are you going to tell me not to go?” He looked at me as if I’d grown a second head.

“What? No! I’m not mad about that. What I’m mad about is that you're going the Canterlot. Canterlot!” He yelled and pointed at Amber. “Did you know they make cakes that are out of this world. By the gods, what I would do to get a piece of one. I asked the King to put me in charge of protecting you two but he denied it.” He looked up at the night sky and sighed. “I could almost taste those cakes now. Ohhh, fate can be a cruel mistress.”

“Nice to know you care about my well being!” I was huffing at him, except his response to that was a hearty chuckle.

“Oh, I know you can handle yourself out there. Heavens knows the many times you appeared in front of the court because you got moody and singed some poor dragon. How many is it now? Twenty?”

“I do not get moody!” I stamped my claw down. “...And it’s nineteen.” Both my uncle and Amber were now laughing at my expense enough that I wanted to crawl into a cave and die.

“Well, Commander how about this? After the wedding we’ll ask if they can make a cake we can bring back,” Amber suggested, and Nessonth brightened up at that. If it wasn’t for the fact he was in public, he would be doing cartwheels right now. I couldn’t help but giggle at him. Whenever he’s not leading the Guard, he’d spend most of his time looking after and playing with me. He always had a soft spot for children.

I coughed to get his attention.

“As much as I like to talk about cakes, we should be moving on. You said something about sending guards with us?” I asked my uncle. He blinked at me until both his eyebrows jumped up as he remembered what he was supposed to be doing.

“Oh right! Sorry about that, I got lost in the moment. Thanks little spark.” I rolled my eyes at him as he called me by my hatchling nickname. But it did make me warm and fuzzy inside. He moved closer to the airship and looked at both at us.

“So again, the King asked me to send some guards with you to Canterlot. Equestria is a peaceful place, but you can’t be too careful, so two dragoons in training with be accompanying you on your trip.” He turned to the ship and yelled up at it. “DRAGOONS!! FRONT AND CENTER!!”

I saw two shapes jump off the ship and landed right in front of my uncle, towering over him with great height. Dragoons were the elites of the guard. Rumored to be trained and bred from birth, they would take on difficult tasks that no other dragon could do. What’s more, whereas normal dragons usually walk around on all fours and sometimes on their hind legs for short amounts of time, dragoons could only walk on two legs, which made them taller and more imposing than most dragons, standing at almost over ten feet tall. They also didn’t have wings.

The dragoon on the left of Nessonth had blue scales, and silver eyes that looked like lightning coursed through them. She looked thinner than her partner, and also wore lesser armor while sporting two short swords by her waist.

Her partner had dark red scales, bright green eyes that held mischief in them, wore more armor and had a two-handed great axe strapped to his back. Both of the dragoons’ armor were decorated with an emblazoned Mark of the Dragoons, a golden dragon holding a black spear and a blue orb in its claws.

“All right you two, listen up! This may be your first mission outside of the Empire, but do not take this lightly! Make sure that no harm comes to Her Highness Princess Amber and Her Excellency Archmage Twilight. Is that understood?”

“SIR YES SIR!!” they both shouted in unison. Nessonth cocked an eyebrow at them.

“Good, because if I find out they have been harmed in any way, you’ll both wish something had come to kill you instead.” Both dragoons shivered at his threat.

“Now get back on the ship and make sure everything is in order.” The both of them nodded. The blue dragoon returned calmly back onto the airship, while the red dragoon bolted instead. Nessonth sighed then turned his head to look at us.

“That was Tessith and Derolth. They may be trainees, but they’re two of the best recruits in their unit. They’ll protect you two with their lives.” He said this with a smile as Amber smiled back. I returned the smile as well, but I was a bit unnerved to know those two would give their lives up for us, but who was I to complain. That was a soldier's life after all.

“Thank you, Commander Nessonth. I got to say I’ve never really seen a dragoon before.” She looked at the ship and frowned. “Are they like ‘always follow the rules’ stick-in-the-muds, because I already have one of those.”

“Hey!” I shouted. Amber looked backed at me but waved her claw dismissing me as I glared at her while Nessonth chuckled at the display.

“Not really, no. Tessith is somewhat shy around new dragons, but she’s courteous and firm when need be. She’ll do any job without question. Derolth on the other claw can be summed up as a loose cannon. He’d always pick a fight while training. He’s cocky and a bit of a show off, but he’s loyal and honest to a T. I have complete trust they can handle anything this mission will throw at them.” Nessonth nodded to Amber and me then looked up to the sky. “Woah! Look at the time. You both should get going.”

We got onto the ship and were under way in just a few minutes. I looked back and waved to my uncle, who returned the gesture. I smiled and looked out to the night sky one last time before I went to bed.

“Yes, I’m still mad about all that.” I crossed my arms and glared at Amber, she tilted her head and narrowed her eyes at me.

“I get that you would be mad about the market but you were fine at the docks.” I rolled my eyes at her.

“After the airship took off you called me little spark, very loudly at that, and the dragoons and crew laughed at me!” I yelled at her. I also caught some of the crew chuckle at what I said. I felt my anger rising and small sparks came off my horn. No, bad Twilight, no. You’re better than that. You cannot provoke yourself to stand in front of the Dragon Court again, I chastised myself.

“Oh yeah, I remember now. That was funny.” She giggled for a bit until she saw me glaring at her. “Oh come on, you need to lighten up. You take everything way too seriously, especially when it comes to jokes.”

I grumbled at her and looked over to the deck to see the two dragoons helping the ship mates with whatever they were doing. Derolth was carrying some supplies down below deck and Tessith was tying the ropes. They seemed to enjoy helping and working with the others, although the thought made me frown a bit since I didn’t know anything about them other than their names and occupation.

“So did you get to talk to the dragoons? I never got a chance, I was busy with other stuff.” She confirmed my question with a nod.

“Yeah. I got to talk to them at some points,” she answered while she narrowed her eyes to me, “You read all your books already, didn’t you?” She grinned at me except I looked away at her and scowled.

“I’m not going to answer that.” Even with that retort, Amber just laughed at me, shaking her head.

“Well, Nessonth was right about them, Tessith is shy but she’s real nice once you get to know her. She’s especially smart when it comes to weather and storms. Derolth is fun. He has a whole bunch of stories, but I’m pretty sure most of them are just made up. He also doesn't like to sit still, that’s why he’s working and moving all the time.” After Amber made her report on our two bodyguards, she looked out to the sea and frowned, as if she was worried about something.

“What’s wrong? I’ve never seen you look like that before.” She looked at me and sighed.

“When I talked to Derolth he said that he had a bad feeling about Canterlot. At first I thought he was being paranoid but Tessith said that Derolth always has gut feelings about things, but he’s never been wrong about them.” Amber crossed her arms together and closed her eyes. I looked at her and narrowed my eyes at her and raised my eyebrow at her.

“Amber, it’s a wedding. What could possibly—” Before I could finish Amber reached out and clamped my muzzle shut with her claw, her eyes wide, gazing at me.

STOP! DON’T SAY IT!” she yelled. I blinked at her as I pulled her claw away from my muzzle.

“Why? What is wrong with you all of a sudden?” I asked her, looking a bit confused.

“Do you know Murphy’s Law?” Again I blinked at her and racked my brain for the name.

“You mean the pony that made a law that says if anything can go wrong, will go wrong?” I asked her.

“Yes, so again don’t say it!” I rolled my eyes at her.

“Oh, come on. When ever has something like that happened?” I asked, but then an idea came to me as I wore an evil grin. “I never knew you to be the superstitious type, Amber.”

“I’m not, but you seem to be prone to that kind of effect.”


“Remember that one time when a bucket of paint dropped on you?”

My smile then faltered a bit. “The painters said that the ladder was wobbly.”

“Then there was the time you were trying a spell and it exploded,” she continued.

“Spell failure, it’s always a risk when trying new spells.” She raised an eyebrow.

“Then there was the swarm of chickens.”

“Some kids must have been poking at them.” I shuddered at the memory. It took a month before I got that screeching sound out of my head.

“And then there was that one time where an anvil almost fell on top of you.” I didn’t answer that. I had no idea why a group of dragons were moving an anvil.

“Anything else you’d like to share with me?” I asked although I didn’t care for an answer. By this point, my face was completely flat.

“Not at the moment, no. But you know what,” Amber tried to stifle a snicker, “n-now that I t-think about it y-you’re the very definition of that law. Are you sure your name isn’t Murphy instead?”

“Shut up!” I growled. Amber was cackling like a crazy drakaina, while I stood there fuming at her. It was bad enough she was making fun at my misfortune, but what made matters worse was that she was right.

“GAH! Why do I feel the entire universe is against me!?” I clung my head in my claws. I just want to escape to my own little world where everything was going right.

But before Amber could continue to get a word in, Tessith walked up to us.

“Excuse me Princess, Archmage. I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Tessith said in a soft spoken voice while I gave her a thankful look.

“No, you’re not. What is it?” I asked her. I could see Amber give me a look before turning her attention towards Tessith.

“I wanted to report that we are nearing Equestria. You’ll be able to see it in a few moments.” The three of us looked out from the bow of the ship, and true to her word after five minutes we saw land rising from the horizon. I could even make out the outline of a small city.

“How long until we arrive in Canterlot?” Tessith tilted her head to the sky and narrowed her eyes. I glanced at her as she studied the sky, then Tessith pulled out a map out of her bag and unrolled it in her claws. She studied it for a moment.

“Judging from where we are and how fast we’re going we should be there in…” She tilted her head and closed one eye, “about two and a half hours. I apologise, but I am using an old map so I can’t be one hundred percent sure.” I nodded and looked to Amber, who sighed in response.

“Well, I’m going to go take a nap. Tessith, can you or Derolth wake me up an hour before we arrive to Canterlot. Putting on my princess stuff on is a royal pain.” Tessith agreed with a firm nod and walked back down to the deck. Amber then turned to me. “So what are you going to do?”

I contemplated her question. “I might as well get something to eat and take a nap before we arrive. I’ve been up here for hours.”

Amber nodded and left me alone as I watched the land that is Equestria get closer. As I was heading back to the deck, I felt something running down the side of my face. When I wiped my face clear and saw what it was, I stared at it for a moment in confusion.

“Why am I crying?”

I was standing beside Amber as the airship crew were working to get the ramp down. I looked over to Amber who was now wearing her regalia. She looked nervous, her wings were fidgeting a bit as we waited.

“Nervous?” I asked her. She snapped her head to me and held it there for a moment before she sighed.

“Is it that obvious?” She shook her head and looked down to the ground. “I never thought I’d be this nervous about the whole thing. I just wanna start flying and get away from here as far away as possible.”

I looked at her with concern. I’d never seen her this nervous before and the fact wasn’t trying to hide it from me was surprising. Not that I could blame her, this whole thing was pretty much a new experience for me, and I was having butterflies in my stomach. But I steeled myself, and took a moment to think of a way to help her. Fortunately something came to mind as I looked over to Amber and smiled.

“Hey, do you remember the first day I got sent to the Court for blasting an earth dragon into a hill after he said something rude to me.” Amber looked at me and snorted.

“Yeah, how can I forget.” She chucked a bit. “You were freaking out so much that you made it sound like the world was ending.” I chucked a bit when she said that. She then tilted her head a bit.“I also remember you made this huge speech to apologize.” I frowned at her.

“It wasn’t that long,” I quickly said, but Amber gave me a deadpan stare.

“Twilight, it was long enough that you could have made it into a set of books. I even called it ‘Twilight’s Apology Letter to the Dragon Court: The Series’.” She motioned her claw in the air as she recited the title. I smacked her in the shoulder and glared at her, but she just started to laugh, while I grumbled at her.

“Well, I was going to help with your nerves, but you can forget it now.” I stuck my muzzle up high in defiance, except I looked back over to Amber for a moment and saw her smiling at me.

“Hey, I don’t know what you were trying to do, and I don’t think making me laugh was it. But thanks for that, I needed a good laugh to settle my nerves.” I saw that she was right. She didn’t look nervous anymore and looked happy. I couldn't help but return the smile.

“No problem. What are friends are for?” As I said that the crew started to lower the ramp down, and the two Dragoons walked in front of us and waited for it to finish lowering. Once that was done they moved down the ramp with Tessith in front and Derolth behind her. I could hear a gasp coming from where they were heading, and chuckled a bit. Dragoons are quite a sight if you’ve never seen one before.

“Well, this is it. You ready?” I asked. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. She then looked at me and nodded.

“Well, like your uncle says: into the breach.” I raised an eyebrow at her.

“Where did you hear that from?” She turned and gave me a toothy smile.

“From one of his stories.” I rolled my eyes at her as she started to walk off the ship. I waited for a moment then followed her down the ramp. I heard the tail end of what Tessith was saying.

“—Princess Amber Trasza!” I walked down the ramp and stood beside Amber as she bowed to the Princess of the Sun. I bowed as well and looked at the group in front of us. Celestia was taller than Amber by a foot and was wearing her renowned and well-known regalia. Beside her was a stallion unicorn with white fur and a mane with two different shades of blue, one lighter than the other. Beside him was a pink mare with both a horn and wings like Celestia, presumably the princess to be wed, and the stallion’s betrothed. Her mane had streaks of violet, rose red, and gold. I narrowed my eyes at her. I don’t know why, but I was getting a really bad vibe from her.

Looking over the other side of Celestia was another stallion unicorn who was also white but with a blond mane. He was giving us a smirk that made me want to throw something at him. Behind him was another unicorn stallion with black fur. I couldn't see his mane since it was covered by a helmet. But by guessing from the different colours of armor he was wearing, he was of a higher rank than the rest of the guards, who were all identical shades of white or grey.

Beside the black stallion was a unicorn mare with an orange-amber coat and a mane that had red and yellow streaks that intertwined with each other. I could feel her magic coming off her.

“Princess Amber Trasza, on behalf of everypony here and the citizens of Equestria, we welcome you to Canterlot.” Amber snorted. I rolled my eyes at her and nudged her with my tail and saw her turn her head to glare at me. Celestia looked surprised when she finally looked at me, as did the rest of her entourage. I also thought the Captain of the Guard, Shining Armor I thought his name was, looked to be on the brink of tears. I then heard Tessith continue to speak.

“Presenting the Princess’ guest, and Archmage of the Dragon Court—” I looked over at the group again who still had those shocked looks on their faces. I groaned a bit and shook my head. ‘Well this is going to be fun.’

“Her Excellency, Miss Twilight Scintillula.”

Author's Note:


Anyway sorry that it took a very long time for this to come out, editors doing their own thing (Make sense and I don't blame them) and mostly a lot of rewrites :/

So! I hope you enjoy this chapter and will see you in the next chapter..... when ever that's going to be :ajbemused: