• Published 27th Dec 2015
  • 25,217 Views, 1,397 Comments

Twilight: The Dragon Sorceress (Old story) - ExoDemonG

After growing up among dragons, Twilight Sparkle gets an unexpected family reunion when she attends the wedding of Princess Cadance.

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I was right, it was a long night. Shining Armor and Cadance dragged me to Velvets and Nightlights place where there were asking a lot of questions. I had Amber with me for support and, mostly, that she wanted to meet my real mom and dad. That night went by so fast that we didn’t know that a few hours past and night came around. That Night I got to talk to Luna again, seems to be that she slept through the whole event with the wedding, saying that she was a heavy sleeper. Which is saying a lot to a dragon.

When morning came I was sitting with Shining Armor since he wanted to chat with me. He held his head in his hooves and let out a sigh.

“This week has been more stressful than I thought.” he said. “And here I thought it was simply just for the Wedding and the dome.”

“Look on the bright side, the wedding is pushed back a week to repair everything.” I told him. He looked at me and let out another sigh.

“I don’t know Twi, the idea of helping the Changelings after all that happen. I can’t really trust them.” he informed me.

“That’s understandable, but hey you have to trust dragons which other say are worst.” I said with a cheeky smile. This made him snort.

“Yeah… yeah maybe you’re right…” he leaned back and looked up to the ceiling in silence. “I’ll talk to Caddy, she still has some resentment towards them but… we’re going to try.”

“That’s good, I didn’t believe that all this was over some love.” I said to him.

“Don’t… just, don’t.” he warned. “I’ll be spending my life with the Alicorn of Love, to her love is everything.”

I stared at him and nodded, not really wanting to deal with that. We chatted a bit more until the door open and one of the guards stepped in, looking a little panicked.

“Uhh, sir?” the guard said to Shining.

“Yes, soldier? What do you need?” Shining asked him. The soldier opened his muzzle before closing it, taking some time to find his words.

“Uhh, you might want to open your blinds.” he said. Shining and I blinked at this as Shining got off of his seat and towards the closed blinds. He opened them with his magic and went bugged eyed. He then closed the blinds and looked over at me.

“You… might want to see this.” he said. Curious, I got out of my seat and walked over to the blinds. I opened them to see a dark brown head looking towards me. It was a dragon that looked like it was made out of stone and rock, and also a familiar looking dragon.

“Nessonth!” I yelled as I opened the door to the balcony as he was flying right there.

“Kid! There you are.” he said, his low tone voice that could shake the earth was a welcoming sound to me. “I’ve been looking for you all morning!”

“All morning, wait you just got here?” I asked him.

“Got here late last night, just as the sun was rising. Me and three others came from your message.” he explained. Message? What message- oh, that message.

“Oh, uhh yeah about that. Everything is alright, no need to worry.” I told him. Nessonth gave me an odd look before his gaze went behind.

“Who’s he?” he asked. I turned around to see Shining looking up to my uncle.

“Twi… care to explain?” he asked. I looked at the two of them before sighing.

“Hey, mind going down on solid ground, there’s a lot to talk about.” I told Nessonth. He flapped his wings a few times to keep himself in the air and nodded.

“Alright kid, see you down there.” he said before turning around and flying back down. I turned to Shining and gave him a smile.

“Time for you two meet my other family.”

We headed down to the ground where Nessonth and two other dragons were there, a dark Red one and a silver one sat behind Nessonth as I explained everything. Shining was surprised that the big earth dragon in front of him was my uncle. As I finished Nessonth simply bellowed with laughter.

“Ha! I knew this day was coming, didn’t realized there was all that happened was came along with it but still.” he said.

“Wait, you knew?!” I asked him, kind of put off by this.

“Of course I did,” he leaned down to me. “You’re smart Twilight, I knew that if you wanted to you’ll find your family.”

I blushed a bit at his response as he pulled back. “But don’t go forgetting your family in the Dragon Empire. Your mother is worried sick about you.”

“Right, I should send a message that I’m alright.” I said, thinking of the best way to write out that note. Nessonth nodded before looking to my left.

“Soldier, come here.” he ordered Shining, who jumped at this.

“Yes, sir! Wait, I’m the captain of the Royal guard I shouldn’t…” he stopped as Nessonth glared down on him. “N-never mind.”

“So you’re my little Twi’s older brother eh?” he said. Shining simply nodded at my uncle. A rumbling sound came out of his throat as he mulled over the thought in his head.

“I… expected more of you, after taking care of Twilight I… no, I simply expected more of you. Maybe a little taller or something.”

“Uncle!” I snapped at him, seeing Shining shake.

“What? I was speaking my mind.” Nessonth said back to me. He looked at Shining and groaned. “At ease.”

Shining let out a breath as another, familiar dragon landed beside me. “Hey, didn’t realize you’re here Nessonth.” Amber greeted.

“Good to see you to Princess.” Nessonth snapped his claw. “Aissu, check Princess Amber for me.”

“Yes Commander.” Aissu said in a soft voice. She walked over and began checking Amber over. Amber squirmed a bit as the Silver dragon looked her over until she was finished. “She’s fine Commander.”

“Good, Groryd send a message to the Dragon Emperor.” my uncle ordered the dark red dragon. He nodded as he started to breathe out fire.

“Wait, why are you sending a message to my father?” Amber asked. Nessonth looked at her.

“Because Princess, your father is coming here, right now.” he explained, making me Amber and me gasp.

“The Dragon Emperor, coming here!” I shouted. Amber didn’t say anything as Nessonth nodded.

“After learning that there was an attack here he dropped everything to come here. He would’ve been here but there was a storm.” my uncle explained.

“Oh, uhh…” Amber shifted a bit with the news of her father coming.

“How long with our Emperor get here?” I asked Nessonth. He scratches his chin in thought.

“About… midday he’ll get here.” Nessonth said. “In fact, I believe he’ll be joining us for the wedding, so you’ll best behave boy. Also have the wedding outside.”

Shining looks around as Nessonth pointed at him as he looked back at the other two. “Groryd, Aissu, let’s go.”

“Yes Commander!” the both of them said. Soon the three of them took off into the air. We watch them fly off as Amber let out a shaky breath.

“My dad is coming, here! What am I going to do?” she questions herself. I move over to her and put a claw on her shoulder.

“Don’t worry Amber, when he finds out what happened here…” I paused for a moment, I don’t know what will happen when he get’s here.

“Excuse me, but what did he mean by ‘have the wedding outside,’?” Shining asked. “So far you all are pretty small for dragons.”

“Ah, you must be thinking about the size of Wild Dragons correct?” I asked him. He nodded at me to continue. “Well those dragons are big due to their greed, they bloat up and be monstrous in size but don’t have much control of themselves. So normal dragons can grow that size but at a slower rate.”

“Yeah, Twi here is about the same size as Princess Luna so that’s around six feet or so, the Dragoons are about seven to eight feet tall and I’m about ten to twelve.” Amber said.

“My Uncle is about twenty-five feet tall as the other two are ten feet bigger as you can tell.” I continued. Shining nodded, keeping track of the numbers.

“So… how big is the Dragon Emperor?” Shining asked. I thought about it until I saw a building with a dark grayish dome on top with gold wrapped around it and some designs of stars and golden waves.

“About, as tall as that building right there.” I told him. Shining turned to said building and his eyes widen.

“That’s… that’s a hundred and ten feet!” Shining yelled. I nodded.

“Yup, that’s why my uncle said to have the wedding outside.” I told him. He opened his mouth before closing it.

“I’m… going to go talk to Caddy.” With that Shining ran off, followed behind by two guards. Amber let out a sigh as we were now alone.

“I hope he doesn’t yell at me…” she muttered under her breath. I gave her a nudge and a smile.

“Come on, let’s find Sunset and her friends. I believe we are in need of some relaxation with some friends.” I told her. She smiled a little and nodded. The two of us flew off in search of the others.

After finding the group we hang out with them for the next few hours. Rainbow Dash and Amber were racing each other, again, as I sat with Sunset as we went over some notes on magic. Spike was talking to the two Dragoons who were a little battered with the fight with the Changelings. The others were somewhat here, Rarity was with Cadence remaking her dress as Applejack was helping with some rebuilding. I didn’t know that she was so good at rebuilding but I was then informed that she and her family rebuild their barn every few years or so. Pinkie was… somewhere, I don’t know where she disappeared to and everyone else told me to not worry about it, she’ll turn up anywhere. I also have a bowl of gems to share with Spike, Amber, and the Dragoons.

Speaking of Amber, she and Rainbow landed after finishing their race and landed panting and sweating a lot. “Man… I never had this much fun… racing…” Rainbow painted.

“Same here…” Amber said as the two walked over. Amber grabbed a claw full of Gems and pop them in her mouth.

“Hey hey, leave some for the rest of us.” I told her, a little annoyed. She simply grinned at me goofily, which earned her a smack with my tail. Sunset shook her head as the rest laughed until we heard something. It sounded like massive wings flapping in the air.

“What in Celestia is that!” Shadow asked as he came up with two guards. Amber looked at me and swallowed the gems in her mouth.

“That would be my father.” as she said that a large shadow went over us. We looked up to see a massive dragon flew over us.

“That’s your father!” Spike yelled as he fell backward. Sunset picked him up with her magic as Amber nodded.

“He’s also the Dragon Emperor.” I told them. Shadow simply watched the Emperor flew over Canterlot and landed some ways away from the place, even from this distance I felt the loud thud of him landing. Amber and I looked at each other and nodded.

“Well, let’s go meet him.” Amber said. With that, all of us, Shadow and guards and all, headed towards the Emperor. It took us some time, almost a half an hour, to get to him and… I’m still speechless at the sheer size of him. I looked back at everyone and gesture to the large dragon.

“Everyone, meet Dragon Emperor Kysoid.” I introduce them. The Emperor was a massive deep red coloured dragon, his scales were dark enough to look like molten lava laid beneath it. His wings could stretch so far that they could block the sun. He sat on the ground and held himself with a sense of duty and power. Other dragons were around him but compared to him they were simply birds to him. His attention was drawn to Princess Celestia, but to him, she looked like an insect. He didn’t seem to move other than a nod here and there.

“That’s… big.” Rainbow said. “And you said a storm slowed him down?!”

“Yeah.” Amber said. “Must have been a big one.”

“You’re kidding, he could’ve pushed it away with his wings alone!” Rainbow said again. Before anyone else could say anything a loud voice spoke.

“Where is Princess Amber and Archmage Twilight?” the Emperor asked. I shivered in fear as he called my name out. I looked over to Amber and saw that same fear as I had. His voice showed no anger or joy, just an unsettling even tone. The two of us stepped forward and flew up towards him. As we got up there his gaze, two piercing gray eyes looked towards us, one that could match and succeed my uncle’s own gaze. “Ahhh, there you are. I have to say you two had an… interesting time here, haven’t you.”

“Y-yes sir.” Amber said, trying to keep a good posture but it was failing. I licked my lips as they felt dry. Celestia flew by as the Emperor lifted his head up a bit. Some clouds moved around his horns as they scraped the very sky.

“I was told that there were some, outbursts.” his gaze turned to me. “Snapping at the bride days before her wedding, arguing with Princess Celestia out of anger, dueling one of her own guardsmen at such a tension time.” his gaze turned to Amber. “And you, racing around the city where you should’ve been mingling with the nobility, losing one of your mother’s golden garments over a bet.”

I turned to Amber as she rubbed the back of her head. “I uh… bet it to Rainbow…”

“And overall, the two of you are not what I saw when I sent one of my blood and my Archmage to work on a treaty.” he said. I hung my head in shame. I knew that what I did was wrong, I should’ve kept my temper back. Amber also hung her head in shame. “But.”

The two of us looked up at him. “As I was told, the bride was that of a creature called a Changeling, one that could shapeshift into any pony she wants, and the events continued it would have led to a war between the three races, but Amber,” he turned to her and smiled. “My daughter, you have stepped up to bring a more peaceful solution to them and maybe, a treaty with them along with the Ponies of Equestria. For that, I’m proud of you.”

I watched as Amber seemed to glow with pride of herself. The Emperor looked over at me. “And for you Twilight Scintillula, even with your outbursts you have shown confidence in your ability and found something of your past, something that you didn’t even know.” I blinked at him, did he know?

“For that, I’m glad that my daughter asked you to go with her for this mission.” the Emperor looked towards the Solar deity. “I believe there’s without a doubt that the treaty shall be approved?”

“Yes Emperor Kysoid, I believe that after the events of the wedding and some talking, I think we should open our borders to each other’s lands.” Princess Celestia said with a smile. I smiled happily at this as I looked at Amber, who was also smiling.

“That’s good, now with that out of the way I believe there’s a Changeling Queen to talk to and a Wedding to finish.” the Emperor spread his wings and gave a few flaps, blowing the air away from us and blowing away everything until there was a large spot in front of us. “I believe this is a good spoke, don’t you think Princess?”

“Yes, I believe so as well.” Celestia said. The Emperor nodded and looked over at me and Amber.

“You two can go now, hang out with your new friends and,” he looked over at me. “Family. I’ll take care of everything.”

The two of us bowed at them and flew down to our friends, who were dusting themselves off from what the Emperor did.

“So, what did he say?” Rainbow asked. I smiled at her.

“The treaty came through, everything is good.” I told her. The group cheered at this.

“We should celebrate!” Pinkie yelled out of nowhere, making confetti burst out behind her, which was behind me, making me yelp.

“Don’t do that! Wait, how did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Appear out of nowhere!”

“I wasn’t nowhere, I was behind you.”

“No you weren’t!” I snapped at her. She simply gave me a smile and booped my nose.

“You’re silly, now party!” with that she bounced off. My eye twitched at this so much so that my wing shifted oddly.

“Calm Twilight, calm.” Amber said, making me smack her with my wing. “Ow! What did I do this time!”

“Let me be twitchy!” I snapped at her. She stared at me before shaking her head.

“Okay, I get all those other times, but this is just dumb.” she deadpanned. I sighed as I looked down to the ground.

“She just… makes no sense to me.” I told her. She patted my shoulder with her claw.

“Just don’t worry about it Twi, let’s go have fun till the wedding.” she told me. With a smile, the two of us followed the others to this party.

It was after the Wedding and everyone was in high spirits. Oddly there was this unicorn that’s a DJ from Sunset’s town of Ponyville. A white mare with an electric blue coloured mane and sunglasses. Why she has them on at night? Well I asked her and she said she can.

Overall the wedding went off smoothly, Shining and Cadence got married with everypony there along with the dragons. Kinda spooky with a giant dragon looking down at this but hey, I heard Equestria is also home to the weird. Look at the pink pony.

As the music played I watched everyone dance and enjoy their time. I sipped from some apple cider as I watched on the party goers.

“Excuse me? Is this seat taken?” a mare’s voice asked me. I looked and saw an amber coloured mare with a greenish mane. She smiled at me as she waited.

“No, it’s free.” I told her. She smiled as she got up on the chair and watched the others dance.

“This place is so peaceful and happy, even after the Changeling attack.” the mare said. I nodded at this.

“What can I say, these ponies seem to bounce back quickly.” I told her. I looked over to the mare and got a sense that I seen her before. “Say… did we ever met before?”

“You can say that,” she looked over at me. “How about the name Ril?”

I blinked at this, wasn’t that the same name as the Changeling Queen’s daughter? As I stared at her there was a wave for amber fire that showed me the Changeling Princess for a moment before returning back to normal.

“Ohhh, you’re her!” I said, making Ril giggle.

“Yeah, I’m me, nice to meet you again!” she said.

“What are you doing here?” I asked her. She gave me a look as if I was crazy.

“It’s a party, I like parties and cake. Like that dragon over there.” she pointed to the large table where my uncle was happily eating some cake. I chuckled at this before looking back at Ril.

“How’s your mom?” I asked her. She stared off into the crowd, no mostly past them as she thought of something.

“She’s… alright. She’s still dealing with this treaty thing but as long as it keeps the hive going she’ll follow through.” she turned back to me. “She said that there’s going to be a few drones come around in disguise while we move the hive a bit closer so it doesn’t take weeks to go back and forth.”

“I see, well I do hope everything gets better for you all.” I told her. She let out a sigh.

“Yeah, it’s just seeing if any ponies accept us Changelings and the Changelings accepting the ponies.” she said softly before perking up. “But hey, things will be alright, I know it will!”

“I believe so too Ril… I believe so too.” I said. The two of us sat there before Ril went off again. As I watched her I saw two other ponies watching her, there was something off about them and saw the Ril walked toward them and talk to them. Where they other Changelings?

I decide not to dwell on it as Amber came up to me. “Come on Twilight, come dance!”

“Oh no, you know that I don’t danc-ahh!” I was pulled off my seat and onto the dance floor with everyone around me.

Oh this is going to be a night. What’s with me and long nights?

After the next few days after the party, I stood in front of the airship that was getting ready to head back home. Amber was going to be staying with her father as he was still working out some things while I was going back. As much as Canterlot was… interesting I simply want to go home. Celestia was kind enough to let me have some books, which was really two tall stacks of them, she didn’t really mind after everything everyone been through.

I watched the Dragoons carry the last few items onto the airship as I turned around to see my family there to say goodbye. “You sure you have to leave so soon?” Cadence asked me.

“Yeah, as much I love to stay I have my own duties over there, also my family there would be worried as well if I don’t come back.” I told her. She was a little sad about this but she gave me a smile and a hug.

“I wished we met in better circumstances.” Cadence admit. I chuckled at this.

“I don’t know, I think it was kinda fun.” I laughed to see both Cadence and Shining’s expressions that they didn’t think so. “It was a joke…”

“Moving along.” Velvet said, moving up to me with a smile. “Do come back to visit, you have a home here.”

“I will.” I told her, hugging my mom. She smiled before chuckling.

“I would also want to meet the ones that raised you, it be interesting.” she said with a smirk. I laughed at this, not really sure if how that would turn out.

“I’ll tell them that.” I said. Mom gave me a smile before Shining came up to me.

“I guess I’ll see you little sister.” he said with a smile. I laughed at this.

“Little? I’m bigger than you!” I pointed out. He simply rolled his eyes.

“You get what I mean.” he said. The two of us laughed before I heard one of the crew yell out that everything is ready. I looked back at my family and gave them all a hug. I soon got abroad on the ship as it was about to take off. I stood by the starboard side of the ship and waved at the others as the ship took off.

“You’ll see them again Twi.” my uncle said. I smiled at this as I looked over at him.

“Yeah… I have a feeling that I will.”

Author's Note:

Wow... it’s done.

I’ll have a blog post with more of my thoughts on the story

See any mistakes? Leave them down in the Comments thanks!