• Published 15th Feb 2016
  • 645 Views, 14 Comments

The Crystal Changeling - Zoljen

What do you do when you discover a changeling that was encased in a crystal egg? Why, get it to tell you a story of adventure!

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Crystal let out a low sigh as she watched Dust sitting in a corner, his legs crossed as he looked relaxed. His body glowed a faint dusty brown, matching his fur, while his fake horn shone through. A few pebbles near him were glowing, with only one floating up around him. Crystal looked about the room they were in.

They were in what appeared to be a living room of sorts. Dark laid across a couch, facing away from Dust and Crystal, as he read through a book. Tesla was currently being annoyed by Peter, with Silverwing watching the pair. And finally Rose was looking out a window, gazing at the soft sunrise.

She stood, walked over to him, and sat beside him. Rose glanced at her for a moment before looking back out the window. They just sat in silence for a while, before the door opening caught their attention. All eyes fell upon the door, and the white alicorn stallion standing there, glaring at each of them.

He stood proudly, like a warrior before a battlefield. The end of his muzzle, and his hooves were red, matching his eyes as he looked each of them over. Before he even spoke, Rose and Crystal snapped to attention, earning a short eyebrow raise as he focused on those two. He snorted loudly, “You seven are to follow me, we have questions that you all must answer.” He opened the door further and stepped back, sweeping a wing to gesture down the hall.

“Yes sir,” Crystal and Rose said with a salute. Crystal trotted over to Dust to get him out of his meditation, as everyone else got up and followed along. The group trotted along in silence, being lead by the white alicorn, and tailed by four guards. They passed various rooms until they made it to a very large hallway.

Sitting at one end were a pair of alicorns. One was a stallion that sits proudly, his coat as dark as the night, with his mane looking like a purplish night sky. His deep blue eyes scanned the young group as they all trot up and bow. Sitting beside him is a mare, whose coat is as white as snow, with it fading to an amber sun at her hooves and wing tips. Her mane is a brillant amber, fading into a royal purple.

In front of them are various creatures, a pegasus, an earth pony, a griffin, a changeling, and a single unicorn. The griffin wore a set of dark green lacquered leather armor, covering his earth brown frame, while the others wore a simple colored sash. The pegasus wore an indigo sash, the unicorn had on a white sash with gold trim, while the earth pony had on a blue sash that matched the blue and silver bracelets he wore. The changeling wore a simple purple sash. Each one had a symbol on it, but from the distance Crystal couldn't make it out.

The seven walked up and bowed before the group of five, as the white alicorn that led them here moved over to sit next to the armored griffin. “Rise, and state your names for us.” He commanded. His tone had a hint of warmth to it, but still made Dust, Rose, and Crystal straighten up quicker than the others.

“I am Dust Horn,” Dust started off, gesturing to himself before he gestured to the others. “Rose Wind is the thestral, Silverwing is the pegasus, Crystal is the morphling, Dark Horizon is the unicorn, Peter is the griffin, and Tesla is the dragon.”

“Ahh yes,” another voice started up, making the group look to their left just as a small gold drake landed on Tesla’s snout. The larger dragon stared down at the smaller, making the gold giggle and his two pairs of wings flutter. “I’m Jin, and you aren't very stealthy, Tesla.” That made the larger dragon gulp nervously.

“Aww, don't worry big guy, we won't lock you up or anything. Just expect us to be good friends and you can count on us for anything!” Jin grinned widely as he floated up and away.

“If you are done, Lord Jin.” Shiro spoke with a faint growl.

“Yes, Lord Shiro of grumpton.” Jin grinned back at him.

The griffin snorted softly, shaking his head. “As you seven are aware, we are the Virtues. I am Strength, the pegasus beside me is Compassion, the unicorn is Life, then we have Hope, and finally Love,” He gestured to each as he spoke. “And we are wondering why you brought in an unconscious Captain Quake, and what in Tartarus is going on!”

Dust nodded and stepped forward and begin the tale of how this all started. Crystal and Rose also added in some commentary, as the Virtues and others just listened in. Storytime continued on for what felt like an hour, catching them up to current events. Just as Dust finished his story, there was a faint knock on the door. Shiro stood and went to it, opening it partially and glancing out.

After a moment, Shiro stepped back and the door opened further. In stepped a deep blue alicorn mare, her coat seemed to sparkle like fresh snow, and her short purple mane flowed like it was in a breeze. Faint little glimmers could be seen in the mane as she strode by the group, her eyes looking over each member and lingering longer on Dust, before looking slightly below him. She walked up to the virtues and bowed slightly.

“Forgive me for being late. Something took hold of my attention far longer than I had planned,” she straightened up and took her spot behind the unicorn. Crystal glanced to Dust, who hadn’t taken his eyes off of her and glanced just below him.

She leaned closer to him and poked his side, “Your horn is showing.” She whispered. He squeaked and instantly looked up as she giggled. “The other one.” Dust’s cheeks turned a bright red as he lowered himself down. By the time he had fully lowered himself, his face was glowing and Crystal was sure he wished he had wings to hide behind.

The new alicorn watched the earth pony lower himself, smirking faintly as she looked over the group again. “Are these the ones that brought in Captain Quake?”

Crystal stepped forward with a nod, “Yes, ma’am.” The alicorn turned her gaze to the changeling next, raising an eyebrow.

“You must be far from your hive.” The alicorn then looked at the group in closer detail. “And a dragon working with a griffin, this is certainly an odd surprise.”

“Yes, Grey Pilgrim, this five hundred year old dragon working with a young griffin!” Jin commented as he floated up to the alicorn and landed on her back, pulling her mane around him gently. “This group is full of surprises! I wonder what else is in store!”

“I don't belong to a hive, ma’am.” Crystal commented once the drake was done speaking. All eyes fell on her, making her blink and step back, lowering herself slightly.

“All morphlings belong to one!” Shiro stepped towards the group. He blinked as Crystal stepped up towards him, almost glaring.

“Not if I'm abandoned.”

“But that's…” Shiro started before another voice cut him off.

“Irrelevant, Lord Shiro,” Grey Pilgrim pulled the stallion back with a soft purple glow. “They have brought to our attention what the threat is, and have returned to us Captain Quake,” She looked among the group again. “And six of them are Element bearers.”

Shiro turned to face her, ears perked. “But you just walked in, how can you tell?” The mare raised a hoof to point at Crystal, but she wasn't pointing directly at her. Instead she was pointing at the bronze bracer that was clearly visible against the grey chitin.

“Each one, except the earth pony and unicorn, has a bracer that glows a different color to me. The earth pony’s aura is a mix of colors. Ranging from brown to purple,” She moved to her hoof to point at Dust as she spoke, making him blink and look up at her. “For a war general, you certainly are blind to the obvious, Lord Shiro.”

Shiro narrowed his eyes into a glare at the alicorn, who wore a smug grin. He opened his mouth to say something but she cut him off, again. “I will win.”

Strength just sighed as he dragged a paw down his face. “If the gods are done bickering like foals, we still have the present matter to discuss.”

“Yes, what do we do about the encroaching darkness?” Life spoke up. “And what we do with these ponies, right?”

“Yes,” Strength focused on each of the group. “Lord Shiro, what kind of training can you provide for these seven?” Shiro blinked and looked down at the griffin who looked back up at him. After a moment of locked eyes, he looked back at the group.

“Even the unicorn?”

“Even him.”

Shiro let out a long sigh that mixed with a groan, “I suppose I can put something together, but it won't be as effective in such a short time.”

“Aww, but Shiro! They were trained by Quake! There shouldn't be much of a problem with them! And they have been fighting those things on their way.” Jin grinned as he floated over to land on Shiro.

“Three of them were trained by him. Rose, Dust, and Crystal. The rest don't have the same training,” Shiro looked at Jin as he pointed to the group. “The dragon and griffin can at least old their own, I don't know about the unicorn and pegasus.”

“Lord Shiro,” Grey started up, her eyes focused on the group. “I will help train them too as they could use knowledge in the Elements that six of them bare.”

Shiro sighed as he looked at the group. “Fine, I suggest we get them a meal, while Grey and I come up some form of training regime on such a short notice.”

“Lord Jin, care to escort them to the mess hall? If any of the guards have questions, just explain the situation.” Strength gently commanded as he stood up. Jin nodded and floated up and over to the group, landing on Tesla again.

“Alrighty, I shall get these guys to there. Where to after that?”

“Back to the room, I suspect Lord Shiro and I will not have the training regime ready by then. Also, I wish to speak with them in closer detail.” Grey stood up, looking over the group again before focusing on the door. Her horn lighting up and opening the door for them.

Jin nodded and gestured towards the door. “Okay, let’s go get some food!” They each nodded, bowed before the group, and left the large room. The march towards the mess hall was silent, at least until the first turn when Jin let out a sigh. “You know, we aren't going to torment you… Shiro might with his training, but the rest of us won't.”

“Forgive us, Lord Jin,” Tesla started up. “Being in the presence of the Virtues, along with so many alicorns at once is a bit…”

“Intimidating.” Crystal finished. Jin blinked, looking at each of them as they all basically nodded their agreement.

“Huh, I guess that is true.” Jin stroked his chin as he looked deep in thought. “Also, with me, you don't need that stuffy title. Jin is just fine, Shiro and Grey Pilgrim, however…” Jin sighed, slumping his shoulders. “They love their titles.”

Crystal slowed to Dust’s side, as the rest pulled ahead. Crystal looked him over, taking note that he still had a faint blush and was looking down. Crystal let out a soft sigh and gently nudged his side, making him squeak and look up at her quickly.

“What's wrong?” Crystal inquired just loud enough for him to hear. He looked down again and sighed.


“Grey Pilgrim?”

“Yes,” Dust muttered, his blush growing a little brighter. “She is so much more than I originally thought. But…” He trailed off, slowing in his stride.

“But what?” Crystal watched Dust.

“There is no chance of it ever happening.” Dust whined softly.

“Well, you could always ask.” Jins voice came from above the earth pony, making him squeak loudly and flail his limbs about as he fell over. Crystal also bounced back and looked up at the floating drake hovering above the earth pony and chuckling.

“Do you delight in giving ponies heart attacks?!” Crystal screeched once she caught her breath. The drake merely shrugged as he grinned.

“You two were lagging behind, I was curious why. But to find out the little earth pony here has a crush on one of the most powerful alicorns?” The more Jin talked, the more Dust’s blush grew. “I find it cute, though none have gotten a smirk out of her with standing at attention that fast.”

“Lord Jin!” Crystal barked, making the drake look at her for a moment before he burst out laughing.

“I told you, you don't need a title with me,” He chortled as he floated over to Crystal and poked her nose. “Now come on, we should get to the mess hall before there is no food. I can give your friend dating tips.”

“I think you’re the last drake to give good dating advice,” Peter stepped up behind Jin, making him glance over his shoulder.

“I’ll have you know, Mr griffin, that I have been around for a very very long time. I'm an expert!” Jin huffed and crossed his arms.

“Well, I suppose that is true. You’ve been on Shiro’s shoulder for how long?” A grin swept across Peter’s beak as Jin just stared at him. “You two have been together for ages, and will continue to do so, forever.”

Crystal coughed fakely to draw their attention. “Don't mind Peter, he’s… random. Onto food?” Jin looked back at Peter, who was nodding quickly. Jin raised an eyebrow, then just shook his head and floated back to lead the pack to the mess hall.

The trip to the mess hall went by with little interruption, along with getting food for everyone. Jin took the time to introduce everyone present, as based on what was going to happen, the group would get very familiar with the staff. After lunch, Jin escorted the group back to their room, where Grey and Shiro were already waiting for them.

Crystal was the first to enter and noticed them after taking a few steps in. She stepped off to the side and saluted, the others starting to do the same once they saw why. Shrio glanced up at them and gestured them to relax.

“At ease,” He commented. “At least some of you know to salute a superior officer.” Shiro gestured to the seats. “Grey and I have decided that we need to get better information about each of you before we can come up with a plan of action.”

“Indeed,” Grey started up, looking over the various clipboards held up in her sky blue magic. “The only ones we know about are Crystal, Rose Wind, and Dust Horn. So Shiro will be talking with Crystal and Rose, while I will talk with Dust. After that we will talk to the others and adjust our current ideas accordingly.”

After that, Dust let out a soft squeak as he stared at Grey, a faint pink tint starting to appear on his cheeks. Crystal glanced at Dust for a moment, then back to Grey. “Is it safe to assume you’re going to talk to Dark next after that?”

“Given that he is also a magic user, and strong as well in that regard,” Grey focused her eyes on Dark next. “Yes. Afterwards, I will speak to Tesla, with the aid of Lord Jin,” Once she finished, She and Shiro stood and started towards different rooms that Crystal had earlier discovered were bedrooms. Shiro stopped at the door to it and looked directly at Crystal.

“Crystal,” He spoke her name firmly, making her stand at attention and start to follow. Dust had already started towards the other room. She followed the alicorn into the room and stood at attention once he closed the door. He watched her for a moment, before gesturing to the couch. “You can sit there.” She nodded and moved to sit, never letting her eyes fall off the alicorn.

“You’ve never been before an alicorn before today, have you?” Shiro raised an eyebrow as Crystal shook her head. “Hmm, you have been trained by one I consider a higher rank than what he actually is. Why were you in a military camp anyway? Morphlings belong to a hive, and are one of the few races exempt from being a part of the military.”

“I am aware, sir. But I joined to be with my brother, Dust Horn.”

“Your brother?” Crystal watched as a puzzled look crossed Shiro’s features as he tried to process that information.

“I am aware that isn't my biological brother, sir. But, by all rights I consider him one. I even consider Rose Wind one, even though he isn't related to Dust Horn.” Crystal kept her attention focused on Shiro as she spoke. “So yes, it is strange that a morphling, who has no hive to call her own, is throwing her life into mortal danger for the ones she considers family.”

“I… see.” Shiro said slowly, now looking the changeling over in greater detail. “I can see why that blade choose you to be its wielder.” Crystal blinked and looked at the blade she had all but forgotten on her back. “I remember when that blade was crafted, using the Elements before from a different time.” Crystal looked back at Shiro before looking down.

“You’re scared of what that blade can do, aren't you?” Shiro asked at almost a whisper, and when he got a short nod as a response, he chuckled softly.

“I nearly killed Dark.”

“You wouldn't have,” The firm statement made Crystal look up sharply. “While it is an actual blade and will cut flesh. It will purge the darkness first before it kills anypony.”

“I was in a red haze,” Crystal looked away again. “I saw black shapes among multicolored ones. It took Rose yelling my name to make me stop. And… My blade was an inch or so away from Dark when I did.”

“When did you get the blade?”

“After getting the Elements,” Crystal looked towards Shiro, focusing on his hooves at the moment. “When we were attacked and forced back inside the cave. I was thrown through a wall and I felt my hoof touch its handle. After that, I noticed my hoof become a paw, and next thing I knew, I was an inch from Dark.”

“Your rage may have mistaken him for the shadows, because of his dark coloration.”

“Y-yeah, that's what me and Dust suspected.” Crystal looked away, which made Shiro sigh.

“So confident one moment, yet so meek the next.” Shiro narrowed his eyes are the changeling before him as she looked up at him again. “You are unlike any morphling I have met before.”

“I doubt that, you’re an alicorn. You’re ageless.” Crystal looked away with a soft snort. “I'm sure you’ve encountered many morphlings like me.”

“None that held the Edge of Elements.” Shiro deadpanned as he watched Crystal look sharply at him. “In fact, only three others before you have wielded that blade. Myself, Lord Nox when he was younger, and a griffin.” Crystal blinked at the mention of the griffin. “He was a young and valiant soul, but he went missing with the blade.”

“Why did he have it?” Crystal tilted her head, ears perked as she listened in.

“He was training to be the next captain of the guard,” Shiro let out a soft sigh. “That was about two hundred years ago. But that is a story for another time.” Shiro looked past Crystal, at the blade on her back and smirked. After a moment, she noticed his horn glowing before the blade floated into her view.

She gasped and started to reach for it, but found her hooves stuck to the ground. She looked down then back up just as he spoke. The blades handle was held in a deep red glow as Shiro was looking across the blade.

“Still as sharp as the day it was made,” Shiro grinned as he looked along it, pointing it towards her. “Griffins made this blade, you know. Forged in Dragon fire, and imbued with a part of the Elements of Harmony.”

Crystal raised an eyebrow, “Imbued with a part of the Elements? How?”

“A long complex procedure that Grey Pilgrim probably remembers. If not, Librarian has it in his Library, under heavy guard and rocks.” Shiro floated the blade back to Crystal, who looked at the blade for a moment before putting it away.

As she put it away, she glanced at Shiro. “Do you remember his color?”

“Hm?” Shiro raised an eyebrow. “Whose?”

“That griffin who had this sword before me.”

“Silver eagle with a strong black lion rear,” Shiro said slowly, eyeing the changeling before him. “Why do you ask?”

“I took on a griffin form when I held the blade, and I vaguely recall seeing silver.” Crystal looked up into the shocked expression of Shiro. “Maybe his final act was to help me protect my friends.” She shrugged slightly.

“Maybe, you’re dismissed for now Crystal. Send in Rose Wind.” Shiro commanded softly as he sat back up. Crystal saluted him and trotted back. Once outside the bedroom she looked around found Rose back at the window. She trotted up and went to tap his shoulder but a wing blocked her. He glanced over his shoulder at her.

“I heard he wants me next,” Crystal blinked. “He said it kind of loud, plus the others have been silent,” He slowly stood up. “Wish me luck, Crystal.” She nodded and took his spot as he trotted in.

“I do not know how his questioning went,” Crystal explained as she watched Shiro. “Or any of the others for that matter. They were rather quiet about it, except for Dust. He was talking about Grey Pilgrim for a long time afterwards.”

“Didn't they go for a walk that night too?” Jin grinned as Crystal looked at him quickly. “Hey! I keep an eye on my fellow gods!” Crystal shook her head with a grin.

“The next day…” Crystal started.

“Your fun began.“ Shiro finished with a grin.

Author's Note:

All Art done by Foxenawolf.

Comments ( 1 )

Ahhh, Shiro and Jin. Those two are far too much fun.

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