• Published 15th Feb 2016
  • 645 Views, 14 Comments

The Crystal Changeling - Zoljen

What do you do when you discover a changeling that was encased in a crystal egg? Why, get it to tell you a story of adventure!

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“So, you are from the Ruby Hive, Talon?” Crystal stretched out on the bed that she had been given after proving she was not a threat. She was currently sharing a room with Talon and Scope, the others had all gone to bed and left the ones who didn't really need sleep at the moment with her.

“We both are,” Talon nodded slowly. “Although I don't know of any Emerald Hive.”

“That is because it died out long before my friends and I became heroes,” she sighed. “In fact, that was one reason why I became a fighter.”

“Hive was destroyed, I’m assuming?” Talon asked quietly, getting a nod in response. “Something the Gem Hives seem to have in common.”

“Can we go for a walk or something? I do not want to be cooped up in here for the whole night.” Crystal stretched out again. “I was asleep for a very long time and would like to do something. I promise not to teleport or run off.”

Talon shrugged, glancing at Scope. “You’re the boss here. As I think you still outrank a Wonderbolt Recruit.” Talon chuckled as Scope nodded and kept his eyes on Crystal.

“I suppose we can go for a walk, however, you are to remain by my side. If you are as honest as you say, that shouldn't be a problem.” Scope stood up and stretched out, then moved over to the door.

Crystal grinned and hopped off the bed, “Thank you. I am curious where I am.”

Scope opened the door and stepped out, “Mirrormere. The Capital of the Crystal Empire.”

Crystal blinked, “That was a small quaint little town on the edge of Hope’s domain! How did it become the capital?”

“Uh. That might be better explained by Princess Twilight in the morning,” Scope said as stood beside Crystal once she was finally out of the room. Talon followed them from behind.

“Right. I guess reading a few history books would be in order.”

“I’d start with the most recent events really,” Talon started, “At least I managed to catch up with the last twenty or so years.”

Crystal stopped and glanced over her shoulder at Talon, “How did you miss that short of time?”

Talon growled lowly, “Discord.”

Crystal stared for a moment, looking confused, “Who?”

“You don't know who Discord is?” Talon blinked as they walked along.

“No, should I?”

“We can introduce her to the god of chaos later, as I am sure he is off busy with tormenting other ponies at this moment,” Scope chuckled.

“So, my question to you two,” Crystal started up as they rounded a corner. “Is why are you not disguised?” She gestured back to Talon.

“Got in a fight with some strong pony and got scared. Simple as that.”

“I have been in plenty of fights, yet I can still disguise myself.” At that, in a flare of white fire, the changeling was replaced with a snow-white unicorn. She had blue hooves and a deep golden mane and short cut tail that has streaks of platinum in them. The single bracer remained on her forearm, as she grinned softly to the pair that was escorting her.

Talon chuckled softly. “I can still do that, I just can't fully hide myself,” he held up his left forehoof. “It won't fully colorize. So there is no point in me doing it, plus I fight better this way anyway.”

“Fight? I figured being a member of the guard meant you had to. But I did not suspect harvesters to do that.” Crystal watched Talon and Scope, as they turned another corner. Seemingly just going for a walk through the palace.

Talon shook his head, “We’re soldiers. Our hive is no more, destroyed before our very eyes. Although I would very much like to hear your story.”

“It is a very long tale,” Crystal stopped for a moment to stretch out her limbs, retaking her changeling form to do so. “It would most likely take days to tell.”

“Huh,” Talon looked at Scope. “Then I bet Twilight will take notes, especially since you're a veritable relic from that time. Guess I can just read those then. Only here on patrol with Rainbow Dash.”

“That rainbow maned mare? I sensed a lot of power from her, and those other mares as well.”

“Well, they are the Element Bearers,” Scope lead them down another turn. “We should return to the room.”

“Indeed, sir.”

“So, we meet again, Crystal Heart.” Crystal stood a good yard or so from the floating relic that had a pair of guards around it. Twilight, Shining, Cadance, and a few others all watched Crystal as she just grinned at it, “You do not have to fear, Captain. The energy that Heart provides won't get touched by me.”

“And why is that?” Shining growled out softly, earning a glare from Twilight and Cadance.

“Because, as I may be a… Changeling, as you called me. I don't have to feed on emotional energy.”


Crystal turned to face Twilight, “It would be better if the alicorns present scanned me. Hearing it from two ponies, rather than one you distrust, would maybe grant me a little trust.”

Twilight nodded, glancing at Cadance for a second before they looked upon the changeling before them. They both started up their scanning spells, and Twilight was the first to gasp.

“How… You register as an alicorn?” Twilight blinked, her spell still going, “And… While you can feed, you don't have to. Holy Tartarus, Your power level is close to my own!” Twilight sat, staring blankly at Crystal.

“I was given the eternal lifespan of an alicorn. It was required to seal away an evil within myself. I am thankful that whatever wave of energy happened a short time ago aided me.”

“Short time…” Twilight trailed off, “Only one I recall was banishing Sombra.”

Crystal nodded at that, “That one, then. It was powerful enough to repel evil and aid me in defeating…” She trailed off, looking down and muttering, “him.”

Twilight looked at Cadance, who was just as stunned as she was at the power level. She turned to Crystal, who had resumed looking at the heart. “Okay, now I am really curious how a changeling became a god.”

“It was not easy. I had to prove to the alicorn who gave up her power that I was willing to lay down my life for Equus. I suppose I should start that story now, huh? Your highnesses.”

“You don't need that title with me, Crystal.” Twilight stood and walked closer to the changeling.

“I am afraid I am honour bound to do that, your highness. You appear to be royalty and I must treat my superiors with respect.” Crystal turned to Twilight, bowing to her.

“I… er… Okay. If it makes you feel better.”

Crystal nodded as she stood up, “I have heard from Scope and Talon that there are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna who rule over the sun and moon now. I wonder if they are anything like Lady Aurora and Lord Nox.”

“Given that they are the lordships children, and they have ruled well for the past thousand or so years. Yes, they are everything like their parents.” The new voice startled Crystal, who turned to it. She gasped as she saw an alicorn made out of quartz grinning at her warmly. A necklace with a green glowing gem hung around its neck.

“Partner! You still live!” Crystal dashed over and hugged the construct, making Cadance and Twilight chuckle softly.

“As do you, Miss Crystal.” She hugged her back. “It is good to know that you didn't fail in your efforts.”

“Nope, I succeeded.” Crystal held Partner at arms length, grinning.

“I trust that he is just a memory now?” Crystal nodded, as Partner continued, “Then you can enjoy a normal life now.”

“Without my friends, sure.” Crystal sighed forlornly.

“One still lives, and I can let the dragon know you are alive and well.”

“Dragon?!” Shining exclaimed, drawing everyone's attention, “How in Tartarus did you befriend a dragon?”

“He was the generous one I mentioned the other day.”

“Yes, Tesla is still around from what I have heard in the dragon empire. Seems that ageless potion has done wonders for him. Too bad he still can't replicate the thing.” Partner shrugged.

“More like a good thing, as the last thing we need is unaging ponies.” Crystal chuckled as she stepped back and sat, looking over Partner, “So… a mare?”

“No! We are not doing this again!” Shining grumbled and turned away, getting Crystal to look at him confused, “I am finally over this thing, we don't need to bring it up again.”

Partner just chuckled, “I can explain another time when Prince Shining isn't here.”

“Prince?” She watched Shining as he huffed and left the area, “Captain of the guard here and a prince too boot? Wow. Things have changed a lot.” She turned to Twilight, “When do you want me to begin my tale?”

Twilight grinned, “I am going to be here for a few days, so any time works! Just let me get my notes ready and I shall be set!” A pen and parchment appearing by her as she sat down. “Begin!”

Crystal raised an eyebrow for a moment, then opened her mouth to speak before she got interrupted.

“Wait a minute!” Shining had returned and pointed at Crystal, “I thought I heard you say you were sealed with something evil!”

“That is true.” Crystal nodded.

“So, how do we know we aren't being deceived, huh?” Shining powered up his horn.

“Because she would not be standing here otherwise.” Partner stated calmly, “The sealing spell used was meant for her directly. If she lost the battle, then her body would remain sealed forever, fully encasing itself in unbreakable stone. If she won...well. The proof is before you.”

“And who made this spell?” Twilight asked, looking at Shining who kept his horn-powered up.

Crystal looked down, sighing, as Partner spoke up, “Grey Pilgrim, Librarian, and Dust Horn,” Partner sighed as he watched Crystal. “You will be happy to know that Dust Horn and Grey Pilgrim led a full life till they both passed on.”

She nodded slightly, looking up, “My best friend and Pilgrim… It was not easy to make that spell; knowing what it cost.”

“Pilgrims immortality, and Dust’s life long friend. The cost was too high.” Partner looked at Twilight, “Your history records lack this detail, even Librarians does, because that spell was too strong.”

“Considering I have no clue who Grey Pilgrim and Dust Horn are… I believe that fact.”

“Grey Pilgrim was the alicorn who gave up her immortality and some of her power to Crystal, in addition to making that spell. And Dust Horn was the Element of Magic,” Partner paused as Twilight’s eyes went wide.

“Isn't that the earth pony you mentioned?”

“Yes,” Crystal said quietly.


“Yes. It was a very difficult time.” Crystal looked up at Twilight.

“For your best friend to do that… why?”

“It will all make sense when I get to that part.” Crystal looked at Shining, who had long since let his magic drop and just stared at Crystal.

“I’m sorry…” He said quietly.

“Anyway, Once upon a time…”

Author's Note:

Hey look, an update after two months! I wanted to wait until Partner was introduced in one of Witching Hour's stories, namely: Chase the Wind.

This story should update regularly now.