• Published 15th Feb 2016
  • 643 Views, 14 Comments

The Crystal Changeling - Zoljen

What do you do when you discover a changeling that was encased in a crystal egg? Why, get it to tell you a story of adventure!

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Everypony at the table before Crystal gasped after her last pause. The moment when she fell from the cliffside and rolled until she passed out still fresh in their mind. Pinkie Pie was the first to recover, zipping over to her side.

“Did you survive?” She asked, earning a chuckle from Crystal and a grunt of confusion from everypony else. She turned to them and pointed at the changeling, “It is a completely legit question!”

“I did indeed survive, Dame Pinkie Pie,” Crystal grinned. “In fact, I woke up to whom later became the element of kindness.”

“Oh,” Pinkie slunk back to her chair and sat down, grinning.

Crystal slowly felt the world returning to her, and a part of it was soft and comfortable. Another part hurt like hell, though. As she slowly opened an eye, she was met with the view of a cottage room. A part of her rested on a bed made of feathers, and she noticed that her left front leg was wrapped up and natural.

As her senses came back, she detected another presence in the area. She let out a soft sigh as she slowly sat up, wincing as she just how sore she was. She stopped about half way when she heard a soft voice.

“You shouldn't try to sit up so soon, morphling.”

She looked about the room, and soon found the owner of the voice. A young pegasus stallion whose almost oak brown fur made him blend in from the front. She barely noticed he was there, as his strangely silver wings were both barely noticed, and made him stand out just barely. She remained in that position for a moment, before laying back down with a grunt.

“My name is Crystal,” She grunted as she let her head rest on the pillow. “Where am I?”

“You are not far from that mountain, but I'm afraid you need to rest for a day or two. You sprained your wrist, wings, and a leg,” the stallion looked away. “I found you just a few hours ago, half buried under rocks. You were still breathing and I carefully brought you back here to my home.”

Crystal let out a groan as she looked at her hoof, seeing it wrapped up. “And who are you?”

“My name is Silverwing, and there is nopony else here if that's what you’re wondering.”

“I was with three others; a bat pony, a unicorn, and an earth pony.”

“I saw nopony else, and it looked like you fell a great distance. Your wings will take a few days to heal.” The stallion stood and made his way towards the door. Crystal watched him and managed to get a better look at him as he walked. His wings were definitely silver, which seemed really odd as almost all other pegasi she knew or had seen had wings that matched their body. His hooves were silver as well, and his mane was a deep shade of blue that faded into an almost mercury silver.

As she looked him over, her eyes fell upon his flank, where a bandage roll sat for a cutie mark. That explained why he was so knowledgeable about her wounds and how to bandage them. She looked back at her bandage again, then heard him speak up.

“Just shout out if you need anything, and try to get rest. Tomorrow I can guide you to the nearest town and maybe your friends are there.” He took another step before he heard her sigh.

“Maybe, we are on our way to Roan.” The stallion stopped and turned to look at her.


“We are trying to get there to deliver a message,” She looked at his hooves as he turned fully to face her. “We were attacked by… well, I'm not entirely sure. They were shadows of ponies, but not. It’s complicated.”

She glanced up as she felt confusion from the stallion, he was looking down, his eyes darting to each side as if he was thinking. After a minute of silence, he looked up at her as she felt a wave of determination wash over her. He stood and walked over to her.

“I vaguely recall seeing something like what you described. We should move quickly then. I can carry you for now and we won't be flying, but this small forest is my friend,” he knelt down towards the bed. She blinked for a moment, before grunting and moving to slide onto his back.

“Are you sure? If you become too friendly with us, you may not be able to return here,” she spoke up, as she felt him freeze for a moment. She stopped as well, looking down at him as he looked back up to her.

“That may have happened already if I found you and brought you here,” he sighed softly.

“True,” she sighed as she resumed wiggling her way onto his back and getting comfortable. Once she was comfortable, he quickly made his way out of the room and towards the door. His home was very simple, just the one bedroom and enough living space for himself. He stopped at the door, sighing softly and glancing over his shoulder. She followed his eyes towards a small saddle bag.

“Can you…” He trailed off as it was already in a deep green glow and floating over.

“You don't have to do this, you know,” She spoke softly, looking directly at him as he glanced back at her.

“And leave you to get lost in this forest? Injured and alone? I admit, you’re brave for a morphling, and that may already be rubbing off on me. But I am not about to leave you alone,” he turned to look one last time around his quant home, before focusing on the door and pushing it open. “After I return you to your friends, then I can return here.”

“Thank you, Silverwing,” she could tell he was determined to help her even before he spoke. The pair silently left the house behind and headed into the woods. After a while of trotting along at a comfortable pace, she started to look around the small forest she was in. The trees were far enough apart so she could view the mountain that she and her friends had crossed over.

From her vantage point, she could barely see the section of cliff near the top that had collapsed. She seriously fell down almost all of the mountain, and it was a wonder she only had the minor injuries she did as she looked back down at herself. She snorted, then blinked as the stallion carrying her glanced over his shoulder at her.

“Sorry, just thinking.”

“Wondering if your friends are alright?” He paused for a moment and felt her nod before speaking up again. “If they are anything like you, I am sure they are just fine.”

“I am sure two of them are. Dark Horizon, I don't know…” She trailed off a little bit, looking off to the side as he trotted along. The path taking them by a stream and she could see her natural self on his back. “Why are you being so kind?”

Silverwing seemed to slow down a little in his trotting for a moment, as he looked down. It was short, but she detected guilt for a few seconds. He looked up at the path ahead, “It was how I was raised. My mother had raised me to be kind to everypony, morphling, drake, griffin, alicorn, or you name it.”

“And something happened, huh?”

“While I was kind to them, they weren't to me. The villagers of a village far from here teased me because of my wings. Any normal pegasus or even a bat pony have wings that match their body. But mine, once I came of age, took on this silver sheen the same time I got my mark. After that I got teased.”

“Did you change your name when it happened?” Crystal raised an eyebrow as she looked over one of the wings.

“I had silver tips in my wings before, like my mane and tail. Now my wings are fully silver.” He let out a long sigh, then glanced over his shoulder at her. “What's your story?”

“Me and two of my friends, the earth pony and bat pony, were recruited to prepare for some kind of war. After a month of training, everything seemed to go to Tartarus in a handbasket as those shadowy things attacked. Us three were told to run, because they wouldn't chase foals.” She grumbled something after that, before shaking her head and continuing. “We ran to a village, met up with Dark Horizon and he wanted to join us in going to Roan. It has a huge library, according to him.”

“And what are your friends names?”

“Rose Wind is the bat pony, and Dust Horn is the other.” Crystal squeaked softly as Silverwing stopped and looked back at her.

“That sounds like a unicorn name.”

“Everypony seems to think that, but his father is a unicorn, while his mother was an earth pony. He inherited the best of both worlds.” Crystal chuckled weakly as she looked back at the stream.

“I can't wait to meet them.”

The rest of the trip through the forest was quiet, with the occasional story to pass the time. But it gave Crystal plenty of time to take in the forested view. The trees were alive with various birds, some of which even came down to visit the pair. After stopping to enjoy the birds and eat, they kept going and soon found a path.

Along the path, Crystal was able to walk on her own for a while. It was nearing the evening when their path had taken them by a clearing where shouting was taking place. They both stopped and looked at each for a moment before sneaking towards the clearing. The sight made both of them gasp.

They saw a familiar looking bat pony, earth pony, and unicorn defending a young looking blue dragon against a random crew of ponies that were all brandishing weapons. Also in the melee was a weird looking griffin. He had white feathers on his raven front half that blended into a strange grass green feline body, with a long thin tail ending in a bright neon pink tail tuft. His wings also seemed to be striped pink, and ended in green tips. He seemed to be dancing around the armed ponies with the greatest of ease while laughing and taunting them.

The blue dragon, who maybe looked to be about 50 in dragon years, had a simple pack by his side that was torn open and its contents of vials were spilled out. He was also holding his arm, a small amount of blood visible under his paw as he watched the melee around him.

Crystal growled as she watched her friends fighting, and it wasn't long before she saw one of the armed ponies about to get a sneak attack on the bat pony. Her horn flared up and a shield appeared behind the pony, distracting the armed earth pony long enough for the bat pony to spin around and kick him aside.

The bat pony blinked, looking at the green shield his leg was currently partly through, which soon faded. He looked around as he saw Crystal leap out from the bushes, another pegasus visible for a moment as Crystal quickly rushed towards him. Crystal slid to a stop as she looked at each of the bandits, who now seeing the numbers have turned out of their favor, turned tail and started to run.

“Ahh, well, there is your morphling Rosey!” Crystal heard from her left side as she suddenly felt fur and feathers brush against her chitin. She blinked and looked at the griffin, looking confused. “Told you we’d find her!”

“And who is this?” Crystal asked, keeping her eye trained on the overly weird griffin. He quickly moved in front of her and bowed slightly.

“Name’s Peter, and I’m more than overly weird!” He grinned as he straightened up, earning yet another confused look from the changeling. “And your friend there, that pegasus who helped you, he is…?”

The pegasus slowly stepped out, looking at everyone present as Dust went over to the dragon and looked over the wound. As he got closer, he was able to get a better view of the wound and the makeshift job Dust was doing to clean it up. He hurried over and almost pushed Dust out the way. “Name is Silverwing, and let me bandage this up.”

Dust blinked, then shrugged and took a few steps back from the dragon. “Are you okay, sir dragon?”

The dragon nodded slightly, looking at the pony fussing over his arm. “Yes, I am,” He spoke equestrian very well, with barely an accent to it. “Just a minor cut, it should heal in a day or two,” he seemed to speak with an air of expertise and age beyond what he looked like. “My name is Tesla, by the way.”

“I'm Dust Horn,” he gestured to himself, “And that's Crystal, Rose Wind, Dark Horizon, and Peter,” he pointed to each as he listed off. “And the one tending to your wound is Silverwing, it seems. What were you doing out here?”

“Collecting herbs, I am an alchemist,” he stated calmly as he pointed to the torn up bag. “I have been trying to recreate something for the past 300 years,” the dragon blinked as all eyes suddenly turned to him. He looked at Rose and Crystal who were in the middle of a hug, then to Dust who just stared at him with his jaw hanging, as did Dark, Silverwing seemed unaffected, and Peter was just chuckling. “Er, I appear young, I am aware. I drank something almost 500 years ago that I have been unable to remake.”

“Uh huh,” Dust said slowly with a nod. “Well, we found Crystal,” he turned to the griffin. “So we don't really need you with us anymore.”

“Oh heck no! You guys are loads of fun!” Peter exclaimed happily, moving over and picking up Dark and hugging him. “Besides, you still need to go to Roan, dontcha? We can all go there together!”

“Right, and why should I go to Roan, especially with a griffin?” Tesla arched an eye ridge at the griffin, who quickly dropped Dark and sped up to his side, resting against him.

“Because we’ll be the best of buddies!” The griffin grinned widely. “We can tell stories, fight off bandits and who knows what else, and make waffles!”

“What are waffles?” Dark asked as he picked himself up, looking confused at the griffin.

“Waffles, ya know. Pancakes but crispier! They are really good, and I know this place in Roan that makes the best! Owned by a Mr Rustic Kettle! Best earth pony chef ever! Well, at least for the time. But he will be the first among a grand line spanning a thousand and five hundred years!”

“Are you spouting nonsense again?” Rose asked as he trotted over, Crystal walking up behind him. Dark leveled his eyes on the morphling for a moment, looking her up and down.

“Of course I'm not Rosey!” Peter grinned, side stepping away. “It’s never nonsense to those who know it!”

“Huh, so it is true,” Dark sat, looking at Crystal. “You are a morphling,” Crystal nodded slightly, her eyes never leaving the griffin.

“I hope that doesn't change anything?” Crystal asked gently, as she turned to watch the unicorn before her. He sighed, looking her over again, then shook his head.


“Good, though can you answer me a question? Where did this griffin come from?”

“Well, when two griffins love each very much…” Peter started as Rose walked over to him and thrust a hoof onto his beak.

“We found him at the base of the mountain earlier today, and…” Rose started up, before he suddenly found his own hoof in his mouth.

“Nope, not doing the flashback within a flashback thing,” Peter said quickly as he held Rose’s fetlock. “Can save it for the bonus chapter!” He tugged the hoof out of Rose’s mouth while grinning at the bat pony. “So, shall we start going to Roan?”

Crystal looked confused at Peter for a moment, before looking at Silverwing, who was just now tying off the bandage around the dragon’s arm. “Are you joining us?”

Silverwing looked at everyone present, then back to the dragon. “Somepony has to put you lot back together,” he looked up at Crystal. “And I should chide you for what you did, but it was for a friend. Besides, I'm sure Tesla here knows some good healing balms, and I can certainly use those!”

Dust looked up at the darkening sky and sighed softly. “I suppose we should set up a small camp here first though. We can move out first thing in the morning.”

Twilight squeaked softly as Crystal poked her side gently. “What is that?” The unicorn disguised changeling asked softly.

“It is a train. It’s a form of transportation because walking to Canterlot would take weeks.” Twilight looked at Crystal. “Equestria has become huge since you last saw it.”

“I understand that, but why do we not just travel by carriage?”

“Because this is the fastest form of travel. A carriage would still take a week,” Twilight sighed as she watched her friends go inside.

“Okay, can you and Princess Cadance not just teleport us?” Crystal raised an eyebrow as she stepped, warily, onto the train.

“She isn't as powerful as Celestia or Luna, and I can really only teleport myself with maybe one or two other ponies. And even then I can't go very far.” Twilight shrugged softly as she followed the changeling. “Besides, to take your mind off of the train, we can all hear more of your story!”

“If you insist.”

“Oh, Celestia and Luna will know of your arrival. As I sent a letter to them a few days ago.” Twilight grinned widely as Crystal blinked, looking at her.

“And how did you send it? I saw no dragons around.”

“Good old fashioned postal service! It arrived two days after I sent it!” Twilight stopped a moment to look at Crystal. “Wait, did dragons really do all the mail services back then?”

“Only a few, the ones able to that is. Jin was most certainly capable of it but he did not like to do it. Instead, Scorch was the one to do it for the virtues of that time.” Crystal shrugged slightly as she hopped onto one of the benches and made herself comfortable, sitting next to a window. “It was mostly a one way service, and would require letters to be sent to them.”

Author's Note:

Oh look, the whole gang is together now! Tesla the dragon, Silverwing the pegasus, Peter the griffin, each one unique!

Also of note is Crystal going towards Canterlot now! Seeing more of the present time in little snippets.