• Published 15th Feb 2016
  • 645 Views, 14 Comments

The Crystal Changeling - Zoljen

What do you do when you discover a changeling that was encased in a crystal egg? Why, get it to tell you a story of adventure!

  • ...

Our Story Begins

“Hey! Get back down here Rose Wind!” Crystal shouted to the dark green bat pony flying above her and a dusty tan earth pony.

“Oh come on Crystal! You can easily come up here since you have wings too!” The bat pony looked down, letting the wind push his short blue and red mane aside as he grinned down at the snow-white unicorn.

“Right, and how am I supposed to catch up… to… you…” She trailed off as she felt the ground under her shift. She looked down to see a glow in a circle around her, making her skid to a stop. She looked to her left as the earth pony smirked, his hooves glowing for a second as he jammed them into the ground.

“One Crystal arrow, coming up!” He shouted, raising his hooves up quickly as Crystal suddenly felt the ground rush up against her. She flopped against the ground for a moment before getting launched skyward directly at the bat pony.

“Oh, now that's just unfair, Dust!” Rose shouted at the earth pony, having stopped and turned to face them at the mention of a Crystal arrow.

“AAAAAHHHHH!” Crystal yelled and flailed in the air until she collided with Rose, sending them both tumbling back to the ground as Dust Horn, the earth pony, cringed.

“Oops, too much force,” he mumbled as his hooves glowed again, the ground shifting to soft sand just as the pair impacted it, sending up a cloud of sand and dust into the air. Dust winced as he came up to the pair, both groaning and in a tangled pile of limbs and pony at the moment. “Sorry Crystal!”

“Ugh…” She let out a groan as she wiggled herself free, “A little more warning next time!”

“I said sorry! Sheesh.” Dust sat and rubbed a hoof on the back of his neck as he watched the pair slowly sit up. Rose sighed as he glanced back at the satchel.

“Well, I think you successfully crushed the rolls,” Rose reached back into the pack and pulled out a few, now somewhat crushed, sweet rolls and hoofed them out to his friends. Crystal took hers in an emerald green glow and took a bite out of it. “To the victors go the crushed spoils.”

“That’sh the stuff,” She mumbled as she spun partly and flopped back, grinning as the other two moved over and laid next to her, munching their own rolls. She looked to her friends, chuckling as they watched her and ate.

“So, Crystal, why didn't you try to get control there?” Rose poked gently at her side. “Ya know, take on a pegasus form or something.”

“I… er… tried,” Crystal shrugged, “I'm not as quick as you two. I’m just thankful I'm somewhat durable, though not as durable as you two.”

“Horsefeathers you aren't! I’ve seen you crash into a tree and walk away with barely a limp!” Dust boasted, nudging her in the side.

“That was once when I was learning griffin wings!” she huffed, “And I cracked my shell doing that. That's why I was limping. All those wings are different to use.”

“You would think pegasus and griffin wings would be the same.” Rose chuckled softly, rolling onto his back and staring at the sunny sky.

“While they appear similar outside, the griffin wing has more muscle to it, while the pegasus wing has more feathers to it.” Dust started rambling off, earning a groan from the other two.

“Don't go all bookish on us today Dusty,” Rose glared at the earth pony, “Today is our day off from that kind of thing!” He looked at Crystal, who was finishing up her sweet roll, “Also, I believe that was your farthest teleport yet, earlier today. I thought you morphlings couldn't go beyond a few feet?”

“Perhaps I am the exception to that rule?” Crystal shrugged, “How many earth ponies do you know that can manipulate their surroundings so well? How many thestrals do you know that can glide and control the wind as well as you?” Crystal rolled onto her side, facing the bat pony.

“Touche.” Rose chuckled softly, looking at her with a grin before looking skyward, “We are all unique in our own way, and we are the best of friends, eh?”

“And I wouldn't have it any other way,” Crystal grinned and let out a content sigh, “Nothing can happen that can tear us apart.”

“How wrong I was at that time,” Crystal sighed, looking down at the table that sat before her, Twilight, and Shining.

“Morphling?” Twilight asked during the little pause.

“We morph, do we not?” Crystal looked up at Twilight with a smirk.



“I wonder when we should be heading back,” Crystal asks. Only a few hours have passed since the crushing and eating of the sweet roll, and they were still out on top of a grassy hill overlooking the small village they all called home.

“We got an hour or two yet. Maybe we can try and get you into the air without being slingshotted,” Rose pokes at Crystal, getting a grunt in return. “Aww come on! I’m sure you can out fly me!”

“A limp noodle can out fly you, Rose.” Dust chuckled from Crystals other side.

“Hmph, you're just jealous that I have my dashing good looks and you two don't!” Crystal glanced at Rose for a second, with a smirk, making him glare back at her, “Okay, maybe you can have my looks, but Dusty here can't.”

“Aurora forbid I ever get your good looks,” Dust chuckles, getting a glare from Rose. Dust put up his hooves defensively, “What? Just saying! I don't plan on hooking up with anypony anytime soon!”

“You stallions always say stuff like that.” Crystal shook her head.

“No, only some do most think with the head between their hind legs.” Rose just chuckled, “I think with the one up here!” He knocked a hoof against his own head.

Dust let out a few chuckles as he looked down the hill, gasping as he looked to the left of the village and seeing what looked like a small contingent of soldiers marching towards it, “Uh, guys.” He spoke up, as he pointed towards it, looking at Crystal and Rose.

“Maybe they are just on patrol? There has been trouble brewing on the border with that forest.” Crystal looked at the soldiers, as did Rose.

“Seems a bit big for a patrol there,” Dust sighed, “We should go check it out. It could be something important.”

“Yeah, let’s trot on down shall we? No sense in showing off to a bunch of armed ponies.” Crystal grinned weakly as she lead the way. It didn't take them all that long to get down the hill and into the small villages center.

The three join the crowd that has formed, mixing in a range from earth ponies to pegasi with the occasional unicorn, thestral, or changeling in its natural form mixed into this crowd. The three look up at the armoured pegasus as he looked among the crowd. Crystal looked up at the pony, sighing softly as a bracelet he has around his left fetlock glowed faintly.

“There are disguised morphlings among you, have them drop their disguises so I can make my announcement to the town of Mirror.” The stallion paused, as a few of the various ponies shifted to their natural form, including Crystal. Once the fires of change stopped, the stallion continued.

“We are here to draft ponies for added military force,” The stallion looked among the ponies as they murmured among each other, “The conflict on the edge of the Equus Empire is stretching our military thin, and we require young and able bodies to bolster our forces.”

The crowd looked among each other again, this town being near the edge meant conflict would reach it soon if there is such a thing. So far no pony had really heard of any conflict, but if they were kept in the dark, it was for a good reason.

“If none volunteer, then we will pick the strongest looking ponies to take,” The stallion lets out a soft sigh as only a few step forward. He stands up proudly, looking among the ponies before him as most of them cower. His eyes land on Dust, focusing on him for a bit, “You, earth pony. Step forward.” He points out Dust, who remains calm and steps forward as told, once far enough, he bows slightly, as the stallion continues, “What is your name?”

“Dust Horn, sir.” He straightens up, looking up at the guard.

“That is an unusual name for an earth pony.”

“My father is a unicorn, my mother was an earth pony. I inherited the best of both worlds, sir.” Dust remains stoic as the stallion looks him over.

“Hmm, then you’ll serve us well.” The stallion gestured to the others that had volunteered.

“With all due respect, sir. But why are you doing this?” Dust asks, as Crystal and Rose move up to his side.

The stallion looks at the two, his eyes falling on the changeling and remaining on her as she stands just as stoic as Dust. The stallion takes in all the features; the emerald green backplate, her draconic tail ending with a small gem at its tip, her dark red bat style wings and bands around her barrel. Her blue eyes remained staring back at the stallion with a faint white glow focused on him.

“We need ponies to stand up and take arms to defend the weak. A war is coming, Strength can feel it, and she is wanting a force ready to deal with it.”

“And what exactly is coming?”

The guard stallion kept his eyes focused on Crystal, “We are unsure, but something is. We must be prepared for it.”

“And if I am to refuse?” Dust raised an eyebrow.

“We are requiring you to serve.” His gaze finally went to Dust.

“I am going too,” Crystal spoke up, moving to stand next to Dust.

“Won't your hive miss you?” The stallion narrowed his eyes at the changeling, “And why would a harvester want to join an army anyway?”

“Dust is my best friend, and I would feel safer in joining him. And as for my hive, I have none.” Crystal stood proudly next to Dust.

“All morphlings belong to one hive or another, it is a rule you all follow.”

“Not if she was abandoned,” Rose spoke up, moving next to Dust as well, “And I am going with these two. If you don't allow one of us, then you get none of us.”

“It won't be easy,” The stallion spoke up after a short silence, almost glaring at Crystal, “Vigorous training, weapon use, and seeing what kind of magic you have will push you to your limits. You won't get much in the way of energy, either.”

“As long as my friends are beside me, sir, then I have all the energy I’ll ever need.”

The stallion snorted, “Fine, you get until dusk to say goodbye to your family, and any other friends you have,” He straightened up and turned to address the crowd once more. “If no more are wishing to join, then so be it. There is an encampment outside the forest, be there by dusk.” He turned and lead the contingent out of the village.

After that, Dust turned to his friends with a warm grin, “Thank you. I was going to refuse that order.”

Crystal moved up and pulled him into a hug, “He wouldn't let you, and you know it. I am not going to let my best friend and blood brother go off by himself.”

“And you think I am going to let you have all the fun?” Rose grinned as he sat next to the hugging pair, “Think of the mares I could meet!” He chuckled as both Dust and Crystal reached out and pushed him over, making him laugh.

“Well,” Crystal sighed, looking back at Dust and scooted back, “Suppose we should face the parents, huh?” She blinked, looking to her left, “Er, uh. Nevermind, hello Sapphire Hunter.” Crystal grinned weakly, standing up as Dust did the same.

The unicorn stallion glared down to the three, making them shrink a little. His deep blue coat glittering faintly in the setting sunlight as he looked at each one, snorting, “And why did you three just sign up for the army, huh?”

“Well, Dust here was forced to go, and… we… joined him?” Crystal grinned weakly.

“You know,” Another voice started up, making the four glance to see a midnight black bat pony standing there, brushing aside her white mane, “At least they are all going together. I was about to give that stallion a piece of my mind if he refused to let Dust here either go alone or stay.”

“You’re not helping the situation any, Midnight Gem,” Sapphire turned to her, “My son and adopted daughter are going off to a war we haven't heard anything about. You’d think if it was on the edge of Hope’s domain, we’d know about it!”

“And so what? If there is a war, do you think it's best the populace knows about it?” She walked up and poked the stallion in the chest, “Nox knows we aren't all war veterans like you Sapphy,” She smirked as the stallion pouted a little.

“You know I don't like that nickname.”

“Tough cookies,” Midnight grinned, turning to the three, “Anyway, I can let your father know that his only son was forced to go to the military. Might do you three some good anyway.”

“You were recruited, just like that?” Twilight takes a moment to ask during Crystals pause for a drink.

“Yes. Our adventure began then.” Crystal sighed, looking around at the crowd that had formed. The other mares were all sitting and listening in as well. Shining had to excuse himself at one point, which allowed the mares to actually come in, rather then listen at the door.

“And yer parents just let ya go off like that?” Applejack raised an eyebrow, watching the changeling before them.

“Well, admittedly it was not just waving and we were gone…Mostly.”

“ACK! DAD!” Rose squeaked as his father, a green earth pony squeezed the stuffing out of him.

“But my son is going off to serve in some war! He is going to see the world!” The stallion squeaked through faked tears. He cradled his son, stroking a hoof through his mane, “Going off alone! Whatever will he do?!”

Crystal chuckled softly as Rose slowly started to turn blue, “Well, he isn't going alone, Fruity Stem.”

The stallion stopped and looked at Crystal, “Oh, well.” He let his son go, letting Rose fall to the floor in a heap, “In that case, don't forget to write! Have fun storming the encampment!” he chuckled softly as Midnight walked over and sat by Fruity, chuckling softly as well.

“Think he’ll make it through the year?” She asked, glancing towards him.

“It’d take a miracle for him to return home after a week of training.” Fruity nodded sagely, chuckling as Rose sat up, pouting at him.

“I'm not that much of a loaf!” He huffed, as Fruity looked him over.

“Yeah, you’d be a bit more grainy if you were,” he snickered softly before getting lightly bopped by Midnight, “What! It was a valid point! If he was a loaf, he’d be a bit more grainy!”

“Ugh, how do I put up with your puns?” Midnight watched Fruity make bedroom eyes at her and wiggle his eyebrows, “Oh yeah, that's right,” She pointed at Rose, “Shouldn't you say something else to your son?”

“Yup!” He turned and faced him, grinning. “See you in six days, Rosey!”

Rose looked confused at his father, “What…?”

“Well, Midnight and I made a bet a while back, if you ever got drafted. She says you’ll last eight days, I say six,” He leaned over and nudged him, “So see ya in six days when I collect my five bits! Now go, I have a bet to win!” He started pushing Rose out the doorway.

“Glad my loving family has so much confidence in me,” He groaned as he slid thanks to his father pushing him along, “And what if I go nine days, huh? What if I actually last a month or more? What then?”

“Oh phooey! We haven't thought that far ahead, dear,” Fruity stopped and looked at Midnight, pouting for a moment, then gasping, “We should have a second bet! What say you, deary?”

“What? Rose Wind here lasting more than a month? The only way that would happen is if he finds a mare.”

“Okay! New bet! If he lasts for a month you get the five bits, if he doesn't, it's all mine!” Fruity cackled madly as he rubbed his hooves together, with Rose sitting in the doorway, glaring at him. Dust and Crystal laughing as they watched his family make bets on how long he’d last away.

“You’re not even going to miss me, are you?” Rose pouted as he looked at his parents, who turned back to him with a grin.

“Of course, we are! Every stallion,” Midnight started.

“Or mare,” Fruity interrupted, glancing at Crystal.

“Has to go out into the world sometimes, leave the nest and all that,” Midnight waved a hoof, “While we would prefer it to not be some crazy fluke, we can't help it when fate decides to pull you out of the nest...” she trailed off as Fruity grinned.

“And drop kick you into,” Fruity paused, inhaling for a moment, “ADVENTURE!” He grinned widely as Rose winced, then sighed.

“Alright, I get it,” Rose sighed, then stepped forward and grinned at his parents, “I'm going to miss you two so much!”

They both stepped forward and pulled him into a hug, “We’ll miss you too, write as often as you can!” They embraced for a good minute or so before they finally let up.

“And I'm serious, come back in six days so I can win that bet!” Fruity chuckled as Rose let out a soft groan.

“Aww, Dad!”

After that, they all waved, as Sapphire stayed right outside and escorted them to the edge of the village. He stopped and looked at each one, “Now, I know this is kind of pointless to say. But be careful out there.” His eyes linger on Dust and Crystal the longest.

“I will do my best to cover their plots, sir.” Rose gives a mock salute with a smirk as Sapphire looked at him, his eyes narrowing.

“I’ll hold you to that, Rose Wind,” Sapphire kept his eyes on him, and after a while lets out a soft sigh, “Promise me.”

Rose nodded, as Dust spoke up, “We’ll watch each other, okay Dad?”

“You better, I don't want to read any correspondence letters saying you three perished so soon. It's not your time yet and I honestly don't want you three to go through with this!” He sighed, looking down and slumping his shoulders, “War isn't pretty and it shouldn't be taken lightly,” He put a hoof to his forehead, just below his horn, “And in my honest to Nox opinion, you three are not ready for it.”

“With all due respect sir,” Rose started up, sounding serious as Sapphire looked at him, “Neither were you when war came to your doorstep, correct?” He paused, getting a nod in return, “Nopony is ever ready for anything until it happens. We will do our best to watch each other and you can count on us to come back safely, sir.”

Sapphire rested a hoof on Rose’s shoulder, “Please do. Our homes will be waiting when you get back.” He turned to Dust and Crystal, giving each a nod and turned to start back before he suddenly got lightly tackled by all three present. They each hugged him and he hugged in return.

They remained in that embrace for good couple minutes before they each broke off.

“We’ll come back Dad, we all promise,” Crystal grinned weakly, looking up to the stallion before her. He nodded back, pulling her into a hug again for a bit before finally turning and walking back to the village. Crystal sighed and turned back to her friends.

“We don't need to taste emotions to tell he didn't want us to go,” Dust said softly, as the three start to walk towards the forest that was a half hour down the path.

“He was very sad but also happy,” Crystal frowned, “Kind of hard to tell really. I’ve noticed that about most ponies who are guards or soldiers, can't tell their emotions all that well.”

“They become jaded after seeing so much, that nothing phases them anymore,” Rose sighed, “I hope the same doesn't happen to us, I rather like my emotions being in one piece.”

“I think your emotions are too stubborn to die,” Crystal chuckled softly, “Sapphire thinks this is just a big scare to get more soldiers anyway, I bet we train for a month before we’re sent home because nothing happened.”

The three walked along, mainly chatting about what to expect at the encampment. Which sadly as they neared it, fell short of what they were actually expecting. A pair of tents were being taken down, just as they arrived. The other two stallions already there and helping take apart the tents. The armoured stallion notices the three and canters over to them as they walk up.

“Huh, I was expecting you three to not show.” His eyes, once again, fell on Crystal as he spoke, “Especially you, morphling.”

“My name is Crystal,” She said with a huff, “And I am here because I signed up with my friends.”

“Hmph, we shall see if you maintain that courage,” He turned partly towards the forest, “A test if you will. We are going through the forest tonight, consider it a test of courage, Crystal,” he grinned faintly, looking at the three, “Our main encampment in this area is there, on the other side. That is where a good bit of your training will be decided and carried out as we wait for more to show up.”

Crystal glanced back at her friends, as they stood beside her. She looked to the two were helping take down the tents, “Do they know?”

“Yes. They are helping take down the tents, then returning home. You are welcome to do the same.”

“Ha! As if, soldier captain sir.” Rose chuckled, “I didn't just go through getting hugged so tightly and a bet being made to back out now. You’re stuck with us!” He pounded his chest, standing proud.

“You will call me Captain Quake. Is that clear?” He turned partly to face the three as they all stood at attention.

“Sir, yes sir!” They shouted as close to at once as possible, making the armoured stallion chuckle once.

“Good, first order; go help take down those tents. You also get to carry them.”

The three nod and make their way over to the tents as Quake watches the changeling. “Hmph, she is certainly strange.” He mumbled to himself.

Author's Note:

And the story finally begins! So sorry for the huge delay. Been multi-tasking, dealing with a block, and other such things. The updates on this still will be random at best, since I kind of signed my own death doing 4 (effectively) stories at once.

But the main trio shown here are Crystal (the changeling), Dust Horn (Earth pony, who really should have been born a unicorn), and Rose Wind (Cuz the world doesn't have enough bat pony characters.)