• Published 16th Mar 2016
  • 1,897 Views, 178 Comments

Daring Do and the Sword of Excalibur - Silver Malice

When Scootaloo collapses, screaming about a magic sword, evil gryphons, and a strange golden mare with grey mane, it’s up to Rainbow Dash and her hero Daring Do to keep Scootaloo from the clutches of an evil fanatic in search of the sword Excalibur

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Chapter 7: A Costly Escape

Author's Note:

Things pick up once more, we're now right before the party and tension is high.

Yeah I'm sorry, part of the dark tag means sometimes things don't always end up alright, it's sad but that's life. i do hope you all enjoy the chapter and be sure to comment and or let me know what you think.

Daring had been circling the ghastly gorge for around twenty minutes while she tried to find a way to enter the rats-nest of danger that was the Everfree forest.

She had originally followed the long reaching stretch of the river which began at the bottom of Canterlot falls and carried on past Ponyville and the Everfree. Unknown to most however, the river branched off through a secret path inside of the Everfree itself. From there it passed all the way down and through the Ghastly gorge and on towards the South Luna ocean.

The Everfree Forest was well named, a massive bastion of all that was wild, natural, and predatory. Nearly as inhospitable as it was vast, it was one massive long and tangled garden of oversized spikes, thorns, flesh eating plants, and monstrous inhabitants. These dangerous features were further complemented by an atmosphere of dank stale air created from a lack of sunlight and fresh breeze. Daring herself was not afraid to enter this entangled hellhole, but she was unsure of where she needed to go in order to find the griffon’s stronghold.

Her impatience was steadily growing as her mind took it’s time processing a plan of attack (easier said than done apparently). She finally happened upon a thought, know thy enemy right? So going by her understanding of griffon military strategy, if they kept to tradition, they would have built their temple with access to a base of water. In case of any siege or prolonged attack they would have needed unhindered access to fresh water.

The river was her best bet, for inside the dense forest it was easily hidden from view, flowing unnoticed underneath the tangled and deadly canopy. Only those who knew of it would be able to find and or follow it, and by following it, she would find the griffon’s and her captured friends. Time was no longer on her side, the evening drew ever closer and the hour of the party would soon be upon them. If they wanted to prevent Scootaloo’s capture, she needed to free Twilight and Rainbow, now.

Taking a deep breath Daring dropped low and hovered low enough that she was level with the falls coming from the river leading from the revere and down into the gorge. Pushing forward she flew a few feet above the flowing water, keeping to the river as she entered the Everfree. The river snaked its way for a dozen banks before it straightened out for a spell, then went back to winding pathways and numerous sharp curves.

As she followed the river, both her and the water practically moving as one now, she began to notice the entanglement of deadly and horrifying plant life along the banks slowly thinning out and then disappearing. As they got further into the dank dark forest surprisingly it slowly started to get less dank and crowded; more open spaces such as fields of wildflowers and mint leaves becoming visible. Then she noticed the tower, still a ways in the distance to the point she almost mistook it for clouds. Her eyes now able to look upon the towering figure of a large spire.

The spire seemed to rise above the mid level canopy that Daring was hovering under, but the building itself did not pass the upper and final canopy that protected the secrets of the Everfree from above.

Soon she would find Twilight and Rainbow, soon they would be free, and then Mordrue and his gaggle of cock-eyed pelican jockeys would be taking an Equestrian hoof right up the rear.


Twilight and Rainbow had recovered for the most part from their night of pain, both mares bodies still showing signs however, of their experience.

Twilight’s once glossy purple pelt was flustered and sweat matted, cuts, bruises and other markings of the like adorned her from head to hooves. Her wings were the only part of her still looking pristine and kept, her tormentor having taken great care to avoid that part of her anatomy.

Rainbow Dash was more worse off than Twilight. The rainbow maned pegasus unlike her friend who was currently alert, was dangling completely limp in her restraints. Being the hot headed and smart mouthed pony she was, Rainbow had been unable to curb her antagonizing of the black griffon. This had lead him to focus more on providing her a more in-depth claws on lesson of agony and strife.

The two young griffons Buck and Bones had spent the entire morning with them, giving them water, cleaning their wounds, all the while secretly planning on how to break them out of imprisonment.

They had come to a decision that Twilight should give Mordrue false information to keep him from hurting them anymore (or worse). This would buy them the time they needed to make a clean break (and hopefully survive the getaway).

Twilight had been trying to figure out what she could lie to the griffon about. Although lying had her worried, if she wasn’t careful he could catch on to the deception, for all she knew the crazed sycophant could tell when she was lying by some dark magic of his. What would be far better would be if she could tell Mordrue something that was true, but would not give him any real information at all. This thought brought her back to the pain and humiliation of last night, where he had questioned them tirelessly all night over what Celestia knew, and what she would do if she did know anything. Twilight understood why he was so curious about that, he wanted to know the princesses moves before hand, her response time, if she would come alone or bring reinforcements, everything a tactical mind like Mordrue’s would be interested in countering.

Twilight knew Celestia well enough to know that if she knew what was going on she would be the first to face against Mordrue. She wouldn’t wait for the guard, she wouldn’t wait for Luna or anyone, she would be there immediately. Even if it was to her own peril (but a certain psychopathic griffon didn't need to know that). That kind of level of self sacrifice was how much she cared about her people.

Twilight did not know how well Mordrue knew Celestia. Earlier he had addressed her like they were old friends, but if so then was he merely testing them? Did he already know what Celestia would do, and was merely trying to see if Twilight would be honest with him? Or was he actually unsure of how much she had changed since their last encounter?

Twilight did not know which was the case, but she did know that Mordrue was more concerned with how much a nuisance Celestia could be, not how dangerous she was, and that unnerved her. Mordrue was not afraid of Celestia which meant he had some ace in the whole either of his own power or a spell perhaps? Either way, if he was expecting her to come right away when he snatched Scoots, then he would have the element of surprise and the princess would be a target the moment she appeared.

However, If she told Mordrue that Celestia would come with the guards, Mordrue would be expecting time to prepare for her, which would make the princess the one with the element of surprise; to pop up right in front of that pint sized war monger and blast him for all she was worth. She had made her decision, now all she needed was Mordrue himself to complete the ploy.

As if he could hear her thoughts, the black griffon materialized out of the shadows above them flapping down to circle around the two dangling mares. His now regrettably familiar and unnerving gleam twinkling at them from his green eyes.

“Are we ready to spare again my dear alicorn?” he smirked at her, Twilight noticing that he had adorned his personal armor, a heavily embroidered chain-mail, with the sigil of Tashar the gryphon god of war upon the front.

“Just try it Mordrue, I can take anything you can dish out!” snared Twilight in mock defiance, trying to make the charade look as real as possible.

“True, you are strong, but your friend over there looks to be on the verge of death’s door. You might be able to handle it for a few more days, but i wonder how long she can?” he threatened.

“Leave her alone!” yelled Twilight, her concern for protecting Rainbow nearly making her break character. “Fine if it’s information you want, I will tell you,” gave in Twilight with a forced but convincing sigh of defeat.

The black griffon came right up to her muzzle, his beak practically resting alongside it. The presence of his body so close to hers making her shiver. “Tell me now!” he growled. “What would your precious Celestia do if she knew I was after my key?”

“She… she would gather as many forces as she could. She’d want to surround and capture you, and stop your horde. That’ the most logical path, and Celestia is a princess and therefore she thinks clearly and logically in all things.”

The griffon looked at her for a period of time during which Twilight wondered if he was fully convinced or figuring out how to kill her for her lie.

Then he turned from her and gave a light chuckle, “heh heh heh, Just as I remember of old sun butt. Always the thinker, never the impulsive one. Good.”

Twilight breathed heavily as she realized she had been holding her breath all this time and that thumping sound she had been listening to was the hearty beating of her heart. Mordrue had bought it!


Daring circled the spire with as much stealth as she could manage, keeping to the undergrowth and behind the trees to gaze along and up at the various sides of the massive griffon tower. Under the guise of temples the old griffons had built many a stronghold like this upon the lands of their neighbors. Most had either crumbled or been abandoned over the passage of time, however, some were still in use. This particular fortress was older than most she had seen, but it was still a formidable looking point sticking out of the ground. There were a number of passages leading inside the structure itself, but each would most likely be guarded. However, if the griffons were using the river as a source of fresh water they would need some way of getting it into the Spire.

As she scanned the river, the golden-brown pegasus noticed the small trench leading from the riverside to the very side of the Spire. Daring could only surmise that they must have a vent to draw the water into an underground well.

Daring suddenly had an idea that was half mad and half brilliant (the very balance she lived her entire life by). Making her way to the river's edge she slowly dipped herself into the water. The cold feel of the river was a scathing wake up call to the insanity her plan, but it was one that she was going to have to endure through to the end.

Daring swam with the river current, following it as she kept her head low, hoping none of the griffons would catch sight of her passing through the water. Kicking her legs she angled herself to enter the trench leading to the fortress, the large tower becoming larger and more imposing as she swam directly under it. She came to a full stop facing the old cold but still strong rock. The icy river water was splashing across her face even as it lapped at the stone foundations of the griffon keep.

Taking one deep breath Daring plunged the rest of her body down into the water, swimming toward and eyeing the stone for any sign of a gate or vent. She patted the stone with her hooves, checking physically, while her eyes did their best under the water. She was halfway through her air when she finally saw the outline of the vent just below her on the right. It was above the reeds and rocks that formed the bottom of the trench.

Pulling herself back up as fast as her hooves were able, Daring broke the surface of the water like a hopping salmon, allowing fresh (and welcomed) air to swell her lungs. Once she had recovered her air supply she dived once more under the water and with quick speed she zoomed towards the vent, her wings securely held at her side.

She brought her hooves to bear on the vent, forcefully trying to pull it up. For a while she struggled to make any leeway but the metal gate refused to budge an inch, and her air was starting to become scarce. Returning to the surface Daring realized she would have to wait for the gate to open on it’s own.

Hugging close to the wall in order to anchor herself, Daring only hoped that someone inside got thirsty real quick.


Mordrue fled down the long corridor as fast as his wings could take him, billowing fire and screams of battle erupting all around him as did so. Fleeing down the corridor he broke out into a large chamber filled with flames, the walls themselves seemingly melting from the heat. Turning just in time to avoid a pillar of fire erupting from the corridor behind him, Mordrue flew to the center of the chamber. Within the center of the chamber lay a large pedestal with a massive goldstone, the hilt of an amazing sword stood out of the top.

Making his way to grip the hilt he desperately tried to pull the sword out of the stone only to find it not budging an inch. The flames and sounds of clashing metal and screaming soldiers came closer and closer and yet still the sword would not move. All of a sudden the sword pulled itself out of the stone and ripped its way from his clutch hovering in the air before him. Staring up in complete shock and growing fear Mordrue was powerless to do anything as the flames began creeping up his body as the sword itself turned in the air and flew towards him.

“Arrrghghhhh, MURDER!” screamed the black griffon, rising off his stone, his fur and feathers covered in sweat and his eyes wide and fearful. Breathing heavily he looked frantically around, but there were no fires, no sounds of battle, no sword, all was calm and still.

Where had that nightmare come from? What did it all mean? Mordrue was completely unsure of whether the dream was a premonition of warning, or simply a result of his combined desires and stress. Either way it didn't matter, he needed to find the sword and the key was the only way to do so. First however, his throat was dry and his wits were high strung and he needed something cool to wash down the fear he was feeling.

“Someone bring me fresh water from the well… NOW! He hollered as his voice echoed throughout the entire Spire.


Daring suddenly felt the water pressure around her legs change, the current flowing below her kicking legs. She knew immediately that this was a signal that the vent was opening up to allow more water into the well. Despite seeing her opportunity to get inside, she was mentally accosted with the growing doubts in her head; would she be able to hold her breathe long enough to get in, or would she drown halfway? This one concern especially worried her for she had little idea of actually how long it would take to get to the well, or even what the shape was of the vent and tunnel.

Yet, if she didn’t move now she could lose her only opportunity to get inside and time was running out. Such consequences warranted a little risk and so Daring decided then and there to take the chance.

Taking a deep breath she plunged once again under the cold blurry surface and kicked with her hind legs as she pointed herself downward.

As she approached the vent she found that the latch had opened, revealing a dark passageway leading through the stone wall. Without hesitation Daring directed herself into the opening, finding it was just big enough for her to squeeze through (as long as her wings rested against her side). Daring was relieved to find that the pressure of the vent opening and drawing in the water helped her speed along faster than if she was swimming just on her own.

She practically sped down the vent’s tunnel with very little trouble however, she was quickly running out of air and she could barely see any end in sight. The vent was dark and her eyes couldn’t adjust under the water, her mind going a bit dizzy from the lack of oxygen.

Finally she seemed to pass through the end of the tunnel and into a circular shaft just big enough for her to fit as long as she remained vertical. Kicking her legs she zipped up through the dark cold water, her lungs beginning to burn, which her movements reflected as she struggled more powerfully and frantic.

She burst from the water gasping, spitting out the water that had filled her lungs while also inhaling as hard as she could. She sucked in the air as fast as possible, never before having felt so deprived of something so essential.

Regaining her wits she realized that she was once again in a dark space, reaching out with her hooves she could just feel the walls of the shaft. Everything was devoid of light and warmth, the cold stone a perfect coolant for the well water.

All of a sudden she gave a, ‘mrpph,’ as something smacked her upon the head. Ducking out of the object's way Daring came to realize it was a bucket. The bucket descended into the water inches from Daring’s face before lifting up and out of the water, full and dripping. The ice cold drops pelted Daring on her nose and forehead as she tried to look up to see the top of the shaft.

Daring contemplated how she was going to get out of this one. Her most favored option was to simply climb out, the walls were large enough she could brace her back against one side and slowly inch her way up the shaft. The only issue was that the walls would be wet and smooth, not likely to have many hoof holds. This would mean she would have to be extremely careful or risk plummeting back down the shaft.

Bracing her back against one side of the shaft she lifted her hind legs to touch upon the opposite side. Daring had to give a shiver as the cold wall pressed against her already drenched back and the bottom of her hooves. With a determined sigh she began slowly sliding up the shaft, using her legs to inch up the wall then drag her back up to once again level herself off. Every few feet she would take a quick breather to regain some strength before continuing on.

The whole process was slow work, the slippery wall making it even harder to stay in place. Daring found she had to press hard against the wall to even keep upright, nearly losing her hold twice and only being saved by her hooves scratching against the wall.

Daring was determined to reach the top, a fierce determination that blazed like a growling fire inside of her, flashes of her friends faces as well as her daughters danced across her eyes. All she could think about was helping them, keeping them safe, what was a little discomfort or risk compared to that?

Daring had made her escape from worse traps and environments than this before, and she was determined that she would not be defeated by a well. As she looked up she caught sight of a faint light, signalling the top of the shaft. It was still a few feet away, but it was getting brighter and brighter the closer to it she came.

In her growing excitement to get to the top, Daring forgot to press herself against the wall. As she lifted herself up she slipped, flopping backwards. She quickly put out her front hooves sliding along the wall as she kicked her hind hooves out as straight as she could. Her body slid down the shaft until her hooves managed to slow her descent, coming to an abrupt halt. The ordeal leaving her making the world's most uncomfortable yoga pose.

‘Oh just freaking great,’ groaned Daring mentally, now having to climb up the shaft while arched like this.

She slowly crab walked up the sides of the well, not even stopping for a rest in her resolve to simply get out of this shaft. Her efforts finding reward as her hind hooves clawed from the sides of the wall to grasp a hoof-hold on dusty rock. Leveling herself off at the open mouth of the shaft Daring could see the well room was illuminated by several torches. Aside from her the room lay empty, whoever had collected the water now long gone.

With a great push Daring flipped herself forward and back onto all fours upon the solid rock of the chamber. Giving a quick look around Daring slid herself against the wall of the chamber eyeing several different flights of stairs leading in different directions. Some going up, others going down, while the rest kept on the chambers level but lead into dark passageways most of which were barely lit.

Daring had to pick one, and was now faced with the next challenge of having to figure out deductively which flight would lead her to her friends.

‘Alright Daring, now’s the moment, you’ve done the physical now for the mental. Time to use every skill and technique you developed from years of study and experience in archaeology. Time to make all those years of digging, dodging ponies wanting to kill you, all that danger and student fees, finally pay off… hhmmm. So, eenie meeny miny…’


Twilight and Rainbow hadn’t seen a griffon for at last two hours now, hanging from their bonds both mares were exhausted, hungry and growing impatient.

Twilight was froth with worry over the escape plan, while Dash was still too sore to move really and just groaned in agony. After having given Mordrue the false information he had left them alone with barely a thought it seemed. In fact there had been no griffons attending them at all, neither for food nor further torture.

“Oh man Twi, I am so hungry, I wouldn’t mind a little more torture. Just as long as they feed us afterwards,” moaned Rainbow the groans she was emitting dwindling in comparison to the ones her stomach was producing.

“Oh Dash, don’t say things like that, we’ll be free soon. You’ll see, we’ll get out of this, then we will get some food okay?” reassured Twilight.

“O-Okay Twilight, but those bumbling griffon boys better not make us wait too long,” replied Dash hotly.

Twilight only could nod in response, Buck had visited shortly after her audience with Mordrue to confirm she had given him the false information. The young griffon had told her that things would start happening within the next few hours so they should wait right for him and his brother.

Twilight didn’t know how long Dash could go on, she was extremely weak and the torture sessions had only made her condition even worse. Rainbow would be a serious problem when they escaped, she could barely remain conscious for long periods of time.

However, that was the least of their concerns. Twilight was contemplating everything that they needed to get done once freed. The first step being getting back to ponyville. The second would involve securing Spike and sending a message to Celestia, of course taking down the griffons watching him first, if they could find them. Too many variables were present and Twilight was panicking as she realized that they might not be able to get to Scootaloo before it was too late.

“Oh gosh Twi, how did we get into this mess? Continued Rainbow groggily. “If it wasn’t bad enough that we have no idea where Daring is at, but now Scootaloo is in danger, we’re trussed up like a pair of turkeys, you’re magics out, we have to wait on the most annoying pair of griffons I have ever talked too, and…”

“Rainbow will you please… SHUT THE FUCK UP, Celestia Dammit!” hollered Twilight, the pressure and worry having over ridden her modesty and self control.

Rainbow could only widen her eyes in shock, her mouth gaping open at her usually composed friends outburst and just dangled there in awkward silence.

“She has a point Rainbow,” spoke up another voice from below them, both mares flashing their eyes down to see the golden brown mare flapping her way up the shaft.

“Daring Do!” cried both Rainbow and Dash in unison, Twilight joining Rainbows dumbfounded expression as they looked upon the adventuress.

“Hey yeah why don’t you call Mordrue down for some tea and cookies while you’re at it!” hissed Daring. “Shut it both of you.”

“Daring how did you find us?” inquired Twilight, shifting her weight t pull on her bonds as the adventuress came up to her eye level.

“A little birdy told me before I clocked him, how’s it hanging Princess?” quipped Daring.

Twilight could only roll her eyes as she pulled on her bonds. “Quick Daring there’s a weakness in my cuffs, you just gotta put some pressure into it.”

Daring nodded before reaching upwards with her own hooves finding Twilight was right, the metal had warped and was brittle, a good placed hit would break it. Turning herself around she carefully positioned her back hooves towards the cuffs, drawing herself back she nodded at Twilight who braced herself, and then kicked for all she was worth.

Twilight cried out in both pain and joy as the metal shattered and she dropped only for her pristine wings to catch her fall.

Both mares then flew over to Dash, Twilight bringing her hoof to raise her friends chin up.

“See Rainbow we’re going to get out of here.”

“Thanks Twi,” muttered Rainbow trying her best to shake her bonds.

“She can’t fly Daring we’re going to need to carry her,” stated twilight, holding Dash close to her.

“First things first Princess,” responded Daring as she suddenly bit Twilight’s horn, ignoring the alicorns cry of surprise as she tugged the metal band off her horn and spat it out. “Now be a dear and blast these chains,” finished Daring with a grin.

Twilight brought her horn to bear and quickly melted the cuffs holding Dash, who fell only for both her and Daring to catch the limp pegasus in their hooves and draping a foreleg around their necks and shoulders.

“It’s going to take some work to get out of here gals, but we need to, Mordrue has griffons everywhere in ponyville, they’re watching everyone and preparing to grab Scoots at her party tonight.” Stated Daring worry filling her voice.

“We know, Mordrue told us, he’s been keeping us from warning Celestia, he even has spike under watch,” replied Twilight.

“H-he even has some n-n-no good, back-s-s-tabbing guards eughhh,” trialed off Rainbow trying to add her two bits worth.

“That’s right Mordrue said he even has some of Celestia’s guard on his side,” muttered Twilight.

“Not good, but first things first we need to get out of here,” answered Daring, the talk about crooked royal guard putting her even more on edge.

“We might have some help, we have two guys inside who will help us, they were going to break us out tonight but…” trialed off Twilight.

“Know where they are?” asked Daring noting the princesses slow shake of her head.

“Then we’ll have to try and find them, or an exit,” finished Daring. “This is not going to be easy girls.”

“You got that right bitch!” came the growl from above them, the trio looking up to see seven guards staring back at them, their metal talons glinting in the weak torchlight.


Daring and the others flew downwards through the Spiral, several griffons following them cawing in warning to the rest of the flock. Daring led them, while along with Twilight, supporting Dash as much as she could, neither her nor the purple alicorn willing to let go of their hold on the rainbow maned pegasus.

The griffons however, were waiting for them, as several dozen lay below them, blocking all the lower entrance-ways, the torch light illuminating the rows of sharp metal claws and beaks glaring at them in hatred.

Daring and Twilight did a fast halt in mid air, Rainbow groaning as she rocked between them, her grip on their shoulders tightening in response.

“Back up the tower, NOW! Called Daring, zooming as fast as she was able, Twilight quickly matching her for speed.

The three ponies shooting back upwards right towards them, caught their pursuers off hand, the griffons halting themselves in mid air in surprise. This allowed the ponies to zoom past them, but their stupor didn’t last long for they immediately flew after them matching their pace.

The torchlight revealed up ahead the opening in the roof platform that ran the middle length of the tower.

“Hey Twilight, did Dash ever tell you about the threading the needle maneuver?” hollered Daring.

“No why?” answered Twilight, her eyes finally settling on the hole up ahead and now able to guess what kind of move this was going to be. “Oh Buck!” she cried.

“Yeah on my signal wrap yourself around Dash, extend your right wing and hold on tight!”

Twilight nodded but deep down she was screaming at how crazy this was going to be. The three of them now hurtling towards the opening.

“Now!” cried Daring, wrapping herself around Dash and extending her left wing, as Twilight did the same with her own body and her right wing. The group shooting right through the hole, the tips of their wings just brushing the sides of the platform.

Now careening into the upper levels of the Spire, Daring and Twilight both caught glimpses of Mordrue staring at them from atop a grand rock at the back of the platform, his green eyes widening in surprise and shock.

“Stop them you imbeciles, seal off the entrances!” came his reverberating voice as the three mares just focused on one thing, escape.

Heading towards the nearest entrance the trio were forced to ban hard life as the opening suddenly bristled with glaring griffons, one of which leaped out of the tunnel and right on the backs of Daring and Twilight.

Another two all of a sudden were on them from below, sharp talons fastening into their manes. That was when Rainbow suddenly launched her hind legs forward, using Twilight and Daring as leverage, catching both griffons in the beak.

The assailants fell off the mares plummeting back down the spire, while the one on their backs lifted his claws to bring it down, only for another burly body to smash into his own back cracking his spine.

As he slipped off their backs the trio of mares encountered the scowling face of Buck, his brother flapping quickly behind him like a shadow.

“Well not the escape plan I was hoping for, but beggars can’t be choosers eh?” he playfully sneered at Twilight the purple alicorn giving him a sheepish and exasperated look.

“Just get us out of here, Daring meet our inside griffons,” offered Twilight.

Daring gave Buck a curt nod before she looked down to see several dozen griffons collecting on the platform below, having come from the bottom levels and joining the ones already positioned in the top.

“We got some serious company, any ideas? She asked the griffon boy beside her, his own yellow eyes flashing with surprise at the numbers below them.

“The top entrance is still free. Head for it as fast as you can, we’ll hold them off for as long as possible, then join you if we can.” He added.

“That’s suicide!” cried Twilight.

“Better than all of us being dead though right?” retorted the griffon.

“No time to bicker come on!” yelled Daring as she dragged both Rainbow and Twilight with her up towards the very tip of the Spire. Buck gave the princess a passing grin before him and his brother hurtled back down the shaft crashing into the flock of snarling griffons below.

Despite the ferocity of the two warriors, several of the griffons managed to get past the battling duo heading after the retreating mares with growing speed.

Daring could see the opening of the top entrance way ahead, like the griffon boy had said it was free, the majority of the warriors having focused their attentions below. They could make it if they were just a bit faster, but supporting Dash was slowing them down.

'There’s no way the three of us can make it there before those griffons catch up to us, we have to drop some weight,’ she thought to herself dreading the decision she was about to make. But there was no choice and she only hoped her friends could forgive her for what she had to do.

Pushing herself away from Dash, Daring dumped the blue pegasus’s weight onto Twilight who gave a surprise 'meep', right before Daring disengaged from the other two and dropped downwards like a stone, hitting the first pursuing griffon on the head and dragging his companions down with her as they all fell back down towards the platform.

“Daring!” cried Twilight while Dash just let out a weak keen, as their friend plummeted down out of view.

However, Daring had underestimated the number of griffons following them as several more flights of warriors took the place of the ones she had just incapacitated.

Twilight shook her head as she supported the weight of Dash alone, finding the flight easier but still slow going do to how heavy her friend was. She could also hear the cawing and snarling of the griffons following them. Fear and determination battle inside her heart and her mind as she realized one way to stop them from following them, especially to keep them from coming after them once they were outside. But the danger was she might kill Daring, Buck, or even herself and Dash, the move was too risky.

A crossbolt hurtling past her head however, decided for her, turning her head she focused magic into her horn. Targeting the upper ceiling of the spire Twilight let loose a powerful magical burst that exploded the stone, the rock shattering and raining down the tower's shaft.

Several of her pursuers were flattened instantly by the stone while the rest of the flock dispersed as fast as they could. The rocks crashed into the platform taking out several more griffons, even as Mordrue brought up a magical shield to try and block the falling ceiling.

A dozen more griffons flew past the Twilight and Dash, no longer interested in the mares and instead hurtled towards the ceiling to try and keep the top of the spire from caving in.

Twilight and Dash just narrowly dodged the falling rocks and sped through the tunnel, breaking out into the fresh air free. Looking back however, both could only wonder if their freedom had been worth the cost.


Back inside the tower the dust had finally settled, several of the griffons having used themselves as load bearers on the ceiling, while another set of engineers fixed the broken roof and cracked stone.

Below upon the middle platform that ran the middle length of the spire, the griffons had been sorting out the wounded from the dead. Mordrue surveyed these efforts with some trepidation, clacking his metal talons against his stone throne, changing his gaze back to the numerous mirrors hanging off the stones sides. Trying to use them to catch a glimpse of where Twilight and her pegasus friend had escaped too.

A grunt from the side brought the mage’s attention back to the situation at hand, bringing his eyes to focus on the bandaged body of Dukat staring back at him.

“Ah back from medical care already I see Captain,” stated Mordrue solemnly.

“Yes my lord, I--I have the count of casualties my lord, would you like to hear it?” answered Dukat timidly. Despite his anger over his beating at the hooves of Daring Do, he did not want to antagonize his chieftain.

“Report then!” muttered Mordrue in contempt.

“Twenty wounded, ten dead sir, we also have Daring Do and the collaborator under guard below.”

Mordrue nodded as he contemplated his next course of action. This little incident had made him late for the party but he could still meet his followers at the edge of the Everfree and personally escort them back. With any luck they could have the key half way back to the Spire before Celestia or her moronic guard got involved. But first it would be best to clean up in-house, before worrying about outside influences.

“Bring them both up here to me, the rest of you take your positions. I want you all to witness this,” demanded Mordrue taking a seated stance upon his rock.

Daring was the first flown up through the center hole, chains leading from her hooves and neck to the several griffon handlers accompanying her. Next came two more griffons dragging the limp body of Buck between them, while a final griffon followed them dragging the lifeless body of Buck’s brother Bones.

Daring was dragged right beside Mordrue’s rock, while Buck and Bones were both dumped unceremoniously on the floor of the platform. Buck immediately went to his brothers side, feeling for his pulse while he held the cold and unresponsive body close to his own.

Daring struggled in her chains as she looked up with contempt at Mordrue and unrestrained sadness when she looked back towards Buck, the young griffon seemingly refusing to believe the cold hard reality that his brother was gone.

Mordrue only grimaced at the sight, in many ways it was pathetic and unseemly for such proud warriors as themselves to cry over the dead, especially when the dead was an enemy collaborator. Turning to address the gathered flock, he began to make his way down his rock sliding over to where Buck was cradling his brother’s broken body.

“You all see? This is what I told you would happen if you trusted the ponies. Their friendship, their word, their integrity… MEANS NOTHING!” he hollered glaring around at the sea of wide and terrified eyes. “This is what happens when you allow compassion to rule your heart, and mercy to rule your head. This is what happens when you surrender your fury to kindness and welcome in heroism!”

Y-y-you’re wrong…” came the sobbing yet piercing voice of the young griffon before him, still holding his brothers head in his lap. Buck stared unrelenting at Mordrue, hatred flickering across his facial features.

Mordrue gave a cruel laugh before he spat at the young griffon, the younger dodging the spittle without losing any of the burning fury in his gaze.

“I’m wrong? I’m wrong? Really you little fool! You collaborate with our enemies, help them to escape, only for the Princess to bring the whole roof down, killing ten of our warriors as well as that idiotic brother of yours… and you have the gall to say I’M WRONG?!” screamed Mordrue.

Buck to his credit did not flinch, his reasons for living had already died in his talons, and he was no longer afraid. Death and him were practically on speaking terms right now anyway.

Daring tried to take some of the heat off calling out at Mordrue, “Hey leave the kid alone Mordrue, it’s I who freed them anyway so...murph,” Daring grunted as she was suddenly silenced; one of her handlers pioneering his tunic as a muzzle, wrapped it about her mouth, cutting off Daring mid sentence.

“Thank you kindly corporal. Now back to you, turncoat. How am I wrong? If you hadn’t plotted with the ponies none of this would have happened. You fool don’t you see, you’ve killed your own brother!”

“Noooooooo!” hollered Buck jumping to his feet as he slashed at Mordrue who easily ducked the young ones attack.

“No, you killed him. You killed all of them, and doomed all of us, it’s because of you we’re paying the price of our forefathers, this is your war against Equestria not ours, and it’s your leadership that led my brother and I to this end! You are not fit to lead Mordrue and so I challenge you for leadership!”

Mordrue seemed taken aback at this, a collective gasp and explosion of murmurs from the assembled griffon legion drowned out any semblance of silence. Mordrue seeming to come out of his shock nodded towards several griffons by the throne. One of them detaching himself from the group and making his way behind his leader, the black griffon doing his best to shield the other from sight.

“Challenge, me? HAHAHAHAHAHA that is rich boy, but be serious. You are young and foolish, and if that wasn’t enough, you're barely even a real griffon. You're more a pony in griffon skin,” guffawed Mordrue.

“I mean it, you Mordrue are neither a leader nor a griffon, you are just an idiot!” jabbed Buck, ignoring his former leaders antagonizing words. Leaning forward, he was now crouching into a fighting stance as Mordrue sat back on his haunches, lifting one of his wings to extend outwards (for whatever purpose Buck had no clue).

“I beg your pardon?” demanded Mordue, now starting to show some vulnerability.

“You heard me! You’re an idiot and an incompetent leader, face me now and we’ll see who's a real griffon. “

Mordrue only sighed flexing his muscles as he picked at his beak with his claws. “Oh dear me, I am moved by your passion Buck. The ferocity in your voice is inspiring, but there is so much more to being a leader than simply being an passionate speaker. There’s responsibility, and cunning as well, wouldn’t you agree lieutenant Gildur?” finished the black griffon, lowering his outstretched wing in a dramatic fashion to reveal a brown gryphon in silver chain-mail holding a crossbow pointed right at Buck.

The young griffon had barely a moment to react before a cross bolt plunged into his chest dropping him flat.

Mordrue stood still for the moment allowing the assembled griffons to fully appreciate the lesson, before growling in disgust.

“Loser, dump him and his brother's body into the river. Let the traitors rot in their watery grave!”

As several of the guards did just that, Mordrue tuned to Daring Do, ignoring the look of horror on her face at seeing the other griffon cut down.

“Ah miss Do, I think it will be best if we keep you gagged so you just have to listen alright?” he rhetorically asked of her, coming to face her muzzle to beak. “You think freeing your friends will stop me… think again, even if they do manage to escape the Everfree my griffons are already in ponyville. There is no stopping what is coming, but don’t worry you'll be having some company real soon.”

Daring could only look at him quizzically, her struggle against her bonds having ceased as she instead grumbled through the gag at her captors.

“Since you gave birth to the key you are her mother, but since the key came from me, that makes me like the father doesn’t it?” he teased her watching the indignity and outrage rise about her eyes and face. “Well don’t fret too much Daring, we’ll have some time to talk about it when we have our family reunion tonight.”

Daring could only look on in shock as Mordrue’s patted her on the head. “Yes we will be quite the little family won’t we?” he smirked at her. Giving his guards a “take her away” signal he watched as they dragged the wide eyed looking Daring Do away, his words having caused her to seize up in complete shock.

“But sir!” came Dukat’s voice from behind him, the captain doing his best to keep his distance from Daring Do as she was dragged away. Coming to rest by Mordrue’s side he bowed in respect before standing to attention. “What of the Princess of Friendship? They know where we are now, once they get out of the forest, won’t they return with the royal guard?”

“Of course they will, but by then it won’t matter. The key will be mine by midnight and as for the royal guard, anyone of you is worth ten of them. But you do raise a good point,” added Mordrue. “Very well captain, in my absence prepare the Spire for hell itself. Seal off all but the top entrances and begin breaking out all weapons and armor. Have all crossbows close to talon and set a watch on all paths to the tower. Send them in teams of two, if they spot anyone coming have one report back here, while the other observes any further developments.

Dukat nodded and saluted Mordrue. “It shall be done my lord, we will be ready to repel any attack by morning!” Lifting off the ground he screeched a powerful war cry, several other griffons launching from their roosts to join him as they flew through the hole in the floor to fulfill their master's wishes.

Mordure as well lifted off the ground, his wings flapping tirelessly, rising further up the Spire to leave through one of the upper tunnels, cawing in laughter as his followers turned their focus back on him.

“Oh yes they will come and we shall be waiting. The children of Celestia will meet the sons of Gryphonstone in all out battle. And we will make the skies rain with their blood!”