• Published 16th Mar 2016
  • 1,897 Views, 178 Comments

Daring Do and the Sword of Excalibur - Silver Malice

When Scootaloo collapses, screaming about a magic sword, evil gryphons, and a strange golden mare with grey mane, it’s up to Rainbow Dash and her hero Daring Do to keep Scootaloo from the clutches of an evil fanatic in search of the sword Excalibur

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Chapter 2: A Mare Revealed, a Gryphon Unmasked

Since the incident in her hospital room, Scootaloo had not been left on her own unattended even for a second. She spent the rest of the night in a brand new bed in a brand new room--one with a non-opening window--under lock and key and accompanied by both Rainbow Dash and Twilight, who had both made the decision to sleep in the room with her to protect her and monitor the situation. Rainbow Dash in particular had placed herself on the bed with Scoots, curling around her in a protective embrace and her wings protectively shielding the young orange filly as she slept. Twilight slept on a second cot brought into the room by the hospital staff, the nurses commenting about having not seen such excitement since their last rush hour earlier that morning as they wheeled said cot in. Before joining the two pegasi, Twilight ordered nurse Redheart and her administrator Fine Print to lock down the entire wing of the hospital. Nothing was to be allowed in or out. She even went so far as installing magical barriers on the doors and windows.

Scootaloo shivered even though she lay under both linen sheets and Rainbow’s feathers. The young filly, bandaged and sore from the harrowing encounter, remained restless even as she slept, her poor mind still plagued by vivid and horrific dreams. However, weakened as she was from her significant loss of blood and the confusing visions she had experienced, the little orange filly did manage to sleep through the whole night, even if wasn’t the soundest of slumbers. Her sleep continued even long after golden rays pierced through the sealed window, her form still shielded by the wings of the cyan pegasus, which blocked said rays from striking her eyes quite easily.

Twilight was the first of the three to wake. As she stretched out her purple wings, a knock on the door brought her to full alert. Moving cautiously to the door, the purple princess ignited her horn, preparing to unleash her magic should the need arise.

“Who's there?” she called warily.

“Twilight, it’s me. Let me in,” came the familiar reply of her number one assistant from the other side.

“Hold on, Spike,” assured Twilight, removing her magical lock on the door.

Spike entered the room in a flash, the young dragon closing the door quickly behind him. His purple scales were dirty and covered in dust while his eyes were bloodshot. The green spikes which lined his back almost looked to be drooping, as did his posture, the young drake looking more and more like he was on his last legs.

“Spike, what in Celestia’s name?” asked Twilight, her mouth agape at the poor shape her assistant was in, a bit of concern beginning to show on her features.

“Oh. Yeah. Well, I knew you and Rainbow Dash had the inside of the hospital covered, so I thought I’d keep watch outside. Spent all night in a fox hole, but other than some fog, nothing out of the ordinary,” the young dragon said. Moving right past Twilight, Spike headed for her cot, before flopping with a groan on top of it.

Rolling her eyes, Twilight went over to check on Scootaloo, gently brushing aside Rainbow Dash’s wings to get a better look at the little filly beneath. She checked to make sure Scootaloo’s wounds weren’t still bleeding and also took a moment to evaluate if her bandages needed changing. Once satisfied that everything was fine, the princess gently began to nudge the rainbow pegasus. Rainbow Dash was not what one would call an early morning mare, though, and gave off a rather loud snore as Twilight gently prodded her. Twilight groaned inwardly as she increased her attention to wake up Rainbow, increasing the pressure and frequency of her nudges.

Eventually, she grew tired of the lack of results and just decided to whip out her magic instead, pinching one of the blue mare’s feathers with her energy. She smirked as she watched impatiently as one of Rainbow's eyes slowly opened. The purple orb blinked a few times, before eyeing Twilight.

As the eye gazed at her, Rainbow issued a haughty grunt at being woken up. “Ugh Twilight… five more minutes, please?” begged the pegasus mare. Her body rolled back onto her side as she once more closed her eyes.

Twilight shook her head and used one of her hooves to prod Rainbow even more. “Not today Rainbow. We have work to do.”

Rainbow Dash gave a brash grunt of disapproval, forcing Twilight to use her magic once more to levitate the blue pegasus out of bed, only to dump her unceremoniously on the hard floor.

“Ouch! Twilight! That’s what I call a rude wake up call!” cried Rainbow, glaring storm clouds at the purple alicorn.

Twilight glared right back at her, unwavering. “I call it waking up a lazy slacker.”

Both mares were locked into a deadlock staring match until Spike grunted from atop his cot as he rolled onto his back.

“I call it making a lot of noise. You’re going to interrupt the kid’s sleep… and mine.”

At that moment, both ponies dropped their stares. realizing the young drake had a point. Neither of them wanted to disturb the orange filly’s sleep, especially not after the night she had had.

Rainbow all of a sudden felt a feeling of sisterly instinct come upon her. She moved to stroke a hoof gently along Scootaloo’s mane, watching as the young filly slept soundly--finally it seemed--and free of bad dreams.

“Spike’s right. We have more important things right now… like finding out what or who tried to sink their teeth into Scootaloo last night,” declared Rainbow haughtily.

“I agree,” replied Twilight. “Though whatever it was that attacked her has seemingly disappeared.”

Rainbow snorted in anger. “A coward, no matter what it was, going after a filly like that! If I find this thing, it’s going to be totally sorry it ever messed with my little sis!”

Twilight ignored the athletic pegasus's rant as she began formulating a plan in her head. “That’s all well and good Rainbow, but we have to find that said thing first,” muttered Twilight.

“Don’t you know any spells or magic that’ll help track it?” inquired Dash, still keeping a protective hoof on Scootaloo’s cheek.

“No. Whatever it was last night, my magic can’t trace it… I couldn’t even feel anything else in the room. That means, whatever it was, it might be resistant to magic.”

Rainbow picked up on the worry in Twilight's voice, understanding enough to know magic resistant enemies who could vanish and not be tracked were not good for Equestria. The cyan pegasus began pacing back and forth, trying to come up with her own plan... and failing miserably. She was more a pony of action than critical thought, after all. For such laborious mental exertions, she relied on... well… Twilight.

“I think the best way we’re going to get to the bottom of this one is by figuring out what’s going on with Scootaloo,” stated Twilight.

Rainbow was secretly glad Twilight had already formed a plan. She was a doer not a thinker, and now that the thinking was being handled by someone suited for it, It left her to focus on what she knew about Scootaloo’s history.

“Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle said she hadn’t been feeling well for the whole day. Then, when we met them, she had that seizure and fainted,” added Rainbow Dash.

“She also said she was seeing visions, right before she feinted!” answered Twilight, alarmed at how she hadn't caught on to this before now.

“She said the same thing after we burst into her room last night,” followed up Rainbow, trying to rack her brain about what scootaloo had been babbling about during her distress.

“Something about a golden mare with a grey rainbow streak… and something else about green eyes,” finished Twilight. “That’s it, Rainbow! We got to find out what these visions of Scootaloo’s mean! The mare in her visions sounds familiar, so if we can at least pin-point her identity, we might be able to figure this whole mess out!”

“Please tell me this doesn’t mean what I think it means?” whined Rainbow.

“To the library!” cried Twilight enthusiastically, glad to once more be able to set hoof in her castle's expansive literature repository.

“Can’t wait,” moaned Rainbow. “Hey, Spike. Watch over Scootaloo for us, okay?”

The little dragon groaned before reluctantly sitting up, the glare on his face out of character for one so young. “Oh boy,” he tiredly groaned, as Twilight and Rainbow disappeared out the door.

Just outside of Ponyville lay the dreaded and ever expanding Everfree Forest. Within its dangerous and wild folds lay all manner of monsters and creatures, from Timber wolves to Ursa Majors, and everything in between. Considered one of Equestria’s most dangerous yet iconic landmarks, the forest was a refuge for the feral and mysterious. It was also the home of some of the most ancient sites in the country, one such example being the Castle of the Two Sisters, the ancestral home of the Princesses. Accompanying this treasure was the temple of Marlin, an ancient Griffon citadel. Once large, imposing, and decorated, it now only laid decayed and broken. The citadel was built like a bird’s roost, the main entrance at least twenty feet above the ground and the citadel’s stone foundations. Inside the main entrance, there was a long corridor leading to a second gateway, which led to the inner spiral which served as a gryphon's roost.

At the moment, this second inner gate was being guarded in the weakest sense of the word by two rather bored and disinterested griffons. Gryphons were divided into two caste systems; gryphons, were considered more intelligent and social, not burdened by aggression or the xenophobia. Griffons, on the other hand were more adapted to their predator routes. More war like and aggressive, often serving as soldiers or hired muscle. The two avian's here were half-breeds, born of both caste systems. The first was lying on his back on the base of a crumbled statue, his blue-tan fur a conflicting color upon the dark grey stone. His companion, with his tattered brown fur and dyed green streaks, was another odd sight to behold. Both griffons wore black battle armor and grey steel helmets fitted over their heads. Their paws were dawned with metallic battle claws while their flanks sported a tattoo of a sword and green eye on either side. The brownish green one kept his wings enclosed tight to his side, his lazier companion letting his own extend across the stone slab.

“I tell you what Scratch: this has to be the lamest and most boring duty we’ve ever been assigned… and that’s saying quite a lot,” stated the brown and green griffon. His tail began flickering in annoyance.

` “You have a point, Shekel my boy. Never had so little to do that counting the cracks in the wall was the highlight of the day,” replied his blueish tanned companion, now staring up at the ceiling from his perch.

“It doesn't make much sense to me to be guarding this crumbling tower. Not as if anyone’s actually looking for us, are they?” asked Shekel, sharpening his metallic claws on the stone floor.

“Aye, and not as if they could reach us up here either.” answered Scratch. “Those pegasi are the only ones who could and even then, why would they enter a rickety old roost like this?”

“But provide the chief with any of these sensible deductions…”

“Aye. He then bites your tail clean off!”

Scratch rolled onto his side, bringing his wings to rest once more at his sides. His yellow eyes shifting through the darkness of the musty, ill lit corridor.

“Should have seen what he did with Two Bits,” muttered Scratch.

“What did he do with two bits?” asked Shekel inquisitively.

“Dropped em…”

“Dropped em… what a waste!”

“I’ll say. Like we don’t have a short supply of the likes of Two Bits.”

“I could use two bits myself…”

“Well you could go ask him…”

“Ask who?”

“Two Bits”

“Aye, I got that. But who do I ask about 'em?”

“Like I bloody said mate, Two Bits…”

“I know…. but who am I going to get them off of?”


“Who's gonna lend me two bits?

“Not two bits as in coins you feather headed loser! Two Bits as in our fellow griffon! You know! The big brutish one with the red plumage?”

“Oh yeah. Aye knows the one… why’d the chief drop him?” asked Shekel, curiously.

“Cause he said we shouldn't try and go into the pony village with that alicorn of theirs on hand, so the boss grounded him. Hasn’t left the citadel since then,” replied Scratch, stroking the fur of his chin thoughtfully.

“Can’t say I blame the chief, but keeping Two Bits here, as well as us it seems to me, decreases our flock power. Has us spread out all over this dumb region.”

“While the chief plays ring around the rosy with the key and those lame loser ponies,” added Shekel, scowling with disgust.

Just at that moment, a cold bellow of wind passed through the corridor, striking both griffons at the same time. The cold breeze brought with it the sound of flapping feathers and a quite familiar scent.

Scratch was on his four legs at once, puffing his chest out and straightening his wings while Shekel tried to do the same, both griffons fully aware of who the wind had signaled was coming to roost.

“He’s late coming in again,” whispered Shekel.

“Wonder if he got it or if he lost it this time?” added Scratch.

The loud cry of anguish and despair that carried down the corridor and echoed throughout the entire citadel came as if in answer to their inquisition.

“He lost,” both griffons stated in unison.

The small bit of light allowed by the citadel’s entrance suddenly disappeared as a dark figure stood in the entrance way. The sounds of metallic claws scraping over hard stone echoed down the corridor, growing in level as the figure got closer.

Both griffons held their stance, trying to look as professional as they could. They watched with baited breath as the other approached them, the figure coming into better focus as their bright eyes saw through the poorly lit hallway.Without word or action, the two torches fixed to the wall, long dead, ignited into flame, lighting up the area of the second entrance. The newly lit torches revealed a hooded figure similar in build to the two other griffons, the hooded figure’s face remaining concealed behind its veil. Despite the refusal to drop the cloak, both griffons recognized who stood before them by both experience and by smell.

“Welcome back chief…. poor hunting today?” asked Scratch innocently, trying to sound as least judgemental as possible.

The figure just grunted, pushing past both griffons without greeting or acknowledgement.

“Better luck next time then, eh chief?” called out Shekel behind him, wondering exactly how long the chief would be upset this time.

“Something’s different this time…”

“What do you think it is? T-T-Think he actually found it this time?” stammered Shekel, his voice cracking with excitement.

“Well if he did, he wasn’t able to hold onto it. Which means we better not give him any reason to go off. Let’s see if we can feel 'em out.”

Without hesitation, the two guards abandoned their post and crawled back into the roost of the citadel, lifting their wings to carry them up the hollowed out spiral. The spiral was built like a roost on the outside, comprised of a large tower like structure with several entrances peppered every three to five levels. While on the inside, the spiral adopted a honeycomb like state. The main structure itself was hollow. However, built along the sides and walls of the structure were a complex series of cells and compartments. Halfway to the top, was a circular platform of stone supported by a series of buttresses and pillars. The inner center of the circular platform was missing, allowing griffons from below to fly up through.

Using this opening now, both guards took perch on the platform’s solid stone surface, catching sight of the hooded figure as he made his way over to the edge of the platform. The figure itself only halted once, to take a drink from the old well sticking out of the floor.

At the edge of the platform lay a large raked stone slab. Carved into the sides of the the large grey rock was a series of stairs leading to the top of the slab. On the top of the rock lay a series of mirrors and glass window panes. The hooded figure clawed its way up the steps and onto the rock, flipping the cloak off to reveal a black furred griffon with piercing green eyes. Looking over himself through the series of mirrors fixed around the top of the rock, the black griffon cawed impatiently.

He was not the strongest looking specimen. His wings were not as large as other griffons and he had a short build. However, his face carried with it a sign of cunning ferocity and reserved intelligence. Across his black fur were burning red tattoos of strange symbols and letters of ancient griffon lore. A breast plate of silver adorned his chest, the emblem of the sword and green eye instilled upon it. A golden chained necklace lay about his neck, a ruby pendant hanging from the golden clasps.

Flickering his wings, a dozen more dead torches suddenly burned to life, bathing the spire in heated light. The shine of the torches glinted off the metal braces and patches of steel fastened about his wings.

“So close,” came the griffon’s soft, silver tipped voice, his paw still wearing the metallic claws slamming into the stone so hard it sprayed sparks.

“SO CLOSE!” he bellowed once more, his wings extending fully as his tail went crooked, remaining still. “So close, that we choked right at the finish line, like some young flightweight just out of flying school. Should have grabbed the brat when I had the chance.”

Scratch just looked uncomfortable, even as Shekel took the initiative over his partner.

“S-S-So, chief you did find the key?”

The black griffon took the moment to turn from his cursing to gaze down at the two guards staring up at him. For a moment, he looked like he was about to curse them out, most likely for not guarding the entrance. Instead, he just stared at them.

“Yes… I found it... and if the little brat holding onto it hadn’t screamed, I would have it now!”

The other two griffons looked at one another, before looking back to their master. Both of them started to pick up at the revelation that their search and ultimate goal was now finally within claw reach.

“So we’ve found it, and it’s in Ponyville?”

“Well had to be somewhere, so why not this backwater burg?”

“Silence, you idiots!” cried the black griffon. “We need to plan this out! The filly in question is now under the watch of the alicorn princess. For all we know, she might have the rest of the township behind her as well. This is going to require a lot of work. Where are the others?”

Scratch took it upon himself to answer that one, trying to sound as apologetic as he could. “Sorry chief. They’re all out on patrol as you ordered, trying to hunt down the key. They should all be back tonight at the very least, to report.”

“Good. Then we will wait until our full strength is gathered, and then we will bring the key back home with us,” barked the griffon, his eyes glinting in the torchlight. “I’ve waited too long and sacrificed too much to allow this opportunity to slip away again… as for you two, back to your posts!”

“Yes Mordrue,” said both guards dejectedly, taking off back down the spire.

Mordrue turned to face his vast collection of mirrors, his green haunting eyes reflecting across the sea of silver surfaces.

“Sleep tight little filly… you and what you hold will be mine once again.”

The morning had not proven very fruitful for either Twilight or Rainbow Dash. The two ponies had spent hours in the castle’s encompassing library, scanning through book after book. Granted, they didn’t have much to go on. There were only so many book having to do with golden mares or accounts of creatures with green eyes, so aside from dozens of references to Celestia as the Golden Goddess and monster references such as gremlins, no luck had been had.

Of course though, studying and reading (at least for research and educational purposes) was not Rainbow’s specialty. She repeatedly fell asleep from sheer boredom or from having to slog through entire encyclopedias for one simple reference that led nowhere.

Twilight had been forced to wake her up several times, violently jarring the sleeping pegasus awake.

“Come on, Rainbow! We got to keep looking.”

“Ah come on, Twilight. Really? We’ve been at this for hours and have nothing to show for it!”

Rainbow was losing her patience. She really wanted to go and check on Scootaloo, but on the other hoof, she also wanted to provide the young filly with some answers. She was starting to get really fed up with not being able to do either. The cyan pegasus pushed herself to plow through another dusty tome, her eyes straining themselves searching for any sign of answers.

“Hate to keep asking, Twilight, but any chance you have a spell that could show us which books have what we need?” inquired Rainbow.

“No, I don’t. Spells like that require a lot of precision to work. We’d have to know exactly what we’re looking for,” answered Twilight, sternly. “Trust me, Rainbow. If we could use magic to speed this up, I’d be the first pony to use it. But it seems we’ll just have to keep doing it manually.”

Rainbow scowled in frustration, pawing through another book at a glance and finding nothing of concern. “Rather be reading a Daring Do novel myself,” muttered the rainbow maned pegasus.

Now what did happen upon that moment of that day? Well in Ponyville they say, a historic event occurred that would become legend. For it was one of those few, few times that both Rainbow Dash and Twilight came upon the same thought at the same moment, at the same time.

“DARING DO!” both ponies yelled, facing the other, hooves on each others shoulders, and fur puffed out ecstatically.

Twilight stood there, surprise painted across her face, realizing that she and Rainbow were on the same page for a change… a pleasant change.

“How could we not see it?” she asked, mentally chastising herself for her lack of thinking.

“It might have to do with the fact that Daring Do is brownish-gold. I never thought of her as just gold before,” answered Dash.

“If Daring Do is apart of this, we have to find out how. How she’s connected with Scootaloo and what could possibly be after her?”

“But Daring is a treasure hunter and adventurer. How will we know where she is?” demanded Rainbow, excitedly.

Twilight smiled at her friend. “That’s easy, Dash. Daring’s alter ego, A.K. Yearling, is in Canterlot this weekend for an award ceremony for her latest book. She’ll be there all right.”

Dash nodded in approval. “Great plan, Twi. I’ll head over there right now and see if I can grab her before the ceremony starts.”

Twilight agreed with a nod of her head, flicking her mane back. “And while you do that, I’ll pay Celestia a visit and see if she knows anything about a creature with green eyes that uses fog and has claws.”

Scootaloo had woken up halfway through the day, hungry and sore. Thinking she would see Rainbow Dash or her friends, she was shocked to see only a dried eyed Spike sitting beside her. The little dragon just sat there, looking like he hadn’t slept in days, his eyes cracked and red, staring blankly into nothing. Scootaloo had decided not to question that and instead decided to focus on the bandages she had wrapped around her sides, flipping her small wings up so she could see how far the bandages extended.

Whatever had clawed her the other night had scored deep. Scootaloo could still feel the sting of the claws upon her flesh. She shuddered as she thought back to that moment. The pain of the claws however, was nothing compared to the feeling of something being drained out of her body, something being torn from her.

She was wondering how long she had been asleep when the hospital door opened, Twilight and Rainbow Dash entering. Scootaloo’s face brightened up at seeing the cyan pegasus and princess again, her mind remembering seeing them by her side all last night.

“Rainbow Dash, Princess Twilight, hey! What’s… what's going on?” she asked, wanting to have a few answers to the jumble of questions that was now racing through her mind.

“Hey, Scoots. How ya feeling?” asked Rainbow Dash, coming to the bed to peer down at Scootaloo while Twilight went and checked on Spike.

“I’m okay, I guess. A little sore and hungry to be honest,” Scootaloo replied.

“Well, we’ll see about getting you something to eat and get your bandages changed in a few minutes,” Twilight said, before turning her near comatose assistant and poking him with her hooves. “Honestly, Spike? You stayed awake the whole time?”

“What’s happening with me, though, Rainbow Dash?” asked Scootaloo, wanting to know what was going on.

“Well, we have a few leads from those visions of yours, Scoot, but we’re not really that sure. I’m really sorry kiddo.”

Scootaloo looked down in sadness, wondering where her parents were in all of this. “What about my parents? Have they been asking about me?”

Rainbow Dash looked away at that, her face contorted in anger and disgust as Twilight took the lead from her.

“Umm… sorry, Scootaloo. We informed them last night and they… have yet to show up yet… b-b-but I’m sure they will... eventually?” assured Twilight, a slight frown upon her face as well.

Scootaloo just nodded, though inside she was crying. Rainbow Dash seemed to feel the young filly’s pain, for she made sure to tussle her mane and hair playfully.

“Hey, never mind that, Scoots. Okay? Me and Twilight got some leads to follow, and as soon as we have answers, we’ll let you know.”

“Until then, AppleJack, Rarity, and Spike will be watching over you. AJ is busy during the morning, so Rarity and Spike will alternate watching over you then. They’re going to be there to make sure you’re safe while we’re gone,” commented Twilight.

Scootaloo nodded, looking over to see that Spike had recovered a bit upon hearing he would be partnering with a certain white furred and purple maned mare.

“We’ll get to the bottom of this Scoots. Dontcha worry one bit,” boasted Dash.

“Okay Rainbow, I trust your judgement… yours too, Princess Twilight,” sighed Scootaloo.

With a fierce hug from Rainbow and a touch of noses between her and Twilight, Scootaloo watched the two ponies leave the room. Meanwhile, Spike waved his own goodbye before finally collapsing back onto the cot, snoring within seconds as the hard sleep caught up with the small dragon. Scootaloo shook her head as she wondered what Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were up to and if they were worried about her?

After Twilight had left explicit instructions with nurse Redheart to bring Scootaloo something to eat, she passed by a worried and frantic Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle in the hospital’s waiting room. She had only remained long enough to ask Redheart one last favor: if she could also let the other two fillies see their friend when she brought Scootaloo her food.

Rainbow Dash was talking to Applejack and Rarity outside the hospital, making them swear they would watch over and protect Scootaloo while she and Twilight were gone.

“Don’t ya’ll worry, Rainbow Dash,” came the drawl of gentle AppleJack. “Me and Rarity here can watch ov’r Scootaloo till ya’ll get back. right, Rarity?”

“Of course, darling. It would be our pleasure and our duty. We’ll make sure nothing happens to her,” finished Rarity.

Twilight came up to the trio of mares and joined in the conversation. “So you two and Spike will watch Scootaloo, I have Pinkie working on Scoots’ birthday celebration, and I asked Fluttershy to have her animals do patrols around the village to keep an eye on things.”

“Honestly, it will all be fine, Twilight dear. We can handle this. You just focus on finding Daring Do and what's going on here,” reassured Rarity, smiling at Twilight, who returned the gesture.

“Thanks again, to all of you.”

Leaving the Hospital, Twilight and Rainbow Dash split up to return to their respective homes. Once there they began deciding what they needed to take with them. Neither had noticed the two pairs of yellow eyes staring at them from atop the hospital roof. Nor had either of them heard the flapping sound of wings that signaled the flight of two large feathered creatures.

That night, both Dash and Twilight met at the Ponyville train station, ready to board the late train. At Twilight’s request, Rainbow Dash had stayed with her as they boarded the train for Canterlot. The Princess wanted the cyan pegasus to be at her side when they arrived, so they could keep track of one another.

“As soon as we arrive, you go and find Daring Do, and I’ll see Celestia.”

“Still say I could fly there faster than this bucket of bolts,” muttered Rainbow Dash.

“I’d like this to be a bit more coordinated, Dash. If we need to bring Celestia in on this as well, then it would be better for us to be on the same schedule,” finished Twilight.

“Fine… but as soon as I find Daring Do, I’m getting some answers… for Scootaloo.”

Twilight put her hoof over Dash’s shoulders in solidarity.


Shekel and Scratch flew through the sky, gliding through the clouds like the birds of prey they were. Both griffons had spent the day following around the alicorn princess and the blue mare, overhearing their conversation about heading to Canterlot.

The pair soon left the fields and meadows of Ponyville and now flew over the tangled and gnarled mass of Everfree Forest. Dipping low, the two zoomed through the few openings there were in the spiked canopy, gliding among the trees and rocks expertly. They dodged the jagged boulders and the grasping vines, avoided snarling beasts and poison geysers, and then, finally, they arrived back at the spire, aiming for the upper entrance higher up on the tower.

Both griffons passed through the entrance and the tunnel like corridors until coming out in the inner hollow of the spiral, the circular stone platform below them. Landing on the stone, their feet silent and having removed the metal claws for stealth, they bowed before the griffon throne.

The black griffon, Mordrue, was lying upon it, his black wings folded back to shield his flanks. When they had entered, he had been laying his head over his front talons, staring straight into one of his mirrors without blinking. Upon hearing the other two enter the chamber, their soft caws catching his ears, he raised his head as he saw the two guards land and bow before him. His haunting green eyes scanned over them, staring them down. Their yellow eyes were unable to hold with his green.

“Report!” he commanded, his voice soft but amplified by the natural echo of the spire itself.

“The purple princess and the blue mare are heading to Canterlot,” stated Scratch.

“No doubt she will seek the advice of Celestia… that sun pulling sow,” snarled Mordrue, his eyes narrowing as he spat upon the stone. “It matters not. The sun princess cannot stop me anymore than the prince of life could. Anything else?”

At that, Shekel contributed his bit. “Well, one of the mares said something about finding Daring Do, but…”

“What!” shrieked Mordrue, leaping to his feet as his eyes blazed green flame. “They know the whereabouts of that accursed thief?!”

“Apparently,” squeaked the griffon guard, joining his partner in cowering beneath the ferocious gaze of his dark leader. The lack of light in the spiral, blended in with the darkness of his fur, making Mordrue appear as just a pair of glowing eyes staring at them from the darkness.

“If they find the key thief, they will understand what the key represents! We cannot allow that to happen! Not until we’re ready! We’re going to have to deal with them.”

Mordrue extended his wings with such ferocity, they spread a fierce gust of wind across the entire platform, blowing out the few lit torches and plunging everything into shadow. All there was now was totally eclipsing darkness, the entire spire in a state of blackout.

Then appeared the eyes, piercing, unwavering, jaded green eyes, alone in the darkness. From there, the outline of the griffon lit up as his body took on the color of an ethereal green miasma. From underneath him, his rock throne began to glow pure white, illuminating the grey fog billowing around the pedestal and the glowing green and black griffon on top of it.

That soft voice of his carried once more, amplified by the spire. Soft but clear. Menacing and cold as night.

“Attention leaders of the true master race! To me!” he said, his voice carrying throughout the entire spire, from top to bottom.

Within moments, the sound of flapping wings could be heard from below and above the platform, cawing calls and cries of many gryphons ringing through the entire tower. The flapping of wings stopped suddenly and the caws quieted down. That’s when multiple lights began flickering all around the pedestal, the lights illuminating from every corner of the walls and compartments of the spire. War griffons like Mordrue began glowing white and grey as their collective luminescence lit the spire far greater than any number of torches. The sheer shine of the spire revealed the large scale numbers of avian-feline hybrids assembled there.

“The key to our ascension is once again in our grasp. Both it and its keeper are being held in the pony village at the edge of the twisted forest!”

A series of growls and calls answered their leader’s revelations as the flock whispered and talked among themselves.

“Not only that, but the thief who stole our precious key, the usurper of our destiny, has been found as well. The ponies who keep our key from us look for her! Should they meet, we may lose our chance to finally achieve glory!”

The griffon leader rotated around his pedestal, addressing his entire flock, as their glow shone and their eyes fixed upon his own growing light.

“We cannot allow this to happen! Half of you will remain here and watch Ponyville! You will follow the key and its wielder! You will observe! You will see who protects them! Who watches them! Then, when the time is perfect: strike!”

Pausing here, the griffon pointed one of his fore claws at more than a dozen other glowing griffons to the right of him.

“The rest of you shall follow the alicorn and pegasus to Canterlot. stalk them, hunt them down… and tear them apart! And then, do the same to the key thief. I don’t care how many ponies you have to rip through, just bring her head back to me!”

A furious flutter of wings and caws of agreement and acknowledgement blared throughout the spire as the whole flock showed their overwhelming support and solidarity for their leader.

“Now… go forth, and death be thy destination… fly, fly, fly!” cried Mordrue, his glowing energy erupting like an explosion, the light show sending the furious flock of his horde scattering throughout the spire and into the night… hot on the hunt.

Author's Note:

Another Chapter up, another in progression...I'll try and get the next one out quicker.