• Published 16th Mar 2016
  • 1,897 Views, 178 Comments

Daring Do and the Sword of Excalibur - Silver Malice

When Scootaloo collapses, screaming about a magic sword, evil gryphons, and a strange golden mare with grey mane, it’s up to Rainbow Dash and her hero Daring Do to keep Scootaloo from the clutches of an evil fanatic in search of the sword Excalibur

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Chapter 10: Growing Storms

Author's Note:

Here we go the next chapter. this one had a few technical difficulties getting it on here, so let me know if you enjoy it.

Scootaloo carefully made her way along the wall of the spire, trying her best not to look down the sheer drop into blackness below her. The spire had been built to accommodate griffons not ponies and especially not small fillies like her. The large tower like structure was mostly accessible only by flight, a honeycomb of compartments and chambers built into the inner lining of the stone walls, aside from a stone platform halfway up the spire, the rest of the structure was a hollowed out tower. However, a small series of ledges and steps along the sides of the tower heading upwards allowed some maneuverability for those without wings.

It was times like this that Scootaloo felt ashamed of her small wings, the underdeveloped appendages barely able to maintain a proper flight. What she had always figured as simply a cruel birth defect, turned out to be the result of supernatural growth accelerated by magic. Just another thing she’d probably have to repress in therapy later on. As of now she was making her way up a set of these narrow ledges trying to get to the compartment that served as the kitchen. It was early morning and she was famished having just woken up from a deep sleep.

Keeping herself tight against the cold stone of the wall, she refused to look down or over the side of the ledge, only focusing on what lay ahead. The way was difficult though for the lighting in the tower itself was scarce. A series of torches lining the walls and compartments made up some of the only light available.

“Gosh darn this light!” she hissed into the darkness. It wasn’t that there was no light, it was simply just too faint for her to properly see what she was doing. For the griffons, it seemed like they relied on their own night vision to get around but her? “Ah serves me right for not waiting to be picked up,” she grumbled to herself.

Mordrue had informed her the night previous that he would be sending a messenger in the morning to her room, in order to bring her to the kitchen. Not wanting to rely on others (and not trusting herself being watched by an obvious informant) Scootaloo had decided to get there herself. She could hear them now, the sounds of cawing and screeching, laughter and grunts, sounds of griffons a roost and afoot.

Making it finally to the top of the ledge she was greeted by the sight of a well lit compartment of adequate size, lit by lanterns not torches, and home to a dozen griffons, eating and cawing together.

Not wishing to show her hesitation or fear, Scootaloo trotted forward into the compartment heading for the cooking section at the back.

“Okay Scootaloo, just keep going, head for the pot, just keep heading for the pot. That’s a good girl, don’t make eye contact now!” she whispered to herself, trotting along and past several burly griffons time the rise of her.

She made her way to the back of the compartment where a large cauldron stood upon a small fire, the smell of hazelnut and mushroom leek stew wafting from the bubbling mixture. Scootlaoo had to admit, for griffons, they could cook as well as any pony she had met. The stew itself was something she’d never tasted before, it was beyond amazing. She had seriously been considering finding the recipe to duplicate once she returned home.

The two griffons manning the pot were the fashionista's she had encountered at Rarity’s Boutique. Loot and Moola looked quite the sight, sitting there on their haunches both wearing a pair of tan colored aprons and a pair of tacky looking fishnets about their heads. Neither of them looked like they were enjoying their kitchen duty, but they weren’t about to show it, for fear of getting the ire of captain Dukat.

“Hey guys, good morning,” cheered up Scootaloo as she walked up to them, both griffons looking down at her with a frown on their beaks.

“Not that good a morning,” snapped Moola in response, Loot nodding on the other side of his brother. “I suppose you’re here for food?” he further inquired.

Scootaloo nodded hesitantly, catching the disparaged looks of her two servers. She realized she had to be smart about this if she wanted to take advantage of the situation. Turning her head to gaze back at the cauldron she turned back and focused her attention on the brothers, asking with her most pleading voice, “Yes, please may i have some? You two make the best stew I’ve ever tasted! Seriously gentlemen, it’s a work of art.”

Her compliments succeeded to stroke the griffon’s ego’s as both of them perked up at that. Usually they received little praise from their comrades, just grunts of acceptance and or threats, normally regarding anything particular in their stew that they didn’t like. To have someone (even if it was a pony) give them positive feedback, sparked up their sullen moods.

“Well, in that case you get an extra large bowl, can’t have such a fine connoisseur of fine vittles go hungry now can we?” asked Loot, while Moola poured a large ladle of stew into a large bowl.

“Nope, it would be such a shame for someone of such similar good taste as ours, to not enjoy such fine splendor,” agreed Moola, offering Scootaloo the bowl.

She bowed to the two griffons in a polite gesture and gripped the bowl with her teeth. Trotting backwards she made her way away from the cooking pot and over to a uncrowded corner in the back.

Scootaloo liked this spot, it was right in the corners of the compartment, allowing her to have a visual vantage point of everything around her. She had found the spot the other day while trying to avoid the talons of irritated griffons. She liked the spot she had chosen. From there she could freely see every griffon sitting there.

Scootaloo took a few quick bites of the stew. She wasn’t lying when she said the stew was good, it was. In another life those two griffons could have been amazing chefs, if not poor decorators. However, her mind was more concerned with exactly how long she had been stuck here and when she could leave. “I’ve been here at least three days,” she thought looking over the faces of the griffons that she had come to know quite well in such a short time.

Over in the corner was Scratch and Shekel, next to captain Dukat they were the highest ranking officers in the legion. Scootaloo had come to know them well over the last day and a half, the two particular griffons having been put in charge of keeping watch over her. While she had come to like the two, she also had some trepidation being around them. She could never quite escape the image of Apple Bloom or of Sweetie Belle being held in their grip, their throats being crushed by those fierce talons.

Scootaloo had discovered that both gryphons were usually quite harmless. They were not overtly cruel to her, nor did they seem to ever get roaring mad. They had a temper to be sure, but they were both able to hold the other in check. Though despite their seemingly gentle natures she had no doubt they would have killed her friends if forced to. Not because they were cruel, but because their fear of Mordrue was so great.

The young filly had come to notice how many of the griffons acted differently once the black colored warlord made his presence. Scratch and Shekel feared him enough that she fully believed they would go against their very nature to hurt young ones, and if Mordrue could make them do that, he could make any of them do anything.

She wasn’t stupid, the day he had revealed his and Daring Do’s relationship to her, she had sided with him because she was angry and he had been truthful with her. But, that didn’t mean she would fall for his ploys. He kept treating her like a daughter and on some level she did identify with that feeling, but he was no more a real father to her then her foster parents were.

The griffon had nearly killed her that night in the hospital, and his warriors and subordinates had chased and attacked her friends and loved ones, herself among them. He had even killed for her. Her thoughts immediately flying to Caramel and his friend.

Scootaloo had not known them long, only having been introduced to them every now and then by Apple Bloom. Caramel having being so close to the Apple family especially, but still the thoughts of their deaths haunted her.

Her gaze suddenly settled over three hulking brutes of griffon, the very sight of them making her blood run cold. Two-Bits, Nickel, and Quarter were definitely the most dangerous of the griffons she had encountered. They were nearly twice the size of a regular pony and even for most of the legion they were quite tall. They were also mean and cruel to boot, sadistic and predatory. The looks they had given her, made her heart nearly stop. She had also learned that they were the ones who had killed Carmel and his girlfriend. In fact they often bragged about it. The detailed descriptions of how they did it had nearly made her vomit the first time she’d heard it. She had decided to keep far away from these three above all costs after that. The rest of the griffons either fell into categories of being acceptable to approach, or to maintain a sizeable distance from.

She had soon begun to feel homesick, stuck in this tower, with walls of cold stone and little light aside that from torches. She was missing the rolling hills and cobbled streets of Ponyville. “What i wouldn't give for some actual sunlight,” she groaned to herself, her eyes itching from the heat of the torchlight all around them.

Aside from the comfort of home, she also deeply missed her friends. She missed all of Ponyville in general, but mostly Rainbow Dash. She had not seen anything of Twilight or Rainbow since they had left that day for Canterlot. “I wonder what's happened to them?” She wondered. They had escaped from the tower just the other night according to Daring. “How interesting that I’m now a prisoner here as well.” She couldn’t help but hope they were safe, as well as Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.

She finished the stew and pushed the now cleaned out bowl to the side. Getting up on her feet she trotted over to the edge of the compartment ledge, preparing for the steady journey back down to her room.

That’s when a dark shadow cast itself upon her, her surprised eyes glancing up to see the bandaged form of Captain Dukat hovering over her.

“Mordrue wants to see you,” he grumbled to her, reaching down and picking the small pegasus up in his talons. Scootaloo refused to make a fuss, not wishing to upset the injured griffon. Rumor had it he had been bucked through a window in a one-on-one with Daring, but she didn’t feel like pushing that button so soon.

As her thoughts turned to why Mordrue was interested in seeing her, she came upon a particular idea. One that the griffon lord had been bringing up more and more when they were together. Perhaps this time, he wasn’t going to just ask. “Oh no,” she gulped.


“Alright just hold steady you too and we’ll give you a final check over.”

“Thank you princess Twilight,” offered the first pony craning her neck to allow the princesses horn to gently press over it.

“Yeah thanks,” came the second ponies reply.

Twilight checked over Lyra and Bon Bon with the utmost care, her horn trailing along their necks and withers, checking to make sure the faded singe marks of the fire didn’t hide any burns or welts.

Many ponies had been somewhat burned or singed by the flames from the previous night. Twilight had taken upon herself to do a physical check of each of the wounded. Using her magic to sooth the pains and burns with nurse Redheart by her side. The nurse had left a while ago, but Twilight had decided to keep on going herself.

The aftermath of the fire had been a confused mess, there was so much to do, so many responsibilities. Tending the wounded was just one of the thousands of things Twilight needed to do. A very daunting set of tasks laid out before her, but they were ones she felt she was prepared to handle.

Celestia and the battalion had left a few days ago, hot on the trail of Mordrue’s griffons, and with Rainbow to help lead them back to the spire. That had still left Twilight to deal with a burned out town, and a large population of ponies with nowhere to go. Many ponies like these two had also been caught in the fire, and it was a miracle that most injuries had been simply superficial. Despite this, Twilight felt it was her personal duty to ensure all her subjects were okay, even if she had to check them all personally.

“Aside from some blackened fur, you both are fine. You two can go now, be safe.”

The two mares nodded towards her again, both of them thanking her once more, before leaving the small tent flap of the medical tent. As they left Twilight smiled as she saw Lyra holding Bon Bon close as they passed into the cold brisk morning air.

“That’s the last of the injured Twilight!” spoke Spike as the young dragon walked through the tent flap carrying a tray of cookies. Several bits of crumbs covered his mouth, evidence that he already had tried a few, samples.

“Hey Spike. I see you’re helping yourself to the emergency rations.” Twilight gave him a playful glare.

“Oh um, yeah just a few cookies. The Cakes and nurse Redheart are organizing personal rations for every-pony, while Rarity has AppleJack and Fluttershy helping her see how many blankets they can round up from her shop.” The young dragon looked away sheepishly from Twilight's glare. “These were getting stale so Pinkie told me i could have them, want one?” he asked somewhat generously.

Twilight looked away as if she was contemplating it--as she was a bit hungry--before she gave in and nodded. Trotting forward she accepted the offered cookie from her assistants claws, chewing the crunchy chocolate chip cooky with great glee.

Spike put the tray down on the cot in the corner of the tent before making his way back over to Twilight. He could see she was stressed and tired, having not slept all night trying to figure out how to get the town back in shape. Mayor Mare had been over a few times to help her discuss the options available. Their conversation had taken longer than they had thought was needed, neither pony really able to drive home a solid idea.

Twilight had been moping for a while now, showing dangerous signs of depression. It had even carried on into her work, her heart just didn’t seem in it to be discussing such things with the mayor. Even Mayor Mare herself was also feeling quite down, almost as if her heart was torn and not in it either.

The young drake could understand, the last few days were some of the worst Ponyville had experienced in years. Well over half the town was burnt to the ground, everyone was displaced, those whom they had felt they could trust had betrayed them, killed some of them even. It was times like this where friendship and kindness seemed to be hard things to believe in. Hope even less so. Yet, somehow Twilight still did. Despite her depression, Twilight had persevered through her work, so much so she had barely taken a break at all.

She checked on her subjects every few hours, doing a series of rounds around the camp to raise morale. She had managed to secure some extra rations and blankets from Canterlot’s emergency storage and was stocking up their own storage sheds, just encase it took longer than they expected to begin work on rebuilding. She had even brought in Filthy Rich and his friends to talk about investment and charitable donations for rebuilding Ponyville and it’s businesses.

Still Twilight had been going at it hard for far too long. Using magic to keep herself awake long after her body stopped being able to do so. It was starting to get worrisome, even dangerous.

“Twilight you got to get some rest or you’ll burn yourself out at this rate,” Spike pleaded with his adoptive sister. The purple alicorn however, kept on acting like she’d never heard him at all. “Twilight!” he angrily snapped.

“Wha-what? What is it Spike?” inquired Twilight, still folding through papers and order forms about her cot.

“Twi, you’re going to pass out if you don’t get any sleep. I know you were up all night last night. Everybody needs you, but, they need you to be rested and prepared,” answered Spike calmly.

The purple alicorn sighed before she lowered her head in admission to his words, “I know spike, I’ll go check on everyone one last time, then I’ll go get some sleep.”

Spike simply smiled and patted Twilight’s shoulder, feeling the trembling muscles underneath her skin. The princess's body and muscles straining from sure exhaustion.

Twilight exited the tent and made her way around the camp. It had taken some work but together Twilight, her friends and a handful of volunteers from Canterlot, had managed to create a temporary living space for the displaced ponies of Ponyville.

The line up of white tents made up half the field, while several other pavilions of various sizes had been erected in the same vicinity. These pavilions were set up for whatever was needed, be it food storage, eating areas, handing out supplies, or hosting any immediate meeting. Twilight herself had used them just this morning to comfort the cold and sour citizens, telling them the royal builders and contractors wouldn’t be along for another week.

Of course this had not gone over well among the ponies and their grumblings had caused Twilight to lose her patience, snapping at the whole lot of them. She’d been kicking herself for that slip up all day long. She had never meant to take out her growing frustrations on them. These ponies had already suffered enough hardship.

The truth was, Twilight had been distracted for a while now. Her thoughts were focused on Rainbow, Celestia, and the efforts to bring back Scootaloo. She understood that her duty was here, dealing with her people, but the thought of the danger facing those she cared about was too great for her to simply just ignore.

That’s why she had decided to go on this walk just now. Every-pony else was fine, they had friends, family, even children to occupy their minds. Twilight's mind was simply overwhelmed. There was too much to think about. The purple princess couldn't even fathom how she was going to get herself focused on the tasks at hoof.

What she needed was a fresh perspective. She was was counting on the fresh air and sunshine to give her this perspective by clearing her troubled head.

As Twilight made her way through the camp she spotted Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack at the edge of the tent city. All three of them doubled over with wrapped up blankets and what appeared to be drapes and rugs. The princess decided it might do her some good to talk with her friends, even if for just some sense of normalcy. As she got closer she could just pick out the conversation they themselves were having.

“Applejack be a dear and do shut up will you!” snapped Rarity, completely unapologetic. The white mare folding--with her magic--several large blankets that had been laid on her back. Next to her stood both Applejack and Fluttershy, both mares laden down with blankets themselves. Although, whereas Fluttershy was completely covered, Applejacks hot and angry face could easily be seen under her load of linen and velvet.

“Oh sarry thar, princess, but this here is a bit too far!” snarled back Applejack just as enthusiastically. “Y’all got us trussed up like a pair of quilt sacks, when we should be seeing about salvaging the rest of the town and the food stores!”

“Oh posh, ponies are freezing out here in this open and windy field and all you can think about is food and salvage?” snapped rarity hotly.

“Umm both of you, please this, this really isn't hel…” began Fluttershy, her already soft voice stifled by the mountain of cloth she was under.

“Oh ho, don’t you start on me about being selfish,” hissed Applejack, interrupting her yellow friend, her temper readily getting out of hand. “These fields belong to us farm folk and we arn’t fussing about y’all piling on et like ya ‘ar.”

“What’s going on here?” called out Twilight, deciding to put an end to this before the tiff between Applejack and Rarity escalated. The purple princesses tired looking eyes glaring at her friends, wondering how they could be arguing with everything going on.

“TWILIGHT!” shouted all three mares, surprised to find their friend and princess standing before them. The fact she was looking visually upset was even worse.

“Why are you two fighting?” demanded Twilight glaring daggers at Rarity and Applejack. “Haven’t we had enough of that already? Haven’t we lost enough?” she panted, her anger rising by the second.

“Twilight dear, we’re sorry it’s-it’s just…” began Rarity, her eyes dropping in shame.

“It’s just that, things are difficult,” added Applejack.

Twilight sighed, her exhaustion now clearly showing to her friends. “I understand, we’ve lost a lot, especially you Applejack. Everyone is on edge.”

Applejack looked down, her thoughts obviously turning to the loss of Caramel. “It’s not easy, Caramel was important to our family, to have him killed like that…” she trialed off, desperately trying to hold back tears.

“We’ve all taken some loss,” sighed Rarity. “My boutique was only just saved, but half the town has been burned down. I just wanted to help the only way i can." Fluttershy made a muffled agreement and lament of her own while still stuffed under her velvet exterior.

“I’m sorry Rarity," Applejack wasn't often one to suck up her pride but when it counted she had no problem doing so.

“It’s nothing Applejack, i understand, I too apologize for my obtuseness.”

“Well that’s one more problem solved,” muttered Twilight.

The three mares began turning towards the tent city, Applejack giving Fluttershy a soft nudge with her forehead in the right direction. Now together the four of them began discussing the possible plans for the future.

“You look exhausted Twilight darling,” Rarity pranced along beside the purple princess looking with concern at her friend.

“That’s right, ya look like you’ve tussled a few rounds with a freight wagon,” added Applejack.

“It’s just everything, the town burning down, Scootaloo being kidnapped, not being there for Celestia and Rainbow. How can i sleep or rest while so much is going on?”Twilight blurted out.

“You need sleep Twilight, if you don't get any you’ll be no use to any-pony,” claimed Rarity. “Beauty sleep is so important Twilight.” The white mare stopping to help Fluttershy adjust her mountain of blanket coverings even as Twilight staggered beside her.

“Rarity’s right thar sugarcube, ya got ta get sum shut-eye,” agreed Applejack, helping to hold Twilight up by letting her lean on her strong body.

At that moment Fluttershy managed to poke her soft muzzle out of one the blankets, having been patiently waiting during the whole conversation for her chance. “Um Twilight, do you think Rainbow Dash will be okay out there?”

“I think she will be fine, Celestia and the Canterlot Calvary are with her,” answered Twilight.

“Still it does bare some mention doesn't it?” followed up Rarity. “I mean if they could do all of this to us, will the princess and the guard be able to handle them?”

“The whole lot of them are nothin but a bunch of cowards!” spat Applejack.

The farm pony’s outburst sparked something in Twilight's head. It was true, from her confinement in the spire, Twilight had noticed that without the push from Mordrue, many of the griffons under his command were not aggressive or brutal. When he had been torturing the inquisitor she had looked into the eyes of his followers. The eyes allowed her to see who was the diehard fanatics and which were following simply out of fear.

“Applejack’s right… without Mordrue the rest of them would fall apart.” stated Twilight, an idea already beginning to burn inside her brain. “Mordrue is the one who is the danger, the rest of his legion would never be as dangerous without him.”

“But, you said he was the strongest and most powerful of the lot,” followed Rarity, keeping in step with the princess.

“She’s right Twilight, ya’ll could never take him on one on one.”

“Maybe we don’t have to,” answered Twilight, sidestepping Applejack and coming up to Fluttershy. Pushing the blankets over her head she freed the yellow pegasus mare from her confinement.

“Fluttershy i need you to get something for me.”

“Okay Twilight what is it?” asked Fluttershy, the purple princess leaning down to whisper into her friend's ear. After she did Fluttershy gasped. “Oh...my, b-b-but Twilight that stuff is v-very…”

“I know,” interrupted Twilight. “But i need it okay, as soon as you get it come and meet me back at my tent. You two can take these blankets to Nurse Redheart in the storage tent, iIve got to go!”

Twilight turned away from her friends and began racing off back to her tent.

“But Twilight, what about your rest?!” shouted Rarity after her.

“There is too much to do!” replied Twilight briskly. This idea could be their best hope of ending this without much bloodshed, Sleep could come later, right now she needed to get this started.

As the princess thundered into her tent she began looking for materials to work with, her horn glowing as she began fluttering about the small space. Throwing herself into her work was the best way to stave off sleep. It would also stave off the lingering doubt in her mind of the moral and ethical implications of her plan. But that like sleep, could wait.


“See anything yet?”

“I don’t see nothing.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, I'm pretty sure.”

The two griffon look-outs sat on their haunches, breathing deeply with the heat surrounding them. The one on the right was rather portly while his companion was sleek and skinny. They had removed their armor and their metal talons and were resting on the firm planks of the wooden platform stuck in the side of the large tree. The gnarled roots and tangled vines of the tree tops all around them.

“Tell me Coin, why do you think we always get sent here in the northern lookout?” asked the portly griffon. His blue eyes lazily scanning the thick underbrush below them for any sign of a small creature to snack on, maybe a squirrel, or field mouse?

“How should i know?” snarled the skinny companion, taking the opportunity to resume looking through the large fixated spyglass.

“Well it seems that the northern lookout is always the hottest. The eastern and western lookouts have the river and pond to cool them down, the south has the southern wind chill, but it’s hot as…”

“...Will you shut up Dough, i don’t care!” sneered Coin, his eye pressed to the spyglass while his free talons grrated into the wood. His companions whining always got on his nerves.

Dough only grumbled gazing back over the sleek griffon, wondering why he wouldn’t just admit their post was the worst one. “All i’m saying is, we should be switching up posts every now and then, a little variety eh?”

“If they wanted variety, we wouldn’t have spent the last few days up here would we?” insisted Coin, his patience having ran thin.

“Well that’s another thing, why are we always assigned guard duty out here sweating our tails off, meanwhile Scratch and Shekel get to babysit the little pony brat?” whined the fat griffon. His body shifting as he pressed himself closer to the tree trunk.

“Because Scratch and Shekel are officers, we’re not. That should be all we need to know.”

“Oh you could be an officer just as good as them Coin,” muttered Dough abstractly.

“Don’t joke!”

“Who's joking? You’re the thinker between us, always have been.”

“On that at least, we agree.”

The two of them settled into a comfortable position. Coin idly spinning the fixed spy-glass around for fun, Dough fanning himself with one of the large leafs of the tree they were stuck upon.

“So…?” began Dough.

“So…?” answered Coin.

“So see anything yet?”

“I’ve told you Dough!” growled Coin, once more putting the spyglass to his eye for emphasis. “I don’t see BUCKING NOTH….oh ello there!” snapped the slim griffon, his talons fastening themselves around the brass casing.

“What...what is it?”

“Saw something in the trees, along the dirt path by the bog,” grunted Coin. “Just hold a sec,” he further insisted.

Dough placed himself just above Coin peering down at the slimmer griffon, waiting.

“Ah there we go, metal… glinting, metal… helmets…” muttered Coin. his eyes searching hotly for whom the helmets belonged to, squeezing the sides of the spyglass as he adjusted the focus. He could just make out the image of the helmets wearers, just a little more. “Bingo,” he grinned as he finally caught sight of who was coming towards them.


“Equestrian Cavalry, and Canterlot guard from the look of it. Definitely flyers too, lots of them.”

“What else do you see?”

“Blimey! Celestia herself, and… that Rainbow skag that escaped with the other princess.”

“Oh i remember her, nearly conked our heads off back in Canterlot, then the pair of them, they nearly brought the tower down us! T-Their back?”

“Well one of them anyways…”

“What should we do?”

Coin pulled away from the spyglass and grabbed the portly griffon by the shoulders. “You, are going to report back to the chief. Tell him we got Equestrians bearing down us from the northern route. Now they got to cross the bog and skirt the sand pits, so they’ll most likely reach the spire in three hours.”

“Right, but what else should i tell him?”

“Tell him Celestia is heading them herself, and she’s got one of the escaped prisoners leading her. I’m going to stay here and monitor their movements. I’ll join you later. Just be sure to tell the chief that you got this all from me understood.

“Understood Coin, right away!” saluted Dough, the fat griffon dropping off the tree and heading towards the spire as fast as he could.

As he flew away, Coin settled himself back with the spyglass. Focusing on the approaching Equestrians. “Oh yes, i may be making officer quicker than i thought. That’s right, keep coming ponies, This gonna be the worst last day of your miserable lives.”


Scootaloo recoiled as she was brought through the center of the large stone slab which ran the length of the Spire. It always felt like they were going to hurl into the stone only to fly through the center and upon the stone platform.

Dukat lowered her with one of his still bandaged arms, his talons gently scraping across her fur. The young filly shivered As the cold stone coupled with press of the talons through her fur. Turning her head she looked up with both trepidation and a hint of fear at the figure rising above her.

Upon the large polished stone that stood at the end of the platform, fastened with mirrors and carved decoration sat the black green eyed griffon of her nightmares and lineage. He was currently scanning through one of his mirrors, his emerald gaze never leaving the cold stainless glass.

“Brought her as you requested m’lord,” spoke Dukat, trying to bow in a way his wounded frame would allow.

“Very good captain, you may rest now, preferably before you break like a twig!” sneered the other griffon, his eyes quickly glancing over the wounded officer.

“Yes sir, thank you sir. W-Will you be n-n-needing me f-for any-anything else sir?” he meekly asked. Scootaloo almost felt sorry for the brute. His beak was turned up in a pleading offer, as if he was asking if there was some task worthy of a soldier like him.

“Not really. If i need a message sent or another delivery to make, you will be notified,” replied the other coldly and cruelly.

Dukat looked down to the floor, his eyes losing some of the flare they had held before, he nodded before his wings extended and he plunged back down the hole.

Scootaloo was now alone with Mordrue, her gentle eyes trying to scan his imposing jade green. For the last two days he had been bringing her here to his throne, trying to make her relive her nightmares, to focus on some sort of sword. Every-time she tried she had to stop, the things she was seeing so powerful in her mind it scared her. So far he had complied with her desires, allowing her to stop, but each time he was more reluctant, more aggravated as he clearly was losing his patience.

“How are you today, child?” asked the griffon, pulling himself up into a sitting position on his stone throne.

Scootaloo shook as she felt those powerful eyes glance over her as she quietly made her way over to the throne. “Fine,” she replied meekly.

“Are you ready to try again today?” Mordrue started to make his way down the stone throne, his talons clicking on the stone stairs etched into the side of the rock.

“I think so, but I don’t like the way it makes me feel.” she replied meekly.

“Yes it can be quite trying, i understand. But look at it this way, once you find the sword for me… you will be released.”

“Why do you want this sword anyway?” spoke the small orange filly as she made her way over to the basin of water at the bottom of the stone throne. Peering into the basin she saw that it was filled like usual with silver-colored water. Her silver colored reflection peering back up at her.

Suddenly the water and her reflection darkened as the new reflection of the green eyed griffon crawled its way above her in focus.

“The sword is ours by right, it was entrusted to us griffons, and we deserve to have it back.” his shoulders tensed as his wings folded to his sides, the appendages so large they covered his body like a cape of feathered darkness. “The sword was made from the essence of all the great civilizations, but it was to us griffons, keepers of order, that it was bestowed.”

“If it means that much to you, i can try again… but, you promise if i can find it, then i can see my friends?” her voice shook towards the end. Over the last few days Scootlaoo had been planning carefully how she talked to Mordrue, a combination of flattery and innocence to keep him from getting angry. Her attempt to maintain this faltered with that shake in her voice. Her desire to see her friends overwhelming her sense.

“You miss your friends don’t you?” answered Mordrue, slipping behind her and gently pressing one of his talons to her cheek, forcing her chin up to look at him. “You believe in this friendship thing?” he asked again.

“Y-yes,” she muttered trying to avoid looking into his peering eyes. Her hooves scraped across the stone floor in agitation.

“Hmm… i used to as well, a long time ago. Celestia herself was my friend, does that surprise you?” his talons released her chin allowing her to move freely once more,even as he positioned himself to the side of her.

“Sort of,”replied Scootaloo. “She never seems to have mentioned it anywhere.”

“To be sure she wouldn’t. She would never want to admit that at one point we were close as two can be. Her mentor was my friend, and through him, so was she.”

“Her mentor?”

“Allomane, prince of life, and first alicorn. It was he who helped to build the first civilizations, including mine. He commissioned the sword and it was he who bestowed it upon us, upon me... to wield.” the Griffon placed one of his talons upon the basin, the bowl suddenly beginning to glow as the water began to boil. “In those days i believed in him, in his message, in friendship. I thought nothing could ever break that bond.”

“What happened?” asked Scootaloo, even as she looked nervously to the boiling water, her reflection all but vanished in the churning bubbling mass.

“Allomane fell into shadow, Celestia turned to despair, and when he fell everything shattered. Celestia ordered we hand over the sword… like a fool i did so, believing my friend knew best. She instead hid it from the rest of us, turned her back on the griffons and the other races, seeing to her own only. I then watched as my people fell into ruin, weak kings, petty war lords and brigands...weaklings who put their faith and value in bits of metal and gold rather than spirit or strength.”

“But Celestia isn’t responsible for that.”

“No, friendship and compassion are… they make one weak, they turn the heart against you. When you should be firm and strong it undermines your focus, when you should be determined and realistic, it bewitches the mind with flights of fancy and feel good promise… all of which lead to ruin. Friendship is for suckers my girl, strength and fear are how you maintain an empire.”

Scootaloo didn't agree with that at all. Friendship had done much for her town and for her friends. She had also seen what exactly fear had done to the otherwise gentle and good natured gryphons under his command, but she was not stupid enough to say that out loud. “Must you always boil the water? The heat sometimes is a bit strong,” she pleaded.

“The water must be boiling for the spell to take effect,” he reassured her. “Don’t worry, it’s just a quick trance and a little heat.”

Scootaloo gulped as she looked into the boiling water, the heat even from this far back making her whole body sweat. This was the worst part of these sessions, next to the trance itself which left her feeling empty and hollow.

Mordrue gently petted down her back, causing the young filly to straighten in surprise. “Easy daughter easy… it will only be a few minutes.” directing her to stand over the bowl he gently pushed her head down towards the steaming basin. One talon upon her forehead the other gripping the side of the bowl.

“Could you please hold me up father,” she whispered as her body slid further down towards the water. His one set of talons doing nothing but pressing into her forehead.

“I need my talons to hold the basin and you,” he replied. The talons on her forehead gripping her tighter and lifting her up a slight midge.

As he did so, his talons began to shimmer and heat up themselves. The talons holding her forehead shimmering green as she felt a splurge of powerful energy flashing through her mind, as the talons holding the basin began to glow and turn the silver water glowing green.

Scootaloo's head fell forward as the energy passed into her head and set her eyes a glow. Staring into the bubbling greenish silver water, her breathing grew slower as her mind began to fade. The only thing she could feel was the heat from her forehead and from the water bowl just below her. Her eyes couldn’t even see anymore for the blinding light, and her brain couldn’t pull together a single thought.

“Now my dear, think of the sword,focus on the sword...let my energy guide you thoughts,” he whispered in her ear, his talons not shirking their grip on her. Scootaloo couldn’t do anything but comply, her mind blanked, the only thing she could hear was his chant. “Find the sword… think of only the sword.”

Scootaloo’s stared in pure trance into the water, the boiling liquid bubbling as it started to show shapes. The shapes started out as blobs of silver green water, churning and moving until finally it took the shape of two other fillies. The golden colored and White colored fillies were looking directly at Scootaloo from the water, as her thoughts and mind took form in the basin.

After the fillies came the forms of the Purple alicorn princess and that defiant rainbow maned pegasus. “Enough of this, focus only on the blasted sword!” he snarled, nearly pushing her head right into the water, catching himself just in time.

Scootaloo barely noticed, her mind no longer fully functioning aside from auto-pilot. However, she did comply her thoughts focusing on a sword. Flashes of images raced across the water basin. A glowing purple alicorn male with bright blue eyes, Celestia, but younger and without her wings…the black fur and green eyes of Mordrue, and the golden brown form of Daring Doo doused in magical light.

Mordrue looked further into the basin, nearly touching the water with his beak as he stared completely transfixed. The images switched now to a series of red hills and a glowing mountain of fire, several large serpentine creatures with blazing yellow eyes circling it, while spurting fire and plasma.

“The red hills of the badlands… the drakes mount…” gasped Mordrue. Scootaloo below him gave a small sigh as she could feeling the energy rippling through her, it was uncomfortable and sickening for her. The images were so hard to focus on, and the grip on her forehead and the heat surrounding her was making her body crumble.

The images flew from the mountain of fire and into a series of of bubbling silver pools and into a large black cave. “The sulfur lakes… so that’s where he’s been hiding,” muttered Mordrue. The images began to flash across the water faster and faster, dissolving in the bubbling mess just as soon as they appeared.

“Where is it girl… where is it?” the black griffon demanded. “Show me dammit, show me!” The images now focusing onto a golden sword, decorated in intrinsic designs. “Yes there it is, Excalibur, the sword of civilizations! Where is it? Where IS IT?” drooled Mordrue, his spit splashing into the bubbling basin with a loud hiss.

Scootaloo couldn't hold the image, her body unable to handle the strain. She was about to fully collapse into the basin when all of a sudden a loud crash came from behind the two of them.

“Lord Mordrue! Lord Mordrue!”

Scootaloo snapped out of her trance just in time to put both front hooves on top of the basin, saving herself from falling in. Above her Mordrue exploded in rage. Smashing the basin out from under her sending the still boiling water to splash across the stone floor. Scootaloo would have fallen flat on her face if not for Mordrue softly catching her about the chest with his talons.

Turning to face the newcomer Mordrue green eyes burned with unquenchable rage.


“Oh uh-um, uh s-sorry Lord Mordrue,” spluttered a rather fat dusty colored griffon, having just climbed through the opening in the middle of the platform.

“This had better be important Dough, or i will stuff you with cream filling and bake you for supper! Spat Mordrue.

“The fat griffon squeaked and nearly fainted before he regained some composure, “Um it’s Coin sir, him and i have been maintaining watch in the north.” the fat griffon shook on his stubby legs, his wings folded neatly to his side as he lowered his neck downwards to appear more submissive.

“And…” glared Mordrue, huffing dangerously.

“And, he told me to report to you, we have Equestrians bearing down on us!” exclaimed the griffon, happy to finally get it out of his maw.

“How many?” demanded Mordrue.

“Um, it’s an army… Equestrian cavalry and air force mostly… Celestia is leading them herself.”

Mordrue gave a shriek of laughter before descending into a long smirk. “Oh so much like old sun butt, always leading by example… she’s coming to finish this personally.”

“Uh, she’s also not alone boss, one of the escaped prisoners, that rainbow one, is with her,” added dough the dusty griffon bowing now before Mordrue’s form.

“So the prey returns for more…we shall have to throw our guests a proper griffon greeting.” Mordrue turned to the cowering griffon below him. “Get up, and go and find Captain Dukat, tell him to assemble all officers and prepare for a council of war… NOW!” he blasted as the fat griffon was taking his time in moving. That good shout was more than enough to provide the lowly subordinate the spark he needed to zip right through the hole in the floor as quickly as possible.

Turning to gaze at the orange filly beside him, her mane frazzled and her eyes half lidded from her ordeal, he gave small shrug. “We’ll have to finish this later… we had good progress today, but right now i have a battle to plan.” As he turned to leave Scootaloo seemed to regain her composure, launching herself around one of his legs.

“Please, don’t hurt Celestia, or the others, please don’t!” she pleaded drastically, her hooves fastening themselves around his leg in a tight embrace.

“They are coming to attack my tribe, and we will defend ourselves,” he replied trying to extract the little filly from his person.

“But they’re coming for me, if you just give me to them, no one has to be hurt,” Scootaloo threw her full strength into holding him close, hoping that he would let her go without bloodshed.

“We are not done here yet, until i have the sword you remain with me, my daughter”

“If i am your daughter, you’ll let me go back to them,” demanded Scootaloo, her eyes blazing with fire as she stared him down.

“You think they're coming for you my dear?” asked Mordrue, his body relaxing as he brought his sharp beak down to level with her muzzle around his leg. “Do you actually think Celestia, princess of Equestria, and keeper of the sun, would leave her throne, disband her duties to simply rescue a small insignificant little filly? You’re not even among her most favorite ponies.” his words were gravid but cruel, striking hard at Scootaloo's heart, her embrace starting to weaken a little.

“But, she’s coming here..” trailed off the young filly.

“She’s coming for me,” replied Mordrue stoically. “She’s coming to finish what we started so long ago, but this time, she is alone and i am the one who's ready.” Scootaloo eyes cast down as she heard his ramble. Her heart started to break, for she had been so sure that they were coming for her.

Yes that’s right my dear, you should take some time to consider who values you more, your friends, or me. Think hard.” he snapped before pulling himself away and leaping down the center hole, leaving the small filly to cry softly on the cold stone floor.


“Twilight?” came the soft voice of Spike from the tent flap. The young dragon making his way into the tent to come and sit beside Twilight, as she fiddled over the small magical ball. She was so focused on her work that she didn’t even register him. Spike sat by her side waiting, but as the time went on and she still remained inactive. He finally gave up and nudged her with his claws. “Twilight, hey!” he squeaked.

“Huh, wah? Oh Spike!” mumbled Twilight the young drake having woken her from her trance. “What is it?”

“There’s some visitors here to see you, they’ve come a long way.” the little dragon looked expectantly at her motioning to the tent opening.

“Who is it?” she demanded, wondering who could possibly come to see her.

“I think you will want to see for yourself,” answered Spike.

Twilight got up ignoring the half finished ball on the desk and making her way over to the tent entrance. Poking her purple head out she couldn't help but go rigid at what she saw.

“G-Gilda!” she cried out.

“Hey egghead, how’s your hammer hangin?” came the brash reply from the brash young gryphon peering back at her.

Twilight ignored the last rude bit, and rushed out of the tent to look upon the young but well built gryphon girl before her. “You’re looking great,” she started, noting how well groomed and freshly washed the gryphon looked compared to the last time they had met.

“And you’re sporting some new appendages, and looking like some-pony dropped a bowl of frog-fish on your head,” replied the gryphon, her attitude still similar to what Twilight remembered. However, the malice and disgust was gone from her tone and from her eyes. When she looked upon Twilight it was not with disdain or indifference.

“Why are you here?” Inquired Twilight, the excitement helping to keep her overly exhausted body from giving up.

Gilda’s smirk turned to a direct frown as she looked back into the princess's eyes. “News reached GryphonStone of Canterlot being attacked... by griffons.” she muttered dejectedly.

“That got out already?” Twilight had thought that such information would not have left Equestria just yet.

“Yes, and back home we all knew immediately who it was!” growled the gryphon girl, her talons scrunching into the ground as her beak clacked. “Mordrue’s griffons were perfectly described to us, especially my father.”

“Yes, Rainbow and I were… detained by them,” answered Twilight. “Daring Do helped us escape, but she might have been killed or captured when we got out.” Twilight had visible trouble slipping that out, not wanting to believe that Daring was dead.

“Daring Do? Are you sure?” asked Gilda hesitantly.

“Well, I don't know for sure, either way, but we’ll soon find out. Rainbow dash and Celestia are going to find the griffons, they’ve stolen one of our fillies," provided Twilight.

“Then we’ve come just in time then,” replied Gilda.

“Time for what?” Twilight watched as several other gryphons stepped forward beside Gilda, the gold leaf necklaces about their necks, showing them as ambassadors from GryphonStone.

“Time to help you sorry lot,” she grinned in her typical swagger.

“Help us with what? Twilight was starting to think she was way too tired for this right now.

“Help you stop Mordrue and his legion. They are fellow griffons, so when they threaten our relations and allies, we don't just sit on our fat flanks!”

“That’s kind of you Gilda, but Princess Celestia has this practically wrapped up. She and her forces are closing in on the griffons right now, Rainbow is leading her to their lair.”reassured Twilight.

Gilda shared a sudden look of alarm with her associate, their expressions matching hers. Twilight couldn't not notice it.

“What…?” she asked.

“Better go get him, and i swear if he’s flirting with that butterfly flanked cupcake, strike his ears!” growled Gilda.

“Who are you talking about?” insisted Twilight exasperated as two of the gryphons moved off behind the first row of tents.

“Oh don’t tell me you’ve forgotten me already love?” came a familiar snide sounding voice from beyond the tent flaps.

Twilight had heard that voice before, a few times actually. It was smug, arrogant, obnoxious, and sqawky, enough to make her explode into fire.


“Glad you haven’t forgotten me Princess!” came the continually arrogant sounding reply, as the young gryphon himself appeared from behind the tents, supported by the other two ambassadors.

Twilight was shocked at first to see him here for she had thought him lost along with Daring. Her heart beat abruptly fast as she felt a combination of joy and embarrassment to see him before her. She was about to greet him when she noticed the tight set of bandages around his middle and the sling which housed one of his forearms.

“What happened to you?” she squeaked, alarmed by the length of his wounds. “I didn’t do that when I collapsed the roof did I?”

Buck frowned for a minute at her words, before gently shaking his head. His eyes had switched from their usual playful mirth to full on despondent, until he saw her quivering lip and worried expression.

“Nah, this was courtesy of Mordrue and one of those two timing back shooting flea brains of his.” snarled the young gryphon, his cheerful demeanor almsot immediately returning. “Luckily, the back-shooter who hit me had bad aim, got me in the side not the heart.” he gently showed her his bandaged sides, his stance taking a odd shape as he tried to hold himself up on his own. “Furthermore it was lucky they dumped me into the river, the cold kept me in shock long enough to avoid bleeding out. That is until this pretty little songbird plucked me from the water like a drowned dove.” The griffon cheeky giving Gilda a wink and blissful look of praise.

“Shut it you,” she glared at him. “But he’s right, we were passing through the Everfree to reach you when we found him stuck in some reeds just before the sulfur swamps.”

Twilight was glad that the young griffon was okay, but she couldn't help but notice he was alone. “Buck did anyone else make it out with you,” Twilight asked timidly.

Buck got that dejected look once more. “Bones was crushed by one of the falling rocks,” he muttered. Twilight gave a gasp as her eyes widened, realizing exactly what her actions had cost him.

“Buck, I-I-I’m s-s-so sorry!” she squeaked, only for the gryphon to put a reassuring talon on her shoulders, his yellow eyes holding her magenta.

“You did nothing Twilight… it was our choice, we knew the risks, and it’s better this way. Ever since we helped you, I’ve felt so much better...I’m no longer angry for no reason, i don’t think horrible thoughts when I look upon others… I’m free. Thanks to you.”

Twilight blushed as she turned her head from his gaze. “Thank you, but what about Daring Did she survive as well?" Twilight asked hopefully.

“Well she was alive the last time i saw her, Mordrue hauled her off to the dungeon.”

“Twilight wasn’t sure if she be relieved or even more worried, but if Daring had survived till now, she could probably hold her own until Celestia and the others came to her rescue.

“Buck we got a problem,” interrupted Gilda sternly.

“What is it?” asked Buck.

“Tell him about Celestia and Rainbow Twi,” Gilda looked stern and directed Twilight to hurry it up with a roll of her eyes.

“Well Celestia and Rainbow are leading a group of equestrian cavalry and flier to get back our captured filly and stop Mordrue.” Twilight noticed with alarm the change in the gryphon’s eyes as she relayed this. “What is it?”

“It was before I was...incapacitated.” groaned the gryphon male. “Mordrue put the whole spire under alert… they’ve been prepared for a fight since you two escaped...Twilight they will be waiting for your princess and her friends.”

Twilight seized up at that, Celestia and Rainbow thought they were the one setting the trap, when Mordue had been the one to do so all along. They were in grave danger, and there was nothing she could do.