• Published 16th Mar 2016
  • 1,897 Views, 178 Comments

Daring Do and the Sword of Excalibur - Silver Malice

When Scootaloo collapses, screaming about a magic sword, evil gryphons, and a strange golden mare with grey mane, it’s up to Rainbow Dash and her hero Daring Do to keep Scootaloo from the clutches of an evil fanatic in search of the sword Excalibur

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Chapter 9: Fiery Exchanges

The griffons assumed an arrowhead formation as they approached the outskirts of the Everfree. The expansion of farmland below them disappearing from sight as they passed over the fields and into a sea of trees.

Scratch and Shekel took the lead of the flock, both holding onto Scootaloo, the young filly herself having passed out moments earlier. Each gryphon held her between them with one set of talons, unwilling to let any part of her go.

“I think she’s out!” observed Shekel looking down at the small un-moving filly, his voice carrying over the wind.

“She’s lucky she is, we’re almost near the meeting place with Mordrue!” replied Scratch from across him.

As the flock passed over the trees a harsh whistle carried through the air, as the sound of a griffon war horn broke the silence of the dark night. A series of small colored flags appearing above the canopy of twisted trees below them.

“Down there, now!” heralded the two lead gryphons, the rest of the flock descending to the tree line.

The dark from of Mordrue himself rose from the trees, his large dark wings and black fur blending him into the night itself, aside from his fierce grey armor and even fiercer green eyes. The griffon leader flew up until he was right beside his two lieutenants.

“We got her boss. We present to you the key,” stated Scratch proudly.

“Good work boys,” snarled Mordrue, his eyes focusing right on the small orange and purple filly hanging numbly between the two gryphons. “Everything go smoothly” he inquired.

“Well, more or less, we kind of had to dodge Celestia at the end there,” added Shekel. “We were lucky she tried to talk us down rather than just take the filly from us.”

“Sounds like Celestia… See boys as i told you, compassion is a weakness, never give in to it.”

“Got it boss!” both gryphons sounded off, though with very little enthusiasm.

“My lord, what’s to stop Celestia and the Canterlot guard from following us, they’ll be right behind us shortly?” asked Shekel, looking warily behind them back towards Ponyville. The township still visible on the horizon.

“Don’t worry, they won’t be coming after us for a while,” answered Mordrue, bringing his right talon up into the air. From the tip of his talon started a swirl of sparks and green light, burning hotter and hotter as it quickly was growing in intensity. Eventually the sparks and light exploded into a large ball of flaming energy, the crackle of--magical based energy electrifying the atmosphere--exploded around them. “The ponies are going to have their hooves too busy to come after us right away,” he finished before flicking his talon and sending the ball of energy flying through the air towards Ponyville.

The gryphons looked behind them, just able to make out the township in the distance as the ball disappeared into the center of the town on the horizon. That's when what was Ponyville exploded into a massive ball of light, the flames and fire unmistakable as it was scorching the night sky.

“They’ll be busy putting that out for the rest of the night, hahahahahahahahahahahaaha!” trailed off Mordrue before he grabbed Scootaloo from the other two gryphons and held the small filly to his chest. His hold was gentle and soft, not letting his battle claws cut her soft flesh (not this time at least). “Let’s go lads.”

The three of them descended back down into the canopy, shielding themselves in the mass of trees and tangled web that was the Everfree.


Celestia was not happy to say the least, the blinding light from a hundred gryphon flash bombs had gone off right in her face, her heightened alicorn senses being furiously overwhelmed. Like the rest of the ponies in the town hall, she had been blind and deaf for several minutes struggling to keep upright.

Twilight was beside her shouting something into her ear, her hearing not having returned so all she could see was a very blurred image of her former student and current peer beside her. A look of concern and fear was about her face as her bright eyes stared into the sun princess's own.

“C-Cel-Celestia…Celestia, are you alright?” Celestia could just start to catch Twilight's voice even as the glare and shine over her eyes started to fade, allowing her to see the purple alicorn better.

“Ughh, Twilight? W-Where are the g-griffons?” staggered Celestia, trembling even now as her senses started to fully return. Twilight herself only shaking her head and pointing with a hoof to the back of the town hall.

T-They’re...g...outback...disappeared!” broke in Twilight, the sun princesses ears still only able to pick up every few words.

Meanwhile the rest of the crowded ponies in the hall were crashing into each other, dazed and deaf. The pegasus refused to fly for fear of not seeing where they were going, and the unicorns and earth ponies rammed into each other trying to avoid the horns and the trampling hooves of the other. The entire atmosphere reeked of fear and confusion, the dueling conditions running rampant. Eventually however, Mayor Mare managed to make her way from the crowd and over to Twilight, the purple alicorn leaning over to confer with her.

Twilight nodded at whatever the other mare was saying before she lit up her horn’s violate sparkle and showered her throat in its splendor.

“ATTENTION PONIES OF PONYVILLE! STOP MOVING NOW, THE MOVEMENT SLOWS THE RECOVERY PROCESS!”cried Twilight, the absolute megaphone quality of her voice boosted by her magic. She quickly repeated the same warning three times.

The ponies heard her, whether in her initial run or the many repeats, they heard her and stood still, and their hearing and sight soon returned. Their senses were back, but their fear and confusion still remained. The griffons had left a major hole in the hearts of everypony in Ponyville and Scootaloo was taken.

Celestia decided to take charge then and there. “Twilight with your permission, may I handle the next part?” asked Celestia calmly, not wanting to undermine Twilight’s leadership in front of her subjects.

“It would be most appreciated Celestia,” answered Twilight, giving her mentor a polite nod of assurance.

“Good. Now everyone, filter in single file out of the front entrances and return to your homes immediately… all reserve flyers and wonderbolts in the building are to remain behind and report for duty to their respective squad commanders!” bellowed Celestia, her voice stern but encouraging.

The pony mass obeyed without much hassle, even the pegasai, who remained on the ground until they were finally outside before they took to the skies.

Rainbow Dash hovered beside Twilight anxious and angry all at once. “Those scum scucking feather muther…” her voice trailing off into a mix of hopefully censored grumbles as she shook with anger she didn’t know she had. “Twilight they got Scoots!” she hollered no longer willing (or able) to contain herself.

“I know Rainbow, and we will get her back, but right now we need to plan out our next move,” pleaded Twilight to her friend.

“Yeah and what’s that plan going to be?” demanded Rainbow sternly.

“We’re going to hunt them down,” growled Celestia. Startling both Twilight and Dash with the anger and menace in her voice. “Mordrue cannot be allowed to go about his plans.”

As if in agreement with her statement, several columns of golden armored canterlot guard and the silver armor of Equestrian cavalry, as well as several flights of wonder bolts and reserve home guard filtered into view. The flyers flew in formation above the houses while the ground forces marched solemnly down the street. The entire company marched their way past the center of town and only came to a halt when they were finally standing before Celestia.

The lead stallion, a rather large unicorn fellow with a series of decorated medals and a green sash across his silver armored chest strode pompously forward. The jingle of a long rapier hilt on a belt at his side mingled with the jingle of the spurs on the back of his silver metal hooves. He bowed before Celestia, the long phoenix feather decorating his helmet top nearly flying over his face as he did so.

“Colonel Spit Shine of the fourth order,” started off the blustering officer, his voice booming. “Here to present to you Princess Celestia, commander of all Equestrian military forces, Battalion 34.5 otherwise referred to as the Spits Riders!”

Celestia nodded her admission, “Greetings colonel and thank you for assembling on such short notice. Is your company ready to move out? We have a kidnapped filly out there and an unknown number of renegades holding her prisoner.”

“It is no problem at all your majesty, the riders and I are always ready to serve wot! As for the rest of that hooplah and concern, our jammy can be immediately pivoted upon your indiscretion. Just point us towards the billowing bug-eyed blighters and we’ll track those rotten buck tooth varmints down and have the lot of them keel-hauled over a barrel in five shakes of a fizzle sticks flat!” Upon completing this impressive bluster Spit Shine gave a grand salute with his left hoof.

Celestia rolled her eyes at his descriptive (and confusing) choice of words, but saluted back to the colonel in respect.

That was the moment the sky decided to turn fiery green before exploding into a massive green light that blinded the entire township for a second time that night. Only this time when the effect wore off, there was a more deadlier surprise waiting for them.

The fireball sent by Mordrue had gathered up speed and fuel as it hurtled through the air, the increased oxygen and wind shear igniting the ball, and causing it to grow larger and larger until with a supernatural gurgle and growl, it burnt through the first two houses it slammed into. The fire setting both buildings ablaze as it melted through the stone and wood like butter.

Finally the ball exploded before it could rip through any other houses. Although, the explosion did allow for hot magical induced flames to rain down in every direction. Houses and buildings now a light or in the process of being set ablaze.

The inhabitants of Ponyville were struck with shock, first the party incident now the town set on fire!

Ponies ran about screaming and dashing for safety as everything was set alight, many grabbing only what they could carry and trying to flee out of town. The fire for the most part had not reached the outskirts of town yet, focused more in the center, but a strong wind would end that respite in an instant.

Celestia and Twilight gaped at the scene before them, Twilight was of a mind to panic herself, when her instincts kicked in, as she realized the need to regain order.

“Celestia, take these soldiers and start evacuating the town, make sure every-pony is out and safe from the fire’s path. Flyers! You all report to Rainbow Dash here! She can show you where the wells and rivers are for water!” hollered Twilight.

Rainbow who was hovering beside her gave a start as she just realized Twilight had given her a command of the entire squadron of pegasi.

“Wha...Twilight, are you sure?” asked Rainbow hesitantly. Her own confidence notwithstanding, she was being asked to take command over that of a commissioned officer.

“Yes Princess Sparkle, are you sure?” asked one of the flyers, his red feather and blue sash showing him to be the aerial commander himself.

“Yes, i trust you Rainbow. Major, Rainbow Dash knows Ponyville better than any-pony, she can show you exactly where to find water, so you can saturate the clouds for rain.”

The major didn’t look happy at this, but he trusted the Princesses judgement. So he simply saluted, and waited on the cyan mare. Rainbow gave Twilight a beaming smile, her joy not only at having her first command (temporary as it was) but, that she had Twilight's full confidence. Her smile only lasted so long before the seriousness of the situation returned to her.

“Alright! You all come with me, we need to create a storm!” she shouted leading the flyer squadron with her into the now dark and red glowing sky, heading towards the river.

Meanwhile, Celestia had been trying to organize the ground guard. The problem was Celestia didn’t know if she should be commanding the units or if the colonel should. It had been a long time indeed since she had commanded military units, centuries in fact.

“Colonel Spit Shine, can you handle this?” she asked warily gazing at the burning fire less than twenty feet before her.

Spit Shine had barely waited for her to finish before he leaped forward startling Celestia as he addressed his troops. His unicorn horn flashing bright green as he pulled out a long switch like military baton, a crystal pommel handle fixed upon the top.

“Alright lads, dump that armor, don’t want it weighing you down, and won’t do much good with this blasted heat anyway wot!” commanded Spit Shine, having dropped his own chest plate, helmet and undercarriage of chainmail.

As the procession of guards and soldiers began to drop their armor and helmets, as well as their weapons upon the ground, Spit Shine took a quick and immediate stock of the situation.

Without his armor Twilight could see he was a brawny specimen of stallion, older than some of the guard, a bit stringy but thick where it counted. His chest was rather large, covered in grey fur as his auburn mane lay sweat soaked and matted to his neck. He had a powerful jaw, and a pair of golden amber eyes. His right eye was blinded milk white. He was very imposing, even as he made his way to stand beside the Princess's, gazing with intent upon the carnage of burning houses and rising smoke and fire plumes.

“Uh Princess...can you do anything with this?” he inquired, a bit daunted it seemed by the intensity and power of the flames even from this distance.

Celestia nodded, her gaze turning on the fire now. Her horn lit up as she tried to feel the fire, connect with it, control it, and hopefully extinguish it. However as hard as she tried, she couldn’t get a hold of it. The fire ignored her, the power of her magic fizzling out as it got harder and harder to concentrate on the flames and smoke.

Pulling her head away she dropped her gaze and breathed in deep, realizing she had forgotten to do so the entire time.

“It’s no use... this fire has been enchanted to resist magic! We’re going to just have to deal with it the old fashioned way!” she stated fiercely.

“Aye then, best get to it wot,” pipped Spit Shine turning to a now bare assembled battalion. “Alright lads listen up wot wot! We’re going to divide into three squads, labeled A, B and C!” sounded off the colonel as he waved his baton around, pointing it towards the first two columns of stallions. “You first two columns shall be squad A, the next two shall be squad B and the last column shall be squad C.”

The respective columns nodded and looked sharp, ready to adhere to whatever their colonel ordered of them. Equestrian discipline was taking over from confusion and fear and keeping them in formation and keeping them calm, despite the burning furnace tens of feet away.

“Now, squad A,” began Spit Shine marching in front of the respective columns. “You lads are to make sure that all citizens and inhabitants of the town make it safely out of the danger zone and are evacuated to a place of safety! Squad B?” switching over to the next column Spit Shine didn’t even acknowledge squad A mobilizing behind him.

Celestia and Twilight both stood watching the colonel move, the older stallion shining in the light of the fire as he strode confidently and ordered about in such a splendid manner that neither princesses would look away from his dashing brilliance.

“Squad B,” he restated. “ You lot are charged with scouring in the most safest way possible the affected areas and ensure that no citizen has been left behind, as well as assess any potential sources at risk of being hit by this blasted guffaw, wot!”

If squad B showed any sign they understood that any less than Twilight or Celestia did, they showed no sign, however, like squad A before them, they mobilized immediately.

Spit Shine rotated himself and came to rest before the final and last column. “Squad C you have the most important job. We need to keep as much distance possible between the burning zones and the rest of the town. You are to construct immediately a series of trenches between the affected areas and the non affected areas. As you do so, make sure to clear away any debris or potential fuel for this fire to spread anywhere else!”

Squad C gave a shout of approval before they too mobilized and filtered off towards the flaming sections of the township. Spit Shine himself gave a chuckle and turned to trot his way over to the two princesses.

“That’s what i call a flash-fire of brilliance wot,” he congratulated himself.

“Very admirable colonel, well done,” followed Celestia, looking up in the sky to see the outlines of dozens of flying ponies passing through the clouds. “It seem Rainbow Dash has the flyers readying the clouds.”

“Yes, but how long it will take for them to be ready to rain” wondered Twilight out loud. The trio stood there as the minutes ticked by, the fire spreading and consuming at an alarming rate. The three of them making their way further back to avoid the spitting and hissing embers of the crackling inferno. Above, it seemed like the flyers were having their own trouble, the plumes and tendrils of smoke having infected the sky, poisoning the air and clogging up the pegasai feathers.

Just then a crying voice sounded from down the street, both princesses and the colonel turning to see a small purple dragon running as fast as his short legs could take him. His voice carrying across the night as he hailed them.

“By my granda’s wood pipe and corn-brush what the devil is that thing wot?” inquired Spit Shine.

“That’s my brother, Spike,” answered Twilight hotly.

“Oh heh heh, very good then,” muttered the colonel, for such a big stallion he could blush so red and seem so small when the need arose it seemed.

Spike finally reached the trio gasping, the fire and smoke not affecting him as much as it would non fire breathing lava dwellers like himself. From his labored breathing it was clear he had been running for some time.

“Spike what is it?” asked Twilight worriedly.

“Twilight! The soldiers from squad A told me to report to you guys. They want you to know that they’ve helped every pony evacuating from the town, and everyone is waiting upon the ridge just before Sweet Apple Acres.”

Twilight and Celestia gave a neigh and sigh of relief, content that for now at least, the citizens were safe. The colonel however, was far more inquisitive.

“Did they say anything else little lizard thing?” he demanded.

“Uh it’s dragon, but yeah, they said they’d report back as soon as they were able.” finished Spike leaning against Twilight’s forelegs for support.

“Spike how is everyone?” Twilight was now more concerned on how every pony was handling this crisis. She knew that her own heart was beating like wildfire... no pun intended.

“Well Applejack and Big Mack managed to get out of there... with Caramel and Tealove’s remains intact. I don’t know if they’re more worried about the fire reaching the farm or how they’re going to handle...well you know?” he offered, too uncomfortable to flat out say it.

Twilight nodded, pressing her head against the dragons cheek in sympathy.

“Everypony else seems okay. Pinkie is helping the Cakes organize some games and distractions for the foals, while Mayor Mare is trying to get a list of everyone accounted for. Applebloom and Sweetie Bell are helping Cheerilee and Nurse Redheart tend to any wounds, but aside from that, no pony knows what's going on and some ponies want to try and save their shops or their stuff.”

Just as Spike finished his report, column A filtered down the main street, while down one of the other streets came squad B. The two squads filed beside each other out of habit and in formation, the two squads passing Twilight and Celestia only to stop in front of Spit Shine.

A pair of stallions detached themselves from squad B, leaving the main group and coming to stand at attention on the other side of the colonel.

“Corporal Wood Burn reporting sir!” saluted the first of them. A tall fellow with brown fur, and black mane, his brown eyes unwavering from his colonel’s golden ones.

“At ease corporal, and report,” allowed the colonel.

“We are pleased to report sir, that after quick and invasive searching with no small risk to our own lives, we can say no citizen was left behind.”

Celestia and Twilight gave a cry of joy, both realizing this meant there had been no casualties... so far.

“However,” continued Wood Burn. “The fire is spreading fast, and several of the business in the center of the town are at a definite risk. Most of the houses and shops have been abandoned, but there’s one shop and one pony who refuses to leave despite the fact her shop is in the direct path of the fire.”

“Did you explain to her, that if the fire does spread--and we have no reason to think that it won’t--that her shop will be right in its cross-hairs?” demanded Spit Shine incredulously.

“Of course Sir, but she told us and I quote, I'd rather feel the burn of a thousand suns upon my flesh then live only to see my life’s work rendered into nothing but blackened ash and crushed dreams, a tragic monument and constant reminder of the loss and disaster that will become my life, unquote.”

“What kind of crazy over dramatic ditz would say that wot?” quirked the colonel.

From beside him Twilight could only hoof-palm as she could furnish a guess who the pony in question was. “Uh yeah colonel, that’s... that’s Rarity… she’s a bit, dramatic and passionate. The boutique there is everything to her so it’s no wonder she’s so upset.”

“That may and be Princess Sparkle, but my duty is the safety of all citizenry as first priority.” Turning his attention back to the two still saluting soldiers, he gave them a curt nod. “Corporal, the two of you shall return to the Ponyville Boutique with all haste. Then you shall, escort this Miss Rarity, to the designated safe zone by whatever force or means you find most prudent.”

Corporal Wood Burn looked over at his comrade before admonishing the colonel’s command. “Yes sir! Right away sir.” shouted the pair, moving at a quick trot back down the street before swiveling around to take a route around the fire and back to the boutique.

Turning to the assembled columns of squad A and B, Spit shine decided to take some more initiative. “Captain Fleetfoot!” he bellowed, waiting as a rather lanky but stocky unicorn like him made his way to the front of the column from squad A.

“Yes sir?” the green furred pony spouted.

“Captain, requisition a dozen troops from squad A and establish a perimeter around the safe zone, make sure none of the citizenry attempt to return to the town or leave the safety of the zone unless the fire is imminent, or until it is made safe to do so.”

“Yes sir, right away sir, volunteers, I need twelve of you!” shouted the captain, twelve enthusiastic squad members immediately joining him as they set off to secure the survivors.

Turning his head back to the squads, Spit Shine thought for a moment before he moved on to his next command. “Lieutenant AshBurr!” he called watching with mirth in his eyes as a stocky female shouldered her way past several of the remaining stallions of squad A.

“Yes colonel?” she inquired her hazel eyes and blue fur quite an odd combination.

“Lieutenant, you are to take charge of the remaining squad A and immediately assist squad C in their trench works and debris cleaning duties!”

“With pleasure sir!” she called before the young mare was whipping the boys up and getting them moving fast, nipping at their heels to make double time.

“Love that girl,” he muttered to no pony in particular, though Twilight caught it and smiled at the sentiment. If she wasn’t mistaken there was a sound of affection for the young female officer in his voice. Be they related or more intimate, she couldn’t tell. It was none of her business anyway.

“Alright, squad B!” called Spit Shine. “You will accompany the princesses and I to the nearest well, where we will form a daisy chain, we must fill in the trenches and douse as much of the unaffected areas as possible before the fire can spread to them!”

At this, the grey furred warrior stood at attention before Twilight, “Princess I believe you know where the well is?” he inquired.

“Oh yes, follow me!” she called leading the squad and colonel with Celestia in toe. They arrived at the well and as he commanded the stallions followed Spit Shines instructions.


Over the next few hours, the battle with the fire was intense to say the least. The trench works had been completed and then filled, forming a series of moats and manufactured wet zones between the fire and the as of yet burnt buildings. Meanwhile the squads had then started piling up dirt barriers along most of the edges of the ongoing fire itself, hoping to keep the flames and sparks from spreading further.

Up in the sky the pegasus flyers were still filling the clouds, but now everyone below could hear the thrashing and booming of thunder and occasional blast of lightning as the main body of pegasi began to work up the storm.

“Twilight!” cried Colonel Spit Shine, coming to attention in front of her. “Princess, the fire is slowly being contained, but we have a problem.”

“What kind of problem colonel?” asked Twilight.

“The fire is being contained, but the pegasi are cranking up wind to stir the storm. The wind is threatening to spread the fire above our fortifications!” cried the officer.

“Sweet Celestia, we’ll spread it even further while trying to stop it!” shouted Twilight in alarm.

“Maybe not,” came Celestia's reassuring voice, the alicorn princess stepping up behind the colonel and reassuringly nuzzle Twilight’s panicking face.

“Easy Twilight, I have an idea. The fire maybe enchanted against magic, but the wind’s not. I’ll place the town in a shielded bubble, it won’t stop the fire, but it will keep the wind away while the storm is brewed.”

Twilight had to think for a second before the genius of the plan hit her hard. “That’s, that’s... actually kind of brilliant I’m genuinely surprised,” Twilight only then caught the exasperated look from her teacher and mentor. “Oh i mean, surprised we didn’t think of this sooner, it’s so brilliant and awesome heh heh oh…” she trailed off.

Celestia changed her look to a smile, before pushing past Twilight gently, the colonel on her other side watching her equally as intently as her student.

Twilight had to admire Celestia, the princess had been unable to use her magic and yet had still done her share of hard work all night. Passing the buckets, filling them, organizing bucket chains to fill the moats and clear the debris. Her pristine white fur was now matted with sweat from the hard work and heat, splotched with grime and back smudges of soot and ash. Her face was equally as blotched as her body, the smoke and ash from the fire as well as dirt from shoring up the fires had left a mark on her.

Still she stood there, impressive as ever, her rainbow mane flowing as she channeled her magic, her horn lighting up in golden sparks as bright as the sun. In an instant a pink formed shield began spreading from the sky above her horn, spreading until it was enveloping the entire town.

“Twilight, colonel!” cried Celestia, turning from the fire and starting to trot towards the shield barrier. “Get everyone out now, the shield will stop the wind, but it will trap the smoke inside!”

Twilight turned on her heels, picking up Spike from the ground with her own magic and plopping him on her back. “Up you go Spike, colonel can you evacuate your troops?” she asked.

“I’ll get right on it your majesty!” he called before he shifted around and began running through town, braying the order to evacuate.

The rest of the troops and the colonel soon joined Celestia and Twilight on the outskirt of the shield barrier, watching as the inside of the shield was filled with black smoke.

With a massive boom the three ponies felt a shiver from the wind as a bright rainbow flash darted from the sky only to come to an immediate halt right in front of the princesses. Rainbow Dash saluted them, hovering over the ground, her fur matted with sweat and dampness as a strand of rainbow mane curled above her eye. She had a great big grin on her face, even as she panted like crazy.

Okay your highness's, we got everything ready above, the storms booming and the rain is ready to spray!” cried Dash in excitement, blushing as the Arial commander flew down beside her as well.

“She’s right Colonel, the clouds are filled and primed, all we need is the go ahead!” he called down.

“Good work major! As soon as we lower that barrier let the shower begin!” answered Spit Shine enthusiastically.

The major saluted before looking to Dash, as technically she was still in command, “Miss?” he asked bashfully.

“Oh yeah, sure what he said,” answered Rainbow equally as bashful.

“Celestia, lower the shield, Rainbow, Major... let em rip!” called out Twilight.

The sun princess nodded as her horn lit up and a beam of energy shot into the pink barrier, the shield starting to dissolve releasing a massive mushroom cloud of billowing smoke.

Rainbow and the major both shot into the sky heading for the massive dark cloud coverage that had been gathered above Ponyville. Moments later there was a series of lightning bursts followed by an ear-splitting boom of thunder. The rain showers pouring down immediately after, hard and concentrated. The pegasi throttling the clouds for everything they were worth.

Several dozen pegasus lowered themselves from the cloud coverage and began fanning their wings to blow away the smoke and stirring up the wind to cause the rain to pelt even harder and wilder.

The fire had managed to clear some of the barriers when the shield went up, however, the lack of oxygen in the slowly filling up bubble of smoke, had managed to quench the flame’s thirst and fuel quite a bit. The rain now barraging the flames with a new onslaught.

“The fire's dying down!” cried spike on top of Twilight, his keen dragon eyes scanning the town. “The wind is strong but the rain is stronger, it’s putting out the fires quicker than they can spread!”

A hearty cheer came from the battalion around them, as their efforts were rewarded.

Celestia took Twilight aside, bringing one of her wings over to shield their conversation from the others.

“Twilight you need to stay here, the battalion and i will pursue Mordrue in the morning. I’ll have Luna send some reinforcements and supplies to help handle the recovery here."

“But princess, Scootaloo is from this town, she’s one of mine and Dash would never allow it without her,” she answered. Only to have Celestia put a hoof to her mouth.

“Twilight, you do not know Mordrue like i do, you have no idea what he will do with that sword if he get his talons on it, he must be stopped before that ever happens. We have no time to waste, but these are your people, your subjects, and you must remain and take care of them.”

“But Celestia…”whined Twilight, quite unsure of this plan.

“No buts!” growled the princess, effectively shutting Twilight up, the purple alicorn never having heard her mentor speak with such anger towards her.

She lowered her gaze and nodded her head in agreement. Celestia was right, her place was here, every-pony would be devestated, hungry, and afraid. She needed to reassure them and they needed to get their lives back on track. As soon as everything was in good hooves, she would re-join Celestia and the others.

“Fine Celestia, but take Rainbow Dash with you, she’ll only just follow you anyway.”

“Alright then.”


Scootaloo opened her eyes slowly at first, trying to get an idea of where she was. From the feel of it she was on a cold hard surface. As her eyes opened fully she was greeted by the sight of a soft bed, just on her right. Beside it was a small table of chestnut wood, a silver chalice resting on top.

Looking down she saw she was lying on a stone slab, aside from that she seemed to be intact, no part of her was missing, and she wasn’t bleeding this time… that was always a good sign right?

She honestly didn’t know, but anything was better than waking up in pain. Struggling to her hooves she was able to see that she was in some small chamber, or a large chamber, she couldn’t tell which. Two torches on either side walls cast the only light she could see. Aside from her small corner she had no idea if there was anything else to whatever room she was in.

Walking over gingerly to the bed, she saw that it was a simple straw stuffed mattress, with a quilt blanket and single pillow. Propped up on four stilts and several boards, it wasn't much but it looked inviting.

Lying herself across the bed, she wondered when she would meet the griffon who haunted her dreams and nightmares, the one who had stalked her, came after her, arranged to bring her here, who had killed to bring her here.

Looking up at the chalice Scootaloo peered over the rim of the cup to see it was filled with water. Only then was she cued to how actually thirsty she was, but she dared not risk drinking this unknown liquid. Miss Cheerilee's warnings about accepting drinks from strangers came back to her, and there were no more stranger than these griffons.

“It’s...not poison,” came a weak grunt from behind her, the young filly spinning backwards in shock and alarm at the sound of it.

“Who’s there? What’s not poison?” demanded Scootaloo warily.

“Don’t be afraid of me little one, I mean you no harm,” came the voice again, still as weak a it had been before. “The cup, when they brought me in here I saw them fill it up before they left me, they didn’t put anything else in it.

Who are you?” insisted the orange filly peering now into the darkness.

“Crank one of those torches over this way, and you’ll see.”

Scootaloo looked over towards the torches, sticking there supported by a hanger on the stone walls. Skipping over to the nearest one She found that she just barely touched the bottom of the torch with her head, if she hopped up along the wall.

“There you go, you’re right underneath it, just nudge it with your head, and keep doing so till it falls. It’s covered in coal oil, burns hot and long, so it shouldn’t burn out if it hits the ground.”

The unknown voice soothed Scootaloo's worries as she wondered how to get the torch down. Lifting with her head she could feel the bottom of the torch ,and with a quick hop she butted it further up the ring hanger.

“That’s it girl, again...”

She did, hitting it again, nudging it up several more inches.


She did.


She did once more. Grunting this time as she did so.

“One more should do it, be careful when it falls.”

She did and followed the advice, as stated the torch fell out of the ring hanger and hit the stone floor with a loud clang and shower of sparks.

“Good now roll it forward in front of you…” came the voice once more a little stronger this time.

“Why... what do you want?” called back Scootaloo.

“Just some light please, i haven't seen any for hours, I have been kept in this dark room alone.”

Scootaloo could sympathize with the voice, having just spent a few minutes in the room. Carefully with her front hoof she gently rolled the torch in the direction of the voice, the light lighting up more and more of her surroundings.

“Be Careful! There’s a ledge and a sheer drop over here.”

Scootaloo took note and gently pushed the torch once more, avoiding several sparks until finally the torchlight revealed the ledge in question. Looking forward Scoot gave a meep of surprise at the sight that greeted her.

Hanging there over a chasm of space from an iron beam lay Daring Do. Her face bloody, her body bruised and her outfit torn and scraped. Hanging from a set of chains around the iron beam going across the divide.

“Daring Do?” squeaked Scootaloo unbelieving what she was seeing.

“Scootaloo, oh no, I didn’t think it was you,” moaned the adventuress, wincing in pain as she hung there. Her eyes focusing not on the torchlight but the young filly’s face.

“What are you doing here?” asked Scootaloo in surprise.

“Oh you know just hanging around, heh-heh ouch,” she answered, cringing at the end.

“Not funny Daring, now explain to me why you’re here… and where is here?”

Daring sighed and shook her head before just giving in. “You’re in the Spire kiddo, a griffon stronghold in the Everfree. I’m here, because they caught me when I freed Twilight and Rainbow Dash.”

“Twilight and Rainbow Dash were trapped here!” cried Scootaloo in surprise and alarm. Her small body jumping to all floors as her eyes opened wide. Scanning her eyes across the darkened room.

“Were, being the operative word. I freed them both fifteen hours ago,” she said with great pride. “Uh never-mind that,” she stated shortly after, shaking her head as she remembered the situation at hoof. “Listen Scootaloo, whatever he says, whatever he tells you, don’t believe it! Don't listen to a word, all we have to do is wait for Twilight and Rainbow Dash to bring Celestia and help and then we’ll be safe.”

“Oh i wouldn’t count on that if I were you,” came a deep voice from behind them, Scootaloo shaking in her hooves as a familiar cold presence touched upon her mind. Meanwhile, Daring’s eyes glowed fire as she glared behind the young filly, the shadows cast by the torchlight by her hooves seeming to sway and change. Scootaloo was aware enough however, to tell that something was moving through the shadows of the darkened room. It was circling the two ponies with a delightful malice.

That’s when the black furred form of Mordrue slipped into the torchlight, his armor missing from his body. The only thing around his chest and neck was a golden chain and chest brace. Slipping around the dangling Daring, he came to rest to the side of Scootaloo. His smaller griffon frame still dwarfing the small purple and orange filly.

“I wouldn’t count on Twilight or her friends to come to the rescue anytime soon. They have their hooves full with a little wild fire tonight.”

“You smug bastard!” shouted Daring, struggling in her bonds as the griffon suddenly leaped up and circled around her.

“Oh Daring, that temper. Not very fitting for our young’un here, don’t you think?” snapped Mordrue.

Scootaloo was still frozen in place, unable to look away from the black griffon as he approached her once more. Her eyes didn’t leave the griffon but her ears worked well enough, perking up at that last comment. What did that mean?

“Shut up you pile of...mphhh,” growled Daring before Mordrue’s talons fastened her muzzle shut.

“That’s enough, the girl doesn’t need to hear such colorful language from such a role model. You're not making a good impression my dear” he finished for her. The black griffon leaving the adventuress and making his way towards the young filly instead.

Scootaloo finally found her legs as she backed off from the approaching griffon, his presence causing her mind to to flash back to the nightmares and visions that had been plaguing her for the last week. She knew his name... Mordrue, the name and visions of his green eyes flashing across her face and eyes.

“Hello my dear, welcome to the griffon spire. Sorry about the… subpar accommodations, but this place was built for griffons, not ponies.”

Scootaloo was taken aback by his polite demeanor, especially after her last encounter with this griffon had left her near death. “Y-You stole me,” she whimpered her voice faltering.

“Yes, the ponies left me with little choice, i needed to see you, have you be near me… it’s destiny.”

“B-B-But, the last time, you… tried to kill me,” she stammered lifting her small wings to reveal the faded claw marks still visible across her ribs.

The griffon dropped to all fours in front of her, bending forward until his body arched so bis head and beak were at her small hooves. His eyes were looking up at her with the weirdest puppy dog eyed look she had ever seen since Sweetie Belle tried to coax cookies from Rarity.

“I know, forgive me my dear, but i had been searching for you for so long, for so many years. When i finally found you i was too rough, too exhilarated to control myself, i hurt you, and for that i am eternally sorry.”

She processed this quite quickly, her reservations still nagging at her mind. However, she wanted to know more. “What did you mean when you said you had been looking for me for so long?’ she inquired.

“No! Scootaloo don’t indulge him, he’s only going too ahhhhhhh!” cried Daring in warning right before a streak of energy flew from Mordrue’s outstretched talons to zap her.

“Do not interrupt again Daring, or I’ll do that again only for much longer,” warned the black griffon.

Scootaloo looked alarmed, why was Daring acting like that? But that wasn’t important to her right now, she needed to know what connection she had with the griffon, and why she was having these visions. “You were saying?” she asked again of Mordrue.

“Oh it’s a long story my little one, but one that concerns you, me and our excitable little adventuress over there. You see i know you Scootaloo, better than most, because we are connected. You always knew you were adopted, those ponies who looked after you cared for you, but didn’t care about you, not in the way real parents do.”

Scootaloo was taken aback, those thoughts had been hers alone, only repeated in the sanctity and safety of her own mind.

The black griffon let his words sink in before continuing. “You never told any-pony, mainly because you were embarrassed, but also because deep down you wondered why your real parents left you and never came back. But one did Scootaloo, one spent the last twelve years searching for you. He never gave up hope that one day he would find you, though your beginnings started out so strange.”

“What? Who are you talking about? Where did i come from?” she wailed at him.

The griffon turned to glare at daring Do who glared right back, Scootaloo watching with trepidation at their exchange of looks.

“You see i once had a key, it was very precious to me, you could say it was a part of my very soul. This key had the ability to find an ancient weapon belonging to my people. But then one day some grave robbing pony decided to snatch it!” he snarled. “I tracked her down only to find by some dark magic she had lost my key, but more than that, she had become impregnated by its essence. Pregnant… with you.”

Scootaloo nearly collapsed at that. She was a key? A key to what weapon? Was she even real? “What? You’re saying that I’m just a key?”

“No Scootaloo, you’re more than that!” cried Daring struggling without fruition against the bonds holding her, wanting to hold the young filly close.

Mordrue instead saddled up to her looking upon her with a look of faux sympathy. “For once i agree with miss Do, you are more than that Scootaloo. You’re not just a key… you’re my daughter.”

The bombshell was dropped and no survivors were left standing, for Scootaloo nearly fainted into the griffons waiting arms, while Daring shrieked in dismay.

“NO! How could you? She’s not ready!” the golden brown mare cried even as she saw her young daughter fall into the open talons of the black griffon.

“Silence!” he called out as he rose to his haunches carrying the small filly with him. With the back of his talons he dealt a slapping blow to Daring’s face, causing her to grunt in pain as he belted her. “You of all ponies should not dare to talk about her comfort, let alone her readiness for the truth!” screamed back Mordrue. Holding Scootaloo’s orange body close, his talons lighting up as he slowly infused her frail body with his magic.

“What are you doing to her?” Daring demanded, spitting out a wad of blood and a tooth from the blow he had given her.

“She’s strong,”replied Mordrue.“She can handle the truth, all she needs is a little pick me up.”

Scootaloo was jolted awake as a flash of energy zapped through her, her body shaking as the power surged into her.

“Wha…? Did you say that you’re my fa…” she trailed off, not even able to finish her sentence.

“Yes, you were born of the key, and the key was born from me.”assured Mordrue, I have spent so long trying to find you, waited so long to hold you like this… daughter.”

Scootaloo was lost for words, she had always wondered what her father might look like. A proud pegasus, or a daring earth pony, but a black furred griffon? That was going to take some time to get used to.

“But if you’re my father, then who is my mother?” she asked timidly, still feeling quite overwhelmed by it all.

The black furred griffon gave a harsh sneer. “She’s very beautiful, a bit rash, and a hoof ful to boot,” he started. “But she was not prepared to be a mother, nor was she prepared to take care of you, hiding you away in Ponyville, never visiting, never caring…” he trailed off.

“You sick freak!” cried Daring her eyes wide with fear and anger now.

“It’s not easy to give up a child, to never visit them, to never tell them even when they’re right in front of you.” began the black griffon, setting Scootaloo down on the floor.

“Mordrue i’m warning you, I’ll kill you!” Daring screamed at him once more.

“She deserves to know Daring, she needs to know… she needs to know why her mother never looked for her while her father scoured every inch of this world searching, she needs to know why.”

“Telling her will only bring pain,” squealed the mare, feeling herself losing her will to argue the more the silver tongued griffon spoke. Damn him, he was starting to even get her to believe him.

“To her, or to the one concerned?”

Daring only hung her head at that. She could no longer convince herself the right answer to that question.

“Stop talking about me like I’m not even here!” shrieked Scootaloo, standing up on all fours. “Tell me now, I need to know!”

Mordrue only sighed before he leaned over to Daring, lifting up the mares cheek with his talons. “Tell her... mommy dearest.”

Scootaloo just about dropped her jaw, her eyes going wide. “D-D-Daring?” she inquired, looking up at the adventuress with a look of surprise and betrayal.

“I’m sorry Scootaloo, but it’s true. I took the key, i tried to destroy it, i got pregnant instead and had you.”

Scootaloo couldn’t grasp what was happening right now, a million questions going through her head. Daring Do is my mom, my dad is a griffon, I was born from a key and one of them has left me my entire life, while the other tried to kill me… this is going to take a lot of therapy.

“But Scootaloo, you need to understand why, Mordrue is ly…” started Daring before the black griffon seized her muzzle again.

“Why? She needs to know why you just abandoned her for her entire life. Why you never came to visit her, never told her who you really were? Tell me Daring Do, was adoption your first choice, or did you... entertain other methods of getting rid of your little problem?”

“Damn you Mordrue please…” struggled Daring, the griffon allowing her some room to speak.

Scootaloo just looked on, trying to understand what Mordrue was implying.

“She hasn’t acted much like a concerned mother has she Scootaloo? Why don’t you ask her the same and see what she says, just so we can fully understand huh?”

“Mordrue why are you doing this?” whimpered Daring pathetically.

“Because my little adventuress, i am teaching you a lesson. A lesson about trust, a lesson about family, a lesson for bettering yourself, that’s the whole point of this.”

Scootaloo stepped forward, her eyes glaring at Daring, a dark frown upon her face. “Answer him, mother," she practally spat. "Answer him!” she shrieked, her emotions getting the better of her. She was roaring mad, for years she had wondered what was wrong with her, why she was abandoned? Why her parents had never come to find her or even visit? Now here they both were and one was actively keep secrets from her, even now?

“Scootaloo, don’t... please, trust me…”

“Trust you! Trust Daring… Miss Cheerilee told us that trust must be earned not given. Why should i trust you? You’ve been lying to me the whole time! Now answer him!”

The adventuress could only lower her head in obvious shame. “No, he's right it wasn't my first decision… i tried to e-e-end you... I was afraid and didn’t know what to do. But I... I couldn’t, couldn’t do it.”

Scootaloo just backed away from her, tears and anger among just the few things showing on her face. Besdie them both, Daring caught a glimpse of the dark smile forming on Mordrue’s beak. “Bastard” she’d whispered, as her own set of tears streamed down her face. Daring had always had every intention of telling Scootaloo one day. Since the start of this adventure two days ago, she had planned to tell the young filly once she was sure she was safe. She however, wanted it to be on her terms, but Mordrue had spoiled that in one calculated move.

“Please, Scootaloo, listen, you need to understand!” she shouted in desperation.

“Understand, understand that you tried to kill me and when you didn’t have the guts for that you simply dumped me off in the nearest town. Twelve years Daring! Twelve bucking years, and you never once said a thing or came to visit! Shouted Scootaloo.

“I know dear and that’s on me, but please you must understand this is just a ploy, Mordrue is a villain, and he’s using you. He’s the reason i was so afraid to come to see you, i didn’t want to lead him to you my daughter!”

“Don’t call me that! I’m not your daughter, and you’re not my mother… you’re just the sow that gave birth to me. As for him,” she snarled, pointing towards Mordrue. “He’s done nothing but tell me the truth the whole time, you have only lied, i trust him far more than i trust you!” she howled before running away into the corners of the room to land on her small cot. The sounds of her crying and sniffles echoed throughout the entire chamber.

Daring only sobbed to herself in response, her heart breaking and her will to fight, to argue...to live faded as she simply hung there. A small chuckle bringing her eyes to bear on the black griffon.

She had to give it to him, he had played the whole thing masterfully. From the minute he had entered the chamber he had commanded the situation. Controlling what she was allowed to say, revealing his twisted half truths to the young emotionally charged filly. Presenting his side as a caring doting father in search of his long lost daughter. Even Daring had to admit she had almost cheered on his efforts. Then he had directed the conversation to go against her, poisoning Scootaloo’s mind, making herself the enemy and him the avenging parent. She had to admit, he had some help. She had allowed it to get this far, she had only herself to blame. Scootaloo had been right, she had lied to her from the start, only fueling the ammo for Mordrue to swoop in and charm her with.

The black griffon flared his cruel green eyes at her, followed with an annoying smirk. “And here endeth the lesson,” he whispered just for her to hear, right before with a flash of his wings the torchlight was snuffed out, plunging the emotionally wrecked mare into darkness. Leaving alone in the shadows to fester in her abysmal misery.


Scootaloo soaked the small pillow and sheets with her tears, barely able to breathe from her wracked sobbing. This wasn’t right, this was madness! Everything she had known was overturned, and everything she wanted to now made her want to vomit. Her hopes and dreams about finding out who she was, where she came from, burned to ash in mere seconds.

That's when the calming force of a talon touched her wet cheek, wiping a tear from her face. “There there my dear, i know that was hard. You needed to hear it though, you needed to know.”

“I have no one left then,” she sobbed back to him. “My foster parents were kind but they never treated me like a real daughter, I always hoped i could find someone to treat me that way, now I have nothing.”

Not at all, you have me. Yes, you are just as much apart of our group and family as any other. We will be your family my dear, we will teach you, feed you, care for you. You are not alone.”

“Really?” Scootaloo whimpered to him.

“Yes, you are apart of me, apart of us, we belong together my dear.” whispered the black griffon into her ear. With one talon he brought the covers of the beds sheets over her body, tucking her in.

Scootaloo felt him pull the sheets over her shoulders, pressing her head to the pillow as the young filly felt the temptation of sleep wash over her.

“Sleep now my dear and when you wake we will talk more,” his voice was so soft and soothing, she closed her eyes in peace.

“Thanks father,” she whispered.

“Don’t mention it my angel,” grinned Mordrue.

Scootaloo liked that, she had never had a parent say these kinds of things to her when she was getting ready to sleep.

“Welcome to the family, daughter.”

Author's Note:

Oh snap that was intense.