• Published 18th Jul 2016
  • 5,539 Views, 221 Comments

Celestia and Luna Regret Playing Truth or Dare - Diamond_Emblem

It's been a few months since the Mane Six played their first game of Truth or Dare at their slumber party. Starlight and Spike are here to join the fun, too. Then two unexpected guests come knocking. It'll be total chaos.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Knock Knock

"Starlight, do you mind helping me set up for tonight's slumber party?"

Before Twilight had asked for help, Starlight Glimmer had been staring in frustration at the blank pages of her new journal, quill in a full bottle of ink.

The journal was a gift to her from Twilight, being her teacher and all. On the front cover of the leather journal was Starlight's cutie mark, full color and all. It had been gifted to her because Twilight had insisted Starlight could use it to write down a lesson of friendship she had learned.

The bad part was Twilight was going to collect it the next day to check on Starlight's progress.

It's been nearly a week since Twilight has given me this journal, and I still don't have a friendship lesson, Starlight mused. Twilight's going to be disappointed, especially since I haven't been trying. She blamed her lack of friendship lessons on the...first fight.

"Uh, I don't mind at all!" Starlight called out. "I'll be there in a moment!"

Starlight closed her journal and promised herself that she would find a friendship lesson to write about. Even though she had only a few hours to do so. Hopefully, the slumber party would teach her a valuable lesson about friendship. She got up from her seat in the library and left.

As Starlight made her way to the official slumber party room, she thought back to her very first slumber party. Sweet Celestia, she couldn't believe it had been months since her first slumber party and game of Truth or Dare. Each slumber party was fantastic, and every game of Truth or Dare made Starlight regret playing it. But she couldn't help the smile that slid onto her face at the memory of Rainbow Dash acting like a fish or Spike trying to juggle half a dozen Rarity plushes.


Starlight shook her head at the thought of his name. She had managed to avoid him for a solid week and Starlight wanted to keep it that way. She continued on her way to the slumber party room.

Inside the slumber party room, Twilight was hanging up streamer decorations from the middle of the ceiling to the end of the ceiling. The streamers were in the pattern of a rainbow. The streamer colors went from red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. Or was it purple? After the sixth color, the streamer color went back to red. Several glow-in-the-dark stars hung at different heights from the ceiling, each star attached to a wire. One star was so low, Starlight could touch it with her horn if she stood on her hindquarters.

"Whoa," Starlight said, walking in. "This place looks stunning! Fantastic job, Twilight!"

Twilight turned to Starlight and smiled. "Thank you!" she said. "This week is Fluttershy's turn to bring food and drinks. So we can wait for the others to arrive in a few minutes. Or maybe some of our friends are helping Fluttershy carry the refreshments."

Starlight suddenly became confused. "But you asked me to help you set up the room," she said.

Twilight flapped her wings nervously. "Well, you see, I actually wanted to talk to you about something important," she explained.

"Really?" Starlight asked. Knowing her luck, Twilight was going to ask how her journal was coming along or what the sudden influx of letters from Sunburst was about. Questions she didn't want to reply to. "What about?"

Twilight folded her wings and sighed. "What's going on between Spike and you?" she asked.

Starlight's heart leaped out of her chest. This question was even worse.

And since she definitely didn't want to answer, Starlight naturally responded, "What do you mean?"

"After my first real game of Truth or Dare, the two of you hung out more often. Like every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, you two used to go to Sugarcube Corner for snacks and you came back with a few bags of goodies. Spike and you spent a lot of your time in the castle reading and talking. And Spike never reads! If that weren't enough, you two went out for random walks!"

"Hey! My personal life is none of your business," Starlight snapped.

"Actually, it is," Twilight said. "I watch over your progress of friendship, who you make friends with, and what kind of ponies your friends are."

Starlight tried to make a comeback, but she knew any one that she would try to make would be a failed attempt.

"How did you notice our schedule?" she asked instead. She resisted the urge to say, former schedule.

"It had been going on for about four, five weeks, so I was able to pick up the pattern on the third week," Twilight replied. "Now answer my question: What's going on between the both of you?"

"I still don't understand your question," Starlight said.

"Ever since Spike's visit to the Dragonlands, you two have been distancing yourself from each other," Twilight explained. "You've stopped hanging out. Whenever I have you two work together, work ends up as a fighting match. What about? I'd like to know!"

"Everything between Spike and I is alright," Starlight lied.

Twilight stared at her for a few seconds. "There is something wrong between you two, and I am going to find out what it is," she said. "No matter what it takes."

A determined expression settled on Twilight's face. Now Starlight was certain Twilight was going to keep her vow and use any method she could to figure out what was going on. She heard Pinkie Pie recount a time when Twilight spied on her and ran tests to try to make some sense out of Pinkie's Pinkie Sense.

"Then good luck, because nothing is wrong between Spike and I," Starlight said.

"We'll see about that," Twilight said.

Suddenly Twilight's ears perked up as if she heard the Ding! of the toaster in the kitchen. How was she be able to hear it from the second floor of the castle? Starlight wasn't sure.

"The others are here," Twilight said. "I'm going to get my stuff. Meanwhile, you can settle yourself in."

Twilight left the slumber party room. Starlight looked around the room. It was a shame she didn't get to help. Maybe she would have learned a valuable lesson about friendship.


Starlight turned her head and body around to face Spike, who appeared in the doorway. His arms were crossed and in the light of the stars, Starlight could see he was frowning.

His eyebrows furrowed. "You're standing on my spot," he said.

Starlight looked behind herself and saw Spike's bed. She was on Spike's spot of the room.

"Sorry," she mumbled, walking over to her own bed, next to Fluttershy's. It had been added the Saturday of her second slumber party.

Starlight could sense Spike roll his eyes. "I doubt it," he mumbled as he brought in his sleeping bag.

She whipped her head around and glared fiercely at the dragon. "Oh please!" Starlight snapped. "Like you're sorry for meeting Dragonlord Ember!"

"Are you bringing this up again?" Spike said through gritted teeth. His back faced Starlight as he curled his claws into a fist.

"This never ended!" Starlight said angrily.

Spike turned to face her. He was glaring at Starlight.

"And neither will your conversations with Sunburst!" Spike snapped. "So it's totally fine that I'm still in contact with Ember!"

"You're what?!" Starlight shrieked.

"You heard me!" Spike yelled. "You're still in contact with Sunburst, so why can't I keep in touch with Ember?"

"You can!" Starlight yelled.

"And why do you care?!"

"I don't!"

"Well, I don't care that you still talk with Sunburst!"



Starlight turned herself away from Spike. A few tears fell, but Starlight blinked the rest back. Their arguments were escalating and ending quickly now. They were also becoming worse.

She quickly wiped away the tears on her face and dried her eyes. She couldn't let Spike get to her. Even though...

"Hey, guys!"

Starlight turned and put on the best smile she could muster. "Hey, Rainbow," she greeted.

Rainbow Dash zoomed into the room, dropping her slumber party gear on the floor behind her bed. She landed on her bed and grinned. "Long time, no see! How's life been, Starlight?"

"Oh, you know, busy as always," Starlight said. "Learning about friendship and writing about it. Nothing exciting for me."

"Still getting letters from Sunburst?" Rainbow asked. Starlight studied Rainbow's smirk and determined there was a different meaning to her question. From out of the corner of her eye, Starlight could see Spike's grip on one of his bedposts tighten.

Starlight laughed nervously. "And replying!" she said as cheerfully as possible.

Judging from Rainbow Dash's even smugger look, Starlight could tell she didn't believe her. Before she could begin an argument, the rest of the Mane Six filed in.

Fluttershy was carrying several bags in her saddlebag bagception? and a little yapping dalmatian pounced Fluttershy's bed.

For the past few weeks, Fluttershy had brought along her puppy, Cookie Dough, to the weekly slumber parties. She claimed Cookie got lonely in her cottage when she left for the slumber party. So Fluttershy brought Cookie Dough to the Castle of Friendship every Saturday night. No pony really complained or argued. Cookie Dough was too adorable.

"Hello, everypony!" Rarity said. "It's a pleasure to be back with all of you again!"

"Oh that's right," Fluttershy said. "You came back from your business trip to Canterlot a few hours ago, didn't you?"

"Indeed I did!" Rarity said. She walked over to her bed and used her magic to take off her saddlebag. She placed it at the foot of her bed and said, "Not only did I see how successful my boutique has gotten, I checked on the Tasty Treat Restaurant. Saffron and her father are doing better than ever!"

"That's amazin' news!" Applejack said, lowering her saddlebag on her bed. "Ah'm glad you and Pinkie Pie managed to pull that restaurant out of the dark and into the limelight."

"They totally deserve the limelight!" Pinkie Pie said, hopping onto her bed. "Their food is DELICIOUS!"

"Now, enough about me," Rarity said, resting on her bed. She flashed a knowing smile to Rainbow Dash. "How has life been treating you, Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow blushed furiously. "Soarin' took me on a date to Manehattan on Thursday," she mumbled in reply.

Rarity batted her eyelashes at Rainbow. Of course, there was always the one detail she wanted to know.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and said, "Yes, we did kiss! At least my kiss count is higher than yours!"

Rarity gasped in shock. "How dare you!" she said. "I will have you know my relationship with Fancypants is very complicated, and new to me, with him being in Canterlot and I here in Ponyville. He has to maintain his social status and I have to maintain my business."

"But did you see him in Canterlot while you were there?" Twilight asked, helping Fluttershy unload her saddlebag.

A small smile appeared on Rarity's face. "Well, yes," she replied. "As a matter of fact, Fancypants took me to a fashion show yesterday. Oh, you'll never guess who I saw there."

"Oh! Oh! Hoity Toity!" Pinkie Pie guessed. "No, Sapphire Shores! No, wait! How about "

"Coco Pommel!" Rarity squealed. "I got the chance to chat with her, and she explained to me that they were featuring one of her dresses!

"If one of Coco's dresses got featured at a fashion show in Canterlot, that must mean Coco's making it big in the fashion world," Twilight said.

"Indeed she is!" Rarity exclaimed. "I'm so happy for her!"

"So, anypony else got something exciting to share?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Twilight smiled as if she'd been holding in the news for days. "Well, I finally got the opportunity to talk with Mayor Mare on Wednesday. She's agreed to begin planning and funding a new library and a new bookstore in Ponyville!"

Like every Saturday night, the Slumber-Party Eight caught up with each other about what was happening in each of their lives. Fluttershy spoke of Cookie Dough, who had recently gotten into the Everfree Forest. Luckily, Discord was able to find the puppy before she could get into serious danger. Pinkie Pie had visited the rock farm on Wednesday to see how her family was doing. Applejack had chores, as usual, but had managed to sneak in a night out in Ponyville.

"Anything going on for you, Spike?" Rarity asked the dragon, who was eating some potato chips. Starlight had noticed things between Spike and Rarity had been going smoothly ever since they had a heart-to-heart talk at the Star Night Festival. Their friendship had been growing stronger, from the looks of things. Not that Starlight cared.

Spike swallowed and grinned. "Oh, you know, the usual," he said. "Helping Twilight around the castle. Enjoying life."

"Ooh! Have you gotten any letters from Ember?" Twilight asked eagerly. "I have a question about dragon sleeping patterns and a few other "

"Sleeping patterns?" Rainbow Dash interrupted. "You could ask Ember how much treasure she has as a Dragonlord, or any past wars the dragons have fought, but you decide to ask her about dragon sleeping patterns?"

"Well, why not?" Twilight asked.

"I still can't believe Spike's first friend from the Dragonlands is Ember," Rarity said. "The new Dragonlord!"

"Yeah, that's REALLY crazy!" Starlight said through gritted teeth. She violently dipped her chip into some sauce. As a result, the chip broke.

Starlight noticed Spike was enjoying this. He said, "Yeah, Ember's great! One of the best dragons I've ever met!"

"Hey! I have an idea!" Starlight said. "Let's stop talking about Ember and talk about somepony else!"

"Somepony like Sunburst?" Fluttershy asked politely.

Spike's claws suddenly balled into a fist, crushing the chips he was about to eat. Several pieces crumbled out of his fist.

"Yeah! What's going on with Sunburst these days, Star?" Rainbow Dash asked with a sly grin.

"Oh, nothing much," Starlight said with a soft smile. Spike glared at her and dropped the chips out of his claws. The crumbs were all over his bed, but he didn't really care. Starlight's smile made his heart beat faster, but it also made his temper boil. And Sunburst? So we're playing this game, are we now? Spike mused angrily.

"Are you sure that's all that's going on with him, darling?" Rarity asked, batting her eyelashes.

"I don't understand what you mean," Starlight said, grinning. She knew exactly what was happening and she wanted it to happen. It irked Spike. A lot.

Twilight didn't seem amused. "Um, hey, how about we start the game early?" she asked.

"Oooooh yes!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "Please! I have been waiting FOREVER to play Truth or Dare!"

"It's only eight, and we can definitely play four rounds of Truth or Dare!" Rainbow added.

"Okay, we'll start playing!" Twilight said. "Let's go over the rules first."

"One, if choosing Truth, you must tell the truth when some pony asks you a question," Fluttershy stated.

"Two, if choosing Dare, you must perform the dare some pony dares you to do," Rarity said.

"Three! You cannot change your choice once you have selected something to perform!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Four. You cannot choose somepony to dare you to perform something or ask you something," Starlight said. Spike and she exchanged fierce glares.

"And the final rule!" Twilight said.

Suddenly, their ears were filled with three powerful rings, coming from the doorbell downstairs. The doorbell shouldn't have been able to make that much noise. Only enough so Twilight could hear. But judging by the faces on each of her friends, Twilight knew she wasn't the only one who heard it.

The ringing stopped. Everypony blinked as if coming out of a trance. They looked around, exchanging curious glances with one another.

Fluttershy was the one who finally spoke. "Who could that be at this hour of the day?" she asked.

"I don't know," Twilight admitted. "I'll check out who it is. Don't start the game until I come back!"

Twilight left the room and trotted downstairs. Who could be at the Castle of Friendship's door at this time of the day? Ponies were surely getting ready to close up shops, maybe head out for something fun to do, or perhaps the Ponyville Tavern. But coming to the Castle of Friendship? The only ponies who came were the Mane Six, Starlight, and Spike.

She trotted down the grand staircase of the castle and hurried to the front doors. The echo of her hoof steps against the floor was all she heard besides the thoughts racing through her head of whom it could be.

Twilight slowed once she reached the doors. She took a deep breath and opened one of the doors.

"Hi! How can I help AGHHHHHHHHH!"

Twilight took several steps back, but not before slamming the door. Her heart was trying to jump out of her body. Once she was calm enough, she immediately became unnerved again.

Why would I slam the door?! she mused frantically. Why?! I need to open it again! Hopefully, they won't be mad at me!

Twilight quickly rushed to the door and opened it again. She had to tilt her head upwards to talk with them.

"Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!" Twilight said nervously with a sheepish grin. "How...lovely to see you at this time of day!"

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stood side-by-side, beaming as if they didn't mind having a door slammed in their faces. In fact, they seemed eager about something. They wore their own saddlebags, and for some strange reason, neither of them wore their crown.

"It's lovely to see you again, Twilight Sparkle," Princess Celestia said.

Twilight shook her head. "What are you doing here at this time?" she asked.

Celestia and Luna exchanged glances. Luna smiled. "Well, Twilight Sparkle, do you remember the night you asked us to extend the night?" she asked.

"Well, yes, of course," Twilight said. She remembered vividly that she wanted to get back at Rainbow Dash for making her act like a princess for a whole hour. She had teleported to the Canterlot Castle and asked for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to make the night stop before midnight.

"My sister and I were wondering..." Celestia smiled. "We were wondering if we could play with you girls this week."

Twilight blinked and her eyes widened. Here were Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, saddlebags ready for a game of Truth or Dare. Their expressions said they were waiting a long time to play.

"Don't the both of you have work running Equestria?" Twilight asked.

"Of course, if it's alright with your friends and you," Luna said.

"No. I mean, I'm sure my friends wouldn't mind having you join us for this week's game of Truth or Dare," Twilight said in a daze. She opened the door wide. "Come in."

"Princess Celestia?!" Spike asked.

"Princess Luna?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Three princesses in one room at the same time?" Starlight asked. "This is a first for me."

"You'll get used to it," Applejack said.

"Hello, Elements of Harmony!" Celestia greeted the room. "My sister and I have decided to join you for a game of Truth or Dare!"

"Oooooh really?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Great! We're just about to start! Let's go over the rules again! One, if choosing Truth, you must tell the truth when some pony asks you a question. Two! if choosing Dare, you must perform the dare some pony dares you to do. Three! You cannot change your choice once you have selected something to perform. Four! You cannot change your choice once you have selected something to perform! And finally, five! The game ends at midnight!"

Luna smiled, taking a seat next to Twilight's bed. Celestia took a seat by Starlight's bed, which made a circle with the rest of the beds. Celestia said, "Sounds like fair rules." She exchanged another round of knowing looks to Luna.

Luna spoke. "Is it alright if my sister and I just change one rule?" she asked.

Twilight glanced around the room. The faces on her friend's faces said, No but Fluttershy replied, "Of course."

"The game shall end when the Royal Sisters say it ends!" Celestia announced.

The Mane Eight glanced around, giving looks that said Oh boy. But instead of saying that aloud, they nodded their heads in agreement with the new rule.

"And you thought this was a good idea?" Spike whispered to Twilight, who flew onto her bed.

"Well, I couldn't say no to them," Twilight whispered. "And I certainly didn't know how to respond to such a surprise. I had to let them in. Besides, it's just one game."

"A game that ends when both Royal Sisters say it ends," Spike said. "This won't end well."

"None of our games ever end well, do they?" Twilight asked.

Spike nodded. "True," he said. "But with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, things could get a little hectic."

"Just one game," Twilight said. "That's it. We can do this. And we'll end up regretting playing this, but we always do that at the end of these games.

"If everything's taken care of, then I say this week's game of Truth or Dare shall BEGIN!" Pinkie Pie yelled. Suddenly, she brought out her party cannon. She stuffed it with scented streamers Maud had gotten her for the Pie Sisters' Surprise Swap Day. She lit the fuse and dozens of streamers blasted out of the cannon, sending sweet-smelling aromas around the room.

The game was on.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of the sequel to, "The Mane Six Regret Playing Truth or Dare"! I have decided that I will update every Saturday with a new chapter. That sounds about right, right? Anyway, be sure to watch out for the new chapters!