• Published 18th Jul 2016
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Celestia and Luna Regret Playing Truth or Dare - Diamond_Emblem

It's been a few months since the Mane Six played their first game of Truth or Dare at their slumber party. Starlight and Spike are here to join the fun, too. Then two unexpected guests come knocking. It'll be total chaos.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Princess Luna: Has She Ever Had a Crush?

After Rainbow Dash chased Pinkie Pie for a good fifteen minutes, the players all decided it was a good idea to get back to the Castle of Friendship. But not before ordering a whole lot of hay fries and saying goodnight to Trixie.

"I really did have fun tonight," Trixie said to Twilight. "I don't remember having this much fun before."

Twilight smiled. "If you did, that means I'm going to have to find some time next week to hang out with you again," she said.

Trixie beamed. "Do you really mean that?" she asked.

"Of course!" Twilight replied. "As long as you're up for the night out."

"The Great and Humble Trixie will always be up for a night out," Trixie said.

Waving goodbye, Twilight watched Trixie leave the couch and head to the staircase on the left side of the tavern, where the Inn part of the Ponyville Tavern and Inn was at.

Another fifteen minutes later, Pinkie Pie's saddlebag was stuffed with hay fries and the Truth or Dare Squad was back in the slumber party room.

"It's been nearly an hour, but this game is already saucy!" Pinkie Pie said to Rainbow Dash. She gasped in horror. "Sauce! I FORGOT TO ASK FOR SAUCE FOR THE HAY FRIES!"

"Tragic," Rarity said, posing dramatically before resting on her bed.

Celestia and Luna settled themselves on the floor while everypony else sat on their rightful beds. Applejack asked, "So, who wants ta spin the wheel this time?"

"Ooh! Me!" Spike said, jumping off his bed. He rushed over to the wheel, which was in the middle of the room. He flicked the arrow with ease and watched with everypony else as the arrow pointed to the next pony up.

Princess Luna.

"Well, luck is a very mean lady tonight," Luna grumbled as Celestia kept herself from laughing.

"And who will be giving the suggestions to Princess Luna?" Rainbow asked.

"Let's find out!" Spike replied. He spun the arrow three more times to reveal the players who would give suggestions to Princess Luna.

The arrow slowed down to Applejack, Celestia, and Pinkie Pie.

"Curse it all!" Luna said, stomping a hoof on the floor.

Celestia grinned. "Luck is a lady to me tonight," she commented.

"So, Truth or Dare, Your Highness?" Fluttershy asked politely.

Luna had to think about it. So far, none of the ponies had done truth, so truth should be done. But dare seemed to end in more positive results. Then again, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash had done more positive dares, which would explain the outcome.

In the end, Luna took the road less taken by.

"Truth," Luna said. "Applejack?"

"Yer Highness, do any Equestrians still see ya as Nightmare Moon?" Applejack asked.

Luna immediately thought, No. I will not choose this question. Mostly because she didn't know the answer herself.

"Sister?" Luna asked.

Celestia smiled. "Luna, dear, have you ever had a crush on somepony?" she asked.

"Oooh! I wanna know that, too!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "My question is the same as Princess Celestia's!"

"Is that allowed?" Luna asked.

Twilight nodded. "It's the negative factor of having the player able to choose whichever truth or dare is present," she explained.

"Please, Princess!" Rarity squealed. "I'd LOVE to know if there's ever been a special somepony in your heart!"

"I...suppose I can answer this question," Luna said hesitantly.

"Wonderful!" Celestia exclaimed. Her eyes narrowed. "Because I have never been able to drag the answer out of you before. Now is the perfect opportunity."

"Princess Luna, have you ever had a crush on somepony?" Pinkie Pie asked excitedly.

The players in the room stared at Luna for an answer, a fortunately easy one to answer. Luna replied, "No. I have never had a crush before."

The entire room gasped and stared at her in shock. Celestia looked the most shocked. Her mouth was agape, and her eyes were wide.

"You've never had a crush on somepony?" Fluttershy asked. Even the quiet pegasus seemed to be taken back.

"Er...no?" Luna said uncertainly, her ears flopping down.

"What...What's the story behind that?" Rainbow asked, flapping her wings nervously.

Luna sighed. She knew somepony was going to ask that question. "It's simple," she said. "I've never been attracted to anypony before in my life."

"Not ever in your over 1,000 years?" Starlight asked.

"No," Luna replied. "And even if I did have a crush on somepony, I would choose to tell you if I know anypony who still knows me as Nightmare Moon."

"So, no crush?" Spike asked one last time.

"No," Luna said.

"You know, it could happen," Rainbow said.

"How would you know?" Luna asked, rolling her eyes.

"It happened to Twilight and me!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "The two mares who everypony thought would be bachelorettes forever!"

"What do you mean?" Luna asked.

"I'm dating Soarin, a stallion in the Wonderbolts!" Rainbow said.

Celestia gasped. "The tabloids said no such thing!" she said.

Luna rolled her eyes. "Those tabloids are pure garbage, Tia," she said. "We learned this after we read an article about Prince Blueblood and Trixie getting married in Manehattan."

"They were right about Photo Finish and Hoity Toity's break up!" Celestia pointed out.

"No, they were not," Luna argued. "I saw them walking together to a fashion show the other day."

"Hey! Did the fashion show happen to be in Canterlot?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Luna raised her eyebrows. "Yes, but how did you "

"Rarity and Fancypants went to the same one together!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Luna flicked Celestia's horn. "I told you I saw Rarity and Fancypants there!" she said.

"But I've heard about the number of stallions Rarity has had a crush on," Celestia said. "I didn't think they would ever become an item."

"Well, it happened!" Rarity said, batting her eyelashes. There was a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Celestia is right about the number of stallions Rarity had crushed on before," Twilight remarked.

"And all the guys who've ever liked Rarity is a stallion and a dragon!" Pinkie Pie said.

Celestia and Luna blinked. "What?" Luna asked.

"I, uh, sorta had a crush on Rarity for a long time," Spike said sheepishly.

Celestia smiled. "Do you like anypony else now, Spike?" she asked. "What about that dragon you told me about from the Dragonlands? Ember, wasn't it?"

"HEY!" Starlight suddenly exclaimed, jumping up. There was a crazy grin and twitch on Starlight's face. "I have a WONDERFUL idea! How about we find out who goes NEXT?!"

The players stared at Starlight with confused expressions. Spike, however, smirked and crossed his arms.

"I suppose we should go on with the game," Rarity said.

The room was quiet, save for the yapping of Cookie Dough.

"Hey, Luna?" Celestia whispered.

"What is it, sister?" Luna asked. She figured Tia was going to apologize to her for asking her such a rude and meaningless question, revealing the emptiness of Luna's life.

"If I pick dare on my turn, can you dare me to take the puppy? I have not heard nor seen it until now, but I want it."

Author's Note:

Sorry, sorry, I'm still busy life happens.

Hey guys, I played my first REAL game of Truth or Dare Saturday. I regret everything and nothing.