• Published 18th Jul 2016
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Celestia and Luna Regret Playing Truth or Dare - Diamond_Emblem

It's been a few months since the Mane Six played their first game of Truth or Dare at their slumber party. Starlight and Spike are here to join the fun, too. Then two unexpected guests come knocking. It'll be total chaos.

  • ...

Chapter 12: Luna: Listen to Rarity and Twilight Debate "Midnight"

Celestia hadn't planned on solving friendship problems. At the beginning of the night, she had only wanted to enjoy the company from Luna and Twilight's friends. But out of all the ponies in Equestria, Celestia should've known a dream like that didn't happen the first time around.

Truth be told, Celestia was beginning to enjoy the night more because of what was happening between Spike, Applejack, and Starlight. Of course, it was heart-wrenching to see friends go against each other, but Celestia admitted to herself guiltily that she loved a good soap opera. All the drama in Canterlot was old. It was always "Jet Set got into an affair the other night!" or "There are guards of Princess Celestia who are actually undercover spies!" Friendships weren't normal between Canterlot folk; there were only relationships that could be torn to shreds the moment a nasty rumor circulated around the upper-class ponies.

Celestia exhaled softly, bringing her back to Twilight's castle.

The fifteen-minute break was coming to an end. Most players had returned to their spot in the room. Twilight busied herself with a book she had grabbed from under her bed. Fluttershy had just returned from dropping off a sleepy Cookie Dough at her cottage. Spike, Starlight, and Applejack had not returned. According to Rainbow Dash, Spike had gone out to find Applejack. Rainbow didn't know of Starlight's whereabouts.

When the fifteenth minute struck, Twilight rose from her bed. "I'll go look for them," she said promptly.

Rarity laughed with pity. "Oh, darling. You truly have no idea what drama is like in a love triangle," she said as if talking to a foal.

"What does that mean?" Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Twilight, they're all confused," Rarity explained. "Applejack has a crush on Spike, and from what I can see, there's some kind of spark between Spike and Starlight. Applejack's emotions have made it difficult for them to deal with whatever they were going through."

"So we're just gonna let them skip their turns?" Rainbow Dash stood on her bed, obviously ready to argue if her question was answered with "Yes."

"No," Celestia said, rising. "I'll go look for the three of them with...Fluttershy, how does that sound?"

Fluttershy looked as if a chill had gone up her spine. She became alert, which was uncommon of her to do in a safe environment. But she replied cooly, "I suppose it's okay."

"Sounds like a plan," Twilight said slowly as if she knew something Celestia didn't. But she allowed Fluttershy and Celestia to leave the room. As soon as the doors closed, Rarity was spinning the wheel.

Luna's ears drooped as the arrow slowed to a stop, pointing straight at her.

"That isn't fair!" Luna said. "I wasn't ready yet!"

"Expect the unexpected!" Pinkie Pie said, shrugging as she stuffed her mouth with more snacks.

"Go now, Princess," Rainbow Dash said. "At least your turn will be over for this round."

This was true. For the rest of the round, she wouldn't have to worry if the wheel's arrow decided she would be next in the limelight. It already happened, and until the next round began, she could enjoy the game. Though she should be more nervous but excited than just nervous...

Luna exhaled slowly. "I suppose you make a valid point, Rainbow Dash," she said. "In that case, I humbly choose dare for my current turn!"

"Excellent choice," Twilight said, nodding in approval. "Now, since there are only four other players currently present, I say all of us get to have a say in what Luna's dare should be."

"What do you think, Princess Luna?" Pinkie Pie asked, using her tail as a pogo stick to jump on her bed. "I don't know about you, but I like those rules!"

"I'm with Pinkie Pie," Rainbow agreed. "This hasn't happened before, and I'm wondering how much chaos we can make with our questions!"

These were higher stakes, yet the night is young, and the game is only getting better, Luna mused carefully, mentally examining a die and each of its sides. I might as well get to experience the regrets of a game like this.

Luna smiled. "I'd be glad to," she replied.

Almost immediately, Rainbow Dash pulled Pinkie Pie over. Rainbow made sure Twilight and Rarity weren't focusing on them and began talking to Pinkie in a whisper.

"Pinkie, you remember the Midnight series, right?" Rainbow asked.

"Uh huh!" Pinkie replied. "The book series that Twilight and Rarity argue about whenever somepony brings it up?"

"Keep it down!" Rainbow hissed, glancing over to see if the other girls were paying attention. Twilight was holding a list, probably filled to the corners with decent dares she had discovered over the weeks. Rarity was on her fainting couch, and Rainbow knew her best questions and dares came from Rarity's thoughts while on it.

"They always get out of control," Rainbow Dash explained, turning back to Pinkie Pie. "But Princess Luna doesn't know that. Now, imagine what her reaction will be if she watches what'll happen."

Pinkie Pie was rubbing her hooves together when she became confused. "But what's the point of that dare?" she asked. "Why can't we dare Luna to have a rap battle against me?"

"I know your rapping is awesome," Rainbow said, "but I'm thinking somepony else should be in the rap battle. I'll let you know later on in the game. Listen, recently, the author of Midnight has been thinking about making a spin-off series featuring the child of...Isabella and Edward?"

"Estrella and Eduardo," Pinkie Pie corrected.

"Right," Rainbow agreed. "So Twilight and Rarity have a lot more to argue about now. The aftermath is gonna be chaotic!"

"But don't you hate it when they fight about the books?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Yeah." Rainbow couldn't express how much she hated Midnight and the ridiculous plot, yet it was one of the bestselling novel series in Equestria. "But neither of us will be there for that. It'll only be Luna."

"Then what do we do while we wait?" Pinkie Pie gasped. "We should see how Fluttershy's holding up!"

A sly smile grew on Rainbow's face. "You read my mind," she said. "And after that, we gotta prepare Ponyville for "

"Alright!" Twilight said suddenly, whirling away from the wall. "Are we ready, girls?"

Rainbow looked to Pinkie Pie with a grin. "You'll see," she said.

"I was born ready!" Rainbow replied, zooming back to her bed as Pinkie Pie hopped back to her own bed.

"Let's start with Rarity's dare, shall we?" Luna asked.

Rarity smiled as she got off her fainting couch. "Princess Luna, I dare you to have a rap battle against Pinkie Pie!"

Luna could only blink as she got flashbacks from the Truth or Dare game that had occurred weeks ago, where Fluttershy had gone up against Snips and Snails. It would be best for her well-being to avoid rapping against a pony full of surprises.

"Ha ha ha!" Luna laughed nervously. "Twilight? Care to go next?"

"Gladly," Twilight said humbly. "Princess Luna, I dare you to go read a romantic novel!"

Luna's last turn snapped back into Rainbow's head. She'd never found somepony she wanted to be with, and believed it wasn't in the cards for her. Yet Rainbow Dash hadn't believed she'd end up with Soarin' and it happened. If Rainbow had been given a chance, then Luna should get a chance, too.

"Pinkie Pie?" Luna asked desperately.

Rainbow opened her mouth to keep Pinkie Pie from saying her dare, but Pinkie Pie said, "I dare you to listen to Rarity and Twilight talk about Midnight!"

Almost immediately, Twilight and Rarity shot each other looks of disgust. Luna seemed to calm down. "That sounds okay," she said cautiously, sensing tensions rise. "Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow wanted to do something about Luna's love life, but she was on the spot. Zero ideas were running around in her head.

"Uh..." She swallowed. "Same dare as Pinkie Pie."

"Then I choose that dare," Luna said, now calmer. "For how long?"

"One hour!" Rainbow called out before Pinkie Pie replied. That would definitely be enough time to prepare Ponyville for an awesome performance.

"What'll you and Pinkie Pie be doing in the meantime?" Luna asked. "This dare is specifically for me, so you two shouldn't have to wait while I complete it."

"We'll help Celestia and Fluttershy look for Spike, Starlight, and Applejack!" Pinkie Pie replied, readying a flashlight and a whistle.

"Sounds good," Twilight said, in a daze. "And Luna, if you fail to complete the dare, you have to do both truth or dare for next round."

"This won't be very difficult," Luna said, confident that Rarity and Twilight wouldn't break her.

"Okay then!" Rainbow said, rising from her bed. "Your time starts...NOW!"

In the blink of an eye, Rainbow and Pinkie Pie were out of the room, and Luna began regretting the dare she had chosen.

The room had been silent for about ten seconds when Twilight and Rarity began a shouting match.

Spike decided to take a break from searching for Applejack. The fifteen-minute break was definitely over now, and the others would've started the first turn of the second round.

He took a seat at the base of a tree nearby Sugar Cube Corner. Few ponies were strolling the streets, considering it was night. The ponies who were up were most likely leaving the Ponyville tavern or getting ready for a night out in the tavern. Meanwhile, Spike had been searching for a close friend of his that apparently had a crush on him for months and had listened to him talk about his situation with a mare that he liked. Yep, this night was definitely one Spike was going to remember.

Starlight could have fled Celestia knows where, but Celestia didn't know either. Spike used to know where she would go when she was upset, when she was confused, when she needed to be lost in her thoughts. Since their fighting began, Spike knew she wouldn't stay in the same spot for long.

But it was worth a shot.

He stood up and before he could start running, he heard somepony call out, "Hey, there he is! Spike!"

He turned and saw Princess Celestia disguised as Ember Fuel and Fluttershy galloping next to her. Was it just his imagination or did Fluttershy seem frustrated?

"Spike, we've been searching for you, as well as Starlight and Applejack," Celestia explained as they slowed to a trot. "It was time well spent to learn more about Fluttershy and Ponyville, but that's not the point. We wanted to make sure you and the other girls are alright."

Spike sighed. "I don't know if we're all alright," he said. "I'll save you the long story, but I'm not going back till I find the others."

"And how do you know you'll find them?" Celestia asked. "We've been searching for half an hour, and we are yet to find either Starlight or Applejack."

"They couldn't have left Ponyville," Spike thought aloud. "This Saturday is about having fun with their friends. They're not selfish enough to worry about their own feelings."

"So where are they?" Fluttershy asked. "Do you have an idea on where they could be?"

"I have an idea on where Starlight is!"

Coming from the direction of the castle was Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. Their faces were fresh with deviousness but right now, they were focused on finding Starlight and Applejack.

"Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy asked.

"Didn't you start the next turn?" Celestia asked.

"It's Luna's turn!" Pinkie Pie replied. "And we don't wanna be there for that!"

"What if Starlight went to somepony for comfort..." Rainbow Dash began explaining as Pinkie Pie and she arrived. "Somepony she trusts?"

"But she trusts all of us," Fluttershy pointed out.

"We're not all of her friends," Rainbow countered. "Trixie's her friend, too."

Spike blinked. "Hey, you're right!" he said, suddenly understanding Rainbow's guess. "I didn't check Trixie's cart. She could be there."

"Why would Starlight go to anypony at all?" Fluttershy asked. "Don't most of us want to be alone when we're sad?"

"The thing is," Rainbow explained, "Starlight hasn't had any of these moments before. She'll need somepony's shoulder to lean on to figure out what's going on in her head."

"Excellent, Rainbow Dash," Celestia said, nodding in approval. "I'll check there with Fluttershy, and you three can keep searching for any sign of Applejack."

"Good idea," Rainbow Dash said cautiously. Fluttershy still looked rather frustrated. Being around Princess Celestia was not good for Fluttershy's well-being. Meanwhile, Rainbow had important business elsewhere, specifically the new amphitheater nearby the Ponyville tavern. It was scheduled to open next week, but she had plans for it tonight.

"Before I leave," Celestia said, "what dare is my sister doing?"

Pinkie Pie grinned. "You don't wanna know!" she said.

"THAT'S ABSOLUTELY INSANE! What kind of author would write about the descendants of horribly written characters?!" Twilight nearly screamed.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Rarity howled back. "Stephanie Marer is a modern author who can write whatever pleases her readers and her fans!"

"You know, I used to be a fan of hers," Twilight admitted. "But ever since she accepted more feedback from her readers did she become a terrible writer."

"You will TAKE. THAT. BACK!" Rarity yelled.

"Sister, save me," Luna mumbled on the floor, almost ready to admit defeat. And only fifteen minutes had passed by.

"So, Fluttershy, can you continue that story about the pet that reminded you of my own pet?" Princess Celestia asked as Fluttershy and she headed towards Trixie's cart.

"Of course," Fluttershy replied with a bitter taste in her mouth. She didn't know how many more questions she could stand before asking a question of her own:

Do you like Discord?

Of course, Celestia would become offended if not, and if she did, Fluttershy would have a love rival.

This is ridiculous, Fluttershy thought. Princess Celestia doesn't even know I have feelings for Discord. I can't hold anything against her.

"Fluttershy?" Princess Celestia asked.

The Element of Kindness blinked. "Oh! I'm so sorry, Princess," Fluttershy apologized. "I was...thinking."

"What's on your mind?" Celestia smiled at her. Fluttershy thought it was strange to see the co-ruler of Equestria walking around Ponyville in a disguise. Yet hadn't Fluttershy encouraged Celestia to enjoy herself tonight?

"Nothing," Fluttershy lied. "Princess Celestia, have you spent time with Discord?"

The question had come out without any thought. Fluttershy immediately covered her mouth, as if she had spoken a forbidden spell. "Princess Celestia, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to ask that please forgive me "

Celestia merely laughed. "It's alright, Fluttershy," she assured her. "To answer your question, I have spent a few nights with Discord." Before Fluttershy could shrink away or scream or react in some other manner, Celestia quickly said, "He's kept me up with silly pranks and wants to have tea time at midnight."

The scream stuck in Fluttershy's throat sank back to her stomach. "Oh," was the only thing she could say.

"Sometimes, we spend the day together to become better friends," Celestia went on. "I've gotten to understand him better with our time. That is why I am searching for Applejack and Starlight with you, Fluttershy. I'd like to get to know you better."

"But why me?" Fluttershy asked. "Why not Rainbow Dash or Rarity or Pinkie Pie?"

"Well, you are the mare who told me to enjoy myself tonight, correct?" Celestia smiled warmly at Fluttershy.

The Element of Kindness smiled back. Maybe she doesn't have a crush on Discord, she thought positively. Maybe she's just the nicest mare I've always believed her to be.

Sensing Fluttershy needed some space, Celestia remained quiet for the rest of their walk until they reached the park.

"Princess Celestia? Fluttershy?"

The mares looked up ahead. Nearby the willow tree that Twilight had completed her first dare of the game, Trixie was leaving the inside of her cart with Starlight in tow. The reformed mare was poker-faced. There was no telling how she had reacted to Applejack's confession.

"Good evening, Trixie," Celestia said pleasantly. "We were just here to find Starlight Glimmer."

"No need to keep searching for me," Starlight said quietly, stepping up from behind Trixie. "I'm returning to the castle with you both."

"Excellent!" Celestia said. The smile on her face became a quiet one. "The others, as well as I, are worried about you."

"I'm sure they are," Starlight sighed. "Who's turn is it?"

"Luna's, but from what Rainbow Dash told me, not for long." Princess Celestia's bright smile returned. "I do hope she's having fun. My sister has always been quite serious, and I feel tonight's festivities could lighten her mood."

"Of course," Starlight agreed plainly.

"Have a good night, Trixie," Celestia said as soon as Starlight was within her range.

"Wait, you're leaving now?" Trixie asked, her expressions surprised and confused.

Before Trixie finished her sentence, Princess Celestia teleported Fluttershy, Starlight, and herself back to Twilight's castle.

" doesn't justify the flat characters!" Twilight was explaining.

Rarity gasped. "Estrella is NOT a flat character!" she argued. "Stephanie Marer only made her difficult to comprehend!"

"I don't understand what it is with you and vampires," Twilight said, face-hoofing herself. "You see the word vampire on the back of the book, you pick it up, read it, and claim it was a pleasant read! Today's modern writers know nothing about the mythical dangers of vampires."

"As if you could do better!" Rarity challenged.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" Twilight asked, taking a step forward. "Twilight Sparkle, reading fanatic! I have read every best-selling novel in Equestria, and Midnight shouldn't even come close to the pedestal that Harry Trotter or All the Sunlight We Cannot See are on!"

"Then let me see YOU write an engaging story based on vampires!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Maybe I'll take you up on that challenge!" Twilight yelled.

"Well you should!"

"You're on!"

"ENOUGH!" Luna yelled in her Royal Canterlot voice. "I GIVE IN! I CANNOT STAND THIS NONSENSE FOR ANOTHER MINUTE!"

Twilight and Rarity fell silent, turning to look at Princess Luna, whose hooves were clamped over her ears. They both blinked, as if suddenly realizing Luna had been listening to their argument.

"Whoops..." Twilight said slowly.

Rarity chuckled nervously. Clearing her throat, she suggested, "Perhaps we shall continue this conversation another time?"

"Let's," Twilight replied.

Suddenly, a flash of golden magic appeared in the middle of the room. Princess Celestia, Fluttershy, and Starlight stood before the three mares.

"Hello, sister!" Celestia greeted cheerfully. "How is your turn going?"

"I gave in," Luna mumbled in solemn defeat.

"Looks like truth and dare are in your future for next round!" Twilight said. She turned to Starlight Glimmer. "Hey, Starlight. How are you doing?"

"Okay," Starlight replied vaguely. To Twilight, it seemed Starlight had become more relaxed since the game began.

"Where were you?" Twilight asked, needing to know how Starlight Glimmer overcame this obstacle.

"With Trixie." Starlight walked back over to her spot. Though she seemed to be in a better state of mind, she didn't want to have a conversation.

If Starlight stays like this for next round, I could get Spike and Starlight to reveal to each other what's on their minds, Twilight mused cautiously. For Spike, Applejack, and her own sake, they need to sort this out before their love triangle gets more complicated than it already is.

Author's Note:

Y'all aren't getting that rap battle just yet...

Disclaimer thing: I have nothing against Stephanie Meyer, nor have I read the Twilight series.