• Published 18th Jul 2016
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Celestia and Luna Regret Playing Truth or Dare - Diamond_Emblem

It's been a few months since the Mane Six played their first game of Truth or Dare at their slumber party. Starlight and Spike are here to join the fun, too. Then two unexpected guests come knocking. It'll be total chaos.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Celestia: Basically, Cakelestia

Celestia chuckled. "If fate wants me to go, then go I shall," she said. Fluttershy flew over Celestia and back onto her bed, the stars swirling and dancing and spinning as she passed by.

Celestia took a seat next to her sister, noticing Luna had transformed back into her prime form. "Regained your energy, sister?" Celestia asked.

Luna nodded. "Though my everything hurts terribly," she explained, wincing.

Celestia smiled. Before anypony could ask, she said aloud, "The next three ponies who are chosen by the wheel are to come up with dares for me, for I choose dare!"

"Ooooooh!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, jumping up and down on her bed. "This is gonna be so exciting! I NEED TO SPIN!"

She stopped jumping for a moment before she sped towards the center of the room. Pinkie somersaulted over the wheel, and in midair, spun the arrow with her tail.

The arrow slowed to a stop after a few seconds, pointing to Princess Luna.

"Oh, this will be wonderful," Luna said, grinning very slyly.

Celestia began to glare at the wheel but saw Fluttershy out of the corner of her eye. Her eyebrows furrowed, and the look in her eyes said, Relax. This is just a game.

Celestia took a deep breath. "Alright," she said as calmly as possible. "Please continue spinning."

Pinkie Pie grinned and spun, this time, with her muzzle. Slowing down to a stop, she giggled. "Yay, it meeeeeeeee!" she exclaimed, cartwheeling around the room.

The princess of the sun continued to breathe calmly. Pinkie Pie wouldn't be so bad, would she? Then again, Pinkie Pie had eaten an entire cake in one fell CHOMP! Pinkie knew nothing that was impossible or unbreakable.

"One last time," Celestia said hopefully.

Pinkie spun one last time normally and looked with the other players to the arrow's direction, which pointed to Twilight.

"This turn is going to be wonderful!" Twilight said cheerfully, clapping her hooves.

"If you say so, Twilight," Celestia said with a sheepish smile.

Luna was just about to storming up ideas for Tia's dare when Twilight said, "Pinkie Pie? Princess Luna? Could you please follow me outside for a moment?"

The princess of the night and Pinkie Pie exchanged glances and stood. They watched Twilight get off her bed and trot outside. They then followed her out.

Twilight was pacing as if formulating a plan in her head. She looked up when they closed the doors and stopped. She grinned. "I have the perfect dare for Celestia," she said excitedly.

Pinkie Pie beamed. "Does it have to do with explosions?!" she asked, whipping out her party cannon.

"Uh, no," Twilight said. "We can do this dare with some help from you, Pinkie Pie, and Discord."

"What task in Equestria would require us to summon Discord?" Luna asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

The smile on Twilight's face made Luna grin as well.

Ten minutes later, Twilight, Pinkie, and Luna burst open the doors and rushed back to their spots. The players suddenly straightened themselves and paid attention. Spike dropped his poker cards and turned. Fluttershy nudged Applejack with a hoof and the farm mare awoke from her nap.

"That took you long enough," Rainbow mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"Did you all finally create the perfect dare?" asked Rarity, fanning herself. "I'm simply thirsty for drama!"

"We don't think so," Twilight said slyly. "But we do have something hilarious."

"What are my dares?" asked Celestia.

"You only have one," Luna said. She grinned at Pinkie Pie and Twilight, knowing something the others didn't.

"One dare?" Celestia demanded. "That isn't just!"

"Oh, it is!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "It's called the Trio Treaty! The three players chosen to make a suggestion are allowed to form a pact in which they agree to a suggestion made by the three and present it to the victi I mean, the player up! The Treaty can only be formed if all three Suggesters agree to a single suggestion!"

"That's the only one there can be just a single suggestion," added Starlight.

"Great," mumbled Celestia. "Please announce it so that I may deal with it and enjoy the next victi player!"

Twilight grinned. With a grin like that, Celestia knew she was in trouble. "Princess Celestia, we dare you to sit in a room filled with cake for ten minutes and not eat any of it!" Twilight said.

The look on Celestia's face was priceless. It seemed like she was having trouble comprehending the task set before her. She was smiling, but her eye twitched every few seconds. Her expression was frozen.

Twilight heard chuckling. She turned and saw Spike covering his mouth with his claws. Applejack had lowered her hat to hid her smile. Rainbow had put her head on a pillow and was clutching it tightly, muffled laughter coming from her direction.

"OKAY!" yelled Celestia suddenly. She stood up and continued to smile. "Twilight Sparkle, lead me to the room with this cake!"

Twilight eagerly rose from her bed and trotted outside, Celestia on her tail. The room was silent as the doors closed.

Luna smiled. "What are we doing here?" she asked. "We could be seeing this glorious room with cake in all its glory. Who would like to go and see?"

The players grinned and leapt off their beds, following Princess Luna as she ran out of the room.

They were just in time to see Twilight open the library doors.

Everyone froze. Rainbow forgot how to fly and promptly landed on the floor with a Thud! Rarity was swooning at the amount of cake in the room. Pinkie Pie could barely contain her excitement.

The library was flooded with cakes of all kinds. On the top of shelves were rich and creamy chocolate cakes, alternating with juicy raspberry cakes. On the window sills were coconut, red velvet, and strawberry cakes. Tables had been set up all over the library, but there was barely enough room for all. Several cakes on the tables towered over the smaller ones, including a vanilla and strawberry four-layer cake with blue frosting, a thick three layered cake with chocolate frosting and vanilla frosting, and even what seemed like a replica of the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness cake. Cakes, all cakes in existence on Equestria was in the library.

"This...this is impossible," said Celestia after two minutes of silence. "How do the Cakes have these many cakes?"

"Oh, they don't!" said Pinkie Pie, beaming. "Some of the cakes here are from Sugarcube Corner. But we couldn't have gotten all of these cakes from a certain draconequus we know!"

Fluttershy's heart did a somersault as a cake exploded, and Discord stood on top of a table, covered in cake.

"Hello, everypony!" Discord said gleefully. "Good to see you all here tonight!"

"Discord?!" exclaimed Celestia, taking a step back.

"Oh, Celestia!" Discord said. "What a surprise! Is that you? Well, I can see past your little spell of yours." Discord summoned an x-ray machine and on a screen he had also summoned, in Ember Fuel's place was Princess Celestia with the same shocked expression.

"You're in on this?" Celestia asked, straightening herself at once.

Discord snapped his claws and the x-ray machine and screen disappeared. "Of course, I am!" he replied heartily. "Princess Woona called on me and explained the situation. How could I have turned down such an opportunity for some chaos?" He floated above Luna and patted her mane. A small bubble of jealousy formed inside Fluttershy.

"Well! I must be on my way!" Discord said, picking up a suitcase with stickers from all parts of Equestria. "I truly wish I could join you all for this game, but I have some important business to do. And Celestia," he glanced at the princess, "I do hope you'll agree to tea next Sunday."

Celestia suddenly giggled. "I'll send you a letter," she said.

Discord turned and smiled at Fluttershy. "We're still on for a picnic Tuesday afternoon, right?" he asked, leaning towards her closely.

Butterflies swarmed her stomach. She smiled warmly. "Of course," she replied.

"Wonderful!" Discord exclaimed, rising to the ceiling. "I'll be on my way now!" A sparkly explosion surrounded Discord and suddenly, he was gone.

"So...what now?" asked Celestia.

"Now you go into the library," replied Twilight. "I cast a spell on the library, so you can only leave the room after ten minutes once the doors are closed. We'll have two guards to open the doors and see if you ate any of the cakes."

Celestia took a deep breath. "Then I shall see you all in ten minutes," she said.

She strode into the library with confidence and sat down in front of a cake. She sat upright and didn't move a muscle.

Twilight walked to the doors and used her magic to close them. A quiet humming resonated from the doors. She sighed. "Okay, who would like to guard the doors?" she asked. "I need two volunteers."

"Shoot, ah'll help," said Applejack, walking forwards.

"Anypony else?" Twilight asked.

"Nah," said Rainbow. "I wanna get on with the next turn! And guarding a door's pretty boring. What am I gonna do for ten minutes? Sit around and fall asleep?"

"Okay then," Twilight said. "Do I have any volunteers?"

"What if we got Discord to watch over the doors with Applejack?" suggested Starlight, looking slightly bewildered. Of course. She hadn't met Discord before. His appearance could be off-putting.

Applejack looked like she was about to argue, but Luna said, "Leaving Discord to watch Tia's doors? She'd try everything to get out of the room."

"Why would she try to do that?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Luna smirked. Her voice lowered to a whisper. "You didn't hear it from me, but Tia's got a crush on Discord."

She expected something to break or something to be thrown or at least yelling. But the expressions on their faces were shocked, pale. A few glances were thrown to Fluttershy, who was frozen in place, pokerfaced.

Luna coughed. "I know it's shocking to find out," she said uncertainly, "but anything can happen "

"I'll help watch over the doors."

All eyes and heads turned to Fluttershy. She had her lips pressed together and her eyes were solemn. "I'll help," she said.

Twilight cleared her throat uncertainly. "Are you sure, Fluttershy?" she asked.

"Positive," Fluttershy replied, but she looked anything but it.

"Alright," Twilight said dubiously. "We'll come back in ten minutes. Come on, everypony." The players, excluding Fluttershy and Applejack, left back to the slumber party room.

When they were out of sight, Fluttershy fell onto the floor.

Applejack walked over to her. Her eyes were teary and her lip trembled.

"Are ya okay, sugar cube?" Applejack asked.

Fluttershy shook her head.

"Do ya want to talk about it?" Applejack asked softly.

Fluttershy nodded.



Cakes everywhere.

Whenever Celestia turned her head, all she could see were cakes. Delicious, rich, creamy cakes. The temptation to have a bite was too strong for her to handle.

She had to eat.

But there would be consequences, Tia was sure, if she did eat even the tiniest bit of cake. But she had to eat. It had been forever since she had eaten a slice. She had to form a plan.

Celestia could eat a few cakes, perhaps, but before that, she would need to make exact replicas of the cakes, quickly. Ten minutes would finish quicker than she could imagine.

Ten minutes was a small time period. Perhaps just eating a slice from each cake would suffice. Not from every cake, but perhaps from the cakes she would like a bite out of most.

For about a minute, Celestia quickly looked around the library for the most appetizing cakes. The MMMM was definitely on the list, along with the towering cakes. Soon, she picked out enough cakes and a thought came to her: In her unicorn form, she wouldn't be able to perform enough replication spells for the cake slices. But if she ate enough cake, perhaps the energy would give her a boost to transform back, eat more cake, and perform replication spells.

Celestia smiled to herself as she came across a chocolate cake. Time to put the plan into motion, she thought.

"Why does Princess Celestia like Discord, too?" Fluttershy whimpered miserably, sitting upright on the left door. "I thought I was the only pony. What if Discord likes her back? What if he doesn't like me?"

"Ya gotta calm down there, Flutters," Applejack said, sitting against the right door. "Yer startin' ta sound like Twilight, and we don't need anotha one of her, no matter how much we love her."

Fluttershy managed to smile. "I'm sorry," she apologized.

"Sorry?" Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow. "Sorry for what? For carin' for somedraconequus? For lovin' him? Shoot, ah'm just glad you have a crush."

"You had one," Fluttershy pointed out. "You regretted saying it. I regret saying my crush, too. Did you see how everypony was looking at me? They were staring and looking like I was going to start crying. Me and my big mouth."

Fluttershy wrapped her wings around herself. Applejack sighed, walking over to her.

"First of all, it wasn't your big mouth's fault," Applejack said. "We asked ya to tell us your crush. You couldn't say anything otherwise because it would've been a lie, and lies turn out for the worse."​

"Says who?" Fluttershy asked miserably.

"Says me," Applejack said. "Ah regretted sayin' mah crush. Everythin' turned out real bad. Rainbow gettin' at me for revenge, ah don't blame her, she's never loved anypony else before, and tryin' to keep myself together the entire game."

Everythin' turned out real bad. Her words rang in Fluttershy's ears. Those were some specific words Applejack picked out. She could've said, It was bad, or It didn't turn out so well. But it "turned out real bad."

Fluttershy remembered what Applejack had said during her last turn in the first game: While ah have to admit, Rainbow has been a bit outta line this game, ah kinda deserve it. Applejack had kind of deserved it. There was only one reason the Element of Honesty would say something like that.

"Applejack," Fluttershy said quietly, "you said you deserved the revenge from Rainbow Dash. Is it because you lied about your crush? Did you have two crushes? Did you have an even bigger crush than Soarin'?"

Applejack glanced at Fluttershy. There was a sudden flash of terror in her eyes, fear that Fluttershy had discovered her true secret. But before they could say anything, the humming stopped.

"Come on," Applejack said. She helped Fluttershy up and with her help, pushed open the doors.

Celestia was sitting in the same spot she had, only she had transformed back into her alicorn form. Applejack became suspicious almost at once.

"Your Majesty?" Applejack asked.

Celestia turned her head and smiled. "Hello, Applejack, Fluttershy," she said heartily. "Care to check out the library? I didn't eat any cake for ten minutes, just like I was supposed to."

Applejack and Fluttershy exchanged glances. They entered the room and took a look around. Fluttershy searched the window sills. Applejack looked around on ground level. Each cake was gleaming with icing and frosting, none out of place. The room looked like it had when Celestia had entered.

They got back to the doors as the other players arrived.

"Everythin's in order," Applejack said to Twilight. "Looks like she didn't eat anythin'."

"Do you believe her?" Twilight asked.

"Not that much," Applejack admitted.

Twilight scanned the room herself, taking flight every few moments. Meanwhile, Luna looked at Celestia suspiciously.

"You didn't eat any of the cake," Luna said dubiously.

"That is correct, sister," Celestia confirmed.

"Tell me, how did you get enough energy to transform back into your alicorn form?" Luna asked.

"I regained my energy, that's all," Celestia replied.

Twilight exited the room. "Everything seems to be in place," she said. "Pinkie Pie?"

Pinkie stood in place and smiled. "She ate the cake," she said.

"What?!" all the players asked.

"How do you know?" Celestia demanded. "You have no proof!"

"Oh, but I do!" Pinkie Pie said. She pointed underneath one of the tables. "You left crumbs under the tables! Oldest trick in the book!"

Celestia stared at Pinkie in defeat. Twilight checked under the tables and nodded. "Fool me once, shame on you," Twilight said, coming back. "Looks like you have to pay as a consequence of not abiding by the dare."

"And what is that consequence?" Celestia asked.

"When it's your turn in the second round, you have to do both truth and dare," Twilight said smugly.

Celestia exhaled deeply. She walked back into the room and slammed her face into the nearest cake.

"Tia?" Luna called out. "What are you doing?"

Celestia lifted her head. "I'm drowning my misery into my pleasure," she replied before stuffing her face back in.

Author's Note:


the captain's ships are sinking


the captain doesn't know which ship to sink with
(And thanks for that feature on 8/22/16 :pinkiesmile:)