• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 13,984 Views, 376 Comments

Grasping Happiness - NeonEclipse

Celestia has always cared about her student. But what if they could have something more together?

  • ...

Chapter 2

“Spiiiiiiike!” Twilight's familiar call reverberated throughout the library to no avail.

The library looked the same as it always had, books lining the shelves that hugged every available wall, and several piles of the them laying about on the floor and tables. The well known smell of new books and dust lingering in the air, Twilight always thought that if knowledge had a smell then that was it. It wasn't much or anything grand but it was home to the purple unicorn and even though she could now afford to get something a little bigger she had grown attached to the library, besides what better place for a researcher to live than in a library?

Fighting the urge to call out again Twilight set the book she was reading down and walked upstairs and into the spare bedroom.

“Come on Spike, rise and shine.” She said approaching the bed at the other end of the room. The blanket had been pulled up over his head to keep out the light coming in from the window leaving his tail sticking out in a rather silly looking manner.

The large mass shifted slightly under the blanket and she heard a mumble of, “ten more minutes...”

“Oh no you don't, its already noon! Its not healthy for you to be sleeping in like this.” Using her magic she tilted the bed to the side, the contents of which landed with a 'thud' in a heap of blanket and scales.

A low groan came from the mess. “Geez Twilight you could have at least warned me first.” came a reply from the dragon as he untangled himself from the sheets. What emerged from the mess was a dragon a little bigger than the average pony but not quite as large as big mac. Spike had hit a growth spurt about a year ago and his body had gone though some changes, among these changes was a set of purple wings that now rested along his sides.

Twilight gave him the guest room to use now that he could no longer fit in his old bed but it took a while to convince him to use it. The basket that he slept in was something special to him, it was the first thing that Twilight ever gave him besides his name and he refused to let her throw it out, it touched Twilight that he thought so much of it.

“I did warn you.” She said heatedly but her heart wasn't in it. “Now come on it Friday. You promised Rarity that you would help her at the boutique today. Remember?” That got a reaction.

His eyes shot open immediately wide awake “I forgot! Oh no, shes gonna kill me.” He wailed.

“Oh please, you two are dating now, I doubt shes going to kill the dragon she loves.” Twilight assured the panicked dragon.

“Obviously you and I don't know the same Rarity.” He said deadpan.

Spike had finally been able to tell Rarity about his feelings a few months ago. At first Twilight was worried that he would be rejected but was pleasantly surprised when she found out that Rarity harbored the same feelings for the dragon, they had been dating ever since.

Not very long after that, Rainbow Dash and Applejack announced that they were marefriends and have in fact been together for a little over a year. Twilight had always suspected Rainbow Dash of liking mares but as for Applejack she had no idea.

As a matter of fact, Big Mac had started going out with Fluttershy more recently and even Pinkie Pie found a coltfriend in the stallion who runs the party store in town. It seemed that everypony had found someone to be with...

Everypony except her.

While everyone was off finding love, Twilight stayed cooped up in her library, reading over old books and studying forgotten spells. She didn’t mind though, she was perfectly content with her line of work as a scholar. She didn't need another pony to be around her. Annoying her. Interrupting her.

Loving her.

Twilight quickly rid herself of those thoughts. She had Spike and her friends by her, and that was enough. She was quite content with how her life was going and she loved studying books and learning new things from them. She had no regrets about her career choice, though no matter how much she tried not to think about it there was one thing that pained her. She missed the alicorn that once taught her.

Princess Celestia had practically raised her from when she was a little filly. Although she knew that the princess had much more important things to do than talk with a old student, she really wished to see her again. She still sent in reports about friendship whenever she could, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to find something new to write about and she didn't want a repeat of what happened last time she rushed a friendship report.

She sometimes wished that she could go back to when she was just starting to learn about magic just to talk with her mentor again. She missed the way the princess would praise her when she cast a spell right or when she got an A on a test, it always made her heart soar when her teacher was proud of her. That was all she ever wanted, to make the princess proud of her.

She would give anything for today to be like it was back then when they used to sit down and chat together. It had been three years since they last talked. But she was no longer a filly learning about magic and friendship, she had grown up and she was no longer the princess’ 'most faithful student' anymore. It made her heart ache just to think about it but she had to move on with her new career in life, even if it killed her inside to do it.

Believing her job here was done she made her way back downstairs and picked up reading where she left off. Less than a minute later, Spike practically flew down the stairs and dashed straight for the door.

“Thanks for waking me up Twilight, I don't know what I'd do without you.” Using his claws he let out a short whistle and the small phoenix flew to spike and perched on one of the green spikes on his head. “You can come too Peewee.” he said, scratching the young phoenix under the chin.

“How could I not look out for my number one assistant?” she replied, now smiling at the pair.

“I'll be back in time to make dinner after I finish helping Rarity. I trust you can get through lunch without burning the library down.”

“Oh hardy har har.” she said, her tone laced with false anger. “I'll have you know I made it through breakfast without you just fine.”

“Yeah, making cold cereal.” And with that he took off out the door.

“Oh he's gonna get it later.” she said settling back into the cushion she was reading on. She really wanted to continue reading this book, the title was 'Magical Items and Effects'. Twilight had been studying a new type of crystal that was discovered recently. A fellow colleague had brought the stones to her and asked for her opinion on them. She had been told it was called 'Irritus' and that it had some strange effect on magic.

They looked like ordinary gemstones at first glance but after a closer look she found that they were anything but ordinary. When she went to pick one up with her magic she found that she couldn't. After experimenting with the strange crystals for a while the results still baffled her, it seemed that any magic cast around the crystals dissipated immediately. At first she thought it was storing the magic it was absorbing but after further inspection, she found it was more like a black hole in that no matter how much magic it absorbed, it never filled. Even any magic in the immediate area got sucked in. Could it be possible tha-

knock knock knock

Twilight jumped a little as she was broken out of her inner pondering of the subject by the knocking at the door. Sighing she once again put her book down and walked to the door, opening it with her magic.

“See Spike? That’s why you don't rush. You- ohmygoshprincessluna!” Twilight froze up at the sight of the midnight goddess standing in the doorway.

“Hello Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said with an unsure smile set on her face. “Have I arrived at a bad time?”

“Oh no, right now is perfectly fine! I was just doing some light reading.” She quickly put the book away and began straightening up the room in a blur of motion and magic. “I'm so sorry about the mess. I wasn't expecting any company today. Can I get you anything? Should I put some tea on for us?”

At this the alicorn frowned. “I would very much like the chance to catch up but I am afraid that I am short on time.” she admitted a tinge of saddness apparent in her voice. “I have come today because I wish to make a request of you.”

'Had something happened? Had Discord returned? Were the changelings back again? Was this some new threat that loomed over Equestria?' She would do her part to keep Equestria safe from whatever evil had beset them. “Is something wrong princess? Should I go and get the other elements?!” she said, beginning to panic.

“No, this is more of a personal request.”

To say that Twilight was speechless would be an understatement; she had no idea what she could offer a princess but if Luna had come to her personally it must have been important request indeed.

“Of course. I'll help in anyway that I can.”

Upon hearing this, Luna beamed at Twilight. The purple mare was always willing to do what she could to help others, not very much unlike herself. “Well you see Twilight, I will be away from Canterlot for the next few days on official business and I would ask you to stay at the castle whilst I'm away.”

'Has something happened in Canterlot? Was Princess Celestia okay!'

“I want you to keep my sister company while you're there.” Seeing that Twilight was now confused she added on. “She seems to have been feeling lonely lately and I worry about her. So I would like you to spend a few days with her to help cheer her up.”

Luna waited patiently while the unicorn digested this. Very slowly, Twilight turned to look down at her hoofs.

“But why me?”

Luna was not expecting this to be Twilight's next choice of words. She had to suppress a laugh at how foolish the question sounded. Who else could cheer Celly up besides her personal student? The snobby nobles? The guards? Even she, her own sister, had a hard time getting the white goddess to open up to her.

“Twilight, you have always been Celestia's favorite. She told me that she misses you.” Luna couldn't help but let loose a couple giggles at the face Twilight made.

“I don't know what to say. I mean, sure I was her student, but thats all I was, wasn't I? Just another student.” she said, still unsure of herself.

Luna's face visibly softened. “I still do not know everything that I missed while I was gone but my sister told me that you were the only student that she ever personally taught. You mean a lot to my sister... actually, I believe that you are the only one besides me that my sister will willingly confide in.”

Twilight couldn't understand it. She knew that the princess and her once had a strong bond but she thought that it was no more than that between a teacher and student. And she was no longer a student so that bond was gone. Why would the princess even care about her? She didn't have anything to offer the princess anymore.

“Well Twilight Sparkle, what do you say? Will you do us this favor?”

To visit the pony she missed so dearly? How could she say no?

“Of course. I'd be happy to visit Princess Celestia.”

“Oh joy! Thank you, Twilight Sparkle, for doing me this favor. I'm sure my sister will be overjoyed to see you. I have arranged for a chariot to take you to the castle, it will be here in a few minutes. As for where you can sleep I'm sure your old room will suffice. Now if you'll excuse me, I must be going. Perhaps we shall have that chat when I get back.” And with that she left leaving the stunned purple mare staring at the closed door trying to unravel the mess of thoughts that had accumulated at what just happened. So she did what she always did when she faced a lot of information, she made a list.

First: Luna had shown up and asked her to spend some time with Princess Celestia.

Second: She had told her that the princess missed her and wanted to see her again.

Third: There is a chariot coming to pick her up to go any minute now.

Fourth: She was nowhere near ready.

“Oh horseapples.”

Twilight was now flying high above Ponyville in a dark blue chariot headed for Canterlot. She made sure to quickly leave a note telling Spike that she would be going to Canterlot for a few days and that he was in charge of the library while she was away. He was old enough now, he could handle it.

Though right now she wasn't worried about Spike watching over the library. She wasn't worried that she had just upped and left all her work to go to Canterlot. She wasn't even worried that she was now more than a thousand feet up in the sky while she was afraid of heights. No, right now the only thing that was on her mind was how she was going to face Princess Celestia.

It had been so long since they last talked. What was she supposed to say? 'Oh hello Princess Celestia! Sorry that we haven't talked in so long but I've been too busy for the past three years reading books to stop by and say hello to the person who took me in as their own personal student.'

Twilight tried to steady herself the entire trip to Canterlot and think up how she would approach the mare that once taught her but it only served to increase the panic that she felt rising inside her.

As the chariot touched down in the courtyard at the front of the castle Twilight was no closer to being prepared to talk to the princess. To be perfectly honest, she was a wreck. Even the guards had asked if she was okay before taking off to their next duty after she assured them that she was.

'Calm down Twilight, you can handle this. Remember, one step at a time. You'll have to face her sooner or later so you might as well face the music now rather than put it off.'

Collecting herself with a deep breath she started off into the castle.

She still remembered the castle well from the time when she used to roam castle ground as a filly. It seemed that most of the guards actually remembered her as well because none of them stopped to question what she was doing at the castle and a few even waved to her as she walked down the halls leading to the throne room. She had always gotten along with the guards, some of the older ones would even sneak her candy from the royal pantries.

She had made it to the side doors of the throne room when she heard voices coming from inside. Judging by the time of day, she guessed that day-court was being held now.

'Okay Twilight, this is it. Just go in there and greet her. She is holding court with ponies now so it’ll be less awkward than greeting her when she's alone.'

Thump thump

She took a step towards the room.

Thump thump

'Come on Twilight, you can do this.'

Another step.

Thump thump

'Good, just a little further.'

She took a final step, finally passing the doorway and just as she took in the room her fear got the better of her. She closed her eyes and backed out of the room disappearing behind the door frame.

'I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it.'

She slumped up against the wall panting with fear yet angry with herself for chickening out.

'Why... why is this so hard to do?' Twilight thought frantically. It wasn't like it was her first time meeting Princess Celestia. Sure it had been a long time since she last talked to the princess but she could surely at least speak to her properly.

Letting out a short frustrated huff, she began walking towards her old room in order to be alone for a while to collect her thoughts. She just hoped that her old room still had all of the books it used to, reading was something she always found calming.

Twilight found herself considering if she should just avoiding meeting the princess. She wasn't worried that the guards would tell her that her Twilight was visiting, they usually kept to themselves unless asked. But that wasn't right. She told Luna that she would spend time with the princess and she wasn't about to go back on her word. Besides she really wanted to talk with her.

'But what do I say to her?'

After walking for a while she finally made it to her old room. She hesitated for a second before she unlatched the door and walked inside. She had expected to find that her room had been changed back into another guest room but was shocked to see that the room hadn't changed at all.

In fact the room looked as if it had been preserved in time, the same curtains patterned with purple stars hanging from the windows and her extensive collection of books taken from the castle library lined the walls. Even the books that she had left out on the table were left piled in a neat stack. The room hadn't been changed nor had it been left alone to gather dust, it actually looked like she had just left yesterday. No, it was like she had never left at all.

Twilight you have always been Celestia's favorite

A tear unknowingly traveled down her cheek and fell to the floor.

'She still wanted me around? But why? I'm no longer her student!' Unable to bear staying inside the room any longer Twilight exited the room.

Had she been wrong? If the princess still wanted her around then that would mean that Twilight had unknowingly ignored her for 3 years. How could she be so stupid? It was her fault that princess Celestia was sad! She probably thought that Twilight was doing it on purpose! How was she supposed to explain herself to the princess now?

Twilight found herself wandering in the garden wallowing in self-pity. The scenery always helps her to relax, she could never understand why none of the other noble ponies would enjoy it more. It was actually quite beautiful in the garden during this time of day. The sun had just started to set and it cast a orange glow along the trees and flowers.

She remembered how the princess and her would sometimes meet in the gardens to have lessons in magic or enjoy the serene calmness of the lush greenery. Out of all the things she missed doing with the princess that was what she missed the most, just spending time together.

After a couple minutes of aimlessly walking around, she found herself at the center of the garden where a large water fixture stood surrounded by a couple of benches. Walking to the fountain she looked at her reflection in it.

What could she possibly offer the princess; without the Element of Magic she was just another unicorn. Even with her element, there was nothing she could do without the rest of the elements beside her. Why would the princess care so much about her?

“Twilight?” said a from a voice behind her. A voice that could belonged to only one pony. She began to feel panic rising in her, telling her to flee. But she knew she had been spotted and running away wouldn't help.

'This is it Twilight Sparkle, steel yourself. You knew it would come eventually, now just face her and tell her you're sorry and that you didn't mean to ignore her.'

Slowly, she turned to face the owner of the voice and was met with a sight so beautiful that it made tears well up her eyes. Try as she might, there was nothing she could do to hold them back. The princess was standing there with her pure white wings lightly tucked at her sides, her ethereal rainbow mane floating behind her sparkling in the light coming from the sunset, the gold rays shining on her face that held a look of surprise.

At that point all of her fears and doubts left her, the only thing that mattered to her right now was the white alicorn in front of her and how much she missed her.

She told me that she misses you.

All the preparation in the world could not have prevented her next actions; she ran to the teacher she cared so deeply for and threw her hoofs around the alicorn's neck. She felt hot tears fall from her eyes as the aching that was inside her heart for three years was finally soothed.

A hoof wrap around her back and pulled her into the princess Twilight was too distracted at the moment to feel it.

With her mind currently on meltdown and her whole body shaking from the joy she felt finally being able to see her teacher again, she buried her face into the soft white coat of the princess' neck which quickly grew damp from the lavender unicorn's tears. She held on for dear life, relishing in the moment with her dearly missed princess.

“I missed you too princess.”

The goddess simply held her there, basking in the light of Twilight.

*Author's note* : Hope this chapter turned out alright, at least with less grammar errors than the last. Now finally with the base of the story laid down I can now get started on the shipping. Can't wait ^_^

Thanks to all of you for being patient with me as I explore the world of a fanfic writer and I hope you enjoyed the new chapter.