• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 13,984 Views, 376 Comments

Grasping Happiness - NeonEclipse

Celestia has always cared about her student. But what if they could have something more together?

  • ...

Chapter 3

Celestia was lounging on her pillow as the ponies in attendance passed the usual reports and brought forth their ideas to be approved. She still couldn't believe that at one time she wanted nothing to do with the royal court and would let her ponies do as they wished. As she began to participate in the court's discussions more and more she realized that there were many foolish ideas that the nobles agreed on that were causing problems.

She was so foolish herself back then.

Usually, she enjoyed being in the loop in plans made by her ponies and was glad to be able to steer them in the right direction. But right now she was tired and just wished for court to finish soon. Not only that, but this one particular pony was getting on her nerves.

“...And that is why building a dam on the Wesnoth river would benefit not only my city but also the neighboring cities by increasing the amount of trade we would then have to offer.”

There was a murmur of agreement amongst the large group of ponies that attended day-court. Celestia sighed, it was the last day-court for the week and Luna wouldn't be around to hold the night-court; there was a lot more to deal with than usual. That wasn't to say that Celestia wasn't used to extended court hours from time to time when Luna wasn't around, but she enjoyed what little free time she had after day-court would have closed.

“I believe that this will help Trottersdale's irrigation greatly and it will practically pay for itself within the first year.”

Mayor Highbreed. Oh how she loathed his voice. He spoke with an arrogance in his voice that could rival Prince Blueblood, if thats even possible, and his words were grimy and foul and made her feel as if she needed to take a bath after hearing them. He was greedy for all that he was pompous but he also held the position of mayor of Trottersdale.

Didn't mean he deserved it though.

Immediately sensing bad intentions in this plan she decided to take a closer look at this dam he wanted to make.

Her horn glowed lightly as she lifted the paper on the board he had set up and studied the construction zone that was mapped out, it didn't show where the river passed by further downstream but she wasn't a foal. She had long since memorized Equestria and all of the borders that surrounded it.

“Doesn't the Wesnoth river run west past Equestria's border?”

“Indeed it does. It follows Trottersdale west and into the mountains.”

Celestia frowned. “Correct me if I am wrong, but won't building this dam cause a lack of water to those that live downstream along the river?”

“Worry not Princess, we have checked and I can assure you that no ponies will be in danger due to the water shortage downstream at our border.”

The Princess felt her eye twitch. Did he really think she was so naive? That she didn't know what lied past Equestria's borders?

“And what of the Griffins that live in the mountains? Do you forget that the Wesnoth river runs right through Griffinia lying directly past our border?” They had just started peaceful negotiations with them and this pathetic excuse for a mayor wanted her to let him cripple their water supply?! If everything went well and Luna's talk beared fruit they could open up new trade routes with the griffins and form a more solid peace together. This would ruin everything!

No. She wouldn't let that happen. She cared for all of the creatures that lived under her sun and the griffins were one of them.

“I am very sorry Mayor Highbreed, but I am afraid I must deny your request for a build order for this dam.”

“What?!” The mayor's face which had remained falsely pleasant before was now tense with anger. Obviously he did not approve of her decision.

“I will not have Equestria harm other lands in order to increase our own productivity, Mayor.”

“This is outrageous! This project would benefit all of west Equestria. Why should we care about what happens to those savages that choose to live outside our border?! With the water that the dams would hold we-”

“Enough!” She was now standing on her pillowed throne, her voice echoing from the walls of the room, her eyes alight with anger. Many of the ponies that were gathered in the court took an involuntary step back from the pony under her gaze. The pony in question began shaking under the Princess' harsh stare.

“You would do well in remembering that ponies are not much different from griffins. In fact, many Griffins live in Equestria peacefully with us.” The princess said coldly, her furious gaze never leaving the pony.

She could barely contain her anger. This was not the first time she had seen discrimination of other species and it sickened her that some ponies still harboured such old views. She had spent the last thousand years striving to make Equestria a land of peace and equality. In many ways she had already improved the way her ponies treated each other from the time when there were three separate tribes. Now most ponies can’t even fathom a time when pegasi, unicorns and earth ponies hated each other. And yet there are still ponies like Highbreed that think they’re superior to others just because they hold some power.

But she knew. All those years ago she found out, just because you have power doesn't mean you’re a better pony. Having power is more like a weight, the more you have, the more responsibility you have to bear. And she bared the weight of managing an entire nation on her shoulders. Bigger still is her responsibility to raise and lower the sun everyday to bring light to the world.

'Cursed by your own power'

Well he was right about that, power is nothing but a curse. She sometimes wished that she could just abandon the throne and be as any other pony, free to come and go as she pleased. But she had to watch over her kingdom and protect them as best as she could, it was her duty. She just wished that ponies like mayor Highbreed wouldn't make it harder than it had to be.

“You have heard my answer and I have nothing more to say on the matter.” She finished, sitting back down on her pillow.

He looked up at her with his expression something between fear and resentment and opened his mouth like he was about to say something more but then closed it before he could. He still looked upset but gave a low bow.

“Thank you for your time, Princess.”

And with that he gathered his papers and left the room, her eyes following him all the way out. As soon as the stallion exited the room Celestia felt several pairs of eyes staring straight at her, the faces they occupied looked fearful and confused at the Princess' sudden outburst. She was surprised at herself for losing her calm outer mask in anger. Perhaps she was in need of a break.

Celestia was still fuming on the inside and didn't notice when a unicorn hesitantly walked up to the princess with a stack of papers in tow afloat with magic. It wasn't until the pony squeaked out,

“Y-y-our m-m-majesty here are the r-reports from the recent break-in at the Magic Academy.”

Letting loose a breath she didn't realize she was holding, she turned to the slightly trembling pony. She gave her a reassuring smile to show that she was no longer angry. “Thank you, you can set them on the table over there with the rest of the reports.”

She didn't like it when her ponies saw her angry, she wanted them to trust her judgment, not be so afraid of her as to not question it. The mare quickly stacked the papers on the table and bowed as she took her leave, glad to leave the unsettling atmosphere that still lingered in the room.

The tension began to slowly fade from the room as the next group readied their materials to talk to the princess. Maybe she was just so irritable from being cooped up in the castle all day, perhaps she would go get some fresh air after this was done.

Just when the next group of ponies approached her she caught something purple in her peripheral vision by the side doors. She could have sworn that it was the familiar color of the student she once taught but when she turned towards the doors there was nothing.

Really? Now she was seeing things?

'I guess I really do need a break.'

By the time Celestia had finally finished court and sorted through the mess of paperwork, her sun had already begun setting in the sky. She had relieved the guards that usually followed her, right now she just wished to relax and enjoy one of the few things that still brought her joy; the Canterlot garden.

She always found peace in walking among the trees and flowers. Being in the castle for long periods of time made her feel restless and claustrophobic, but a simple stroll through the garden helped to alleviate some of built-up tension. The orange rays emanating from the last of her setting sun only further added to its already whimsical beauty, it’s no wonder that she loves this time of day.

As she made her way into the garden she noticed two small squirrels chasing each other across the hedges, jumping over the gaps in between each row playing happily together.

She couldn't help but laugh lightly at the little animal's antics, she actually knew many of the animals in the gardens from being around so much and they all knew her. The small furry critters seeing Celestia waved at her and hopped down in front of her and pointed towards the center of the garden. She had no idea what had them so excited but decided to take a look as the the squirrels followed along on top of the hedges.

She didn't know what they had wanted her to find, she had made her way to the center of the garden and was about to give up when something by the fountain caught her eye. There, standing in front of the fountain was a pony that looked familiar. She thought she was seeing things again but low and behold there she was although she looked a bit different then the alicorn remembered she could never forget the student she once taught.

“Twilight?” she called out, a little unsure of herself.

To her relief she saw the pony visibly stiffen before turning around to face her. 'It is Twilight. But why is she here?' Of coarse she was happy to see her faithful student, it made her heart soar to see her again after so long, but why now? Now that she thought about it she thought she saw Twilight at court earlier today. Did she need to use the royal library? Well she didn't want to get in the way of her student's studies, she knew how much they meant to her, but maybe they could chat for a while. Being able to talk with her student again would bring her joy more than anything else.

She had grown up a bit in the past three years it seemed. She was now a head taller and her horn had grown about an inch or two since they last met but she still wore the same hairstyle and bore the same cutie mark. Her face held a look of worry and anguish and.......tears?

Celestia only had a moment to take in her old student before the purple mare rushed forward and grappled around her neck and was pulled into a tight embrace with her old student.

Very slowly she wrapped a white leg around the unicorn and simply held her there.

It felt right, holding twilight against her. Like it was long overdue. In some ways it had the familiar feeling of teacher and student reuniting but she felt like it was more than just that. It was like a piece of her was missing and had finally been reunited making her whole again.

'I guess I really did miss you Twilight.'

She felt Twilight's hoofs tighten around her as she nuzzled deeper into her neck. She could feel her neck becoming wet from the pony's tears.

“I missed you too princess”

Hearing this Celestia felt tears of her own beginning to form in her eyes.

Yes, this is what she wanted. This is what was missing. Just being with Twilight like this, it took away the depressed feelings that had been plaguing her, it made her happy again. Twilight couldn't see it with her face buried in her neck, but the Princess was wearing a large smile on her face. And for the first time in three years that Twilight had been gone, it was a smile of genuine happiness.

“I'm sorry Princess.” She finally said after loosening her death grip around the alicorn's neck. “I'm so sorry. I never realized....”

“It’s alright, Twilight.” Celestia replied, calmly stroking her streaked mane with an ivory hoof.

“No! It’s not alright!”, she cried out. How could the Princess ever forgive her for this? She practically avoided Celestia for the past three years and left her teacher thinking that she didn't want to be around anymore. She may not have been aware of it but that didn't change the fact that she was the cause of Celestia's loneliness. “This is all my fault....”

She didn't have the heart to look the Princess in the face. She didn't want to see the disappointment that she would find there. She only ever wanted for the Princess to be proud of her but now she had let her down; in a way she had caused her mentor's pain.

“I thought that you would move on to another student once I had finished studying under you...” Looking back she should have known better. The Princess is kind and would never just abandon a pony, let alone her own protégé.


“I didn't want to burden you with taking time out of your schedule just to entertain an old student.” Her gaze falling to the stone path. “Besides I made a mess of things so many times. I'm sure there is somepony out there that will make a better student than I ever was. You deserve a better student than me.” She finished, a few more tears falling to the ground.

A long silence passed and Twilight began to think that her fears were right and that she made the Princess angry at her. She just hoped that the Princess would forgive her someday.

The long silence was finally broken by a soft voice. “Why would you think yourself to be a burden to me?” Twilight felt a hoof lift her tearing face up to look at the princesses; the alicorn’s eyes glistened with tears but still held a smiling face. “Twilight, spending time with you could never be a burden to me. And you will always be my faithful student.” A small sliver trail slowly made its way down the white alicorn's cheek. “I... I could never replace you, Twilight.”

Twilight couldn't believe it. The Princess had always meant the world to her, she would do anything to make her happy. But she could never have hoped that her mentor cared so much for her. After all, she was an average unicorn with some talent for magic. It wasn’t anything to be particularly proud of. She felt her heart swell up at the Princess' words, she actually wanted Twilight around her.

“I... I don't know what to say...” She said a little lamely.

Once again she was pulled into a close hug with the Princess and this time took comfort in the Princess' warm coat. Tears no longer fell from her eyes but they were still moist with residual tears. If the Princess wanted Twilight to be around so they could spend time together then she would do everything in her power to make it so.

“Well we have a lot to catch up on, three years in fact, so how about we go inside and talk over some tea.” At the mention of food, Twilight's stomach gurgled loudly as it demanded reparation for missing dinner. The Princess couldn't help but stifle a laugh and the lavender pony blushed hard enough to be seen though her coat. “And some daffodil sandwiches too.”

The last of the sun's light slipped through the windows in the dining hall as Twilight had finished her sandwich and was now chatting with the princess over some Earl Grey. Celestia listened with rapt attention as Twilight told her everything that had taken place while they had not seen each other. It would seem that after the Changeling assault that occurred at her niece's wedding, Twilight and her friends still had some adventures of their own, nothing on the world protecting scale like when she freed Princess Luna or when they resealed Discord back in his stone prison but still worthy of note. She told of how they traveled north to Drakson, home of the dragons, in order to let Spike meet his biological parents and of their turbulent escape after Rarity touched the wrong dragon's gem horde.

But that wasn't the only journey they went on that took them outside of Equestria. They also found a old temple that dated back before the Equestrian era after Rainbow Dash dragged them into an ancient forest to find a temple that Daring Do had written about in one of her adventure stories. Twilight had donated their findings to Equestrian Magic Academy which in the end lead her to her job as a Scholar.

She went on to talk about some events that happened in Ponyville of which included a rude showpony named Trixie returning to challenge Twilight to a duel which after losing ran away once again vowing revenge, a twister wreaking havoc on sweet apple acres which was disrupted by a impossibly well performed sonic rainboom from the element of loyalty, Rarity's boutique becoming one of the most well known places in Equestria to obtain fabulous dressmaking, and several more happenings in Twilight's life.

Feeling playful Celestia asked if she had found a special somepony along the way but was surprised when she simply shook her head and said that she didn't have time for romance. She hoped that Twilight wasn't selling herself short, she was a pretty pony and Celestia was sure that anypony would be happy to call her theirs.

“I'm sorry. This is probably really boring hearing me prattle on about our silly adventures. I'm sure the only thing more boring would be one of my reports.”

She frowned slightly at that. “That’s not true Twilight, I always loved hearing about what lessons you and your friends learned.” She hoped that she would take her word for it but she could see the doubt on her student's face. Then an idea struck her. 'Perhaps I should show her?' she thought, a grin forming on her face.

“Twilight, there’s something that I would like you to see.” she said sitting up and motioned for her student to follow.

Twilight was enjoying being able to talk with the Princess again but her curiosity got the better of her and she got up to follow. The halls echoed with the sound of their hoofsteps, Luna’s moon hanging high in the night sky. Most of the ponies in the castle were sound asleep, save for some of the royal guard.

As they walked together, Celestia found that the feeling of emptiness that usually accompanied the castle halls was lessened with the presence of her faithful student by her side. She silently hoped that Twilight would come and visit more often now, she enjoyed having somepony around that she could talk to freely. Sure she had Luna and loved her sister dearly but sisterly talk only got her so far. Twilight could talk with her so openly and never with an ulterior motive in mind.

Twilight followed her mentor as she lead them through the corridors until they entered the living quarters of the castle. She silently wondered what Celestia wanted to show her. A new book maybe?

Eventually they came to a set of two large white doors that were each decorated with a wing curled around the symbol of the sun. Twilight glanced at them and looked apprehensively at the doors.

“But...this...but princess, this is your room.”

“Why yes it is Twilight. I'm glad that you still remember.” She replied, unlocking the door and stepping inside. Noticing the lack of hoof steps behind her she added, “Aren't you coming in?”

Much to twilight's dismay she took a few hesitant steps into the room and Celestia closed the door behind her. Twilight had been in her room before but not since she was a foal. Even so, she couldn’t help but let her eyes dart around, once again taking in the Princess’ room which to her surprise looked much like it did back then. Each step was placed with the utmost caution as to not disturb anything in what she considered to be 'holy ground'.

Quite a bit of awkward shuffling later they arrived at her study and she took a seat on a large pillow. “Please, Have a seat.” she said, beckoning her student with a hoof to sit beside her.

Twilight complied and sat down beside Celestia, leaving quite a modest amount of space in-between them. But she would be having any of that, this was her faithful student, and much like she did when Twilight was just a foal she draped a long wing over her student and pulled her in close to sit beside her. She could feel their coats brushing together and the gentle warmth of her student.

“There, much more comfortable.” She beamed at the unicorn but Twilight felt like she might pass out from the blood that was rushing to her head. Being in this close of a proximity to Princess Celestia was uncomfortable but definitely not unwelcome.

Celestia's horn glowed lightly as she lifted a key from atop her dresser and floated it to a large chest that was set next to her desk. It was a nice wooden chest with a large purple star decorating the top. The key entered the lock and with a slight 'click' the chest popped open and the lid was pushed back so they could see it's contents.

“But those are....”

She watched with delight as her students eyes grew as big as saucers. If anything could prove to Twilight how much she meant to her this was it.

“You kept all of them?” There in the chest were scrolls that contained every friendship report Twilight had ever sent and then some.

She smiled fondly at her student “Of course I kept them. Getting a new friendship report from you was always the sort of thing that brightened up my day.” In fact it was one of the few things she looked forward to doing with her free time.

“I often found myself rereading some of them on late nights. They even helped me sometimes when I needed to make hard decisions, I would come back and read your letters and thought what you might do in my hooves.”

Twilight was still staring at the letters in shock trying to remember if she put anything in the letters that would cause doom if acted upon by a princess.

“Lets see here...... ah ha!” Celestia chimed in, picking out and unfurling the scroll with her magic. And much to Twilight's horror began to read it out loud.

“Dear Princess Celestia, Winter Wrap Up was one of the most special things I've ever been a part of here in Ponyville. It helped me to learn that we all have hidden talents, and if we're patient and diligent we're sure to find them. And as always, with good friendship and teamwork, ponies can accomplish anything...”

By the time she had finished reading the letter Twilight's face was beat red from embarrassment and the poor mare was trying to hide herself from view with her hooves. By the way she was reacting, Celestia thought she might teleport away.

“You don't have to be embarrassed Twilight, I wasn't kidding when I said that I sometimes look back on your friendship reports when making some of my decisions. I find them to provide very a enlightening and non-biased outlook on life.” She smiled down at her student who was squirming under her gaze.

“Do you really mean that.... I mean... why? You’re the princess, you move the sun and bring light to all the lands of Equestria and beyond. A goddess like you would already know what’s best.”

Slowly the smile she had been wearing was replaced with a frown. “A goddess like you...” She echoed. After mulling over those words for a few seconds she stood up, retracting her wing from her student and walked over to the balcony window. “Twilight, what makes me a goddess?”


She looked outside into the night sky were Luna's moon hung just above the horizon. “Is it because I have both wings and a horn? Is it because I lived more than a thousand years? Is it because I can move the sun around the sky? What makes me a goddess?”

“I-I don't know.”

“Did you know I used to be terrible at magic?” She said plainly.


“Quite awful in fact; it took me five hundred years to get to the level you’re currently at. And my wings, I was about the age of adult pony by the time I could even lift off the ground.” She could still remember Luna flying about freely in the sky while she had to flail her wings about just to stay airborne.

“But what-”

“Even my special talent which allows me to move the sun was once done by unicorns. I'm just an easier alternative.” The spell to raise and lower the sun was lost to time and without it they now have no choice but to rely on her.

“Well yes but-”

“Twilight. I am not a goddess. The only reason that I have become the Princess I am now is because of the amount time I had to get here. Actually, given the same amount of time, I'm sure that you would make a better ruler than I.” Turning around to face her student. “You said that I deserve better than you, but you are wrong, it is you that deserves better.”

“I don't care if I deserve better! I don't want better, I want you!” She blurted out before Celestia could talk again.

Celestia raised an eyebrow at her student. Twilight, realizing what she said, immediately turned a deep shade of red. “I-I-I mean.. u-uhh...” she mumbled out gathering herself. "You’re a great ruler." she said looking away. "You care about everypony and always do your best to make us happy, even if it means having to sacrifice your own happiness."

"You’re wise, and kind. Gentle, beautiful...." She looked back up to meet the Princess’ eyes. "And I wouldn't want my Princess to be anypony else but you."

She walked over to her student and nuzzled her cheek gently making the purple unicorn go stiff. “Thank you Twilight... That means a lot to me.” Even if she didn't think that she made a good Princess at least her faithful student still believed in her. She couldn’t help but grin at the words used to describe her.

'Beautiful hm...’'

“So what are we going to do? It would seem that Celestia hasn't grown any dull during her rule and now we don't have the build order we needed.”

They had hoped to go to the night-court instead because of the princess of the night's lack of knowledge in the layout of Equestria but were unlucky in that she was away that night and had to settle for a meeting with Princess Celestia. He knew it would go bad before he began, she just knew him too well. “Whether we got the build order or not makes no difference in the end. I take it everything is going as planned?”

“As long as there haven't been any complications it should be finished by the end of the day. But mayor, won't this prevent us from completing the dam?”

“Not having a build order just means that we won't be able to publicly reap the rewards. I'll be damned if I let those savages in the mountains stop me from doing what I want with my city. And as for the Princesses....” A wide grin formed across his face.

“What they don't know won't hurt them.”

OP foreshadowing GO!

*Author's note* : I have begun to realize that there is a large barrier between having a good idea for a story and putting it down on paper. But have no fear, I'll get better as I go and I don't have any plans to stop here. Lets keep this plot train a-rollin! Also before you go off on it, no, Mayor Highbreed is not EVIL he is just a bad pony..... And a bit of a racist.

Special thanks go out to lnumaniac for his awesome job being my editor and setting my work straight, I'm sure that without him the chapter would have turned out with many more spelling errors. Many more. Many many many many many....... @_@

4999, Let the OCD begin! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!