• Published 9th May 2016
  • 3,411 Views, 95 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 3 - EquestrianKirin

  • ...

The Kirin Empire PT1

Dear Twilight Sparkle:

I am very pleased to hear that you all had made it home safely. I can't express how grateful I am grateful that the Gem Homeworld has been saved, and that the Crystal Gems had returned safe and sound. I honestly didn't expect to see Kyra after so long though, but I am happy to say that he is home as well. I would like to thank you, and looking forward to what both you and your friends accomplish in the future.

Sincerely; Princess Celestia

Twilight felt a warm feeling in her heart when she read over Celestia's latest reply to her message since arriving back in Equestria. She was glad to be home, and so was the rest of the Mane Six. Her, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity, and Fluttershy were glad to be back all the same, though being gone for a winter meant that they had some things to do. Not that they didn't mind - some expected that really. Twilight too expected to handle a thing or two once they returned; and that included working out the books in her library (which hadn't been touched all winter). After reading Celestia's letter, and wrapping it up, Twilight got right up from her bed and headed down to the main lobby. Her house wasn't as bad as others would think, mainly because Spike had been keeping it nice for Twilight's sake. Speaking of Spike, the little dragon was pretty much worn out, and asleep in his bed. Twilight didn't bother to wake him yet, letting him sleep for a while as the alicorn began something she never got the chance to back on Homeworld; reorganizing her many books.

"It's good to be home, and back to normal again," Twilight sighed to herself, as she began moving a few books here and there to their proper places. Yeah, her life had been a roller coaster, but it was nice for sometime to chill out, and go on a regular day. As she was busy going amongst the books, the racket began to stir the dragon. After waking up, Spike stretched his arms, and yawned good and long.

"A bit early?" Spike asked sleepily, rubbing his eye as he saw a number of books being moved.

"Morning Spike. Sorry, but I haven't done this in months. You did move them like I said, did you?" Twilight asked, noticing a ton of books weren't moved around much.

"You left plenty of messages about that," spike said, getting up, and pointing a dragon thumb to a pile of notes left by Twilight by his bed. Twilight blushed a little bit, as she continued.

"Oh yeah, right."

"Hey, how was Homeworld anyway? Did you find anymore of those Gems?" Spike asked, as Twilight exchanged one book on one shelf, and moved them around on one section.

"Tons! I think they're just as diverse as we ponies, there's so many," Twilight answered. she could still remember plain as day of how many, and how diverse the Gem species was. So many kinds of Gems on Homeworld, it was unbelievable. However, Spike felt a bit bummed out.

"Sure wish I could've come," commented Spike, slumping a bit as he came downstairs. Twilight stopped for a moment, and went over to her assistant.

"Spike, you know somepony had to look after everything while I was away. Don't worry; who knows? Maybe we can visit again. Of course, that means you have to be careful with your appetite," Twilight joked, as she continued. Spike knew she was right about that, and as if on cue, his stomach growled a bit. Spike felt his stomach rumbling a bit.

"Eh, speaking of which, thoughts on breakfast?" Spike asked. His stomach began to growl more fiercely, Spike feeling kind of funny. Twilight turned back to him, as he suddenly felt something coming up. Pretty soon, a burp suddenly came out, the signature dragon breath coming out of his mouth. Twilight expected a letter from the princesses, as that was the main result of Spike's fire messages. However, the alicorn was given a little surprise for that morning; when the letter did finish, it wasn't exactly a Celestia scroll that Spike brought up. Well, yes, it was a scroll, but not the same ones Celestia would send. The emblem keeping the scroll together wasn't Celestia's symbolic C emblem, nor Luna's symbol. Instead, this one seemed to have a unique sort of picture on it, looking like a dragon with a branch growing out of its head. The paper too was a bit different, the coloration looking more like a silver blue than the regular paper Celestia would use. Twilight was a bit intrigued, and assumed it was a special letter from Celestia. Spike recovered a bit, as Twilight got the letter up and began to read it over ... or rather, she tried to.

She turned it sideways, and even upside-down, but she couldn't exactly make heads or tails of the writing on the scroll in question. If this was from Celestia, she would read it easy, but the language used was not one she made any exact study on. When Spike looked at it, he too was just as puzzled up, scratching his head on the gibberish words and lines. The very top had a emblem of what looked like some sort of hybrid between a reptile and horse, not in the same sense as Kyra though. Then Twilight had an idea.

"Can you hold this for a second, Spike?" Twilight asked. Spike held the scroll, trying to read it out himself, as Twilight went through some of her stuff. Eventually, she came across one of the books with a similar symbol on it, which matched the one on the scroll. She skimmed trough some of the pages until she found one in particular; basically it was an alphabet translation of the language to one she could understand.

"Okay Spike, can you write this out please?" Twilight insisted. Spike happily obliged, happy to be helping Twilight, and got out a blank scroll. What Twilight did was look at the scroll given to them, and Twilight read off what letters they were. Basically, Spike was translating it so Twilight and Spike could understand. Once they were finished (which took a while to do), the message read as followed;

Dear Princess Twilight:

We've heard of what you've accomplished, And we are very impressed. This may be of short notice, but we wish for you to come to Neippon, for we do have a situation we think you and your friends can aid us with. We wish for the Gems to aid us as well, if they're able to; from what accomplishes they've achieved, we'd appreciate it.

Signed; "The Duke"

It was pretty soon, all and all, but Twilight couldn't exactly ignore this. first off, Neippon was a far away place, so, how exactly did they hear about the Gems? They didn't exactly try to become popular amongst the pony population, and most of their big exploits weren't done in her world. Still, they were friends of Celestia, and probably news of that got to them anyway. Either way, this 'Duke' was interesting to say the least. For one, it went to Twilight for help rather than Celestia, and also, it knew a spell that the alicorn princess only used for Twilight. And lastly, how'd the duke know Spike in particular would get the message? Anyway, these sorts of question would have to be answered later. For now though, she needed everybody (and everybody) to get this message. Looks like they have another trip planned out.


As for the Gems, they've been taking it easy since their return to Earth. After a fight with a giant of Flint on Homeworld that would otherwise wipe out the planet, relaxing a bit was something they pretty much needed. For those that didn't go with them, they were treated to their stories with intent ears, and many of them were glad they had returned alright. Along the beach near the Beach House, Steven took the time to tell some of his close friends; Star Quartz, Jade, Flint, and Connie respectively, about what had happened on Homeworld. With help from the others, they told them every detail of their trip. From their involvement with Blue Diamond, right down to the final battle to save Homeworld.

"... Amazing ..." Said Star Quartz.

"Indeed. I can say that we're all happy that Homeworld's better with us," Garnet said with a smile. Probably the most impressed though was Flint; he and Jade didn't return to Homeworld mainly because of their past involvement with it, but after hearing all of this, Flint felt simply speechless. Jade noticed too.

"They've really done a great job," Jade said with a smile, Flint looking to her. She didn't talk too much, but, Jade wasn't afraid to congratulate them on that much.

"Uh ... Yeah, they did," Flint replied. He never would've expected this little plan to be enough to get this kind of result, but he was amazed none-the-less.

"... You all fused too?" Asked Star.

"We were HUGE! I never felt so powerful in my life!" Amethyst exclaimed, remembering how they used their fusion to pummel the giant beast Osicone.

"Not to mention tall. Felt like we could see for miles from where we were," added Diopside. Flint and Jade were amazed how so many gems could stay together without risk of splitting up. They all must be more in synch than they first take them for. Flint sighed.

"Well, you did a great job, I'll give you that," Flint stated with a slight grin. He could say that much, anyway. Before they could go any further, a signature magic door opened nearby. They hadn't seen that in a while, but they knew right on the beam on what it was; Twilight magic key door. Sure enough, the alicorn soon went right through the door, and onto the beach.

"Hi, Twilight! We were just telling about our big adventure on Homeworld," Steven said with a big smile.

"That's nice, Steven. Anyway, I have something I think you should look at," Twilight said, levitating the letter she got that morning to Garnet. It was the one she had Spike write out rather than the original, so they could understand it a bit better, and a bit quicker. When Garnet looked over what the message was, and who wrote it to them, Garnet took a moment to think. When Fulgurite looked it over, she felt a groan escape her.

"We've only been back for a week, and we already have big issues again? Seriously, we've done a lot already," Fulgurite complained. Not exactly something that should be said, but, it was true. After all, they just went off planet and were nearly killed by the Osicone to save it, and suddenly they got this message about another issue off Earth, and in Equestria.

"True. But, if we're called, then so be it," Garnet replied. Twilight realized that maybe it wasn't the best idea ever, especially since they've done so much already.

"Wait a minute. Maybe only some of you should come then. You guys done a lot," Twilight decided.

"You sure?"

"Yeah I am. You did fight the Osicone after all."

"I want to go, I'm fine!" Steven suddenly said. He was fine to go, and wanted to see Neippon anyway. It'd been too long since he had been in Equestria. Connie wanted to go to, again being too long since last seeing Equestria.

"Uh, Steven, maybe we should wait until -"

"Go ahead, Steven," Garnet suddenly said, cutting off Pearl. Pearl was surprised, but Steven was beaming.

"W-Wait, you're letting him go without -"

"It'll be fine, Pearl. Diopside? Peridot? Connie? Would you like to go with him?" Garnet asked. Connie and Diopside nodded, and Peridot just went along anyway. Diopside never seen Equestria yet, and Peridot hadn't heard of Neippon before, so, that intrigued her a bit. Twilight can understand for some of the Gems to come, while the rest took some time to chill out.

"Thanks. We'll be sure they're okay," Twilight assured them, as they began heading through the door.


The time they took to get to the next spot was quite a long one on a straight train trip. Twilight and the rest of the mane six, joined by Spike, Steven, Diopside, Connie and Peridot, waited on their train as it went off on its tracks. Diopside had her eyes practically glued to the window throughout the ride, taking in the sights of Equestria as the train went on. Being her first time in Equestria, everything seemed so colorful and different overall. Peridot was more interested on where they're going rather then the route to. they never heard of Neippon, and the idea of heading towards somewhere new was fascinating to put it lightly. What was Neippon like? And who's this "Duke" that wants them there? They'll have to figure that out once they get there.

Eventually, the train went to a screeching halt as it arrived at its designated station. The station was old, and slightly out of date, but it was still their stop for where they need to go. The ponies stepped out onto the train station, only to find that they were in a more forested area of Equestria. Many of the trees were tall, and many of the leaves and branches were out of reach from anypony. The cold winds from the nearby mountains brushed against them, and what remained was a dirt trail leading off towards the highlands. Everyone took a moment to look around a bit as the train left the station. The springtime air meant that flowers were also blooming on the trees, which added a nice touch to the scenery. The group looked around for somepony that would be around for them.

"Anypony see whoever called us?" Applejack asked.

"Hello!" Pinkie suddenly said, waving her hoof, and looking away from the station.

Down the path in question, one equine was indeed coming towards them in a trot. The appearance of the pony alone was enough to catch their interest. Her body seemed to consist of scales and fur, with scales running along down her stomach, reaching up her neck. Her mane was black, and flowing down her head and neck, like Connie's almost. On her forehead, she had a unique looking horn which looked more like a straight antler, or a tree branch; with an extra point sprouting up top and on the bottom. Her body appeared like a pony, yet her tail looked almost like a lion tail; straight with fur on the end of it, which was just a flowing as her mane. Her hooves resemble a deer's cloven shape instead of a regular horse, with dark fur lining her silver hooves. Her flank didn't had any cutie mark though, which was different from many of the other ponies the Gems had seen. The creature stopped after a bit, and looked to them.

"Twilight?" She asked, pointing to the alicorn. Twilight nodded a bit.

"Yeah, that's right. Who are you?"

She breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kansha. My name is Shinrin. Grateful that you got the message," she said, moving over to the group. A surprised feeling went across about everyone.

"Wait, wait, wait. You're "The Duke"?" Rainbow questioned. She looked rather fragile for a duke as far as she was concern. Shinrin realized their confusion, and laughed.

"No, no, that wasn't me. I can take you to him though, he's just down here," Shinrin said, motioning a hoof for them to follow her. She may not be this Duke that gave them the letter in the first place, but if she knew who, then they might as well follow her and get it over with. No point on going on a wild goose chase when they got their answer here.

Without much fuss, the group soon ended up following their unique-looking guide down the path away from the station. While they were there because a situation needed to be handled, the scenery was captivating as they went along. The trees weren't from Ponyville, or Beach City, so seeing these blossoming trees was something for them to look at for the time being. This actually made the walk towards where Shinrin guided them much quicker, and almost before they realized it, Shinrin had got them to the spot.

The location itself was a small house over along the highlands, bordering a mountain forest. The house itself was small, but didn't appear like the cottages cottage back in Ponyville. While the cottages of Ponyville were made of yellow straw roofs and were at least two stories up, this house was a single-floored one, with a sliding door, walls that looked like paper, and the roof in a triangle with the points curved upwards. Shinrin went right over to the door, and slid it open with ease as she went right in. The interior was a bit different from the exterior. For starters, the first room they walked into didn't had too much furniture apart from a short coffee table. there was a wide open door looking out to an open field, and the table had a kettle of tea, fresh and hot. Next to it was a plate of dumplings, also currently made. It was nice, and simple. Peridot and Diopside were more interested in the kettle though; not seeing one like it before.

"What this odd device? Is it a weapon?" Peridot wondered, looking at it all around. Connie went over, and helped herself to a seat.

"That's just a kettle," Connie chuckled, though Peridot wasn't sure. Shinrin looked over to them.

"Help yourself to the tea and dumplings, if you wish. I'll be right back," Shinrin said, and headed outside again towards the field. While some settled by the table, others went out and watched Shinrin go out towards the fields of green by the house. Shinrin soon found another pony out working in the field. This pony looked more robust than Shinrin, with scales lining his stomach, and back. He had a 'goatbeard' on his chin that went down his neck, and his horn resembled Shinrin's own. His tail looked like Shinrin's too, but completely scaled apart from the furred tip. His mane, tip of tail, and goatbeard were silver in color, along with his hooves. His main fur color was a lime green, and his scales were a very dark green. The others could just hear her, but when she spoke to him, it wasn't in a language they understood.

"Ani! Ani!" Shinrin called. The older pony stopped and turned to her.

"Nani?" He asked.

"Ponī wa, karera ga anata no messēji o motte, imakoko ni arimasu," Shinrin replied. Those hearing her and the other pony looked kinda puzzled.

"You know what they're saying?" Rainbow whispered to Pinkie. She just shrugged, as Shinrin and the other pony went over to see them, still talking to eachother a little.

"Karera wa neipponese ni seitsū shite imasu ka?" The other pony asked Shinrin. Shinrin shook her head.

"Watashi wa karera ni hanashi o kiita, karera wa omoni equestrian o hanashimasu," replied Shinrin. It was hard to understand, but mainly Shinrin was telling the pony that they were here, and that they don't speak Neipponese like they do. The older pony looked to Twilight, and cleared his throat.

"Kon'nichiwa," He began, but realized he just blabbered Neipponese again, so he cleared his throat once more. "Hello. I am Firudo Yama. Are you Twilight?"

"That's me, and these are my friends," Twilight introduced. Firudo nodded, as he and Shinrin headed in, only to see Steven, Diopside, Peridot, and Connie. Firudo was a bit tired, and slightly dirty as he wiped his hooves before going in. When Rarity saw him though, she saw a buff and handsome stallion.

"Hello there, darling. My name is Rarity, a pleasure to meet such a strong stallion," Rarity said, acting a little flirty in her tone. The others were embarrassed a little, but Firudo knew a flirty mare when he saw one. He just gave Rarity an unimpressed expression, and sat down over by Connie and Peridot. Rarity felt insulted, and gave a humph before she sat down too. Meanwhile, Shinrin sat down by Firudo, and her horn suddenly glowed a lime green. Soon, the plate of dumplings started to be passed around for whoever wanted out. It was a surprise to see her using magic, considering her horn didn't match to Twilight's or Rarity's, but they weren't normal ponies either way so they didn't question that. They all took their dumplings apart from Peridot, who didn't see a dumpling before.

"These look delicious. Itadakimasu," Connie said, before taking a bite of her dumpling. Shinrin giggled at that saying, though admittedly impressed she had some of their language down pact, even if it was one saying. They all were also given a cup of warm basil tea, still steaming a bit. Seemed Shinrin wanted some fresh food for their guests once they showed up. Not everyone jumped to the tea though, especially Steven, Pinkie and Peridot. Steven and Pinkie didn't like tea very much, and Peridot didn't had much clue on what the tea was. Peridot tried a gulp of it after watching the others. The taste wasn't what bothered her, but the heat hit her like a train. Her eyes bulged out, and she got her hot tongue out, putting the cup down.

"Hot,hot,hot,hot," Peridot repeated, fanning her tongue. Rarity turned to Peridot.

"You don't gulp it down, dear. Little sips, like this," Rarity said, sipping her tea. It didn't bother Rarity much, for she was used to tea, and she enjoyed this one. Peridot mimicked what Rarity did, and by her league, Diopside, but while the heat wasn't as much of a bother, the taste was. The basil leaves left a odd taste on their tongues, but it was dull so it mainly tasted like hot water.

"Uh, pass," Peridot decided, placing her cup down. Shinrin didn't mind it though; not everybody liked tea anyway. Firudo looked over to Diopside and Peridot, interested a bit by these new creatures. He heard of them, but this was the first time he saw one.

"So, you are Gems?" He asked curiously.

"Yep, genuine Gems," Steven smiled, showing them his gemstone. He wasn't a full Gem, but he was one still none-the-less. He then continued with, " So, what are you two?"

"Oh. We're both Kirin actually," Shinrin answered with a smile. Honestly, they thought they were Draconian, but seeing the two Kirin made them interested just as much. Shinrin took a moment to sip her tea, when Rainbow interrupted.

"Alright then, cool, now what's this about? I'm pretty sure you didn't get us out here just for tea time," Rainbow said. So far, they didn't get much information about what exactly needed to be done. Shinrin and Firudo looked to eachother, as Shinrin placed her cup down.

"I'm sorry. Let me explain," Shinrin began, moving over to outside for a second. She eventually turned back to them after a bit.

"Umakumo," she simply stated.

"A what-now?" Applejack asked.

"The Umakumo has been around Neippon lately. It's a large half-pony, half spider creature, and it's been kidnapping villagers for quite sometime. Our father tried to stop it ... but ..."

"He was taken too?" Diopside suddenly cut in. The Kirin just nodded, and sighed sadly. The situation was quick to get to; basically this Umakumo was kidnapping Kirin, and they have to find it and rescue them. Seemed simple enough.

"We'll find that Umakumo for you, and rescue everypony captured," Twilight promised. Firudo smiled to the alicorn.

"Sōdaina," Firudo sighed in relief, basically Neipponese for 'grand'.

"Alright, where is it? I'm ready for it," Rainbow said, stoked and ready to go.

"We don't know," sighed Firudo. This was a pure bum-out. Guess they have to figure out that first.

"Do you know anypony who does?" Twilight asked. Shinrin and Firudo glanced to eachother before Firudo got up. Shinrin seemed rough on it, but Firudo spoke for her.

"You can try the princess, she's at the main village," he said, looking outside, further off. When looking, they could barely see their destination. Next stop; the village.


It didn't take too long until Shinrin and Firudo brought them to the main village. The village itself was a bit bigger than they thought it would be, with the buildings matching the designs of Shinrin's house, but as big as Ponyville cottages. The main road had lights hanged above it, which looked like paper lamps hung in a row. Colors varied from yellows, to oranges, to reds, and added an interesting feel to the village. As for the residents, the Kirins were more varied than they first realized. Different colors, different manes, different sizes, and even different sets of horns. They can safely say that the Kirins are as diverse as anypony else. Steven, Connie, Peridot and Diopside were the most impressed with the Kirins.

"You Kirins have an ... Interesting choice of architecture and visual appeal," Peridot noted, looking up at the hanging lamps.

"You mean the lamps? Yeah, it's a traditional thing for us Kirins. They make nights very lovely," Shinrin explained. Peridot examined the details on the paper lamps as they went. They liked to look about, but Shinrin and Firudo brought them right to one particular building down the road. Anymore time messing around could mean more and more trouble with whatever ponies were caught by that Spider-Pony hybrid.

The building they're brought to had a clear temple royalty to it. Long steps leading up to the large front doors of the palace. Statues next to the doors resemble huge, wingless dragons. Shinrin stopped herself by the steps though.

"I'll just wait out here," she sighed. The others were confused, but they went off anyhow. Peridot, Diopside, and Connie weren't sure why she didn't want to go, and kept it in mind as they went up. Firudo looked back to Shinrin before continuing on to the front doors. They all stood there for a bit, but eventually it was Steven who did the honors and knocked on the door. No sooner after he did, suddenly they began to open up.

"Keep calm," Firudo advised, as the doors fully opened, and they went through. Immediately, they were treated to the sight of the current princess. She had a rather special look to her, with a sort of charm for a fem fatale. Her throne looked more like some special pillows than any actual chair, and she was laying down on her side upon them. She didn't seem to have that much scales on her stomach, but most of hers lined her back, and some on her chest (make of it what you will). Her patterns seemed to match with a Koi fish, with white fur and red scales. Her mane flowed down her neck as if she just came out of the water, with white highlights in them. This also went with her tail, which the fur went up it like a tail fin. The main thing to show she was a Kirin was a set of deer antlers, and the cloven hooves. Surely one way to make a first impression. Firudo went over, and bowed in front of her.

"Junsui-sama," Firudo began. Junsui smiled.

"Firudo. Watashi wa anata ga Neippon no soto de nan'ninka no yūjin o motte sanshō shite kudasai?"


The red and white Kirin stood up, and moved off her pillows. She moved her head back so her mane wasn't in her face (and possibly to add some charm). She thought they were just here to see the princess herself, so, she might as well show off a bit.

"Kon'nichiwa, saiai no hito. Kanojo jishin neippon no ōjo o mi ni kite?" Junsui asked. They would answer if they knew what she was saying.

"Mi no alba Española," Rainbow groaned, only getting her bonked in the head by Rarity.

"I'm sorry about that. But, we don't speak Neipponese, princess," Twilight said, as Rainbow rubbed the bump on her head. Junsui nodded her head, but rather than clear her throat, her horns suddenly glowed a bit. A small sparkling flash went around her head, as she spoke again.

"There you go, dear. Better?" She asked, now easily understood by everypony. Twilight was impressed more than most, but nodded; not everyday you get to see a translator spell used in action.

"Much better, thank you," Diopside replied. Junsui went over to the Gems nearby, looking them over.

"Oh? Interesting creatures, I see. Come to see the princess herself?" She asked, her hoof going through her smooth mane. Pretty, but a bit into herself by the looks of it.

"We arrived after receiving a message regarding an issue revolving this area," Peridot answered. Firudo watched as Junsui began moving off a bit. The main issue currently was the Umakumo, and if they were here in regards to that ...

"Oh, that. Yes, we've been having trouble with that beast for quite sometime," Junsui explained.

"How many?" Fluttershy asked. Junsui thought it over for a little bit, her hoof to her chin.

"Hard to say, really," Junsui replied. That answer made them wonder just how long was the Umakumo around for, and how many villagers were taken by it. Rainbow was loosing patience.

"Okay, just tell us where this Uma-whoever thing is, will ya?" Rainbow groaned. She really wanted to get going, and this chit-chat wasn't giving them anything. However, Junsui gave a small yawn.

"I suppose I could."

"Why don't you?!" Rainbow snapped. Junsui rolled her eyes.

"I'd hate to put anypony else at risk of such a creature. Other soldiers tried. They never came back," Junsui explained, as she sat down on her pillows. They were a bit spooked on such news, but what seemed odd was her tone was more like it was just business rather than anything remorseful. Only Connie and Peridot seemed to catch it though.

"You can go now. You can stay in my village as long as you wish," Junsui said. Firudo began to go in a sigh, as the others agreed to head off, Connie and Peridot glancing to eachother as they were walking away.


With the princess not giving them much help, they were pretty much stuck at square one. They knew what the problem was, but, without knowing anywhere that the Umakumo could possibly had gone to, then running around like mad wasn't going to work out in the long run. On the bright side, at least this gave them some time to look around the village for a bit. Shinrin and Firudo were dismayed with the news, though the group was aware that she might know something. Her reasoning seemed fair though, and if others were sent and never returned, then Junsui may not want anypony else to share their fate, Pony, Gem or otherwise. As they walked on, they thought over what to do next.

"So, now what do we do? Not even the princess seemed to know anything about where this Umakumo is," Steven wondered, trying to think. Twilight sighed after a bit.

"Let's just go back and get Junsui to tell us. Seriously, she flat out said she knew where this Uma-thingy is," Rainbow gripped.

"Look, I'm not giving up just yet. We'll just have to ask around and see if we can find any clues -" before Twilight could finish, Pinkie shoved her head down, and saw a stand close by, which apparently was selling ice cream to some Kirins.

"Yummy!" Pinkie beamed, and rushed off. Twilight needed a minute to regain herself, shaking her head, before she turned back to the rest. Almost right away, some of them began to get a bit hungry.

"How about we try to get some food first? Maybe somepony would know there?" Rainbow insisted.

"Well, alright. Steven, Connie, do you want anything?" Twilight asked, turning to them.

"I'm good, thank you. You go on ahead," Connie decided. Peridot stuck around with her, as the rest went off to try some of the Neippon food. While they went off though, Connie felt like she needed to get something out of her head. Since leaving Junsui, she seemed to have her doubts over the princess, and how she acted to them.

"Hey. Had any of you noticed something odd with Princess Junsui?' Connie asked, turning to Peridot.

"You mean aside from her questionable display?" Peridot asked sarcastically. She didn't know too much on royalty amongst equestrian, but she was sure showing off on some pillows wasn't a regal move.

"Well, yeah. I don't know, she sounded like she didn't want to tell us where the Umakumo is," Connie explained.

"Didn't she say it was for our safety?" Peridot pointed out. Connie closed her eyes, her hand to her chin, rethinking of how Junsui said that.

"She didn't sound like she really cared though. Anybody noticed how monotone she was for her village being taken by the monster? Sounded like she expected it, or something," Connie concluded. Peridot thought for a moment or two.

"Oh yeah, I noticed that too; and she seemed ready to have us go soon after that without much current information. Shouldn't she be more troubled over this than she is? If she wanted to get rid of the thing, she'd tell us right away," Peridot hypothesized. Both girls came to the similar conclusion; Junsui had her own reasons that she wasn't telling them about, and she didn't want them involved in the Umakumo incidents not for their safety. Before they could go any further ...


Connie and Peridot looked around for a second or so, trying to figure out where the voice came from. So far, they only saw their group, and a few far away Kirin residents ... Well, then there was one that caught their eye. It was hard to tell at first, but the voice belonged to a rather old Kirin. His mane draped over his eyes, and his head has a single, aged horn on it. His scales lined his stomach and tail, that and his fur a dullish green color. He had apparently overheard their conversation, and their doubts over princess Junsui. He made a check on the other Kirin around, seeing none of them noticed him. No one noticed him except Connie and Peridot, which seemed to be what he wanted.

"You two talking about the princess? I heard you both," He asked. Lucky for them, he spoke good Equestrian. Connie thought he would be mad for them thinking negatively over the princess.

"N-not in a bad way, really, we uh -"

"We have our doubts," Peridot cut in. Connie was a bit worried but ...


Good? What did he mean by that? He followed Junsui right? Connie looked more puzzled than worried, as it seemed every Kirin should follow who was in charge of their village. Why would having doubts exactly be a good thing for him? The old Kirin continued.

"Your group mentioned about the Umakumo, right? I think I can help you," the Kirin offered.

"You know where it is? I'm positive we can take it from there," Peridot noted.

"Better; I can show you."

What luck! Leave it to the old guy to know where the Umakumo was. The old Kirin then began to scrap the ground with his hoof, making out a sort of arch.

"Meet me at the eastern gate. We'll continue from there," the Kirin advised. It sure was a generous gesture from the old old Kirin to give them. After that was explained, the old Kirin them turned away, his tail wiping away the picture in the dirt. Connie and Peridot weren't sure why he did that, but they got something to work with.

They got a guide.

Author's Note:

Now before anybody asks me like crazy, they're speaking Japanese (or neipponese as I call it). I tried to put in what they were summing up to, so nobody would get too lost. Being Asian unicorns (including japan), it's fun to give it a try ^^

Firudo Yama = Field Mountain
Shinrin = Forest
Junsui = Pure Water
Umakumo = Horse Spider