• Published 9th May 2016
  • 3,408 Views, 95 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 3 - EquestrianKirin

  • ...

The Good Luck Package

In a cottage among Ponyville, one resident amongst the many ponies was going through her book. The book in question was a picture book, full of many sorts of pictures she'd taken as pure memories. One shown her in a city, one around her home, and one even with Twilight Sparkle. With each one of these, there was one other friend she was always with. In these pictures, they show two particular characters. Each picture shown two brown donkeys, looking mainly normal in brown fur, long ears, and so on. One of the donkeys looked mainly grumpy throughout these pictures, with a yellow wig on his head. The other one looked more cheerful though, a female donkey. She had on a set of blue pearl earrings, and a white flora neckpiece.

This donkey, Matilda, was the same one looking at the same pictures.

The happy donkey went on to a open page in her book, took some glue, and got it onto the page. This was her latest addition. And this she believe was a special occasion, and she happily placed the next piece upon it. As she did, the front door then opened up, showing the other donkey she'd been with; Cranky Doodle Donkey.

"I can never understand the ponies in this town," Cranky started, closing the door behind him with a back hoof. "Everywhere I went, they were all Gussin up and looking at me funny. Kept asking if I was nervous."

Matilda just smiled.

"Did they forget that the wedding is tomorrow?" She asked. Cranky went over to her.

"Oh, maybe they're just as excited for us to be married as I am," Cranky replied with a smile of his own.

Yep, this was the big news; their wedding was coming up. Two donkeys in love, and ready for the big step in their relationship. And they both couldn't wait for it to come around. The two snuggled a little, before Matilda turned back to the scrapbook.

"Well, they're going to feel awfully silly when they realize they've got the wrong date," Matilda noted, looking back at the invitation in her scrapbook. However ...

"The invitations are wrong! This says the wedding is today!"

Oh no.

"But I got such a good deal on them," noted Cranky, hoof to his chin. Matilda though was freaked out.

"Everypony in town got these! The princesses have even RSVP'd!" Matilda said, in absolute worry, hooves shuffling in place.

"I told you we should have eloped!" Cranky retorted.

"Oh, dear. The caterer, the flowers, the musicians! We've got to move it all to today!"


Soon, Matilda rushed out the door.

"Where's my wedding planner?!"

As Matilda rushed off, Cranky looked back to the invitation, seeing the big mistake on the invitation. They were excited for the wedding, same as anypony, but not this way! Cranky got a grumpy look on his face.


"You told me you could do it for half of what the others charged, and then, you sent invitations to everypony in town with the wrong date!" Cranky complained, followed by a loud snort. He wasn't taking any slack from his planner, getting right in the office and send his complaints. The particular mare in question, worried over her mistake, pulled out a basket of muffins ...



"Face your doom."

"No, please, not again, don't!"

With a click of the button, Garnet sent Steven's character flying off screen, with an explosion and the word "FINISH" on Steven's TV screen, Garnet won her victory against Steven. With spare time on them, Steven, Peridot, Garnet, and Diopside were playing a fighting game together. Peridot, and Diopside were basically watching them, and Garnet claimed her victory with a grin.

"That's the tenth time you beat us, Garnet. you're very good!" Steven noted.

"I swear your cheating with that future vision of yours," Peridot accused. Garnet just calmly got up, stretching her arms, satisfied with playing with them.

"I assure you, I didn't use future vision," Garnet assured them. But, Peridot didn't believe her on that one; having ten wins in a row and all. Garnet went downstairs, as Diopside and Steven decided to continue with a one V one match. Peridot, grumpy, just watched them instead of joining them. The fusion was ready to go outside for a bit, but just before she could go, the door then opened up. Garnet stepped back, as Jasper came inside, holding somepony in her arm.

"Jasper. Pinkie," Garnet said, as her hello. Pinkie looked extremely happy, and Jasper had to carry her back to the Beach House before she could just go all nuts with her excitement and energy. Jasper held Pinkie with one hand, keeping a firm grip on Pinkie's body.

"Can you guys take care of her? She kept running around me all morning," Jasper asked, as she dropped Pinkie Pie to the floor. Still, Pinkie Pie was very excited, hopping in place. In her mouth, she had a piece of paper in her mouth, which she then gave to Steven.

"What's that?" Diopside asked.

"It's a super duper fun invitation to Matilda and Cranky's wedding! Everypony in Ponyville got these, and you got a special invite too!" Pinkie beamed. Steven looked moved, and smiled on hearing this news, but none of the other Gems really knew what was going on that was such a surprise.

"Wedding?" Peridot questioned. Suddenly, Pinkie was right in Peridot's face.

"You never heard of a wedding?!" Pinkie yelled, shocked.

"... No? Care to elaborate?" Peridot asked, needing a moment before Pinkie gave her some space, her eyes starry and hopeful, and front hooves together.

"It's a beautiful moment in everypony's life, when they meet that special somepony, and they become married, and be together forever! There's balloons, streamers, a HUGE wedding cake, all for the lovely bride and groom," Pinkie explained, in her own way.

"Is that a form of fusion?" Jasper questioned. It was Garnet who was first of the Gems to figure it out, bringing her hand up to her chest, a warm smile appearing on her face.

"That's very lovely," Garnet said in a sigh. Being pretty much made of love herself, hearing this marriage being worked on, and hearing what it was about left her with a warm feeling inside. Jasper still didn't seem to really get it, though, along with Peridot and Diopside. Pinkie was super psyched for the wedding to begin, and Steven was excited for it too.

"Here I thought the Wedding was going to be tomorrow. Even Matilda was shocked that the wedding's today," Pinkie blurted out, giggling at the end of it. Suddenly, Garnet seemed unsure.

"Wait, Matilda was shocked too? Isn't Matilda the one getting married?"

"That's an even bigger surprise than I thought it would," Pinkie replied, not seeing the issue. Garnet though quickly caught it, and suddenly looked determined.

"The wedding was mislabeled; everything was supposed to be tomorrow," Garnet concluded, as everyone else turned to her.

"Gems, we must help this wedding come to life before its too late!" Garnet announced, determination filling her voice. Jasper crossed her arms though, not too convinced on it. From what she heard, this challenge didn't seem to action-packed, or too over-the-top.

"Why? We got enough to do as it is here, and this is an Equestrian custom," Jasper said. Suddenly, Garnet got both of her hands on her shoulder, a bit tightly to get her attention.

"Two ponies are in love, Jasper. Saving that love is the best reason there is!" Garnet firmly answered. Jasper was a little surprised on hearing and seeing this reaction from Garnet, but Garnet was fully determined.

"To Equestria!" Garnet announced, her key in her hand, and pointing it off to the door.

"To Equestria!" Pinkie and Steven replied, with equal enthusiasm. Jasper, Diopside, and Peridot were involved, no matter how little they know about this wedding business, and by the sound of it, perhaps the rest of the Gems would be involved in this as well.


Back in Equestria, Ponyville was waiting for the wedding to begin. With everypony thinking the wedding was today, Matilda and Cranky were both pretty much on borrowed time. They planned everything for tomorrow, but thanks to the misprint, they needed everypony on their hooves with the preparations. As for the one responsible for the problem, she still needed to get her act together as well, and as she was sitting at a outside dining table, she was still trying her best to work it out in her head.

"I really messed up on those invitations. I feel just awful, Doc," Derpy said, her hooves over her face in shame. Her friend sitting across from her, listened to her while sipping his drink. He was a basic looking pony, with brown fur and darker brown mane and tail, both of which were slightly scruffy but average compared to the other ponies in Ponyville. His flank had a special hourglass cutie mark on it, the one thing making him stand out from everypony else. not that it bothered him though.

"I promised Cranky I could do it for cheap, but that meant hiring a pony with no experience with a printing press," Derpy continued.

"Well, it wasn't entirely your fault then, is it?" He said.

"But, what am I gonna do? I can't change them now, especially after everypony in Ponyville had gotten their invitation." Derpy tried to think some more, but the more she tried, the less that comes around. She rested her chin on the table, as Doc patted her head.

"Hey, hey, chin up, Ms. Hooves. The day's still young, I'm sure everything will be ready by sunset," Doc assured her. Derpy looked to him with her usual wall-eyed stare.

"You think so?"

"Sure as I'm the Doctor." Derpy felt better, but then that raised the question; what to do for the Wedding. What can she do that won't end up simply messing everything up again? she already messed up a big step in this Wedding, and she didn't want to make it any worse. Doctor Hooves then got a suggestion ready in his head for her.

"Great whickering stallions, I got it! How about a Good Luck Package?" Doctor Hooves suggested. Derpy perked up upon hearing that.

"Good Luck Package?"

"Of course! Every Wedding has one for the bride, what better way to help than give them that little extra luck, eh?" Derpy thought for a moment on that. she knew what a Good Luck Package was at the end of it all, and Doctor Hooves was correct on that part. Weddings usually have a Good Luck Package for good luck, and if this Wedding was to happen, Matilda and Cranky need luck to get everything settled. She then got very excited, hopping up in the air, wings beating.

"That's perfect!" Derpy exclaimed. However, her excitement was short lived though, and she landed back on her seat. "Wait, but I can't get it all myself before the Wedding starts; I need somepony's help," Derpy concluded. Before either pony could think of what, the magic door from Beach city began to appear again, and sure enough, the Crystal Gems began to head through, and soon they were at Ponyville. Garnet was through first, and then was Peridot, Pinkie, and Jasper. Diopside and Steven both stayed in Beach city, as they wanted to get some things ready for the Wedding first. Doctor Hooves nudged Derpy.

"Aren't those the Gems you told me about?" Doctor Hooves asked.

"Awesome! Thank you, Doc. I'll see you at the Wedding," Derpy said, as she flew over to them. Doctor Hooves chuckled, and trotted off to get ready himself. It didn't take very long before the Gems noticed Derpy flying over to them.

"Excuse me?" Derpy called, as she landed by them. Peridot slightly recognized her from one of her earlier trips to Equestria, when she still had her enhancers.

"Derpy?" Peridot muttered.

"What is it?" Asked Garnet, though if anypony had a few bits, she probably knew the question already.

"I need some help making a Good Luck Package for the bride. Please, I need some help, can you help me please?" Derpy asked, hoping for a good answer. Peridot scratched her head. She was still puzzled with the wedding, but there was a Good Luck Package too?

"Define this Good Luck Package," Peridot insisted.

"It's a gift for Weddings so the couple can have good luck. Please, we need all the help to get this Wedding to work."

"We're here to make sure this Wedding works. Of course we'll help you," Garnet said, not wanting this wedding to end up wrecked. Derpy beamed, and flew up to Garnet's level to hug her. Jasper rolled her eyes, still not as interested, as Garnet turned to Peridot.

"Peridot? You can help this mare with the Good Luck Package," Garnet instructed. However, while Garnet was confident in things, Peridot still didn't had too much of a clue on this whole thing.

"Why me?" Peridot complained.

"Because Jasper and myself already have an important job for the wedding."

"We do?" questioned Jasper, not hearing a thing about this sort at all. Still, Derpy was happy to have some help with the Good Luck Package.

"Oh, thank you, thank you. come on, Peridot, there's no time to waste!" Derpy said with excitement, taking her arm with her hoof, and going off. It didn't take long before Jasper and Garnet were alone again. Jasper still didn't had a clue exactly what really was going on, and walked over to Garnet's side.

"And what exactly are we doing?" Jasper quizzed, eyebrow raised. Garnet smiled.

"Just follow me, you'll see. I'm sure you'll like this, and it'll help everyone," Garnet assured, walking away. Jasper still wasn't sure, but followed anyway. It was going to be an interesting day.


Sometime later, things continued on, trying to get the wedding to work out. Matilda and Cranky both were trying to get the wedding to work out, and the Gems were doing the same. When the group split, Pinkie was rushed off to Sugarcube corner to make the wedding cake, with help from the cakes of course. Steven and Diopside had gotten the other Gems involved after some convincing, and they were lending their helping hand out in the situation as well, in their own way. It took a while to figure out what needed what exactly, but in the end, everypony was busily getting ready for the wedding later on. Still, not everypony was happy things headed along. Matilda was still on the edge of things, and still rushing around town to get some help for the wedding preparations. She stopped for a moment, looking around and trying to figure out her wedding planner.

"Oh, why didn't I have this planned yesterday? Come on, Matilda, think, think, think," Matilda told herself, pacing for a bit with a troubled look on her face. There was so much to get ready; flowers, the cake, the wedding decorations, it was all on rush now. The wife-to-be chewed at her hoof in worry, until then she realized something else. Looking further away, the donkey then noticed a flower stand close by. There was many of flowers up for sale, but one in particular caught her eye; a bouquet of lovely roses. Her expression turned to hope, as she raced right over to the shop at race horse speed. Outside, one pony was happily humming, and working on the flowers displayed outside with a nice tune going in her head, when Matilda skidded to a stop in front of her, startling her a little bit.

"You! Please, please tell me my wedding bouquet is ready," Matilda said urgently.

"But, isn't your wedding tomorrow?" the pony questioned. Matilda made the information to the flower ponies in advance, so they had the bouquet ready by tomorrow for pickup.

"I need to get the wedding from tomorrow, to today!"

"Today?! Oh my Celestia, I didn't know. I'll get on it right away!" she promised, rushing inside to get the bouquet ready to go. Matilda went inside, having to wait until that bouquet was ready.

Peridot and Derpy both passed by the flower shop soon after Matilda went in, still trying to find some clue to this Good Luck Package. So far, they didn't seem to have any sort of luck with it overall. Derpy hovered a bit, looking around some more, but Peridot was still becoming more frustrated.

"Alright, this is getting us no results. I mean, what're we supposed to even look for?" Peridot griped, as they continued on a bit. Derpy turned over to her as she flew, flying sideways as she did so.

"We need four things; Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue -" Before Derpy could finish, she flew right into a building sign, knocking her to the ground. She needed to learn how to fly straight, and watch where she was going. Peridot knew the main things, but what exactly in particular still needed sometime to work on. Peridot thought over the little saying Derpy told her on.

"Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue," Peridot repeated, trying to think on what will work. First thing was something old, which shouldn't be too hard. Technically, she herself had been around for a good number of years, so, she could consider that, but she'd rather not give herself to the bride, so she had to think of something else. As they went, Peridot then noticed somepony exiting her library; Twilight Sparkle. If anypony would know what to look for, it would be her. Before Twilight could go, Peridot quickly caught her before she flew away.

"Twilight, wait!" Peridot said.

"Oh, hi Peridot. What's wrong?"

Peridot cleared her throat.

"I've been given a task by Garnet, and I was wondering if you might have some knowledge in this "Good Luck Package"?" Peridot asked.

"Oh, that; Something old, something new -"

"Something borrowed, something blue, I know I know," Peridot cut in, "But, do you happen to know what items should be required?"

Twilight only smiled at her.

"They're probably staring you in the face. Now, I have to get going; the wedding isn't going to be planned itself." With that, Twilight flew away to begin things. Matilda did get Twilight to plan out the wedding, so that was one thing down, though her words left Peridot some food for thought. Basically then, it could be anything. Peridot still followed her idea with the 'something old' part of the Good Luck Package, and tried to think on what to do. However, as she thought over the exact details, she and Derpy both then noticed another pony go by. This time it was Mr. Greenhooves, pulled a wagon full of decorative flowers he got from the flower sisters for the wedding. Suddenly it struck her; something old.

"You there, wait a minute!" Peridot yelled, running after him. Derpy flew over with her, as Mr. Greenhooves halted for a moment on hearing her.

"What be the trouble, youngin? I got some flower to deliver," Mr. Greenhooves asked, not wanting to wait any longer to get these flowers to the right spot.

"We've been tasked to locating items for the Good Luck Package. So, perhaps you can contribute by being our uh "Something Old"," Peridot explained. Mr. Greenhooves knew he couldn't, though found it funny for them to jump to that kind of conclusion.

"Please, Mr. Greenhooves?" Derpy asked.

"Sorry, kiddo, up to my neck in work. But, maybe I got somethin ..." Mr. Greenhooves unhitched himself, and looked through the wagon for a little bit. Peridot waited impatiently, but soon, the gardener pony then found something.

"Aha!" Soon, Mr. Greenhooves pulled out a rusty looking hoe with his teeth, and dropped it in Peridot's open hands. Peridot inspected the odd-looking object, as Mr. Greenhooves spoke again.

"I've been using that hoe since I was just a little colt, so I'm sure that's plenty old by now, heh." Mr. Greenhooves said. Peridot looked it over curiously, as Derpy thanked the pony for the object. It wasn't what Peridot originally had in mind, but still, it was something for the list of stuff they had to get.

Something Old.


As for the others, Steven had gotten their help over at the location where the wedding was to take place. Twilight had arrived to give some direction. Steven had gotten Pearl, Lapis, Emerald, and even Jade, and Flint, to help with the preparations. Jade and Flint both were rough to convince, but after explaining what a wedding was, and how it worked, the two decided to lend a hand with it anyway. For where they were, the group was inside City Hall, where the wedding was to take place. Pearl and Twilight both helped with some organizing and exact details with the decorations, as Lapis and Emerald helped moved them into place. Flint brought Jade onto his shoulders to help with some of the higher decorations, since neither he nor Jade could fly anyway.

"Okay, Lapis, move it over to the left a little," Pearl instructed. Lapis was dealing with a decorative curtain, and was steadily trying to move it in place. Lapis began moving the curtain part over a little more, until Pearl raised her hand to stop her.

"Stop, stop, right there. Perfect," Pearl said. Lapis smiled, and Lapis managed to keep it in place with some water magic.

"Oh, this is going to be a amazing wedding. thanks again for helping us out," Twilight said.

"Think nothing of it, Twilight. Besides, seeing such a lovely pony custom like this sounds so delightful," Pearl said, hands together, and sighing dreamily. Pearl was one of the Gems that found this concept of weddings rather lovely more than most, but as she was thinking -

"Hey, salty! This lined up?" Emerald suddenly called, catching their attention. Pearl's mood quickly changed, as she turned up to emerald. He was standing on one of his hexagon pieces, using similar telekinesis to move about some large bows in between the meeting points of the curtains. Pearl looked each over carefully, but then one of the bows ended up coming loose, and falling from its spot. The bow landed right on Jade's head, Flint catching it soon afterward. Flint was about to say something rough to Emerald, but Jade's giggle and smile changed his mind.

"Can I see that, Flint?" Jade asked.

"Well, okay, here," Flint said, giving Jade the bow. Emerald looked down, and saw Jade waving the bow so he could see. Emerald got his telekinesis to work just enough to get the bow up from her hands, and back up to his level. After that, the front doors to the City Hall opened up, with Peridot and Derpy standing there. Peridot just stepped inside, thinking on the next part of the Good Luck Package, as Derpy flew right on inside.

"Oh, Peridot, there you are. Good thing you showed up, listen, we can use some -"

"I'm already busy with a task, Pearl," Peridot said, looking through some decorations to find the next part of the package; Something new. Derpy still has the old hoe, as Peridot tried to figure it out. Without consulting anypony, she found a box of bows, streamers, and other decorations, and began looking through it. She kept tossing stuff out (some of which kept hitting Twilight and Pearl), trying to find something else to include.

"Find anything?" Derpy asked, as Peridot popped her head out, a bow stuck in her hair, right above her gemstone. Cute, but, not what she was looking for. Emerald suddenly came down, upside down with his feet hanging onto the hexagon platform.

"Hey, Bow, What're you doing?" Emerald asked. Peridot got the bow off her head, and tossed it back, which Pearl caught in her hand.

"Trying to find the something new," Peridot groaned.

"The something new? Check that grammar," Emerald commented. Peridot just ignored him, but when Flint grabbed her, she couldn't ignore it. He held her up by the collar, so Peridot couldn't hit him.

"What're you talking about, Peridot?" Flint questioned. Peridot stopped struggling after a bit.

"Well, apparently this wedding is required to have this "Good Luck Package" and I've been tasked to assist Derpy here to gather the items together," Peridot explained, before Flint placed her back onto the ground.

"Well, can you look somewhere else before you tear apart these decorations?" Flint insisted. Peridot got to her feet, and wanted to keep looking, but Flint didn't want the stuff torn up. Then, something just struck her.

"Wait a minute ... are these considered, new?" Peridot asked.

"Uh ... I suppose?" flint asked. Suddenly, Peridot yanked another bow out, triumphant in her approach. Derpy could see what she was getting at.

"Alright, the Something New! Let's continue searching, Derpy," Peridot instructed, going right out with the bow. Derpy waved goodbye, and thanked them before following Peridot out. The others were left confused, aside from Twilight.

"Good Luck Package?" Pearl repeated.

"It's like it sounds. It needs to have something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue," Twilight explained. Pearl began to think a little bit on what that meant. Derpy had something old, something new and borrowed weren't anywhere for them, but as for something blue ...

Pearl glanced to one particular someone blue with a smirk, and an idea.


Farther away, Jasper and Garnet were heading off to the edge of Ponyville, Garnet leading the way. Jasper still didn't had much clue on what they were going to do, or why they were going out of Ponyville to do it. Garnet knew where they were going to do, and didn't stop until they both were nearing the Everfree Forest. Both Gems hadn't seen the Everfree Forest yet, so they didn't entirely know what was in there. Still, Jasper was quickly loosing her patience with Garnet (as usual). She didn't feel like getting involved with the wedding in the first place, and now she was on some little travel with a fusion who refuses to talk.

"Listen you, if you don't start telling me right now -"

Garnet raised her hand to quiet her, standing in a particular spot in the path. Soon though, she brought out her glove gem weapons.

"Get ready," Garnet said, calmly and with a smile. Before Jasper could say anything else, a growl suddenly began to be heard from the Everfree. After a little bit, their answer came out.

Hovering in the air, a deadly creature started to come out from the Everfree Forest. It was rather big, bigger than Jasper, hovering off the ground with transparent, bug-like wings. It had six strong limb, each ending in large paws, and claws like daggers. It's whole body was striped in white and black like a hornet, and the end of it had a large stinger at the end of it. It had the head of a polar bear, red eyes glaring and teeth bared in a snarl. Two small antennae jutted out from its forehead as well. Obviously, this beast was not here for any friendly greeting. Jasper didn't expect this thing to just show up, but by the look on Garnet's face, seemed she knew.

"Let me guess. Future vision?"

"Saw the Bugbear ready to tear apart Ponyville. Thought it'll help if you and I handle it first."

Jasper then gave a smirk to Garnet.

"You never stop."

"You just have to keep up," Garnet commented, smirking. Still, Jasper preferred this over what they originally came for, and cracked her knuckles, ready to rumble.

The Bugbear gave a loud roar, before it dove at them with stinger in direct aim. Garnet and Jasper quickly jumped right aside, the Bugbear's stinger digging through the ground, leaving a cut in the dirt. As for targets, the Bugbear targeted Garnet first, seeing her as a thinner and weaker target (though only one fact was right). Garnet and the Bugbear fought it out for a good while, with Garnet easily dodging many of the Bugbear's swipes and swings from its six clawed paws. Jasper saw her opportunity for a easy hot, and charged headfirst, head-butting the Bugbear in the back. Garnet rushed forward, and slid under the Bugbear on her back, giving the Bugbear a upward kick to the stomach to send it hurling through the air. The Bugbear managed to shake it off, just managing to fly straight before it could slam in the ground. It was shaken up, not expecting the strength, and gave another roar at them, before Jasper and Garnet rushed at it again. They wanted the Bugbear away from here, and they need to get that message to the Bugbear loud and clear. With a swift run around, Garnet got behind the Bugbear, the snarling animal ready to attack again. Jasper got her own fists ready for what Garnet was going to do next; the fusion dodged a swing of the Bugbear's paws, grabbed it by the shoulders, and swung it over her head right towards Jasper. The orange Quartz got her own gem weapon out at the ready, and slammed it directly on the Bugbear's head, slamming it in the dirt!

The Bugbear laid dazed, bruised and bemused, with a large bump where Jasper struck it. When it came back to its senses, it looked up to Jasper one more time, before quickly rushing away, yelping. Jasper felt good to have some action since arriving back from Homeworld, and beating down the Bugbear was just the ticket she needed. Garnet walked over to her side, and the two shared a high five to a job well done.


Meanwhile, back in Ponyville, Cranky Doodle Donkey was still grumbling, and still trying to get things going fairly well for the wedding. Like Matilda, Cranky didn't plan anything today, but with this mess up, things really began to go down hill, and on borrowed time. While Matilda was working on the flowers, Cranky had another idea in mind; the wedding cake. What's a wedding without a wedding cake? Cranky went straight to the best spot in town to get a cake; Sugarcube Corner (obviously). As he approached the bakery, he began to notice someone just coming out. She wasn't a pony, but instead one of the Gems helping out; Star Quartz to be exact. Cranky wasn't really that fazed by seeing such a odd creature (being old means he seen plenty of odd stuff already). Nearby, Mr. Greenhooves was also there, with his wagon empty of the flowers and plants.

"Must be one of those Gem people things," Cranky thought, as he began to head over. Star's eyes soon met with the donkey.

"... Hello ..."

"Hey. Say, is Pinkie working in there, or what? I need a wedding cake, and I need it now," Cranky firmly demanded. Star Quartz tilted her head, Cranky a little annoyed for having to wait to talk to her.

"... She is inside ... She wanted my friends to help her make a surprise ..."

"Well, whatever it is, can't it wait?" Cranky asked, stomping his hoof down. He didn't had time to wait around for anypony, he needed everything ready for the wedding! Star Quartz needed a bit to answer him, but before she could, their answer came out from the front doors. Star and Cranky both moved aside, as something huge was being pulled out. Steven came out first, walking backwards like trying to signal a truck in reverse. What came on out was the very thing that Cranky was looking for, and hoping to get; a HUGE wedding cake! It was just short enough to fit through the door. The entire cake was made of white frosting, with some fancy decoration along the rims of the three four layered cake, small figured of Matilda and Cranky at the very top under a frosting-made arch of flowers. Diopside and Amethyst both helped carry the cake back outside, with Pinkie and Fulgurite balancing it out so it won't fall over. Fulgurite had her hair in some stretchable cloth so her hair won't get in the cake. Cranky found this as the biggest struck of luck ever, as Pinkie happily bounded over to him.

"Hi, Cranky! Here's your super duper, giganto-epic, vanilla wedding cake!" Pinkie announced, both Pinkie and Steven presenting Cranky with the cake itself. Cranky looked impressed, and playfully fluffed Pinkie's mane.

"This'll be perfect for the wedding! Just need it down to City Hall now."

"Way ahead of ya, Cranky. Load her up, and we'll be off, eh?" Mr. Greenhooves said. Diopside and Amethyst steadily got the cake into the wagon. Amethyst licked her tongue, and she really wanted to have a taste of it, but Pinkie whacked Amethyst's greedy hand away, glaring at her. She didn't want Amethyst to gobble up the cake before the wedding was done. Mr. Greenhooves felt the weight of the cake on the wagon, but it didn't bother him too much. Greenhooves began to pull the wagon along, turning it around as the others tried to keep it balanced out.

"See you at the wedding, Mr. Doodle," Mr. Greenhooves said, before trotting away. Cranky didn't had to worry about that part. They had the planner, the decorations setting up, the wedding cake. Cranky felt better about things by this point, and at this point, all that was left for Cranky was to get himself freshened up for the big moment.


While Cranky was starting to get freshened up, Matilda was already at the hair saloon and spa freshening herself up for the big moment. Still, even if she got the flowers figured out, and fixed up, she still didn't know how much else was actually prepared and all set. Even with the other workers calmly working on her mane to get her ready, Matilda was still a bit on the edge of things, really.

"Oh, there's so many things I'm forgetting. I hope Cranky remembers to tell the musicians! Oh, oh, I'll NEVER get my mane done in time!" Matilda said, going close to a panic. However, one of the workers, working on her mane, didn't want to see her in a panic before the ceremony.

"Calm down, dear, we can handle anything. We even got a pony's hair done during the ceremony," she assured her. Matilda still wasn't too sure, but luckily for the pony working, she had somepony else to back her up, who was right next to her in a tub of water ...

And not a pony ...

"Oh, it's true, it's true! They really are the best! Matilda, I've just got to say, I already feel like we're family."

Matilda saw, to her surprise, a huge sea serpent chilling out in the hot tub talking to her. He had purple scales, with a impressive mustache, and hairstyle, which both were orange, and a set of human-like arms. Honestly, Matilda didn't expect this kind of visitor to suddenly appear.

"You do?" Matilda asked, completely clueless.

"Of course! I'm Steven Magnet; Cranky's best beast!"

"You're Steven Magnet?" Matilda asked. Matilda did hear of Cranky saving somepony before with the same name. In fact, Cranky actually saved Steven Magnet from a place called Flash Freeze Lake by what she knew. She wouldn't of guessed that it would be a sea serpent though.

"Oh, I know, I know. Typical Cranky; to leave out such minor detail like, y'know, I'm a sea monster right?" Steven took a moment to chuckle "I just love that old burro!"

At least the sea monster wasn't dangerous, as she calmed down a little bit.

"I didn't realize you and Cranky went on so adventures."

"Oh, honey, you don't know the half of it! But let me tell you something. In all that we've been through together, the only thing he ever cared about was finding you," Steven said, gently touching her nose with his finger to prove his point. Matilda calmed down fully at this point.


"Well, that and a baldness cure," Steven said, a few bit of laughing escaping his serpentine lips.

"He is the sweetest thing, isn't he? All the stress I've put myself through. All the stress I've put him through. The only thing that matters is that we're together. Oh, but there's so much left to do; decorations, the cake, the musicians!" Matilda began to worry a little again, but Steven chuckled again.

"Don't get your mane in a knot, dear, you'll be just fine," Steven Magnet assured her.

"You think so?"

"Sure! Haven't you noticed? Those Gems from Beach City are helping prepare the ceremony for you two lovebirds. They've been all over the place today; getting your cake ready, freshening up the City Hall. By the rate they're going, the wedding we'll be an hour early! you have nothing to worry about, or my name isn't Steven Magnet," Steven explained, a few laughs afterwards. Matilda felt much better after hearing that. She hadn't heard too much about the Gems really, but if even half of what they said were true, then she had nothing to worry about.


"Okay, we got this old tool hoe, the new bow, and the borrowed head rest from that odd sleeping furniture shop. Anything else left?"

Peridot and Derpy both were down to just one thing left by this point. During their look about, the bed shop owner agreed to let them borrow one of his presenter pillows, so that part was done. Something Old, something New, Something Borrowed ...

They had one thing left, but couldn't come up with anything.

"All we're missing is something Blue," Derpy said, who was holding the pillow, as Peridot held the bow and hoe. The two still tried to think on something, but as they continued on, suddenly Peridot had her mind in the clouds so much, that she didn't pay attention to where she was going exactly. Soon, the green Gem and grey Pegasus both went right into someone, making them both stop. Turned out, the person they walked/flew into was Jasper, just coming back with Garnet from their tussle with the Bugbear. The two looked fairly well considering that.

"Having good luck?" Garnet asked.

"All but one. Something old, something new, blah blah blah," Peridot summed up, showing the items. Garnet looked each over, and then basically smiled.

"Then I suppose we should start heading to the wedding then," Garnet decided.

"But, we didn't find all the things," Derpy reminded. Garnet smiled though.

"I think you'll be alright. You'd be surprised," Garnet assured them, starting off to the wedding. Derpy shrugged, and then followed Garnet. This left Jasper and Peridot both walking together, heading to the same location.

"So ... How's it been with you?" Peridot asked.

"Eh, beat down a bugbear with Garnet earlier, so that was interesting. And you?"

"Been running everywhere finding these stuff. I only need one thing left by what was instructed."

Yeah, not much talk ...

It did take a while, but they did end up at the City Hall. By this point, the place looked ready to go. The Gem's help really made the City Hall shine up with the decorations, as they were hoping for. Many of the guests for the wedding were showing up from all over Ponyville, brought to the spot by Mr. Greenhooves trusty wagon. The plants he dropped off added some extra scenery to the entrance. All sorts of ponies were arriving at this point, many colors, many shapes, all eager to get in and see the event. However, as they were going through, Peridot and Derpy both then saw someone coming over to them; Lapis Lazuli. She was freshened up for the wedding as well, hair fresh, and clothes glistening in the late afternoon sun.

"OOOOO, you look pretty," Derpy commented.

"Thanks. So, is this the rest of the stuff for the Good Luck Package?" Lapis asked kindly, referring to the stuff Peridot and Derpy were carrying.

"Yeah, but, we're missing one part of it."

"Not anymore."

"Huh?" Derpy questioned. Lapis laughed.

"Remember how it went, you two? Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, and ..."

"Something Blue!" The answer, as Twilight had said earlier, was staring them in the face; Lapis was the Something Blue for the Good Luck Package! Peridot slightly felt stupid for not realizing it earlier, but considering the time, it was sure enough. Lapis brought her arms out to hold the other items, and just like that, the Good Luck Package was done. Derpy and Peridot high fived eachother. They couldn't have gotten the package ready at a better time either; Matilda was just showing up! Not a moment too soon.

"Hello, everypony," Matilda said, who looked primped and freshened up, and much happier now everything was in order in spite of everything. Derpy immediately remembered the reason for all the trouble though.

"Oh, Matilda, I'm so sorry for messing up on the invitations, I didn't mean to make things so hectic," Derpy said. However, Matilda didn't feel angry with her, since everything was in order anyway.

"It's alright, Ms. Hooves, we all can make mistakes sometimes. After all, everything worked out," Matilda said. It was then that Peridot and Derpy brought her attention to Lapis. However, it was Garnet who announced it.

"Matilda Donkey, may I present to you; the Good Luck Package. Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue. All found and gathered by these two," Garnet announced, referring to Peridot and Derpy. Matilda looked to Lapis, and gave a big smile. This was the one thing she didn't plan for, and it was a great surprise! Lapis felt happy to be apart of it too.

"Oh, thank you all, this is a wonderful Good Luck Package!" Matilda exclaimed. Even after the scavenger hunt, Peridot and Derpy felt happy to get it all together. Matilda went over to the three, and gave each of them a sweet kiss as her way of thanks. With everything that happened, Matilda felt so much happier at this point. Lapis and Derpy were happy, feeling warma nd fuzzy inside, though Peridot needed a moment, a hand feeling where she'd been kissed. Derpy giggled a little, as Peridot blushed up.

A nice surprise for both sides.

After a few more minutes, everything was all set up. The interior of City Hall was not only beautiful, but packed with many ponies of all shapes and sizes. It wasn't often that the City Hall was this full of ponies, and the Gems (although as colorful) admittedly stuck out as being the only two-legged guests there (not to mention most of them were taller than the average pony). Everypony from Ponyville was there, from the Princesses themselves, to some of the younger fillies and colts. Matilda and Cranky both were at front, facing eachother, as Mayor Mare addressed everypony. Some of the ponies looked down from the upper boxes, and Steven Magnet even watched from outside through an open window. Mayor Mare cleared her throat before beginning.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two in mare-trimony. As I look around this room, I can only imagine how uncomfortable Cranky must be."

Some of the ponies chuckled,with Cranky grumbling a little before Mayor Mare continued.

"But I also see so many ponies from all trots of life, brought together by love. Cranky searched all across this great land of ours to find Matilda, and no matter what obstacles kept them apart, love would finally bring them together, just as it has brought all of us together now. It's remarkable to me how a story like Cranky's search for Matilda could fill this room with such a unique collection of ponies! It makes you realize that everypony is the star of their own story. And it's not just the main characters in our stories that make life so rich! It's everypony – those who play big parts and those who play small. If it weren't for everypony in this room and many more who couldn't be here today, Cranky and Matilda's lives wouldn't be as full and vibrant as they are."

Some of the ponies were touched with this speech, and even a few of the Gems too, Steven Magnet tearing up even. Mayor Mare then continued on, with Matilda and Cranky smiling to eachother.

"And so, in front of all these loved ones... Cranky, do you take this donkey to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"You bet I do!" Cranky replied, proudly.

"And do you, Matilda, take this donkey to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do!" Matilda answered, some slight tears of joy going down her face.

"Then I'm proud to say, I now pronounce you jack and jenny!"

Upon that announcement, Matilda and Cranky both shared a kiss, the crowd applauding the newly wedded couple. To think, the start of today was more than hectic for the two donkeys, but everything all worked out in the end of it.

It was a splendid day, indeed.


At the end of the day, with the celebration over, the Gems all returned back to their world. They all had a pretty good time, opinions varying amongst each Gem, but overall they had a good time. Among them, Peridot began to feel the best about it. With the celebration, the accomplishments, and the beauty of it all, Peridot simply felt good with it.

"I love weddings," Peridot sighed, though she thought of this aloud.

"Did you enjoy your kiss?" Emerald asked cheekily, giggling. Peridot just ignored him though, not wanting her night messed with by his teasing. Besides, she did feel loved when she was kissed - something she hadn't gotten before. Lapis too felt nice with the kiss from Matilda, and can relate to Peridot's feelings towards it. Lapis and Peridot, along with the others, headed off back to the Beach House.

Again, it was a great day.

Author's Note:

Fun mixing MLP "Slice of Life" and Thomas the Tank Engine "Happy Ever After" :raritystarry: Nice Nostalgia, and basically a sweet story. If it looks a bit jumpy and fast from scene to scene at times, I'm trying to show what everyone was doing to help build up this wedding.

Boy, did I had fun here; Jasper and Garnet moment, Doctor Hooves with Derpy, a fun wedding, a little scavenger hunt for the GLP, meme references (try to find them :rainbowkiss:) and some old characters visiting about for the Wedding. I see why Hasbro had fun with Slice of Life now :pinkiehappy: