• Published 9th May 2016
  • 3,408 Views, 95 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 3 - EquestrianKirin

  • ...

The Kirin Empire PT2

"You sure this is the spot?" Fluttershy asked.

"That's what he said," replied Peridot.

It didn't take very long before Connie and Peridot explained to the others about the old Kirin, and what he had in mind for them. At this point, it was the best shot they got at handling this Umakumo, or at least figure out where it was. While describing him, Shinrin and Firudo both recognized the old Kirin, which turned out was named Ion. However, both Kirins didn't know Ion that well aside from his name, so, the name was all they got going for them. For the time being, the group awaited Ion at the spot in question; the eastern gate of the village. The gate stood facing off towards a path leading to the forest highlands, one mountain peak standing in sight. The group waited a minute or two before the Kirin in question began coming into sight, walking alongside the village wall to the eastern gate.

"Ah, there you are," Ion said. As he head over though, he stopped on seeing Shinrin and Firudo. He knew they met other Kirins, but bringing them along wasn't what he intended on.

"Alright then, Ion right? We arrived as requested, so are we going to go now?" Peridot said, ready to head off. But Ion didn't head out at first, looking to the other Kirin.

"Watashi wa anata ga sorera ni seitsū shita koto ni kidzukimasendeshita," Ion said. The two glanced at eachother.

"Watashitachiha, chichi ga anzen ni shitaidesu," Shinrin noted.

"Ma. Dakara futari wa Junsui ga anata ni itta nochi demo, kite yorokonde imasu?" Ion asked, though not sounding judgmental. They'd not want to go against the princess, but Shinrin was quicker to answer Ion than Firudo, which just came out as a nod of the head. Ion smiled.

"Yoi. So no baai ni wa, ikimashou," Ion decided, heading off on their way.

At first, the walk seemed about as calming as it was from the train station to Shinrin's home. The ground under hoof was firm, though not as comfortable to walk on as the walk from the station was. Ion kept a focused mind, but the fact he supported negative thoughts against the princess didn't escape their heads. First he was happy Connie and Peridot had doubts, and now he's good with Shinrin and Firudo going with them despite Junsui's supposed wishes. It just seemed a bit odd. And normally untrusting for just blatant defiance. Still, the princess's behavior made that a bit confusing, as they were still aware that the princess wasn't as good either according to Connie and Peridot. When they got far enough away, Peridot decided to go over to Ion, tapping him on his shoulder.

"Yes?" Ion asked.

"Explain to me, Kirin; why would you consider negative actions against your current ruler as something worth encouraging? I may not know much about how hierarchy works in Neippon, but I know enough that mocking your overlord is considered a bad move," Peridot questioned. Ion looked back, seeing they were pretty far off at this point, and then stopped. Peridot's question got some others curious as well, Shinrin and Firudo especially.

"What is she talking about, Ion?" Firudo asked firmly. The old Kirin took a moment to look at the ground, rather than answer any of them right away. Ion examined the dirt for a second, and then looked ahead.

"We're on the right path."

"HEY! Are you listening?!" Peridot gripped. Ion cringed a second or so, focusing on what they were saying. He'd rather wait, but since they were far enough, and since they weren't too far from where they needed to be, he turned around to face everypony.

"Follow me on this. The Umakumo is a legend for hundreds of moons. However, it never appeared physically until after Junsui became princess ... You do the math," Ion stated, starting to walk again. Firudo though went in his way, angry with him.

"You're not blaming Junsui for the Umakumo attacks, are you?"

"About it," Ion bluntly replied. That got Firudo angry (and no longer caring for the language barrier).

"Dono yō ni aete anata wa hime o bujoku shimasu! Kanojo wa, narabe-gae no nani mo shite inai to omoimasu. Umakumo kōgeki to kanojo no jōkyō wa tan'naru gūzendeari, anata wa sore o shitte imasu!"

"FIRUDO!" The old Kirin's voice bellowed, shocking the group, and silencing the angry Kirin. Seemed he had his loyalty down pact, unlike Ion. Shinrin felt slightly torn, and didn't try to get her own opinion in. Ion stood there with gritted teeth for a bit until he just gave a low sigh.

"Anata wa ikken ni ōjo o shinrai suru koto wa dekimasen. Kanojo wa,-sōdenakereba, kanojo wa Umakumo o shori suru tame no yori ōku no taisaku o tameshite mita, kanojo wa hontōni kanojo no ōkoku no sewa o watashi ni shōmei suru tame ni wa itatte imasen. Anata ga mushiro ki ni shinaidarou baai wa, chōdo modotte." Firudo took a moment to let the words sink in (whatever they were). After a long wait, eventually Firudo turned around, and began to head back to the village, leaving Shinrin standing there. She didn't feel exactly the same as Firudo, and felt slightly torn. Ion sighed and turned around again, seeing that Firudo wouldn't bother. If only the others felt as strong to it as Shinrin did ...

"What did you tell him?" Steven asked, not getting a single word.

"I told him that you can't trust a princess right away, and to go back if he couldn't handle it," Ion said, starting to move off ahead. Steven wished it didn't had to come to that. Firudo did stop eventually when he realized that Shinrin wasn't following him. Firudo turned back, and saw that the Kirin was standing by the others. Even if her views matched Firudo, their father was still missing, and she wanted to find him. Firudo didn't want to hear any insults to the princess, but if it meant to save their father ...

The walk continued on from there, with the Mane six and their friends following Ion as they went. Their walk got them further and further away from the village, and deeper in the forest. The old Kirin knew exactly where he was going, and the ground underhoof felt harder as they went to the drier mountains. As they continued, Ion lead them off the main trail at one point, turning from frequently traveled road, to rock trails. The trails began to turn small, and more rough to walk down, hoof or foot. The old Kirin knew where he was, and what's coming, and didn't bother to slow down as they continued on. The Gems, humans, and ponies following the old Kirin tried to handle the terrain as best they could, but suddenly Ion stopped once one of his cloven hooves stepped in something.


"We're close," Ion warned, moving along with some small bits of web on his hoof. It didn't take long before the others noticed the silk along the path. However, Rainbow was still flying in the air, and with her eyes to the ground, she failed to noticed a decent sized web right in her way.

"AH- hey!"

It took just a few seconds to ground Rainbow, just after she flew right in the web. The silk wrapped around her wings, and she ended up on the ground in a mess, trying to get the silk off of her. Everyone stopped once they saw her on the ground. The silk managed to get her wings locked, her front hooves pulled to her body, and her back hooves wrapped together. Rainbow squirmed, and shook, but that only made it worse. Ion stopped and turned back, as the others tried to help her out.

"Get this stuff off me," Rainbow demanded. She got one wing free, but she couldn't fly with one wing, and every beat just made her roll on the ground.

"Stop moving, you'll only get into more trouble," Twilight advised, trying to get the stuff off. Twilight tried to tear the silk off, but it was stuck to Rainbow good, and it didn't seem to help. Steven and Connie tried too help themselves, and did get farther with their fingers at work, but they got as far as to get Rainbow standing again, but they couldn't get the mess off her wings.

"What's with all this? Stupid web," Rainbow groaned, trying herself to get the silk off, but to no avail. As she was dealing with that, Ion moved further ahead until he was at a clearing in the path. The webbing thickened where he was, as he waited for them to catch up to him. Trying to avoid getting tangled in the webs, they did end up moving over to Ion, and saw what he was looking at.

Up ahead of them, a good ten feet away, all the webs along the ground lead into a larger cave within the mountain face. Much of the silk the group were standing on lead straight inside, but if one were to remove much of the silk, the walls and floor of the cave would appear smoothed out, along with the rock walls. Many bushes and trees were also obscured by the increase of webbing, draped in white silk all around. No normal spider could've made all this, and if this wasn't a sign of any danger, what would be? Most of them moved over to the cave, looking into the darkness. Even with the lighter webbing, it ended up much darker further in, so they couldn't see any farther.

"It should be just inside. If you really want to face Umakumo, then there you go," Ion said.

"Aren't you coming?"

"I wish I could help. But I'm too old. My fighting days are long behind me," Ion said, sitting down nearby. They should be lucky that they got this far, and if the beast is inside, they got it right where they want it.

The others lined up in front of the cave, ready to head in. The only person that Steven was worried about was Connie. Yes, she had practiced with Pearl for weeks now, but this was different; while Pearl was Connie's teacher, and she would never dream to kill Connie, this Umakumo didn't had any true connection with Connie, and therefore it won't hold back when it came to attacking her. Steven didn't want to see Connie hurt by this thing, or worse. The others could sense Steven's worry.

"Connie, stay with Ion. Can you do that?" Rarity insisted. Connie looked surprised.

"W-What? No, I want to join you!" Connie insisted. She didn't train with Pearl just to keep herself back when its called for it.

"Connie, please wait here. I don't want you hurt," Steven said, hand on her shoulder. Connie didn't want to leave them going in there. Everypony were ready and armed, yet Connie didn't had much of anything, so, that was another good reason to keep the young girl out of the way while they went in.

"I won't! Steven, you saw me training with Pearl, I can handle it I swear," Connie insisted, determined as ever. She even rushed off, and grabbed a branch to use as her weapon. She held it like a sword, ready for use.

"Come on, I can get my weapon no trouble, I can handle myself, no matter what the danger!" Connie insisted, moving about the branch like she would do a sword.

"Connie! You have no weapon, you have no true way to protect yourself. Best for you to stay out here with me," Ion suddenly protested. He knew enough why she couldn't go in with them, and can understand their worry. Connie didn't want to be put on the sidelines again, though, and looked to Steven, right in the eyes.

"Steven, please. Remember what you told me that one time? During my training? I don't want you to fight for me, I want you to fight with me!" Connie strongly answered. Steven remembered what Connie was talking about, and felt his own words come back to him, what he used to talk to Connie during her training. Steven felt her hand, and then smiled.

"Ready?" Steven asked. Connie nodded her head, picking up her sturdy branch. No sooner after that was decided, everyone looked into the cave entrance, and soon began to venture inside. Ion awaited close by, and watched as they disappeared inside...


It did not take very long before the cave they got into became too dark to see. Twilight quickly fixed that though with a quick glow of her horn to light their way. The entire cave was covered, top to bottom with an entire sheet of silk, covering the entirety of the cave walls, floor, and ceiling. Each step they took got their hooves and feet about ankle high in the stuff, but this webbing didn't get tangled up in their fur, or stuck on their feet. The cave went fairly deep, and curved after a while, so they weren't able to see the exit after that. Only Twilight's own magic light kept their way lit afterwards, and with each step they all knew, that Umakumo was somewhere around in here.

It didn't take much longer before they all heard a stirring up ahead of them ...

"That must be it," whispered Diopside. Some more stirring occurred from their sight, but Twilight's light couldn't exactly catch what it was.

"Finally. Alright, Umakumo, prepare yourself!"

"Rainbow, wait!"

Before anypony could stop her, Rainbow Dash took off in a flash, rushing off towards whatever it was. Seconds later though, the stirring had stopped, and Rainbow Dash was ready for anything ...

Well, everything except nothing.

"I know your in here!" Rainbow called out, but nothing seemed to happen.

"Rainbow, get back here," Applejack quietly demanded. Rainbow didn't seem too worried though.

"what? There's nothing here!" Rainbow replied. Rainbow just stood there with her back turned, looking back to the others. At this point, Peridot took a strong look around where Rainbow Dash was standing. The Pegasus was standing in a widened part of the cave, and the floor was completely covered in silk ... But, when she looked further to the back, she began to notice something amongst the shadows ...

Something was moving, shuffling its hooves in the silk.

"OVER THERE!" Peridot yelled, pointing behind Rainbow Dash. The scream made everyone jump, and Twilight increased her light, as she charged for an attack.

That's when they all saw it.

With Twilight's light brightening up the cave, it turned out they were at the end of it. There, standing by the back wall, staring right at them, was a shocking beast. The animal looked part pony, but many fetures told the Gems and ponies otherwise. One obvious example was the multiple legs, the front and middle set of legs held up to its body as the second pair, and back pair supported its weight. The head of the creature also has a pony-like appearance, but the snout was shrunken in, and its eyes were accompanied by five more on its forehead. It's flank looked gigantic, and sagged behind it like that of a spider more than any horse. Its body was covered in bare skin, pale and almost pure white

This was Umakumo.

Umakumo stood completely still, like a deer caught in a headlight, as it stared directly at everypony/everybody there. It didn't attack, or do anything at first apart from staring them down.

"Holy smokes," Peridot gasped. Rainbow looked ready to fight, and rushed forward, but the Umakumo thought otherwise. Rather than fight them, it quickly turned, and raced through a part of silk concealing a smaller tunnel. Guess this cave was bigger than they thought.

"Hey, get back here!" Rainbow yelled. Before she raced down though, Applejack grabbed her by the tail with her teeth, making Rainbow stop.

"Hold on there, partner. We're here to get them villagers outta here, remember?" Applejack reminded.

"And what about spider-mane down there?! We're just going to let it scurry away?!" Rainbow retorted.

"Course not! But, one thing at a time. Obviously that critter's made a bigger cave outta this here tunnel, so, let's keep lookin around til we find them, alright?" Applejack insisted. Applejack looked around a bit, trying to see if there was anymore extra tunnels around the place.

"Hey, Peri? You got good eyes, don't ya?"

"You mean vision spheres, right?"

"Eh, yeah. Anyhow, can you see anything like an extra tunnel?" Applejack asked. Peridot looked around for a bit, trying to make sure, but all she saw apart from the one tunnel was tons and tons of silk everywhere. It really wasn't helping out too much though, and Peridot moved over to one side of the wall, casually despite the beast just being there.

"Not what I can - EEP!" Before Peridot could finish her sentence, suddenly something seemed to open up, and Peridot ended up tumbling down another tunnel! It wasn't too deep, and she ended up covered in silk from head to toe. The others rushed over fast, as Peridot struggled with the sink.

"Eww," Peridot groaned, trying to get the stuff off of her. The tunnel went down deep, with more silk to follow along the floor. Diopside and Connie hopped down, and tried to untangle her from the silk.

"You okay, Peridot?" Steven asked.

"I'm okay," Peridot replied, just after getting herself cleared of all the silk.

"Hey, we can't just leave it alone!" Rainbow snapped. She'd rather go after the thing rather than stand around.

"Alright, alright. We'll split up; half of us goes down there, the rest go after Umakumo. Fair enough?" Peridot decided, arms crossed. It was a risky choice, but after some discussion, they eventually reached their conclusion. Steven, Peridot, Connie, Diopside and Fluttershy go down the new tunnel, while Rarity, Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie and Twilight go down the other.

"We'll all meet back at the entrance once we're done. Whistle, and we'll all come back together immediately. Good luck," Twilight said, and soon the two teams went off. Five down one tunnel, and five down the other.


Peridot, Steven, Connie, Fluttershy and Diopside continued off down their tunnel, trying to avoid as best they could from tripping over the silk webs. The tunnel further down was much darker this time, but that was only because they didn't had a light to use ...

"Anyone see anything?" Diopside asked.

"No," squeaked Fluttershy. Suddenly, Fluttershy gave a yelp as something grabbed her front hoof.

"Fluttershy, it's just me. Everyone hold hands, we can stay together that way," Steven said. So they did so, with Peridot taking the lead, and Diopside at the back. Peridot had the best eyesight, so she had a better shot on seeing ahead with whatever light was left. Steven had both his hands in the middle of the chain with Fluttershy and Connie. They continued on from there for a few more feet until Diopside suddenly felt something touch her other hand. It felt like a hoof, though not seeing well, she thought it was Fluttershy.

"Uh, Fluttershy? Are your hooves always this cold?" Diopside asked.

"I'm ... I'm over here," Fluttershy stuttered. The group stopped and turned back to Diopside. Diopside took a minute to move her hand back, feeling another leg ... Then the chest ... Then the head.

She took a big breath.

"... He's right there, isn't he?"

Peridot could only see the answer standing right behind her, shocked out of her wits.

"Diopside. Come here, slowly," Peridot warned. Diopside, instead, turned around to see who she was touching. Suddenly, her one eye was staring right at the seven eyes of Umakumo! How'd it get pass the others?! Diopside jumped back, the Umakumo raising its head, but not attacking right away. Everyone could just see Umakumo, backing up together as Umakumo advanced towards them, each leg moving along the floor and walls. Steven quickly got out his shield before Umakumo could trample them, the spider horse slamming into the pink shield, pushing everyone back. At first, Umakumo was surprised seeing this sudden shield spring up from nowhere, but its hooves tried to get it out of the way.

"Get back!" Connie yelled, moving to the side and lashing out with her branch. surprisingly, Umakumo stepped back, Connie a bit surprised as well how easily it was working, but Umakumo didn't back away because of Connie's lashing out. It gave a loud neigh, rearing back, and slamming its front four hooves on the ground. The silk wasn't as sturdy here, so ...

"Uh oh."

As quickly as Diopside said that, part of the silk under their feet suddenly gave way! Fluttershy tried to fly, but trying to pull the others out ended up dragging her down too. They all tumbled head over heels down a steep inclining tunnel, despite the extra silk. Soon, they did eventually stop, completely covered in the webbing from head to toe. It took sometime to get themselves loose, with Diopside being first.

"Grr, come on, get off," Diopside yelped, squirming about until she finally got herself free of the sticky stuff. Without being asked, she began to get the others out of the silk. They didn't had any clue where they ended up in their stumble, the tunnel too dark to see anything correctly, even with Peridot's visors. They got up, and tried to get back together before that Umakumo would come back.

"Everyone okay?" Steven asked. They agreed, but -

"Ow! What the -" Peridot yelped. Walking around the dark, she had accidentally knocked her foot on something, but even with her visors, she couldn't see what. She was getting very annoyed.

"Anybody got a light? Anyone?" Peridot asked. None of them really had such a light, so, that wasn't something easily answered. Suddenly, Steven got an idea; with a quick movement, he summoned back his shield. the shield made of light, it gave a soft glow to help them see a little bit. Not a first choice, but still a choice for them to use. He felt a little tired on doing so, but it still helped them, and that was worth it.

As for where they fell to, the place looked just like another part of the cave, covered all around in spider silk, but this one seemed a little different compared to the tunnels and caves they were going through. One thing was this part had a number of items put in a pile, one of which Peridot hit her foot on. The stuff mainly included a few items, such as a few scrolls slightly covered in silk so they wouldn't be rolled around. One of these did end up dislodged, and was what Peridot stepped on.

"How'd these get there?" Connie wondered, heading over to the one on the ground. Peridot and Connie opened it up, and looked over what it said, or tried to.

私は、私はそう懸命に試みた...しかし、毎日、それが悪化し、悪化しています...私の新しい存在に対処するために懸命に試みました。私はもう何の多くに焦点を当てた私の心を維持することはできません - 私はこの時点でこれを書くことができラッキー。任意のポニーがこれを発見した場合......他の人のようなモンスターが持っていたとして私を見ないでくださいしてください。その魔女は私にこれをしなかった、私はそれが...私のために彼女を停止します知っています

No, they didn't had too much clue, yet Connie tried her hardest to look it over, up and down. The end of it looked rushed, and more like chicken scratch than proper. Diopside, Fluttershy, and Steven tried to look it over too, Steven's shield their main light, but they couldn't make heads or tails of it either.

"What sort of language is this?" Peridot questioned.

"Neipponese, I guess," Fluttershy replied. As they looked, Diopside tried to look at some other scrolls from some extra clues, but whatever was written on them was just as illegible.

"Weird," Steven commented, trying to read it out himself. As they all tried to get the message figured out, none of them noticed that something had come down to join them ...


"S-Steven!" Fluttershy gasped, the first to see it. Steven quickly turned around, seeing Umakumo standing there. Everyone else saw it, and went together, but the Umakumo laid down onto the ground, apparently not wanting to fight them. Even when laying down, it was still taller than the others were. Steven kept his shield up, and putting it between himself, and Umakumo. However, Umakumo didn't seem fazed this time around, ears folded back. They all then began to hear a sort of sound that the Umakumo was making, like grunts and moans, though it didn't seem to lower their guard.

"S-Stay away you -"

"What?" Fluttershy suddenly said. Umakumo turned towards Fluttershy, continuing its grunts and moans, Fluttershy listening with full attention. Nobody else had a single clue what Umakumo was saying, if anything, but Fluttershy's expression became more and more troubled. Suddenly, Umakumo gave a louder moan, and after this Fluttershy looked shocked, and moved back. The others thought it was ready to attack, and armed up.

"Wait, wait, stop," Fluttershy suddenly said, moving in between them.

"What for?" Peridot asked, angry and surprised.

"Everypony, please," Fluttershy said. Before she could continue, Umakumo got up again, and moved over to Connie, who had the scroll in her hand at the moment. Connie back up in fear, but with a quick grab from its front hooves, it snatched the scroll from her hands. It was enough to make Connie fall backwards, as Umakumo backed up towards Fluttershy, and dropping the scroll at her hooves. Fluttershy glanced back at Umakumo before opening up the scroll, and opening it up again. To their surprise, Fluttershy cleared her thruat, and with one ear listening to the Umakumo, she actually began to recite the message written.

I, I've tried so hard ... But, every day, it is worse, we are worse ... it was hard to attempt to deal with my new existence. I will not be able to keep my mind focused on a lot of what the other - I lucky can write this at this point. Please and please do not look at me as any of the pony had a monster, such as in the case ...... other person who discovered this. The witch did do this to me, I know it is ... to stop her for me.

It wasn't the best translation ever, but it was just enough so everyone else could get what was going on. Umakumo was involved with some sort of witch, and it lost more of its sanity as time went by because of it. Dark, but, made sense. Umakumo meanwhile, just went over and laid down in the corner of the web chamber, apparently falling asleep soon afterward. Connie and Peridot got their minds working on this information, and what it can link to. Then they remembered what Ion had said ...

The Umakumo is a legend for hundreds of moons. However, it never appeared physically until after Junsui became princess

Then it hit them.

"Junsui," Connie and Peridot concluded. Steven, Diopside, and Fluttershy looked to them, hearing the name come out of them both. Connie and Peridot's suspicions were correct after all.

"Come on, we gotta go," Connie suddenly said, her and Peridot starting to go up where they fell in, using the silk to grip onto to get themselves out.

"Hold on, where you going?" Diopside asked.

"We'll tell you later. Come on, let's get the others," Peridot quickly replied, her and Connie getting up the tunnel. The others weren't sure, but then began to follow. The last to was Fluttershy, who looked to Umakumo first.

"You going to be okay?" she asked, kindly. All Umakumo did was moan calmly, yawn, and continue its slumber. Fluttershy then followed the others after that.

After scrambling out of the tunnel, Peridot lead them all back to the main chamber where they first split up. Connie quickly gave a loud whistle as she was told. She made sure to keep it long and loud, to make sure anypony else in the tunnels heard her loud and clear. By the time the others caught up, the rest of the mane six managed to hear her, and quickly bolted back to her. They were ready for a fight, but only to find Umakumo not around.

"There you are. Everypony here?' Peridot asked.

"Yeah, why?" Asked Twilight.

"Because we got the answer. Come on, back to the main village," Connie said.


"I'd hate to say I told you so," Ion said. The others came outside soon after gathering together, and once they did, Connie and Peridot fully explain what they think happened. With the evidence they got, and the support Fluttershy and Ion gave to them, it was hard not to believe them. It made sense to Connie and Peridot, since Junsui didn't show much care when they wanted to go after it, and she didn't care much about how many had apparently gone after it already. They didn't find anypony for one thing, and the idea of the Umakumo being made this way was even worse. Shinrin and Firudo both were outside with Ion too, and also listening to them both.

"She wouldn't," Firudo firmly stated, a slight glare on his face.

"Umakumo just told us, I swear," Fluttershy insisted.

"That thing can't talk Equestrian, nevermind Neipponese," retorted Firudo. Ion turned, and gave a rough snort at him, getting him quiet. Then he looked to Fluttershy.

"You're the first to understand him. All there is to do now is handle Junsui -" Ion quickly turned to Firudo before continuing. "Despite some of us and their loyalty, it must be done."

"But what about the other Kirin? What about our father?" Shinrin reminded, worried more than most.

"We didn't see anypony else in there. Nothing but tunnels and sticky webs," Applejack answered, still trying to get some webbing off her hat. Shinrin honestly felt dismayed.

"W-what? But, but our father he ..." Shinrin trailed off, but Ion nudged her.

"That's for another time. For now, let's head back," ion decided, already starting to go back, away from the cave.

Their rush back to the village was a quick one. They didn't bother to fully think over what they're going to do, but, lead by Ion, they went straight off to the palace. No fuss, no time wasted. Pretty soon, everypony was right at the door. Some of them were a bit hesitant, but Ion didn't bother to ask about that, and went right on through the doors. At the moment, Junsui was resting on her pillows, working a file on her hooves.

"Junsui," Ion bellowed, getting her attention. She looked surprised on seeing them back so soon.

"Oh, you're back -" her tone was more excited than needed to be, so she corrected herself. "- y-you're back. Some of the Kirin informed me you ran off after Umakumo?"

"Yeah we did, Kirin," Peridot answered, angered in tone. Junsui wasn't deterred by the reaction though.

"Good, good. So, where's its head?" She questioned nonchalantly, working out the end of her cloven hoof with her file.

"It's still alive, Junsui -"

"Princess Junsui if you please," Junsui suddenly cut in.

"No, Junsui. Leave," Ion said, his hoof aimed to the door. Junsui looked hurt.

"Leave? Do you know who you're talking to?" Junsui boasted. That point she had her eyes closed, and a hoof to her chest, so she didn't notice Connie glancing around the pillows a bit ...

Something stuck out from one of them. It looked like a slip of paper of sorts. She got Spike to notice too...

"I'm the Princess of the Kirins, I go wherever I wish, I do whatever I -"

"What's this?" A voice suddenly asked. Junsui stopped, and suddenly saw Spike holding the paper in his claws! Junsui used her magic to yank it away quickly before he could properly read it.

"Not your concern, dragon," she firmly informed, rolling it up tight. Ion seemingly expected this from her.

"Why is it your concern?"

"It's not! I-It's just some paper," she insisted.

"Then you wouldn't mind us looking at it?" Ion said with a smile. Firudo and Shinrin glanced to each other, the only ones worried over this sort of behavior. For Ion, it was a basic move; if nothing's wrong with something, why hide it? They all knew this, including Junsui. In the end, she groaned, and gave it to Ion. Ion then brought it to Firudo and Shinrin, the others trying to look too. Firudo was the one in particular who gave it a strong look over. As he kept reading, he looked completely shocked ...

This was a transformation spell ...

When they looked back, they suddenly saw that Junsui had disappeared! That was more than enough proof at this point.

"She's gone!" Rainbow yelled.

"She's right there," Ion chuckled, a hoof aimed to the pillows. Before anypony could question that, Ion levitated the pillows up, just to show Junsui cows ring under them ...

"Seriously?" Peridot and Spike commented. Junsui looked, and saw all of them staring at her. The Kirin suddenly went to action, jumping up to her hooves, and bolted to the door.

"Hey!" Shinrin called, running after her. Honestly, it didn't take very long before she was knocked off her hooves, and pinned down. The others found this WAY too easy ...

"That ended quickly," Rainbow noted, as Ion moved over to Junsui and Shinrin. Junsui squirmed, but Shinrin had her pinned down pretty good. Ion knew she wronged, but she still had a lot of life value in her (even if to herself). Still, Ion turned to the two that knew from the start ...

"Well? What should we do with her?"

"Excuse me?" Connie asked.

"You figured it out before anypony else. So, what shall we do?" Ion asked again. Connie and Peridot weren't prepared for this; deciding the punishment for a wrongful princess. Peridot and Connie weren't used to handle this kind of thing, and the others didn't think physical harm would be a good idea. Technically though, he was right; outta the mane six and gems there, Connie and Peridot knew first. After a small whispering discussion, they reached a decent medium.

"We got it. First; you're going to change Umakumo back. Second, you're to step down," Peridot announced. Junsui was surprised, but was grateful to have her head still all things considered. The punishment was brief and blunt, but it still was a big one regardless on how you look at it; loosing status and all. Steven and Fluttershy especially were glad not to see her hurt for a punishment. Peridot felt more in power doing this, so, announcing the punishment made her feel strong a bit. Junsui, scared on what else they had in mind, could only nod in agreement. Ion nodded to Shinrin and, though hesitant to, moved off of Junsui. The Koi Kirin steadied herself up to her hooves, and only then realized something wrong with her head ...

"My antler!" Junsui gasped. Turned out, her right antler had cracked when Shinrin pinned her down, and only when she got up did it fall off her head. She was more scared, than upset though, and an attack now would be crazy. All she could do was back up slowly, and gallop out the door. The princess had been de-crowned.

"Get back here!" Rainbow demanded, ready to fly after her, but Ion used his own magic to make her stop midair.

"No need. She'll be out of the way now. Thank you," Ion decided, letting her go when Rainbow landed. The others were unsure though; for she ran off without going back to Umakumo and undoing what she'd done. Still, Ion went over to the spell in question, and lifted it up.

"But what about Umakumo?"

"I'll handle it myself, I promise. The meantime, it's starting to get late," Ion noted. Connie suddenly realized what he meant.

"Oh man, my parents! I'm sorry, but I have to get back home, they'll be worried sick," Connie realized. She didn't tell her parents she'd be gone all night, and if she waited too long, she'll be in big trouble.

"But what about the missing villagers?" Twilight noted.

Ion didn't answer apart from a sigh.

"They'll be found. You've done well, thank you all," Ion concluded. It felt a little bit odd overall at this point really, Ion insisting they could go off home at this point, yet Ion was sure at this point. Then he turned to Shinrin and Firudo.

"Anatagata futari. Kimasu."


Later on, when all was said and done, there was only one thing left to really do. Ion, Shinrin, and Firudo were heading back later on that night, after the Mane six, Humans, and Gems, all went off back home. It honestly didn't take long before the three Kirin arrived back at the cave, the spot unchanged from earlier. Shinrin and Firudo were ready to head in, but Ion raised his hoof to stop them, as he stood forward right in front of the cave. with one of his cloven hooves, he gave a loud whistle, which echoed into the cave. At first, nothing seemed to happen, but shortly after the whistle, something began to appear from the darkness of the cave ...

Seven, red eyes.

Upon seeing it, Firudo and Shinrin were ready to fight, but Ion then cleared his throat, his horn starting to glow.

"Akuma no kokoronouchi ni tojikomerare, kyōki ni yaburemashita. Watashi wa anata no gurippu kara anata o kaihō shi, dokusō-sei,-shin, soshite tamashī ni modorimasu. Bakku anata ga katsute nanideatta ka ni kite, futan no jibun jishin o kaihō shimasu.

... All seemed quiet. The three began to hear hoofsteps from the cave, heading out. However, these steps began to become quieter, and quieter, as whatever was inside started to move out. Soon, a completely different Kirin moved into the moonlight. Shinrin and Firudo looked in complete shock, as Ion simply smiled ...

"Okaerinasai. Hanshu kirin."

Author's Note:

the trip from the village to the cave, and the ending was slightly rushed, but, I want to get to the big part :derpytongue2:
and yes, spiderman joke is obvious :rainbowlaugh: