• Published 9th May 2016
  • 3,408 Views, 95 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 3 - EquestrianKirin

  • ...

The Tale of Two Dragons

Busily going through her library, as per usual, Twilight continued with heading on through her books. The alicorn got through many of her books, a number of times switching them around, and looking through some of her favorites. Mainly this was from getting her journal in the right spot, and after a while, the Alicorn began going through more and more until she ended up reorganizing the library again. She had gone through plenty of books by this point. As this was going on, Spike was trying to sleep - again. It was still in the morning, yet the dragon kept getting woken up by Twilight's busy work. Twilight tried to keep quiet, but Spike ended up knocked out of bed by mistake, landing on the bottom floor.

"Ow," Spike groaned, sitting up and shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, Spike," Twilight said, stopping for a brief moment and turning to her assistant. Spike got back up, holding the new bump on his head.

"How much longer will you be doing this?" Spike asked, looking around at all the books floating around them. Twilight put about five other books away before answering him.

"I'm going to be a while. Why don't you go out and play for a bit?" Twilight offered. she liked spike helping her out, and he liked doing so, yet Twilight can handle this herself. Plus, Spike can have a day-off if he wanted to. Spike would rather go around Ponyville, instead of dealing with Twilight's books this morning.

"You sure I can?" Spike asked.

"Yeah, I got this. I heard the cakes have some crystal cupcakes in stock," Twilight revealed. That got Spike pretty hungry, and right out the door to have one. He could never pass up a treat make by Sugarcube Corner. Twilight just chuckled, as she continued her sorting.


It really didn't take very long for Spike to get right over to Sugarcube Corner. Just as Twilight had said, the cakes had a pretty good set of crystal cupcakes, one with Spike's name on it. Just a quick visit, and two bits, Spike got himself a delicious, sparkling lavender cupcake, shining with purple shards of Quartz gems. Thank Celestia, the other Gems from Beach City weren't around. Even if he was told it was alright, and by a Gem no less, he still began thinking twice about what he ate ever since then, especially if it involved gemstones. As he walked away with his cupcake, he took a few extra looking glances, just to be sure, before he eyed his treat with his tongue licking his lips. It surely looked delicious for a treat. His tongue gently licked the cupcake, taste-testing it. His eyes quickly lit up, and a big smile shined on his face.

"I should savor this," Spike thought. He shouldn't just gulp it. One, it was such a delicious treat, and two, who knew when the cakes would restock? So, instead, he just began walking around Ponyville, taking bites of the cupcake as he went. It was a nice day to just go around Ponyville, since the Pegesi made sure this day was nice and clear, not a cloud venturing into Ponyville skies. The ponies were busily going about their day as well, something Spike didn't mind in the slightest. He waved hello to the ponies as he went along, whoever would wave to him anyway.

"Mmmm, the cakes sure did good today," Spike told himself, licking his lips of the frosting. He didn't realize it at the moment, but his wandering had ended up bringing him towards the edge of town. He was too distracted by his cupcake to really notice though, and by the time he finished his snack, and when he did, the little Dragon only then realized he was right outside Ponyville! He stopped, and found himself about five feet outside the town. Not too much, but it was a bit of an error on his part.

"Eh, oops," Spike said.

He was just about to head on back into Ponyville, but then his nose suddenly caught wind of something in the air. The smell was absolutely delicious, and the little Dragon immediately charged course, walking further away from Ponyville. His nose guided him along, putting him in an almost trace, as he walked along with a smile. Spike kept this walk about for a good ten minutes or so, going in one main direction away from Ponyville, until he walked right into a rock. Only then did he snap out of it, but his curiosity over such a smell got him climbing up the rock. He can get back later, no problem, but the mystery of the phenomenal smell came first.

"Let's see what we got here."

Spike climbed up the rock, until he could see over it. Once he did, his eyes gave him quite a sight. He could see a clear stream not too far away, just passing through. The land dropped down about a foot, a large bank to the river, nice and dry. In this clearing, the dragon saw a picnic set up; basket, blanket and everything. The sweet smell was coming from the basket, which was slightly open to reveal a horde of sweet, ripe gemstones inside! Spike drooled on seeing and smelling the delicious delicacy, leaning for a closer look...

Too bad the rock didn't had much grip.

Next thing he knew, Spike felt a wind blow against him, and he tumbled head over heels in a somersault, until he landed right inside the basket! Spike scrambled to get a better footing, but as he was, he began to hear something going on. Footsteps, just outside! Spike stayed quiet, hoping for whatever it was to not find him. If he did end up in somepony's lunch box, he'll be in a heap of trouble. The dragon kept quiet for a bit, but then something opened up the basket, and a clawed hand reached in, and actually grabbed him! He was pulled out by his head, and soon he found what was the owner of this basket.

Another Dragon!

"Uh ... Hi?"

The Dragon gasped, and threw him back fast, Spike hitting the bank wall. Spike needed a minute, and so did the other Dragon. This Dragon didn't look that much older, but was about as big as a pony. She looked more like a four-legged variant of Dragon, rather than a bipedal one like Spike, with each foot having three claws on them. She had a number of spikes on her legs, one behind each foot, and an extra on her back leg. She even had a set of spikes curving down from her chest. Each one of these spikes, along with a few backward-facing spinal scales, were colored a grayish silver. On her head, she had a set of larger, yet stubby horns, which aimed backwards from her head. Her three clawed toes were a darker blue, along with her reptilian eyes. The end of her tail had a triangular tip, a typical feature for a common dragon. She didn't seem to have any wings though, and the rest of her body, from head to tail, was a light lavender, lighter than Spike. She took a moment.

"Who are you? And what're you doing in my basket?" She asked, still trying to gather her nerves, as Spike got himself upright.

"Wait, that was yours? I'm so sorry, I didn't know," Spike said innocently, looking to the basket of gems. The female Dragon picked out a gemstone from her basket, the smell peaking Spike's interest again. She was a bit surprised that he didn't just try to take the gems and run.

"I didn't think any Dragons lived near here."

"Huh? Oh, I was just passing through, and I couldn't help but notice some of those nice, sweet, delicious gems," Spike explained, glancing at the gems time and time again. It was at this point though, that the female dragon pulled one out.

"You like them? It took me months to get it right. It's not easy to make gems," she said, as Spike sat down next to her. He seen many gems, and these were rips as ripe can be. The female Dragon started to relax a little bit once she realized he wasn't there to hurt her. Spike picked out a blue gem from the basket, looking it over.

"I know what you mean; it took me months to get a gem ripened correctly. It's hard to hold back beforehand though," Spike admitted. He knew very well how long it takes to ripen a gem correctly, but keeping yourself from gobbling up your favorite treat beforehand can be a tough task for some. The female dragon chuckled a little, finding the situation very relatable.

"I know just what you mean," replied the female Dragon. Spike took a bite of the blue gem in his claws, finding the taste delicious. She took out, and ate another gem before Spike spoke again.

"So, do you live nearby?"

"Well, no. I'm just here on a spring trip, that's all. I'll be leaving back home in about a week ... Though, it does get lonely sometimes out here," she explained, lowering her head on the second statement. Spike didn't had that problem much, having plenty of friends back in Ponyville, and beyond Equestria in the case of the Gems. Though, as far other Dragons go, he didn't had much to show for it, if anything. She was the first Dragon that didn't try to beat him down, and that was good enough for him.

"Not seeing many dragons, huh?"

"Not friendly dragons, no. Most of the time they'd try to take my stash of gems and take off. At least you didn't threaten me for them," she stated, a clawed foot pointing to her stash. Spike didn't know why he would, anyway, and easily remembered his last main encounter with Dragons. It wasn't the best ever if he was honest with it.

For the next half an hour or so, Spike and his Dragon friend basically chatted for a while, subjects going back and forth for a while. Spike was happy to meet a Dragon that wasn't going to mock him or beat him to a pulp, and apparently the female Dragon felt the same way. Their conversation only stopped once the gems ran out (not Spike's fault). Once she noticed, she got up, and picked up her basket with her tail. Spike helped her out by folding up the blanket for her. It was the least he could do for having some tasty gems.

"Thank you. You are sweet," she said. Spike rubbed the back of his head, smiling.

"Well, you did let me have some gems. Least I can do, right?"

The Dragon simply nodded. Before she left though, she failed to ask one question throughout their conversation, and she might as well ask now.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Spike," Spike answered, clawed hand to chest.

"I'm Scarlett. It's nice meeting you," replied the Dragon. Scarlett and Spike shared another smile before Scarlett started to go. Spike found it refreshing to see another, nice dragon for once, but it seemed a little too soon for this to just end. Then he got an idea.

"Hey. you think you want to ... well, meet up again? Tomorrow?"

Scarlett could only smile.


For the next few days, it'd been like that for a while. Spike and Scarlett would meet up back at the same spot along the river outside Ponyville, and basically spend some time together. Spike had told Twilight about her after the first day, and Twilight was happy that Spike was making a new friend. Both Dragons basically did either chit-chat with one another, or did a few outdoor games or activities and such. Scarlett felt grateful to meet such a kind Dragon, which for her was a rare one, and same thing went for Spike. However, throughout the whole thing, that was as far as it'll go; they just met at the one spot and that was about it. As Spike was seeing how nice Scarlett was, he'd yet to tell her about the others back in Ponyville just yet, trying to think on properly introducing her to the rest of his friends.

One day, Scarlett and Spike were at the same usual river spot, basically relaxing in the afternoon sun. It was relaxing to lay in the sun, listening to the flowing river nearby.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Spike asked, after a bit. Scarlett brought a frontal claw to her chin.

"I'm dunno. It's feels nice to just lay around in the sun," Scarlett replied, rolling onto her back, and feeling the warm sun cover her. Spike laid next to her, trying to think on what to do. The last couple of days had been pretty fun with her, but it was just him and her for the most part. It was then that Spike got his idea. He soon sat up, as Scarlett watched.

"I got it, how about you come back with me? You can meet the rest of my friends," Spike offered. Scarlett lifted her head up a little bit, turning upright again.

"Really? you sure it's okay?"

"Of course! You're sweet, fun, kind, and I'm sure they'll like to see another Dragon like you," Spike said, his compliments making Scarlett blush a little, but smiling a bit.

"Oh, you're just saying that," Scarlett said bashfully, waving her foot to him.

"No, I mean it, really. Come on, you'll like them and I know they'll like you," Spike said, going up the bank. Scarlett smiled sweetly, and got up the bank to join him. For the fun of it, both Dragons began to run to where Spike had in mind. Scarlett had a larger stride than Spike, though the young Dragon kept a good pace ahead of her. As they went though, it was then when Scarlett looked ahead, and realized where they were going.

Spike was heading right to Ponyville.

When she noticed this, she suddenly began to slow down, Spike not realizing until he looked back to see Scarlett in a dead stop on the road, suddenly feeling unsure of this decision. Spike walked back to the young Dragon.

"What's wrong?" Spike asked.

"Um ... well, we're heading into Ponyville."

"Uh, yeah, my friends are in there," Spike said, a clawed thumb pointing at the town, not seeing a problem in it. However, that left Scarlett a little confused on top of hesitant.

"But ... But, you're a Dragon," Scarlett pointed out. Being a young Dragon, Spike didn't seem to get the idea yet, and just shrugged it off.

"Come on, you're going to be fine. Trust me, they'll like you," Spike encouraged. Scarlett still wasn't very sure, but she followed him anyway, a sigh passing her lips.

It didn't take very long before the two arrived in Ponyville, Scarlett keeping quiet. Spike still didn't see much of a problem with it really, though Scarlett oddly kept a wary eye on the many different Ponies around her. Her Dragon friend didn't seem to noticed any real harm, and could only assume she was just being shy. Though admittedly, he felt a big Deja Vu with her and one particular Alicorn princess when she first came to Ponyville. As they continued through Ponyville, Spike began to look off ahead, and began to see his friends in question. To his luck, it wasn't just the ponies who were hanging out, but Steven and Lapis also came around to play. This is perfect! Before Scarlett could say anything ...

"Hey everypony!" Spike called, waving his arm in the air. The others soon turned to see them, Scarlett feeling slightly worried.

"Hi Spike! Who's your friend?" Lapis asked, seeing Scarlett. Rather than say anything, Scarlett actually started to back up a little bit. Spike turned to her.

"This is Scarlett. Come on, say hi," Spike encouraged. Scarlett still wasn't too sure about this, seeing so many other types in one place. All Scarlett did was shyly wave her front foot for her hello, smiling nervously. Though, her smile quickly disappeared, as she looked away. Before she could try to relax though, Pinkie happily bounded over to her, catching her completely off guard.

"WOW! Are you another Dragon? That's so cool - new Dragon buddy!" Pinkie beamed. However, Pinkie erratic and bouncy behavior worried Scarlett more than most, as she took a big step away from her for some more space. It was reasonable though; not everypony can get used to such a lively pony upon first meeting her.

"S-so. You're Spike's friends?" Scarlett asked.

"That's right. Spike told me a bit about you," Twilight said, though that didn't seem to make anything better, as her three clawed foot kicked the dirt shyly. Spike didn't expect her to be so shy, especially for how much fun he had with her over the last couple of days. Steven and Lapis made didn't help Scarlett feel more comfortable, but she did grow a little puzzled towards them. The ponies were one thing, but these two didn't look familiar in the slightest. Steven and Lapis both never saw any other Dragons apart from Spike, so seeing Scarlett was something new and exciting. However, Scarlett turned to Spike, poking his shoulder.

"Uh, Spike?" She asked, beginning to move away with him so she could talk to him alone.

"What's the matter?"

"I-I don't know about this, Spike," Scarlett whispered, leaning in closer to him.

"Come on, Scarlett, they're not bad."

"But they're not Dragons," Scarlett admitted, glancing back to them, who looked a little confused.

"So what? They're still great to hang out with," Spike retorted. Scarlett still felt rather sheepish though. Before it could go any further, Lapis then hovered over to them, Scarlett freaked out on seeing Lapis's water wings come from nowhere. Just earlier she didn't had any, and now she was flying above her. Scarlett backed up some more on seeing this.

"Is something wrong?" Lapis asked, concern. Scarlett just felt rather rough with this overall, keeping her safe distance from them. Spike did eventually stop her though, holding onto her leg. However, Scarlett just couldn't get her act together, but she just shook her head after a while after seeing Spike with an assuring smile.

"Hey, hey, don't be like that, we're cool," Rainbow assured her, giving her a friendly noogie to the head. Scarlett rubbed where Rainbow did so.

"So, what're you guys doing?" Spike asked.

"Just ready to show off who's the fastest flier," Rainbow said. It'd been WAY too long since they last checked, and Lapis and Rainbow Dash both needed to see who was the better flying champion this side of Equestria. Lapis and Rainbow both were hovering, excited for their little race. Spike found it exciting to do, and Scarlett still felt unsure with anything here.


Pretty soon, the group found an open area in Ponyville to do the race at, where the skies were clear, and nothing was in the way to either obstruct the view or to get in the way of the racers. Although the sky didn't had much clouds, some of the Pegasus (even a particular wall-eyed blonde mare) helped put up some clouds as checkpoints and obstacles. The checkpoint clouds were pure white while the obstacle clouds were a light grey, enough to tell the difference between the two. The others sat aside to watch the race, along with whoever helped with the arrangements Spike brought Scarlett over to sit next to him, though being around so many non-dragons didn't suit her all too well, as she squirmed a little bit in her spot. She moved over to the side of the crowd, rather than be right next to Spike, though Spike agreed to have a seat by her to make her feel more comfortable (he was still sitting next to Twilight either way). Lapis and Rainbow Dash stood side by side over by the starting line, where Steven was standing with the starting flag at the ready, raised up in the air, as the racers got themselves ready to fly.

"You'll like this," Spike told Scarlett. Scarlett looked to him before turning to the race in question. The others were ready to go, as Steven readied the flag.

"Ready? ... Set ... GO!"

With the wave of the flag, Lapis and Rainbow shot right off past Steven, and right up into the air, leaving Steven spinning like a top before landing on the ground. Both flying speedsters were making pretty good speed, keeping up with one another. The clouds shifted in their path as they went along, which both dodged fairly easily as they flew off to the first checkpoint. Rainbow flew pretty good, and was faster In straight flights, but Lapis's broader water wings maneuvered her better than Rainbow, thus making them both fairly even. The ponies down bellow cheered them on, and their cheers varied between Rainbow Dash, and Lapis Lazuli, depending on who the pony (or person) was cheering. The only one who stayed quiet though was Scarlett, trying to pretend that she was just with Spike and not all these other creatures. She just didn't feel right, and Spike was starting to see that in her. While everypony was distracted by the race going on, Scarlett sighed, and finally couldn't take it. While they all looked away, Scarlett silently backed away. Without saying a word to anypony, the shy and uncomfortable Scarlett then left them all there. Scarlett decided to go when both flying racers were at the final stretch, and the only one who actually saw her begin to go was Lapis ...

Lapis slowed down just slightly, but rather than just making her loose, Rainbow flew right through her water wings, bringing them both to the ground below! Rainbow tumbled head over hooves, leaving her face first into the dirt, and soaked in both her fur and feathers. Lapis ended up dirty from the fall too, with half a wing splashed off of her. She quickly recovered, and regained her water wing.

"Lapis, Rainbow! You both okay?" Steven asked, as he and Fluttershy helped them up. Rainbow shook the dirt out of her mane, and flapped her wings for similar reasons. Lapis spat out some dirt from her mouth before she answered Steven.

"Yeah, I'm alright. But, Scarlett left," Lapis pointed out, pointing to where she saw Scarlett leave ...


It took her quite a while, but the Dragon did end up back to outside of Ponyville, and back to the river where she and Spike first met. She settled down by the river, looking down in the water before her, seeing her reflection shutter and shiver in the flowing river. She felt much better at this point, but her only regret here was that she ditched Spike with them without saying a word. In the middle of his attempt to introduce her to his friends, and Scarlett just left him like that. Her sudden absence left the other ponies there a bit confused, and Spike went off to try to look for her. Since Spike had met her up at the same spot a number of times before, he went over that way first. Surely enough, he climbed over the same rock, and found her looking at the river.

"Scarlett! Hey, Scarlett!" Spike said. Though, just as they met before, he tumbled forward, and landed onto the riverbank. Scarlett turned, and saw Spike go over to her.

"Oh. It's only you."

"Scarlett, what happened back there? Nopony even noticed you leaving," Spike asked.

"I'm sorry, Spike, it's just ... Just ..." Scarlett trailed off after a bit, but all that came out was another sigh. Spike sat down next to her. He knew she was a great Dragon to hang out with, but what happened back with the rest of his friends disserves some explanation. Scarlett, flustered a little bit, scratched the ground in front of her.

"Do you even want to talk about it?" Spike asked, turning to her. Scarlett looked down to her reflection, both front feet overlapping in a crisscross, before she felt ready to answer him.

"Well ... Look, Spike, I just ... have some resentment."

"Resentment, for what?"

"Well ... non-dragons," Scarlett admitted in chocked sigh. Spike looked a bit confused, tilting his head, and eyebrow raised.

"Non-Dragons? You mean my friends? Seriously, what's wrong with them?" Spike asked, feeling a bit hurt himself. The first Dragon he made pals with, and she has this sort of resentment towards every other friend he had with him. He knew she was great, but it can't work if she won't open up to the others.

"Oh, nothing, nothing at all ... Only -"

"Only what? My friends are great, I don't see why they'll give you any trouble."

"No, no, Spike listen. I uh ... I tried. To be friendly with other ponies when I was little, just a hatchling, but ... well ..."

"They didn't treat you well?" Spike cut in, kind of seeing where this was going. He took the words right out of her mouth, really, so all Scarlett said was a sigh.

"They called some freaky lizard, and got me under a rock, calling me a -" she brought her claws up to quote her words. "- Rock dweller." She brought her feet down and continued. "My own kind didn't treat me like that. So, I guess I preferred being with them, than ... With others ..." Spike now saw why she would be hesitant with other species outside her own. Scarlett still remembered the event, clear as day, and didn't want to risk it again. Spike rolled his eyes.

"Guess we have other things in common," Spike commented. Scarlett turned to Spike in surprise.

"They bullied you too? But, why are you still with them, then?" Scarlett asked.

"No, no! ... Well, maybe. You know the big Dragon Migration, right?" Spike began.

"Of course I do, why?"

"Want to hear a story?" Spike asked first. Scarlett was interested at this point, and nodded her head. Spike laid down on his back, hands behind his head, before he began remembering.

"Well, let's see. I've been with Twilight for my whole life, and never really figured out what it means to be a true Dragon. So, I decided to join he migration, and I found plenty of other Dragons ... but ..."

"But ...?"

"Well, they kept mocking me the entire time I was there! Small, meek, still sucking my claw at night, being a pony in a costume! Seriously, it was awful," Spike complained. Scarlett looked puzzled.

"Wait. Other Dragons mocked you while you were there? Why would they do that, they knew you were a Dragon, right?" Scarlett asked, sounding like no other Dragon would bother her. Spike sat back up.

"They all never believed I could do anything they could until I fell into a lava pit! And even then they want me to go right to stealing a Phoenix nest. Who does that?!" Spike then calmed down after pretty much making himself angry. "Anyway, for the longest time, I didn't want to deal with any other Dragons, and I knew many other Ponies, but you know something?"


"Even with Twilight, there are good ones, and there are bad ones. I met with bad Dragons at the migration ... and then I met one good Dragon right here."

Scarlett felt a bit speechless. For a start, yes, other Dragons hadn't treated her badly. Spike hadn't had much interaction with Dragons before this point, and he felt like she's the first Dragon who treated him nicely. Scarlett didn't know what to say, or could think of what to say. For Spike, he knew there were many different types of Ponies, people, or whatever, and they all can make a difference all depending. After a bit, Spike then grew a bit more happier.

"So, Scarlett. I know you may not have had the best time, but, you can at least give it a chance."

Scarlett turned to the Dragon, and then gave him a smile. Though, despite it all, she still felt a little unsure, but at least she had something to go on. Scarlett looked back to the river after a while, thinking over what the Dragon had said ...

Something seemed ... Off.

Scarlett took a moment to keep looking into the water, trying to get her eyes to focus on what was going on in the river. Spike caught her gaze after a bit.

"Uh, Scarlett?"

Before either one could answer, something began to form up on the surface of the river. It started out kinda slow, but soon something began to slither out of the water, and onto the riverbank. Scarlett got up into her feet, keeping Spike close to her as the strange creature slithered out. It seemed to grow bigger and bigger, and not seeming to have an end to it. Its entire body looked slimy, and looked like living sand, soaking wet and solid by the water from the river. It had multiple sets of stubby legs, six in total, each ending in a round foot with stubby toes. Its head was rounded out, with a mouth that almost looked like a puppet's mouth, with eyes that stare off into the distance. The creature didn't notice them at first, as it pulled its hefty body out of the water, ending up dangerously close to the Dragons. Its mouth gaped open, as its long thick tail was pulled out of the water, curling up on the banks. Scarlett and Spike didn't know how to take this sudden arrival, and both of them had no clue what this thing even was, or how it got here so subtly. With its tail blocking the river, and its body blocking the bank, it basically had both Dragons cornered along the same spot. It made a loud, hissing sort of noise as it laid there, making Spike and Scarlett gulp. Both Dragons began to slowly move back, away from the hissing mouth, but it wasn't enough to get away from the thick tail. Scarlett's tail accidentally brushed the beast's giant tail, and that was all it took for a immediate reaction.

In a loud hiss, the beast swing its head around, mouth wide open! Scarlett narrowly avoided getting bitten, but Spike wasn't so lucky; the giant jaws biting down on his tail! The creature then started heading back into the water! Before Scarlett could grab him, Spike was swung right into the river! Scarlett grabbed it by the tail, but she was knocked back. It was no use; the beast was back in the river!

"Spike!" Scarlett yelled, shocked and heartbroken. She could only watch Spike getting pulled upriver from the riverbank she was standing. A Dragon that shared so much with her over the last few days, and he was taken away by this freak of nature. Scarlett fell to the ground, in pure dismay, crying quietly. Not too long afterwards ...


This time, it wasn't Spike. Instead, the voice belonged to Steven, who had just found her at this point. The others began to come around, as Steven slid down to the bank. It was clear something huge was just there, since the ground was indented in it like a giant snake just slithered through. Scarlett turned back to them, tears down her face. They didn't see Spike anywhere.

"What happened here?" Applejack asked, looking at the damage done. Scarlett needed a moment, wiping away some tears, before she could muster up what just happened.

"Spike, he's - he's gone! That thing took him!"

The message was brief, and to the point (and the first time Scarlett was straightforward when talking to them), but it was enough to get them all shocked. Whatever was here now has Spike, and judging by the huge trail it left, it wasn't some tiny creature that snatched him up.

"Oh my Celestia!" Rarity gasped.

"Where'd they run off to?" Twilight asked urgently. Scarlett felt sad still, and all she did was point her claw upriver, where she last saw her Dragon friend before he was pulled away from sight.

"Thanks, Scarlett. come on, everypony!" Applejack said, already starting off after the danger. Scarlett listened to them go off, but didn't move at first. She still felt a bit uncomfortable for the moment, being with non-Dragons and all, but she remembered what Spike had said. Should it be anymore of a danger to at least give it a try ...

"Wait for me!"

She began to trail them.


The beast continued its swim up the river, like a huge snake, with limbs on the side of its body. Even with being pulled upriver, Spike was still breathing, and still stuck in the creature's jaws. Spike was simply stuck for the longest time until the beast settled itself down in a shallower part of the river, ready to finish him off. With no other supposed predators to bug it, the creature was ready to have its snack. It shook around Spike while he was underwater, making him very dizzy and light-headed from lack of air. The Dragon kept being shaken up, but Spike, being pulled by the current at the same time, finally manages to get himself free. Spike bolted to the surface, gasping for air, and quickly managed to swim to the shores of the river, as the creature got onto the shore itself.

"Twilight! Steven! Somepony help!" Spike called, running from the beast inland. Even with such a lumbering body and stubby legs, it moved pretty decently on land, like a legged train on a set course at Spike! The river travel had got him into a forest, so at least the trees gave him some advantage to keeping one step ahead of the beast. As Spike ran like mad, the beast then whacked a tree, falling right towards him! Spike screamed, bracing for the tree to fall on him. However, be it convenience or dumb luck, Spike stood just where a tree hole was on the tree, and ended up inside the tree! Not the best hiding spot, but Spike was ready to take anything at this point. The giant creature saw where Spike ended up though, and tried to get its snack out from the tree. Spike gripped the inner bark, seeing its mouth constantly lunge, and try to bite him. The more it did so, the more unstable the tree was getting. It slammed into the tree more and more, and at one point even started to climb onto the tree itself. Spike could see the tree creek and split slightly under the creature's weight. Spike curled up, and covered his eyes with his clawed hands. Before the creature could continue though ...


Suddenly, the creature was hit by something in the head, sending it off the tree, and slamming into the ground. The hit spun the tree a little bit, enough for Spike to see outside at who came around; his friends! The giant creature hissed loudly at Twilight (who shot at it to knock it off in the first place), before lunging at them. As it did, it rolled the tree back until it hit some other trees. Spike was dizzy as he can be, still stuck inside the tree. They managed to hear his screaming, and they all knew where he was at that point, but they had to get past the monster first.

"Alright, come at me, you overgrown worm!" Rainbow yelled, flying head long into battle. She was joined by some others, while Steven tried to go around and get Spike. The beast fought much like a crocodile would; swinging its jaws around the place, and whacking with its tail at whatever came at it. As the others kept the creature distracted, Steven soon skidded to a stop right by Spike. At this point, Scarlett managed to catch up, watching what was going on, with most of the group fighting the beast, and Steven helping Spike. She was amazed with so many friends or different species working together to help Spike out.

"I got you, buddy," Steven replied. Steven grabbed Spike's arm, and tried to pull him out. As the fight was going on though, the beast's giant tail swung in their direction! Steven pulled Spike out just seconds before it whacked the tree so hard, it flew right off out of the way, knocking down three other trees! Steven got out a good shield before the tail could crush them.

"Spike, Steven, come on!" Twilight yelled. Spike readied to rush off, and Steven bolted out, removing the shield just before he did, and getting out of the way before the tail hit the dirt. Before they could fully get out, the beast circled them both, and got them trapped in a ring of its own body. Twilight flew up, and landed right with Spike and Steven, before activating her teleportation spell, just before the hissing beast clamped its jaws onto any of them.. Scarlett, who was standing further away, tried to think about what to do to help. Scarlett quickly scanned the area, and then found her answer; a large tree precariously on a hill close by. That'll work.

Scarlett bolted right over to the tree, and began to work at the tree, as Twilight teleported Steven and Spike to the rest of the group. The giant beast unraveled its body, turning to face them with a hissing mouth wide open. As the group readied to go, they began to hear wood staring to crack, and break. They turned back, only to find Scarlett digging a cut into the tree with her claws, and pushing the tree over!

"Timber!" Pinkie yelled. The large tree fell right down, and while everyone else bolted out of the way, the attacking beast ended up being slammed to the ground by the tree, pinning it down under it. It's eyes were spinning in a daze, a groan escaping its mouth.

"Come on, before it gets out!" Scarlett called. It didn't take long before they got going, leaving the beast to struggle under the tree itself. It will get out, just they'll be long gone before it can do so.


The walk back to Ponyville was a far quieter, and much more relaxing compared to the fight they just got. Scarlett still couldn't believe she had just did that, and the Dragon herself felt surprised all alone from that. Still, she managed to beat the beast, and everypony was happy for that.

"Thank you for helping us, Scarlett," Fluttershy said after a bit, smiling to her. Scarlett sighed.

"Yeah, great job with the tree!" Lapis added in. Scarlett looked to both different species, but unlike before, she smiled, but then stopped for a moment to turn back to them.

"Thank you. Listen, I do want to ... apologize, for running off on everyone. I just wasn't used to it," Scarlett admitted. Before things could get awkward though, Scarlett quickly continued. "But, I see you all are such good friends, even if you're all different from eachother."

"See, Scarlett? They're great friends," Spike said, patting her on the shoulder. Scarlett smiled to him, and then turned back to the others.

"I see that it's okay to have all kinds of friends. They can surely help you out of trouble," Scarlett said, a smile growing more on her face. Everyone else was very glad to hear that from her. Here was Scarlett, a Dragon, with an Alicorn, a Unicorn, two Pegesi, two Earth Ponies, a Human, and a Gem. All friends. She began to feel much better now with these friends, and she didn't think that they'll be a danger to her anymore.

They all were friends, and Scarlett was just fine with that.

Scarlett: It takes all sorts,
to make a world.

Scarlett moved on ahead a bit, as Lapis began to play around with her. Scarlett moved over behind another tree as they were playing around.

Short, and tall sorts.
Large, and small sorts.

As she continued singing, Scarlett stopped over by some forest flowers, where a yellow butterfly happily fluttered about in front of her, as Scarlett watched it fly by. The Butterfly gently landed over on Fluttershy's head. It was a pretty sight to see, not to mention cute.

To fill this pretty planet
with love, and laughter.
To make it great to live in
tomorrow, and the day after.

Next, it was Steven's turn to sing.

Steven: It takes all types,
without a doubt.

The butterfly then fluttered off of Fluttershy, and flew away back to the flowers, as Steven continued singing, and going on ahead.

Dumb, and wise types.
Every size types.
To do all the things
that need to be done.

Lapis, Fluttershy, and Steven: To make our life fun,
find our place in the sun.

Scarlett went on singing, as she trotted ahead, hopping right onto a hill in the path.

And the brightest way,
the rightest way,
According to reports is simply to
take all sorts.

They all were very happy at this point with this, and were more than happy to join in with their new friend.

Twilight: It takes all sorts
to make our day.

Spike: Smart, and slow sorts.

Pinkie: High, and low sorts.

Lapis landed happily next to Scarlett, wings spread out, as the two sang together.

Scarlett and Lapis: To make the world we live in
a place worth being.
To try and make our future
a future, really worth seeing.

Soon, they all were going along the forest route, until they reached a much smaller creek, unlike the river. It was pretty shallow, and clear, so it was safe to cross, especially with the stepping stones along the way.

All: We need all types, to make our way.

Spike went first, hopping along each rock, as he sang too.

Tried, and true types.

Pinkie: Me, and you types.

Pinkie hopped along the rocks, though she landed in the river instead, splashing them. They didn't mind though.

All: To create a world,
that's truly worthwhile.

They all then went right on across. Some flew over, some hopped on the rocks, and some just went right through the river. They were across the creek easily, some a bit wet, but happy, as Pinkie shook off the water. After that, it was a one way walk from there.

That knows how to smile,
how to do things in style.

Scarlett: So the surest,
and securest way,
which everyone supports is simply to -

All: Take all sorts!


The rest of Scarlett's stay, for the next two days, was far better than ever. Now feeling much better about things, the Mane Six soon saw just how much fun Scarlett really was, just as Spike hoped. Scarlett had fun with everypony there, and some extra fun with the Humans and Gems whenever they came around to visit her. Scarlett had a splendid time, but eventually, it was time for her to go. With her stuff packed up, Scarlett met up with the Mane six at the main entrance to Ponyville.

"You sure you have to leave?" Spike asked. Scarlett nodded.

"It's not a big deal, I can't be on vacation forever. Besides, I had the best time ever, thanks to you and your friends," Scarlett said with a grin. Pinkie was suddenly by her side, and gave her a big hug for the road.

"Oh, we're going to miss you so, so, so, so, much," Pinkie said. Scarlett wasn't as used to Pinkie's hugs, but this time happily accepted them with a hug of her own.

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to come back here next time I come by," Scarlett assured, even playfully fluffing Pinkie's mane.

"That would be splendid, darling. I sure hope you come back soon," Rarity said, everypony else agreeing. Scarlett never felt more loved than that moment right there, as Spike also gave her a hug. Scarlett returned the hug.

"Thank you, Spike. I hope I find more Dragons like you out there."

She then turned to the other Ponies.

"And I hope I find plenty of nice Ponies too."

"I'm sure you will," Twilight replied.

And on that note, Scarlett turned around, and happily started off to her own home, as the others waved goodbye. It was very nice to know another nice Dragon amongst Equestria.

Author's Note:

Spike-focused story at LAST :moustache: And anypony remember Dragon Quest? Well, continuity is fun. Plus, about time we got another song for this series (not much changed if anything, but, it's too perfect as it is) :pinkiehappy:

And hello cameo Derpy :derpytongue2:

Oh, how much some healthy Land Before Time nostalgia can get you, once you think back to the things you grew up with ^^ I'd love to thank MaggiesHeartLove for helping me with this little story. Go check out her stories and work too - they're lovely :pinkiehappy: