• Published 27th May 2016
  • 1,734 Views, 18 Comments

Chains of Lightning - Titan Commander Sebaste

After losing his squad in a raid on a Grineer ship, a Tenno has been brought into Equestria, but danger is not far behind him, and when a life is threatened, he will make the ultimate sacrifice... to protect Equestria

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Arrival into Equestria

Grineer ship above Phobos

A rattle of gunfire zipped past Volt’s or as he was known, Ankyas Ferios, head as he hunkered down behind a bridge strut.

“Damn it, I knew I shouldn't have left that Grenadier for last!” He swore as he returned fire at the Grineer troops advancing on his position with his Karak. He then leapt out from his hiding place and unleashed a blast of chain lightning that took down half of the troopers. He then activated his comms and called to one of his teammates.

“++ Lokan, what's the status?++” After a few tense minutes, he got an reply.

“++ Not good, Emirea and Rhrawn are down, and I'm pinned at a junction. Can you reach us?++” The sound of gunfire could be heard in the background as Lokan answered.

“++ Negative, I've got Grineer troops blocking me, but once I clear these guys out, I'll be with you.++”

“++ Copy tha- AAARGH! ++ Lokan suddenly cut off with a pained cry before falling silent.

“Lokan? Lokan?!” Volt swore before retreating to the extraction point, Grineer troopers chasing after him. Just as he reached the door, a lucky burst of enemy fire hit him in the back, sending him stumbling onto the floor groaning in pain. As he looked up, the squad leader walked up to him, and spoke.

“So this is what the Tenno send us? How pitiful… Your friends at least put up a fight before they were put down like the dogs they were! And now we shall extend that same courtesy to you, unless you can put up more of a fight….” He chuckled evilly.

Volt growled before unsheathing his Venka and cutting down the squad leader before a hail of Hind fire shredded him, as he fell, he suddenly felt himself being pulled away but he didn't think about it as unconsciousness took over and he blacked out.


“Rainbow, you nearly ruined the summoning spell!” Twilight yelled at the prismatic Pegasus, who looked embarrassed at being yelled in front of everyone in Ponyville. “Pranking me when I'm not working on a spell is fine, but when I am working on a spell, I need to concentrate on what I'm doing! One mistake and things could end disastrously!”

“Okay, sorry Twi! I thought it would be funny if I dropped a rubber snake on you, I didn't know you were working on a spell!” Rainbow said, rubbing the back of her head with her hoof.

The Alicorn nodded before noticing a growing orb of light appearing in front of her.

“Um, Twi? Was that what you meant to do when you were casting the spell?” Rainbow asked nervously, also looking at the orb that was now growing in size.

Twilight shook her head. “No! I meant to summon a book! I don't know what's gonna appear!”

“Twilight!” Four more voices called out to her. Twilight turned to see Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack running towards where she and Rainbow were standing.

“What in the name of Gala Apple is going on here Twi?” The country mare asked.

“ I agree darling, what is happening?” Rarity asked.

As Twi explained what had happened, Spike arrived, huffing from having ran from the library. But as he walked up the the group, the orb suddenly burst in a flash of blinding light, and when everyone's vision cleared, they gasped as they saw a body lying nearby. It was bipedal, and had what looked like claws on its hands, but it had no tail and no face that could be seen, and it was bleeding heavily from holes on it. Next to it were three strange devices and on its “claws” were three more mounted on them, but unlike the ones on his hands, these were more like blades.

Eep!” Fluttershy squeaked before hiding behind Rainbow who looked at the creature in shock.

After looking at it for a few minutes, Twilight shook herself from her daze and said, “We need to get it to the hospital, it's badly wounded!”

“Twilight, are you crazy?! Do you see those claws? What if it wakes up and attacks us?!” Rainbow asked, pointing at the claws in question.

“I don't think it's going to wake up for a while, it’s unconscious.” Twilight replied before levitating the creature and teleports the whole group to the hospital. After making sure that everything was taken care of, Twilight and Spike flew back to the library where after checking on Nyx, she had him write a letter to Princess Celestia about what happened.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Earlier I was practicing a summoning spell when Rainbow Dash decided to prank me by dropping a rubber snake on me. As I was reprimanding her, an orb appeared and grew in size before exploding in a flash of light. The others and Spike had arrived at this point, but as we recovered from the flash, we saw a creature unlike anything we saw before, it was bipedal like a Minotaur, yet had hands with claw like appendages like a dragon, and three claw like blades on his hands along with three strange devices next to him, but he is unconscious and severely wounded, and is now at Ponyville Central Hospital. We don't know if it's friendly or not, so I need your advice on what we should do.

Your faithful student,
Princess Twilight Sparkle”

She soon got a reply:

My Faithful Student

You did the right thing, but I would suggest being careful when it wakes up, I'll be there tomorrow morning to see this creature. Until then, I have sent Luna to keep an eye on it and if it wakes up,She will notify you to come over to the hospital. Maybe then some form of contact can be made.

Princess Celestia

Twilight sighed, “I hope this thing is friendly… because if it's not, Faust save us all…

Back at the Hospital, Volt slept a dreamless sleep, broken only by memories of his former life before the Grineer attacked and memories of his team and their last moments aboard the Grineer ship.

All the while, the Princess of the Night watched over him,both interested and… afraid of what she saw in his memories.

I pray none of these…. “Grineer” find Equestria, for we don't have the technology to repel such a foe, and these “Tenno”, they put their lives on the line to protect others from them and the other foes they fight…. She thought, But I pray he won't be a threat to Equestria…

She sighed and looked out the window. “May you wake up soon…” she murmured.

Unbeknownst to her, the Tenno was already starting to stir…….

The next day...


The sound of a heart monitor broke through Ankyas’ conscious as he stirred.

Ugh, what happened? The last thing I remember was taking out that Lancer squad leader… he sluggishly thought before feeling the pain from the bullet wounds and groaned, How did I end up in a hospital?

“It's awake! Someone notify the princess!” A male voice was heard before what sounded like high heeled shoes were heard. “Please calm down, we only want to help!” The voice then said to him.

“W...where am I?” The Tenno asked, turning towards the owner of the voice only to look in shock at a brown Unicorn with a what looked like a stethoscope imprinted on its flank. Okay, I know I heard someone talk, but how is there a unicorn here? He was then flabbergasted as the unicorn then spoke to him in plain English.

“Sir, are you okay?” It asked. Volt just looked at the unicorn in shocked silence before finally speaking.

“I'm dreaming, aren't I? There is no way a unicorn just talked…” He muttered.

“I assure you, you are not dreaming.” A new voice spoke up from the doorway. Ankyas turned to see a creature that looked like a mix of a unicorn and a Pegasus. Judging from its voice, it was female, and it was a dark navy blue with a picture of the moon on its flank.

His jaw dropped. Yeah, definitely dreaming….

“To answer your question, you are in Equestria,” She said “My name is Princess Luna, one of the rulers here in Equestria.”

“H-How did I get here? Last thing I remember was being on that Grineer ship….” The Tenno asked, getting a confused look from the creature. Deciding to change the subject, he then asked, “And what are you?”

“That would be my fault.” A smaller similar lavender colored creature with a picture of a starburst on its appeared next to Luna. Like Luna, it was female. “I was working on a summoning spell and a friend of mine played a prank on me, making me bring you here instead. You were severely wounded when you appeared, and you were also unconscious. As to what Luna and I are, we’re Alicorns. My name is Twilight Sparkle. What's yours?” She asked.

“Volt.” The Tenno replied, “My name is Volt. I assume you brought me here to the hospital?” Twilight nodded. “Then you have my thanks, I would’ve bled out if you hadn't been there.”

Twilight blushed. “It was nothing. But what are you exactly? We’ve never seen anything like you before!” She asked.

“I’m what's called a human, a specifically genetically augmented human called a Tenno. I was created by the Orkin to defend others from threats like the Grineer and Corpus.” Ankyas explained, “This suit that I'm wearing is called a Warframe, and I'm able to control Electricity with this particular frame.” He said, electrical energy arcing across his fingers as Twilight and Luna watched in awe, Twilight's eyes widening in amazement.

“Are there others like you?” She asked excitedly.

Ankyas chuckled. “Yes, there are others like me, but they control other elements or have a specific skill.” He said, “We’re led by Lotus, no one really knows that much about her, but she acts as our guide during missions.” He then winced as the memories of his team surfaced.

“Are you okay?” Twilight asked, reading his body language. Volt nodded.

“Yeah, just some painful memories.” He said. I never got to tell Emeria how I felt about her…

The Unicorn from before cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention. “If I might get a word in edgewise, the patient’s wounds are now mostly healed, but he needs to take it easy as he still has a few wounds that still need healing up.” The two Alicorns nodded before Twilight realized something.

“Those Claw looking things that were on your hands, what were those?” She asked.

“The Venka? They're fighting claws that the Tenno use alongside many other weapons.” Ankyas’ eyes widened under his helmet. Shit, what the heck happened to my weapons?!

When you brought me over here, what happened to my weapons?” He asked the lavender Alicorn in a calm tone, thankful that his helmet hid his panicked expression.

“They were placed somewhere safe, you’ll get them back after we leave the hospital.” She replied. Suddenly a flash of light appeared between the two Alicorns and Volt, who shielded his visor, and when the light cleared, a new Alicorn was standing where the light had come into being. She was alabaster white with a gold crown and regalia and had a picture of the sun on her flank.

The unicorn bowed as she walked up to Ankyas, who struggled to get up. “There's no need to get up.” She said. “I'm Princess Celestia, both Luna and I co-rule Equestria. I'm sure you have a lot of questions, and all will be answered in due time.”

Ankyas relaxed. “That I do, but for now, I’d like to apologize for the surprise I gave your subjects when I appeared.” He said.

Celestia chuckled, “ It's not often we have a new species appear, especially one with advanced technology.”

Ankyas laughed. “I bet. As for lodging, where would I be staying?” He asked.

“Twilight had offered to have you stay at the library while you recovered, if that's okay with you.” The alabaster Alicorn replied, Twilight looking embarrassed.

The Tenno nodded, “That's fine with me.”

Twilight practically squealed with delight. “I’ll be able to introduce you to my friends!” She exclaimed in excitement. The Tenno chuckled at her reaction.

Celestia also chuckled, “ I must return to Canterlot along with Luna. But if you ever need help, just let us know.” She said to Volt, who nodded in acknowledgement. With a flash of light, both she and Luna disappeared. The Tenno blinked in surprise.

“How were they able to do that?” He asked Twilight.

“Teleportation spell, all unicorns and Alicorns are able to use magic.” She said, her horn glowing as she levitated a cup of water over to him. He was shocked beyond belief. These guys have Lokan beat in Teleportation and none of the Tenno I know can levitate anything!

“This… shouldn't be possible….” He muttered. Twilight giggled.

“You have a lot to learn about Equestria.” She said.

A few pieces of paperwork later and Volt and Twilight were headed towards the Library. “So is there anything else I should know?” The Tenno asked.

“Well… Both Princesses raise and lower the moon.” Twilight answered.

There was a brief silence. “WHAT?!”

Twilight looked at the Tenno in surprise. “Doesn't anyone control your sun and moon?” she asked him. He shook his head.

“No, the planet usually moves around the sun, while the moon goes around the planet by themselves!” He explained. Now it was Twilight's turn to look shocked.

You mean you have no magic?! How do you survive?” She asked him in the same tone.

“With technology and guns.” Ankyas said grimly before shaking his head. “I don't really want to think about it right now. How far is the Library?” He then asked.

“Not far now. You’ll be able to meet Spike and Nyx.” Twilight answered before a blue blur crashed into her. Ankyas was caught off guard by what happened and looked on bemused at the pony pile in front of him.

“Rainbow….” Twilight groaned from under the prismatic pegasus “Did you have to crash into me?”

Rainbow Dash scrambled off of the lavender Alicorn and said, “Sorry Twi, lost control doing one of my stunts! At least you're ok……” her voice trailed away as she saw Ankyas standing by them. “Twi, look out!” She cried out before charging at the Tenno.

Ankyas dodged to the side before pulling out his Kayak and taking aim at Rainbow.

“Volt, no! Don't hurt her!” Twilight yelled. Ankyas then aimed above the pegasus before firing. The sound of the gun firing shocked Rainbow, flaring her wings, she stopped feet from the Tenno.

“What the buck was that?!” She said, shaking from the near death experience.

“That was a Karak.” Ankyas said, lowering the gun.

Just as Rainbow was about to retort, Twilight spoke up. “Rainbow, he wasn't going hurt me! He just got out of the hospital, and he wasn't supposed to be fighting!” She reprimanded the brash Pegasus.

“Wait, that's the creature that appeared?” Rainbow asked in surprise. The Alicorn nodded.

What happened to those claws?” The pegasus asked, “They looked like they couldn't come off!” Ankyas took them out of their sheaths to show her. “Oh…”

The Tenno chuckled, “They're one of three weapons I'm armed with, along with the Karak .” As he resheathed the Venkas, Twilight gave Rainbow a pointed look.

“I... I'm sorry for attacking you. I didn't realize that you had just come out of the Hospital.” The cyan pegasus muttered her apology, glaring at Twilight.

It’s fine, you didn't know, but next time don't attack without making sure they're an actual threat.” Ankyas said, giving a stern look to Rainbow.

“Okay! Sheesh, you don't have to act like my parents!” The Pegasus growled. She then shook her head before saying, “My name’s Rainbow Dash, fastest pegasus around!”

“Volt. Tenno of Electricity.” Ankyas said, “Nice to meet you Rainbow, I'm guessing you’re one of Twilight's friends?” The pegasus nodded.

“Yep, I also work as a weather mare here. I move clouds to where they're needed and when they're not needed, I buck them away.” At this, Ankyas’s eye twitched.

“You… move clouds? As in physically move them?” He asked in disbelief. The two mares nodded.

His thoughts raced. First magic, now clouds that can be moved?! What kind of world is this? Some of these things shouldn't be physically or scientifically possible!

"Volt, are you okay?” Twilight asked.

“I think I broke him when I said that I could move clouds.” Rainbow replied.

“Y...yeah, just trying to wrap my head around what I just heard….” Ankyas replied, “Back where I’m from, the weather acts on its own.” Both mares were surprised.

So your weather is like the Everfree Forest?” Rainbow asked.

“The… Everfree Forest? What is that?” Ankyas asked in confusion.

“Someplace you want to avoid, trust me, I've been there too many times for my taste…” Twilight said, shuddering.

“Well, I gotta go, nice meeting you Volt!” Rainbow said before flying off in a blur of cyan.

“Well, she definitely has an ego. But I can see why you're friends with her.” Ankyas chuckled.

“She’s one of the loyalist friends I know. You’ll see my other friends when I show you around Ponyville.” Twilight said. Just as Ankyas turned his head, he was met with a wall of pink with two blue eyes.

“What in...?!” He exclaimed, stumbling backwards. As he did, he saw that it was not a wall, but a regular pony, like what he saw back on earth, with a bright pink coat and a darker pink mane. On her flank was a picture of three balloons.

“Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie!” The Pony said, bouncing up and down, “I met you yesterday when you were unconscious, but now I can meet you again! Do you like parties and what's your favorite ice cream and -!” Twilight put her hoof over Pinkie’s mouth.

“Pinkie, don't overwhelm him!” She said, looking at Ankyas as he laid on the ground, stunned at the hyperactive Earth Pony. “And how did you know he had come out of the hospital?!”

“My Pinkie sense told me! That and I saw you two going to the library.” Pinkie said.

Ankyas was getting more and more confused by the second. Pinkie sense? The heck is that?

“Well, gotta go see Dashie about a prank! Bye Twi, bye Ankyas!” Pinkie's voice snapped him out of his funk, and just as quickly, shocked him senseless.

How… how the hell did she know my name?! I never told her! He watched dumbfounded as Pinkie as she bounced away.

Is.. is she always like that?” Ankyas asked Twilight as they walked the last few miles to the library after chatting about other things.

“Yep, and don't try to figure her out, I learned that the hard way.” She answered with a groan.

The Tenno chuckled nervously, “I don't plan to, I’d rather not suffer permanent brain damage!”

Twilight giggled before opening the door, as she trotted in, a cry of “MOM” was heard before a black Alicorn filly glomped her

“Hi Nyx, did school go okay?” Twilight asked her daughter.

“Yep, through Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were being a pain as always.” Nyx answered before seeing Ankyas behind her mom. “Who… who is that?!” She squeaked.

“This is the creature I told you about last night, his name's Volt.” Twilight said.

The Tenno knelt down to look at Nyx. “Hello Nyx, your mother told me about you. It's nice to finally meet you.” He said, smiling under his helmet.

Nyx hid behind Twilight, but peeked at Ankyas. “Nyx, why don't you get the table ready for dinner, we’ll be there shortly.” The filly nodded before runnng off.

“So what's Nyx’s story? You only mentioned that she was your daughter, but there's more to the story, isn't there?” The Tenno asked.

Twilight nodded before recounting the events that lead to her adopting Nyx.

Afterwards, after a meal of fried vegetables, and two lettuce and daisy sandwiches for Twilight and Nyx, during which Ankyas met Spike for the first time, the Tenno was shown to the guest room, and as he laid on the bed with his armor off, his thoughts drifted to his old life. I hope Excali is doing fine with leading the clan… I had trained him well…

Within seconds, he was asleep.

Author's Note:

So this has been a story that I've been considering to do for a while, i'm still new to Warframe, but after reading some of the other Warframe stories here on Fimfiction, I was inspired to make my own story, and I'd like to thank RedMamba for supplying the info for the factions, Weapons and lore on this game, and I'd recommend checking out his story Warframe: The Planet Equin Incident ! Also, I'm accepting OC requests, but I can only take a maximum of 5! Just send me a PM of who you want in the story, whether military or civilian, their mane and coat color, name and cutie mark along with their name and background