• Published 27th May 2016
  • 1,734 Views, 18 Comments

Chains of Lightning - Titan Commander Sebaste

After losing his squad in a raid on a Grineer ship, a Tenno has been brought into Equestria, but danger is not far behind him, and when a life is threatened, he will make the ultimate sacrifice... to protect Equestria

  • ...

Clash of rivals

Why the bloody hell did that idiot have to bring that subject up? Ankyas thought angrily as he walked to the outskirts of Ponyville, I know I screwed up, I didn't need to be reminded of it!

“Yo Volt! What's the matter bro?” A voice called from above him. He looked up to see the black Pegasus from earlier hovering above him. “You okay dude? By the way, do you remember my name?” The pegasus asked.

“Does it look like I'm okay? And yes, I do. Chaotic Speed.” The Tenno snapped, electricity still arcing from earlier. The pegasus arched an eyebrow.

“Geez, what got you so worked up?” He asked.

Ankyas nodded, having calmed down a bit. “It’s… not something I like talking about…” He said, “It happened just before I was brought here.” Chaotic’s eyebrow was still arched. When the Tenno had snapped at him, he was understandably miffed, but now his curiosity got the best of him.

“What happened?” He asked.

The Tenno sighed. “The day that I was brought here, My team and I were on a mission to take out a high priority target…”

“Alright guys, the target is on the command bridge, we need to take him out quickly and without alerting everyone on the ship. Any questions?” Ankyas asked the three Tenno in front of him as they crouched in a vent. Emeria, Lokan, and Rhawn shook their heads before Ankyas kicked the grate out and the four ninjas dropped down. Emeria was in her familiar Ember Warframe, equipped with a Soma, with a massive clip size of 100, twin Grakatas, with a total of 120 shots, and a Lacera electric blade-and-whip while Lokan and Rhawn were in their respective Loki and Rhino Warframes. Lokan was equipped with a Boltor, capable of firing, slow,heavy bolts, capable of impaling the toughest enemies, Detron, a radiation-based shotgun-pistol, and an Orthos, a long pole with two blades at each end, while Rhawn was armed with a Stradavar, a gun capable of switching from semi-auto fire to full-auto, dual Akboltos, with a high rate of fire, and damage, and a Scindo, a heavy battle-axe. Volt was equipped with his Karak, a standard-issue Grineer rifle, Dual Vipers, capable of firing both its clips in under three seconds, and Venka claws, able to turn enemies into messy piles of what they used to be.

The mission had gone without a hitch, but as the four Tenno were fighting their way out, one Grineer Lancer managed to hit the alarm. Soon every unit in the ship was on the alert for the Tenno. “We need to split up, get to the extraction point!” Ankyas ordered, “I’ll meet you there!” The others nodded, before heading off in different directions, but before she left, Emeria put a hand on his shoulder.

“Please be careful…” She said before heading off.

With the four Tenno spread out, the Grineer forces had trouble tracking them, but soon, one by one, they were taken out. Emeria was killed by two Troopers that ambushed her as she ran through a hallway. Rhawn managed to fight for a whole hour before being slain by a squad of Elite Lancers. Lokan was pinned down by a squad of Troopers before being taken out by a Ballista squad. Ankyas was cut down just as he reached the extraction point, he managed to kill the Lancer squad Commander before being shredded, he would've died if not for Twilight's spell pulling him into Equestria….

The Tenno looked at Chaotic. “That's why I was upset when you found me, I was reminded of what happened from Discord.” The Tenno snorted.

“Don't mind him, he’ll rile you up one way or another. Trust me, I found that out a few minutes after you.” The black pegasus said. “But I'm sorry that you lost your team. I would feel the same way if I was unable to help my friends.”

“Except if I hadn't ordered to split up, we all would have survived!” Ankyas snapped only to receive a hoof to the face.

“Will ya snap the hell out of it!? You did what you thought was best! No one could have known what would’ve happened!” Chaotic growled.

“There was another reason why I was upset, I… never got to tell Emeria how I felt about her. Now I'll never get the chance.” He sank to his knees. “I loved her, more than I could admit…” He felt a hoof on his shoulder.

“Dude, now you have a second chance at life. You should be happy for that.” Chaotic said with a great amount of sympathy.

“I agree.” A familiar voice joined the conversation. The two turned to see Twilight trotting up to them. “You had me worried when I got back to the Library with Nyx! I didn't know where you were until somepony mentioned that they saw you walking to the outskirts!” She said, poking the Tenno in the chest while glaring at him with frustration. “Why did you grab Discord like that? I’ve never seen you so angry like that…” she said.

Ankyas sighed. “Because he mentioned an event that I would rather forget…” he said. “An event that would have ended in my death… if you hadn't brought me here.” Twilight looked at him in shocked disbelief. “I’ll tell you about it when we get back.” The Tenno said. Twilight nodded before chatting a bit with Chaotic.

I honestly wish I hadn't told the team to split up… Emeria would have survived…. Ankyas thought with a mental sigh. But what happened happened… and I have to live with my guilt.

He was suddenly aware of screams coming from the town. He whipped around just in time to see Rainbow Dash plow into the ground nearby. What in…?! How was she sent flying all the way to here? He thought in astonishment and confusion.

“Rainbow, what happened?!” Twilight asked as she ran to her friend, Ankyas and Chaotic right behind her. The cyan pegasus coughed as she stood up before crying out in pain. One of her wings hung limply.

“Some whacko just appeared out of nowhere and started shooting people with a bow in Ponyville Square!! When I went to stop him, he just laughed and sent me flying all the way over here!” Rainbow said. “He was in some sort of armor, but the look of it made me feel like the grim reaper was here… and… he was like Volt, human.” Ankyas looked at Rainbow in shock.

Impossible… I thought I was the only Tenno here… the armor Rainbow described… Oh god no, not him! Ankyas thought. “Twilight, we need to get everyone away from him.” The Tenno said, “I’ll deal with this invader, you get Rainbow to the hospital, Chaotic, tell anypony nearby to get to their homes immediately!” The two ponies nodded. Chaotic zipped off while Twilight teleported with Rainbow to the hospital. Ankyas ran towards Ponyville Square to confront the attacker. But what he saw shocked him to the core. In front of him was a Nekros Frame with a bow known as the Dread, a Ballistica crossbow and dual daggers called the Fang, surrounded by wounded ponies that were practically crawling away from him in fear and pain.

“Hello Ankyas. Didn't expect you to be here…” the Tenno said to him. “At least now I can get rid of you and take over the clan.” He chuckled maniacally. “And here I thought you had died on that raid…”

“Necronus…” Ankyas growled. “I should have kicked you from the clan all those years ago!” He unsheathed his Venka while Necronus brought out his Fang daggers. “This time you’ll fall!” He roared before the two clashed.

The two Tenno slammed into each other, Ankyas blocking a vicious slash from Necronus’ Fang Daggers while Necrona in turn dodged a stab from Ankyas' Venkas.

“How did you even get here?!” Ankyas snarled, “You weren't even on the ship I was on when I was brought here!”

Necronus chuckled madly.
“Would you believe that I found this place on one of my excursions on the Orokin Moon?” He asked. “A portal brought my ship here”

“The Orokin Moon? But that's all the way in the Origin System! We aren't in the Origin System anymore, we’re in a completely different universe!” Ankyas growled.

“These aren't the Grineer or the Corpus, not even Infested! Yet you hurt them for sport! You always were the sadistic one when it came to hurting others…” He said before leaping back and pulling out his Karak.

“This time, I will not stand by and let someone hurt those I promised to protect!” He roared before opening fire at Necrona.

“And your team was any different?!” Necronus yelled as he dove for cover. “Your ‘protection’ is weak, just like you!”

“You think I don't think about what happened to my team?! I have to live with what happened to them every day! I never got to tell Emeria how I felt about her!” Ankyas yelled as he unleashed a Shock at Necronus, before charging with his Venkas unsheathed. The electrical blast smashed into Necronus, knocking him onto his back.

“Oh hoo hoo, just like old times!” he cackled before suddenly getting blasted with a pie from out of nowhere.

“What the..?!” He growled, looking around for the source. He soon spotted one of the creatures that were running around in a panic manning what looked like a old Earth cannon.

“... Really now? You think that old thing can help you?” Necronus taunted.
The pink pony grinned before pulling the string attached to the cannon and with a bang along with a bunch of confetti, it fired a cake at the Tenno.

“What in..?!” He exclaimed before ducking to avoid the ballistic pastry. He glared at the now sheepish pony.

“You, my little friend, just made yourself my new shooting gallery!” He growled as he aimed his bow at her. Her eyes widened in fear as he pulled back the arrow.

“Pinkie, get out of here!” Ankyas yelled at her as he tackled Necronus. The crazed Tenno swore as Ankyas slammed into him and stabbed one of his Venka into a gap in his armor.

“Get off of me!” Necronus yelled before kicking Ankyas off and returning his gaze to his target, only to find that she had disappeared. He roared in frustration .“Big mistake!” He growled before delivering a powerful kick to Ankyas' midsection.

“Ooof!” Ankyas grunted before flying into a nearby building. Necronus advanced towards him, drawing his Fang daggers in the process. Ankyas struggled to get up, but was then pinned down by Necronus’ foot on his chest.

“Once I get back, I'll be sure to tell Excalan that you had fought bravely before I replace him. A few years in a cell might do him some good!” Necronus chuckled dementedly,

“This is where we part ways, but you won't live to see it!” He said as he raised his weapons to deliver the killing blow, only to be hit with a blast of magic from behind.

“Who…?!” He snarled as he turned around only to see another creature with both wings and a horn, glaring at him.

“Get away from Volt!” She yelled. Necronus burst out laughing.

“He never told you his actual name?! Oh this is too rich!” He guffawed. “Guess he didn't trust you as much as you thought if he didn't tell you his real name!”

She looked at him in confusion. “But… he does trust me…” she said, her voice starting to break as his words hit home. Her eyes filled with tears.

Necronus chuckled before sheathing his daggers and pulling out his Ballistica.

“Why don't I put you out of your misery so you don't have to deal with the shame of it?” He said before taking aim at her, grinning madly under his helmet.

At this, something ignited in Ankyas' mind. With a roar, he shoved Necronus’ foot off his chest, making the crazed Tenno stumble back and causing his aim to be jolted, the bolt missing Twilight by inches, making her yelp in surprise and fear.

YOU WILL NOT HURT HER!” He roared before dealing a devastating punch to Necronus, sending him flying into a nearby stall. He then activated his Speed ability and in a flash was delivering blow after blow to Necronus.

“I’ve put up with you for too long Necronus, time to put you in your place!” He snarled before delivering one last punch that knocked the crazed Tenno unconscious.

He panted, standing over Necronus. The former's armor was dented from the powerful blows dealt by the electric Tenno. As he turned, he saw Twilight looking at him in shock and amazement.

“You… you did that… to protect me? Why?” She asked, her voice shaking from the near death experience.

“Because I promised that I would protect you and your friends, no matter the cost. I already lost people I cared about, I didn't want to lose you or your friends .” He said, taking off his helmet and giving Twilight a smile. Twilight's eyes widened as her mind registered what he meant and she ran to Ankyas, enveloping him in a hug while crying into his shoulder.

“Th... thank you….” She sobbed, “Thank you for saving everyone here…” A groan was heard as Necronus started to stir but the two ignored it for now.

At that moment, the sound of wings were heard. Both Ankyas and Twilight looked up to see a phalanx of Pegasi in gold armor flying down, and leading them was Celestia herself.
As they landed, the ponies that had come outside of their homes to cheer for Ankyas bowed, Twilight doing the same while Ankyas knelt down with one arm on his knee while his hand was on the ground.

“You need not bow to me Twilight.” Celestia reminded the lavender Alicorn with a gentle smile before turning to Ankyas with a serious look. “Spike had written that an unknown attacker had rampaged through Ponyville, may I ask where he is now?” She said. The Tenno turned to reveal Necronus now sitting up and rubbing his head. The Nekros Frame looked up to see the Alicorn princess glaring down at him. He made to unsheathe his daggers only to have Ankyas' Venka at his throat.

Don't even think about it….” The electric Tenno growled. Necronus glared at Ankyas before removing his hands from the daggers.

“Raise your hands in the air or we will use deadly force on you!” A Guard ordered. Necronus compiled, but smirked under his helmet.

“See you around, Ankyas.” He chuckled before activating Terrify, causing the ponies to suddenly cower in fear as their minds were swamped with nightmarish visions, but Ankyas thankfully was unaffected, but even then he had trouble getting to Necronus, the ponies blocking his way giving the Nekros time to get away, and by the time the Volt frame got to where Necronus was, the crazed Tenno was gone.

This isn't over Necronus… I’ll make sure you don't harm anyone if it's the last thing I do… Ankyas thought. Twilight trotted up to him, having recovered from Necronus’ ability.

“You have a lot of explaining to do…” she said, poking him in the chest. Ankyas chuckled.

“That I do…. And I owe you and the others an apology, I should have told you my real name, but I wasn't sure how trustworthy you were.” He hung his head in shame. “I hope that you can forgive me.” Twilight blinked then gave the Tenno a smile.

“I already forgave you, from the moment you saved me from that maniac. Who was he by the way?”

“One of the more… unhinged members of my clan named Necronus.” Ankyas said “He’s challenged me more than once only for me to teach him his place. But when he’s not doing that, he’s usually a nice guy.”

Twilight shuddered. “That power he used, I saw things that I can't even describe… and some things that I never want to see again…” She sat down and wrapped her wings around herself as she shivered from what she had seen. A hand on her shoulder made her look up at Ankyas who looked at her in sympathy.

“I can understand that, I'm guessing this world hasn't see war or any kind of fighting for a while has it?” The Tenno asked.

“Not for centuries.” Celestia said, trotting up to them.
“The last battle was against the Gryphons in 1198. Since then we haven't had a major battle or war.”

“Hmm…” Ankyas rubbed his chin before saying, “If Necronus was able to find a way into Equestria from a different universe, then I fear that more deadly foes will appear.”

Celestia's eyes widened at what the Tenno was implying. “You don't mean…” She said.

“It's time I told you about my universe, and the threats that may end up coming here to Equestria.” Ankyas said before Chaotic appeared with the uninjured members of the Mane 6.

Author's Note:

Same as last chapter, but with the fight scene and a redone ending