• Published 27th May 2016
  • 1,737 Views, 18 Comments

Chains of Lightning - Titan Commander Sebaste

After losing his squad in a raid on a Grineer ship, a Tenno has been brought into Equestria, but danger is not far behind him, and when a life is threatened, he will make the ultimate sacrifice... to protect Equestria

  • ...

A Chaotic meeting

Rainbow Dash woke up in a cold sweat. What… Uuugh, what a nightmare…. She thought, yawning as she got out of her bed. Her mind went back to what had happened in the orchard before as she got ready for her weather duties. I still can't believe Volt actually controls lightning… and those weapons, they shredded the Timberwolves like they were nothing! What sort of world did he come from that he has to have those things and that kind of power?

Shaking her head, she opened her door and flew off into the morning sky. But as she did so, a black blur zipped by her, causing her to tumble from the turbulence. “Hey! Watch where you're flying!” She yelled before chasing after him. As she started to catch up to the unknown pegasus, she saw that it was a stallion with a black coat and a red mane and tail, and when he turned his head to see who was behind him, she could see his red eyes. He zipped to the left, Rainbow right on his tail. Soon, the prismatic mare was right next to him. The stallion suddenly stopped, making Rainbow fly right past him before he flew the other direction. She growled in frustration as she turned to follow him only to halt as a voice called up to her, “Rainbow, what are you doing?!”

She looked down to see Twilight looking at her with a confused look. “Some punk just buzzed me when I took off from my house!” She huffed, crossing her hooves.

The Alicorn sighed, “And you thought you’d teach him a lesson?” Twilight asked.

They both heard a snort. “Teach me a lesson? What, you were gonna pound me or something?” They looked to see the pegasus that Rainbow had been chasing hovering nearby. He gave Rainbow a cocky grin, “You couldn't even catch me! But I'm sorry for making you tumble like that, didn't realize you were nearby!” Rainbow gave the stranger an annoyed look.

“And who exactly are you? I’ve never seen you before around here!” She snapped.

“Oh, where are my manners! Name’s Chaotic Speed, or Chaotic for short. I just moved in from Cloudsdale.” The black Pegasus said. Now that he was hovering, Rainbow saw that he had a unkempt mane and tail and that his cutie mark was a single red lightning bolt. “May I ask who I have the pleasure of talking to?” Chaotic asked.

“I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said. The black pegasus’s eyes widened.

The Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash? Two of the Element Bearers?!” He asked in disbelief. Just as Twilight was about to answer, a new voice cut in.

“Element Bearers? What exactly are you talking about?” Ankyas asked as he walked up to the trio. Chaotic jerked his head to where the Tenno was and his jaw practically hit the ground. Rainbow shivered as her nightmares resurfaced.

“Who the buck are you? What are you even?!” The pegasus asked in shock.

“The name’s Volt. As for what I am, I'm an genetically augmented human called a Tenno.” Ankyas replied, “ And as for this armor I'm wearing, it’s called a Warframe, and this particular one lets me control electricity.” He fired a bolt of lightning into the air to prove his point. As he did so, he noticed Rainbow flinching. Oh no… she must be remembering that bolt that hit her...

Chaotic chuckled, “That's actually really cool, but where exactly are you from, the Minotaur lands?” He asked the Tenno.

“Try a different universe altogether.” Ankyas said wryly. The black Pegasus looked at him as if he was joking.

“An alien? Yeah right, and I'm Prince Blueblood!” Chaotic said, snorting. The two mares gave him deadpanned looks. “Wait, you’re being serious? How… how did you get here?” He asked in surprise. Twilight rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.

“That would be my fault, I was trying a new summoning spell, and ended up bringing Volt here.” She said with an embarrassed laugh, “But he was heavily wounded when he arrived, I don't know how, but the girls and I took him to the hospital. He’s mostly healed up, but he ended up reopening some of his wounds after fighting some Timberwolves yesterday.” The Tenno winced at that. It had been a nasty surprise when he saw that some of his wounds had been bleeding heavily when he had gotten out of his Warframe. Thankfully he remembered he had the healing mist dispenser in his Warframe and managed to activate it. Even then, it was not a pretty sight.

“W... well, I’ve gotta go! I’ve got clouds to clear!” Rainbow said, but Ankyas noticed the stutter when she spoke up.

I better apologize to her immediately... The Tenno thought as he watched the prismatic pegasus speed off. Chaotic also watched Rainbow fly away, a confused look on his face.

“Is that usually normal for her?” The pegasus asked in confusion. Twilight shook her head.

“No, not usually…. Something must’ve spooked her, because I noticed that she flinched when Volt shot that bolt of lightning….” She answered with a concerned look.

“I’ll go after her.” Ankyas said. Before Twilight could say anything, he was running in the direction that Rainbow had flown off in. The Alicorn sighed in exasperation while Chaotic chuckled before saying goodbye and flying off. Remembering that she had an appointment with Rarity, Twilight trotted off towards Carousel Boutique.


Rainbow Dash sat on a cloud overlooking the south side of Ponyville, tears dripping down her face. After she had been hit by Ankyas’ lightning bolt, she had suffered nightmare after nightmare of him charging up his power to kill her, and even though she knew it was an accident, his power… terrified her.

“Rainbow?” The Tenno’s voice called up to her, “Are you okay?”

She looked down to see Volt standing below her. “N...No, I'm not okay! Don't you have something else to do other than bother m..me?” She growled, but her voice started to crack as she said this.

“Rainbow, I saw you flinch when I shot that bolt of lightning into the sky. I should have realized that you were scared of what I was capable of...” Volt replied. The mare didn't answer, but he picked up the sounds of muted sobbing. All he could see of her now was her rainbow colored tail.

“Scared? I suffered nightmares because of what happened!” She finally answered, her voice shaking. “Why are you even here?”

“Because Twilight’s concerned about you, same with me. I may not know you as well as your friends, but even I know when something is troubling someone else.” The Tenno said.

The mare flew down from her cloud and landed in front of Volt. “When I was hit by that lightning bolt… ” She said while choking back a sob, “I thought I was gonna die, I’ve been hit by lightning from storms, but yours… it was unlike anything I had ever felt. ”

Volt knelt down and lifted Rainbow’s head to look at him. “I never meant to hit you. I'm sorry that I hurt you, and.. I hope you can forgive me... ” He said, his helmet hiding his expression. He stood up and turned to leave, only to feel Rainbow fly into him and hug him.

“I do forgive you, I was just really scared….” The pegasus said, her eyes wet with tears, “But you definitely became 20% cooler.” She and Volt chuckled at that.

“Come on, I think Twi might want to talk with you.” The Tenno said before the two headed towards Rarity’s house.

Carousel Boutique

“So how is Volt doing fitting in? Last time I saw him walking the town, he was looking nervous.” Rarity asked as she levitated the teapot over to her and Twilight.

“He’s gotten a lot better, but he’ll still get nervous if there's too many ponies around.” The Alicorn replied, taking a sip from her cup. “He just went to look for Rainbow after she flew away all of a sudden.”

The white unicorn arched an eyebrow, “That is strange, usually she’ll stay and chat with you before flying off! Any reason why?” She asked.

“No, but I noticed her flinching when Volt was showing a new pony here his ability.” Twilight said with a frown, “If I didn't know any better, I’d say she was afraid of his power…”

“Hmm… Well I did see her fly past me yesterday, but when she saw Volt nearby, she looked… scared.” Rarity said, “I don't know what happened, but she wouldn't even talk of the subject when I asked her!” Twilight looked at her in surprise.

“You don't think she’s scared of what Volt is capable of, do you?” The Alicorn asked.

Before Rarity could answer, there was a knock at the door. “Coming!” She called before trotting over and opening the door. Seeing Rainbow Dash and Ankyas standing in front of her, she said, “ Well hello you two! We were just about talking about the both of you, is everything okay?” She then asked, noticing Rainbow’s tear-stained face.

“Yeah, everything's okay, I just need to talk to Twi about something.” Rainbow said. Rarity nodded then beckoned the two inside.

As they walked in,Twilight trotted up to them. “Are you okay Rainbow? You had me worried when you flew away like that!” She said before looking at the Tenno. “Where was she?” She asked him.

“On a cloud in the south side of town. She has quite the story to tell you…” He replied, nodding at the cyan pegasus.

As Rainbow recounted what had happened to her when she went to help Ankyas and what happened after, Twilight and Rarity’s faces showed their shock and sympathy for what had befallen their friend. As soon as the pegasus finished her story, she found herself in a massive hug from the two mares.

“I'm so sorry you had to go through that…” Twilight said, “I’d feel the same way if that happened to me or any of the others.”

Rarity nodded, “I agree darling. Thank you for telling us, if we had known sooner, we would have helped you, because that's what friends do.”

Rainbow smiled before hugging her friends back, “Thanks guys, you’re right, I should've come to you.” She said, “I was too caught up in my own nightmares to bother you guys, and let my fear get to me.”

She looked over at Ankyas, “But I know now that I shouldn't let fear control me.” She continued, “And that I always have my friends to help me.”

Ankyas smiled under his helmet as she said this. You’ll go far someday… he thought before Twilight said, “You asked who the Element Bearers were, right?” The Tenno nodded. “You're looking at three of them.” She giggled.

Ankyas's eyes widened under his helmet, but he kept his voice calm as he asked, “What exactly are these 'Elements’?”

Twilight frowned as she realized something. “Right, you still need to learn about Equestria’s history. Well, I have a book that you can read when we get back to the library.” She said.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Don't go turning him into an egghead, Twi.” She snickered.

Ankyas chuckled as Twilight gave her friend an annoyed look.

After saying farewell to Rarity, Rainbow flew off to her weather duties, while Twilight and Ankyas went to pick up Nyx from school. On the way there, Ankyas noticed that the pegasus from before was zipping around. But as he looked ahead, he suddenly heard a voice come out of nowhere. “ Oh ho ho, Now you're something new! I don't think I've seen a human for quite some time! Not after those two in that other universe!” He looked around wildly for the source.

“Discord! What are you up to this time?!” Twilight yelled in exasperation. The voice chuckled.

Nothing dear Twilight, just wanted to see the creature that raised such a ruckus a few days ago! So much chaos was created that I had to see what was going on!” It said.

A flash of light appeared in front of the two and when it cleared, the oddest creature the Tenno was standing in front of him. It had the head of a goat, the arms were a lion’s paw and a eagle talon, his body was sinewy like a snake with a hoof and a dragon's claw for feet. A single fang showed outside its mouth. “What in Lotus’s name are you?!” Ankyas asked in shock. The creature looked surprised.

“What, you don't know who I am? I'm hurt, shocked even!” As it said this, electricity arced all over him, making him shudder. The Tenno raised an eyebrow as he watched this. This guy for real? He thought. “Oh you better believe it!” The creature said with a grin. Wha-? How the hell did he know what I was thinking?! Ankyas thought in shock “Your thoughts were showing, old boy!” The creature said, pointing above the Tenno's head.

Ankyas looked up to see what he had thought was above him in some sort of bubble. “Who exactly are you?” He growled, electricity arcing on the rings on his armor.

“The name's Discord, Lord of Chaos, Spirit of mischief, etc. etc.” The creature said, bowing with a flourish, “And you must be Volt, though when are you going to tell Twilight and her friends your real name?” He asked, receiving a hidden glare from the Tenno. Twilight looked at the Draconequus in confusion before her expression turned into one of annoyance.

“Discord, we’re not in the mood for your games!” She snapped, “I have to pick up Nyx!” Discord rolled his eyes before suddenly appearing next to her.

“And miss out seeing a Tenno? By the way, I loved the way you took out that Grineer Trooper squad leader! Shame your team was taken out before - ACK!” Discord said before being grabbed by the throat by the now angry Tenno.

“I may not have saved them, but I sure as hell don't need you to remind me of my failure!” He yelled, electrical energy arcing all around his armor. Discord's eyes widened in shock and fear before Ankyas let go and stormed off. The Draconequus looked at Twilight, who also had a look of shock at the Tenno's outburst.

“I…. I think I got a bit too personal with him on that last bit….” Discord said, rubbing his throat. Twilight gave him an exasperated look before continuing on her way to pick Nyx up.

Author's Note:

So I went over the chapter and added the other half to this to it, and this is how I'm gonna work on my chapters: do at least two 1,000 word chapters then combine them.

As you'll have noticed, I revamped a few things, so I hope you enjoy!