• Published 27th May 2016
  • 1,739 Views, 18 Comments

Chains of Lightning - Titan Commander Sebaste

After losing his squad in a raid on a Grineer ship, a Tenno has been brought into Equestria, but danger is not far behind him, and when a life is threatened, he will make the ultimate sacrifice... to protect Equestria

  • ...

Wolves of War

Ankyas slowly woke up, his mind fuzzy. Where am I? This isn't the ship… Then the memories of what had happened jolted him awake. So I'm really in another universe… still hard to believe that there are creatures of human mythology and sentient horses here…

There was a knock at the door. “Volt, are you up?” Spike's voice called through.

“Yeah, I'll be down soon.” The Tenno replied.

“Twi’s making pancakes, so you’d better hurry!” The baby dragon said before he headed downstairs, followed by Nyx’s footsteps.

Ankyas sighed rubbed his head, sliding his fingers through his raven colored hair. It's been awhile since I've really ate, those vegetables may have been good, but they weren't exactly filling.

As he got up, he caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror. The scars of the bullet wounds were visible all over his body. This must have what Twilight meant when she said I was severely wounded… those Grineer must’ve opened fire just as I cut that squad leader down… he realized.

After taking a quick shower, he donned his armor, minus the helmet, and headed down stairs. Spike had already left to take Nyx to school, so it was just Twilight that he saw as he entered the kitchen.

“Morning Volt!” Twilight said as he walked in. “There's still a few pancakes left if you want some!” Upon seeing him without his helmet on, she was surprised. “That's what you look like without the helmet on?” She asked.

Ankyas nodded, “Yep, wasn't what you were expecting was it?” He answered with a chuckle. The lavender Alicorn rolled her eyes. “So what's the plan for today?” he then asked as he dug into the pancakes.

“Well, I still need to introduce you to Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy, and after that, I need to pick Nyx up from school.” Twilight answered. “If she hasn't gone to hang out with her friends.”

“Sounds good to me, gives me time to see more of this town.” Ankyas said as he finished the last of his pancakes. As he got up to take care of his dishes, Twilight levitated them to the sink.

“I’ll take care of them for you, don't worry about it.” She said just as he was about to protest.

The Tenno shrugged in defeat, “Your house, your rules…” He said.

After the breakfast stuff had been dealt with, the two headed out to their first destination. Ankyas had donned his helmet before they had left the library, and now as he and Twilight walked through Ponyville, he became conscious of the stares he was getting from the other ponies as they walked to a fancy looking building in the southwest part of the town. Twilight noticed how he was looking from side to side as if he thought he was going to be attacked.

“You okay?” She asked.

“Yeah, just not really comfortable with being stared at.” The Tenno said, “I never really was a fan of crowds, I mostly just stayed away from them.”

Twilight giggled, “I'm the same, I'm more comfortable with my friends than in a big crowd.”

She then knocked on the door of the building, and a voice called out, “COMINNGGGGGG!”. The door opened to reveal a white unicorn mare with a bluish violet mane and a picture of three diamonds on her flank. “Why Twilight, what brings you here? Did you need something….?” She trailed off as she saw Ankyas behind her friend. “Is that…?” She asked the lavender Alicorn, who nodded.

“Rarity, this is Volt. Volt, this is Rarity, another of my friends.” Twilight said.

“My word, your armor looks very stylish! The rings on your arms really compliment the look!” Rarity exclaimed, “Did you make this yourself?”

Ankyas chuckled, “Yes, and it wasn't easy. Took a lot of credits to buy the parts for it, and this is practically a robotic suit.” He said.

“Don't be so modest, you did a smashing job!” Rarity said. Her eyes suddenly brightened. “IDEEEEEAAAAA!” She squealed before running into another room in her home.

The Tenno arced an eyebrow under his helmet. “She certainly has an eye for style.” He said.

“She’s the fashionetta here in Ponyville, she makes all sorts of dresses here.” Twilight said.

“Ah, okay, that makes sense.” Ankyas said.

The next stop was a place Twilight called Sweet Apple Acres. As the two walked across the dirt path, the Tenno thought he heard a howl. Apparently Twi had heard it too as she picked up her pace. “Twilight, what's going on?” Ankyas yelled as they both ran.

“It's Zap Apple season! I should have realized it earlier!” She yelled back. Just then, four strange creatures burst across their path and turned to face them. They looked lupine, but had green glowing eyes and were made entirely of wood. Twilight yelped, “Timberwolves!”

The four Timberwolves growled and advanced towards the two, only to hesitate as Ankyas unsheathed his Venkas and took a fighting stance. “Twilight, can you teleport to your friend’s home?” he asked. Twilight nodded before realizing what he was asking.

“Volt, no! I'm not leaving you!” She said, “I'm supposed to take care of you until you're completely healed!”

“Twilight, you won't be able to if you get hurt, now get to your friend's house!” Ankyas said. With a worried look, the lavender Alicorn vanished in a burst of light.

“Right…” the Tenno growled as he channeled his power through his claws, electricity arcing through the blades and advanced towards the Timberwolves, “Who wants to die first?”

Sweet Apple Acres

As it so happened, Fluttershy was at the ranch giving Winona a checkup. Applejack was pacing on the porch, a worried look on her face.

“Ah hope Twi didn't try and come here today… those blasted Timberwolves are out and about, and I don't want her to get attacked by those varmints…” The country mare muttered.

Just then, Twilight appeared in a burst of lavender light. Applejack ran up to her and said, “Consarn it all Twi! You picked one hell of a time to come here! Those Timberwolves are out! And if you had been hurt by them, I don't know what I'd do!” She stomped her hoof in anger.

“I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was Zap Apple season! But I can't talk right now, Volt’s in trouble!” Twilight nearly sobbed. Applejack gave her friend a puzzled look.

“Who's Volt?” She asked.

“You remember that creature that appeared two nights ago?” Applejack nodded then her eyes widened.

“You mean that’s the pony in trouble? Then let's get a move on!” She said before running to get Fluttershy. Soon the three mares were running to where Twilight had left Ankyas. But when they arrived, they were shocked to see that the Tenno was alone, surrounded by twigs and pieces of wood. He was kneeling while holding his Karak, the barrel smoking from the amount of shots fired. His armor was scratched in many places, testament to the claws and teeth of the Timberwolves. The ground was scorched by what seemed to be lightning strikes.


As Twilight teleported away, Ankyas advanced towards the Timberwolves, electrical energy arcing across the metal claws. Right, time to show these mutts what a Tenno is capable of! He thought just as the first Timberwolf leapt at him. He dodged to the side and activated his Shock power, sending a bolt of electricity smashing into the wooden canid and shocking it before the electricity arced into two more Timberwolves. He then charged forward and delivered a flurry of devastating blows with the Venkas to the first wolf, shredding it instantly. One down, three more to go… but as he turned, he saw that more had joined them. Lotus damn it! I just had to jinx myself!

He sheathed his Venkas and then pulled out his Karak. Taking aim, he opened fire, taking out three of the beasts before unleashing his Overload power and frying many of the Wolves to the point that they were reduced to ashes and bits of twigs.

But even with the amount of wolves he had taken out, there were still more to bring down.

Valkyra would have a field day if she was here… The Tenno chuckled mentally as he pulled out his duel Vipers and brought down five more Wolves. “That all you got? Seriously, even a Grineer Trooper puts up more of a fight than you mutts!” He taunted.

He suddenly felt a blow on his back as a Timberwolf landed a lucky hit, thankful it didn't breach his armor, but nonetheless it still hurt and caused his wounds to twinge. “Damn it, can't keep up for long…” the Tenno muttered before pulling out his Karak and headshotting the wolf, causing it to disintegrate, only to have two more Wolves pounce on him. “Oof!” He grunted as he was knocked to the ground from the combined weight. The Karak was knocked from his hands as he hit the ground and was lost from sight as the rest of the pack charged in to finish Ankyas off. I… will not…. fall… to these BEASTS! He mentally roared before unleashing another Overload.

Above the fight, hiding in a cloud, Rainbow Dash watched in shock. Her thoughts raced, What in Celestia's name?! Since when could he control Lightning!? He doesn't have magic, so how is he controlling it? She then remembered what Ankyas said to her when he introduced himself, “Volt. Tenno of Electricity.” Her eyes widened. “He… he actually controls electricity?” She muttered, “I.. I thought that was just a title….” Confused and shocked, she watched the battle a bit more before she realized, What am I doing?! He need help! She then jumped off her cloud and flew down, smashing into one of the Wolves, only to get hit by a wayward bolt from the Overload blast. “AAAGH!” She cried in pain as the bolt hit her.

“Rainbow!” Ankyas shouted. He grabbed his Karak after putting up an Electric Shield and ran towards the pegasus mare, only for her to back away, her eyes full of fear. “Are you okay?”

“Get away from me!” She yelled before attempting to fly away, only to wince in pain. She then ran away, attracting the attention of the few remaining wolves.

Damn it! Ankyas swore before gunning them down, but when he turned his attention back to Rainbow, she was gone.


I think… that's the last of them…. The Tenno thought, his muscles aching. He then heard the sound of hooves running up the path, he turned to see Twilight and two unfamiliar mares, an orange Earth Pony with a blonde colored man along what looked like an old Earth style Stenson hat and on her flank were three apples. Next to her was a yellow Pegasus with a pink mane and three butterflies. Those must be the other two friends Twilight mentioned… he thought. Ignoring the pain of his bruises and reopened wounds, he stood up and walked over to the trio.

Fluttershy eeped and hid behind Twilight. Applejack walked cautiously over to the Tenno and introduced herself, “Howdy, the name's Applejack, welcome to Sweet Apple Acres!”

“Nice to meet you Applejack, Twilight told me a bit about you, and who’s the pegasus hiding behind her?” Ankyas said, looking over at Fluttershy.

“ My name's Fluttershy..” the yellow pegasus said while still hiding behind Twilight.

“I didn't get that last bit, could you repeat that?” The Tenno asked.

“ My name's Fluttershy…” She squeaked.

“Her name's Fluttershy, and she's well… shy.” Twilight intervened for Fluttershy.

Ankyas chuckled. His head suddenly snapped up upon hearing screams from the orchard.

“That's Nyx and the CMC!” Twilight exclaimed.

Applejack suddenly turned pale, “They musta gotten trapped at their clubhouse! Ah need to get to mah sis now!” She started to run back only to get stopped by Ankyas.

“I’ll bring them back safe and sound.” He said before running towards the direction the screams came from.

Please be careful Volt… Twilight thought, I don't want to lose Nyx… or you….

Sweet Apple Acres orchard, near the CMC clubhouse

Applejack said that clubhouse was somewhere in this orchard…. Ankyas thought as he ran towards the spot where the fillies screams were coming from. ...Ugh, who knew this place was this big? I'm never gonna find them… He slowed down and instantly the pain from his earlier fight made itself known. Gahhh, I need to take it easy with this battle….

Another scream rang out, making the Tenno jerk his head towards where it came from. Near the end of the row of trees he was standing in, a square wooden building mounted on a tree was surrounded by 10 to 15 Timberwolves, but this pack was led by a Alpha, the largest of the Timberwolves.

Oh you have got to be kidding me…. He mentally groaned before pulling out his Karak and opening fire. Three of the Wolves were taken out while the rest turned to face him, growling. The Alpha strode to the front of the pack and snarled a challenge at Ankyas, who put away his rifle and unsheathed his Venkas. “You know, I'm really tired of seeing you mutts!” The Tenno growled before charging forward, the Timberwolf Alpha doing the same, followed by the rest of its pack, “Time to put you down for good!” He swung one fist and smashed one of his Venka claws into the Alpha’s body, lifting the Timberwolf with ease. With a grunt, he threw the wooden canine into the tree, but it ended up hitting the door. As it hit, Ankyas heard a yelp from inside the clubhouse. Damn it, gotta be careful!

He then unleashed Shock on another wolf, disintegrating it and turning two more into ash, turning to slash another with his Venkas, earning a pained yelp from it before kicking the wolf into another of its pack mates. The Alpha had managed to recover and moved to flank him, only to receive a Karak salvo in the face. With a pained whimper, the Alpha disintegrated into a pile of sticks. Another Timberwolf leapt at Ankyas, only for him to dodge and it ended up smacking into the door of the clubhouse. As it stood up with a dazed look, the Tenno delivered a headshot to it. The remainder of the pack, seeing that this was a fight they could not win, retreated back to the Everfree where they came from.

The CMC clubhouse

Applebloom yelped as a Timberwolf slammed into the locked door. “That was too close girls! If we hadn't gotten in here, we woulda become Timberwolf chow!”

Sweetie Belle whimpered, “What if no one heard us? We’ll be stuck here forever!”

Scootaloo comforted the unicorn filly, while Nyx kept an eye on the door. They all jumped when another Timberwolf slammed into the door.

Suddenly a series of loud bangs were heard outside the clubhouse. “Wut in tarnation was that?” Applebloom yelped.

“I don't know!” Nyx said.

The sounds of the Timberwolves howling had been replaced with pained yelps, and they could see some of them running back to the Everfree Forest from the window.

A voice then called through the door, “Nyx, are you and your friends okay?”

Nyx recognized the voice and answered, “Volt! We’re okay, scared, but okay!”

“Who's Volt?” Scootaloo asked in a hushed voice. The other two members of the CMC shrugged, they were as clueless as the pegasus as to who this 'Volt’ was.

“Are the Timberwolves gone?” Nyx asked.

“Yep, they're gone, but we need to move fast before they come back.”

“Come on girls, let's go!” The black Alicorn filly said before opening the door and leading the others outside. As the four walked out, Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle saw the Tenno for the first time.

“W...what is that?!” Scootaloo squeaked, as the CMC huddled together, unsure if the creature in front of them would hurt them.

“This is Volt!” Nyx said, “He’s an alien from another universe! Volt, this is Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.”

“Hello girls, nice to meet the three of you.” Ankyas said, before hearing howls echoing through the orchard. “We’d better move!” He said. The four fillies nodded before running towards the farm house.

Back at the farm house

Applejack paced back and forth while Fluttershy and Twilight looked on. “It's been five hours and they’re not back yet! Ah really hope Volt and those fillies are okay..” The country mare said.

“M..me too….” Fluttershy said. Just then, a knock on the door made the three mares jump in fright.

“Twilight, I have the girls!” Ankyas’s voice called through. The three mares sighed in relief before Applejack opened the door, only to get tackled by Applebloom while the same thing happened to Twilight with Nyx. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle trotted inside, followed by the Tenno.

“Thank you so much Volt! Ah wouldn't have lived with myself if Applebloom was killed!” Applejack said, tears of happiness in her eyes as she held Applebloom close to her

He willingly put himself in danger to protect me, then did the same thing with the fillies… Twilight thought with a smile, He truly is a hero…

After Sweetie Belle was taken back home to Rarity, and Scootaloo to her parents, Twilight, Ankyas and Nyx headed back home to the library, where after a filling dinner, Twilight wrote a letter to Celestia.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Earlier today, I made the mistake of going to Sweet Apple Acres during Zap Apple season, and me and Volt were attacked by Timberwolves. Volt then told me to get to Applejack’s house while he fought off them off, when I came back with Applejack and Fluttershy, we found the Timberwolves destroyed. He then risked his life again to save Nyx and her friends after they were trapped in their clubhouse by another pack of Timberwolves. I couldn't be more grateful to him than I am today. He truly is a protector of those in need…

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

She smiled before blowing out the candle and falling asleep. Meanwhile, near the base of a mountain, a portal suddenly opened up before ejecting a large shape that glided a few feet before then ejecting a humanoid figure that landed on its feet, a bow at the ready.

Hehehe, let's see what this world has to offer, and if Ankyas is here…. I’ll be able to get rid of him for good… Necronus thought with a demented chuckle before he headed towards the forest ahead of him.,

Author's Note:

Hoo, that's gotta be the longest I've worked on a chapter! But it was worth it!

So Ankyas has shown that he's not afraid to put his life on the line to protect those that are in trouble, but trouble has now arrived... and Ankyas' past will come back to haunt him...