• Published 8th Jun 2016
  • 5,837 Views, 63 Comments

Fluttershy the Foalsitter - AlliePastel

Sweetie Belle offers to help Fluttershy achieve her motherly ambitions with a mix of method acting and pride swallowing.

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Chapter Three: Lazy Time

Sweetie Belle ate away at her lunch, bored as a result of the small size of her rubber spoon making every bite needlessly pointless. However, she couldn’t complain too much. Her seat on the couch was comfy and Fluttershy was clearly occupied with taking care of her garden, so she could really take her time nomming away at her green peas and potatoes.

After finishing her meal, she grabbed her sippy cup of orange juice and held with both hooves as she laid her weary back against the futon. Once again she was stuck waiting on Fluttershy. She stuck the spout of the sippy cup into to her lips and started suckling very slowly as she sank into the cushy green cushions of her seat. She glared up at the ceiling fan, watching it make an intrinsic double-halo over her. It was weirdly entertaining to her, in the same way watching rain fall from the sky is.

“Sweetie Belle. I’m back!” Fluttershy cheered, prancing into the room with her hooves freshly washed. She walked over to the futon and offered a hoof, “Did my favorite little filly enjoy her lunch?”

Blushing, Sweetie Belle nodded. “It was pretty good.” She said, in between suckles.

“That’s good.” Fluttershy commented, eagerly wagging her tail back and forth. She sat down and clapped her hooves together, “So, I was just watering my plants and it made me think of something. Would you like to take a dip in a pool?”

Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow, “A pool?” She questioned. “I don’t think I want anybody seeing me in my diaper- or even this bonnet for that matter.” She commented, tugging on the string that kept her little white hat on.

Fluttershy flew onto the futon and stood, “Hehe! I’m not silly, Sweetie. I meant that I have this little inflatable pool that we could use in the backyard. I just don’t want you spending all your summer indoors playing with blocks and dollies. I want you to enjoy yourself, you know? Live a little.” She gestured.

Smiling, Sweetie nodded. “Alright, I gotcha. You lead the way” She grabbed her sippy cup and hopped off the futon.

Fluttershy clip-clopped her way out of the living room, moving at such a pace that her little one could waddle behind without getting strayed.

Opening the backdoor in the kitchen, Fluttershy revealed her lush Eden like garden. There were rows of tomatoes and potatoes covering the ground and strawberry bushes lining the hills. They were still somewhat small in their incubation, but their green was as lively as it could be. She started walking through open rows and towards a little white shack that she kept her farming equipment.

“Wow...” Scootaloo panned, looking to her left and right at the beautifully gestating fruits and veggies that surrounded her on almost every angle, “I always thought Applejack was the best gardener in Ponyville. How do you keep track of it all?”

“Oh, hehe.” Fluttershy giggled, opening the somewhat dilapidated shed door in which the white paint was chipping. Stepping inside lightly, she pulled out a big inflatable pool and tiny shock-proof pump. “I’ve just had a lot of experience working on this plot. Ponyville has excellent soil.” She answered.

“Neat.” Sweetie Belle chirped, clumsily stepping behind her caretaker as the stuff was carried back. The diaper was genuinely still a bit of a hassle, forcing her to make tiny more calculated steps across the dirt walkway.

Making her way into one of the few unoccupied plots of the house, Fluttershy set down the pool and hooked it up properly to inflate. “Alright, now we wait…” she said, sitting on her own tired yellow behind.

Sweetie Belle mimicked her caretaker, choosing to sit beside her as she waited for the device to work. “So. Why exactly do you have a kiddie pool anyway?”

“Oh, a couple of reasons. Cause I personally like to relax in some non-creek water from time to time, since the creek is kinda dirtier than tap water. Also, I do have to occasionally nurse animals back to health, including duckies and other aquatic creatures. It’s kind of the same reason for me keeping all those baby-bottles of milk in the fridge- except those are for mammals like me and you.” She admitted, watching the pool walls inflate fully up. Content with the inflation, she turned the little inflation gizmo off and moved it onto a table on the veranda.

Sweetie Belle stared blankly, watching as her caretaker threw the water hose inside the pool and turned it on. “So…” Sweetie Belle questioned, rubbing a hoof on the ground, “Why milk?”

“Cause baby mammals need milk to survive Sweetie. It’s nutritious and doesn’t require teeth like a lot of other animal and pony food.” Fluttershy said, looking down at her chest, as if she could really see her breast from her angle. She pointed a hoof near the inside of her thigh, “That’s why mares have breast.”

“Can I see? What does it taste like?” Sweetie Belle asked in a childish tone of curiosity.

Fluttershy giggled, walking over to the foal. “I’ll show you later if you’re still interested, but not right now.” She giggled, picking Sweetie Belle up from the underarms. Using her wings, she flew up in the air and made a slow descent into the water.

Sweetie Belle who was caught hugging onto her caretaker, felt a sudden cold sensation crawl up her lower hooves and flood her diaper, causing it to expand awkwardly around her form. Confused and progressively colder, the filly continued clinging onto Fluttershy’s chest for warmth.

“Awe, I’m sorry Sweetie.” Fluttershy cooed, brushing her somewhat wet forehoof over Sweetie Belle’s dry hair, “I probably should of warned you about the temperature.”

“You don’t say.” Sweetie Belle remarked, feeling the awkward sensation of her wet nappy tugging heavily at her waist. She looked down, noticing that the thing was inflated beyond belief.

“Easy there.” Fluttershy said, drifting back in the pool. She rested her back on the border and turned her filly around on her lap.

Her eyes flaring wide open, Sweetie Belle cringed as her bottom sank into the soggy bulbous padding. She laid her own back against Fluttershy’s chest and awkwardly kicked her legs in weightlessly cool pool of water she was in. “Oh, that feels weird.” She whined, dipping her forehooves into the water and pressing the soaked diaper front with her hooves.

“Hehe, what? Oh- the diaper? Yeah hehe, I meant to get you into a swim diaper earlier. But I must have forgot.” She admitted, blushing slightly at the mushy feeling in her lap. Very gently, she lowered her hooves into the cool water and wrapped them around Sweetie’s waist.

Giggling a little, Sweetie Belle rested her head on Fluttershy like she was a lawn chair and smiled, “Hehe, doesn’t that kinda defeat the point of having a diaper on?”

Fluttershy grinned, “I know, but at least you still look younger while wearing it. Plus it gives me an excuse to change you, especially since you haven’t used your diaper all day.” She teased, jabbing the soaking garment with her hoof, “Hold things in too long and you’re going to do some damage to yourself.”

“I know.” Sweetie said, blushing at concept. She freely kicked her hooves in the pool and closed her eyes, enjoying the cool feeling of water rippling and flowing around her every movement. All she could hear were the subtle whistling of the tree tops above her and the distinct cheeps of Fluttershy’s woodland birds.

“I know using your diaper might seem like a scary concept Sweetie.” Fluttershy admitted, resting her chin on the top of the little filly’s head, “But foals think the same thing of the potty when they start using it. Trust me, just because I change a dirty diaper of yours doesn’t mean I’m gonna think any less of you; it is why you’re wearing them after all.”

Sweetie Belle didn’t say a word, instead choosing to let Fluttershy’s words sink in as she continued to enjoy her surroundings. There was something tranquil about being in water, almost like her body and mind became insubstantial to everything that surrounded her.

Instead of splashing or dunking her head in, Sweetie Belle curiously raised her white hoof and rested carefully on the very surface of the water, then curiously skimmed it back and forth several times over and over again. There was something so enticing about the way stuff around her moved, like what she once thought was just water was actually part of something much more significant around her.

She peeked her head up at the sky and saw everything. A brown coated eagle flapping it’s wings against the earth, the cracks and subtle growth of all the chestnut coloured tree branches that surrounded her. And perhaps most mind bogglingly, she could hear the subtle vibrations given off by the crickets travel through the air and fade in and out with an authentic pitch.

Astounded, she very carefully placed her hoof over her heart and felt it thumb about. It was like the serenity of it all opened her eyes to so many new things, so many possibilities. “F-fluttershy, do you ever feel alone out in this cottage living all by yourself?”

Fluttershy blinked a few times, a bit stricken by the comment; it was a good question after all. Keeping a rather positive tone, she shook her head. “Not really, no- I don’t feel alone. Maybe I sometimes feel a little small compared to this forest, but I know very well that living within it helps me stay in touch with nature and in a small way- myself.”

Sweetie Belle remained silent, feeling the warmth of the sun cause the temperance of the water to shift between heated and frothy as she kicked her back legs.

Stairing blankly at the naturally green archways of the forest that surrounded her house, she couldn’t help but smile. “I’ve got plenty of bits to spend as I please and I could go wherever I want. But the truth is that just like that this place is the right place for me because I never feel out of place.”

“Why do you say that?” Sweetie Belle asked, puzzled but her caretaker’s ominous choice of words.

“Because, here I can be to everything else what I’ve always wanted to be; a mother.” Fluttershy said, giving Sweetie Belle a small hug. “I love nurturing thing Sweetie Belle, I love watching things grow up and helping them accomplishing everything they ever wanted.”

Sweetie Belle looked down at her diaper and raised an eyebrow, “Then why baby me? Wouldn’t it make more sense to treat me like an eight year old?”

Fluttershy nodded a little, “Maybe. But, the truth is that every part of growing up isn’t about personal milestones. It’s about appreciating the little things in life and being comfortable living the way you live. Besides, I wanted to have more experience playing with foals, before I have my own.”

“You’re going to have a baby?” Sweetie Belle asked shocked at the statement.

Chuckling, Fluttershy shook her head. “Hehe, no.” She said, picking Sweetie Belle up with her hooves and turned her around. Wrapping one hoof around the young filly’s back, she used the other hoof to settle underneath the sagging wet diaper as she hugged the filly against her chest. “I’m planning on adopting a little filly next spring. I’ve been getting a lot of advice from my parents about how to take care of foals, but truth be told, foals aren’t that different from cubs.”

“You don’t say.” Sweetie Belle said, feeling heartening warmth as she was pressed against Fluttershy’s chest. She rested her cheek on Fluttershy’s chest and quietly watched the pool water ripple and tear as her caretaker continued holding her. Very calmly, the child felt a gentle warmth take her body and she started going limp again

“Hehe, awe. Try not to fall asleep again Sweetie Belle. If you keep taking naps, you’re going to have a rough time dozing off tonight.” Fluttershy cooed, brushing the child’s relatively dry bangs out of her eyes. She stood up and hopped out of the pool, leaving a rainbow-like trail of water in the air as she did so.

In a very groggy manner, Sweetie Belle rubbed her eye with her hoof and yawned. “Ahh- oh wow it’s warm outside. It’s just so comfortable with all this heat.”

Fluttershy carried the child into the much cooler air conditioned house. Bringing the child up into the nursery, she set her soggy backside on the changing table. “I know. Trust me, once you get more accustomed to doing foal things again, you’ll have plenty of energy to keep you awake. You just got to learn to relax yourself without shutting down.” She said, undoing the tabs of her filly’s diaper, letting it plop unto the cushy vinyl surface of the changing pad.

“I know.” Sweetie Belle panned, feeling the gross and somewhat slimy feeling of the diaper being removed from beneath her; it felt disgusting. Cringing a tad, she looked up at the ballerina mobile as her caretaker began wiping her up, “I just like doing other stuff too; big filly stuff. I-I actually really like ballet.” She said, pointing her hoof upwards.

“Hehe, well I’m not sure how successful ballet lessons would be with your little waddling struggle. But, we could try once you get more comfortable walking around in your diapers.” Fluttershy admitted, lifting the filly’s little white backside and pushing a brand new colourfully decorated diaper underneath it.

Sweetie Belle made a pouty face for just a split second; practicing ballet with her waddle would be a complete disaster if she tried right now. “Hmm, Fluttershy did you ever take ballet?” she questioned.

“Well, yes actually. Only for a little while when I was about twice your age though.” She admitted, snuggly taping the diaper tabs around the filly’s waist. She lifted the girl onto her padded backside and smiled, “When it came time to pick a career, I went with medical over something athletic. I mean, I was decent at ballet, but it wasn’t what I loved doing.”

“Why’d you do it in the first place then?” Sweetie Belle asked, curiously leaning her head over the edge of the changing table as her caretaker dug through a drawer.

Rummaging with a little purple pacifier in hoof, the motherly mare replied, “For the same reason you’re acting like a foal right now; experience. It’s a very good thing for you to try new things, exciting things. I mean, how many other fillies and colts do you think will ever get to say that they got a whole summer of being a foal again? Let alone all the other stuff I can show you around my house.”

Crossing her eyes, the little white filly focused on looking at the pacifier as it was gently pushed in her mouth. She removed it with a hoof and asked, “Okay. Why did you give me an opportunity of any of the kids in Ponyville though?”

Fluttershy guided her foal’s hoof back towards her mouth, reinserting the pacifier. “Cause silly.” She answered, hoisting the child into a hug as she began traveling elsewhere, “You’re the most willing of any of any pony your age that I know. Plus, your sister trusted me enough to do it.”

Sweetie Belle looked up at her caretaker as she was carried into the living room. She wanted to ask why Rainbow Dash or Apple Jack wouldn’t have approved. But then again, it would have probably been more of a problem with Applebloom or Scootaloo than it would be with their sisters.

“Now, I know this might seem a bit silly at first.” Fluttershy said, lowering her foal onto the plushily padded foam surface of her nursery’s playpen, “But, I figured you could use some playtime by yourself while Aunty Fluttershy organizes some stuff around the room. There are still a few things that need unpacked and whatnot.”

Sweetie Belle stood up on her hooves and nodded. She waddled over to one of the colorful fabric cubbies and pulled out what looked to be colouring book of sorts, along with it's appropriate crayons.

For a long while, Sweetie Belle meandered with her crayons, curiously mixing and merging different colors in each free space until the whole page was uniquely shaded with the various hues. Curiously, she peeked her eyes up from the drawl activity at hand and looked at her Fluttershy working on delving through the closest on the other side of the white checkered fence.

“Oh wow, Rarity really went all out on the outfits.” Fluttershy confessed, pulling out a little white onesie with a pink floral print. She turned around to the child and smiled, “Wanna wear a onesie?” she teased.

“Noo.” Sweetie Belle panned, smiling coyly at the subject. She got up on her hooves and waddled to the boarder of the fence to get a closer peak at it. Fluttershy wasn’t lying; the onesie looked like an oversized foal piece. Very quietly, she suckled on the pacifier.

“Hehe, don’t worry Sweetie Belle.” Fluttershy said, sitting her backside nicely on the ground. “I won’t make you wear anything you don’t want, except for the diaper. However, I do want you to come to town sometime so I can pick you out some stuff that you’ll enjoy a little bit more.”

Raising an eyebrow, Sweetie Belle looked straight up at her caretaker and smiled; although you couldn’t tell with the pacifier’s mouth guard getting in the way.

Very perkily, Fluttershy smiled. “That’s right; I won’t even make you wear your little diapee.” She giggled, continuing to sort through the various baby products, diapers, and outfits that stocked her foal’s closet. One thing was for sure, she wasn’t going to need baby-wipes anytime soon.

The white filly removed the pacifier from her mouth and smiled, happily. “Ooh, when can we go?” She asked, eager for another adventure.

“Maybe tomorrow, maybe not.” Fluttershy answered, shutting the closet door, she hobbled on over to the changing table and ducked her head to look at the various shelves, “I need to pick up a few things for you, especially a toy or T.V or something. I love spending time with you, but there are going to be times when I needa do mommy stuff and trust me, your baby swing will only put you to sleep for so long.”

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes then stated, “I don’t need a baby swing.”

“Hehe, you don’t need your buggy, but it makes it’ll make you feel a lot cozier.” Fluttershy giggled, sorting through the various brands and fashions of diapers. She picked up a pack of baby-blue swim diapers and raised an eyebrow, “I guess I need to pick up some swim diapers for you too- that is unless you wanna wear colt diapers.”

Sweetie Belle agreed on the inside, but stayed virtually quiet as she made a subtle nod in agreement. She looked down at her page and noticed the seemingly abundant amount of yellow that she used to colour in the various wings of her butterflies as well as the pedals of the flowers in her drawing; which reminded her...

"Fluttershy!" The grown mare heard as she finished sorting the various diaper boxes on the closet floor into a more compact form. She pranced over to the playpen and turned her head to the side, "Hmm? What's wrong Sweetie? Are the crayons stale- oh I hope they aren't."

Sweetie Belle shook her head. "No. Can I uh- use the potty?" She asked, in a way that felt closest to the foal-theme as possible while drawing as little attention as possible to the fact she was trying to not use her diaper.

Very warmly, Fluttershy opened up the playpen door and gestured for Sweetie Belle to stand. She undid her foal's bonnet string and smirked, "Oh well, I guess I can let you use the potty just this once." She teased, taking note of Sweetie Belle's rather guilty looking expression.

Sweetie Belle blushed slightly as she nodded. In a haste, she ripped off her diaper tabs from off the front and quickly dashed off to the bathroom.

Sitting down, Fluttershy grinned as she watched her little one run off to the bathroom all by herself. She hated to give Sweetie Belle choice to use the bathroom- considering the literal hundreds of diapers she had laying around. But she could make the exception for now. Picking up the dropped diaper with her hoof, Fluttershy walked over to the changing table and tossed it in the diaper pail. Then let gravity take care of closing the lid.

Author's Note:

I don't have nearly as much to say about this chapter as I do the last. But I'm delighted with the rather positive reception both publicly and privately that I've been getting over this story and that if there's ever a delay in releasing a chapter, it's because I am being very careful about the quality of this story

I've been very careful to keep my eye on the balance between the source material from the show and the liberation needed to create a more meaningful interpersonal story between Fluttershy and Sweetie Belle. After all, while this story is based around a PG-7 rated show. I'm writing for an audience that can handle sincere moments and character interactions that a younger audience wouldn't understand the impact of.

That being said, I really do hope you enjoy the chapter and that you stay tuned for next week when night time comes around!
