• Published 8th Jun 2016
  • 5,837 Views, 63 Comments

Fluttershy the Foalsitter - AlliePastel

Sweetie Belle offers to help Fluttershy achieve her motherly ambitions with a mix of method acting and pride swallowing.

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Chapter Five: Swing

“Mmm.” Sweetie Belle moaned, stretching out her furry little hooves into the air around as she regained her vision. All around her, the cloudy fog that kept her sleeping went away, and it was revealed to her that she was in fact back in her nursery. Pretty high up to.

The filly looked down at her tummy, finding that she was in fact several feet up in the contraption her caretaker told her about last night, the foal swing. “Ahhh.” She mumbled to herself, as she quietly suckled on the pacifier that was comfortably laying on top of her tongue.

Leaning her head back onto the sewn-on pillow, the child felt an insatiable chill rumble her tummy and send her body tremoring for a few seconds- like someone had put ice in her tummy. Frowning, the child curiously ran her bootied hooves up and down the soft velvet like exterior of the reclined seat, only to find it was actually pretty warm; as was everything else.

She needed to use the bathroom.

She scanned the room’s various wall decals and decorations for a clock, looking for some gauge of the time. After a dozen, wooden animals, ornate pastel flower designs, and a copious number of letters, her eyes stumbled upon a traditionally-designed clock.
“5:30? Dangit.” She whined, spitting her pacifier out, only to have it land directly on her tummy due to it’s ribbon.

Glaring at the safety straps that locked her snuggly into place over her shoulders, in between her legs, and square around her waist, she huffed. Under most circumstances, she’d undo the safety stuff and be out to the bathroom in a heartbeat. But, a promise was a promise, and she was supposed to be a baby after all. Let alone the fact that with the booties on her hooves, there was no getting a snap-lock like she had undone.

Hesitantly, she looked up at the ceiling and felt her face fully flush as the long forgotten sensation of warm mud started forming in between her legs and rode up her backside.



“Sweetie Belle.” Fluttershy whispered, creeping through the doorway. She made as quiets steps as she could across the hardwood floor of the nursery as she approached her little princess in her swing. But there was something off.

Walking up to Sweetie Belle, she took a curious glance down at the child. The filly was ungracefully laying down, with her mouth agape- drooling all over the little white pillow that her head rested on. With her hooves were sprawled about as wide as they could be, given the shape of the swing. Let alone the fact that she smelled like a bad mix of baby powder and manure. Still, she was looking awful comfortable.

“Sweetie Pie, It’s time to get up.” The motherly mare whispered, reaching her hoof to the side of the swing and turning the speed dial to ‘0’.

“Mmmm.” Sweetie Belle whined, awkwardly sitting up in her mess as she woke herself. She smirked, staring up at her caretaker with a goofy blushed grin.

Smiling in a humble manner, the yellow mare undid the child’s safety straps and lifted her up by her underarms. “Hehe, easy there pumpkin. I know you made poopies, I could smell you the second I walked into your nursery.”

Sweetie Belle groaned loudly, “Ugh- it’s not my fault I had an accident. It was the stupid swing.”

“Oh, I know baby.” Fluttershy patronized the girl, pacing over to the changing table with a patiently timed stride. Her hooves gently clacked against the wood pavement of the room as she came to a halt and set the kid down.

“Bwahh.” Sweetie Belle sounded, immediately lying back on the changing table the instant her butt made contact with the changing mat. Frustrated, she kicked her back hooves. “Ahh, don’t do that. My butt already feels gross enough.”

Fluttershy shushed the girl, lifting the pacifier in the air. Very precisely, she pushed its rubber nipple against the filly’s mouth.

The filly crossed her hooves and huffed, turning her head as if to reject the very concept of the situation she was in. But her pursed lips worked against her, allowing her caretaker to slip in the pacifier more easily.

“Easy baby.” Fluttershy said, casually slipping the safety belt over her filly’s tummy. Reaching her hooves down, she untapped the bulging diaper, “I know you’re still a big filly. But you shouldn’t get upset with me now. You’re not two- you could have chosen to hold it.”

Blushing more intensely, the girl kept pouting under the guard of her pacifier. She tried focusing on something other than Fluttershy’s or her dirty bottom, but with pillow which she was resting her head on obscuring her vision, the only other thing she could do was close her eyes. And then the tears started welling.

Still rather adamant in keeping with the reality of the situation, Fluttershy finished wiping the girl’s bottom and taped up the old dirty diaper into a ball. Pulling out a new case of diapers, she set them between the girl’s legs and leaned forward to face the girl. “Hey, Sweetie Belle. Look at me.”

“Mmmph.” Sweetie Belle, whined, turning her head away from Fluttershy. She didn’t have to look, it wasn’t like Fluttershy was actually her mom or anything.

“Baby, listen.” Fluttershy said, backing her head away from the girl. Reaching her hoof out, she rested it on the filly’s shoulder and began running it up and down gently, “You don’t have to be ashamed, sweetie.”

The girl spat her pacifier out, letting the drool detach and fall all over her face and pillow. Still red faced and hot, the girl couldn’t help but speak in an erratic pattern. “Enn- I-I too o-o-old to h-aave a-c-i-dents.”

Fluttershy, continued moving her hoof up and down Sweetie Belle’s shoulder. “No, you’re not. I’ve already told you that for as long as you’re in my house, you’re going to be a baby.” She cooed, moving her hoof to the girl’s crest and back. “Now maybe having the accidents may feel a little bit uncomfortable at first, but it’s just part of being a little filly. However, the good thing is, because you’re not a big filly. I’m not going to hold you to the same responsibilities as one. It’s not your fault you’re little.”

Sweetie Belle’s sobs began to dissipate as she listened to Fluttershy’s words. She was supposed to be a baby afterall, both in actions and at heart. Turning her head up to face Fluttershy, she couldn’t help but look away from the mare as she attempted to make eye contact. Using her hoof, she wiped her face. “D-does this mean I’m a b-baby?”

Smiling kindly, the mare shook her head, “No, you’re not a real baby, Sweetie Belle. But, we can keep pretending you are. Or else you’re going to be a big filly who DID have an accident and who DID decide they’d rather explain to their sister Rarity why they decided to use a foal diaper like they were little.” The mare teasingly winked, “But that’s not a concern for a little filly like yourself, right?”

Sweetie Belle smiled, warming up to idea. Her nerves still a bit shaken, she skipped the words and just nodded in a jerky pace.

“Good girl.” Fluttershy complimented, pulling a diaper out of its plastic package. “Now be a good filly and raise your tushie up!”
Complacently, the white filly giggled as she lifted her little white backside into the air.

Pushing the diaper underneath her baby’s backside, she pulled out the baby powder and shaking it onto her lower half. “Hehe, that’s the idea lovey.” She cooed, wrapping the diaper snugly around the child’s waist.

Sweetie Belle, looked down at her chest as the safety belt was unhitched. Wanting to be the best helper she could, she leant out her hooves to her caretaker.

“Ah ah. Not quite yet. We still need to get you out of your little outfit, baby.” Fluttershy cooed, reaching out a hoof and slowly lowered the filly’s hooves as not to deject her too harshly.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Sweetie Belle let out, still a bit flushed.

Fluttershy smiled condescendingly as she began plucking the little cotton booties from her foal’s hooves. “Awe, baby. There’s nothing to be sad about, you’re just trying to be the best foal you can be.” She said, gripping the onesie from the bottom. Smiling, she tugged it up the filly’s waist and over her head. “Why, I’m sure in a few days using your diaper will come naturally to you.”

Sweetie Belle cringed a little, jerking the upper half of her body as the neck hole of the onesie was yanked over her head. She shook herself a little, then sat up on her plush padded backside herself. It was strange, she actually felt a little cold sitting in nothing but her diaper, especially on a surface as sterile as a stain proof mat.

Looking straight forward at her caretaker, she raised an eyebrow.

Fluttershy scooped the filly by her underarms and brought her in close against her yellow fur covered chest, “You know, you can talk like a big filly still.” She said, hugging the girl up against her chest.

“O-okay.” Sweetie Belle agreed, hugging onto her caretaker for physical support. “I’m okay with being a baby as long as you know this is all an act. Okay?”

Making a 180 degree turn, the motherly mare kept on hoof on Sweetie Belle’s plushly padded backside as she judged what next move to make. Glancing up, she looked at the clock. “Oh, I know it is Sweetie Belle.

Raising an eyebrow, the filly bit her hoof in contemplation as she looked up at the clock as well. Surprisingly enough, it was only nine in the morning. Still, she was admittedly hungry.

“Hmm… is baby feeling hungry yet? I’ve got breakfast cooked downstairs for you and there’s a lot of it.” Fluttershy offered rhetorically as she carried her filly out of the room.

Sweetie Belle continued preening her hoof as she nodded her head, she really was hungry. Especially with her ‘incident’ happening some four hours ago.

“I’ll take that as yes.” Fluttershy said, walking the girl out of her room.

Sweetie Belle insisted on walking, but her caretaker had different plans than her. She waddled not two steps out of the room before feeling a slight pressure on the nape of her neck, followed by the sudden feeling of weightlessness.

A bit shaken, Sweetie Belle tried to keep relatively still. But her elevated position about the stairs as they made their way down raised the urgency of her question. Raising an eyebrow, the white filly spouted out, “How is it that your mouth is so strong?”

Fluttershy looked down at the child’s plentiful magenta hair as she pranced her way down her wooden stairwell. It took her a while to safely ascend to her first floor but when she did, she lowered the child’s diapered backside on the ground and wiped her tongue with her hoof. “Phht. Gimme a sec.”

Being the innocently curious child she was, Sweetie Belle turned around and snuck a peak at her caretaker. Upon seeing Fluttershy’s ‘icky’ facial expression, she couldn’t help but snicker.

Pulling a hair strand off of her tounge, the motherly mare shook her head. “Ugh. Alright. Uh, well…” She sounded, bumping the child’s diapered rump in the air with her forehead.

The filly hopped to her little somewhat weak legs, spouting out a quick little “eep.”

Fluttershy rested a wing over the filly’s backside for support, while she slowly cohered her forward. “Try straightening your back when you walk and you won’t have to push so hard with your back legs. Anyway, to answer your question, our mouths are very strong. A pony’s skull is harder than diamonds after all.” She said, taking a quick glance at her child’s posture.

Sweetie Belle kept stumbling forward, with her padded backside drifting left and right in a goofy manner, but it was still stable; atleast for walking across a flat surface.

“Heh.” Fluttershy smiled, retracting her wing from the filly’s tushie. “Close enough.”

Sweetie Belle ‘sat’ falling back on her thickly covered backside like it were a makeshift pillow. Looking up, she raised an eyebrow, “Wait, we have hard heads?”

“Yeah.” The motherly mare said, stopping alongside the filly. She reached her arms around Sweetie Belle, putting her in a hug then began flapping her wings. “But just because you have a strong head, doesn’t mean you should be ramming into things all willy nilly.”

Rolling her eyes, the child huffed a little as she was airlifted a few feet above ground and onto the soft green cushions of the living room couch. “Of course, it doesn’t, I’m not dumb.” She spouted, indignantly as she flopped onto the couch.

“Easy baby.” Fluttershy said, laying on her back. She wiped her eyes with her hooves and looked up at the ceiling.

Sweetie Belle noticed the obviously freshly made bottle of milk- or formula, that was sitting on the living table. She reached both hooves out and grabbed it, taking a curious peak at its milk filled amber nipple. Swallowing a little hard, she stared at her caretaker whom wasn’t paying attention.

Smirking the child slowly inched her way down the couch, popping in between her make-believe mommy’s legs.

“Huh?” Fluttershy questioned, looking down at her tummy only to find her little one crawling her way up her chest with the bottle in her hoof. A smile lit up across her face as her ‘mommy mode’ activated. “Awe baby, does someone want to be fed?”

Sweetie Belle’s smile lit up as she mushed her face against Fluttershy’s tummy. “Guhbuh.”

“Hehe.” Fluttershy giggled, squirming a little against the sensation of Sweetie Belle’s lockes against her chest. Reaching out one hoof, she ran it down the filly’s back. “Come on Sweetie Belle, lift your head and say ‘ah.”

The filly stuck her tongue out for a brief second then opened her mouth just enough to nom the bottle’s nipple. Her cheeks puckered as she sucked the thing, taking in as much as the formula as possible.

Snickering, Fluttershy raised her one hoof again and stroked the filly’s hair. “Now Sweetie Belle, measured sips. We don’t want some foal getting a tummy ache, now do we?”

“Noooo.” The filly said in a delightfully childish way, then went back to gently tempering the amount of milk in her bottle. She Reached her hooves around Fluttershy’s barrel and hugged it tight like she were some sort of big teddy bear.

Fluttershy prodded her hoof into Sweetie Belle’s curly violet and periwinkle locks and whirled it around. “Ooh, some pony is such a big filly.” She complimented, backing her hoof out of the filly’s hair. Lovingly, she ran it down the white fur of her neck and down her back.

Sweetie Belle melted at her caretaker’s hoof, gushing at the sensation of circles being rubbed into her back. She drooled a little bit, planting her cheek on her caretaker’s chest as it happened.

“Goood girl.” Fluttershy cooed, continuing to hold the bottle up in the air as she massaged her little one’s back, “Oh, somebody really loves her baba doesn’t she?”

The white filly’s face lit up a bright hue of red, it was ‘her’ baba- her bottle. She was just a foal being fed her bottle and Fluttershy- she was the mommy. Her vision went hazy as images of herself being loved in nurtured started popping up in her mind. The kisses, hugs, and cuddles were all hers, because she was a little foal.

Sure enough, by the time she opened her misty eyes again. She stared up at the same loving figure of maternity that she was starting to like more and more. And her figure of maternity was staring down at her with the same beautifully lovingly radiant aquamarine eyes as the ones in her dream.

“Oh, good girl.” Fluttershy cooed again, running her hoof down the filly’s backside as to adjust the girl higher up on her chest. She set the bottle aside and used both hooves to inch the girl up, with one hand on her back, the other on her diapered backside. As she moved the filly
up, she couldn’t help but feel just how warm Sweetie Belle had gotten. Not just in temperature around the body, but also around the rump.

Smirking, the women’s expression turned into a full-fledged grin as she looked at her little foal’s sleepy eyes close, “Ooh Sweetie Belle, who’s a wittle cutie foal, being all gushy with momma.”

“Hmm?” Sweetie Belle questioned, oblivious to her current condition as she rested her cheek somewhere between her caretaker’s chest and neck. She nuzzled Fluttershy’s sun-dipped fur, closing her eyes as she got comfortable.

Fluttershy kept a steady hand on the filly’s back, patting her soggy nappy with her hoof. Leaning her head in, she whispered, “Hehe! I said, someone is a wittle cutie foal.”

Sweetie Belle smiled, closing her eyes fully. She stuck her hoof in her mouth to imitate the missing sensation of pacifier on top of her tongue and between her teeth. She let her body droop fully onto Fluttershy like she was butter on top of a hot pancake.

Still, The mare kept patting Sweetie Belle’s rump occasionally sinking her hoof into its padding, keeping her pressed close to her chest. “Shh, that’a girl. Ooh, someone is a little sleepy foal isn’t she? Yes she is- she’s just a big tired baby filly.” She cooed, playing into her filly’s state of relaxation.

The child continued retaining the warm thoughts, letting her woken mind think of nothing but her mushy feelings - which only propelled her sense of comfort. And then it happened, like a pot that hadn’t been stirred properly, she burnt out; she was spent.

“Hehe, awe.” Fluttershy sounded, continuing to pat the filly’s rump. She leaned her snout against the filly’s forehead and kissed it. “Oh, you’re such a little doll. A sleepy doll at that.” She commented, looking up at the ceiling again with a proud smile on her face.

Author's Note:

I'm aware this chapter feels a bit more 'mature' compared to the rest of the story, but it's intentional. Sweetie Belle is a little more insecure because of her spotty sense of self-control and Fluttershy is a little inappropriate because of how unexpected Sweetie Belle's acceptence as a 'foal' is.

It's a hard dynamic to explain, but it's like the two of them are testing their the extend of their roles for once, instead of just Sweetie Belle.

That being said, there's more interesting stuff to come. And yes, I promise the next chapter is going to be cute.
