• Published 8th Jun 2016
  • 5,837 Views, 63 Comments

Fluttershy the Foalsitter - AlliePastel

Sweetie Belle offers to help Fluttershy achieve her motherly ambitions with a mix of method acting and pride swallowing.

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Chapter One: Baby Daze

“I’m not going to lie. I don’t know exactly what I got myself into.”…

Sweetie Belle woke as bright and as early as she always did. Not that there was really a need to. School just got out, there was no homework to do, and there were no bullying comments to keep her up at night. Everything felt great. Everything that is, except for a slight rumbling of her stomach.

There was no denying it. Despite having ate a big dinner last night, the young white filly was still starving. She was quick to shake her way out of her poofy pink comforter and flop her way onto her carpeted floor.

“Sweetie?” Rarity questioned, peaking her head through the doorway. She slowly paced her way inside and offered her little sister a loving hoof. “You alright there?” She asked, lifting the young filly up.

“Of course!” Sweetie answered, hopping to her hooves as perky as ever. “Did you make breakfast already? Please tell me you did!” She asked, with a puppy like beg in her eyes.

Rarity ruffled her sister’s mane, then turned her tail to her. “Why, yes. I made your favorite lunch-“ She paused, watching as Sweetie Belle bolted out of the door. Happily, she pranced after Sweetie.

“Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!” Sweetie cheered, happier than ever that her favorite meal really was made. It was incredible, the waffles and the fruit were prepared just how she liked them and they even had jam on them, versus an abundance of syrup like they usually would.

By the time Rarity made her way down to the kitchen table, her little sister had already thoroughly started scarfing away at her foot. It was a really unlady like of her, definitely something other than what she was taught to do. Usually she’d comment, but she didn’t want to upset Sweetie Belle; especially not this morning.

Taking her seat, she coyly drank some milk as she continued watching the little one had a go at her food. “So Sweetie.” Rarity put on a false grin, pulling out a little black leather book from a satchel that sat atop of an adjacent chair.

“What? The breakfast is really good by the way.” Sweetie remarked, smiling happily at her sister as a little bit of strawberry jam dripped off her chin and unto her thighs.

‘Gross.’ Rarity thought to herself. But she had to maintain as jovial of an environments as possible. Giving Sweetie a reluctant smile, she opened her little booklet and slowly pushed it across to table.

Curiously, Sweetie Belle leaned forward and took a glance at the book. “What’s that?” Sweetie asked, taking a swig of some rather odd tasting milk.

“Oh, that.” Rarity said, tapping her wooden table with her hoof. She’d rehearsed what to say a thousand times in her head, but for some reason the words didn’t come to her properly. “That- is an idea. Uh- project, that Fluttershy and I have been considering for quite a while.”

Sweetie Belle looked around at her sister’s somewhat country quaint kitchen, searching for a towel. Finding a napkin instead, she wiped her lip and then her inner thigh. “What’s special about it?” She asked, finding the picture rather confusing. It was a picture of a bunch of baby stuff scattered about a regular looking living room and bedroom. “Actually, is that Fluttershy’s cottage? What’s up with that?” She asked, her interest peaked, “Is she getting into babysitting?”

“You could say that.” Rarity said, shutting the book. “You know how you’ve said you wanted to go to the spa lately?”

“Yeah.” Sweetie Belle dead panned.

“Cause you’ve been feeling stressed at school and you’ve been wanting to- uh, unwind?” Rarity gestured, picking up a napkin and courtesly wiped her sister’s chin.

“Yeah.” Sweetie Belle asked, a tad more enthusiastic this time. She didn’t know what her sister was getting at, but it sound exciting.

“Well. Fluttershy is offering to pamper you.” Rarity chuckled, giggling at her own pun. Noticing her sister’s still confusion, she coughed and regained a trusting tone. “Uh. Well Fluttershy wants you to come over and look after you for a bit.”

“Is she babysitting fillies and colts now? Does she want practice?” Sweetie asked, curious. Being foal sat didn’t seem too bad, it wasn’t like Applejack didn’t do it a lot for her anyway. Besides, the last time she slept over at Fluttershy’s, she had a blast!

Nodding, Rarity smiled awkwardly. “Yes. Fluttershy wants to become a nanny of sorts. Not just a regular baby sitter, but a caretaker. It’s hard to describe really, but she’d really appreciate your help.”

“I’d be happy to help!” Sweetie Belle beamed, waggling her tail like an eager puppy. “She’s always been so supportive of the CMC and our crusade to get our Cutie Marks. I’d love to help her!” She said hopping out of her seat, all while leaving her dishes behind.

“Quite.” Rarity whispered to herself, staring blankly at her sister’s dirty dishes. A part of her felt bad for the set up. But on the other hoof, it wasn’t like Sweetie Belle wouldn’t mind a good foal treatment. Sweetie Belle was always rather sensitive for a seven year old; let alone emotionally clingy. One thing was for curtain, it was going to be interesting to see how things turn out.


“Are you ready Sweetie?” Rarity asked, warmly as she grabbed her sister’s two extra saddlebags worth of stuff. Typically she wouldn’t subject herself to menial labor, but Sweetie was doing her a big favor.

Sweetie came galloping out of her room with the same kind of enthusiasm you’d expect from a filly going to night camp. “I’m ready, I’m ready!” She cheered, following behind her sister. She made her way down the steps, clip clopping her hooves happily every step of the way.

Most of her summers she spent with her parents in their boring lake house. But for once, she was going to spend the summer in a forest cottage. There was so much more to do, especially with all of Fluttershy’s animal friends. There were creeks, gardens, picnic areas, and a nearly infinite amount of forest area and creek beds to explore. It was exciting, really.

Rarity followed behind Sweetie, hardly keeping up with her sister’s fast little scurrying pace. “Sweetie Belle, please. You’re going dreadfully quick for some pony with such tiny little hooves.” She commented, following her sister out the door. “I know Fluttershy told us you didn’t need to pack many things, but are you sure you don’t want to do a quick recount-no? O-okay.”

For a good twenty minutes or so, Rarity had to chase her sister down the dirt path of Ponyville, making sure nothing happened to Sweetie Belle the whole way through. It didn’t help that it was a cloudless day and that the lack of traffic meant that there was no excuse to slow down.

After what seemed like an eternity of chasing down the young filly, the two finally arrived in the Everfree forest outskirts. A refuge from the sun, Rarity was more than delighted once they made it. And what do you know? Fluttershy was right outside her cottage, relaxing in the sun.

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow at the two. Sweetie Belle seemed to skitter across the ground in a fast pace manner that kicked up more dirt than a tiny dustbowl. All the while, poor Rarity was desperately veering from side to side, trying to avoid choking on the cloud as she went.

It was no surprise that Sweetie Belle was the first one to hop over the several hills and valleys that surrounded her cottage and arrive right at her fore hooves. Looking down, Fluttershy nodded. “Hello, Sweetie Belle.” She paused, watching Rarity recover from her five second lag, “Hehe, hello Rarity. How are you two doing?”

“Great!” Sweetie Belle chimed, waggling her tail as eagerly as ever.

Rarity on the other hoof came right behind her sister and dropped to her hindquarters like the weight of the world was crushing her. “Won-wonderful.” She spurted out.

“Oh my, hehe. Maybe I should give you a bath instead.” Fluttershy teased, taking Rarity’s saddle bags off her hooves. “Thanks for helping so much by the way. I’ll be sure to send you the pictures right away.”

“N-no problem.” Rarity turned her tail to the other two, before slowly pacing away.

Fluttershy frowned a tad, reaching out a hoof. “Rarity, are you sure you don’t want to stay for a lemonade or something? Maybe get Sweetie and I acquainted.”

“No, no. I’m quite alright. I’ll just- I’ll just lay on the grass here for a minute while you two get situated inside. Tootaloo.” Rarity said, planting her face into her hooves and falling to the ground.

“Oh, okay then. After you Sweetie.” Fluttershy offered, opening the door for the white filly.

“Thanky!” Sweetie Belle cheered, stepping lightly through the doorway. The door shut behind and Fluttershy hit the light, giving a clear perspective of everything that Fluttershy’s property entailed.

“Oh-wow. It does look nice, doesn’t it?” Fluttershy gestured, helping get all of Sweetie’s stuff off her back and set away by the door.

To her astonishment, Sweetie Belle was quick to notice that Fluttershy’s entire living room had been transformed into a bit of a more ‘foal-friendly’ place. There was an area in the corner, sectioned off with a white vinyl fence that enclosed a fluffy carpet and a colorful cubby. Notably, there were also rather colorful foal furnishings, also with a white vinyl exterior, such as foal swing and walker.

“Wow, it really looks like you put away a lot of money for your baby-sitting business.” Sweetie Belle commented, brushing some dirt off from her chest.

Fluttershy smiled, nomming the back of Sweetie Belle’s neck and carrying her off.

“Eep! Oh, hehe. Rarity did mention a bath sometime before we left out house, I-I can walk if you want.” Sweetie commented, feeling rather embarrassed by the prospect of being carried.

Without uttering a word, not like she could, Fluttershy joyfully carried Sweetie to the bathroom and set her gently on the bathroom mat.

Looking up at Fluttershy, Sweetie noticed how the mare more than doubled her in size. “Uh, Fluttershy? Why am I taking a bath?”

“Cause silly.” Fluttershy said, climbing over the glazed outside of the tub and turned on the spiket. She waved a hoof underneath it, making it sure it was just warm enough to be comfortable. Fluttershy sat her rump down into the back of the bathtub and moved the lingering showerhead out of Sweetie’s way, giving the little one room to move a bit.

“I guess a bath sounds nice.” Sweetie Belle said, climbing into the tub with the help of Fluttershy’s hooves.

Sweetie Belle said sitting her own rump down into the warm water of the tub. She looked up at Fluttershy, still a bit confused by the prospect of taking a shower with a mare. She never bathed with another pony, atleast not anypony aside from a CMC member.

Fluttershy turned her head to the side, but kept a warm smile on her face. “What do you mean Sweetie Belle? I’m just trying to give you a nice, carefree bath. I want you to feel as refreshed as possible!” she said, joyfully picking up the shower head and gently running it over Sweetie Belle’s back.

“I-I guess that’s alright.” Sweetie said., blushing a bit as she melted at the touch of the warm water. She laid on her tummy and planted her chin in her hooves.

“That’s a good girl.” Fluttershy cooed, running the warm water up and down the matted, tapered hair on Sweetie’s back until everything was wetted down.

Sweetie Belle was weirdly content with the sensation of warm water pouring onto the nape of her neck and gushing like a rolling brook around every individual hair follicle.

Fluttershy started humming a gentle tone for a minute ro two, giving Sweetie time to rest properly. “Now that you’re nice and ready, Aunty Fluttershy is going to make you feel all nice and comfortable.” She cooed, pouring a globe of baby shampoo into her hooves, then began lathering the filly’s back.

“Such a good girl.” Fluttershy commented, watching as Sweetie Belle became stiller and stiller. “I can tell you’re enjoying this. Who like her little bathy time?”

“Me…” Sweetie Belle moaned, feeling content in the hooves of her caretaker and the warm water.

Fluttershy leaned over and lathered the childs scalped, gently closing her eyes as she did so. “Don’t worry Sweetie, this’ll only be a second longer.” She kindly spoke, running the shower head back over the child’s scalp and down her back one last time.

Sweetie Belle smiled, feeling her every muscle transcend it’s stain and finely unwind itself, until she felt weightless under the loving guidance of Fluttershy’s actions.

“Good girl.” Fluttershy cooed again. She sat up from the tub and grabbed the child’s barrel with her hooves. “Now I know this is gonna be difficult, but I need you to be a big filly and sit up on your little tushie.”

“Nnn.” Sweetie Belle grunted, pushing herself onto her backside; truthfully, with Fluttershy doing almost all of the work.

“Good girl!” Fluttershy encourage yet again. She brought out a puffy white towel and wrapped it around Sweetie’s Back, then rubbed it as cordially as possible. She was much easier to dry than any of her animal friends, they would always put up a fuss after a bath. Sweetie Belle was so much more patient; she loved it.

Sweetie Belle meanwhile, patiently waited as Fluttershy finished drying her off. Rarity was right, it really was like Fluttershy was running her own spa. So early in the morning and she was already ready to fall asleep. How would she manage staying awake at this rate?

“Easy now.” Fluttershy said, hopping out of the tub and sitting her own soggy behind on the plush white bathroom matt. She helped her new found filly out of the tub and onto the matt as well. “Was that fun?” She asked Sweetie, looking down at her in the condescendingly warm way any foal’s parent would.

“A-a little.” Sweetie admitted, perking up a bit. If it were any other pony but Fluttershy, she might be a bit creeped out. But she knew Fluttershy was just a motherly mare. In fact, it was kind of welcoming to be treated so delicately for once.

Fluttershy nodded, “Good.” She said, grabbing Sweetie’s towel and hung it on its proper rack. “Now, you wanna follow me to your new room for the summer? I promise we can do something fun, just as soon as I get you packed in.”

“Sounds good to me.” Sweetie answered, following Fluttershy out into the hallway. She sat her rump down once again, outside a room with a pink set of wooden letters that read “Sweetie Belle” tailored to a white door. It excited her, Fluttershy went through with getting her a her very own custom made decoration. “Can I open it?” she asked, her energy levels ramped up like they were before the shower.

“Let me.” Fluttershy said, opening the door and trailing inside, eagerly following Sweetie Belle in. She flicked on the lights, revealing a very girl, very ‘foal’ decorated room. Complete with not only a princess like, white cot. But also another baby swing, a wardrobe, a series of lots of pink fabric toy cubbies, and a changing table that matched her cot.

Sweetie’s jaw dropped and her mood crashed like a plane with one wing. She looked around at the room and its froofy, blushed coloured everything. How perfect a colour choice too, because that’s exactly the shade of pink her face turned.

“Y-you don’t l-like it?” Fluttershy asked, frowning a bit as she got on her hooves in front of the filly. “I-I thought y-you-you’d really like it.” She said, before her eyes welled with tears and she planted her face into the white carpeted ground.

“W-what? Why would I want this? It’s just a stupid baby room!” Sweetie objected, insensibly throwing her hooves in the air like a spoiled toddler.

Fluttershy peaked her eyes from over her hooves, “I-I thought. Rarity and I went over e-ever-everything. I-I th-thought you l-lii-liked girly.”

“It’s not the girly I don’t like. It’s the- the baby- the foal. I’m notta foal.” Sweetie said, objectively defending herself. “W-why would you think I’d be okay with this?”

“C-cause.” Fluttershy said, blushing a deep red herself. “Rarity said you wanted to. I-I shouldn’t have taken her word for certainty I guess.” She added, feeling silly for not questioning things sooner.

“It’s alright.” Sweetie said, walking up to Fluttershy and rubbing her fluffy pink mane with her hoof. “I don’t blame you. I mean.” She stopped, looking up at the nursery and it’s incredible detail, “It is all pretty impressive.”

“Do you think so?” Fluttershy asked, wiping her eyes then sat up straight again. She smiled, coyly, “I-I still think you might enjoy being a f-foal. If you w-wanna try, maybe. You don’t have to though.” She said, trying to play things off nicely.

Worried, Sweetie Belle stepped around the room and looked at all the furniture. “I dunno.” She said, unsure of whether skipping out on getting the foal treatment would devastate Fluttershy or not. Truthfully, the room did look kinda nice once she got past the part about it being five years too young for her. “I-is anyone going to see me in here?” She asked, uncertainly sitting on a pink play mat infront of the changing table.

“Of course not.” Fluttershy cooed, stepping up to the filly in the same way she would a stray cat. “Why, I wouldn’t ever let anybody else know about something you want to keep secret. It’s your privacy afterall and I’d do anything to make sure you always feel safe and warm in this house.”

The filly thought about it for just a split second, falling victim to the peer pressure. “W-why I don’t know. I-I guess if you promise to keep things a secret between us, I-I’ll trust you to baby me. It might be fun.” She added, smiling shyly.

“Oh, really?” Fluttershy lit up, running over to the filly. She lifted her in her hooves and flew her in the air a bit, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She said, exhilarated by the prospect. “Awe, my baby.” She grinned as she hugged the filly, “You wouldn’t believe how much I’ve always wanted a foal.”

Sweetie Belle smiled a bit proudly as she sat on top of the changing table’s stain proof mat; a bit like her own little throne. Although, the reality of what the changing table was really for, caught up with the filly pretty quick as a hoof planted on the center of her chest and gently pushed her unto her back.

The prospect of being diapered didn’t freak her out, but it did riddle her with the same type of anxiety she’d get presenting infront of the class; she felt like everyone was watching. So she focused her eyes on the mobile and let herself become encapsulated in the way the cool-coloured pony ballerinas turned in their primly posed manner. It was bizarre, but the way the branches of the mobile moved meant that every turn brought about a slightly different outcome.

Fluttershy didn’t say a word as she busted out her new foal-powder for the first time ever. “Funny, I thought you’d say something against being diapered.” She said out loud, curious of Sweetie Belle’s input. But clearly, Sweetie Belle was distracted by mobile. Assuming the filly was smart enough to know what the changing table was and still not object, she preceded to poor a plentiful amount of the powder straight unto the filly’s backside and chest.

“Easy.” Sweetie Belle whined, feeling the powder’s odor seep straight into her nostrils as she inhaled. She closed her eyes, then fixated them on the mobile again.

“Did you ever want to try being a ballerina Sweetie Belle?” Fluttershy asked, setting a plastic turquois bag on the right next to Sweetie Belle’s hooves. She tore the package and pulled out a crisp, crinkly diaper.

Sweetie Belle swallowed awkwardly, but smiled. “I did- actually I still do.” She admitted, watching in awe as Fluttershy effortlessly lifted her little hooves into the air and slipped the poofy white foal nappy underneath her powdered backside.

“Awe, well do I have an outfit for you. Hehe!” Fluttershy teased, pulling the front end of the nappy over the girl’s waist and taping the back tapes onto the front. “I’m just kidding.” She added, as if it were necessary to explain herself.

“You don’t say?” Sweetie Belle asked, a tad confused as to how the nappy was so big as she sat up. It was bizzare, but the thing hugged not only her waist, but went a third of the way up her tummy.

From Sweetie’s gaze alone, it was obvious that she was confused. “Sorry, I guess Rarity got the measurements wrong.” She confessed, feeling a bit irresponsible again. “Doesn’t matter though; as long as the nappy isn’t too tight, you should be good.” She said, picking the filly up and holding her against her chest.

“I guess.” Sweetie Belle said, a bit caught off guard by the numbed feeling the nappy gave her backside. Four years out of diapers, but the sensation felt like it never left. She knew Fluttershy was patting her padded backside with her hoof, but it felt strangely calm; a bit like a weightless vibration.

Fluttershy sat on the ground and continued to hold the filly close, only occasionally rubbing Sweetie Belle’s back or backside. “Oh, you’re such a cute darling. I just know you’re going to love being a foal.”

“T-thanks.” Sweetie Belle spoked, with a puzzled look on her face. She hadn’t been hugged so hard in years. It didn’t feel like the kind of formal hug she’d get from her family either. This was kinda hug that somepony longingly gives; someone who doesn’t didn’t to let go.

“My baby.” Fluttershy inaudibly whispered to herself as she set the filly on the ground. She looked down at Sweetie Belle and smiled, “So, do you wanna go outside for a bit? Or maybe we play a game indoors?”

“Outside seems nice.” She said, standing up and waddling step forward or two before falling back on her padded rump; the diaper would take a little while to get used to.

Author's Note:

If you wondered where I went for so long, I've been going through a bit of a conflict in what I want to write.

At first I was reluctant on creating another story were Fluttershy was the mother figure. But then I realized that it's been over nine stories ago (nearly two years ago) that I wrote a story with Pony Fluttershy as character, and that I miss writing writing for ponies in general.

Like I never really noticed in when I was writing 'One More Time' but writing for humans is a lot more heavy handed than ponies because the involvement of AB/DL related content on some dark undertones. Not that they're not entertaining to write. But the use of ponies paves the way for a lot more comical situations and plot leniency and those elements really help to keep the story closer to the source material's heart.

I've really enjoyed writing something light-hearted again, which is why I intend on keeping this story regularly updated on a weekly to by-weekly basis.

I hope you enjoy and have a nice day! ~England