• Published 8th Jun 2016
  • 5,839 Views, 63 Comments

Fluttershy the Foalsitter - AlliePastel

Sweetie Belle offers to help Fluttershy achieve her motherly ambitions with a mix of method acting and pride swallowing.

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Chapter Four: Bed Time

“Hehe, you back already?” Fluttershy asked rhetorically, waiting idly by the changing table

“Yeah.” Sweetie smiled, walking up to Fluttershy and offering her fore hooves. She was lifted unto the changing table and then habitually raised her backside into the air

Smiling, Fluttershy undid a brand new diaper and smiled. “Hehe, well aren’t you just a well-trained foal?” she teased, pushing the new diaper underneath the filly’s butt. Pulling out the powder, she chimed, “You know if you’re going to ask me permission to use the potty anyway, why not just use your diapers? It’s not like I won’t already know what you did and I really would mind ‘cleaning up’ after a little one like yourself.”

Blushing, Sweetie smirked uncomfortably. “I-I know, I just uh.”

Fluttershy smiled sympathetically as she proceeded to powder the filly with the nursery-smelling dust.

“Um- It’s you ‘cleaning’ me that’s my problem.” The filly admitted, panning her head up at her caretaker as if to beg for some level of likeminded thinking.

The grown mare burst out into a fit of laughter. “Hahaha, oh- I’m sorry Sweetie Belle. I can understand why you might find that embarrassing.” Fluttershy admitted, lifting Sweetie Belle’s little white butt and pushed a brand new foal diaper underneath her rear. She pulled it between the filly’s legs and wrapped it snugly around her waist and cooed, “It’s alright baby. I’m sure whatever you damage you do to your diaper, I’ve already seen much worse. Besides, I’m not here to judge anyway.”

Smiling, she lifted her filly into the air and gently lowered her on the ground.

“Don’t I at least get a say?” Sweetie Belle asked, swaying on her hooves as she regained her balance.

Fluttershy nodded, “You can do whatever you want, honestly. Although, it’d make me really happy if you started using your diapers; I kinda blew a lot of bits on them after all.”

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes and giggled, “Hehe! I mean- why would you do that?” she asked, following behind Fluttershy as she started walking her way out of the room.

Walking her way to the staircase, Fluttershy opened the safety gate and slowly paced her way down. “Immersion mostly; I’ve got to get used to changing foal diapers eventually.”

Following suite, Sweetie Belle started hobbling her way down the stairs at a snail’s pace. “I thought you said you already changed diapers- gross ones at that.”

“Well of course I’ve changed a lot of diapers Sweetie Belle.” Fluttershy said, sitting down at the bottom of the staircase and waiting for her little one to catch up, “I already told you silly. I take care of all sorts of baby animals during this time of the year, as well as some foals from time to time. But, taking care of a set of twins is absolutely hectic and being a mother is different than being a care taker.”

Sweetie Belle stepped unto the last of two steps, only to have a Fluttershy lift her up by the nape of her neck. She tried looking up at her caretaker for a split second, but then accepted the fact that she was going to get carried. “I mean, I guess that makes sense. Although I’m not sure I have it in me to unpotty-train myself. I don’t think I’ve ever consciously had an accident before.” She commented, quite sure of her statement.

With her mouth full of filly skin, Fluttershy waited until she’d successfully made it outside before commenting. “Pu-toah. Oh, we need to brush you hair.” Fluttershy spat, as she lowered her baby onto the ground. She wiped her tongue on the side of her hoof and smiled,
“Anyway. There’s no pressure to use your diapers Sweetie Belle. But it might be fun. Again, how many fillies your age get to re-live their years as a foal?”

Her smirk turned into a grin as she listened to her caretaker’s words. “Hmm, I guess you’re right.” She said, rather excited by the prospect. Although, she’d wait to try it out. She did literally just go a few minutes ago.

“Aren’t I always?” Fluttershy asked, stepping off the wooden veranda and unto the silky smooth dirt isle that separated her various plants. She paced through the plants, occasionally kicking up small puffs of dirt as she went in between the separate plots.

Watching Fluttershy, Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but notice just how natural she looked. Her coat glistened like it was gold plated, her stride and form were so well rounded and flexible, and the bushels of vibrant green, purple, and red veggies accentuated just how organic she looked. With the sun casting behind both the motherly mare and the quickly silhouetting forest skyline behind her, the filly couldn’t help but open her mouth with a strike of awe.

“Uh- Sweetie Belle?” Fluttershy asked, walking back onto the veranda with the sun still radiating around every split end of her fur.

“Oh- sorry.” The filly replied, hopping back to her fours and quietly waddling back through the doorway of house.

“Hehe, you’re good Sweetie.” Fluttershy commented, kicking the door closed behind her as she walked her way over to the kitchen’s counter. Laying a head of iceberg lettuce, along with a carrot or two, and a head of cabbage, the mother pulled out her cutting knife and started hacking away at the stuff.

Not wanting to bother her caretaker, Sweetie Belle choose instead to gaze at the mare from a far. She noticed how elegantly the mare moved her hooves and chopped in just the right formations so that everything was could be easily blended. The lettuce was cut in a dicing motion like the cabbage. But the carrots were grated and better yet; the tomatoes were slice into straight clean cut ovals.

Fluttershy pushed the freshly cut produce of its board and into a collider, where she shook and and mixed them about until they were evenly mixed. Taking a quick glance back, she smirked at the filly, “You know, I wouldn’t make salad for just any filly? I’d have to really think were special.” She commented, tossing the salad evenly into two respective bowls.

“Hehe… really?” Sweetie Belle questioned, feeling slightly humbled by her caretaker’s words.

“Oh yeah.” Fluttershy commented, setting both of the plastic bowls on the kitchens stale wooden dining table. Giggling, she walked over to an overly large and rather bulky highchair and began unfolding it, “Salad is my favorite meal and I rarely make it for other ponies. But you’re an exception.”

Surprised by Fluttershy’s gift, Sweetie lit up a bit on the inside. It did kind of make sense, salads- especially with home grown vegetables, did take a lot of time and effort to prepare. Walking up to the mare, she offered her hooves submissively; she really didn’t mind eating in a high chair this time around.

To her surprise however, she couldn’t help but feel weirdly uncomfortable, sitting untop of the cushy pink colored highchair like it were some kind of throne. However, when Fluttershy pulled the white nylon straps over her chest and buckled the tray over her lap, she did feel strangely snug.

“Hehe, comfy?” Fluttershy asked, doing an experimental tug on the safety belt.

Scootaloo wriggled around on her diaper rump then nodded, “Yeah. This is actually kinda nice.” She admitted.

Fluttershy moseyed on over to the main table area and stabbed the salad combination with a rubber tipped fork, and then carried it over to her foal.

Watching quite quizzically, the child watched as the motherly mare dropped the bowl on the tray yet raised the lattice covered fork from out of the bowl. “Open up.” She heard, watching as her caretaker warmly smiled and moved the item towards her face.

Instinctually, the second the blue rubber fork hovered near her mouth, she opened it up and chomped down on it.

“Good girl!” Fluttershy cooed, rather gracious of her foal’s corporation.

The child’s pride took over and she was forced to blush, “Y-you’re welcome.” She said, looking around for something to drink until another fork full of the vegetable collided with the surface of her tongue. “Gu-gah!” she gagged, swallowing the food quite harshly.

Blushing, the mother retracted her hoof and the fork, “Ooh, careful baby.”.

The feeding went on for quite some time, with the foal staring with a lazed back smile and posture as her caretaker continued feeding her bite after bite of her leafy green meal. While admittedly slow paced, was still enjoyable all the way through.

“Annnnd, ahh.” Fluttershy mouthed, delivering the last bite of the salad to her little filly. Upon landing it, she simply flashed a proud smile at the girl and nodded.

“That was fun.” The white fill admitted, kicking her legs playfully. Looking around the kitchen, she sat back, “What do I do now?”

Fluttershy walked over to the table and took a seat. “Well, with you all fed, I’m going to eat my salad and then we’re going to get my favorite filly a bottle.” She cooed, picking up her own silver utensil before munching away at her meal.

Nodding, the child sat back in her plushly padded seat, deciding to enjoy the cool air that the open kitchen basked in. Contently, she leaned back into her chair and closed her eyes- the salad eating took quite a while to come to an end.


“Nnng- ah.” Fluttershy grunted, not so much lifting, but tossing her foal onto her own bed. “Wow, I always forget just how high my bed is.” She said fluttering her wings, dismounting onto the cloud-like texture that was her comforter.

Amazed by the fabric herself, the child gushed out a bit as she hugged onto the soft naturally woven blanket, “Woah- this really is soft!”

“Hehe, yeah. I wanted to get another one made for the crib in your nursery, but unfortunately the fabric is pretty darn hard to come by.” She said, lightly stepping over to her pillow. Sitting down, she laid her back flat on the mattress and smiled.

“Hmm? Are you going to be already?” the child asked, curiously pacing over to her caregiver’s spot.

Smirking, the mother leaned over to her left side, snatching an item off her side table. “Nah, we’re just gonna relax up here for a bit. Some bonding time is important between a momma and her foal.”

Sweetie Belle hobbled over to Fluttershy and laid on her back as well. “So- why not go outside in the pool.”

“Cause that.” The motherly mare replied, gently pointing a hoof over at the massive side wall mirror that broadcasted the beauty of her garden in a hyper-realistic definition that seemed to accentuate the beautiful green groves.

Rolling on her side, the awe struck filly waggled her tail excited about the whole spectacle. There were fluttering wild birds and spiny bushels of grass flowing in harmony with the wind. The tree tops seemed to dance too, but their fruit weighed them down, resulting in a jarring and somewhat melodramatic swaying motion. With the nearly dawned sunset on the horizon, everything seemed to be making it’s last effort to find refuge before the night.

“Woah.” Sweetie Belle said, smiling at the scene, “How’d you get a mirror that transparent.”

Waggling her tail excitedly kind, the mother scooted closer to the foal and wrapped her arms around the filly’s tummy. “Mmm, I just bought expensive storm proof glass. It’s like an inch thick. I mean, the window is pretty massive and I do have like a billion trees around here.”

“Do you really?” Sweetie Belle asked, holding her hooves up against her caretaker’s.

“Hehe, not quite, but I have a few hundred at least.” She said, leaning her chin on her baby’s head.

Sweetie Belle giggle, “Hehe! So, did you just bring me up here to show me this?”

“Yes and no.” Fluttershy smiled, reaching behind her back. Smiling, she pulled out the a rather small foal-sized bottle of formula, “I thought I’d give you a few for dessert. I would have just taken you outside, but I already had your pajama clothes and everything ready on my nightstand from when you were napping earlier. So I thought I’d save you the trip. Besides, if we get up early enough tomorrow, we might be able to sneak a peek at the morning glories.”

“Really?” The filly questioned, picking up the bottle with both her hooves. She stared down at the thing with its rubber amber nipple, the little marked numbers and the way it was coated with engraved baby-friendly designs. She blushed, but it did looks strangely refreshing.

Fluttershy kissed the back of the filly’s head and continued huggling her, “You don’t have to drink it Sweetie Belle. I just made it for you as a snack and if you wanna skip it, I’ll just get you dressed up for bed right now.”

“Nah- I’m curious.” Scootaloo said, nestling herself back against her caretaker’s tummy and sticking the bottle’s spout in her mouth. She sucked some of the formulated milk into her mouth and wide-eyed.

“How is it?” Fluttershy asked, closing her eyes and grinning.

“It’s- it’s actually pretty good.” Sweetie Belle replied, curiously taking another sip. “It’s almost like a melted vanilla milkshake- except a little bit less sweet. But still.”

Fluttershy smirked, “I thought it’d taste nice. You know, that’s kinda interesting though. Can you believe we both produce that?”

Sweetie Belle’s expression dropped as she heard those words, “What? Did you just feed me your own milk?”

Giggling, the grown mare shook her head, “No, no. I’m just saying that I can produce milk like that- albeit without the vanilla fringe to it. And one day you’ll be able to too. Although I’m not sure what your beef with drinking my milk would be, that milk actually came from a cow friend of mine.”

“Oh- okay. I guess your milk probably wouldn’t taste that bad either- although I’m not sure how a mare’s milk compares to cow milk. As far as I know, I’ve only ever had cow’s milk.” She admitted, curiously popping the bottle’s nipple back into her mouth.

Fluttershy nodded, sitting back up straight. “You stay here. I’ll be right back.”

Being the obedient little foal Sweetie Belle was. She rolled on her back and stared blankly at the white crusted ceiling, still holding her bottle with both hooves as she suspended up in the air like a real teat. Eventually out of the corner of her eye, a hoof came along and grabbed the bottle from her.

“Hehe, easy there baby.” The voice sounded, gently setting the bottle down on the bed. She lifted a big white and red onesie in the air and smiled, “If you drink too fast, you’ll get a wittle tummy ache.” She cooed.

“Mmm.” Sweetie moaned, crossing her hooves disappointingly. She didn’t have long to remain upset as a the one piece t-shirt was slipped over her head and laced around her hooves, forcing her face to mend to the whim of the fabric.

“Shh. Careful.” Fluttershy said, helping to guide the girl’s individual hoof through each one of its respective holes. She lifted her foal’s diapered tushie and tugged the extra fabric flap from beneath it.

Blushing the child raised an eyebrow, “Is this necessary?”

Fluttershy shook her head, “Not particularly. But you’re probably going to want this outfit on in the morning.” She said, giving the filly her bottle back.

“Why’s that?” Sweetie Belle asked, before sticking the bottle back in her mouth slowly. She messaged the rubber spout with her tongue, feeling oddly soothed by the suckling.

“It’s because healthy baby’s need to sleep for atleast twelve hours and I need some time alone to tend to my stuff. It’s alright if you get up early, but I’ll most likely put you in the baby swing and turn on the radio when I’m away.” She admitted, pulling something out that the child really didn’t expect to see; little pinkish booty-socks.

“Wait- what does that have to do with my onesie- or even the booties?” She asked, confused as the warm fluffy socks were slipped over her back hooves.

Fluttershy focusing her attention the girl’s forehooves, “Here- let me take that.” She said, nabbing the filly of her ‘baba’ again and replacing the cold sensation of wet plastic with that of dry cotton. Smiling, she laid on her back again and answered her foal, “Cause, this house’s A/C becomes overbearing at night and until some sun rays get into your nursery, it’s gonna be a chill 16 degrees Celsius in there. “

“Oh.” The child said, kicking her little pink bootied hooves around. Wanting to get cozy again, she back her diapered flank up about a foot and turned to hug her caretaker’s warm yellow tummy again.

“It’ll be alright though.” Fluttershy smiled, turning on her side. Getting back into her old formation, she waited for Sweetie Belle to lay in the same manner then hugged her hooves back around the filly’s chest. She offered her foal the bottle again and grinned excitedly, “I’m gonna make you such a good breakfast tomorrow and you’ll get to experience firsthand how much fun your little swing is.”

“I’m sure it’ll be a blast.” Sweetie Belle smiled coyly as she stuck the bottle back into her mouth. She let her head drift down onto the soft comfort of the anynomous pillow and relaxed as the static discharge caused her hair to become frizzy and her cheek to meld naturally against her mismanaged mane.

Fluttershy hugged the child especially tight, making sure to encapsulate the filly with the warmth of her own body. Lovingly, she kept as still as possible holding her hoof over Sweetie Belle’s chest, waiting for her heart-beat to calm and the rise and fall of her chest to slow down.

Very slowly for Sweetie Belle, the cool liquid that gushed into her mouth began loosing it's attraction and her checks stopped their fluctuation. Embroiled in the confines of her caretaker's loving arms, she closed her eyes and let herself fade slowly into a slumbering void of rest.

“Hehe, what a baby.” Fluttershy giggled, moving the bottle back onto the night stand as she pulled the thick warm comforter over herself and her foal. Very gently, closed her eyes and gave Sweetie a kiss on the crown of her head.

Author's Note:

There might be some disagreements about how far I take Sweetie's acceptance of being babied. But the beauty of writing something based off the head cannon versus for the head cannon, is that the story can lend itself to more controversial or experimental features that you otherwise wouldn't see. However, just because I'm writing something that would almost certainly never make it in the show, doesn't mean that there's a need to stray away from the light-hearted nature of it.

Quite the opposite of my 'Holding Onto You' story perhaps, but I have every intention to continue this store as close to the show's heart as possible. You can expect the next chapter to be a little bit more 'down to earth' in regards to a mommy/daughter relationship; nothing too intense, but there might be some light drama.

Above all else however, enjoy the piece as I enjoy writing it. ~England