• Published 11th Jun 2016
  • 13,038 Views, 389 Comments

MLP: The Magic of... Music? - The Bricklayer

So Twilight discovers human radio and decides to share it with her teacher. However, they are shocked at what they find. And soon, everypony wants a listen...

  • ...

Part 14: The Sounds of Swing and the Blues...

Author's Note:

Alright, time for another chapter of musical fun! This time, we're going into Swing tunes, along with the Blues... (Also, thank you Black_Knight, primeoetgrunn, and CaioCola for the song suggestions!:twilightsmile:)

One would think after a major incident like the three sirens known as the Dazzlings just nearly taking over the small town of Ponyville one would notice a change in the air. But oddly enough, there wasn't much of one at all. Maybe it was just because of how often strange incidents happened in the small hamlet, or maybe it was just because of how hardy the townspeople were, but either way everypony seemed to act like absolutely nothing had happened in any way whatsoever. Well, at least that's what it seemed like on the surface for some ponies. One case in particular was Trixie Lulamoon. On the surface it seemed like that she was going about life as always, but in the inside she felt guilt. She'd let the Dazzlings sucker her, and in the process nearly help take over Equestria and nearly invaid another world filled with creatures who'd done nothing to her.

"Trixie was a fool, that's for sure." The showmare muttered before there was the sound of two sharp knocks on her wagon's door.

Knock! Knock!"

"Alright already, Trixie's coming!" She shouted before Trixie then muttered "Hold your horses, okay?"

When she opened the door, the showmare was surprised to find both Lyra and Octavia along with Cheese Sandwich on the other side of it. She noticed the guilty expressions on all three of their faces, one which she herself shared.

"You three as well, huh?" Trixie asked, and got three nods in response.

"Yeah..." Lyra said. "We were idiots. We let ourselves get suckered by those three, and look what happened." The lyre playing pony muttered.

"There's only one way we can make up for this and we know it." Octavia added in. "That is, listen to more human music. After all, we only heard three songs that we actually disliked, and heard how bad humans were from the mouths of the DAZZLINGS."

"Plus..." Cheese added in. "The songs before those three particular ones we actually liked."

Trixie now was the one to nod as she trotted out of her wagon.

"Trixie says you are quite right." She agreed. "So she says we all go over to Twilight's later and listen to more human music."

"Later?" Cheese asked enthusiastically. "How 'bout now?"

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Lyra agreed excitedly.

Golden Oaks Library

So it was with a little hesitation that all four ponies returned to the Golden Oaks Library to once again listen to more human music. Sunset along with the Mane Six were already there, along with somepony else that made Trixie fly into a rage of pure fury.

"What are you doing here!?!" Trixie yelled as she walked up to Sonata. The showmare was then pulled back by both Twilight and Rainbow.

"Woah, take it easy Trix!" Rainbow exclaimed as she held back (If only barely) the furious unicorn mare.

"Take... Take it easy?" Trixie sputtered. "Have you lost it? She's one of the freaking Dazzlings for crying out loud!"

"Not anymore..." Sonata whispered sadly causing Octavia to quirk an eyebrow in surprise.

"What do you mean?" The cellist asked curiously, and so Sonata explained the whole thing, from arriving back in Equestria to being brainwashed by her sisters. Lyra sucked in a breath after she'd heard everything and took it all in.

"Wow, so they got you too huh?" She asked before letting out a small growl. "Talk about low."

"And how do we know you're not lying, huh?" Trixie growled out making Sunset state at her in shock.

"Trixie..." The Alicorn said sadly.

"No, it's alright. She has no real reason to trust me. As for my sisters, I... I don't want to talk about it okay?" Sonata whispered holding back a small sob at what her sisters had become. Once, they'd been like a family, looking out for one another, until a lust for power and attention consumed them.

"So... So can you please just start the music?" Sonata asked tearfully. And so, with a look of sympathy, Twilight did.

The first thing anypony in the room heard was a fast and hard blues guitar riff before the singer announced that he was going down to somewhere known as "The Crossroads" before the distinctive riff of this song played again. Eventually the singer again announced he was going somewhere called Rosedale before being asked to be taken down to the riverside. After that, there came a short guitar solo, if not a fairly impressive one despite it's short length. Rainbow Dash in particular knew it to be impressive as she'd gained a appreciation for soloing after being the lead guitar for the equestrian version of the Rainbooms. She knew playing a solo like that, or any part of this song really on the guitar was no small feat. The song went on for a few more minutes, before finally ending with the ominous sounding "And I believe I'm sinking down..." from the singer.

"Well, that line wasn't ominous at all was it Dearies?" Rarity said sarcastically as she took the song in.

"You're not kidding." Trixie agreed. "Wonder if he meant it literally, like somepony put a spell on him or something that made him fall into quicksand?"

"I doubt something so literal." Lyra interjected as she shook her head at Trixie. "I've done my research on humans, and last I checked they never have had access to magic."

Twilight nodded in agreement at her old Canterlot friend's words. Lyra was quite right on that front. Chances are, that last line was probably just a metaphor... Right? It wasn't like somepony put a curse on the singer to make him sink into the ground.

"Lyra's right." Twilight agreed. "He probably means he's just sinking into despair, sad as it is."

"What a happy song." Octavia deadpanned.

"Still, whoo-wee, you got to admit that was some pretty impressive soloing on that there guitar!" Applejack put in.

"Whew doggies, that human has got some skills!" She continued as Rainbow nodded at her friend's words.

"Almost as good as my skills!" She bragged, and everypony in the room raised a eyebrow causing her to quickly backtrack.

"...Okay, maybe better than I am." Rainbow said, correcting her words as Sunset spoke up.

"You know, there's actually a famous legend about the original writer of this song, or songs as the case may be as another one was sampled in this version of it." Sunset began, as everypony turned their attention to her in curiosity.

"Really?" Rarity asked in interest. "What kind of legend?"

"Well, the original writer, Robert Johnson supposedly sold his soul to the devil at the crossroads to become a famous guitar player with this song and it's lyrics "supposedly" being evidence of the fact. Make what of that as you will." Sunset explained.

"Well, good thing magic doesn't exist in the human world. Otherwise this myth might be more then just that, a myth." Twilight stated before a nervous Sonata spoke up.

"A-Actually, it's m-more then a myth." The youngest Dazzling stammered out, and now all heads were turned to her.

"Wait, you mean that legend is actually true?" Sunset exclaimed in shock before a thought struck her like a thunderbolt.

"But the only way you'd know that is..." Sunset thought to herself before her eyes widened.

"Yeah, I may or may not have been the one to give Robert his guitar playing skills." Sonata replied sheepishly. "Who'd have thunk, right?"

"Right..." Twilight muttered before switching to another radio station to begin the next song, which was as different from the first as songs could be.

This next song began with quick little drum beat before launching into a very upbeat swing tune. This continued for a few moments before a catchy little tune via a trombone played. Then, a singer announced that he was going to tell the listeners about a "Cat he once met." The "Cat", whoever he was was described as somepony who strolled through the city like a big alleycat, always wearing a pinstriped suit. He was also described as a smooth talker with a exported cigarette and a cocktail in his hands. He was named as Mr. Hi-De-Hi-De Ho and somepony who was always on the go. Imagery flashed through the ponies of this pony who was being sung about. While this happened, a very swinging solo played eventually announcing "That's right, Jack!" before the chorus occurred once more, describing this pony as someone who had all the answers. As soon as the song ended, everypony took it in.

"Well, I must admit that was some of the just fun I had all day, listening to that song!" Rarity mused.

"No kidding, that was-" Pinkie announced before swiftly being interrupted by a interjection from Rainbow Dash.

"AWESOME!" The multi color maned pegasus exclaimed while Cheese Sandwich nodded in agreement as he proclaimed "No kidding! That song was one Grade-A party!

"One thing I'm curious about though is if this person the singer describes is really a cat." Lyra out in curiously. "I mean, can you imagine a cat up on stage playing the trombone? Last I checked, animals can't play music."

"I thought we are animals, last I checked." Octavia deadpanned.

"She's got a point there!" Pinkie interjected before mimicking the sound of something sizzling. "Ouch, burn!"

"Maybe I'm wrong, but it sounds like slang to Trixie." The showmare disagreed.

"Probably is." Twilight agreed. "I know that there is this group of ponies who hang out at the bowling alley a lot who describe everypony as cats."

"I think I know the ones you mean Twi." Sunset remarked even as Twilight blushed at the nickname her friend gave her. Strangely, at that very moment Twilight felt her heart beat just a little bit faster in her chest and she let a blush come to her face as she gazed at Sunset.

"Wow, never noticed how good she looked before. And then there's that flank..." Twilight mused to herself before she quickly caught and corrected herself apon realizing what direction her train of thoughts were going. "No, bad Twilight! Friends don't think about friends like that! After all, Sunset is just a friend... right?"

"Twilight, you there?" Sonata asked, waving a hoof in front of the Alicorn's face in order to snap her back to reality.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine. My thoughts just wandered there for a second." Twilight apologized blushingly. "Won't let it happen again."

"Yeah, I'll bet." Sonata smirked, as she had noticed Twilight gazing at Sunset. "Wonder if anypony's started a betting pool on when those two will admit their feelings yet?"

"Anyways, is it just me or do those three ponies look like some of the characters from that TV show, the big something or other?" Sunset wondered aloud only to receive bewildered stares in response. Sunset then blushed.

"Right... Forgot you gals are kinda clueless when it comes to pop culture references." Sunset muttered as Twilight then switched to another station to find another song to break up the ensueing awkward moment of silence.

The song began with piano keys being played in a nice rhythm with horns soon added in. The meaning of this song was easy to discern, what with it's two males singers singing about how everybody needs someone to love. Trixie found herself nodding along to the beat alongside Sonata, who grinned at her.

For just a moment, Trixie wondered that maybe Sonata wasn't so bad. That moment was only fleeting.

"What are you thinking? She was with the same group who pretty much brainwashed you! She can't be trusted!" She mentally argued.

As Trixie was trying to decide if Sonata was really on her side or not, another song began courtesy of Twilight.

This last song once again began in a upbeat manner, this time with a catchy piano beat. But what surprised the ponies was the subject matter of the song. Evidently, it seemed that Twilight had once again tapped into the transmissions of an alternate universe as this particular song was about one Octavia Melody. From asking her if it was groove she was looking for to requesting she "Put down that cello and grab a bass", the entire song was about her.

"Well... I certainly wasn't expecting that!" The subject of the song finally said after recovering the ability to speak.

"No kidding... Those humans watching us sure know how to make good music though!" Pinkie exclaimed, making everypony stare at her.

"Watching us? What do you mean?" Sunset asked, not sure if she really wanted to know.

"What, you haven't noticed?" Pinkie replied to her in shock. "I thought I wasn't alone. Huh, guess I was wrong." She shrugged even as Twilight pulled the switch once more, beginning another song...