• Published 11th Jun 2016
  • 13,040 Views, 389 Comments

MLP: The Magic of... Music? - The Bricklayer

So Twilight discovers human radio and decides to share it with her teacher. However, they are shocked at what they find. And soon, everypony wants a listen...

  • ...

Part 21: This is Halloween

Author's Note:

Alright, I know I said no Nightmare Night themed chapters, but I changed my mind, so here you go! Thanks for the great song suggestions guys!

Trixie wishes you a happy Nightmare Night as well!

Unaware of what was going down in Canterlot between her brother and the Royal Sisters, Twilight and company had decided to continue listening to music as Nightmare Night loomed in a few days time. So the group hoped, with some luck, that they'd get some Nightmare Night themed songs to listen to and sing along with.

"Alright Twilight, boot it up!" Scootaloo chorused alongside her friend Sweetie Belle. "Give us some frightful fun!"

"Uh, girls..." Rarity began in a concerned tone of voice. She was afraid that whatever they may get may scar the young filly threesome for life and thought that any Nightmare Night themed songs should be left to the adults.

"What its Rares? Ya worried bout somethin?" Applejack asked, noting Rarity's concerns and observing them.

"Yes dearie, it's just that..." Rarity began, unsure of how to put what she wanted to say into words.

"Oh, I get it." Applejack replied as dawning realization hit her. "You're just scared any Nightmare Night themed songs we may get might just scare the flying fur off the youngins."

Admittedly, she too shared her friend's concerns, but she also knew Nightmare Night was about getting scared, that was half the fun, as Twilight taught Princess Luna all those years ago when she tried to fit in with the fun of Nightmare Night but only ended up getting confused and almost banning the holiday forever. It was only with the help of Twilight teaching her otherwise, or lecturing her as she put it that ponies loved to be scared on Nightmare Night that the holiday was saved.

"Rares, while Ah too share your concerns, don't forget that Nightmare Night is about getting scared, remember that next time huh?" Applejack said, going on a lecture of her own.

"Ah, yes, I know that dearie." Rarity explained to her friend. "I just don't want these cuties to be traumatized for life, that's all."

"Don't worry Scoots, I'll protect you." Rainbow said, wrapping a wing around her little sister in all but blood. "Budge up, gals. Heck, I'll protect you all! I don't get scared." Rainbow bragged as all three members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders cuddled up to her. Actually, Rainbow did get scared once, like with the tails of the Olden Pony and the Headless Horse, as she confessed to Scootaloo that one time, but at any other point in her life she'd just deny it.

"As Sunset taught me to say, play it again Sam!" Pinkie cheered. Twilight chuckled, she too knew the saying from her marefriend's teachings and she wasn't sure that was exactly how that saying was supposed to be used but she got the message anyways.

A voice announced that this was a story that took place in the worlds of olden times, holiday worlds to be exact. It also said that if you ever wondered where holidays came from, It was time you begun.

"Holiday Worlds? Can holidays even have... worlds?" Rarity questioned, quite confused.

"Well, it'd be pretty awesome if they did!" Pinkie cheered. "Imagine, a Hearth's Warming Eve world! Full of snow to make snow ponies and yummy Hearth's Warming Eve's cookies!"

"And don't forget the presents!" Rainbow added in.

"Yes, we mustn't forget those! Miles high, I bet they're stacked!" Pinkie agreed, nodding her head in excitement. Twilight and Rarity shushed them both, as they wanted to listen, quite interested in the tale that was about to be told.

And the tale that was told began with "Boys and girls of every age..." and from those words the ponies were launched into a strange tale full of strange creatures to be sure, some with snakes for fingers and spiders in their hair. Another, was a clown without a face.

"Scary clown!" Pinkie screamed, and ran off to hide under Twilight's bed.

"No clown should scare children, or childish ponies for that matter." Rarity huffed, feeling her fears were coming true. But soon she was reassured in a way when a male and a female monster announced despite this being their job, that they weren't mean, in this town of Halloween.

The song continued, introducing more and more strange creatures like a tree with puppets on it's wooden branches, and a being who introduced himself as the shadow on a moonlit night, filling one's dreams to the brim with fright.

"Better not let Luna hear this song. Faust above knows she'll love that." Twilight thought sarcastically to herself in a dry tone of voice. But perhaps the strangest creature of them all, was the one coined as Skeleton Jack, the one that was said to catch you in the back and make you scream.

"Celestia above, he's like the Headless Horse in terms of frightening!" Rarity squeaked in fear, but Rainbow of course had to disagree.

"The Headless Horse? Don't tell me you're still spooked about that old mare's tale I told you!" Rainbow scoffed as Scootaloo giggled. After learning of how Rainbow got over her fears of the Headless Horse by realizing as she grew up, she could totally take on such a beast, that mindset grew in Scootaloo as well and now she too was no longer afraid of the Headless Horse.

"Please, that guy sounds awesome!" Scootaloo cheered as onscreen, Jack was lit on fire before diving into a well and emerging as a tall thin skeletal being wearing a nice suit.

"Scootaloo, you're not... scared?" Rarity asked in surprise.

"Scared?" Scootaloo laughed long and hard making Rainbow grin. "I bet I can totally take him!"

"Thatta girl!" Rainbow cheered making her younger sister feel a huge swell of pride as the song ended to claps and cheers from all the monsters in it.

"So, anypony want to dare to continue on with this?" Twilight asked as a warning, and got a room full of nods. With a hint of trepidation, she threw the switch to begin the next song.

This next song, it was about the Rainbow Factory, but not the one they knew. Now a Rainbow was made with suger and spice, but the singer sang that the things making up this form of Rainbow were not quite so nice. All the ponies were appalled, Rainbow Dash most of all. She had a special love for the Rainbow Factory, and had a very good memory of it when she worked there. But that wasn't all. She had a very special memory relating to it. Back when she was just a filly, during one of the few times her father wasn't stone dead drunk and abusing her for some stupid reason like disrupting his drinking, he took the young Rainbow to the factory and gave her a message that she cherished to this day.

"Remember Rainbow, this is what a pegasus was born to do. It's our responsibility to create the Rainbows. Now when you grow up, I want you to remember these words, and create some amazing Rainbows of your own, okay?"

"Thanks dad, one of the only useful pieces of damn advice you ever gave me." Rainbow mused to herself, before she felt a tugging on her wing. It was Scootaloo, with a scared look on her face. Rainbow's heart went out to her young charge.

"R-Rainbow, the Factory i-isn't really like that... is it?" Scootaloo asked fearfully, and Rainbow shook her head and grinned.

"Of course not squirt." Rainbow reassured before she got an idea. "Hey, when this is all over I'll take you to the REAL Rainbow Factory and show you how Rainbows are made, just like my dad did for me okay?" Rainbow asked.

"Pinkie Promise?" Scootaloo asked in reply, and Rainbow nodded before responding with a "Pinkie Promise." of her own.

Twilight smiled at the cute scene in front of her and silently changed the song.

The next song, it began with an ominous electronic tune which thundered as it played. The song sung of Lun-No, Nightmare Moon and all the horrible things she was going to do. It was a silent agreement the ponies made to never show this song to Luna, in fear of her reaction. After all, if she reacted badly to the Children of the Night song, who knew what kind of reaction she would have to this?

Suddenly, Spike rushed in and burped up a letter in a flash of green flame that Twilight recognized to have Princess Celestia's personal signature. She read over it, and almost at once shock came over Twilight's features.

"Twilight, darling. What is it?" Rarity inquired curiously.

Twilight spoke up at once.

"It's from the Princesses. They want us to gather the Elements of Harmony." She informed, making everypony present gasp...