• Published 11th Jun 2016
  • 13,038 Views, 389 Comments

MLP: The Magic of... Music? - The Bricklayer

So Twilight discovers human radio and decides to share it with her teacher. However, they are shocked at what they find. And soon, everypony wants a listen...

  • ...

Part 18: Welcome to the Family

Golden Oaks Library

Twilight smiled to herself as she opened her marefriend's letter from the human world. Twilight smiled once again at the word forming in her mouth. Marefriend, that was a word that would take some getting used to, that was for sure. In all of Twilight's life, she never imagined even the slightest possibility of her getting a marefriend to call her own, but then only a day ago it happened between her and what used to be only just a good friend named Sunset Shimmer.

"I don't know whatever I was missing when I didn't have Sunny in my life." Twilight mused to herself before chuckling at the nickname she'd given her new marefriend. Sunny, well it certainly suited her in both appearance and disposition.

This is what the letter read:

Hey Twi, just wanted to check up on you. I know it's only been a day since I left back to the human world alongside Sonata, but I wanted to make sure you didn't miss me already or anything. I love you, ya know that right. I know you're probably thinking something along the lines of what you have missed by not having me in your life. Funnily enough, that's what I was thinking just earlier. Life's definitely different now that I have somepony to share my innermost thoughts and feelings with, ones that I would never dare share with anypony else. of course, having you around to write to isn't the only way things are changing around here. You see, here at Canterlot High this thing called the Friendship Games have come around. Basically, it's a competition between Canterlot High and another school, one called Crystal Prep. Thing is, CHS has never won at all at this thing ever since the Friendship Games began, at least that's what I've been hearing around campus. Well, if I and my friends have anything to say about it, that's going to change this year. Shout it with me now... Go Wondercolts!

Love: your loving and confident marefriend, Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight chuckled as she began to go for a pen and paper to write back to Sunset in reply to her letter when there was a sharp knock on the door, followed by another.

Knock! Knock!

A familiar feminine voice called out to Twilight from behind her front door.

"Yoo-Hoo, Twilight! It's me dearie!" Rarity's voice singsonged in a happy tone of voice before another familiar tone, this one quite raspy joined in with it.

"Eh, maybe she's not home Rares." Rainbow Dash's voice put in. "Just a thought."

"Nonsense darling!' Rarity interjected. "Let me try again!"

There were two more sharp knocks after this, true to Rarity's word.

Knock! Knock!

Twilight sighed as she put down the pen and paper and trotted over to the door as she shouted "Alright already, I'm coming, I'm coming! Just hold your horses!' before opening it, an annoyed expression evident on her muzzle. Rarity and Rainbow weren't the only ones at the door, the rest of the Mane Six were there as well. Fluttershy flinched at Twilight's expression.

"Oh dear..." She whispered. "Is this a bad time?'

Twilight's expression softened as she felt guilt apon scaring Fluttershy and she let out a short sigh of resignation before shaking her head.

"No, no." Twilight explained to her friends. "It's not a bad time at all. I was just writing a letter to somepony whom I lo-like very much."

Although Twilight tried to hide what she really wanted to say, her amendation of her word choice was noted by all present.

"Lemme guess, Princess Celestia?" Rainbow teased and everypony else present groaned at the joke's return. They thought they'd seen the last of it, but apparently it was not to be.

"Really Rainbow, this thing again?" Applejack deadpanned, an annoyed expression now being on her muzzle as she rolled her eyes.

"Let me give it a whirl, as the foals say today." Rarity put in. "Does the receiver's name start with Sunset and end with Shimmer?' She inquired and Twilight was stunned into silence for a few brief moments. When she finally regained the power of speech, Twilight stuttered out "H-How did you know?'

Rarity smirked before replying "News travels fast around here. Anyways, want to listen to some more human music? That's what we came here for anyways."

Twilight nodded at Rarity's words before going over to her machine and turning the dials and throwing the switch.

This song began with a couple guitar strums before launching into a thundering beat. It's singer, who sung with a southern accent pleasing Applejack very much sung of thirty days and the same amount of nights along with it before coming home on an airplane flight. He then launched into describing something involving a needle and a spoon and the problems along with those two things.

"Well, isn't this pleasant..." Applejack dryly said, despite being pleased with hearing a fellow southerner via the singer, she wasn't pleased at all with the song's content and what she knew it was about.

"Drugs, wonderful. Can't we find something else a bit more cheery?" Rainbow asked sadly. She had a personal hatred for drugs after a friend of hers had succumbed to them. Actually, friend wasn't even the right word. Rival was more accurate. You see, after being kicked out of the Wonderbolts and having her dreams crash and burn, Lightning Dust fell into drug abuse to help cope with the pain. Rainbow had tried to help, but by then it was far too late. Knowing Rainbow's history, Twilight nodded before changing the music, not wanting to drudge up any more sad feelings or memories in her friend's mind.

This musical piece was again different from any seen before it. For one thing, a holographical video accompanied it. In it, there was a man, dancing along to the tune with the location he was dancing in changing every few moments. But he wasn't the only one dancing in the video. You see, everywhere he danced he had backup dancers dancing along with him to the music and it's beat. The tune itself was catchy, and soon the Mane Six found themselves dancing along with the man in the video.

"My my, this certainly is addicting isn't it?" Rarity inquired to her friends, who all nodded along to her statement. At this point Spike came down from the stairs leading to the second floor of the library yawning. He'd been taking a nap until the music disturbed him from it and awakened him.

"Alright, can somepony please explain what's going on here?" Spike yawned. "I was trying to take a nap here."

Twilight blushed a deep red. She hadn't meant to wake her son in all but blood up.

"Sorry Spike, we were just listening to more human music." She apologized before a idea struck her like lightning.

"Hey, want to join in?" She asked and Spike shrugged before muttering "Well, as long as I'm up..." before joining in on the dancing. Everypony else followed his lead for a few more minutes when Twilight then suddenly spoke up.

"You know, I've been doing some reading on some of the human world ever since this whole enterprise of ours started from some old texts in Celestia's personal library, and some of the countries this male is dancing in have often been ravaged by war, so the most some of their people see of any other people from other countries is weapons called guns." She explained, going into full egghead mode.

"Wow... That's awesome..." Rainbow gasped, and received stares from everypony else in response.

"Tell me, how are guns awesome?' Rarity inquired with an eyebrow raised in suspicion. Rainbow quickly found herself backtracking.

"No, I don't mean the guns. I mean the fact that this human is willing to show that to these people that there's more to other human beings from other countries then just violence and death." The pegasus explained. "It's quite inspiring really. Maybe one day somepony here might do the same and bring dancing to Griffinstone or someplace." Rainbow continued, remembering that ponies and griffins had been involved in a war shortly before Twilight came to Ponyville.

"Wow, Rainbow. Never knew you could be so wise or inspiring." Rarity said in shock at seeing this new side to her friend. Rainbow smiled smugly.

"Well, of course I can. I'm that awesome after all." She bragged before the music changed once again.

This time, the song was of the metal variety leading Rainbow to exclaim "Oh yeah!" and start banging her head along to the beat. But Twilight's thoughts weren't focused on the song itself, but rather it's lyrical content. As she listened, she took a long look at Spike and felt a wave of guilt wash over her. She remembered all the times she and her friends had left Spike out of something, even if it was only by accident. Things like not taking him on adventures to outright ditching him at the Grand Galloping Gala to not inviting him to her birthday party that had been thrown by Pinkie, she remembered each and every incident.

These thoughts led Twilight to ask herself a horrifying question.

"Am I a bad mother?" She wondered in horror. So focused was she on this question she couldn't even enjoy the next song that came on. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i19d1QnstsA )She knew there was only one way she was going to get an answer to her question. That way was getting Spike's own opinion out of his very mouth.

Pulling the young drake aside out of her friend's earshot, she looked him dead in the eyes.

"Spike, I need to ask your something and I want your honest opinion on this." Twilight said seriously and Spike looked confused at her statement.

"W-What is it Twilight?" He stammered out and Twilight let a small tear slip from her eye as she thought "He doesn't even call me mom anymore! I knew it, I'm a bad mother!"

"Twilight, you alright?" Spike asked nervously on seeing Twilight beginning to cry softly.

"I'm a bad mother!" Twilight sobbed loudly catching everypony's attention. Rarity came over to her and looked at her friend in concern.

"Dearie, what's wrong?" The fashionista asked in concern as she pulled Twilight into a hug. Through her sobs, Twilight let it all out and at last Spike understood and put a comforting claw on her shoulder causing Twilight to look at him.

"Oh, is that all?" Spike asked before explaining his feelings on the matter.

"Sure, I felt left out at times, but then again I'm a dragon, not a pony and all those events were for ponies, not drakes like me." He began. "And as for not taking me on adventures, I don't blame you. In your position, I wouldn't take me either as for all I know I might have gotten hurt, or worse."

At this, Spike was brought into a sweeping hug by Twilight who blubbered out "T-Thank you Spike, but know this. I-I'll never leave you out of anything we do, ever again."

Spike smiled and snuggled into his mother's fur while whispering "Thanks, mom." and Twilight smiled at last. She knew her relationship with her son was now stronger than ever and nothing could ever break it apart. And now Twilight once again felt the confidence to flip the switch and turn to the dials to anthor song...

Author's Note:

Okay, so that's another chapter in the bag! Sorry for the extra long wait on this one, I was waiting till I got my computer back to update it. While originally I said this particular chapter would be dark thanks to the presence of The Needle and the Spoon and Locomotive Breath, a idea and a song suggested to me by my good friend CaioCola made me want to take this chapter in a completely different direction and have the Spike/Twilight mother and son relationship explored more and have some drama between them.

Next time: The aftermath of Prince Shining Armor's and his Crystal Guard's battle with the mysterious villain, and it's identity revealed!

Now, a request, can you please stop putting videos in the comment section as my computer is already slow as crap and the videos just slow it down even more. Sorry if I seem rude about this, but it's true. My computer really is that slow.:twilightsheepish: