• Published 11th Jun 2016
  • 13,038 Views, 389 Comments

MLP: The Magic of... Music? - The Bricklayer

So Twilight discovers human radio and decides to share it with her teacher. However, they are shocked at what they find. And soon, everypony wants a listen...

  • ...

Part 6: Let's do the Time (And Space) Warp again....

"Well... Uh, this... This is rather hard to explain." Twilight admitted with a blush, not really sure what to tell the Doctor. In her mind, it was easy enough to say she'd breached time and space and tapped into alien transmissions but every time she wanted to speak, the words failed to come out of her mouth. Thankfully, or not depending on your perspective and opinion of her Pinkie jumped in.

"Weeeeeelllll, So Twily here tried to make pony communcations better but managed to break time and space and get music from alternate world where we are all humans, and we have only just found this out because Twi's human friend/possible girlfriend has shown up and told us this!" Pinkie said rapidly, almost at hyperspeed. But somehow in some fantastic way, the Doctor understood it all.

"You mean... You mean you actually tapped into radio that's been created by those GLORIOUS creatures we call human beings? That's... That's amazing, and I seriously mean that from the bottom of my both hearts." The Doctor gushed, with a big grin on his face before he kissed Twilight on both cheeks making her blush before hugging her. Sunset growled at this action and some flames sparked in her hair. Apple Bloom noticed.

"Bet Sunset doesn't like that..." Sweetie Belle whispered to Scootaloo, who snickered and said "Twenty bits that Sunset will be jealous and beat the Doctor to a pulp if he does that again."

"I'm taking that bet." Sweetie said before handing Scootaloo her money. (Again.) Scootaloo smirked, something told her she'd be rich enough to buy that whole set of Wonderbolt dollies she'd been eying lately... N-not that she'd ever play with them, oh no! She just wanted them for display, yeah that was it!

"I... I... Er, you're welcome?" Twilight said, not really sure how to respond to the Doctor's comment, and the hug, and the kisses on her cheeks.

"But here's where things get odd." Luna said, finally having a chance to get a answer to a question that had been bothering her for a while now. Namely, the one about a certain song about a certain chaos entity.

"...Odder then right now you mean?" Rarity deadpanned. Luna ignored her comment. The Doctor however, was grinning up a storm at Rarity's comment, as if he missed or was just outright ignoring it entirely. It was impossible to tell with him, after all.

"What do you mean by odd? I deal in odd all the time, I'm the king of odd!" The Doctor proclaimed and Luna resisted the urge to comment that he certainly was.

"Well, at one point I got a song about Discord." Luna said, before taking a nervous glance around, as if expecting Discord himself to appear at the mere mention of his name. (He often had a annoying tendency to do that.)

"Hmm, maybe you're breaching into alternate realties as well..." Doctor Whooves guessed before he tried some thing and flipped the dials on Twilight's transmitter and pulled the switch. This is what he got, and it wasn't just music this time, but a video as well projected by magic somehow in some manner.

The Doctor gaped, he certainly hadn't been expecting that. A TV show based on him? It was actually kind of... Fantastic. It was then Sunset realized something, as if a lightbulb was switched on in her brain and she gaped for a moment before speaking.

"Wait... Don't tell me you are actually THE Doctor? As in the Doctor, Last of the Time Lords, and husband to River Song?" Sunset gushed, her fangirliness for her favorite fictional character showing big-time. She then mentally slapped herself for giving away such a huge... well, Spoiler with a capital "S". Meanwhile the Doctor was wincing at being reminded of being the last of his kind. You see, this Doctor came from just after the episode "Doomsday" in his timeline.

"Well, I do like to be reminded that I'm famous, but last I checked the only husband I am to is Derpy, not this River Song person... Well, I assume she's a person. Could be a pony or some other sort of species with my luck..." The Doctor mumbled while Sunset chuckled under her breath and whispered "You have no idea on the other species bit..."

The Doctor heard her however, and raised a eyebrow.

"Something you're not telling me?" The Doctor inquired, his curiosity raised, even though another regeneration (Well, all of them really) were mentally screaming in his head at him not to ask about the future.

"Spoilers." Sunset said simply, although she hated to quote River Song. (Not that it was because SHE wanted to be the Doctor's wife, no it was certainly not that!)

"...Why do I get the feeling I would learn to eventually hate that word?" The Doctor asked to nopony in particular. Everypony else decided to take the wise decision and avoid asking about any of the past few moments between the Doctor and Sunset. It would probably avoid headaches in the long run. Suddenly, the Doctor got a very good, or possibly crazy idea (Rose and all of his other regenerations would probably tell him that it was the latter.) that came into his head like he was... Thunderstruck, so to speak. A smirk came to his face.

"Uh Doctor, should we be worried?" Twilight asked nervously. That smirk reminded her far too much of Discord for her to be comfortable with it. The Doctor waved a hoof dismissively.

"No, no worries at all!" He exclaimed. "Anypony up for a little trip in time and space?"

The Tardis

The Doctor led the whole group to his machine, and after the usual fashion of gawping, gaping and pretty much every other form of disbelief from everypony else (Well, almost everypony. Sunset was still in Osgood mode.) the Doctor began flipping switches and pressing controls on the console. Then the Tardis began to groan and wheeze it's usual sounds as it's warp drive was engaged.

"Well, time to go universe-hopping! Anypony up for that?" The Doctor asked gleefully, and pretty much everypony stared at him in disbelief.

"How in the hay can we leave the universe?" Apple Bloom yelled, voicing everypony's thoughts perfectly. The Doctor grinned back at her.

"With enormous difficulty! You want to see some live music, done by humans?" The Doctor asked, although he already knew the answer but got it anyway in the form of multiple nods.

"Well then, buckle yourselves in and keep all hooves and tails inside the ride at all times!" The Doctor cried before the room began to shake...

Whooves Residence

Derpy, hearing the distinct groaning and wheezing looked out her living room window only to see the Tardis vanish into thin air. She sighed to herself. She really hated it when her husband did that without warning.

Golden Oaks Library: Twilight's Lab:

With a pop and a flash of white light, Discord appeared in the laboratory belong to Twilight, he'd heard his name called and so he'd come exactly like Luna suspected he would. Problem was, he was just a few minutes late obviously.

"Huh, I could have sworn I heard old Moonbutt mention my name..." Discord mused, before he then spied the machine. A overwhelming curiosity overtook Discord at the sight of it, and he could help himself as he pulled the switch and the electronic sounds of "Discord (Living Tombstone Mix)" filled the room. As he listened, the King of Chaos couldn't help but smile.

"Ah humans..." He said to himself. "Never fail to surprise, do they?"

The streets of Ponyville

Apon seeing the Mane Six, Sunset, the CMC and most importantly the Two Sisters depart in the Doctor's fantastical machine, three smoky serpentine forms appeared and solidified into three ponies. One golden, with curly auburn hair, another purple with purple and green hair tied in pigtails and a third cyan with cyan and black hair tied into a ponytail.

"Excellent, now that they're gone our plan can begin..." Adagio smirked...

The Tardis

Finally the shaking stopped and the Doctor smiled. There, that should do it. He didn't know where they were, but he knew it was at a live concert somewhere.

"Worst. Form. Of. Travel. Ever." Rarity muttered as Apple Bloom got sick in the background. Nopony bothered to disagree except Sunset and the Doctor, who both looked offended.

"Oh I don't know, that was pretty damn cool!" Sunset exclaimed while the Doctor cried "Oi! Don't mock the Tardis! She doesn't like that you know..."

The Doctor then began whispering apologies into the Tardis's control console while Luna once bit back the urge to make a snarky comment, this one about how the two of them might need to be alone or something along those lines. Twilight sighed, she really didn't want to know about why the Doctor was speaking to his machine as if it were alive did she? It would probably just give her a even bigger headache then she had now.

"So where are we anyway?" She asked. The Doctor was quick to correct her.

"Not where, but WHEN you mean! And as for the answer to that question..." The Doctor trailed off before he cried "Let's find out!" and opened the Tardis doors. Almost at once, the sound of soft guitar playing entered the room...

Author's Note:

(Decided to release this chapter a day early so I could get time to focus on two of my other fics which still need chapters written for this week. But I doubt you're complaining, right?):twilightsmile:

Well, bet you weren't expecting THAT and the Doctor to take our heroes dimension-hopping and for me to go and put in Stairway were you? Well, I figured if you were going to introduce ponies to live music you might as well go big and go bold. I had alternate choices (Detailed below) but I just decided to go with Stairway for the reasons I already stated. Also, how'd you like Who-Fangirl Sunset and the Doctor hearing his own TV show's theme? Very meta huh? Anyways, back in Ponyville things are starting to develop now that Equestria's main defenses are down and so the Dazzlings are now able to run amuck. (On another note, interestingly enough the car me and my family rented for our recent vacation was a Hyundai SONATA.):rainbowlaugh:

Finally, as for suggestions for the next Doctor and Company focused chapter I want live music, not studio recorded stuff. Another thing I want is suggestions for other types of transmissions that the Dazzlings might be able to use to turn Equestria against Earth. It can be news reports, anything that would make us look bad. And please, this is something I really need to stress here, just send me the link to the video or song in your comments instead of posting it directly, as it really slows the page down.

Okay, before I stop rambling on (See what I did there?) and leave you till next chapter, here were my alternate choices for live music for the Doctor to introduce the ponies to: