• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 3,278 Views, 126 Comments

Fluttermac Forever - peep

A long story of Futtershy and Big Mac, in third person.

  • ...

the morning after

Fluttershy woke up to sunlight streaming in from her window. She grinned, remembering the day before. After they had kissed, a strange but convenient storm locked them in for the night. Luckily, no branches crashed into her home, unlike the library. Nothing enticing happened after that, mostly embarrassment, but they did have a nice dinner together. Despite her persistence, Big Macintosh refused to take the bed, saying that he really did want to sleep on the couch.

Then she heard the soft patter of feet, and unmistakable squeaking that would only mean the animals were up. "Why wouldn't they be asking to be fed..." She quietly flew down the stairs, peaking around the corner.

All the fuzzy, and some not-so-fuzzy, critters were swarming around the couch. Fluttershy revealed herself and whispered sternly, "Do not disturb our guest! Go to your rooms, I'll feed you in a second." She shooed them away.

"Naw, it's okay." Big Mac opened one lazy eye. "It was kinda fun listinin' to them."

"Oh, do you want me to call them back? I'm sorry, I thought you were asleep."

"Ah was, partially, but yer beautiful voice got me up. Oh wait!" He facehoofed. "Ah'm sorry, Ah don't know what came over me."

She blushed nonetheless. "Well, I liked what came over you." She blushed deeper. "Oh, um... Sorry. How about I make breakfast?" she said quickly.

"That would be a welcome distraction." They smiled.


"Thank you fer the food. An' housin' me," Big Macintosh said, after the two ponies finished their meal.

"It wasn't anything, really. Anypony would've—" A hoof reached across the table and took hers.

"Yes, it was. Thank you." He paused, not wanting to say what was next. "Ah... Ah need t' go. The farm—"

"Oh, yes of course! I'm terribly sorry to keep you from your duities. I should have let you go earlier, I'm sorry for sleeping in." She got up and went to the door.

"No, it's fine." He did the same.

"Tell AJ I said 'hi'. That is, if you want to, I could tell her myse—" Big Mac was gently kissing her.

"Ah'll tell her," he said, breaking apart.

Fluttershy had a dreamy look in her eyes. "O-okay..." She smiled, not really looking at him.

He laughed inside, a grin coming to his face, and departed, continuing to smile all the way home.


"Big Mac? Where were ya?" Applejack asked when he came into view at the oarchard.

"At Fluttershy's house, fixin' yer mess."

"Ah swear, Ah was gonna come back, but that blasted storm kept me at th' library all night!"

He smiled. "It's fine now. She fergives ya."

She stared at him accusingly. "So... What were ya doin' all night at her house?"

He blushed. "Applejack! You know Ah'd never do somethin' that!"

"Jus' checkin'. But seriously, what did y'all do?"

"Well, uh, Ah apologized, she fergave, we had dinner, Ah slept on the couch, her aninimals had'a mighty intrest in me, we at breakfast, an' now Ah'm here. Simple as that."

"Ah know there was somethin more. Yer blushin'."

His cheeks puffed up. "N-nope."