• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 3,279 Views, 126 Comments

Fluttermac Forever - peep

A long story of Futtershy and Big Mac, in third person.

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The next day, when Fluttershy went into town, she noticed that ponies were staring at her. Not glancing over and going about their business, but training their eyes on her. She mistakingly hid herself behind her mane, and ended up bumping into Twilight Sparkle.

"Oh, I'm sorry, exus-"

"Hey Fluttershy! How are you?" Twilight said.

"Umm... o-okay I guess. Umm... do you know why everypony is staring at me? If you don't mind, that is."

"Yeah, I guess you would be wondering what's going on. Well, ever since you saved Mr. Macintosh, the whole town considers you a hero. Or heroine, in this case."

"W-why? I'm no hero. I did what anypony else would do."

"Exactly. If I had done it, everypony would be staring at me. It's just how the equine mind works."

"Oh, okay. So, umm, how is Big Macintosh?"

"Why don't you go down to Sweet Apple Acres and ask him? The hospital released him. Didn't take long for the doctors to fix him up, thanks to your observations."

"Oh, umm, okay, I will. Thanks, Twilight."

"No problem. Have a nice day!" she called as she trotted toward her library.

"You too," Fluttershy whispered as she turned in the direction of Applejack's farm.

After many failed attempts at avoiding people, she made it to the orchard. She made it to the base of a hill just as she saw Applejack stalk away from her brother with a scowl on her face. She was about to turn and leave as Big Mac caught sight of her. He had thick bandaging around his barrel. "Well, hello there Miss Fluttershy. What brings ya'll 'round these parts?"

"Oh, umm, hello, Big Macintosh. I came to see how you were doing," she said as she went up the hill.

"Ah'm doin' great, thanks ta ya an' yer quick thinkin'. If it warn't fer ya, Ah'd prabably not've made it." He leaned toward Fluttershy and gave her a deep look. "Thank you."

"Oh, umm..." She blushed at his closeness. "I-It wasn't much..."

"It was, an' Ah'm incred'bly grateful to ya. Anythin' ya want done, any favor ya need, Ah'll do it."

"Oh, you don't have to, you're not in debt or anything."

"But Ah am. Ya save ma life. Plus, Ah wanna help ya." He blushed at this. "Yer nice ta be around," he said softly.

Fluttershy blushed deeper. "T-thank you... you're nice too." He smiled. "Well, umm," Fluttershy started, "would you like to come to my cottage for tea? If you don't mind. I mean, I guess you can't because you have to work, but-" She was interrupted by a red hoof on her lips.

"Ah would love to."