• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 3,278 Views, 126 Comments

Fluttermac Forever - peep

A long story of Futtershy and Big Mac, in third person.

  • ...

years later

The bronies and pegasisters have spoken. The winner is... A! This chapter is years later because both Fluttershy and Big Mac are anti-social and don't see much of anything. It also takes place between episode 3 and 4.

Fluttershy awoke to a thump thump thump on the wooden floor of her cottage. She smiled slightly. "Okay, Angel, I'm awake." This was their routine for the morning: Angel wakes her up, she feeds the animals, then Fluttershy does what the day demands of her.

She went through this routine and had just finished feeding the animals when she heard a loud thud coming from the Everfree Forest. " I wonder what that was. Oh, I hope a tree didn't fall on anypony! I should go check." She headed towards the wood and didn't have to go deep to find the fallen tree. What she saw next horrified her. A red leg was sticking out from underneath it, along with an orange tail. She froze; time seemed to stop. Then Fluttershy went into "flutter rage" mode.

In only a few seconds, the tree was in splinters and Big Macintosh was being searched over for wounds. Three of his ribs felt broken clean through; his lower midsection was dark and soft, suggesting internal bleeding; and there was a good chance one of the broken ribs had punctured a lung.

"No, no no no no no no no no," Fluttershy said as she came out of "flutter rage". "Oh no, I don't know how to treat this! And I can't carry him! Oh what should I do!" She started to cry. "I need help, but anypony who could is too far away. The only ones who are close are Angel and the others!" She paused. "Wait, that's it!" She sang a bird call. Moments later, a dove perched on a branch beside her. "Hello, I need you to gather some strong stags to help me carry my hurt friend to town, please." The bird nodded and flew off.

In a few minutes, a group of bucks assembled and hoisted Big Mac onto their backs. "Thank you for helping me, sirs. I need you to take him to Ponyville please." The group set off to the town.