• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 3,278 Views, 126 Comments

Fluttermac Forever - peep

A long story of Futtershy and Big Mac, in third person.

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a few days later (edited)

It rained the day Big Macintosh was trotting along a muddy path trough the orchard when he heard a whimper deep in the trees to his right. He rushed over to find a tiny white bunny shivering in the wet grass by Bloomburg. The tree seemed to lean back away from the rabbit as Big Mac came to investigate. “Well, Ah’ll be darned,” he said as he pick up the shivering animal. “What’re ya doin’ here? Ah best git ya ta Futtershy.” He put it on his back. He was already at the outskirts of Ponyville when he remembered he didn’t know where she lived. “Aw shoot. It’ll take more time ta go back, Ah guess Ah’ll hafta ask around. Hey, Lyra!” he called out to the sea-foam green pony, “Do ya know where Fluttershy lives?”

“Who, that new pony? I think it’s by the Everfree Forest. Oh, and tell Granny Smith to make some more pies. My mom’s coming over later to buy some.”

“Will do. Thanks.” He set off in that direction. He soon reached Fluttershy’s cottage and knocked on the door.

It opened slightly to reveal one big, sky-blue eye and a few whisks of pink mane. “H-hello?”

“Good mornin’ Futtershy. Ah got a patient fer ya.” He turned to show her the bunny on his rear.

The door swung open all the way. “Oh, goodness! Bring him inside. Oh, um, if you want to, that is. I can work out here if it would be more comfortable for you.”

“Nah, inside is fine.” He stepped around her. “Nice place ya got. Where should Ah put’ im?”

“Oh, on the table please. I’ll get him a pillow.”

He set the rabbit down. “So, uh, why do ya live way out here?”

“Hm?” Fluttershy mumbled as she examined the animal, “Oh, it’s much quieter and less stressful on the patients. Where did you find him, again?”

“Out’n the orchard under Bloomberg.”


“Applejack’s favorite tree.”

“Well, he’s very wet and cold, but he’ll make it through. Did you see any other bunnies out?”


“Um, okay, so, is it alright if I keep him here?”

“O’course. G’bye, Fluttershy. Nice meetin’ ya.”


Big Macintosh left the cottage and went home.