• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 1,798 Views, 54 Comments

Anonymous Pony - Brawney Hooves

A pegasus wakes up in a morgue and can't remember who he is.

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The Waking Dead

A pony awoke gasping for breath as he bolted up; as his eyes adjusted he began to make out shapes in the dark. He didn’t know where he was or how he got there; in fact he didn’t know anything. His past, where he lived, not even his name. The pony began to realize that he was sitting on a cold slab and slide off making clopping noises on the floor.
Where am I?” He thought as he moved slowly in the dark.

Wherever he was it wasn’t just dark, the room was also cold…cold as death.

There has to be a light around here somewhere.” He muttered to himself.

The pony banged into what felt like a table and cursed as he continued walking. The pony wasn’t afraid of the dark, but the silence and not being able to see was unnerving. Finally the pony spotted something he recognized; on a nearby desk was something that resembled a flashlight. He pressed the button with his hoof and took it in his mouth.

Much better.” He thought as he turned around to see where he was, though he almost wished he hadn’t.
For the light revealed metal tables with various ponies on them and they weren’t breathing. The pony approached the closest pony a green unicorn mare that appeared as if she was sleeping, yet something in his mind told him otherwise. He lifted a hoof and touched the unicorn lightly and realized that she was cold and devoid of any warmth.

She's dead!” The pony backed away and bumped into another table making a loud clang as he turned and looked for a way out of the room “What is this? Where am I?” His heart raced as he looked at the other ponies on the tables “I need to get out of here!” His mind screamed. He looked around and spotted a door, running faster than he thought possible he reached the door and jiggled the handle only to discover it was locked “Damn it!” He ran back to the desk he had found the flashlight to look for a key, as he searched every draw and cabinet he found nothing except what looked like autopsy reports.

I must be in a morgue.” He thought looking at the reports. As he read them, he realized that they all said the same thing “Death by magical exposure.”

“Hey! What are you doing down here?!” The pony turned to see a doctor standing in the way of the door that was locked. Without thinking the pony ran as fast as he could shoving the doctor out of the way as he ran down the hall “Guards we have an intruder!” The doctor shouted.

The doctor ran not knowing where he was or where he was going, but he didn’t care he just wanted to get away from that morgue as possible.

“Stop right there criminal scum!” He heard a burly Pegasus guard shout.

“No thanks!” He retorted as he rounded a corner.

“By order of princess Celestia we order you to halt!” Another guard shouted.

The pony continued running until he found what he was looking for, an exit. He ran as fast as he could and busted through the door, as he finally smelled the fresh air he took a moment to catch his breath. As he did he began to realize that he had wings resting on his sides, he was so busy trying to find a way out he hadn’t noticed he was a pegasus.

“Well that will help me escape.” He muttered as he splayed his wings.

“Halt!” He turned around to see the two guards that had been chasing him. He began flapping his wings and took off into the air, but soon so did the guards.

As the Pegasus pony soared in the sky he realized that he was flying over Canterlot, and it was late in the evening with Luna’s moon high in the starry sky.

“Halt!” One of the guards shouted.

“Don’t you get tired of saying that, and getting no results?” The pony remarked flapping his wings harder and gaining a burst of speed.

As the chase continued the Pegasus pony found himself over a more rural setting than Canterlot. He could see a field filled with hundred’s maybe thousands of apple orchards.

“That must be a nightmare to harvest.” The pony thought forgetting he was being chased. Getting tired of the chase he decided to lose them by diving into the orchards and soon the guards lost track of him between the number of trees and the lack of sunlight. As the pony flew in-between the trees he heard the guards shouts grow fainter and distant. He smirked realizing that he had given them the slip, it didn’t last long as he took a sharp turn and rammed right into a nearby tree. He grunted in pain and fell to the ground bouncing as he did, finally he stopped when he hit another apple tree and was knocked unconscious.

Apple Tart a six year old filly awoke with a start when she heard a loud bang from outside her window. She got up and made her way to the fields being careful not to wake her mother, aunt and uncle, she lit a lantern and took it in her mouth and began trotting through the fields searching for the source of the noise. She looked around among the hundreds of apple trees until she found one that had toppled over.

“Now how in thunderation did that happen?” She muttered as she placed the lantern down. She trotted over to the tree and saw a trail leading to another tree; she took her lantern again and followed the trail expecting to see another broken tree. What she found however was an unconscious pegasus pony.

“Hey mister! Are you alright?” She asked as she approached the stallion. She inspected the stallion and saw that his wing was sticking at an odd angle “Don’t go anywhere mister, I’ll be right back!” She set down the lantern next to the stallion so she could find him again and ran back to the farm house. She ran through the door ran up the stairs and entered her mother’s bed room “Momma wake up!” Apple Tart shouted.

“Uhhhg…Apple Tart what did ah tell you about momma not being able to play rodeo pony all day?” The mare grumbled.

“But momma there’s a flying pony in the orchard field.”

“You probably just had a dream sugar cube.”

“No! He’s out there right now, and he looks hurt now get up!” The mare grumbled and got out of her bed. She followed her daughter to the fields and just like she said there was a Pegasus lying on the ground with a broken wing.

“Oh, sweet Celestia, Big Mac! Get out here somepony needs help!” The mare walked over to the Pegasus and saw that he was breathing “Well he ain’t dead, that’s a relief.” She looked to the broken tree to her left “But he’s going tah have a lot to answer for when he wakes up!” She heard heavy hoofsteps and knew that her brother Big Macintosh had arrived “Get him to the guest room, hurry!”

Big Mac walked past his sister and hoisted the pegasus onto his back, he then turned and trotted back to the farm house.

“Momma…is he going to be okay?” Apple Tart asked.

“Ah don’t know sugar cube…ah don’t know. I’ll tell you in the mornin’ so you best get right on back to bed.”

“But…” The filly protested.

“Now Apple Tart.” The filly huffed and walked back to the farm house while her mother followed behind her.