• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 1,798 Views, 54 Comments

Anonymous Pony - Brawney Hooves

A pegasus wakes up in a morgue and can't remember who he is.

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Anonymous walked down the dirt path, his heart heavy with guilt and sadness. He could have flown the whole way to the next town, but his heart just wasn’t in it as he slowly trotted along. He could only imagine what the apple family was thinking of him at this very moment, and the thought made his eyes glisten. He continued his way down the road until he spotted a town in the distance, the sign ahead read Ponyville, Anonymous recalled Applejack mentioning it while they talked doing chores.

“I probably shouldn’t stay too long, least I run into Applejack again.” Anonymous trotted over the stone bridge that led into town and made his way over to the nearest inn. He approached the desk and paid for the room before heading upstairs and getting settled into his room. It was small only a bed and bedside table with a lamp, it wasn’t as nice as the guest room at Sweet Apple Acres, and he missed the smell of apples filling the room. Feeling claustrophobic he left the room and made his way back outside, he began to see ponies starting their routines, he saw two ponies a sea foam green unicorn with a white earth pony sitting on a bench. The odd thing was that the unicorn was sitting on her back legs unlike her companion.

Trying his best not to stare Anonymous began looking around trying to figure out where to go from where he was.
“I need a job… but if I stay here I might run into Applejack. I don’t think I can face her again, especially not so soon.” He spotted a tree with a door on it and found himself intrigued when a lavender unicorn stepped out reading a book. He approached the mare and cleared his throat “excuse me?” The unicorn lowered her book just below her eyes to see him. “Sorry, but I’m new around her. Do you know where I can find a source of income?” The unicorn smiled.

“Well, we have several jobs available right now. In fact I think the weather ponies are hiring.”

“Sounds good, who do I talk to about applying?” Before he could get an answer a voice rang out.

“Look out below!” Anonymous and Twilight looked up to see a rainbow manned pony dive bombing in their location, they barely dodged out of the way as the mare landed with a thud. The Pegasus got up shaking her head “Sorry… new trick.” Twilight shook her head.

“Honestly Rainbow one of these days you’re going to really hurt yourself, and we won’t be there to help you.” Rainbow scoffed and then noticed Anonymous.

“Who’s the new guy?”

“He just arrived, said he was looking for work.” Rainbow smiled.

“Well if he’s looking for work the weather ponies could always use an extra set of hooves.” Twilight turned to Anonymous.

“Do you think you would be interested Mister…”

“Anonymous… call me Anonymous.” Twilight and Dash gave each other strange looks.

“Ok… Anonymous. This is Twilight Sparkle, and I’m Rainbow Dash!” She walked up to Anonymous and gave him a cocky smile “Do you think you can handle weather control around Ponyville?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I think I can handle it.” He replied confidently.

“Now that’s the attitude I want to see!” Dash said smiling “Report tomorrow so I can see what you’re made of!” Rainbow Dash splayed her wings and took off into the sky once more.

“Well that was easy.” Anonymous mused looking at Twilight.

“Well now that you are officially part of town why don’t I give you a tour?” Anonymous bit his lip.

“Well… alright, I guess it couldn’t hurt.”

Twilight lead Anonymous around town introducing him to the rest of her friends and other locals. Anonymous could see why Applejack would do business here; it was such a quiet and peaceful town save for the occasional falling Pegasus. His ears flattened as he thought of Applejack.

“Well I think that about covers it, welcome to Ponyville Anonymous.” Twilight said smiling broadly.

“Thanks Twilight, I’m sure I will be very happy here.” Twilight returned to her library as Anonymous walked back to the inn, it was still bright outside, but Anonymous felt like sleeping after getting up early this morning and walking the whole way to town; not to mention the tour he had just been through. Anonymous walked up to his room, locked the door, and then flopped onto his bed almost falling asleep instantly.

“Honey I’m worried.” He heard a mare’s voice accompanied by his own in the dark as he slept.

“It’s just a flu sweetheart nothing to be upset about.” The mare didn’t sound convinced as she continued talking.

“But it’s spreading… I keep hearing that more and more cases of this illness are popping up all over Equestria.”

“Everything will be fine. The Princesses are working on a cure as we speak.”

“But what if they don’t find a cure in time? What if the illness infects us? What if it infects our daughter?”

“If the sickness reaches our region then we’ll move to Canterlot where it is safe I promise.”

“But what if they won’t let us in?” The mare asked fearfully.

“They will, we just have to be careful and avoid the sick, then we…” He stopped when he heard a door open.

“Daddy… I s everything alright?” A filly asked.

“Everything’s fine sweetie, go back to bed.” The door closed and the mare continued talking.

“How can you be so calm about this? We could all be sick tomorrow and your acting like it’s just a raincloud passing through.”

“Everything will be fine, I know it will. With Celestia and Luna ruling over Equestria this sickness will be dealt with in no time.”

“I hope you’re right my love and I wish I had your confidence.” The door opened and closed.
“Everything will be fine… I know it will.”

Anonymous awoke suddenly and looked around to see that night had fallen. He turned on his bedside lamp and looked around his small room.

“Was…was I…did I just remember something from my past?” Anonymous shook his head and then resumed sleeping. As he shut his eyes he began to hear disembodied whispers, they tickled at the back of his head as he tried to understand what they were saying. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t understand the whispers, finally he gave up trying to sleep, got up, left the room and then the inn. Anonymous looked at the night sky and spread his wings taking off into the sky, the wind underneath his wings made him feel alive and he allowed a grin to form on his face.

Comments ( 5 )

So good! And...first!
Anyway, I can't wait for more!:pinkiehappy:

good good

Amazing this story is going in my favorites

I cant wait for the next chapter! :pinkiecrazy:

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