• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 1,791 Views, 54 Comments

Anonymous Pony - Brawney Hooves

A pegasus wakes up in a morgue and can't remember who he is.

  • ...

Starting Over

Anonymous opened his eyes; he had forgotten where he was or why he was there as his eyes began to adjust. As he began getting the feeling back in his body he felt something soft against his front, he looked down and saw Applejack curled up next to him with a small smile on her face. He couldn’t believe that the mare he secretly loved was so close to him, he didn’t want to wake her up, but the storm had passed and no doubt Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Apple Tart were worried about them. Regretfully he retracted his wing and began nudging her awake.

“Applejack…c’mon get up the storms past.” She murmured and snuggled up to him “Come on…wake up.” She slowly opened her eyes and yawned.

“W-what…where am I?” She asked still sleepy.

“In the barn, we had to take shelter from the storm remember?” She looked up at him and smiled.

“Oh, right…sorry ah guess ah forgot from all the excitement.” She stood up and walked over to the barn doors and began opening them.

“Hey Applejack…why were you out in the storm in the first place?”

“Ah came out to call you back in, the storm was about to hit.” She pushed open the doors grunting as she did and warm sunlight began to fill into the barn.

“Wait…you wanted me back in after I went into your room?”

“Well ah couldn’t let you stay out in the rain now could ah. Sure ah was mad, but you’re still mah responsibility.” The two ponies walked under the now bright sun warming their bodies as they walked back to the farmhouse.

“Wait…Applejack. There’s something I need to tell you.”

“Whatever it is it can wait till later. Ah don’t want the others to worry about us.”

“Yeah…I guess you’re right.” As they entered the farmhouse they were greeted by the rest of the family who were relieved to see them both safe and unharmed.

“I’m so glad both of you are alright!” Apple bloom said hugging her sister and then Anonymous.

“Sorry we didn’t come sooner, we got caught in the storm.” Anonymous explained.

“Well I’m glad you’re both okay and ah see your wings all better too.”

“Yeah it feels great now.” He extended his wing to show them that was indeed healed.

“So…ah guess this means you’ll be leaving tomorrow?” Apple Bloom asked him.

“I…I guess so.” He lowered his head.

“We’ll…we’ll miss you Anonymous.” Apple Bloom said sadly.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac replied.

“Thanks…I’ll miss you guys too.” Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Applejack went to their rooms upstairs, while Anonymous stayed where he was and sighed sadly.

Night had fallen and Anonymous was sitting on the porch looking at the stars. He wasn’t sure what he would do tomorrow when he left sweet apple acres, but he hoped he could make a decent living where ever he went. He looked at the hundreds of now empty apple trees and he thought back to Applejack and immediately his heart began to race.

“Sure is lovely ain’t it.” He looked back to see Applejack standing behind him “Mind if ah join you?”

“Not at all.” Applejack walked over and sat down next to him and immediately the smell of apples hit his snout.

“Anonymous, ah wanted to thank you for being such a big help around the farm this week. Things just haven’t been the same since mah husband passed away.” She looked up at the sky “I hope he’s happy wherever he is.”

“I’m sure he is.” Anonymous said kindly.

“Anonymous…do you really not remember anything about who you are?” He nodded “Ah can’t imagine what that must be like, no family, no friends, and no idea where yah came from.” She looked over at Anonymous and saw his saddened expression “I’m sorry…that didn’t help did it?”

“Nope.” He replied flatly “But…I do remember one thing.”

“What would that be?” She asked him.

“I was a father… a husband.” Applejack looked at him surprised.

“That’s good news. Now you can go find them, ah reckon they miss you somethin’ awful.” He shook his head.
“They won’t.”

“Why not?”

“They died…a long time ago…that much I remember.” Applejack’s ears dropped.

“Anonymous…I’m so sorry.”

“It’s all in the past, no sense worrying about it.” Anonymous looked at the stars. “I hope they’re happy…where ever they are.” Applejack smiled.

“I’m sure they are.” They avoided each other’s gaze “Well…ah better put Apple Tart to bed. Goodnight Anonymous.” She started to get up when Anonymous placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Applejack…there’s…there’s something I need to tell you.” Applejack sat back down and looked at him “Applejack…I told you that I would miss being here when I have to go…but that wasn’t the whole truth.” He looked deep into her eyes “The real reason I don’t want to leave is because…I…I love you Applejack.” Applejack looked at him slightly startled and then began to blush.

“Sugar…I’d be lying if ah told you that ah didn’t like you just the tiniest bit.” Anonymous smiled at her words “But…ah…ah just can’t feel that way about you.” His smile vanished.

“Why? Why can’t you love me?”

“Because…ah made a promise to my husband and ah could never break that promise no matter what…I’m sorry.” She started to get up when Anonymous grabbed her again standing up to meet her at eye level.

“Please Applejack, just give us a chance. You make me so happy when you’re around me. I may not remember much of my past, but I do remember that I was lonely and unhappy for the longest time…and then when I saw you…It all just disappeared. And I know that you have been sad and alone for a long time too, I've seen you in the fields crying, and I want to make you happy.”

“Anonymous…” She whispered as she looked into his eyes.

“Whenever I’m with you…I can almost remember who I was, I can see bits and pieces of my life, and I actually feel…I actually feel whole again when I’m with you.” She continued to look into his eyes silently “Please don’t spur me Applejack...you and Apple Tart are the closest thing to a family I have right now…just say that you love me and we can be together…please.” He brought his face to hers and kissed her gently on her orange lips, he began to taste her sweet taste of apples. She started to meet him with her own kisses when suddenly she pulled back and looked into his eyes sadly.

“Ah can’t…” She turned away and walked back into the farmhouse leaving Anonymous alone and heart broken.

The following morning Applejack had gotten up to wake the others.

“Rise and shine Apple Tart!”

“Okay momma!” She moved down the hall and knocked on Big Mac’s door and then moved to Apple Blooms door. When she was certain that her siblings were up she trotted down stairs and went to the guest room, she hesitated at first not sure how Anonymous would react.

“Anonymous, it’s time to get up!” There was no answer “Sugar cube…are you alright?” She turned the knob and the door opened, she looked inside to see the room completely empty “Anonymous?” She stepped into the room and spotted a note on the bed, she took the note, opened it and began reading.

“Dear Applejack. Thank you for the roof over my head, the food in my belly, and the acceptance I didn’t expect to find. But after last night, I realized that I couldn’t stay here anymore. Staying at sweet apple acres would be too painful seeing you every day, knowing that I can never have you. I left in the middle of the night and will be long gone by the time you read this, so don’t come looking for me. I’m sorry if this makes you feel guilty, but I can’t stay here any longer. I’ll always value the kindness you and your family has shown me, but I don’t think I will be returning ever again. Tell Apple Tart that I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye, and that I think that she will grow up to be a fine cowpony like you someday. It’s time I started over and made a new life for myself, every time I see an apple I’ll think of you. Thank you for everything and I wish you luck with the farm. Goodbye and farewell
-Anonymous Pony.

Applejack stared at note dumbstruck, she was so shocked by the letter she didn’t notice Apple Tart walk into the room.

“Momma, where’s Anonymous?” She looked down at her daughter trying to break the news.

“Sugar cube…I’m sorry, but…Anonymous is gone.”

“Gone? When is he coming back?” Her eyes started to glisten.

“I’m sorry honey…he isn’t comin’ back.” Apple Tart began to cry realizing that she had lost her friend “I’m sorry sugar.” Applejack sat down and hugged her as tight as she could.

“Ah didn’t even get to say goodbye.” Apple Tart sobbed.

“Ah know sweetie, he…he wanted you to know that he was sorry for not saying goodbye.” Apple Tart sobbed harder as Apple Bloom and Big Mac looked at them sadly.