• Published 13th Jul 2016
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What a Better Way to Live Life (sort of) - alpha_

My name is Michael Z, and how I got here is beyond me. I’m in a land called Equestria, ruled by two ponies who can LITERALLY control the moon and the sun. Why I’m here is something I don’t know but I hope I don’t look too out of place.

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Chapter 3: The first night

Mike's Pov...


That is one giant ass wolf! How in Gods name did those three other wolves merge together into one big one! That doesn’t even make any sense.

The giant wolf looks over to us with hunger in its eyes. It’s gaze like daggers at me and ready to pounce at any moment. I lower myself down to the orange mare.

"Hurry we got no time! Get on!" I say in a hurry to the mare. She looks at the wolf and back at me with worry in her eyes. Finally she nods her head and carefully climbs on my back. I admit she was a little heavy although I'm not about say it out loud. One; because it's rude to a girl saying their 'heavy' and two; well there's a giant wood wolf trying to eat us.

She makes herself steady on my back. I can feel her breathing fast on my neck. The rainbow maned one gazes at me with suspicion in her eyes, though the sound of the wolf growling brought her back in reality. Fear coming back into her face.

"Cmon we got to go!" I say as I start to run with all my legs. The rainbow mane follows behind me as well as the giant wolf that gave chase after us. My leg hurts a lot right now, it stings and I’m sure it’s gonna get infected but that’s the least of my problems right now.

We ran out of the area and into the forest again. It was still raining but now it was pouring hard. The raindrops splashing against the leaves and the forest trees, and giant foot steps was the only sound I was able to hear. It was especially hard as the mare on my back shouts in my ear to turn when a tree would barely hit us.

The mud made mashing sounds against the our hooves as we ran, the wolf following suite after us. It’s giant claws made huge splashes in the mud. The hunger in its bright green eyes made it even more frightening in the dark of night.

We ran through the thick vines, twigs, trees, and other forest stuff. The giant wolf’s big footsteps sounded as if it was getting closer no matter how fast we seem to run.

It was scary.

I felt like I was gonna to faint, my breathing became heavy as I could feel my heart pound in my chest. This damn beast won't stop! Why is it so hell-bent on getting us?!

"*huff* We need *gasp* to loose him!" I hear the rainbow maned mare ahead of me say as she too looked like she was gonna pass out.

I spun my head around frequently to see if I can find anything. Anything at all to help us get away from this monster. Then I saw it, out of the corner of my eye. What I saw was not what I was expecting.

"H-hey there's a *wheeze* bridge! Over there!" I say as I motion my head to the a rundown bridge that looks like it can be hold me and the mares. "Follow me!"

I made a b line to that bridge, so did Rainbow (that's what I'm going to call her now.) the beast waisted now time as it follows close behind judging from its loud foot steps.

"C’mon we need to cross the bridge!"

"Are ya insane!" The cowgirl on my back yells in my ear, causing my to flinch.

"Yeah! It looks like it bout to break!" Shouts Rainbow as she stops at the bridge, quickly over looking it.

"Well look at it! It probably can lift us except the giant Wolf!" I say quickly, looking back although I wish I didn’t as I see the giant timber wolf rush to us.

They were hesitant at first (because of course who wouldn’t?) but they nod to each other in a silent agreement. I manage to pull a weak smile as we and Rainbow pick up our pace again and quickly (but cautiously) went onto the bridge.

The fall down looks like it can be a bottomless pit. Now first things first, I'm NOT afraid of heights but I am afraid of falling so that fall looks pretty fatal and horrifying to say the least. I don't want to fall into a bottomless pit ok?! I took a glance at Rainbow who shot back at me with a look that says 'just GO already!'

I see the giant wolf behind us getting closer by the second. I hesitantly took a step on the first boared. Surprisingly it only creek! I carefully walk onto the wasted bridge holding me and with the pony on my back. "Okay it seems safe, let’s go!"

I Speed-walked to the other side with Rainbow behind me slowly but surely making our way. As we made it half way the giant wolf had arrived at the bridge and growls loudly in what I assumed was irritation. It the gazes down at the bridge, then at us, then at the bridge again. I swear I could see the most devilish smirk I've ever seen on its wooden face.

Rainbow apparently saw the same thing because-"Aw buck! We gotta run!"

The wolf raises it’s giant wooden paw with sharp wood like claws in the air. I realize what it was gonna do, I turn my head back and book it to make it on the other side.

That was a bad idea.

I guess I put too much force in my hooves because the weight from each step made the wood under break and snap. It made my blood ran cold as Rainbow was right behind me. If the wood decided to break right then and there under her hooves then.... I shook my head, I didn’t want to think of that. She seem so see the cracks in the wood and I would guess she has a scared look on her face.

Suddenly the whole bridge turned on the left side. I looked back at the beginning point of the bridge and saw that the one of the ropes had been cut off! The giant wooden wolf still has that menacing grin on its snout.

"Hurry! we're almost there! Don't give up yet!" Rainbow says as we regain our balance on the side-way bridge. Rainbow went on ahead of me this time and lead the way only this time we ran, not giving a crap about the wood going to break.

I continue on, Rainbow made it! I slowly start to smile again as I push every ounce of energy that I have. Slowly the other side was coming closer. And closer! Now almost there... aaand-



As soon as I heard the loud snap the bridge started to fall. I panic as my mind race, but I can only do one thing that comes in mind.


I jump of the falling bridge, I hear the mare on my back screaming and saying "Are ya mad?!"

You know one of those action movies that the guy or girl that makes an epic jump but in slow motion or as if times is slowing down. Yeah that what it felt like just then.


I land hard on the ground and groan in pain as the mare on my back also hiss in pain form the landing. But the only thing that made my mind clear was that we got away from that weird monster wolf.

"Oh my gosh! Are you crazy!" Says the tomboyish voice.

"This wasn't mah idea! It was his!" I hear the southern mare say back.

"Still are you crazy?!”

I slowly got up but hiss in pain as my wounds stings badly in my leg. My arm (leg?) was covered in blood which some dried but still damp. I turn my head at the other side were the bridge was and see the giant woof AND he looks MAD. I can see it's green turn a shade of red. BLOOD red. That sent a chill down my spine.

"ROOOOOAAAAARRRR" It yells at the top of its (wooden?) lungs, making a ringing sound in my ears after it stops letting out its cry. It then turns and leaves. Leaving behind a scared memory.. for me anyway.

"*sigh* Ok well that's over." I say as I look over to the mares "What do we do know?"

"Well for starters, ya can tell us yer name sir?”" Asks the orange mare who was know laying on the ground from our rough landing.

"Yeah and how you took down those Timberwolves single hoofedly." Rainbow says with suspicion in her eyes, inching eerily close to me.

"Well uh.. hi then. I'm Micheal, Micheal Ze.. Z just Z. And how I beat those 'Timberwolves' earlier? I don't know." I say simply frauds really I didn’t know. It was like something came over me, like on instinct which was weird because I don’t remember taking a fighting class before.

"Micheal Z.? Ha! Hhaha! That’s the most ridiculous name I've ever heard!" Rainbow laughs. She continues on laughing which slowly made my blood boil but remain calm to myself, learning that violence is never the answer.

"Oh shut it Skittles." I say in retort and a roll of my eyes. Oh but the face she made was priceless.

Rainbow stops laughing almost immediately and look at me with anger and confusion. "Hey pal I don't know what this 'Skittles' is but you DON’T call The Fastest Flier in All of EQUESTRIA, RAINBOW DASH NAMES!!"

Huh so her name is Rainbow. Points for me I guess.

"Woah nelly there Dash remember he did save our flanks from them Timberwolves just now." The orange mare say. I smile a bit, knowing someone has my back. That somewhat calm down Rainbow but I can hear she mumbled something that I couldn’t hear it well.

"Sorry bout that Mr.Z I don't know what's gotten into her. Anyway mah names Applejack and thank you for saving us." Applejack smiles as she says that, although her expression shows that she was tired.

"It's no problem and just call me Mike." I say, smiling back. Thunder roared in the sky as I look up. " Now it's really coming down. We need somewhere to rest up."

"Well down the road is the old castle of the two sisters." Rainbow suddenly spoke up after a few seconds of silence.

"The what?"

"The castle of the two sisters." She repeated, making a more blank stare at me.

I stared at her with a dumbfounded face I can muster and she just rolled her eyes and says "Follow me." I don't know what the castle of the two sisters is but if it's shelter than I'll take it. I lower back down again so Applejack can climb on, She took the hint and did so. Resting comfortably on my back and follow after Rainbow.

The walk was fairly quiet, no one spoke which was a REALLY awkward silence. For me anyway, the most of sound we got was the rain and the thunder that would strike from time to time.

Soon I could see the castle and it was fairly big but also very worn down so who knows how big it really was from the look of it. We made it to the giant front wooden doors. I set Applejack down for a moment to open it but it was tough to because I can tell this castle has been here for a LONG time. The one of the doors open just a crack but enough space to let us get in, I hurry back to pick up Applejack and made our way in.

"Woah.." I say as I see the old castle in ruins, cracks on the floors and walls, broken pillars, and various of plants grown on the castles stone.

"This place is huge.. and really worn down.. what happened here?” I mumble to myself before turning to Rainbow. “Alright where to now? Is there like rooms we could go or..?” I ask as I look around the room. It seems like we stood at what looked like an old hall.

"Well last time ah was here ah saw a couple of rooms that looked like bedrooms." Applejack says, glancing around the old castle, it made me think what she had said, I could feel my eyes widen a bit. “Wait what you've been here before?"

"Yeah but that was awhile ago." Rainbow answers me and that was it.

"Huh.. well lead the way Applejack." I say, slowly moving forward as I could tell she was trying to remember where she saw the rooms.

She gave the directions of where she last saw them. The castle though was very interesting itself. We past of what seem to be an old throne room and an old kitchen. Maybe being in this pony world won't be so bad after all. That thought made me smile as I thought about it more and more. Maybe they could help me find civilization later on! Of course they came from where more are in a town or a village. I can finally know where I am!

"Well we're here." Applejack says as I instinctively stop at a door. I push the door gently and it sway slowly open, making a long erie creek sound like a cartoon door.

The room was not that bad condition as I thought it would be, the room had two beds, a table, a broken stool, and a hole in the roof in which rain was coming out of but nothing too bad. Quit cozy in its weird, ruined way.

"Huh, not bad." Rainbow says as she looked around the room, probably thinking the same thing I was.


"Hmmm, maybe we should sleep here then.. or try to at least" Rainbow mumbles that last part although I’m sure she knows we heard her.

I then remember what happened earlier from the Timberwolf attacks. “Hold on we can't just yet, we need to patch our wounds first." I say as as Rainbow stares at my right hoof and then to Applejack.

"But uh what do we use?" Applejack asks. “I don’t mean to sound all bad like but in case ya can’t tell, there aren’t any first aids here. Not by like, a long time.” She says, I sighs as I move to one of the beds. It looks old but feels soft still and kinda dirty but it was still a bed so I gently set her down into it. “You’ve got a point.. buuuut..”

I look round and saw some leaves and vines growing on the rocks. I then turn back at the hole in the ceiling which rain was coming out and gave me an idea. It’s a crazy one but I’m sure it’ll work.

I walked over to the leaves and vines making sure they weren't poison ivy. (Because those sucks) After that I went to the rain hole and washed the leaves and vines to make sure that they can be clean and won't have anything on it for what I’m about to use them for.

When I was done washing them I went back over to Applejack "Okay this may sting a little but bare with me ok?" Her ears moved to the back of her head which was strangely adorable but now wasn’t the time. I slowly put the leaves over the scar wound on her waist, just now realizing she has a butt tattoo too. It was three red apples which I thought was ironic with her name which kinda gave me some questions.. She hisses in pain for a second which breaks my train of thoughts but calms down soon after. "Ok almost down." I say softly as I was made sure the leaves were covering the scar. Finally I wrap the vines around her waist, making sure there were comfortable and tight.

"Ok how is that?" I ask as Applejack look at the make shift bandage around her waist and had a surprise look on her face once again."Wow how did ya do that?" She asks. Looking around the vine bandage.

I kinda shrug. “Well when I was younger I use to go camping with my dad and when I had a cut he would use vines and stuff to make the wound feel better when we didn’t have first aid" I say as I repeated the process with my right hoof.

As soon as I was done with mine I let out a yawn. My eyes start to feel heavy. "Well.. you girls can take the beds, I'll sleep on the floor with a couple of blankets and pillows." I say as I grab a couple of blankets and pillows with these cursed hooves, (like seriously how do you function these??) and drop them on the floor.

"Now Wait a gosh darn second partner! How bout you share a bed with one of us?" Applejack says which surprised me, Rainbow looks surprise as well as me but shakes her head. Clearly she didn’t like that idea.

"R-really?" I say with a stutter which was weird to me but like, wow.. okay.. why would you share a bed with a stranger? One: that’s weird and two:.. it’s just straight up weird. Especially as.. ponies now.

"Yeah!.. ah mean ya did save us." She says, I notice a small tiny of red on her orange face as she looks down. Her hat covering her eyes. I'm honestly flabbergasted. I look over to Rainbow but she had a face that said 'go ahead do whatever you want’ and made her way to the other bed and fell asleep. Clearly she wasn’t gonna have anything to do with this anymore. I mean it's kinda weird if a guy and a girl sleep in a bed together when you don't really know them, I don’t know if it’s normal here but hey. That’s just me.

I kept on thinking about this choice but buy each second passes by my eyes kept on getting heavier. I let out a soft sighs as I realize I didn’t have a choice if she was going to continue on about this.

"*sigh* uh.. alright then" I say defeatedly and can already tell that I was blushing hard as me and Applejack got into the old bed.

"Good night love birds." Rainbow says with an obvious snicker.

But it was enough for me to feel my head get hotter. "Dagnnabit Rainbow!" Applejack yells out and threw her stenson hat at her, but she continues on snickering.

"Ha! Heheee!”

I felt my blush go away slowly as I felt kinda uncomfortable in my situation. But I sucked it up. "uh good night then.”

They both replied goodnight, I let out a soft breath and close my eyes. Trying to get even a wink of sleep but before I can sleep I can feel Applejack kinda.. shaking? And hearing her teeth chatter? "Are you cold?" I ask her, turning my body to her.

"Um.. yeah..." She answers, even in the dark I can tell she was a bit embarrassed. I touch the blanket but it was a bit damp and cold from all the rain so it was understandable. I thought for a moment, doing the only thing I could do.


I took off my jacket and gave it to her. She didn't accept at first but I keep insisting and she soon gave in it and put it on. Damn I'll admit she does looks pretty cute in a jacket. Wait what?

"Warm and comfy?" I ask her, trying to quickly move one from that thought.

"Mhm thanks partner.” She replies, her shaking did stop so I took it as a good sign.

"No problem." I say with a small smile, it felt really nice helping someone. Seconds later I hear snoring from her, I took that as a sign that she had fell asleep already. I turn slowly to face my body up and at the ceiling.

Man today was a crazy day.. I wonder how tomorrow will be. After all tomorrow is another day. I mentally chuckle at that as today has been full of weird stuff happening. I frown slightly, missing back home and all of my friends.. my family. I wonder how they’re doing now?

I let another sigh escape and soon after a few seconds, I let sleep take over me.

Author's Note:

I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO.. 50 million SO's later... SORRY!! That I got this uploaded SO late during the end of summer my mind shut off, school started so I have to do homework, and I have got carried away with the Equestria Amino app. But fear not I have updated it \(•__•)/

Hope you like!