• Published 13th Jul 2016
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What a Better Way to Live Life (sort of) - alpha_

My name is Michael Z, and how I got here is beyond me. I’m in a land called Equestria, ruled by two ponies who can LITERALLY control the moon and the sun. Why I’m here is something I don’t know but I hope I don’t look too out of place.

  • ...

Chapter 8: A party to remember! Pt 2

"I've been meaning to ask, but who is this party for?" I ask the six mares, they all had drinks in their hooves, now what I don’t get after all the things I see while my couple of days of being here, is being able to hold stuff with hooves. How do you even do that? It just doesn't work like that. I honestly didn’t feel like giving myself a headache on how the machanics and logics works here. I notice that the girls were looking at me like I just said something stupid. I probably did.

"What?" I cock my head a bit, clearly confused by their gazes.

Twilight shakes her head then pointed upwards. I look up to see a giant red banner, written on it was "Welcome to Ponyville Mike!" In bold yellow letters. I let out an "Oh" with my mouth slightly open. I look back at the mare as some giggle while others roll their eyes. I feel my face burn slightly as I cover my face. "Oh hehe...I have a tendency to miss the larger picture..hehe."

I could've swear I hear Alister face palm with an anoynned sigh. I couldn't help but snicker quietly, and picked up my drink. Apparently it was Apple cider. I usual don't drink real heavy stuff but Applejack assured me it was alright to drink. I slowly took a sip the taste of the liquid was surprisingly really good. There’s a very, very faint taste of alcohol but it’s barely noticeable. It’s really sweet and a huge taste of apples to cover it. I stop drinking for a minute to just look at the mug of cider with wide eyes.

"Oh wow.. this stuff is really GOOD. Who Knew trying cider for the first time would be this GOOD." I happily said, soon chugging the rest of it down without stop until it was all gone. I let out a pleased sigh, setting it down. Rainbow sets down her mug from her mouth and looks to me strangely.

"Woah woah hold on." Rainbow starts. "You mean you never HAD any cider before?" She asks her eyes going wide. I shook my head.

"No but this is really good! Who makes this stuff?" I took another chug of the delicious drink as Applejack stood up tall and proud.

"Well thank ya kindly sugarcube, ya see me and mah family owns the best apple farms in all of Equestria!" She exclaims in her usual southern accent, she continues. "We also make the BEST apple cider in all of Equestria too." She states proudly as she adjusted her hat.

"Really? Well then, I want to give your family my thanks for this best drink I've ever had!" I complimented as I took another swig, finishing the sweet drink. Applejack sheepishly smiles as she used her hat to cover her face a bit.

"Well shoot partner you're making me blush." Applejack says with a chuckle.

I smile at that, I felt pretty happy to know that I make others feel happy. I watch the girls for a moment when I noticed one of them was missing. I counted them as I remember them being six of them, and not five. Wait... there's Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow, uh Rarity, and Fluttershy...who else is- My train of thought was interrupted by a certain pink pony suddenly screams into my ear.

"ARE YOU ENJOYING YOURSELF MIKE?!" Pinkie shouts suddenly. I yelp in suprise and fall back on my chair, hitting my head against the hard-wooden floor, and my ears ringing in pain.

Pinke Pie.... I can hear Blix howl with laughter in the back of my head. Shut up...

I-I'm sorry Mike Th-that was just too funny! The dragon continues his fit of laughing, after awhile it died down though I can still hear him snicker and giggle a bit.

"Oh sweet Celestia Pinkie!" Rainbow laughs loudly as she bangs the table with her hoof.

Rarity although had the exact opposite reaction. "Pinkie darling, you can't just go up to other ponies and scream in their ears! I'm so sorry Michael, are you ok?" Rarity wield a worrisome expression.

I groan as I slowly got up from the floor, my head felt like a train hitting my head a thousand times. Cursed migraines. "Um y-yeah *hiss* i’ll be alright.." I say as I rub my head, tying to soothe the pain. Pinkie rushes over to me and gave me another bone crushing hug.

"Awwwww, are you okay Mikey?" Pinkie coos holding me tightly to her. I would’ve been lying if I said I didn’t feel like I could die from Pinkie's hulk-like hugs.

"Y-yes Pinkie I'm gonna be ok....also air." My breath was running short until Pinkie finally let’s go to of me.

She hops in wearing a sheepish grin on her face. “Sorry Mikey." She pats my head then hops back over to sit with her friends.

Rarity then walks over to me as she wipes off some dust that was on my jacket. "Darling you have to keep this wonderful made jacket clean-" she then got closer to examine my jacket. "Actually I have never seen this kind of fabric. Please do tell on how you got this.” Rarity asks in her posh accent, her eyes staring at me with curiosity.

"Well I don't know where it was made, it was actually my Dad's before he gave it to me. But, this jacket WAS his most prized possession. He said that he got it from being part of a group called the "Arkians" whatever that means. Heh, that was awhile ago, I’ve always worn it since... ever since what happened." I mumble that last part sadly, as I can feel tiny tears slowly reach my eyes. I had to fought them back, I didn’t want those painful memories to come back.

Rarity nods understandably. “Well who ever made it has quite the talent." She says as she goes back over to the table. I gaze down at my jacket, precisely down at the patch at my left arm. It was the words "Arkian" written in bold white blue letters. I never knew what the "Arkians" are or were but I shrug it off as being just a gang name or something. I shake my head as I made my way back over to the table were the other girls are, currently chatting about other things. Myself getting kind of lost in my own thoughts.

Just as I sat back down in my seat I hear Twilight say "Spike there you are! Look I want you to meet somepony." I turn over to Twilight and notice a small figure next to her heading towards me. The figure was small, barely up lot Twilight's legs. He had some kind is purple skin with a light green underbelly, and big green spines on his head, back, and what I can make out was a shovel like tail. I honestly thought it was some kind of giant purple lizard. But then I noticed its eyes. They were a bold emerald-green with two long slits in each eye.

Its a dragon! I mentally shout at myself for not realizing it earlier.

HE'S a dragon. Blix corrects me. I was gonna say something but he continues on. More importantly He's a purple-scaled dragon. I haven't seen another purple dragon in years! How did the lavender unicorn manage to get a hold of his egg?... His words got my head-gears turning now. From there I decide to ask a question myself.

Uh Blix? what's so special about purple-scaled dragons? I mentally ask him.

Huh? Oh a purple-scaled dragon is a type of dragon that contains immense power. I believe now will be the best time to tell you this. Long ago in dragon culture, your were given rank based on the color of your scales. The darker your scales the lower your rank would be. In my time, common colors were black, red, orange. Yellow, green and blue were considered rare as well as purple. Having white scales however were even rarer. It signed as even the purest form of dragons. Even considered royalty. Their scales would also sign as to how much magic power they possessed. Of course not everyone liked such ideas after time, soon conflict arises, eventually a war broke out.. its been years since then and I’m sure the dragons of today completely forgot about their own magic abilities and ranks of scales. I’m sure even the princesses themselves don’t know much of dragon history from then. I stood quite, learning all this information that I guess not even the RULERS of this land know about. Although a part of me wonders why is he just openly telling me this now.

Well that’s enough talk now, I want to know more about this young dragon. Blix says. I nod and look back to the small purple dragon now only a few feet away from me.

"Spike meet Michael, Michael meet Spike, my number one assistant." Twilight states, while Spike puffed out his chest in pride when Twilight said ‘number one assistant.’

"Hi Spike." I greet the small dragon while I let out my hoof towards him for a handshake. He obliges by grabbing my hoof with his purple scaled covered hand (or claw) and shook it lightly.

"Hi Micheal!" He said in a cheery kid tone. "And yeah as Twi said I'm her number one assistant at Ponyville library!" He exclaims proudly. He then turns his attention over to a certain white unicorn as she swung her hair out of her face in a beauty fashion.

"H-hi Rarity~..." Spike dreamily says with a small goofy smile as soon as his eyes met Rarity. I could've swore I saw his eyes change to hearts, and small hearts appear around him. I chuckle softly as I remember my "love at first sight moment" but I can tell that Spike and Rarity knew each other well, and for awhile. Rarity greets him back with a smile and a pet name, calling spike her "Spikey-Wikey".

I can hear Blix humming in interest in the background of my mind at the nickname Rarity had given Spike. A dragon falling in love with a pony. Hmm... It’s been a long time since that’s happened. The dragon says with a soft sigh as his humming stops.

You mean before? What was life like really before.. today I guess? I mentally asked him, my curiosity going at its highest peak with all this information he’s been telling me today.

Well as much as I would love to tell you young Mike, but for now let us enjoy this party. I promise I’ll share all my stories with you. Blix lets out a hearty chuckle. I could only sigh and agree.

I look around the giant party, and smiled on how happy this little town can be. it makes me happy that there is peace actual peace here, in all places really, unlike how Earth is. Shaking the thoughts out of my mind, I notice Pinkie whispering something to the DJ. The DJ nods and hands over a microphone to her. Pinkie clears her throat in the microphone, catching everyone's attention.

"WELCOME EVERYPONY!" Pinkie shouted in the mic, making sure everyone is listening. "TO A PARTY I HAD A SETUP FOR A NEW PONY THAT CAME TO TOWN." As soon as she finished the area became dark. Then a bright headlight shown upon on me, exposing me in the light. "MICHAEL ZEE!" Pinkie introduces me, hearing some stomps and claps. (At least that’s i thought they were) "HE IS ALSO THE PONY THAT SAVED APPLEJACK AND RAINBOW DASH FROM TIMBERWOLVES IN THE EVER FREE AND BROUGHT THEM BACK HOME!!" Pinkie shouts with an excited glee. I've heard a collective gasp and whispers that made me feel kind of embarrassed, Rainbow groans in annoyance behind me, and Applejack chuckles sheepishly while tipping her hat down to hid her face.

Pinkie finishes up her rant and gave back the mic to the DJ, she hops of the statge and was immediately bickered by Rainbow. "What the hay Pinkie! You had to tell EVERYPONY!" Rainbow emphasized everyone by showing Pinkie the ponies at the party.

Pinkie giggles and booped Rainbow on her nose. "Silly Dashie. There's nothing to be a shame off, you’re still the AWSOMMMME pony I know!" Rainbow blushes a little at the compliment but she crosses her arms and pretends not to care as much. Pinkie giggles again and hops of to somewhere God knows where.

I can’t help but laugh softly at the pink mares antics. I could see something big and red out of the corner of my eye, and said big, red thing was walking to me. I turn my head to see a huge red stallion that I was pretty sure twice my size, his mane and tail was a dark orangish-blonde. "Howdy." He says to me in a deep southern accent, kind of like Applejack’s.

"Uh.. hi.." I was immediately intimidated by him. His shear size alone literally shadows over me.

The stallion grins a bit as he suddenly pats my back, kind of hard. "Don't worry partner. I ain't gonna hurt ya." He reassures. I felt a little calmer by that but I was still felt pretty small compared to this guy. "Also." He continues on. "I have to thank ya on saving my little sis from them Timberwolves."

I grin a bit sheepishly. "It was nothing really. I just did what anybody else would do." I say, rubbing my bandaged covered arm. I honestly forgot about till now. Quickly looking at it then back at him.

He shook his head. "Nope. It was something. Tell ya what, How bout you hang with us?" He motions over to a couple of other stallions at a table, they notice us and wave us over. I look up to him but he just had a neutral expression, pretty hard to tell what he was thinking.

Eh, why not? I'll be getting to know other peo- er ponies in the process. I nod, smiling. “Sure! But uh what’s your name?” I ask him.

“Ah pardon my manners, the names Big Mac. C’mon I’ll show you around with the other guys.” Big Mac says as he leads me to the table.