• Published 18th Aug 2016
  • 1,547 Views, 87 Comments

Shimmy Shorts - Ausbrony

A series of one-shot chapters within the Shimmerverse. the content and genre will vary.

  • ...

Talking up a storm

Pizzelle was a happy mare.

Well, not for the usual reasons. Like she was happy when a batch of cookies came out just right. Or when her son Hikaru did something cute or funny. Or the type of happy she was when she spent time with her friends.

No, this happy was a type of happy she hadn’t felt in a while. A sport she hadn’t been able to partake in for quite some time now.

She stared down at the newspaper, an advertisement for an upcoming Archery contest. Her wings fluttered with excitement and her hooves danced on the wooden floor. She could almost feel the sensation of drawing back the taut bowstring and letting loose an arrow, streaking through the air and hitting its target.

“Still…” Her mood waned as she thought about her little Kitsune. Attending this contest would mean travel, as the contest was in the distant town of Hollow Shades. and she couldn’t pull Hikaru out in the middle of a school week. Somepony would have to foalsit him…

The problem was… well it was Hikaru. He was a mischievous little scamp, and she didn’t know anypony that would be able to… navigate their way through his shenanigans. She thought of Fiddlesticks, but the mare was too excitable. They might just destroy Ponyville.

Sunset Shimmer was out. That was for certain. She would teach him too many… poor manners.

And Quickfix was also inviting disaster.

Lightning Dust lived in a cloud home, so that was no good.

And Fiddlesticks was usually busy with farm work to pay enough attention to him.

She was slightly worried that Redheart might experiment on him…

That only left…

“You… want me to do what?” Coco asked, tilting her head slightly. “Foalsit for you?”

“Honestly, you’re about the only one I can count on,” Pizzelle said as she looked down at the small earth pony. “Everyone else is… unsuited for this task.”

“Well, I’m happy that you think that but—”

“I knew coming to you was the right idea!” Pizzelle smiled. “I worked everything out and I should only be three days, four at the absolute most. Ooh, I’m just so excited to do this again!”

“But I really don’t think I’m—”

“Now, Hikaru can be a hoofull sometimes. Just know his pranks are harmless and don’t give him candy too close to bedtime, or he’ll be up all night. Oh, and he likes warm milk before he sleeps.”

“But Pizzelle—?”

“I knew I could count on you,” the older pegasus mare smiled, giving the tiny earth pony a quick hug and then galloping away.

“Ohdear,” Coco sighed. She didn’t know a whole lot about foalsitting. Hmm, Rarity often looked after her little sister Sweetie Belle. Maybe she had some tips and tricks for her?

“Okay, now you remember what to do yes?” Pizzelle said to her foxxy son.

“Yes I know Mom,” he sighed. “Be good for Miss Coco. Don’t prank her… too much, and no sweets before bed,” he sighed. “Can’t I come with you? Archery sounds cool and I wanna see all the bat ponies!”

“Ah ah ah, they’re called Vamphirines, not bat ponies,” Pizzelle said to him. “And perhaps I’ll take you there sometime during the holiday season. But right now you have school mister.”

“Ah, fine,” Hikaru huffed, dragging out the last word with an exhausted sigh. “I promise I’ll be good… as long as you bring me back a present~?”

“We’ll see you cheeky little scamp,” Pizzelle giggled and nuzzled him. They arrived at Coco’s house, well, Rarity’s boutique where said mare lived. “And be sure not to annoy the Diamond Dogs. I don’t believe they’d hurt you… but I’d rather not take the chance.”

“Yup, gotcha,” Hikaru nodded as Pizzelle knocked on the door.

Soon enough, Pizzelle was sitting on the train bound for Hollow Shades. She’d never been there before, so it was a little exciting. Plus the trip alone would make a great story to tell later. It kind of reminded her of the one time her great great grandpappy went to the—

Her little inner monologue was cut off as a mare took a seat opposite her. What really grabbed the pegasi’s attention as that the mare was a biped. She resembled a pony close enough, with her hind hooves, muzzle and unicorn horn.

But instead of forehooves, she had human-like hands. And given the way her chest bulged… huh? Pizzelle had heard of these kinds of ponies. One’s usually born from a pony and a human. But she’d never actually seen one before. She had a tan coloured coat and a chocolate brown mane and tail. She wore a sleeveless tunic, with leather bracers on her wrists and shoulders. A short, pleated skirt tied at the waist with a sash. Her brown leather boots went almost as high as her knees.

“Heya,” the mare said in a tomboyish tone. “I see you’re headed for the Archery tourney too huh?” the anthro mare mused, gesturing at Pizzelle’s bow case.

“Huh? Oh, yes,” the pegasus said, a little caught off guard. “Are you?”

“Mhm, more or less,” she said and held out a hand. “Name’s Volt Kicker. What’s yours?”

“Oh, I’m Pizzelle,” the pegasus replied, putting her hoof in her hand as they shook.

Then Volt Kicker leaned forwards and smiled widely. “Oh! You’re the Element of Truth,” she said. “Wow, never thought I’d meet a celebrity.”

“Oh no…” Pizzelle blushed a waved a dismissive hoof. “I’m really not all that. So far it’s been a one-time thing. I’m just a simple baker.”

“Well then ‘Miss Simple Baker’,” Volt mused and leaned back in her chair. “I guess beating you in Archery won’t be a problem then.”

Pizzelle’s bashul gaze morphed into a narrow-eyed stare, a sly smirk on her muzzle. “Oh really?” she mused. “I’ll remind you that you said that after I beat you.”

“Ooh, feisty~” Volt chuckled and leaned back in her seat, propping her arms up at shoulder level. “Well, guess we’ll just have to see Miss Element of Modesty.”

“Yep,” Pizzelle said as she looked out the window and noticed some storm clouds forming. “Weird… we’re a bit too far from the Everfree for wild weather.”

“It’ll pass,” Volt Kicker said and smiled. “I’ve got a sixth sense about these things.”

Hollow Shades was an interesting city. A lot of the buildings had old Germane-style architecture. Flat white walls with wooden support beams and shingled roofs. Most of them being two or three stories tall. Trees were mingled in with the winding streets, said roads made of packed dirt and sparse flat cobblestone.

The train had passed by large fruit tree orchards on the way in to, which gave the whole town a subtle, yet fruity smell. If it wasn’t for the dense canopy of trees shrouding the whole city in a deep shade, and the bat-winged Vamphirines everywhere, Pizzelle could have likened the place to Ponyville.

“Now let’s see,” she hummed, looking at her itinerary. It said that all competitors would have a place at the ‘Das Licht des Mondes’. Some kind of pub-slash-hotel that was sponsoring the event. After asking around, some of the locals outright ignoring her until she found an earth pony that pointed her in the right direction. Pizzelle found herself in front of the building.

“We meet again,” Volt Kicker said as Pizzelle entered a room on the third floor. “Seems we’re bunk buddies for this little competition.”

“Seems so,” the mare said as she set her equipment down on the bed.

“And don’t worry,” Volt said. “I don’t plan to mess with your stuff. “I’m just glad to have a cutie like you sleeping with me~”

“Um, what?” Pizzelle blushed slightly and shook her head. “Sorry, it’s been a long trip.”

“That is has,” Pizzelle agreed. “Feel up for a drink?”

“Oh uh, sorry… I don’t drink,” Pizzelle waved a wing. “A habit I dropped after becoming a mother.”

“Oh, you got a kid?” Volt said as she sat on her bed.

“Adopted, but yes,” Pizzelle smiled. Thinking of her little Hikaru always made her do so. “He’s a bit of a trickster, but he’s a good boy.”

“Huh, so a cute little milf huh? I can dig it,” Volt said. A what now? What was a mil—

“So,” the bipedal unicorn said. “If drinks are off the table. How about dinner? I’m starving.”

A small growl of Pizzelle stomach made her chuckle and nod. “Yes, that actually sounds quite good. Though, where shall we go?”

“Hmm,” Volt mused. “The pub downstairs is kind of busy and I’m not a fan of crowds.How about we find a small place to grab a bite.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Pizzelle agreed and grabbed her saddlebag.

They’d been wandering the small town for a bit, sharing a little small talk as they did. Pizzelle’s nose twitched and she suddenly rounded a corner, a curious Volt following her as they found a small ‘hole-in-the-wall’ style bakery.

“Ahh, I knew I could smell fresh bread,” Pizzelle hummed as Volt folded her arms.

“Huh, quite the nose you have there Zelle.”

“Well, when you work with baked goods as much as I do, you get a nose for it.” The mare smiled as she nudged open the door, to the place titled ‘Wallflour’. Pizzelle giggled at the name as she stepped inside.

“Mmm, something smells good~” she hummed.

“Well,” a voice said as a earth mare stepped out from the kitchen. She had a speckled brown coat with a dark chocolate-hued mane that poofed out with untameable curls. Her cinnamon eyes lit up as she smiled at the sight of the two mares. “Ooh, pony customers,” she smiled.

“Hm, what’s that supposed to mean?” Volt asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, sorry,” the mare winced, her ears folding back. “I don’t get many of the vamphirine’s coming in here, mostly because I’m an earth pony that worships Princess Celestia.” She sighed and shrugged. “So most of my patronage comes from the local ponies and visitors. I mean, not all of the locals are like that. But the traditional ones can be… abrasive.”

“Ah, I’m sorry to hear that,” Pizzelle said with a sympathetic smile. “Well, it smells great in here and I’m starving.”

“And I have bread to sell,” the mare said. “My name’s Oreo Cream. Nice to meet you…?”

“Pizzelle,” the pegasus responded. “And this is my friend Volt Kicker.”

“Friend huh?” the bipedal mare mused. Well wasn’t she a trusting one. “Seems legit. Yeah, I could go for some food too.”

“Okie doki,” Oreo said in a bubbly tone as she showed off her display case. “Anything you like in here? I also do sandwiches and and pies and things too.”

“Hmm, been a while since I had a good pie,” Volt hummed. “This is a batpony town. So…”

“Yes, I sell meat pies,” Oreo smiled. “Hated it at first, but I learned so to try and get business. It worked kinda…?”

“Well, you got any Shepherd's Pie?” Volt Kicker asked.

“Sure do.”

“Yeeesss~” Volt beamed. “Momma will take summa that~”

“Hmm…” Pizzelle really wanted to just order a plate of biscuits. But she needed a good meal for the competition tomorrow. “Can I get a sandwich please?”

“Sure,” Oreo smiled as she made up the one that Pizzelle was requesting. Egg, lettuce, tomato and carrot. She piled plenty of ingredients on, adding a little salt and pepper to it too. Once they had their food, the pair sat down at one of the tables to eat.

“So, keen for tomorrow?” Volt asked.

“Honestly?” Pizzelle said. “I’m a little nervous. It’s been a long while since I did this. So I’m hoping I’m just able to hit the targets.”

“Aaah, you’ll be fine,” Volt said and took a bit of her potato pie, moaning softly as the taste. “Mmm, this is good. That filly knows her stuff.”

Pizzelle nibbled her sandwich and agreed. “This bread is practically flawless. I have to agree.”

Oreo set two drinks down on the counter. “Here, some Chai Latte’s for you.”

“Huh, but we didn’t order them,” Pizzelle said, still sniffing the delightfully scented drink.

“I know, but you ladies are nice and… well honestly, you’re the first customers I’ve had all day,” the mare sighed.

“Well, thank you,” Volt said as she placed her hands over the mugs to pass one to Pizzelle, her horn glowing for a moment as she subtly cast a purification spell on the drinks. She was a cautious mare to say the least.

“So,” Pizzelle said as she laid on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. “How did you get into Archery Miss Volt?”

“No ‘Miss’ and I’ll tell you,” she said. “And it’s nothing really. I use it as a means to learn concentration and focus.” She let out a small chuckle. “It was either that or chess, and chess is for old ponies and nerds.”

Sunset twitched as she moved her Knight, taking Spike’s Rook.

“Something wrong sis?” the dragon asked. You got that… Burny look in your face.”

“Yeah… just feel like burning someone,” she said and sighed. “Check.”

“Checkmate,” Spike said, moving his Princess.


“That’s a little mean,” Pizzelle giggled and closed her eyes. “As for me…”

“Well? Volt leaned forwards, sitting cross legged. “Don’t hold out on me,”

“I grew up in a pretty simply family,” Pizzelle said. “Mom and dad were both bakers, so… it was pretty much expected that I would be too. And well… i was so, I guess they weren’t wrong.” She let out a giggle. “But, my Grandmother used to tell me all sorts of stories. How grandpa found in a war, about heroes and princesses. I was hooked on every word. Sure, I loved baking. I still do. But…”

“You wanted something more,” Volt replied. “Something like the stories.”

“Yes,” Pizzelle sat up and nodded. “And one day, I was at school when we were doing a sports festival. All kinds were being shown. Hoofball, squash, gladiatorial combat…”

“The crap? What kinda school did you go to?”

“And Archery!” Pizzelle smiled. “Grandmother just finished telling me about this great hero that used a bow to slay a dragon, and I had to try it. So… I did.”

“And lemme guess, it was your destiny?”
“Ahahah no. I shot the instructor in the leg and hospitalized him.”

Volt blinked very slowly.

“But, it was still fun. I stuck with it and eventually got better through practice and determination. And soon enough, I was winning awards and trophies. But, ever since moving to Ponyville and opening my bakery, I haven’t had the chance to do so.”

“Well, I guess we’ll see tomorrow,” she mused as she lay back. “So, tell me some of these stories of yours.”

“Well, I could. I um… tend to talk for a while and…”

“Hey, it’s fine,” Volt waved a hand. “I… actually haven’t talked to anyone in a long time. Trust me, I wanna hear some.”

“Oh!” Pizzelle blushed lightly and smiled. “Okay! So, this one is about my great great Grandpa Damascus. He was part of a—”

“Urrghh…” Volt groaned, rubbing her eyes. “Goddess I’m tired…”

“Yeeeaaaaahhhhh!” Pizzelle yawned. “We stayed up so late talking…”

“You talked. I listened… Don’t regret it though,” Volt chuckled a sshe pat the pegasi’s back and-


“Yipe!” Pizzelle jumped from the shock, now very much awake. “Awawawa! That was some mean static buildup there Volty!”

“Hahah, my bad my bad,” Volt smiled and waved. “Least we’re awake now.”

“Yeah,” Pizzelle giggled, flicking her wings a few times. As she did, she noticed quite a few Vamphirines scowling at her. “Um…”

“Oh right, these guys really don’t like pegasi and vice versa,” Volt said. “To be honest, I don’t know why you are glaring back.”

“Well… I guess I don’t really have a problem with them is all,” Pizzelle said. “I mean, they’ve never done anything to me personally.”

“Hm… good answer,” Volt said. “The world could use more mares like you. Now…” They reached the open field the contest would take pace. At least two dozen contestants were there. A couple of Vamphirines, some unicorns and earth ponies. Pizzelle was actually the only pegasi present.

“Okay, so…” Volt paused and looked down. “Where’s you bow?”

“Huh?” Pizzelle looked at her back and… where was… ohno… she, must have left it on her bed. Her eyes widened. “Nono… this is bad. I-I won’t make it back in time!”

Volt exhaled and looked at the board. Pizzelle was one of the first few up. “Hmm, okay!” She lowered her case, opening it to show off her bow. “Here, use mine. I’ll run back to our room and get yours.”

“W-What… no, Volty… I can’t ask that of you—”

“You didn’t, I’m offering,” she corrected. “Trust me, I’m faster than I look. I’ll only be a moment. Take good care of Wölfe Heulen here. He’ll help you out.”

“It’s a beautiful bow,” she smiled. “Volt. I… I can’t thank you enough.”

“Eh, I’m sure you will. Maybe I’ll come by Ponyville sometime and try those cookies you’re so proud of,” she grinned. “I’ll be back soon!” And with that, she took off running.

Pizzelle took a breath and looked down at the precious gift. Okay, you could do this Pizzelle. No problem!

“First up, Pizzelle from Ponyville!” came the announcement over the loudspeaker. Pizzelle picked up the bow and… goodness it was heavy! Volt really used this? Lucky she had her Mom’s strength. A normal pony would barely be able to lift this.

She stepped up to the mark as three arrows were given to her. She set the bow down in the holder, nocking an arrow and pulling back the string. Even that required more strength than she thought. She took aim and loosed the first short… as it sailed wide and struck the hay next to the target.

Quite a few snickers and laughs came from the other contestants and crowd as she frowned. Okay… that, could have gone better. She could easily blame the unfamiliar bow but, no, she was out of practice and too nervous. She paused and took another breath. Volt lent her this lifeline and she was going to make the most of it. She set and loosed her second shot, the arrow sailing through the air and missing a bullseye by mere inches.

That stopped the laughing pretty quick. She smirked and loosed the third, just nailing the line of the bullseye.

All in all, not a bad show. Could have been better… could have been far worse. She picked up the bow and headed back to her bench as the next contestant took their place.

Pizzelle looked up at the scoreboard. She was sitting in fifth right now. And there were still a half dozen to go. And Volt’s turn was coming up. Where was she? She… was she gonna—

“Hey!” Volt said, sitting down on the bench next to her. “Sorry I took so long. Stopped at the cafe for an espresso shot to help clear the ol’ sleepy eyes.”

“Geeze, don’t scare me like that!” Pizzelle said and swatted her arm. “And… oh!”

Volt Kicker set her bow down in front of her. “Here you are cookie mama. Your bow.”

“Thankyou!” Pizzelle beamed, hugging the mare’s waist as Volt looked up at the scoreboard.

“Whoa! You scored that with my bow?” she exclaimed as Pizzelle winced.

“Yes… it’s a difficult bow to use. The string is very taut and it’s heavy so I guess—”

“That’s amazing!’ Volt smiled. “Damn girl. I honestly expected less. That thing is super hard to use so… good job!”


“Yeah, I was actually a little worried that I’d screwed you over. But I can see that I’m going to have to actually try if I want to beat you.” She grabbed her bow in one hand and stood up. “Well, wish me luck!”

“U-Um, yes. Good luck Volty!” Pizzelle waved, then her eyes widened as she nocked all three arrows and once and fired them. Each one getting her a score that landed her firmly in second place.

“Holy… Celestia…” Pizzelle whispered as the crowd paused to watch the display. “She’s good.”

The contest waged on. The lowest scoring contestants were weeded out. And now she had her confidence and bow, Pizzelle was scoring much better. Soon, all that remained was her, Volt and an Vamphirine named Moonlight Sonata. The latter of them had been the highest scorer for the whole competition. A brown-coated batpony with a blonde mane and tail. Her green eyes shone with fierce determination.

And now it was down to just them. Midnight was up first as she lined up her bow and took aim… only for the string to snap as she let out a surprised “Eeee!?” and fell back hard on her wings. Pizzelle gasped and rushed over.

“Are you okay?” she asked asked as the medics started to scramble.

“Yes… mostly, my pride,” she murmured as she stood up and looked at her. Bow in disdain. “Somepony cut my string…” she muttered and looked at the crowd. She knew it wasn’t the remaining competitors. She’d been keeping an eye on them. She was led aside to have her wings looked at and to have her bow restringed.

In the meantime, Pizzelle was ready to take her turn. She lined up the first shot and landed a bullseye. Then a second… and the crowd held their breath, before she landed a third, the perfect score shooting her to first.

The crowd erupted at the upset victory. It could still be turned around, but Volt’s final turn would have to be almost as flawless as Pizzelle’s.

Volt Kicker stepped up, holding her bow. Her ears flicked as she felt the flow of wind. The trees around the clearing acted as a nice wind break, but there was still a subtle breeze that could throw out a perfect shot. She drew back the string and… and paused.

Pizzelle blinked as she watched the mare freeze up. Why was she hesitating? She’d been nothing but confident the whole time Pizzelle had known her so…

Then she felt it. It was subtle but the ground trembled.

“You feel that too?” Moonlight asked, her wings bandaged up from her earlier fall.

“Yes but, was it an earthquake?” Pizzelle blinked.

“No, not in this region,” Moonlight said. “It’s something—”

“GET DOWN!” Volt Kicker yelled as she dove to the side with an impressive leap, the ground where she’d stood exploded upwards. Rising out of the ground was a huge crystal-stone golem. It rose up to be over a dozen times the size of an pony.

“Oh… oh that’s not good,” Pizzelle said as she looked up to see a pony riding on it’s head. Was that the pony that created the golem?

“Where aaaaare you~?” the sorcerer cackled loudly, looking out over the field. “Come on you filthy Elemental. You can’t be dead already. I haven’t had my fun yet!”

“Elemental?” Pizzelle echoed as she saw Volt stand up nearby, a deep frown creasing her brow.

“I’m going to get everyone out of here,” Moonlight said, seemingly rather calm. “Go help your friend Miss Pizzelle.”

“Oh um...okay?” the pegasus blinked as she started to run towards Volt, only to have the golem crash a massive hoof down, blocking her path.

“Ahh, who are you?” the sorcerer looked down at the pegasus. “You’re not who I’m hunting… but maybe I’ll squish you too.”

Pizzelle slowly backed away, before yelping as a massive lightning bolt struck the side of the beast, making it stumble. It let out a deep, rumbling groan as the dust cleared…

And showed Volt Kicker standing there, lightning crackling around her form. She had a steely gaze in her eyes as she glared at the sorcerer.

“You dare attack her?” she yelled as another bolt erupted from her hand, striking the golem again. “I can handle you attacking me. I can handle you hunting me. But you attack my ONLY friend!?” Another blast of lightning. “Then you’re dead!”

She blasted the golem over and over, blowing its a few limbs off in her barrage.

“Volt you’re…” Pizzelle gasped, putting a hoof to her mouth.

“A Lightning Elemental, yes,” she sighed. “Sorry I… I honestly thought that I could enjoy myself this time but…”

“That’s so cool!” Pizzelle smiled widely. “I have a friend who’s a Fire Elemental. I can’t wait to tell her I met you.”

“You’re… not scared? Or angry I put you in danger?” Volt blinked, seemingly surprised by the pegasi’s reaction to the truth.

“What? Oh no, not at all,” Pizzelle beamed as they heard a rumble, the golem piecing itself back together.

“Haaahahaha, you can’t defeat this creation!” the unicorn sorcerer cackled. “Ty as you might filthy Elemental, this will be the last day you live!”

Volt Kicker sighed and fired another blast, only for her eyes to widen as the crystals on the golem absorbed the power. “Well… shit. That’s not good.”

It went to lift a leg… only for it to jerk, it’s leg frozen to the ground courtesy of an ice-arrow from Pizzelle. “I’ll help you,” she smiled. “This thing isn’t really all that scary, not compared to Nightmare Moon.”

“Well, how about that,” Volt chuckled as her body crackled.

“You stupid...ARGH!” The sorcerer turned and fired a bolt of eldritch magic at Pizzelle, narrowly missing her as she flew out of the way. Then had to duck and weave as the unicorn kept up the assault.

“HEY!” Volt yelled as she fired another bolt, only for it to be absorbed again. She frowned and dodged as the golem broke the ice and tried to crush her again. This was starting to get mildly annoying.

Then she winced as Pizzelle tackled into her, a deadly beam narrowly missing the pair.

“You… okay?” she panted. “That was a close one.”

“Y-Yes,” the unicorn mare nodded and sighed. “Okay, back up Zelle… I’m going to take care of this. Think you can freeze it’s legs again?”

“Mhm,” she nodded and drew her bow, taking off into the air.

“It’s useless!” The sorcerer cackled. “You can’t defeat my golem. I’ll crush that filthy Elemental and be done with it!”

“And I won’t let you hurt my friend!” Pizzelle yelled and she drew back her bow, firing shot after shot, the precise blows landing on the golems legs, starting to freeze them. As the stallion lined up a barrage of deadly bolts, the attacks were swatted from the air by… some kind of black sand?

“W-What?” he blinked as the whips bat aside his blasts, protecting Pizzelle. He glanced to to see the sand swirling around Volt. “Y-You’re a lightning elemental! How are you controlling earth!?”

Volt Kicker sighed. “Most Elementals can’t think outside the box… Fire will just shoot fireballs, wind will just throw gusts around… You can’t even see that I’m using electromagnetism to control the iron in the dirt can you?”

Pizzelle blinked. She could do that? She fired the last shot, freezing the creature in place.

“S-So what! You still can’t destroy my golem. You’ll run out of power and—”

“If I used my lightning directly maybe,” Volt said as she pulled out a coin and held it up, lighting arcing around her right arm. She pinched the coin between her thumb and forefinger. “But as i said, there’s many applications for such power.” More power built up as she aimed… and fired.

The coin shot off with her strength behind it, a metal bullet fired with electromagnetism…

Even a little coin could hurt when reaching speed of three kilometers a second. Though the coin melted long before it reached that kind of distance…

It was still enough to blow a hole that Celestia would walk through, through the chest of the golem. Her railgun utterly decimating the beast as it crumbled away.

“Oh… wow…” Pizzelle gasped as Volt exhaled, powering down. “Volty, you’re amazing!”

“Perhaps,” she chuckled as she looked around. Damn, that unicorn bastard must have teleported off. That or she’d hit him with that attack and there was nothing left. Oh well. She turned and smiled. “Guess we’ll never know who won the contest now.”

“I guess so,” Pizzelle giggled.

Blood dripped as the sorcerer leaned against a tree. “That… that damned bitch. I didn’t thinks he could do something like that.” he looked down at where he left leg used to be. He’d have to get that replaced soon. Then work on a…

Wait, what was that sound?


He turned as the mist in the forest parted, revealing a blonde-maned batpony mare. She was singing to herself, her Cutie Mark glowing, motes of blue light falling from them like snow.

No… ohno, a Discord-damned Battle Musician!?

She drew a gleaming set of wingblades. His eyes widened as he powered up his horn…

The batpony mare continued to sing as she left the small clearing, the blood from her blades dripping as she flicked them clean and sheathed them. She’d report this little event later. For now, that unicorn mare should be able to enjoy some well-earned peace and quiet… for a time.

“So, you’ve been hiding from this guy for years now?” Pizzelle asked as she and Volt sat on a train returning to Ponyville. The contest organisers awarded her, Volt and that batpony mare all first prize awards. Seems they were rather grateful for having their town saved too.

“Yes,” Volt Kicker sighed. “And, I’m very sorry that you got dragged into it too Zelle.”

“Nah, it’s given me a new story to tell,” the pegasus smiled. “And even better, an amazing new friend!”

“You’re one of a kind Pizzelle,” Volt smiled and winked. “And cute too~”

“I.. what, naaah,” Pizzelle blinked and blushed, waving a hoof. “I’m pretty plain.”

“Hmhmhm, if you say so,” Volt hummed. “Perhaps I’ll come and visit after my trip to Canterlot.”

“Canterlot?” Pizzelle blinked. “You’re going there?”

“Indeed, it seems our Grand Princess wishes to see me,” Volt said and hummed. “Not sure what about, but I’m rather curious.”

“Well, I’ll have a fresh batch of cookies waiting when you come and visit,” Pizzelle smiled as she leaned over, hugging Volt. The train let out a sharp whistle, announcing it’s arrival in Ponyville. “Promise.”

“I’ll hold you to that Zelle,” Volt smiled and ruffled her hair. “Take care okay?”

“You as well,” Pizzelle said as she picked up her bags and headed for the train door. This contest had turned out both, unexpected and unexpectedly fun. Stepping out and onto the platform, she turned to wave goodbye to Volt, only to see her standing at the door. “Hmm, Volt?”

The unicorn smiled, leaning down to what appeared to hug her again...before she smirked and pressed her lips to Pizzelle’s, stealing a chaste kiss as the pegasi’s wings shot out, her face red as the unicorn’s warm touch pulled back, the train doors closing and the train pulling away as Volt smiled cheekily and waved.

Pizzelle sat down suddenly, her face red as a hoof touched her lips, the other forehoof waving as her painfully stiff wings refused to listen.

“...EEEEH!?” she squeaked as the train pulled away and out of sight.

Volt touched her own lips as she sat back in her seat. She’d meant for that to be a little tease, get a cute reaction from her friend… she didn’t think it’d get her own heart racing too. Even so, she chuckled and looked out at the fading town. She’d definitely come back to visit again soon as she pulled out the letter that batpony had given her last night.

‘Dearest Volt Kicker.

I do hope this letter finds you well.

I’ll make this brief. I’d like for you to come to Canterlot. There is something I’d like to try and your expertise would be greatly valued. In exchange, I am willing to… assist with your current problem. Should this letter find you, then you have my assurance that you’ll not be threatened any longer.

With love.

Princess Celestia’

“I think things are about to get very interesting indeed,” the unicorn murmured and smiled.

Pizzelle sat at her kitchen table, munching on some homemade cookies. Hikaru had been picked up and surprisingly, had been rather well-behaved for Coco. And of course, the small earth pony had been a squeaking, blushing mess when Pizzelle commented that she’d make a good mother.

She took out the medal she’d gotten and looked at it. After receiving them yesterday, she and Volt had stayed up late to talk, and during that time, swapped medals as a token of friendship.

She smiled and and headed upstairs. Placing the medal on her nightstand, she climbed into bed and closed her eyes.

Tomorrow would be another day.

Comments ( 5 )

so using your powers in completly different ways than one would think to use them?.....ME LIKEY!!

9217041 - Admittedly, I totally stole her powers from somewhere else. A cookie goes to the first that figures it out.

Comment posted by ghoul-of-the-background deleted Oct 8th, 2018

Interesting and a bit chaotic 🤣😂

Love the Twilight sparkle parts of the story 🤣

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