• Published 18th Aug 2016
  • 1,549 Views, 87 Comments

Shimmy Shorts - Ausbrony

A series of one-shot chapters within the Shimmerverse. the content and genre will vary.

  • ...

Temple of the Sun

Canterlot was quiet. It was the dead of night and at this time, not many places remained open. And in the noble quarter, two ponies slept side by side. Flare Blitz and Twilight Velvet had taken the next step of their relationship and moved in together, much to the chagrin of Shining Armor.

But the two were sound asleep, and neither noticed their window slowly sliding open… and the intruder stepping into the room…

Flare yawned, stretching his limbs as sunlight warmed his body. There was an odd sound, and the bed was shaking. Was Twilight playing a prank on him or something? His pillow was also quite warm, smelling faintly of cinnamon and rain.

Then a particularly hard bump knocked him from his perch and onto the floor with a heavy thud. The stallion groaned as he slowly opened one eye and took in his surroundings.

Okay… why was he on a train?

How did he get on a train?

Where was the train going?

He sat up, rubbing his head as he also became aware that a pony was sitting next to him.

“Sup,” Daring Do lazily laid back against some luggage, chewing on a bit of hay.

Flare blinked slowly as his brain booted up. So he was on a train. With Daring Do, speeding towards some unknown location.

“Yearling?” he finally found his voice. “Where am I?”

“On a train,” she answered simply with a bored expression.

“Thank you oh so much for that enlightening conversation Professor Obvious,” Flare deadpanned. He was not a morning pony at the best of times. “Mind adding just a smidge more details dear?”

“Oh just going to one of Amaterasu's temples and I need a Fireblood Elemental,” Daring shrugged. “You fit the bill, so I took you with me.”

Flare’s deadpan expression deepened. “So. Okay, let me get this straight. You kidnapped me… somehow. In the middle of the night, stowed me on a train… so I can act as a flippin’ key to a temple?”

Daring rubbed the back of her head, “When you say it like that… yeah, basically that.”

“Unbelievable,” Flare sighed and looked out the window. The scenery wasn’t familiar, so they were likely nowhere near Canterlot anymore. Given that he must have been travelling for a few hours now… “You know Velvet is going to kill you right?”

Daring grinned, “Oh she loves me too much to kill.” She chuckled and waved him off. “As long as you come back in one piece, she’ll be fine. I’ll just spend a night alone with her for some fun and games to make up for it.”

“I should be upset that that would actually work,” Flare sighed. “My life is so weird…”

“And sexy~” Daring stuck out her tongue as she flicked her tail.

“Yes yes, you’re very attractive,” Flare rolled his eyes. “But FYI, kidnapping isn’t very cute.”

Daring rolled her eyes, “I didn’t have the time to ask and it’s not like you’d say no. I just took the shortcut.”

“And Shining is gonna kill me for skipping on work,” Flare groaned. That guy could be awfully vindictive. Flare had runs so many laps of the castle, that particular punishment was now called ‘Blitz’ing it’ by the rest of the guards. “Well, nothing I can do about it now. And I can’t teleport either.” He sighed and looked at Daring. “So, what’s in this temple you want so bad? Or does somepony else want it and you’re playing hero again?”

“Oh it’s not so bad this time,” Daring chuckled. “It’s just a bit of exploring. Nopony’s ever been able to get inside before and I aim to be the first.”

“So we’re stroking your ego then,” Flare teased and poked out his tongue.

Daring flared her wings and snorted, “No, we’re approaching a momentous occasion in Equestria’s history.”

“Of which you will relish in taking the credit for,” Flare smirked and chuckled at her indignant expression. “Now see, that expression right there? That, is cute~”

Daring Do stood up, “Don’t make me come over there. We’re all alone, remember? I could do whatever I wanted to you and nopony would ever know.”

“Oh?” Flare replied and a few warning signs flashed in his mind. “Oh yeah, like what?”

Daring moved a little closer, “Oh this and that. Your screams wouldn’t be heard by anyone given the speed and how there aren’t any civilian compartments nearby. So basically, anything I want.”

Flare’s eyes widened. “Ahahahaaa, you know. I think I’m hungry, got anything to eat?” he stammered out quickly, heat rising to his cheeks.

Daring chuckled, “You sure you aren’t thirsty?”

Flare swallowed, his throat feeling very dry all of a sudden. “N-No?”

“Alright, alright.” Daring chuckled and walked over to her bags. “Anything in mind or could you go for anything?” She asked as she bent down. Her tush waved back and forth as she looked around.

“I...uh…” Flare stared at the shaking rear and gulped again. “I-I’m good. Anything really. Yup!”

“Hmmm,” Daring hummed to herself with her tail swishing back and forth, sliding off her shapely rump. “Definitely not that. No, ahaha.” She pulled out a bag of oreos. “Up for some creamy goodness?” She looked over her shoulder at him with the bag in hoof.

Flare just stared, mouth ajar slightly.

“Speechless already?” Daring chuckled and walked over to him. “If it’s that easy, I can’t see how you survived Velvy.”

“You are an evil, evil mare,” Flare groaned and shook his head slowly. “At least wait until I’m awake…”

“Nope, you’re not getting off that easy~” Daring licked her lips. “I’m going to make sure this is a long and enjoyable trip, so that means we start at dawn.”

Flare Blitz groaned and thunked his head against a wall, and then didn’t move, but he did groan louder.

“I think my horn is stuck…”

Daring face-hooved, “Well I can’t have you hurting yourself.” She walked over and gently held onto his horn and head. “Normally, I’d just grab your body and yank but again, I need your horn badly.”

Flare sighed. He couldn’t tell if she was being serious or throwing even more innuendoes at him. “Just…” Flare sighed. There was nothing he could say that his mind wouldn’t warp into the gutter again.

“Don’t worry,” Daring whispered. “I’ll be gentle.” With that she pulled backwards. She made sure to keep his head secure and his horn safe as she slipped more of it out from the wall.

“Well this is suitably embarrassing,” Flare said as his horn was eased out of the hole and he lit it up to make sure it wasn’t damaged. “I wish I was a pegasus sometimes. Or a Vamphirine. Those are cool.”

Daring pouted, “So I’m not cool, eh?”

Erk! No, bad Daring! Using The Cute was not fair.

“Yes Daring, you are the coolest pony I know,” Flare smiled and pet her head. “At least… twenty percent cooler than other ponies.”

Daring chuckled and nuzzled him, “Good answer.”

Flare breathed a sigh of relief, he seemed to have a knack for getting out of those ‘Stallion dooming’ questions. He completely blamed it on dumb luck.

“So, you’re quite done teasing me now?” he asked.

Daring tapped her chin, “Nope.” She beamed up at him.

Of course. The stallion sighed and floated over the oreos, munching on them slowly. This was going to be a looooong trip.

“So,” Daring stopped and leaned back against the wall. “What do you want to do to pass the time?”

“Well, I don’t think you packed any boardgames in those bags,” Flare replied back as he drank from a flask of water. “What do you have in mind? You’re the seasoned explorer here. What do you normally do?”

“Now that’s a question,” Daring smiled as she nestled herself against him. “We could read some stuff together.”

“Huh… that sounds, surprisingly normal,” Flare said aloud and nodded. “Sure, we can do that. Oh, just not your latest book, Velvet and I are still reading that and I don’t want spoilers.”

Daring chuckled and licked his cheek, “It’s not the latest, but it has some juicy bits you can’t find in the official release.”

Flare blinked and turned his head. “Yearling… did you just lick me?”

Daring tilted her head, “Do you want me to stop?” She licked his cheek again.

“Scratch that, you’re worse than Velvet,” the stallion chuckled, booping her nose with his hoof and taking great delight in the way it scrunched up like that.

Daring snorted and pulled away from his hoof, “Oh haha, very funny.”

“I think it is,” he smiled. “The way your fangs poke out like that is pretty adorable too~”

“Really?” Daring smirked. “Do you want me to use them now or later or are they just for show~”

“Aaaand she’s back,” Flare mused then leaned over, nibbling the tip of her ear. “Aren’t we supposed to be reading?”

“This just makes it all the more fun~” Daring purred as she wrapped her wing around him and pulled him in closer.

“Only you…” Flare sighed and chuckled. “Hm, want to know something interesting?”

Daring quirked an eyebrow, “What?”

Flare was already determined to commit her reaction to memory. “Velvet and I, we had a long discussion regarding you recently.”

“All good, I hope.” Daring chuckled.

“Mostly,” he teased her back. “In all seriousness. I love Twilight Velvet and… well I’d like to marry her someday maybe. And well, then you came along…”

Daring frowned, “And where are you going with this?”

“As I said, we had a long talk. Twi told me about how she met you, and all those times you’ve spent together…” He paused, but decided to push on. “She also told me about your husband…”

Daring’s ears fell, “Oh…” Was all she said as she looked downwards. “Well you were going to hear about him eventually.”

“I’m sorry she told me, but I insisted,” Flare replied. “I wanted to know more about you. I needed to know more so I could make a decision, one free of any doubt.”

“Okay, you’re leading up to something.” Daring poked his chest. “Spit it out.”

“I’m telling a story, stop trying to skip to the end,” he teased the author back. “Now look. As I said, I love Velvet, and you. You’re fun. Velvet is… alluring, attractive, kind… And you, you’re adventurous, cute and bring a little spice to our lives.” he exhaled and nuzzled the top of her head, taking in the scent of her mane. “So, even though I’m in love with Velvet, the both of us agreed that… Well, that you’re more than welcome in our lives. No matter how or when.”

Daring’s eyes widened, “So you mean…”

Flare smiled as his lips lightly grazed hers, relishing the cute squeak she made. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that we love you too. Okay?”

Daring Do had a heavy blush on her face as she rubbed her mane, “Well… same here. Could have gotten to that sooner though.”

“But then I might not get to see the cutest Darling Do expression I’ve seen so far~” Flare smiled and winked at her.

“Oh shush,” Daring kissed his cheek and chuckled. “You’re lucky no one can hear us.”

“Oh, and why’s that?” Flare asked with a bemused expression.

“Or I’d smack you for calling me ‘Darling’,” Daring lightly smacked his chest before nuzzling underneath his muzzle.

“Is that so?” Flare chuckled. “Somepony has a spanking fetish eh?”

“Maybe~” Daring stuck out her tongue. “You can’t exactly say for sure whether I have one or not.”

“Is. That. So~?” Flare mused and turned around and with a single, flourished motion, pinned the mare under him. “How about I find out for myself then~?”

Daring put a hoof over her forehead, “Oh woe is me. How could I have not seen this coming?” She mock gasped.

Flare’s ear twitched as an idea came to mind. He let out what must have been the most cliche villain laugh the pegasus had heard. “Mwahahaha! I finally have you now Daring Do! And I shall punish you for stealing my treasure… thoroughly~” One of his hooves hovered just above her Cutie Mark.

“You nasty, evil stallion.” Daring had to stop herself from laughing. “I stole nothing. The treasure of Saint Velvy is rightfully mine to plunder.”

“Then, perhaps I shall teach you some manners, little sneak thief,” he mused and brought his hoof down, slapping her rump right on her compass rose mark.

Daring gasped with a light blush, “You cur.”

“You know it~” the stallion grinned…

Flare groaned and hung his head. “I take back what I said. You’re worse than Velvet…”

Daring laughed, burying her face in his chest. “Oh it comes from all the travels. You wouldn’t believe what I pick up along the way.”

“And yet you’re books are rated for foals, just how much do you leave out of them?” Flare pondered. “Actually, Vel’s your editor right? I’m beginning to wonder how two perverts like you even got a foal-friendly book in the first place.”

Daring scrunched up her muzzle as she blushed slightly, “Yeah, we try to keep the books for everyone and, you know, not try and give exact locations for dangerous artifacts. With the sex and all the violence, yeah, they’d be mature and I’d lose out on some age markets.”

“Well I like them,” Flare nodded. “Honestly, this world is a violent and dangerous place. Chaos cultists, necromancers, Nightmare Moon… A fun, campy adventure like the one you describe. It’s a nice reprieve.”

“Yeah, I do wish it was like fiction sometimes.” She sighed and laid on top of him. “You make a comfy bed, you know.”

“So I’ve been told,” Flare chuckled and adjusted his Fire magic, warming his coat and body temperature to the level of a warm bath.

Daring Do cooed like a lovely bird, “Oooh, toasty~” She lightly fanned them both with her wings.

“Thought you might like it,” he chuckled as he wrapped his hooves around her. “Such a pretty little pegasus~”

“Awww, I’m glad you think so.” Daring giggled and nuzzled him. “You’re pretty sexy too.”

“Well, guess I have to be to land a gorgeous pair of mares like you and Velvet,” Flare mused and then chuckled. “Maybe that can be my villain shtick. Kidnapping all the sexy single moms of Equestria.”

“Ohohoho,” Daring cackled. “Such a heinous crime. You are truly despicable.”

“I am aren’t I?” Flare mused and licked his lips. “Hmm, my own sexy harem. Oh hey, isn’t Princess Celestia a single mom~?”

Daring’s eyes widened, “You truly are aiming for the big game, aren’t you?”

Flare laughed at her expression. “Nah, you and Velvet are all I need. I think I’d die if I had to contend with a third mare, especially a Goddess… that said, don’t tell anyone, but I had a massive crush on Celestia when I was a colt. It’s kinda one of the reasons I joined the Guard.”

“I think every colt fancies Celestia at one point,” Daring said.

“I mean, what’s not to like?” Flare continued. “Those large, purple eyes. That soft, white fur that looks pink in the right light… and that flank--” He suddenly put a hoof to his mouth and shut right the hay up.

Daring moved slightly forward. The mare traced her fangs lightly along his neck, “Awww, it’s adorable~”

“Oh shut up,” Flare grumbled and pouted.

Daring giggled, “I hope my flank can suffice for this little venture.”

“Hmm~” Flare rubbed said flank with a hoof. He noted the red marks and frowned slightly. “I uh, seem to have gotten carried away earlier. You okay? I didn’t hurt you did I?”

“Do you really think a mare like me can’t take a little spanking?” Daring quirked an eyebrow. “I’ve been shot, stabbed, and had several of my bones broken. That was nothing.”

“Ah… well…’ Now Flare felt silly for worrying. “Sorry…”

Daring d’awwed and kissed him, “You are just the cutest~”

The train came to a stop, as a pair of ponies discreetly exited the storage car they were in. Though both looked like walking was taking a great deal of effort.

“Good Celestia, I think my everything is sore,” Flare winced. “Seriously, doing it seven times before a journey was not the greatest of ideas.”

Daring laughed, “Oh you big baby. Maybe one time we’ll go further. I’m aiming to break me and Velvy’s score of twenty one.”

”T-Twenty… one…” Flare’s face paled, his cream furn turning a ghastly white. “Sweet Celestia… I’m gonna die…”

“Big baby,” Daring nuzzled his cheek. “Now are you going to cry during all of this?”

“Depends,” Flare suddenly smirked and bumped her flank. “You’ve been crying my name for the last two hours~”

Daring lightly slapped the back of his head with a wing, “Don’t be smart with me, young stallion.”

“Yes Ma’am,” Flare rolled his eyes. “Okay, so let’s find this temple eh? I’m a little curious to see it for myself.”

Daring nodded, “Hopefully everything goes well, but if it doesn’t…” She pulled out a pistol from her back before putting it back. “And this baby….” She patted her sword. “I think we’ll do fine.”

“Huh? Didn’t expect you to be good with weapons,” Flare replied, now wishing he’d brought his own armour and weapons. “Guess I’ll make do with my magic and bare hooves.”

“You have to be if you want to survive in the wild,” Daring quipped. “Of course, you have your horn. That big guy can do a lot of damage if you use it right.”

“If I’ve got fire I can absorb,” Flare noted. “Aside from that, my spell list isn’t spectacular. Certainly not as diverse of say… Princess Shimmer. I can’t teleport, but I can levitate, use a few different fire and light spells. And I have basic healing.”

“That’s good to hear,” Daring trotted on. “This should be fun then.”

“Why do I get the feeling it isn’t going to be?” Flare sighed as he followed her.

The trek to the temple was through a forest, but that proved to be rather uneventful. The forest was a rather peaceful place. Filled with bamboo, cherry blossoms and chirping birds. The leisurely stroll was rather relaxing.

“Kind of a long way, just to take me on a date isn’t it?” Flare joked.

Daring rolled her eyes, “If this was just a date, we wouldn’t have left the train.”

“Some date, screwing each other senseless in a train car.” Flare replied as she pushed past a thicket of bamboo. “You need to read more romance novels Darling.”

Daring blushed, “I haven’t been on the dating scene in years, Flare. I’m really rusty at this.”

“Well you do leak a lot,” he laughed, before a pushed tree branch whapped him in the face.

“That’s what you get for saying things like that,” Daring snorted. “So shush.”

“Yeah yeah,” Flare groaned, rubbing his nose. “Stupid tree…”

But on the other side of the thicket lay the temple they were searching for. It lay on an island in the middle of a grand lake. The water was so still, it looked like polished glass, covered with a light mist. The Grand Ise Temple was one of the most prominent of Lady Amaterasu’s temples on Equus, save for the massive shrine dedicated to her in Foxan.

And even from here, Daring could feel the powerful barrier that surrounded the place. Her smile started to spread ever wider, “Ohohoho, yes! Oh imagine what we’re about to learn, Flare. Imagine it and I’ll be the first one in what could be thousands of years to know it all.” She squeed and pranced in place.

Okay, now that? That was just freaking adorable. Flare chuckled lightly as he got closer to the barrier, his horn lighting up of it’s own accord. This sometimes happened if Celestia was using a lot of magic close to his as well. He’d often wondered what would happen if he absorbed some of her flames. He’d had some nightmares of that he’d do that and explode.

“So uh, what am I supposed to do exactly?” he asked the explorer.

Daring Do squinted as she peered over at the temple. “I’d wager that we’ll have to feed your fire into something like an open slot. Perhaps a little funnel.”

“Hmm...” Flare stared at the barrier and placed a hoof against it. It felt like glass, cool to the touch and resonating with a great power.

*Only the Flames of Life may enter*

He recoiled and shook his head. A glance at Daring showed that he must have been the only one that heard that. “Daring?” he asked. “What are the Flames of Life?”

“Oh probably refers to soul flames,” Daring spoke. “Some cultures back before the unification of the tribes believed that Blood Elementals were able to extend their souls outside of their physical bodies. Fire Blood Elementals particularly were thought to be demigods on earth that were supposed to cleanse the earth and bring about new life.”

“Extend the soul?” Flare blinked. How did he do that? “Well, there’s one trick I know, but it freaks lot of ponies out.” He moved up next to her and held her hoof. “I think I’ve figured it out. But you have to do three things okay?”

“And they are?” Daring quirked an eyebrow.

“One, you need to trust me,” Flare said, being oddly serious. “Two, do not let go of my hoof, even for a second. And three. Don’t freak out. Stay calm okay?”

Daring stared at him for a moment before she lent out her hoof, “I trust you.”

“Good, cause I’m about to set you on fire,” Flare nodded.

“....Say what?” Daring deadpanned.

Flare nodded, before flames consumed them both. And for a split second, Daring expected to be writing about as the flames burned her… wait… what?

She, couldn’t feel them?

Well, she was a little warmer, like, when she spent time in a stifling jungle. It was uncomfortable, but that was about it. “Whoa.” Was all she could say at this state of events.

“I honestly don’t know how this works,” Flare said. “But as long as I’m touching a pony, I can somehow, extend my immunity to fire to them… or a while.” he took a step forward with her and up to the barrier. Pausing for a second, he then stepped through it, taking Daring with him. It was like, stepping through jello or something.

Don’t ask how she knew what that was like, that was a weird trap.

And once they were through, he reabsorbed his flames and released her, the cool wind rushing in and ruffling her feathers.

Daring couldn’t help but fluff up her wings which just made her seem floofy. “Well that’s certainly an experience and a half.” She smiled.

“So I get told,” Flare chuckled and checked her for burns. “The last time I did that, the idiot stallion let go and lost most of his fur and mane. Left him bald for a month.” Once he was satisfied she was unharmed, he nodded and nuzzled her cheek. “So, she we see this temple then?”

Daring smiled up at him, “Let’s.” She kissed his cheek before trotting forward.

They reached the front doors, after passing a series of red, wooden archways that Daring explained were called Spirit Gates. And that one could use them to cross over into the spirit realm, where all manner of spirits and fae resided.

The doors were enormous, that a Tyrannosaurs could walk through them unhindered. And the inside was even more impressive. Large wooden pillars held up the ceiling as various tapestries dedicated to the patron Goddess of the Sun and Life decorated the walls. Vases and other small ornaments decorated the room as well, and a massive golden statue of the goddess herself sat at the very back, housed within a shrine.

Daring gave an appreciative whistle, “Ooooh… nice. This is… I can’t even begin to describe it.” Her wings started to flutter with excitement. “Do you know what this means for the world of archaeology?!!”

I have a feeling that you’d tell me, even if I did,” Flare chuckled, taking delight in her excitement. She was like a little filly on Hearth’s Warming morning.

“This is a treasure trove of information,” Daring squeed. “During Discord’s reign, so much information and data was lost, even to the gods themselves. This… could solve so many mysteries and that statue! And those vases and that… and that….” She kept pointing at everything, sometimes disparaging some information about them.

Flare took it all in stride, some of the things she said was actually quite interesting. Though, he may have thought so simply because it was her telling him.

“You know, I met Lady Amaterasu once,” he said when she gestured to the statue.

Daring grabbed his face in her hooves and nearly smashed it against hers, “Tell me everything.”

“Uhh,” Flare’s eyes widened “Like what?” Now Daring was freaking him out a little.

“About her, Lady Amaterasu.” Daring’s eyes widened. “Oooooh, we could tell her about this find. She could help sort some of the details about this place.”

“I wouldn’t have the first clue as to how to contact her,” Flare shrugged. “And really, it was like a five minute meeting. It was after I’d really discovered my Fire Blood magic and… well I injured myself pretty badly. Lady Amaterasu was the one that saved my life. So now I offer her a prayer when I go into battle, as thanks for that day.”

Daring smiled, “Well if I ever meet her, I’ll thank her for saving you.”

Flare nodded as his mind wandered to a very old memory.

Smoke filled the modest two-storey home. A young colt wandered the halls, seemingly unfazed by the flames that roared around him.

“Mommy? Daddy? Where are you?” he called out, his little voice near drowned out by the crackling flames and wood. “What’s happening? Where are you?”

The house shuddered, the flames having moved to the foundations. With one last called, the house collapsed and the colt’s world went black…


“He has no burns? How is that possible?”

“I’m unsure. He has some lacerations and fractures, most likely from the house collapsing on him. His parents… they were, not so lucky.”

“Poor thing, to be orphaned at such a young age. He has no other relatives?”

“He had a uncle that died on the frontlines in the Griffon War, but that was all. No grandparents or godparents to rely on…”


“I know that look on your face… you’re planning something aren’t you?”

“I have… an old friend. She had a filly a few months back, but she’s a widower. I think a young colt around the house might do her some good. Make her less of a grump.”

“Well, somepony’s going to have to break the news to him-- Wait, who are you!?”


Young Flare turned away from the talking in the other room. Somepony was standing beside his bed. A tall, white wolf with red markings. It had a jade disc hovering over it’s back with flames swirling around it. Those flames made the young colt start to shake.

“You are scared of the fire?” the wolf asked, her voice calm and motherly. “Yes, I suppose you might be, considering what has happened.”

“W-Where’s… Mommy… and Daddy?” he asked, his shaking getting worse.

“They are happy,” the wolf smiled and placed a paw on him, his shaking stopping. “Do not worry, I am guiding them, and you will see them again someday. Just… not for a long time okay?”

“Why?” he asked, staring right into the wolf’s black eyes.

“It might be complicated to explain. But someone will eventually,” she nodded. “You have a great gift Little One. It is why you mustn’t be afraid of the flames. They will be your greatest strength…”

“I hate the fire… It takes things away…” he mumbled, before he found himself in a field. He had no idea where the cold hospital room went, but this flowery field seemed to stretch on forever. The wolf sat beside him.

“Is that what you think?” she said to him. “Let me show you something. First, tell me what you see here.”

“A… field of flowers,” Flare said as he looked around. “It’s pretty…”

Then the field was engulfed in flames. Flare’s eyes widened in horror as the beautiful field was reduced to a blackened and ash-covered ruin.

“And now?” the wolf asked him, seemingly unfazed by the destruction.

“It’s all gone… the fire took it…” he said quietly. Tears falling from his eyes.

“Yes, it is…” the wolf explained before leaning down and brushing some ash aside, revealing a single, stunningly green bud. The green swept the field, blowing away the ash and showing a sight even more beautiful than before. “Fire can take away, but fire also gives new life, new strength. Fields burn, but they will grow back stronger than before. Take the mighty phoenix. It must first burst to flame, before it is reborn more beautiful than ever.”

The now-flowery field vanished and the colt found himself back in his hospital bed.

“And the flames will be the same for you,” the wise wolf smiled. “Yes, they have taken much. But you will grow stronger for it. How you use this strength all lies with you. But you have a just and kind heart. Be strong Little One.”

“Who… are you?” Flare asked her.

“I am Amaterasu,” the wolf replied and nuzzled him. “I have to go, but you will be alright. Take care~” And with a flash of golden light, the wolf vanished, just as the two ponies talking outside walked in…


Flare wasn’t sure how long he’d zoned out like that, just staring at Amaterasu’s statue. But as he looked down and saw the expression on Daring’s face…

“I’d said that outloud… didn’t I?” the stallion sighed. He had a real penchant for talking to himself.

Daring Do kissed his cheek and nuzzled herself against him, “I’m sorry you had to go through that. Really, I am. I can understand losing your loved ones. Still, I really have to meet this goddess and thank her one day.”

“Is that so?” a soft tone said as a human woman leaned against the pegasus from out of nowhere, her white, wolf ears twitching. “And, I wonder what else you might say to her?”

“Oh….” Daring’s eyes widened. “Speak of the god and they will appear….”

“Goddess dear,” the human booped the pegasi’s snout and chuckled. “And my dear Flare. How very nice to see you again. You’ve gotten so big now I almost didn’t recognise you.”

Flare nodded and looked at her. “So, how did you know we were here?”

“A pony without the gift of fire entered my temple, you think I wouldn’t investigate?” She looked back at Daring. “So, you’re a graverobber then?” Uh oh, she… did not look amused.

Daring gulped and nervously smiled, “I like to think of myself as an archaeologist, actually.”

“Yes, they all do,” the goddess said. “And then, you used my poor Flare as a tool to get in.” She narrowed her eyes. “Have you ever heard of the pegasus, Icarus? Who thought he could fly to the sun?” Was it getting warmer in here?

“Ummmm…..” Daring started to sweat. “He fell?”

“Dear… don’t lie to a goddess,” Amaterasu said, taking the form of a massive, white and red alicorn. “You’d best state your intentions towards my little Flare…”

“Well,” Daring rubbed the back of her head. “He was dating my best friend, so I decided to check him out and one thing led to another….”

Amaterasu leaned closer. “One more chance dear…”

“Lady Amaterasu,” Flare facehooved. “Please?”

“Aww, but I never get to do the ‘Angry Mommy’ thing,” the alicorn pouted, the room returning to normal temperatures. “And Tia never gets any dates, so I need to get my kicks somewhere…”

“I don’t have any bad intentions for Flare,” Daring stated. “I’d never hurt him.”

“And I believe you, Miss Daring Do,” the alicorn winked at her. “I’m more surprised that Flare got such a pretty pegasus…”

“Dang it Lady Amaterasu,” Flare groaned.

“While I’m here,” the goddess giggled. “Anything you’d like to ask? Professor Do?”

Daring’s eyes lit up, “Anything?”

“Aaaand she’s triggered,” Flare sighed and turned around. “I’ll uh… be over here…” he saw the two erupting into a Q and A session. “And they’re not listening…”

An hour or two later, Amaterasu had to leave, goddess duties and whatnot. But Daring had learned a ton in the meantime.

Flare was outside, asleep under the shade of a cherry blossom, some pink petals coating his back as it rose and fell with each breath.

Daring trotted out and cooed as she looked down at the stallion. One could say it was a sound similar to a dove and a cat. “Awww, he’s so cute~ Oh it’s like everything he does is adorable.” She lightly nuzzled him as to not wake him up.

All he did was snort and continue snoring lightly.

Daring Do bit her lip as she trailed her eyes downward, “Hmmm… should I wake him up like that? No, Daring. That’s naughty… Yeah, totes doing it.” She grinned and kissed his chest, trailing it downwards as she kept his eyes on him.

After a relaxing bath, the pair spent the night at the temple, neither in any rush to part each others company anytime soon. Flare shared a little more of his past, about how his adoptive mother was the one that inspired him to join the Guard. And that he also had an adorable little sister. One he hadn’t heard from since she moved to Ponyville to study under some famous dressmaker.

“So let me get this straight,” Daring held up a hoof. “You’re Upper Crust’s son?!!”

“Mhm,” Flare nodded. “She taught me everything she knows… well except Galli riding, never could get the hang of that.” Flare chuckled, remembering the many failed attempts at that.

“I… but she’s so strict.” Daring piped up. “She’s basically the embodiment of ‘no fun’. How are you just so… you?”

Flare just shrugged. “I dunno. I just am?”

Daring sighed, “Well… I just can’t believe both her kids are just so different. She always seemed like the type to rule with an iron hoof on and off the battlefield.”

“She does,” Flare nodded and smiled. “But, she was also the mother that would tuck us in at night. Buy us gifts and take us out after she got back from Long Patrol. As far as Mom’s go, she is pretty awesome.”

Daring smirked, “Is that so? I’d love to see that.”

“She’d probably kill you after, to preserve her reputation,” Flare said quite seriously.

Daring nodded, “Oh that sounds like her. I hated getting saddled with her during some scouting missions when we were younger.”

“Oh, you used to be military?” Flare asked, cuddling her close and warming her with his body heat.

“Nah,” Daring shook her head. “Sometimes the crown needed agents outside of the military to scout new areas and such. I usually worked on the griffon border, but got stationed on the human islands way back with her when the Roman Empire thought they’d take them back. They were tenacious but so was Upper. I haven’t seen her in a long while. She was a pony you’d want defending you when the chips were down.”

“Yeah, Mom’s just about the coolest pony I know,” Flare nodded. “So, how about you? Any family besides your kids?”

“I have a sister and a couple nieces,” Daring stated. “They live in Ponyville.”

“A sister?” Flare asked and tilted his head. “What’s her name?”

“Ditzy Doo,” Daring responded. “She’s the local mailmare, if I recall. I’ve been meaning to stop by for some time, but eh. I’ll go after we get to to Canterlot.”

“Oh neat,” Flare nodded and nuzzled her mane. “Well, let’s get some sleep. We have a train ride and a unicorn mare to survive tomorrow.”

Daring yawned, “You just read my mind.” She leaned against his shoulder. “I’m surprised. Usually some villain comes to jump me whenever I get into a temple.”

“Oh, disappointed are we?” Flare chuckled as he ran a hoof over her mane. “Only a Fireblood can get in here right? I doubt Cab or Ahui-whathisname could even get in here.”

“Colonel Bolek might just have thrown enough griffons to burn his way through,” Daring yawned again and snuggled his side. “That griffon is really determined. I don’t know how many times I’ve ‘killed’ him.”

“Sounds like a pain,” Flare said. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you. No matter what.”

Daring ‘awww’d’, “You’re so sweet. I love that about you.”

“I will never tire of hearing that word,” Flare hummed as his eyes closed.

Daring giggled, “I love that about you~”

Flare chuckled and kissed her lightly on the lips. Time to sleep, tomorrow was going to be a busy day.

The next morning, Daring took a few more notes of the temple before the pair decided to head out. They had no idea when a train left, so best to get back to the village as early as possible.

But they only got as far as the forest before Flare and the pegasus mare stared at a group of Griffons waiting for them in ambush.

“I can only assume these friends are some of yours?” The stallion asked his marefriend dryly.

One of the griffons walked forward. He was wearing an officer’s uniform and stood a bit taller than the rest. “Ah,” his polish accent flavored his words. “Daring Do. So wonderful to see you here.”

“Colonel Bolek,” Daring snarled. “What are you doing here? This is Equestrian territory.”

“That’s right, dab center of our beloved border,” Bolek snorted. “You may be able to keep an army out all at once, but not a trickle. Now,” he pulled out a pistol. “Come quietly and no one will be hurt.”

Flare narrowed his eyes. “Put down the weapon,” he said calmly. “And don’t threaten Daring. I am a Royal Guard under Princess Celestia and I will mete out punishment if need be.”

“And start a war?” Bolek grinned. “What do you think killing an officer of a neighboring country will accomplish? Tut, tut, tut. Do be a good soldier and march away.”

“And leave Daring here with you? Not a chance in Tartarus,” Flare snorted. “I’ll be taking her with me, unharmed. And your men will be the ones to march away… while they still can.”

The griffon musketeers readied their muskets while others held out spears and swords/shields. Bolek chuckled, “Oh just try to fulfill this proclamation, pony. I will give you ten seconds to change your mind.”

Flare’s horn shone as he cast his first spell… igniting the powder inside the guns they held… Griffon gunmanship was shoddy overall. It wasn’t as elegant as Equestrian models since griffons cared more for quantity rather than quality. So the guns literally blew up in their hands, blasting them with heated pieces of metal. Several griffons fell to the ground, either dead or injured. The other griffons scrambled away at the explosions. Daring pushed Flare to the side as a couple of crossbows whizzed past.

The unicorn activated a dome-like shield to deflect the second volley of shots. Before returning fire… literally. His cheeks puffed out before he breathed a stream of flame in their direction. He would not let them hurt Daring! He erected another shield to block the return fire.

“I was taught by Shining Armor himself,” he warned the griffons. “I can literally keep this up all day. Now be good little birds and flock off.”

The birds went silent before there was a sizzling sound. Then, one of the griffons jumped out of a bush carrying a large tube with an explosive sizzling inside. The mini-rocket flared and shot out. Impacting on the shield, the rocket itself disrupted the magical shield. The dome cracked as Flare’s mind raced to come with a solution.

“Daring… fly away,” he said as he suddenly dropped the shield and flung her into the air, creating a thermal updraft with his magic, she ascended several dozen feet in seconds.

“The station’s not far from here,” Daring called down. “I’ll bring some back up. Just don’t die on me!” With that, she flew off.

Flare smiled, glad that she was safe now…

“Hey,” he said to the Griffon general. “One. Why are you after my Daring?”

“She’s a menace to my country,” the colonel called out. “It is my duty to apprehend and/or kill her myself. You would not understand, pony.” He sneered the word like it was a disease.

“I see,” Flare nodded as his horn started to glow. “You know, I have a problem with that. Because I happen to love her. And I will protect her at all costs…” The temperature of the area started to rise as small plants close to Flare burst into flame. “And two… did you know a unicorn can overcharge their magic?”

“I am aware of your kinds abilities, yes.” Bolek called out. “Which is why I will be proud hold your head to my superiors on the morrow.”

“She's flying at top speed… three… two… one… Now she's outside the estimated area of effect.” Flare sighed as his mane and tail erupted into flames. “Sorry Mom… gonna do what you told me not to…”

As Daring flew, a sudden and enormous blast of heat erupted from behind her. A gout of flame over a hundred feet high incinerated the jungle where she’d left Flare the the general… “Wow, didn’t know he had it in him. Still, just in case.” With that, she kept flying to the station.

By the time she got back, thick smoke choked the air as a good portion of the forest still burned. The griffons were nowhere to be seen, but a few smouldering lumps of carbon were a good indication as to what happened to them.

And in the center of the devastation, Flare Blitz lay, covered in dozens of burns, bruises and lacerations.

“Flare!” Daring rushed over to him and picked him up from the ground. He was hot to the touch but she didn’t care at that moment. “Medic, get over here!” Two medical ponies raced over and took him out of her arms, checking him over.

“He’s stable,” one of them commented. “We’ll need to get himself somewhere to help boost his magical levels, but he should make it.” He nodded over to some of the soldiers, who gently picked up Flare onto their backs before they made to move.

Daring nuzzled Flare’s face, “You big idiot. Why… why’d you do that?” She was going to slap him later for hurting himself.

Flare groaned, something was rocking him as he opened one eye to a familiar scene.

“What is it…” he rasped at the mare reading next him. “About waking up on a train with you? Is this gonna be a thing?”

Daring’s eyes widened, “You’re alive.” She then slapped him. “You idiot!”

Flare gingerly held his cheek. “...ow. That hurt you know…”

Daring hugged him, “You didn’t have to blow yourself up.” She passed him a flask of water, which he took small sips from to wet his throat.

“Well…” he coughed. “If you want to get technical. I ignited the atmosphere and…” he paused when he saw the look on her face. “Right. It was dumb. I'm sorry…”

Daring sighed and shook her head, “Just don’t do it unless you really have to next time… I mean, just…. Ugh.” She buried her face in his neck. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

“And I'm glad you're okay,” he smiled and nuzzled her. Ahh, his everything hurt. “I promised I'd protect you.”

Daring chuckled, “But can you protect me from Velvet when she finds out what happened?”

“Sorry love, you're on your own there,” Flare chuckled.

‘Attention passengers. Due to an unforeseen tremor. Parts of the track have been damaged and we will need to alter our route. We will be heading for a changeover at Ponyville.

I repeat. Due to…’

Flare blinked and smiled sheepishly. “Ehehe, oops?”

“Well…. I did want to see my sister again,” Daring deadpanned.

“Well at least it's a sleepy little village,” Flare pointed out. Perfect place to rest after an adventure like this.” The train rattled slightly as they changed tracks, working their way down the mountain towards Ponyville. “And we get to see our sisters. So this should actually be quite fun.”

The unicorn leaned his head down, placing it over Daring’s neck. “I’m glad you decided to stick around. I can’t promise that I won’t do something stupid again in the future, so I’ll need to to slap me when I do okay?”

Daring smirked, “That’s if Velvet leaves me in one piece.”

“In one piece… I’d say so,” Flare nodded. “That said, don’t expect to be leaving the house anytime soon…”

Daring purred/cooed at that, “Ah, so she wants to punish me personally then~”

“You have no idea,” Flare sighed and closed his eyes. “All the mares in my life are crazy…”

Daring harrumphed and pulled away, “Oh is that how it is…”

“You’re all nuts and you know it,” Flare smirked back, eyes still closed. “Don’t even try to deny it Mrs. ‘I must know everything about everything’.”

Daring snorted, crossed her arms, and pouted. “Shut up.”

“Flare, one. Featherhead, zero,” the stallion smiled again.

“Keep that up and you won’t get any for a week,” Daring quipped.

“I still have Velvet,” the stallion shot back.

Daring glared at him, “You’re evil.”

“No, I just love you enough to tease you,” he nickered and brushed his tail against her flank. “Now let’s get some sleep. We have a long ride ahead of us.”

Daring nodded, “You’re right. It is a long trip.” She smiled up at him. “Well at least it’ll be interesting.”

“Please, it’s a tiny little village,” Flare replied as he pulled her closer to snuggle with. “What could possibly happen?”

Author's Note:

So this one pushed the ratings a tad,

Stupid sexy Daring Do....