• Published 18th Aug 2016
  • 1,549 Views, 87 Comments

Shimmy Shorts - Ausbrony

A series of one-shot chapters within the Shimmerverse. the content and genre will vary.

  • ...

A Daring Friendship

Canterlot City.

A place of wealth and power. As home to Princess Celestia, the city had a certain aura about it.

And this particular pony knew more of its secrets than anyone else… well, mostly. Still, it was her job to know such things.

The pegasus mare adjusted her cloak and continued through the winding streets, taking in the sights and sounds. It'd been a few years since her last visit, so a lot had changed in the meantime. Hearing about it through correspondence was no substitute to seeing it with your own eyes.

She passed by a bookstore, her eyes lingering for a moment and then they widened. Sitting on the central display stand was the latest in the ‘Flame Artifact’ series. Actually, there were two?

‘Birthright’ and ‘Conquest’

“Huh… interesting,” She mused as she looked at the back. From reading that, it seemed it was the same story, but from the perspectives of both sides.

“How bold,” she murmured as she picked up a copy of each. And then she spied the sign.

‘For the new release, the author is attending a book signing TODAY!’

Ember Quill gave a shy smile to the pony that just bought her newest book. She still couldn't believe Twilight talked her into this!

“She'd better have that chocolate she promised,” the petite mare muttered as the next pony stepped up. Ember's eyes took a quick note. Yellow coat. Grey-black mane, rose eyes, pegasus. She couldn’t see her cutie mark though. Pony watching was something of a talent of hers and she could memorize a pony's appearance with just a glance.

“Thank you for buying my book,” Ember said quietly. “And… to whom am I making this out to?”

“Oh just make it out to A. K. Yearling,” the mare before her responded.

“Okay, to A. K.—” Ember paused in her writing as her eyes slowly widened. “Um… did, I hear that correctly?” There… there was no way this was the A. K. Yearling.

The mare raised an eyebrow, “I hope you did. Otherwise I’d think I finally lost my voice.”

This… this was the mare that inspired Ember to take up the quill. She was legendary with her skill of the written word, even the ones that weren’t the ever-present Daring Do tales. The quill in Ember's magical grip trembled as she started breathing a little heavier. This was bigger than if Princess Celestia herself was here.

A pink maned pegasus mare further along the line suddenly got a chill.

“You… you're but I'm just… “ Ember stammered. Why was Miss Yearling here? Oh gosh, was she going to tell Ember how bad her books were? Had she actually read them!? Her quickened breathing was quickly turning to hyperventilating.

Yearling raised a hoof, “Easy now. Don’t blow yourself up over this. I just wanted your autograph, that’s all. I’m just a customer here as anyone else.”

“You… you wanted my autograph?” Ember finally found her voice. “But... but I'm just…”

“A skilled author?” Daring offered.

“You think… I'm skilled?” Ember gasped. First Miss Velvet and now Miss A. K. -freaking- Yearling? Ember smiled and after a second to compose herself, she signed the books for her. “Um, I do have a request, if that's okay?”

“Oh?” Daring tilted her head questioningly. Pegasi did have a habit acting a bit more like birds or cats at times.

Ember ducked behind the table, before pulling out a well-loved copy of Daring Do and the Blood Diamond.

“Could I get your autograph too?” the little unicorn asked sheepishly.

Daring rolled her eyes and chuckled. She picked out a pen from her cloak with a wing and opened the book. “Ember Quill yes?” the mare asked, eliciting a demure nod from the unicorn. “To Ember Quill, may you continue to write wondrous tales.” She closed the book and put away her pen, “Now, are you going to finish your autograph today as well?”

Ember nodded. “To Miss Yearling, may you continue to inspire~” she said aloud as she wrote it and closed the book, floating it back over. “There we go.”

Daring picked up the book, “Thank you. I think you’re going places, Ember. I can tell that much for sure.”

“O-Oh.., thankyousomuch!” Ember beamed as Daring nodded and made way for the next pony in line.

“So, who do I make this out to?” Ember asked as Daring left the store.

“Oh, um… Celestia?” the pegasus said with a slight blush.

Ember Quill blinked… then fainted.

Daring Do made her way through the noble district, noting that it hadn’t changed all that much. Nobles were rather stuck in their ways, and their homes reflected as much. Still, some didn't adhere to the norm.

And her beloved friend was one of them.

Daring noted her home seemed more… lively than last time she was here. Mind you, last time was when Night had passed on. Well, this would be interesting. She stepped up to the door and knocked on it.

A moment later, the door opened a crack and Twilight Velvet peeked through the gap. Even with most of her hidden, her mane was a mess and she seemed to be wearing something on her head. Some kind of pink cap with a red cross on it.

“Hello,” she panted, sounding out of breath. “Who is— Daring!?”

Daring Do put a hoof over Velvet’s lips, “Ix-Nay the Aring-Day.” She whispered.

“Oh, right. Yearling.” Velvet shook her head, trying to regain some composure. “What the Tartarus are you doing here?” she whispered back.

“Can’t I stop by and see an old friend?” Daring smiled.

“Well, yes, but you see—”

“Is everything okay Vel?” Daring heard a stallion call out and her unicorn friend flinched.

Daring’s eyes widened, “Who’s that?”

“Nothing! I-I mean, Nopony!” Velvet flailed, but that served to make her fall back and the door opened. It revealed her to the pegasus and… well she looked rather dishevelled… and she was wearing a pink nurse's outfit.

Daring’s jaw dropped, “You still have that? I haven’t seen that one like that in years and why are you…” Realization seemed to dawn on her face.

“Velvet?” that stallion voice called out and Daring looked up. Standing in the hall was a rather handsome young stallion, early twenties at best. He had a cream coat, a fiery red and orange mane and tail and a nice, broad chest. His hooves were a deep ebony black and his eyes a bright crimson.

“Oh horseapples,” Velvet muttered.

Daring Do looked him up and down, “Well… I didn’t know you were back on the dating scene.” Her wings fluffed up under her coat, noticeably stirred by the sight before her.

“I… well I…” Velvet blushed, then vanished with the distinct pop of teleportation. Daring chuckled lightly as she stepped inside and closed the door behind her.

“Well that was interesting,” Flare muttered and turned to the pegasus. “Hello Ma'am, my name is Flare Blitz. And yourself?”

“A. K. Yearling,” Daring nodded in greeting. “So… how long have you two been a thing?”

“About a month now,” Flare nodded, then paused. “Wait, Yearling? As in, the Daring Do author?”

Daring Do smirked and rubbed her chest in pride, “I don’t mean to gloat, but you’re looking at the one and only.”

Flare nodded and stepped closer and Daring noted how tall the guy was. At least six inches over her and she was a pegasus. Albeit a smaller one, but still. “Well, I'm something of a fan. Probably not as much as the convention-goers but yeah. I've read a few. The earlier ones are my favorites. Like Blood Diamond and the like.”

“Everyone likes the old ones,” Daring noted inwardly huffing. “I guess older mares aren’t as appealing to most people.”

“Hey now, I happen to quite like older mares,” Flare said, before realizing and blushed. “Your newer books are still good though.”

Daring smirked, “I still got it, don’t I?” She left the interpretation up in the air as she gave him another once over, walking in circle around him. Her friend had such good taste~

Flare looked her over and… well he blushed again and looked to the side. Miss Yearling was certainly an attractive mare to say the least… not as much as Velvet, but his opinion was biased in her favour.

“Yeeeaaarling…” a low voice growled behind her. “He's mine.” Velvet sounded less than amused.

Daring turned around and flashed her friend a smile, “Alright, alright. I got it. He’s yours. I won’t touch.”

Velvet looked much better now, and sans the nurse outfit. “So… out with it. I know you want to say it.”

“Say what?” Daring Do quirked an eyebrow.

Velvet just remained silent, but glanced at Flare.

“Did I… do something wrong?” Flare blinked.

“That he’s hot or that I’m pondering how and why it happened?” Daring asked. Velvet facehooved and shook her head. Daring wasn’t the most… tactful pony.

“It was about a month ago now,” velvet informed her. “I met Flare when he nabbed a colt that mugged me.”

“One of my best recruits so far,” Flare added with a proud smile. “He's up for a distinction award actually.”

“Yes well, we bumped into each other again while I was out shopping and well… one thing led to another.” Twilight Velvet blushed.

Daring huffed, “Oh that’s just how it goes, isn’t it? You got mugged and got a sexy stud. Wish I had that kind of luck. My troubles lead to deathtraps...”

“Oh?” Velvet’s muzzle formed a familiar smirk. “Why I recall a familiar blue-furred lad. What was his name again? Ahui--”

Daring pushed her hoof right against her mouth, “Shush!” Her blush was broad around her face. “That’s none of your business.”

Flare blinked, not really following the conversation. “So Vel? Are... you two friends?”

“Long time friends, and I’m this useless writer’s editor as well. It's why her books don’t look like they're written by a foal.” Velvet smirked and hugged her winged friend.

Daring Do laughed and hugged her back, “Savage, Velvy. You haven’t changed.”

“Nor have you, walking in on my fun like that,” Velvet sighed as Flare erupted into a blush.

Daring Do giggled and nuzzled Velvet, “Oh I just have the best of timing.”

Velvet rolled her eyes and released her. “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company? I haven’t seen you face-to-face in months? Almost a year now?”

“Yeah,” Daring frowned. “I’ve been rather… busy. An old rival of mine’s been up to some tricks so I had to straighten him out. Got to pay my respects to him while I was at it.” She stressed the ‘him’ in a way Velvet would understand.

“I see,” Velvet replied as she moved to the kitchen and put a tea kettle on the stove. Visiting that particular region was always a risk. But the mare more than understood the pegasi’s reasoning. “One thing after another hmm?”

“Rivals?” Flare piped up, reminding the mares he was still present. “Sounds pretty serious for the life of an author.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” Daring snorted.

“So this is just a social call then?” Velvet asked her. “Though it hardly ever is seeing as it's you we're talking about.”

“…Are you sure you're friends?” Flare deadpanned.

“We are,” Daring nodded. “Velvy just has a funny way of showing it.” She lightly knocked her hoof against Velvet’s shoulder.

“Mhm, she's like… a bratty sister,” Velvet chuckled, swatting her rump with her tail.

Flare's mind conjured entirely different images. Velvet had been a bad influence on him.

Daring narrowed her eyes and her wing swatted Velvet’s rump, “Bratty? Oh now you’re just name calling, you nerdy know it all.”

“Just calling it how I see it,” Velvet chuckled as she poured three cups of tea. “In all seriousness, I'm glad to see to see you again. Twiley and Shiny have missed you, Cadance especially.”

Daring’s smile vanished, “Yeah, I haven’t seen my kids in a while.” She rubbed the back of her head. “You get to see yours all the time. I kind of envy you for that.”

Flare coughed into his teacup. “W-What?” he choked out. “P-Princess Cadance is your—?”

Daring nodded, “My daughter, yes.”

“Huh, well… my mind is blown,” Flare murmured.

“Not the only thing that got blown today,” Velvet purred in a husky whisper, causing the stallion to choke on his tea again.

Daring chuckled, “Same old, same old. I should have come over sooner.”

“This is still new honestly,” Velvet admitted. She leaned in close and lay her head on Daring’s shoulder. “He makes me feel young and beautiful again,” she whispered. “I really think I love him Dare…”

Daring gave her a big smile and patted her on the back, “I’m happy for you. If that’s true, then I’m behind you one hundred percent. Well, when he’s not ‘behind you’ that is~” she finished with a wink.

Velvet squeaked and whipped her friend’s flank with her tail. “Well… maybe if he wasn't damned good at it…”

“What's going on?” Flare asked, tilting his head. It was a small habit he got from his pegasus grandfather

Daring’s wing smacked her friend’s bottom. “Oh you lucky mare~”

“I am aren't I?” Velvet smirked. She sipped her tea and hummed softly. Flare got up, excusing himself before he headed off to clean the living room… And pack away the camera he'd been using~

“Okay Dare,” Velvet said once he'd left. “Out with it. I know you're planning something. You have that look I'm your eye.”

Daring snorted, she could never hide anything from the perceptive mare. “Fine, there’s an old ruin built before the formation of Equestria and I thought I could use your help to get to it.”

Velvet sipped her tea and remained quiet for a moment. Though her right leg twitched on occasion, so she was more than excited.

“Pre-reformation you say?”

Daring nodded.

“Traps and the like?”

Daring snorted. “As if they ever did anything but.”

“Just like the good old days?”

Daring chuckled. “Unless you've gotten old on me.”

Velvet smirked and lowered her teacup. “Oh my dear Daring. This… this is going to be fun~”

The next day, Daring was waiting by the train station, pacing up and down the platform when she spied Velvet approaching and…

Why was she bringing that stallion of hers along!?

“Good morning dear,” Velvet greeted the pegasus adventurer. “How are you this morning?”

“Oh better then most,” Daring rolled her shoulders. “It’s rather relaxing to sleep on a soft bed or whatever else I usually get. That and no one’s trying to kill me… yet.”

“Aw, does my little Darling Do need a break?” Velvet teased, nuzzling the mare.

Daring scrunched up her muzzle in frustration. It was a little thing ponies did when they were angry. For some reason, most races found it utterly adorable. “No one calls me, ‘Darling’.”

“Mmm, then you shouldn't act so darling then,” Velvet chuckled. “Also, sorry for the uninvited guest. I did promise him a date before you sprung this little adventure on me.”

“So, is this research for your next book Miss Yearling?” Flare asked, carrying Velvet’s supplies in heavy packs.

“Eh, you could call it that.” Daring chuckled. “A very extensive research.”

“Neat,” Flare smiled and adjusted his bags.

“This can only end wonderfully,” Velvet chuckled as the train arrived, letting out a shrill whistle. “Well, shall we… research my dear Yearling?”

Daring chuckled, “We’ll try. Matters if a certain somepony can keep her attention on the ‘research’ and not the ‘research assistant’.” Velvet’s cheeks turned a light pink as pinched the pegasi’s flank with her magic.

The group boarded the train… unaware that a second group was boarding as well. One equally as interested in the ruins.

“Soon Daring Do,” Caballeron chuckled. “I will have the treasure… And my beloved~”

The scenery rolled by as the train traversed the iron tracks. Flare had his eyes closed, simply enjoying the sensation of the ride. He’d always had a deep liking of trains and thoroughly enjoyed riding them.

He was also learning more about the two mares he was travelling with. But despite the stories they shared, something about Miss Yearling didn’t sit right. Still… her secrets were her business.

“So, let me get this straight,” the unicorn stallion said. “The character Moonlight Shimmer in ‘The Griffon’s Goblet’ is actually based on Velvet here?”

“Mhm, you can see it right?” Twilight Velvet hummed and bat her eyes at him.

“I guess?” Flare shrugged. Truth be told, while he’d read the books, it’d been a while since he’d done so. Though one scene did come to mind. “So… that scene where Moon and Daring made out was—”

“Ahaha, so tell me Year, what kind of temple are we going to?” the unicorn blushed and suddenly switched topics. “Someplace interesting?”

“Definitely not a fertility temple, that’s for sure.” Daring Do coughed into a hoof with a slight blush to her cheeks. “It’s a… war temple. Colonel Bolek has been trying to get his hooves on it for months. He believes it has some ‘secret weapon’ that could help the griffons topple Equestria. Thankfully, he doesn’t know where it or I am. I can’t say the same for Caballeron. I may or may not have noticed a few shady ponies at the station.”

“Caballeron?” Flare blinked as he snapped back to reality. “Wait, he’s real? What’s next, Ahuizotl?”

“He’s probably not going to be joining us,” Daring shrugged. “He had a few things to tie up but he wished us a safe journey.”

Flare blinked slowly. She… what? Ahh, she must be one of those authors that get’s into character to help write her books. Well, whatever floated her boat. He felt Velvet lean against him and a small smile formed on his muzzle.

“Well I’m not to worried,” the unicorn mare chuckled. “This’ll be fun, just like old times.”

“So…” Flare’s voice carried over the wind that whipped around them wildly. “WHY THE BUCK ARE WE ON TOP OF THE TRAIN!?”

“Well…” Velvet said with a slight chuckle. “To be fair, Caballeron had a lot of goons this time. And we’re not as young as we used to be.”

Flare felt the deepest urge to facehoof, though he might have lost his balance and fallen off of the train. Why was every mare in his life utterly mental?

That said, the two mares seemed to be having the time of their lives, if their massive grins were any indication. Yup, they were very pretty… and pretty crazy.

“He does have a point though,” Velvet yelled to her feathered friend. “How do we get down from here? Flare and I are lacked certain appendages for your usual method.”

Daring’s eyes were closed as she enjoyed the feeling of the wind through her hair. Her long hair billowed out against the wind as she clutched her hat to her chest. “Easy, the next stop is rather thickly covered in trees. So we’ll just climb through them while nopony is looking.”

Velvet nodded, though Flare looked dubious. Last he checked, he was a unicorn, not a monkey or human. Well, if these mares could do it…

“There they are!” a voice shouted and the trio turned to see some of Caballeron’s goons climb up onto the roof a few carriages down. Flare wondered why they didn’t walk closer through the carriages first… Well…

His horn shone and with a loud ‘clunk’, the train car jerked slightly and then the latter carriages started to pull away, the stallion having pulled the pin that linked them together.

“Ah! Will I get in trouble for that?” he asked the mares.

Daring Do opened an eye to look him over, “Depends if we get caught.”

“Try not to worry dear,” Velvet smiled. “If anypony says anything, just flash your badge. Say it was a matter of national security or something.”

“Why do I feel like you two are terrible influences?” Flare groaned as the train started to slow and pull into the waiting station.

“Hmm, are we terrible influences?” Velvet asked Daring with a sly smile.

Daring chuckled, “The worst of the bunch, especially you.” She nudged Velvet. “Celestia only knows how bad I got after we hooked up.”

“Oh fie, you were a deviant at heart already,” Velvet replied as she teleported from the train and onto the station. “I just helped… blossom that a little.”

“So,” Flare just jumped down from the carriage. “What exactly happened at that... fertility temple was it?”

Daring lightly blushed, “We got overly fertile and there was just us… The effects of a fertile charm last a really long while if you don’t use the opposite sex. A really long time.”

Velvet’s face lit up red and she zipped the pegasi’s mouth shut with her magic. “Dar-Yearling!? What the heck are you telling him!?” Velvet blushed harder as her magic released the pegasus.

Okay, so those were some nice mental images in his head now. Flare smiled to himself as he looked around the platform, making sure they weren’t being followed. Also, try and get one of those charms…

“You did tell him about us, didn’t you?” Daring quirked an eyebrow. “I mean, you wouldn’t just bring someone along who had no idea that this is… and you did.” She facehooved.

“You’re the one that’s all secretive about it,” Velvet argued as she walked after the adventurer. “How was I supposed to tell him that Daring Do was real?”

“Waitwhut?” Flare blinked, only catching the tail end of that conversation.

“Go back to looking at the scenery and being sexy,” Daring shooed him away. “This is mare talk.”

Flare snorted, but figured Velvet would just fill him in later as he turned and continued scouting.

“Great, like this could be any more awkward,” Velvet sighed.

“Can you not tempt fate?” Daring said. “Something always happens when you tempt it. Those deities are very fickle. For all we know, one of us could end up tripping over each other and landing on the other’s crotch or something like that.”

“Well now that you’ve said it…” Velvet sighed and chuckled. “Well, you didn’t complain the last time my Darling Do~”

Daring Do scrunched up her face with a fierce blush, “Oh you…” She flicked a feather across Velvet’s snout.

“I’m starting to question which of us Velvet is dating,” Flare commented as he looked towards the jungle.

“If you have to ask that question, you don’t know her very well.” Daring commented, putting on her trusty hat back on. “This time though, Velvy. I’ll keep my eye out for that flank of yours.” She made a ‘I’m watching you signal’. “It’s gotten a bit bigger since last time.”

“Wha?” Velvet looked at her hindquarters. Her butt wasn’t that big was it? “Flare… is my butt big?”

Oh no, this was one of those loaded questions. Flare had heard of these, questions that had no right answer and always got the stallion in trouble. Luckily… he did had an answer.

“I think your flank is perfect,” he replied with a smile.

“Smooth,” Daring chuckled and patted his shoulder.

“I...gah! How am I supposed to get mad at that?” Velvet snorted. “Stupid sexy stallion,” she muttered. She coughed into her hoof and nodded. “Okay featherflanks! Let’s get this show on the road!”

“There isn’t any road,” Daring rolled her eyes and started off. She pulled out a little medallion with Romane symbols. “I was lucky enough to bump into Bellona during my trip to Canterlot and got this. This’ll help us find the temple.”

“Bellona, the War Goddess?” Flare piped up. “We’re going to one of her temples?”

“Well no,” Daring shook her head. “I don’t know who’s this temple is, but all war gods have signature powers. The same for gods of other aspects, so this little medallion will hone in on any war temples close by. Bellona might be one of the gung ho and stubborn war gods, but she at least has a few tricks up her sleeves.”

“Well you’re just full of surprises huh Miss Yearling?” Flare mused. He’d not met many himself, just Princess Celestia, Princess Sunset and Lady Amaterasu. Still, he was getting pretty pumped. This was shaping up to be a fine way to spend the day.

“You know,” Velvet sighed as she sipped a coconut drink. “I think I could get used to this.”

The mare reclined on Flare’s back as they trekked through the stifling jungle. The stallion didn’t feel the heat much. The humidity was making it somewhat hard to breathe, but he’d been through much, much worse.

Daring crossed her arms as she flapped along next to them, “No wonder your butt is growing.”

“My butt is perfectly healthy!” Velvet retorted. “At least my mane isn’t going grey!”

Daring gasped, “It’s naturally sort of gray… ish.”

“Uhuh…” Velvet smirked, shrieking when Flare jostled her with a bump of his rump.

“Don’t pick on your friends,” Flare scolded her. “You’re both pretty.”

Velvet gasped like she’d heard something scandalous. “I knew it! Daring’s seducing you away from me!”

Flare just rolled his eyes in response. “Yes Velvet, I’m going to run away with Daring Do and live a life of adventure.”

Daring gasped and laid herself over Flare’s back, “My secret is out. Oh, I’m sorry Velvy. I couldn’t resist this sexy stud.” She squeezed his shoulder.

Flare and Daring remained that way for a moment… before bursting out laughing. Velvet just snorted and looked away. Wonderful, the two of them were bonding.

Hmm, bonding huh~

“Silliness aside, we should get going before nightfall eh?” Flare suggested. “The middle of the jungle is no place to spend the night. Not without any water sources nearby.”

Daring nodded and flew off his back, “Unless we meet any unsavory ponies, we should be safe enough. Most of the predators stay a ways more in the jungle, away from the station.”

And at that mention, fate chuckled and a deep roar could be heard, and not too far away at that.

“Now who’s tempting fate?” Velvet said smugly.

Daring sighed, “Alright, you have me there.”

“Less chitchat, more hustle,” Flare said as he started galloping, Daring and Velvet still draped over his back. “That roar sounded like a Flame Wyvern, something I’d rather not tangle with if it can be avoided. Are we getting closer to this temple Mrs Yearling?”

Daring held out her medallion, “We’re getting close. Shouldn’t be that much longer at this speed.”

“Good,” Flare nodded, breathing heavily. Carrying two mares, especially one of Daring’s size, while weaving through the dense jungle. He suddenly broke through the treeline and…

Straight into an ambush by Caballeron. Over two dozen of his goons waited with various weapons, like clubs, spears and pistols, at their disposal, and Caballeron himself was front and center.

“Ahh, Daring Do,” he smiled with that accented tone of his. “I was wondering when you’d get here. Fashionably late as always eh?”

“Caballeron,” Daring narrowed her eyes. “You always seem to show up in the most annoying of ways.”

“And yet you keep falling for it,” he goaded back. “And Velvet’s here too, What a lovely surprise~”

“Urgh, I was wondering what that smell was,” Twilight poked her tongue out. “You know cologne is supposed to be dabbed on, not bathed in yes?”

“Tie them up,” Caballeron growled and pointed at them. “And bring me that Amulet!”

“Plan? You have one?” Flare asked, taking a step back.

“Normally I’d just fly out of here,” Daring spoke up. “Caballeron’s goons aren’t the best sharpshooters, but, just like always, we’ll have to wing it.” She looked them over. “So, chance the monster or dash through the goons?”

“How about Option C?” Flare suddenly grinned widely as his horn lit up and he fired a bolt of fire into the air. It exploded a few dozen feet up, harmlessly detonating in the sky.

“Heh, seems your new bodyguard’s aim is a little off,” Caballeron chuckled. “I’d be getting your bits back on him Do.”

“Who said I was aiming?” Flare smiled as the air shook with a roar. “That was a signal flare…”

“...What?” the earth stallion blinked, before a massive Flame Wyvern dropped from the sky, it’s nostrils flaring as it looked at the veritable buffet before him. It opened it’s massive roar as Flare put daring on his back as well and turned, running towards the drake.

“So he’s sicking the monster on Cab?” Daring looked to Velvet. “Or what? I’m questioning why he’s running toward it if he is.”

“Because he’s insane!?” Velvet yelled as Flare’s horn lit up again, detonated a pocket of air behind him. Daring felt the heat on her rump as the dragon’s gaze turned towards the flame… just as Flare run under it and towards the temple. Leaving the Wyvern to deal with Caballeron and his cronies.

A few moments later, the stallion stumbled into the temple and collapsed, spilling the two mares onto the floor as he wheezed.

“That… really… sucked…” he panted.

Daring Do picked herself up, “Well… he’s got guts.” She smirked. “I like that in a stallion.”

“Brains however, are still up for debate,” Velvet groaned as she extracted her horn from the dirt with a comical pop… which caused her to stumble into Daring and they both fell into a… rather compromising position. “Oh COME ON!” came her muffled response.

Daring Do blushed, unsure of how to respond to this, having Velvet right on top of her… She gave out a little surprised ‘yipe’. Of course, this wasn’t the first time her face had been right there, but still.

Flare just blushed as he hurriedly looked away from the pair. That was just great, and not a single cold shower in sight. Sometimes he wished he was a Water Mage.

Velvet pulled herself back up and licked her lips. “Hmm, not bad,” she mused. “Still, time for that later. Now…” She looked around the temple entrance they found themselves in. Muted roars and screams could still be heard from outside. “Alright Dare, where to now?”

Daring recalled her blush and cleared her throat, “War temples are usually more straightforward than most, since they want the soldiers to get their weapons quickly and efficiently. I’d wager… the second Column to the left.” She held up the medallion and pointed it there. It started to glow, “I knew it.”

“So, there’s something hidden here?” Flare asked after taking a long swig from his water flask.

Daring nodded, “The question is, what?” She started to trot off in search.

Velvet looked at the column. It was a rather unremarkable thing, one of many that lined the corridor. The ground showed no scuff marks, so it didn’t move. It was lacking any symbols… wait.

“Daring!” Velvet pointed at the top of the pillar. “That gold bad at the top. See the small gap between it and the column? Maybe it turns or something?”

Daring looked over and smiled, “Almost missed it. Oh how I missed working with you.”

“True, I have no idea how you got anything done without me,” Twilight replied smugly as the pegasus flew up to the top and studied the band for a moment. Noticing some scratch marks in the stone, she slowly turned the band until something clicked. The chamber rumbled and a stone door slid open.

“And that’s how it’s done,” Velvet smiled.

Daring shook her head and chuckled, “Yeah, yeah, keep licking yourself out or whatever. We still have a ways to go.”

“Hey! You liked it when I did that… not sure if I’m still that flexible though,” Velvet winked as she sashayed up next to her.

“Still questioning the nature of your friendship,” Flare muttered as he followed a few feet behind.

“It seems you’ve awakened something,” Daring chuckled with a light blush. “A fearsome predator. I fear she might pounce on me at any moment.”

“Well, not my fault you’re so delicious,” Velvet replied and turned to walk backwards as she bat her eyes at the pegasus… Then her hoof fell on a raised stone… which slid into the ground with a loud click.

“...That’s not good… is it?” Velvet gulped.

“Depends on how fast we are,” Daring answered. The walls slid open and a hailstorm of arrows fired out on the pair of mares…

Though none hit their mark, bouncing harmlessly off of a crimson-hued shield.

“You know… for a world that possess everyday mages. One would think their traps would account for that,” Flare replied with a soft sigh. “Speaking off, a lot of your books would have been easier if you remembered you were a pegasus and could fly.”

“Oh we’re going with that argument again,” Daring rolled her eyes. “Because pegasi are always in the air and walking is stupid.” She turned to Velvet, “Is this going to be a thing?”

“Well… my daughter is a unicorn and she spends most of her time in the air,” Velvet countered. “And how many chasms did you jump or swing across when you could have just flown?”

“It’s more exciting that way,” Daring countered. “At least I’m not a unicorn and just magic-ing my problems away.”

The two unicorns stared at her.

“Flare honey?”

“Yes Velvy?”

“Is it just me… or is a certain pegasus looking very ticklish right about now?”

“You know, I think you might be right~”

Daring’s eyes widened, “Well what do you know? I’ll just check out the next room…. RIGHT NOW!” She took to the air and raced off. The two unicorns smiled devilishly and gave chase, other traps now looking like a welcome relief for the pegasus adventurer.

“So uh… explain how the buck this happened?” Flare deadpanned as he and Daring were tied up next to each other on a stone wall, waiting for the rising sand to swallow them. Somehow, Caballeron had gotten ahead of them and ambushed them… AGAIN!

This time, there was no Wyvern to call on, but the trio noted that he was down quite a few goons. But now, the three had been struck from behind by tranq darts. And when they awoke, they found themselves in this predicament.

Flare had a Unichain, a magic nullifier, on his horn and Daring’s wings were bound with rope. Twilight Velvet was nowhere to be seen, but Daring knew that Caballeron harboured a weird and mostly creepy crush on her.

“Well if you spent less time staring at my ass and more on our surroundings, then this may not have happened… so quickly.” Daring was used to stuff like this happening.

Well in Flare’s defense, it was a nice flank. While Velvet’s was nice and plush, Daring’s was tight and toned. She’d make a fine Royal Guard…

“Sooo, any ideas on how to get out of this?” he asked. “My magic’s out, and good as I am, I can’t break chain with my bare hooves.”

Daring Do frowned, “I can try and pick the lock but I’m going to need you to grab the lockpick in my tail. I usually keep something there since Caballeron never checks it. Though he tied me a little tighter then usual so I can’t reach down and get it myself.”

“Oookay,” Flare nodded and looked at his bound hooves. “Gonna have to use my mouth though. Can you flick your tail up here?” He was tied up next to her, so hopefully she could reach.

“It’s a little ways close to the base of my tail,” Daring spoke. “You might have to reach. I’ll try and flick it up closer.”

“Oh…” If that was the case… he didn’t think he could reach it. If only he could get his… He started flexing his forelegs, grunting as he pulled at the chains.

Daring stuck out her tongue in concentration as she started to flick her tail up, “Okay… do you think you can reach or are you trying something?”

“Just… gimme… a sec…” he grunted as he flexed his legs, she could see the muscles in them flex and strain… and then with a sickening crack, the staone around the bolted chains broke and his forelegs swung free.

That only left his hind legs, but the wait of the bricks chained to his legs and gravity made him swing forward… and face first into the stone wall. “Ow.”

Daring sighed, “You’ve got to be paying a little more attention on yours surroundings.”

“Yeah well…” Flare pulled back, feeling a little blood run down his nose. He could reach now at least. Pulling himself up, he came face to flank with Daring and… With a small yelp, he squeezed his eyes shut. “Ahh, sorry!”

Daring snorted, “Open them up and grab it. Use your mouth, dummy.”

“But… your um… it’s kinda…”

“Oh just do it already,” Daring rolled her eyes.

“Sorry Vel,” Flare muttered under his breath and inhaled, before reaching up and pressing his muzzle against the base of her tail.

Daring bit her lip and withheld her gasp. His breath against her was… rather exhilarating. “I-it should be close. Just search for it. You can’t miss it.”

“Mhm,” he murmured, his long horn brushing her flank as he pressed in further. “Aha, goffiff!” he said triumphantly and pulled back.

“Good,” Daring said with a blush to her face. “Now can you get my lock or are you going to pass it to me?”

“Well, I canf piff a loff!” he murmured with a fierce blush of his own. He pulled himself up using her chains, then pressed his muzzle to hers to pass off the lockpick.

Daring took it quickly in her teeth and pulled back, flashing him a smile. She leaned down at got to work, thankful it wasn’t as overtly complex as other locks. She worked on Flare’s horn first. The Unichain seemed to require a particular key though, so it would have to wait. She released their chains and they dropped down into the sands below, before climbing up and out of the pit trap.

“Well… let’s uh… We need to find Velvet,” Flare said, his face almost as red as his mane.

Daring nodded, “Right. She shouldn’t be far though, so no worries.” She nudged his muscular flank to the exit.

“He better not have touched her,” Flare growled as he moved out of the room. “Or I’ll tear him apart…”

They reached the antechamber, where Caballeron had set up shop. Daring noticed two things. One, he had Velvet in an iron collar, her horn bound as well.

And two, he had the artifact they’d been seeking.

“Take this chain off!” Velvet demanded. “Go ahead, I’d love to introduce your insides to your outsides!”

“Ahh, so fiery, even age hasn’t tempered that stormy tongue,” Caballeron chuckled and stroked her cheek. “ Don’t worry. We’ll go to another temple I know of after this. I hear some of those Changeling artifacts can help… change your mind on our relationship~”

“I honestly forgot how much of a pervy creep he is,” Daring scowled. An idle glance at Flare showed his jaw was so tightly clenched, it was a wonder his teeth weren’t cracking.

“Yeah right,” Velvet spat. “You left Daring alone in that dungeon yes? Moron, you know she’ll break out.”

“With that deadweight unicorn?” Caballeron chuckled. “Not likely, unless she left him to die. That’s also a possibility. Daring does like to work alone after all. Dead weight is better dead.”

“So who gets the first punch?” Daring asked Flare.

“Before or after I turn him to ashes?” Flare muttered darkly. “You still need him for your books?”

Daring sighed, “Oh I’m sure you can turn him another day, but you can give him a nice beating if you want. Maybe break some bones and whatnot.”

“Fine,” Flare muttered. “You go for the artifact. I’ll get Velvet?”

Daring nodded, “And stay safe.”

“You too…” Flare paused and smirked. “Darling Do~” and with that, he moved off to sneak around behind the group.

Daring narrowed her eyes at the retreated hunk’s butt, “Oh he is so going to pay for that.” She herself moved around the other side, staying out of sight as she got closer to her goal.

Caballeron stared at the artifact, turning it in his hooves. “I don’t understand Daring’s interest in these. She could sell them and live like Celestia herself. Instead, she, ergh… donates them to museums and writes those ridiculous books.”

“Of course you wouldn’t, that would require cognitive thought,” Velvet retorted back. Caballeron sighed and put the object down.

“You know, as enticing as that mouth is. I think it could be put to… better use,” the stallion leered at her and stepped closer. “What do you think hmm?”

There was a thump, and a loud groan. Caballeron whipped his head around to see Flare step out of the shadows, his glare burning like the fires of Tartarus.

“Daring Do is here,” Caballeron muttered. “Everypony fan out. “I want her wings on a bucking platter!”

“I’m going to enjoy this,” Flare said as he cracked his neck. “This next book is rated V for excessive violence.”

“And what’s a magickless unicorn going to do?” Caballeron chuckled as he scooped up the artifact. “Get him!”

Several of Cab’s goons charged at him as Caballeron turned and grabbed Velvet’s chain leash. “Let’s go, we have a date at a Changeling temple.”

Of course, he didn’t get far as Daring smashed into him with a dropkick. She snatched up Velvet’s leash and the artifact. “Try again next time, Cab.”

“DAARRING DOOOO!” Caballeron screamed as he clutched his bruised face. “Get her you incompetent morons! Torch the damned stallion and GET HER!”

Flare blinked as several goons dropped the fiery torches, the hay under his hooves igniting quickly and surrounding the stallion with a wall of flames. Caballeron laughed loudly

“Uh, Velvet?” Daring spoke, picking her horn lock. “Know any water spells?”

Velvet just giggled.

“No need love, he’s a hot stallion for a reason.”

The flames flickered… and then started swirling. When they started clearing, the pegasus… and every other pony in the room saw Flare Blitz… eating the flames?

“...He’s eating the flames?” Daring blinked in surprise. “He’s a Fire Blood Elemental?”

“Eeyup,” velvet chuckled as he slurped up the fire like spaghetti. And when he was done?

“Now there’s a fire in my belly,” the stallion chuckled as his mane and tail ignited, turning into roaring flames as the horn chain started to glow, his magic overloading it as it melted. The now liquid metal dripped to the floor as a cornea of fire surrounded his horn, his eyes blazing white.

“Who’s first to the forge?!”

Caballeron’s men lasted all of a few seconds, before screaming about a fire demon and running for the hills. They’d take their chances with the dragon outside.

Daring smirked and glanced over at Caballeron, “Now are you going to hit the road or is hot stuff going to have to teach you a lesson.”

“I...I…” Caballeron stammered as Flare stepped forward slowly. Daring and Velvet could feel the heat coming from him. The air distorted and shimmered around him and it felt like they were standing next to an open forge.

“MOMMY!” the earth stallion turned and bolted, leaving the blazing stallion and two mares alone in the now empty cavern.

“You two okay?” Flare’s voice reverberated, the magic he built up pulsed. His horn glowed blood red, a blade of pure heat sheared through the collar and chains binding Velvet like a hot knife through butter.

“We’re fine, but you need to discharge that magic before you cause an accident,” Velvet pointed out. Flare nodded and turned, firing a lance of solar energy out of a hole in the wall. The sheer force of the beam pushed him back a little and after a moment, it died out, his fiery mane and tail returning to normal and his glowing eyes changing back to their normal crimson hue.

“Phew… That’s better,” he sighed.

“Wow, I knew he was hot but that was something.” Daring wiped his brow of the sweat.

“Mhm, my sexy fireball~” Velvet purred. “Thanks for the save by the way. Your timely rescues are always something to behold my dear Daring pony.”

Daring chuckled and nuzzled her, “I always come through in the end, no matter what.” She pulled her into a close hug. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

“Yeah… just biding my time until you and Flarey came to save me,” Velvet said and returned the nuzzle. “So, got your trinket?”

Daring nodded, “Got it so we’re good to go. Good thing too. I think we all need a little cooling off after this.”

“Well, we have a long train ride home, plenty of time to relax,” Velvet pointed out as she rubbed her neck. The collar having left some red marks there. “Okay, let’s take a few notes of the temple and head off.”

“If we’re quick, we can make it before nightfall too,” Flare pointed out.

“Then let’s hop to it,” Daring smiled and took out a notepad and pen from her pocket.

Thankfully, the trek back through the jungle was uneventful and when they reached the station a little after dusk, they found a train waiting.

Apparently it’d been delayed due to ‘technical difficulties’ of one of the carriages coming undone. Flare had given a nervous chuckle when they were informed that.

And now the trio rested on the train as it steadily made its way back to Canterlot. Flare had given every carriage a check, just to see if that Caballeron had shown up again, but thankfully, they had the entire train to themselves.

“Urgh,” Flare fell onto his back on one of the trains padded seats. “I’m a trained Guard and I’m exhausted. I have a whole new respect for your profession Mrs. Yearling.”

Daring giggled, “Oh you don’t know the half of it. Still, it makes for an interesting life that’s for sure.”

“Mhm, though I could do with a little less Caballeron in my life.” Velvet sighed and stretched out. “Which reminds me, how did you two break out of that sand trap?”

“I keep a little pin in my tail for these emergencies,” Daring waved her off. “No biggee.”

“Ah,” Velvet nodded. “Well, that was handy then wasn’t it?”

Daring nodded, “Yep, can’t keep a Do down for long.”

“But we were tied up, not down,” Flare quipped back.

Daring face-hooved, “Don’t get technical with me, pretty boy.”

“Speaking of…” Velvet inched closer to her friend. “Don’t think I haven’t seen the way you’re looking at him,” she said in a quiet tone. “And tied up all alone together? Hmm, what really happened Dare?”

Daring snorted with a light blush, “He had to get the pin. I might as well say it. I couldn’t reach it myself.”

“The pin you keep. In your tail…” Velvet started piecing it together. “Hmmm, so…” A familiar smirk started to cross her muzzle. “He got to raid your temple huh~?”

“....I hate you so much for that,” Daring snarled. “Bad Velvy. Bad.”

“Mmm, you know I am~” the unicorn hummed and booped her nose with her own.

“You’re going to pay for that,” Daring stated. “That was just… ugh.”

“Heehee, you love me,” Velvet chuckled and hugged her. “Ahh, I missed this. Me. You. Adventure… now with handsome stallion included.”

“Hehe, very true.” Daring nodded and hugged her back. “It has it’s perks, most certainly.”

“Perks you say?” Velvet licked her lips. “Mmm, such as?”

“You tell me,” Daring’s smile widened. “I’m familiar with one set of skills but our companions a bit of an unknown. Mind filling me in or how about we catch up a bit ourselves first?”

“I could do with catching up with an old friend,” Velvet replied with a wink.

Daring chuckled, “So should we get a bit of privacy or should he watch?”

“He’s a big stallion, I’m sure he won’t mind,” the unicorn replied with a salacious smirk.

A few days later, Flare Blitz, in full armour, stood outside Inquisitor Trixie's door on guard duty. It wasn’t so bad, as long as you remembered to duck whenever she exited. Some guards had gotten impromptu manecuts that way.

His mouth opened with a loud yawn, just as Shining Armor turned the corner with Dot, Trixie's assistant.

“Did I see you yawning, soldier?” Shining snarled as he looked over Flare.

“Ah, my apologies Captain Armor,” Flare saluted. “My off time was more hectic than I thought. It won’t happen again.”

“Be sure that it doesn’t,” Shining snorted. “I want my soldiers to be at utmost efficiency at all times. I do ponder what it was that kept you so tired. Not a whole lot of action around here.”

‘Says the stallion with the world's most powerful Chaos mage as his sister, and an alicorn as a marefriend.’ “To answer would require to speak freely. Sir!”

“Permission granted,” Shining spoke.

“I was on a trip with Mrs. Velvet and a friend, Mrs. Yearling. We visited an old War Goddess temple down in the basin.” Flare chuckled and shook his head. “Turns out that uh, they’re very good friends.”

Dot was the first to get that. The unicorn was hardly subtle about his emotions.

Shining nodded, “Of course they are. She’s come over enough times for me to pick up on their friendship. I’m just glad it wasn’t something hectic.”

“You know, visit an old temple, run from a dragon, get captured and fight off a bunch of thieves. Standard stuff…” Flare smiled and closed his eyes. “The train home was great. Their friendship is… really deep~”

Shining raised an eyebrow, “It seems you might be a bit more out of it then I thought. Sounds like the beginning of one of her novels.”

“Yeah, didn’t end like one though,” Flare chuckled, forgetting who he was talking to as he fell into his own memories. “Mrs. Yearling’s stamina is quite impressive for a pegasus. Velvet and I were exhausted after that.”

Dot was shaking, trying to hide his laughter.

Shining frowned, unsure if there was another meaning to what he was saying. “Yeah… Professional writers tend to go on and on about their books.”

“And that flank of hers,” Flare sighed wistfully. “Tighter than Velvy’s, but man did it feel good~ Though… I think I somehow gained a second marefriend. I’m… not entirely sure yet.”

“…” Shining was silent. He just stared at Flare for a moment without moving a muscle. Then his horn glowed, “You have ten seconds to reiterate that.”

“Hmm?” Flare blinked. “What do you mean? You didn’t know Velvet and Mrs. Yearling were lovers?”

“…No,” Shining relented. “I was more angry about the fact you were talking about their butts.”

“Ahh,” Flare replied. “Yeah, sorry. I guess I’m still a little out of it. Like I said, Yearling went for hours. And that’s not counting when I was just watching them…”

Shining grit his teeth as he tried to distill his rage, “So let me get this straight. You went on a train. Did stuff with my mother and Yearling, and then they went and did stuff together for hours after?”

“More or less,” Flare nodded. “Oh, could you tell Princess Cadence that the nurses outfit fits great. Thank her for getting it for us.”

Shining Armor wasn’t usually one to let his emotions get the better of him. This time, however, he pulled out his sword. “Nurse outfit!”

“I… uh, please calm down Captain Armor,” Flare started stepping back.

“I think it’s a little too late for that,” Shining said. “You have a one minute head start. Make it count.”

Flare turned and bolted. He was one of the fastest runners for a reason.

“You know, maybe I should tell him some of the things you do with Cadenza?” Dot hummed.

“Not a word, Dot.” Shining took out a little pocket watch. “Not a damned word.”

Author's Note:

So uh... this chapter was... interesting.

I co-wrote it with Evowizard too, he wrote all of Daring's and Shining's lines. So thanks for that buddy. Writing with you is always a treat.

Yes there is an additional scene.

No I will never post it. Use your imagination.